Why do gel nails peel off at the edges? Why gel comes off from nails: reasons. Good gel polish. Gel polish application technology

The modern nail industry allows every woman to have a beautiful and lasting manicure. This became possible thanks to the use of a hybrid of gel and varnish.

Sometimes the joy of the extension procedure gives way to disappointment: the nail begins to peel off. Representatives of the fair sex are looking for an answer to the question, why does gel polish chip?

The gel coating is coming off: reasons

Clients and professionals need to know about the factors that influence the strength of the extended nail. This will help protect the coating from destruction. Master mistakes that lead to gel polish chipping:

  1. Poor preparation of the nail plate. Not every specialist understands that the key to a good manicure is a thorough cleansing procedure.
  2. Too thick a layer of any product. The result of this application is partial polymerization.
  3. The nail and surrounding tissues were not sufficiently degreased.
  4. Unscrupulous sealing of the free edge.
  5. Gel polish, base or top coat gets on the cuticle. Excess substance is removed from the skin before drying.
  6. Negligence in applying the finishing coat.
  7. Use of products from different manufacturers.
  8. Using cheap, low quality products. They have proven themselves to be excellent and should be given preference.
  9. Incomplete drying of any of the layers. The problem occurs if the device does not have enough power. The minimum value is 36 W. The light bulbs themselves must be new: they are changed every 3-6 months, taking into account the intensity of use.
  10. During nail extensions, clients can also cause the gel polish to chip. By placing their hand under the lamp, they often smear the applied substance.
  11. Before starting the procedure, the master must warn the woman that she should not touch the fat-free surface. If she neglected the prohibition, then upon contact, particles of secretion and dust fall onto the plate.

How to protect your nail from deformation?

Even the conscientious work of a professional can be ruined, but women are quite capable of extending the life of their manicure. Recommendations to avoid problems with gel coating:

  • You cannot do oil manicures or spa treatments the day before or on the day of visiting the master.
  • For the first few hours after applying the composition, you should refrain from water procedures. Over the next 10 hours, their number should be minimal.
  • Rubber gloves are good protection for your nails while doing housework. Although this is inconvenient, it is worth accustoming yourself to them.
  • Extended nails should not cause inconvenience. If this is the first time such a manicure is being done, it is better to stay at a short length.
  • The coating suffers when in contact with alcohol, household solvents and liquids containing acetone.
  • Daily treatment with cuticle cream is beneficial for nails.
  • The substance will not last long on weakened, thin nails. Before the procedure, it is worth treating them: undergo a course of therapy with biotin or silicon.
  • Independent removal of defects with a nail file or attempts to shorten an overgrown plate lead to a violation of the integrity of the top. Moisture and air, getting between the layers, provoke lamination of the coating.
  • The individual characteristics of the female body can also be the reason why gel polish chips. Any problems with the endocrine system will affect the final result.
  • Treatment with antibiotics and antidepressants also worsens the condition of the nail plate. Her health will prevent the gel from deforming. Therefore, the initial task before visiting a specialist is to restore the nail.

Problems with extended nails arise due to the fault of the specialist or the client. Only compliance with all conditions

Gel polish (or, as it is also called, shellac) is a modern cosmetic product characterized by increased durability. With it you can not only wash dishes, but also do other household chores without fear of ruining your manicure. Despite the increased strength, sometimes gel polish still peels off from the nails due to minimal exposure (or even without it at all). There are several simple techniques to help gel polish stick well to your nails.

  • pieces of the coating have broken off along the edges of the nail at the ends (especially typical for square nails);
  • the gel polish begins to gradually come off in the area near the cuticle;
  • the coating peels off over the entire nail plate; it can be easily removed as a single film.

Trouble with ends usually occurs after a couple of weeks of wear, often after a woman has washed the dishes with a hard sponge or got her nail caught on something. But the peeling varnish film comes off after a couple of days and indicates a gross violation of the application technology.

Causes of peeling

There are two global reasons why nail polish does not stick to nails:

  • the master did the manicure incorrectly;
  • the trouble is related to the body itself.

To solve the problem, you must first become familiar with the features of applying gel polish. This will allow you to check whether the wizard is doing everything correctly. If yes, then the root of all troubles should be looked for in your own body.

Typical wizard mistakes

If you violate the technology of applying the gel, it will not stick to your nails. There are several reasons why the coating peels off.

The cuticle area is poorly treated. Next to it on the nail is a thin skin called pterygium. During a manicure session, the specialist must carefully remove the pterygium so that the gel polish adheres better. Otherwise, he will hold on worse and will begin to retreat in this zone.

The previous coating was poorly removed from the nail. All dust and particles of old gel polish must be removed from the surface of the plate, otherwise the new layer will not adhere.

The nails were not degreased. Some, due to lack of experience, believe that this stage can be safely skipped. It is not surprising that the manicure does not stick to the nails. If a fatty film remains, the gel polish will not be able to “adhere” to the nail as it should. The result is a peeling coating. Beginners sometimes use regular nail polish remover instead of degreaser, but this is wrong.

Important! The fat film can only be removed with a special liquid; it is sold in specialized stores and is inexpensive.

The primer is not dry enough. It is imperative to keep all layers of manicure coating for the required time. For primer and degreaser it does not exceed a minute. You should not try to check whether the layer is dry with your finger. This way, grease gets back onto the nail, which needs to be removed with a degreaser. When dried properly, the nail will change color slightly, and this is what you need to focus on.

Other layers are not dried enough. This is another problem of hasty girls. High-quality drying of each layer will not take much time; it is necessary to withstand it. Otherwise, some of the layers will remain wet and lead to damage to the manicure. If the nails have been drying for a sufficient period of time, but the layers are not drying, it is recommended to look at another lamp. The available power is clearly not enough.

Some of the layers are very thick. This problem also occurs frequently. Some bases or top coats are too thick and difficult to spread thinly. But it's still worth trying. Excessively thick application is fraught with the appearance of bubbles and smudges, and during drying in the lamp, your fingers may noticeably burn. The drying time naturally also increases. The way out of the situation is simple - you need to try to apply the layer as thinly as possible.

Unsealed end. Girls who go to experienced nail technicians have noticed that after applying the last layer of colored varnish, the specialist runs the brush not along, but perpendicular to the tip of the nail. This is called end sealing. This procedure allows you to increase the wear time of your manicure; if you neglect it, chips cannot be avoided.

Bad materials. Some salons are openly chasing profit, setting triple markups and using cheap materials. Gels ordered from a well-known Chinese website may harden normally and last for a couple of weeks, but this is very rare. A gel for 50 rubles cannot compare in quality with professional rulers. The result of using low-quality materials is chipping and peeling of the coating.

When the body fails

It happens that a specialist uses the best materials, applies gel polish using the correct technology, but the manicure still peels off. The master is not always to blame for such a situation. Sometimes the reason why the gel peels off is due to the characteristics of the body.

Hyperhidrosis. In some women, the sweat and sebaceous glands are too active. As a result, the skin is constantly damp, and the nails become wet. They are difficult to dry, so problems arise with the gel. A high-quality primer will help solve it; you can even do 2 layers.

Brittleness of nails. The advantage of the gel is that it strengthens the nail well. But for some, even after strengthening, their nails remain fragile and brittle. When the tip breaks off, the girl files it down so that there are no sharp edges. But the problem is that the end is unsealed, so the varnish quickly peels off.

Softness of nails. Some ladies have naturally thin and soft nails. They literally bend in different directions like rags. Others simply have calcium deficiency, which also weakens the nail plate. Gel polish on such nails, even if it takes hold, will quickly begin to crumble and become covered with cracks. The solution to the problem is pre-strengthening before coating.

Irregularities on the surface. Lumps and grooves are dangerous not only because the gel peels off. They talk about internal diseases. If the master has to level the plate over and over again, this is a sign that you should consult a doctor. If everything is in order and this is just an individual feature, the specialist should level and sand the plate each time before applying the gel.

Diseases. This category includes all diseases that weaken the body and do not allow gel polish to adhere properly to the nail. These may be hormonal diseases, immune defense disorders, or taking certain medications.

Gel polish is a universal and strong, but rather capricious coating. It can be firmly fixed, or it can come off in a couple of days. When visiting a salon, it is important to ensure that all technological nuances are followed, the nail is dried for the right amount of time, and the master uses good materials. Often women go to one master who has proven himself well and whose work they like.

Marigolds are one of the first to warn of hidden health problems. Therefore, if they have faded and become brittle, unevenness, white or yellow spots have appeared, it is advisable to undergo an examination. Of course, not only to prevent the gel polish from peeling off. But sometimes it is precisely by this sign that it is possible to recognize an incipient disease.

Video: Correct manicure technology

An important difference between regular polish and gel polish is the durability of the coating. But why does gel polish peel off?

The main reason is a violation of the technique of applying gel polish. How to apply the gel to achieve a flawless result and maintain an ideal coating without chips or cracks?

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Proper preparation of the nail plate

First you need to give the nail the desired shape and level its free edge with a file. It must be completely smooth and completely free of dirt. Before applying the gel, you should not use cuticle cream or oil, and your nails should be degreased with a dehydrator and dried thoroughly. If you do not have a special product, you can use alcohol or nail polish remover containing acetone for treatment. Apply the product to a lint-free cloth and wipe your nails well.

Particular care should be taken to treat areas near the cuticle and side ridges; it is very convenient to do this with the corners of the buff.

Be sure to push back the cuticle and remove the layer that adheres to the nail, because the material applied to the cuticle will completely peel off.

Then remove the top layer of the plate with a coarse file, paying special attention to the top edge.

Try to do this carefully, without scratching the plates or removing too thick a layer, since each such treatment makes the nails thinner and deprives them of strength and a healthy appearance.

After cutting off the gloss, treat the plates again with a dehydrator to remove any remaining grease and moisture. Try not to touch them with your fingers to avoid re-contamination. Such scrupulous cleaning contributes to more reliable adhesion of the gel polish to the surface.

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Base gel coating

Before this procedure, it is advisable to coat the plates with a primer, especially if they are thin and brittle. It evens out the delamination of the base, which promotes stronger attachment of the product and avoids chipping.

Read also: Manicure lessons: "Flower" technique

Let's figure out the importance of the basic component. It serves as an intermediary for connecting synthetic and natural materials at the molecular level. Consequently, it protects the nails from dyes and is responsible for ensuring that the coating does not peel off.

Remember that all components must be applied as thinly as possible and carefully paint the cut of the plate with each layer, as if sealing it.

This also applies to the base product. Apply it with a brush, rubbing in movements, without touching the skin and cuticle. Dry the base well in an ultraviolet lamp.

After drying, the base ingredient will become sticky; it can be smoothed out with a dry brush so that the next layer lays down more evenly.

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Color coating

Depending on the desired shade, you can apply the colored gel in one layer, then the color on the nails will be translucent. In order to get a more saturated shade, you need 2-3 layers of varnish. But they all must be very thin! If the layer is thick, bubbles will appear on the nails and the polish will lie unevenly.

Don't try to paint your nails by adding more gel; instead, apply several thin layers, curing each one under a UV lamp.

The final stage is applying a top coat or finishing gel. This coating serves as a fixer for all applied layers of gels and gives the nails a beautiful glossy shine.

Apply the finishing gel in a thicker layer, paint the top edge of the nail well again and dry under the lamp.

It is very important to dry the top gel well, otherwise it will not shine.

Finally, remove the sticky layer with a special Cleanser liquid. This liquid contains moisturizing elements that protect nails from drying out.

Some girls and women experienced some disappointment and unpleasant emotions when, after the perfect nail coverage promised by the manicurist and the store salesperson for at least two weeks, this vaunted shellac or gel polish suddenly took off and blatantly peeled off in a day or two (: Maybe and it’s okay that it’s peeling or chipped at home, this can always be fixed, although it’s also very unpleasant. It’s much worse if you went on vacation with a fresh manicure, for example, or somewhere else, where there’s no way to either remove the coating from your nails or apply a new one manicurist. And there may be several reasons for such an unpleasant phenomenon. First, let's try to give you some practical advice on how to deal with such situations.

If you applied the coating in an express manicure salon or studio, you definitely need to contact the place where the service was provided and explain the situation. In most cases, if such a phenomenon occurred due to the fault of the nail technician or poor quality, you will simply have your nails redone and free of charge. But for example, you bought it in a store and after applying it it peeled off, what should you do? We advise you to contact the point of sale with the purchase receipt and the product (with a full or almost full bottle in proper presentation) and calmly explain the situation. As a rule, you will most likely be offered to exchange the problem product for another product or simply get your money back. But there may be another reason for a poor-quality coating, for example, that you applied it at home and did not quite correctly follow the application technology itself. Or top gel, base gel and color from different manufacturers, in this case chemical incompatibility of different components may occur and this may well affect the quality and durability of the coating on the nails. In the future, try to use the base and top coat from the same brand as the shade itself to maintain full compatibility of the chemical compounds.

For beginners who want to cover their nails at home, it is necessary to strictly follow the technology and sequence. First of all, get a high-quality manicure, starting with the fact that you need to remove the natural shine from natural nails using a sanding file, this way your nails will become rougher, which will contribute to better and stronger adhesion of the natural nail to the artificial material. A nail primer is usually used to clean and dehydrate the nail plate.

This is truly a very versatile product that cleanses the nail and strengthens the adhesion (coupling) between natural nails and artificial nail extension material. Be very careful when using, before applying to the nail - carefully wipe the brush on the edge of the bottle and only then apply a very thin layer to the nail plate, avoiding any contact with the skin or flowing under the nail cuticle. It should dry on the nails within 1-2 minutes, and only after that apply the base gel. Since contact with skin can cause an allergic reaction or even a burn, if it comes into contact with skin, wash immediately with soap and water. And be sure to keep it out of the reach of children and tightly closed. The base gel is the first phase for gel polish manicure; it is also applied in a very thin layer and thoroughly dried in a UV lamp for 2 minutes, or in an ice lamp for 30 seconds.

Many girls make the mistake of not painting the end and inside of the nail, and the coating can chip off the nails much earlier. After the base gel, finally apply the colored gel polish, evenly over the entire nail plate. Never try to cover the nail with color in one layer by thickening it, this is a very common mistake. Because in this case, your manicure will look sloppy, with sagging and unevenness. Always apply it in a thin and even layer, preferably 2-3 layers, and each layer should be dried separately and again, do not forget to paint the edge and inner surface of the nail, which will give additional durability and strength to the coating from possible mechanical damage. After color coating, apply top gel or, as it is also called, finishing gel, which is also sealed on the nail and dried. Then remove the sticky dispersion layer using a destick remover. That's all, pleasant and positive emotions :)

Reasons for gel polish peeling

Manicures coated with gel polish have long been loved by clients of beauty salons, because such a manicure is very practical and can look impressive even 2-3 weeks after application. But many adherents of this manicure periodically face the problem of poor-quality coating, which results in cracks and peeling of gel polish. Let's look into this issue.

The appearance of gel polishes revolutionized the beauty industry, displacing classic nail polishes from the market. The first to introduce this product was CND, founded back in 1979 by dentist Stuart Nordstrom. He created the Solar Nail monomer, which was quite elastic, but at the same time, reliably protected the nail plate. Modern gel polish from "CND" entered the market in 2010 under the name "Shellac" and for a long time established this name among the people for gel polishes from all other manufacturers.

Over the 6 years of active use of gel polishes all over the world, these products have been improved and acquired new quality characteristics, but problems with detachment still continue to occur, forcing masters to improve the techniques for applying gel polish coatings.

There are many reasons for gel polish peeling and cracking, which we will roughly divide into two categories. The first is the human factor (possible mistakes of an inexperienced technician). The second category includes natural causes of detachment associated with the individual characteristics of the human body.

Reasons that belong to the first category

1. Poor cleaning of the nail plate - partially removed or poorly pushed back cuticle and pterygium;

2. Insufficient removal of sweat and grease gloss from nails, poor treatment with a buffer and dust residue after the grinder;

3. Poorly dried layers. After applying each layer, it is very important to wait for it to dry completely;

4. Too thick layer of material: base, color or top. These products must be applied in thin layers (especially the first layer of pigment);

5. Insufficient degreasing of the nail plate with a special agent and poor dehydration;

6. Unsealed or poorly sealed ends of the nails guarantee rapid peeling and cracking of the gel polish along the edges of the nail plate. The “Sealing the free edge” technique involves covering the cut of the nail from all visible sides with gel polish when applying each layer of coating, and not just the finishing layer;

7. Poor-quality or stitched base and top will definitely affect how long the gel polish will last and how easy it will be to remove.

8. According to the reviews of many masters, you should not buy a “2 in 1” base and top, because it will differ in quality and is noticeably inferior to the individual base and top, and besides, the “2 in 1” product is much more difficult to remove than the base and top separately;

9. Use of single-phase gel polishes, without base and top.

1. Brittle nails. This reason can be either a feature of the body or an acquired factor - for example, due to frequent or improper filing of varnish. Therefore, when choosing gel polish, it is worth considering not only the appearance of the coating on the nails and its durability, but also what removal method is recommended by the manufacturer. The optimal choice is gel varnishes, when removing which you do not have to resort to filing, just regular soaking is enough. By the way, according to our observation, it is better and faster to remove the coating with a liquid from the same manufacturer.

2. Gel polish does not last long on so-called “wet nails.” To make the coating more durable, the free edge of the nail is treated with a primer or ultrabond;

3. Soft and thin nails initially wear gel polish worse than hard and strong ones. However, this fact is not at all a reason to refuse a beautiful and fashionable manicure. A special strengthening gel or acrylic powder will help correct the situation. For those with thin nails, you should not resort to filing off any coverings, because... Each time the nail plate will become thinner even more.

4. Regular contact with water: washing dishes without gloves, frequent hand washing, working in aggressive environments, etc. inevitably lead to the absorption of moisture by the nails, which also provokes detachments of gel polish or biogel.

5. Some diseases of the nervous system or a stressful period in life, hormonal imbalances in the body.

6. The cause may be diabetes, taking a course of antibiotics, or taking hormonal medications;

7. Rehabilitation period after surgery;

8. In addition, we should not forget about such subtle issues as pregnancy, hormonal imbalances and menstrual periods (in the first days, you should also refrain from extensions and gel strengthening, applying gel polish, biogel).

9. Immune system dysfunction.

Each manufacturer gives different periods for wearing the coating, but usually a period of 2 weeks is indicated. In fact, it all depends on the growth rate of the client’s nails, and here everything is very individual. The client can come for the procedure a little more often or a little less often.

How to achieve durability of the gel polish coating throughout the entire wear period?

1. Proper manicure and preparation of the nail plate. Several hours before coating, do not apply moisturizing creams, fat-containing preparations, cuticle oil, lotions, or removers with moisturizing components to the nail plate and cuticle. The manicure must be dry, otherwise, in some cases, the coating will peel off due to insufficient dehydration of the nail before its application.

Of course, one can argue and say that a trim manicure is performed with soaking, but in this case the master necessarily uses dehydrating agents, and during the maceration itself, moisturizing components are not used, which create a film on the surface of the skin and nails that prevents them from drying out. This is not relevant before coating. For gel polish to last, you need dry nails.

2. Carefully remove the pterygium. With a wet manicure, it is very easy to miss and leave a thin film of pterygium on the nail plate. This is a very important rule for preparing a natural nail.

3. Evaluate general state nail: the coating on the yellow plate adheres worse, since its top layer has absorbed a large number of pigment, and if before that there was a strengthening varnish on the nails, then between the upper scales there is now a small amount of varnish polymer. These factors also do not contribute to the adhesion of gel polish to the nail. Be sure to buff your nails with a soft buff 240 grit.

4. Remove delaminations in the free edge area. If cracks at the ends or deep delaminations are visible, it is better to shorten the nails, thoroughly clean the exfoliated scales and strengthen the nails with special care. means.

5. Correct application.

When applying the base, make sure that it does not get on the cuticle and side ridges, but covers the entire surface of the nail. If there are any "gaps" left, the color will not hold.

The coating should cover the ends with all 4 layers.

All layers of coating must be smooth and thin. This will ensure good polymerization of the composition.

Be sure to strengthen soft, springboard-shaped nails. Without strengthening, gel polish will not last long. An additional base with acrylic powder will help strengthen the coating and give it density. There are often problems with the base “moving away” from the cuticle, side rollers and ends, this is due to the property of this polymer to shrink. To reduce this effect, you need to apply the base with a medium drop and dry one finger at a time in a good powerful lamp

If the UV lamp power is insufficient, simply increase the drying time;

You should never skimp on products such as base and top coat.

We should not forget that nails coated with gel polish are not at all intended for opening locks, etc. Therefore, handle your manicure as carefully and carefully as possible and do not expose it to adverse conditions. Then a beautiful and bright gel polish on your nails will please your eyes for a very long time!