15th week of pregnancy what should be the uterus. The size of the abdomen and uterus. New symptoms and general condition

So the second trimester of pregnancy began. They got used to the state, they survived toxicosis. The imagination of a woman draws the image of a baby and everything that he needs in the process of development.

The tummy becomes rounded and the life born inside fills the expectant mother with pride. As for the physiology of the child, the 15th week of pregnancy affects the development of the baby in a special way: he is already starting to move, and the cerebral cortex is being formed.

This period tells a woman that she is about to feel the baby's movements and the expectation of this is very exciting and at the same time alarming. For the first pregnancy, this moment will come at about 20 weeks. Involuntarily, you begin to listen to every sound in your stomach, and it seems that now the baby with his knock will warn of his imminent birth.

Pregnancy 15 weeks

Exactly 105 days have passed since the female body began to perform its natural function - bearing offspring. The purpose of a woman is precisely to give a new life, from the moment of conception to protect and protect her baby at all stages of pregnancy and later in life.

A man, in turn, must provide his family with everything necessary, but especially peace and prosperity.

  • The 15th week of pregnancy has begun and the changes that tormented the woman before do not interfere with the pregnant woman at all. You can also calmly go about your usual business, only people close to you know about your pregnancy, and the rest are unaware that a new life is developing inside you;
  • There is a strange feeling in which you begin to realize your significance. An understanding comes that your every movement, all thoughts and feelings are felt by the baby inside you;
  • During this period, a pregnant woman is advised to spend more time in the fresh air, communicate with friends and relatives. It is advisable to go on a picnic or travel, but not very far. After all, you should always spend the night at home;
  • You can gradually begin to think about the dowry for the baby: blouses, a stroller or a sling, an envelope for discharge from the hospital. On this topic, read a useful article: List of things for newborns for the first time >>>
  1. You begin to feel more confident and calm, which has a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus. By this time, the total weight of the child in the womb is no more than 50 g., And the growth reaches approximately 10 centimeters. The site already has an article where all the stages of a baby's development are well described, read Development of a child in the womb >>>;
  2. The little man begins to develop actively, which in any case will affect your health. For the full development of the child, a large amount of calcium is necessary. Most of it comes from the body of a pregnant woman;
  3. At such moments, hair and nail plates become more brittle, problems with teeth are possible (manifestations of caries can occur throughout pregnancy), and hair loss is possible.

This is not to say that everyone will experience such problems during this period. Everything happens individually. The fact remains only that a pregnant woman has a crisis, with a lack of calcium.

If at least one of the listed symptoms appears, you should contact your gynecologist for advice, but in no case should you start self-medication. Since you will not be able to say with certainty how the use of drugs with calcium supplements or other trace elements will affect the development of the child.

Only a specialist can tell you which pharmaceutical product is right for you during pregnancy.

Baby development at 15 weeks

So, 15 weeks pregnant, what happens to the baby during this period? How is it developing and what achievements does it have?

  • It is very small, but it develops quite quickly and rapidly. At the 15th week of pregnancy, the size of the fetus can be compared with an apple, or a not very large orange;
  • So far, the future mother cannot feel his movements, but be sure that he hears and feels you like no one else. Therefore, reading fairy tales, watching interesting educational programs or cartoons will help establish contact between you and your baby;
  • He looks like a fully formed human being in miniature. He is able to move his legs and arms, but it is impossible to feel it. Muscle tissue is almost formed, and the bones begin to thicken and become stronger;
  • The skin is still very thin, but already multi-layered, and the consistency resembles gelatin. The skin is so smooth and transparent that you can see the blood vessels, which also began to actively develop. Therefore, it seems that the child has a bright red color;
  • During this period, the formation of hair follicles on the body of this little man takes place. Now he has cilia, eyebrows, and sweat glands, sebaceous glands are actively functioning;
  • At the 15th week of pregnancy, the development of the fetus is due to another very important point: the baby's brain increases and the first grooves appear. Soon, convolutions will appear instead of them;

The number of cells is quite enough for the formation of nerve endings to begin, which means that your baby began to understand, hear and feel more. Whatever you feel, he will also feel. Now his brain, albeit step by step, gradually, will begin to regulate its own activity.

  • Although the baby's eyes are closed, he is able to distinguish between light and darkness. Starting from the 15th week, the eyes begin to move towards the bridge of the nose, and the ears towards the neck. Now the head and organs on it take shape and almost look like their final standard result;
  • Ultrasound at the 15th week of pregnancy is rarely done. Usually the doctor gives a referral for a period of 11-13 weeks. It is important to understand that you can refuse to undergo this procedure if you do not consider it necessary. The sex of the child on ultrasound can still be determined with a large margin of error (read the article on the topic: Determination of the sex of the child by ultrasound >>>);
  • From the 15th week, the digestive tract organs and the liver function almost like in an adult: food is digested due to intestinal growth, bile is produced;
  • There is a formation of taste buds, so the child will "demand" what he liked the most;

So pregnant women have a strange desire to try fish with sweet tea or eat as much yogurt as possible. The appearance of such a feeling as “I want ... .. right now and this minute” is familiar to every woman who has given birth and her family. Because the baby does not yet understand the difference between night and day.

  • The kidneys are also actively working and the child will empty several times in one day. Yes, yes, you heard right, your baby urinates in your stomach, but this will not affect his development or the body, since the amniotic fluid also changes, which means that all the excrement will come out with the old water. And the baby will be in a new, clean.

Mom's well-being

In the second trimester, toxicosis recedes in 95% of cases. There is no longer such activity of hormones and incomprehensible sensations. At this stage, the female body has adapted to a new life, and is actively trying to protect the fetus from external stimuli.

The mood improves, and the woman calmly perceives everything that happens around her. Provided that there are no pathological processes, physical exercises are recommended that are simple and do not include weight lifting.

If we talk about an increase in the tummy, then here it is individual for each woman: for some, it will appear only after 20 weeks, and for someone, at 15 weeks, a round ball has formed around the waist. But better, let's talk not about forms, but about some features of the female body during this period:

Uterine size and skin changes

  1. When visiting an ultrasound examination, the uterus will be examined without fail: its structure, condition and possible deviations from the norm;
  2. So far, it is high enough that any of the pregnant women will be able to feel it: the uterus at the 15th week of pregnancy will be approximately 9 cm from the navel;
  3. Often women begin to notice that a dark strip stretches down along the abdomen from the navel. This is not at all scary and is not considered a pathology, but rather indicates the presence of pregnancy. After the baby is born, it will completely disappear;
  4. Another point that can upset a woman in the second trimester of pregnancy is the appearance of hanging moles and warts. They will not necessarily be harmful to the health of the mother or child, rather this is due to hormonal changes than pathological ones. But for your peace of mind, it is better to undergo additional examinations.

Pain at 15 weeks

As a rule, there should not be any pain at the 15th week of pregnancy. Several factors can provoke pain, and all of them are unfavorable. Therefore, it is better to immediately go to bed and call for medical help.

  • The first factor is the threat of pregnancy loss. At the same time, both the wrong lifestyle of the mother and the failure of hormones can provoke it. If the stomach pulls at the 15th week of pregnancy, and spotting also appears, it hurts the lower back, you must urgently go to the hospital. All these signs indicate a possible loss of the fetus (read the article on the topic: During pregnancy, pulls the lower abdomen >>>);
  • It can also hurt the stomach at the 15th week of pregnancy due to the fact that the uterus is stretching, but in this case the pain is not very pronounced. More like discomfort, and does not cause much trouble.

Bleeding. Allocations

  1. Since the hormonal background of a woman has changed significantly, the discharge at the 15th week of pregnancy may increase. Most often, this happens with the well-known thrush (current article: Thrush during pregnancy >>>);
  2. But what to do if you notice an admixture of blood in it? It is necessary to immediately stop sexual activity for an indefinite period and visit a doctor;
  3. It is worse if bleeding has opened or brown discharge has appeared at the 15th week of pregnancy. It shouldn't be. Their appearance is evidence that there were problems with the health of the pregnant woman;
  4. Often the reason is the opening of the uterus, and if you do not go to the hospital in a timely manner to a qualified specialist who can provide assistance and build the correct treatment regimen, the pregnancy will be terminated;
  5. It is possible that brown discharge was provoked by a woman’s malnutrition (read more about nutrition in the book Secrets of Proper Nutrition for a Expectant Mother >>>). But to find out for sure, it is better to pass all the necessary tests and follow the recommendations of doctors.

Feelings at 15 weeks

There may be nasal congestion, and even nosebleeds. It's not worth worrying about them. This reaction is quite normal for pregnant women.

What else happens to mom at 15 weeks pregnant?

  • The nipples darken and acquire a light chocolate color;
  • A brown stripe appears along the entire abdomen;
  • Age spots and freckles become visible;

all this is evidence of the restructuring of the body and preparation for the birth process.

An increase in melanin provokes their appearance, but after the birth of the baby, everything will return to normal over time.

Narrow issues of pregnancy

Pregnancy changes a woman in every way. She begins to look at things with completely different eyes, becomes wiser, more careful, more sentimental. Those life moments that a woman would not have paid attention to before can make a pregnant woman think about the future. It is not always clear why this happens.

Some mothers try to behave as before: drink alcohol, do not take care of their health, and so on, which will negatively affect not only themselves, but also the baby.

Therefore, our task now is to consider narrow issues that relate to the 15th week of pregnancy, and what happens if the general rules are not followed.

Temperature and cold at 15 weeks pregnant

Most often, the body temperature at the 15th week of pregnancy in a woman is increased. And this is the norm. All processes that occur at this moment cause the body to turn on a protective reaction and are normal.

In cases where there are other symptoms that indicate the onset of a cold or the thermometer is more than 38 degrees, it is better to contact a therapist for help. You can drink a baby antipyretic.

A high temperature poses a threat to the child, so it is better to determine which infection could cause such a reaction in the body.


Sex at 15 weeks pregnant is not a contraindication. If the female body normally perceives it, then you should not refuse it. You can only reduce the number of sexual intercourses per week, do not use hard methods and positions, which will be deep penetration. Some pregnant women have no desire, and you should not force yourself better.

If there is any threat and the doctor strongly recommends not to have sex, then it is better to listen to him.

In general, sexual intercourse has a beneficial effect on the condition of the pregnant woman. It is a well-known fact that the foreplay and the act itself contributes to an increase in the hormone endorphin. This hormone causes feelings of joy and happiness, and such sensations at the 15th week of pregnancy are always useful. In addition, sex will help develop and train the muscles of the uterus.

Alcohol at 15 weeks

Drinking alcohol is contraindicated not only at week 15, but in general during pregnancy.

According to most experts, at this very moment, when the baby's cerebral cortex develops, even light alcoholic beverages should be avoided. Why? Everything that the mother consumes, instantly gets to the child. The placenta does not have the ability to restrict access to substances that will harm the baby.

Examination of mother and child

To issue an exchange card and enter the maternity ward of the maternity hospital, it is important to pass 2 scheduled checks with tests. The second is usually done at 32-34 weeks of pregnancy, the first - immediately upon registration. This can be at 5 weeks of pregnancy, and at 25 weeks.

At the 15th week of pregnancy, a triple test is taken. It cannot be submitted sooner or later. They also prescribe the passage of an hCG analysis, smears. If the doctor suspects any abnormalities, then additional tests may be required. For example, hormones.

The most desirable will be an ultrasound at the 15th week of pregnancy. Although it has already been passed repeatedly, it is the ultrasound at the 15th week of pregnancy that will reveal a lot of new things and give a photo of the fetus. Moreover, updated and with obvious sexual characteristics. You can also see how the baby sucks his finger or clenched his fists. Don't forget that now he looks like a little man and it's amazing.

But ultrasound checks not only what is interesting to parents. For example, the sex of your child at the 15th week of pregnancy can be considered, but there are also errors in the determination due to the umbilical cord, which is also clearly visible. For doctors, the frequency of heart attacks and the development of the kidneys, intestines, and liver are of interest.

Lifestyle at 15 weeks pregnant

What can be said about the behavior and lifestyle of the expectant mother? Each representative of the fair sex is already aware of the importance of proper gestation. After all, pregnancy is not only toxicosis or rounding in the pelvis and waist.

  1. This is a complex and multifaceted process in which you must adhere to many rules and limit yourself in many ways. For example, in nutrition, you should monitor the amount and balance of vitamins and trace elements;
  2. The desire to eat only sweets or spicy foods should be suppressed, because the baby should receive as many useful substances as possible: proteins, carbohydrates, fats. All this pregnant should be consumed every day;
  3. Let's not forget about the drinking regime. The amount of liquid should not be large and not small;
  4. And the expectant mother should always have cottage cheese, eggs, fish and lean meat on the table;
  5. Flour, fried, salty, canned food should be left in the past. Although doctors say that with a strong desire to eat something from the ban list, you can, but not as often as you would like;
  6. It is undesirable for the fetus to receive strong tea or coffee at the 15th week of pregnancy instead of juice and fruit drink. Such drinks can harm the development and health of the child.
  • The abdomen at the 15th week of pregnancy is usually small, but it is not recommended to press or pull it. Wear loose clothes, buy things in special stores for pregnant women, as they say "for growth." You have another 25 weeks ahead of you and your tummy will increase several times more;
  • The movements of the child at the 15th week of pregnancy are practically inaudible. He is still tiny and weighs about 45-60 g. But if you lie down on the bed and relax, you can hear light, almost imperceptible tremors;
  • Do not think that if toxicosis has left you, you can eat a lot and everything. Extra calories will not be useful to you after childbirth and will not have a beneficial effect on the development of the baby;
  • And, of course, communicate with the baby as often as possible. He hears you and loves you very much.

Each new day of a baby's life in a mother's tummy is accompanied by numerous changes that affect not only the baby's appearance, but also its internal organs.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 30

How does the fetus change?

The 15th week of pregnancy refers to the second trimester - this is the time when numerous metamorphoses have already occurred with the baby: the structure of his body has changed, the internal organs have activated their work.

Skin covering

The baby's skin is still very thin, blood vessels are well visible through it. Gradually, the structure of the skin layers changes. The active work of the child's heart contributes to the fact that his skin acquires a bright pink hue. After a while, they will be denser and acquire a physiological color.

Heart and blood vessels

By the 14-15th obstetric week of pregnancy, the baby's cardiovascular system is already quite well formed. For example, a child's heart is already beating, it, like adults, already has four chambers. The baby's heart beats quite actively: the organ pumps about 25-28 liters of blood per day.

To assess the performance of the baby's cardiovascular system, doctors use a special clinical criterion - heart rate (HR). It is measured, as a rule, during an ultrasound examination. The norm of this important indicator is presented in the table.

Nervous system

In the body of the baby, the nervous system is actively developing. Important changes are taking place in the brain. The child is actively developing the cortex - it is she who determines the ability to speak, think, and perform any actions. The number of interneuronal connections between neurons (brain cells) is growing every day. Grooves and convolutions appear in the cerebral cortex.

The active development of nerve analyzers leads to the fact that the baby has the first taste sensations. Experts note that babies at this time of their intrauterine life are able to feel the taste of amniotic fluid. It largely depends on the food that the expectant mother consumes. Amniotic fluid can be salty, bitter, or even sweet. Taste buds are already present on the child's tongue, which are necessary for recognizing different shades of taste.

A child at the 15th week of his intrauterine life begins to distinguish voices. At this time, doctors recommend that future parents start talking with their child, as this helps to create a good psycho-emotional connection between them. In a pregnant woman at this time, as a rule, the first specific sensations in the body begin to appear.

The child already has specific hormones in the blood. For example, boys even have testosterone, the main male sex hormone.

secretory organs

In a baby at 14-15 obstetric weeks, sweat and sebaceous glands already begin to function, their ducts are in the skin. Some endocrine glands also work. For example, the thyroid gland begins to produce the first hormones. The work of the pituitary gland is also activated.

Organs of the gastrointestinal tract

The baby has already formed a liver and gallbladder. Bile is also formed, which is the most important substance for digestion. It enters the baby's intestines, participating in the formation of the original feces - meconium. Full digestion will appear in a child only after his birth and after drinking the first portion of mother's milk.

At this time of intrauterine life, the baby's intestines have already formed. Its walls are even capable of contractions, which experts call peristalsis. Peristaltic bowel movements increase when bile enters it. On the walls of the intestine, villi are already formed, which are necessary for the absorption of nutrients.

excretory system

By this time of intrauterine life, the child has already formed the kidneys and elements of the urinary tract. The baby can swallow amniotic fluid on its own. This fluid ends up in the kidneys and is excreted. This process is very important, as it is necessary for the full development of the urinary system. The baby at this stage of pregnancy is already able to urinate.

Many expectant mothers are worried that if the amniotic fluid is swallowed, the baby may choke. You should not panic about this, since swallowing amniotic fluid is a completely physiological reaction necessary for the full development of the baby.

Active ingestion of amniotic fluid also contributes to the improvement of the respiratory muscles of the fetus. In this process, the auxiliary participation is carried out by the intercostal muscles. This process is also necessary for the improvement and further development of the respiratory system.


The baby continues to develop lung tissue. By the time of birth, the lungs should already be well formed. This is necessary so that the baby can take its first breath on its own. At this time, the child continues to form and the bronchial trunk.

Musculoskeletal system

The bones of the child are already becoming denser. Every day the bone structure changes. Numerous joints are already quite mobile. The kid begins to actively "study" his body - he bends and unbends his arms and legs, can roll over, open and close his mouth. Some babies start touching their faces with their fingers.

The active development of the nervous system and facial muscles contributes to the fact that the child has the first manifestations of emotions: the child can smile, grimace and even yawn.

Body parameters

The active development of the child contributes to the fact that the proportions of his torso also change: the baby's legs become longer than the arms, and the child's body stretches in length.

The active growth of the baby contributes to an increase in body size. To assess the intensity of intrauterine development, doctors use several basic clinical criteria. One of them is the weight and height of the baby. The normal values ​​of these clinical indicators are presented in the table.


During pregnancy, it is also necessary to evaluate how the fetus is in the mother's womb. It is important to note that the position of the baby at this time may not be entirely final - very active babies can roll over several times and change their original location for childbirth.

It is possible to assess how the fetus is located in the mother's womb using ultrasound. The specialist conducting the examination can quite accurately determine the position of the fetus in the uterus. The transverse and oblique position of the child is considered incorrect.


On 15 weeks pregnant the belly of the expectant mother continues to grow, because both the baby and the uterus become larger, in which he feels quite comfortable, swimming in the amniotic waters, which are updated at least ten times a day.

Due to the process of frequent renewal, the amniotic fluid is sterile, and it also maintains a stable chemical composition necessary for the successful development of the fetus. Also, the surrounding waters protect the baby from shock and help in the development of the lungs, kidneys, and digestive system.

Due to the increased production of melamine, pigmentation may appear on the skin, so a pregnant woman may notice that a dark strip goes down from the navel, and age spots may appear on the face, neck and hands. It may also darken the area around the breast.

Due to the enlarged belly, a pregnant woman may experience sleeping position problems, especially if before that she was an adherent of falling asleep on her stomach, which she would have to forget about for a while. Now the best solution would be to sleep on your left side, although it can be difficult to fall asleep in this position out of habit. Also get a comfortable pillow and don't forget a comfortable mattress.


The fifteenth week of pregnancy is part of the second trimester, which is rightfully considered the safest and most enjoyable period for the expectant mother and baby.

Recall that the fifteenth obstetric week of pregnancy corresponds to the thirteenth week from conception and the end of the fourth month of your pregnancy.

What happens at 15 weeks pregnant

At this stage, all the difficulties of the first trimester of pregnancy are left behind. We are, of course, talking about toxicity. In addition, the tummy is still small enough to cause some inconvenience or discomfort, and all that remains for you is to enjoy life and expect your child.

The placenta is completing its formation. Installed and gradually begins to perform its functions uteroplacental(uterus + placenta) and fetoplacental circulation (fetus + placenta). The system of vital activity continues its active formation " mother-placenta-fetus».

Well-being of a woman at 15 weeks

Most expectant mothers this week celebrate excellent health, vivacity and energy. , dizziness and drowsiness are a thing of the past.

We can say that a woman has a second wind. This does not prevent the female body from continuing to adapt to new conditions in preparation for motherhood;

As for the emotional state of a woman, it becomes more stable and positive.

This is facilitated by an improvement in physical well-being, a woman “plunges” into her pregnancy.

Mood swings are no longer so obvious and intense, although increased susceptibility and sensitivity persists. Still, you can’t hide from hormones, you can’t hide. Many women notice that become more scattered and less attentive in this period.

Reviews of women about 15 weeks

Elena: “At 15 weeks I went with my husband for our first ultrasound. Congratulations! We will have a girl! Why did you go to the 1st ultrasound so late? Just before that, they were busy preparing for the wedding, and then went on a honeymoon trip. For the first thirteen weeks I had terrible toxicosis, I didn’t know how I would survive the wedding, on the 14th it became easier. Probably, the fresh air and the mild climate of the resort contributed to this.

Victoria: “I feel great. Nausea no longer worries, but just a brutal appetite woke up. If it continues like this, then I don’t know who I will turn into by the time of birth. I understand intellectually that it is necessary to limit yourself a little, to hold your horses. But when I see a refrigerator or hear a pleasant smell of food, it is extremely difficult to control myself and remember that I am still a "reasonable person."

Ruslana: “Victoria, as I understand you. Only, unlike you, toxicosis did not bother me at all. My only problem that I encountered precisely at the stage of pregnancy is motion sickness in transport, moreover, in any.

Anastasia: “This is my first and very long-awaited pregnancy. During the first trimester, I developed so many phobias against this background that sometimes it seems that I can’t cope with them on my own. I am afraid of literally everything: roads, travel, falls, sex, etc. I try to think positively and once again not to “wind” my spouse and parents with my fears.

Fetal development at 15 weeks gestation

The fruit grows up to fourteen centimeters.

The skeleton continues its development, so gradually the legs become longer than the arms. Nails are forming, appear eyebrows and eyelashes. The auricles in their appearance are already more reminiscent of the ears of a newborn.

Although leather the fetus is no longer single-layered, it is still very thin and shows through the blood vessels.

During this week, the fetal body is diligently developing and trains the muscular and respiratory systems(lungs). The fetus performs breathing exercises with amniotic fluid - swallowing and spitting it out. This contributes to the formation of lung tissue and prepares the baby's body for the first breath and breath of air after birth.

The baby, as in previous weeks, is actively moving. Read more about baby movements

An important moment of this week of pregnancy is the beginning of the process of formation of the baby's cerebral cortex. This process will take about a month.

The two cerebral hemispheres will gradually become covered with furrows and convolutions, and nerve cells will actively divide. Formation in full swing central nervous system which will govern the human body in the future.

heart pumps about twenty-three liters of blood daily and makes up to one hundred and sixty beats per minute, providing blood supply to the body.

Bone marrow begins to be responsible for the function of hematopoiesis.

Liver becomes the main organ of digestion.

The endocrine glands of the crumbs are actively developing. This is how the pituitary gland cells responsible for the metabolism and growth of the body, sweat and sebaceous glands begin their work.

gallbladder secretes bile that reaches the intestines, which is why the feces of a newborn have a black-green color.

kidneys perform an excretory function. So the excretion of urine occurs directly into the amniotic fluid, which is regularly updated.

The auditory system allows the child hear mother's voice and the beating of her heart. About the importance of talking with the baby before birth, read

This week, experts will already be able to accurately enough determine gender your child. Moreover, if this is a boy, then this week he begins to produce the main male hormone - testosterone.

Photo ultrasound of the fetus

And in this photo of an ultrasound scan of 15 weeks, it is clearly visible that the child sucks his thumb:

Pay attention to your spouse.

Involve your husband in the process of expecting a child.

Encourage affectionate touches, ask for a massage, go to the doctor or ultrasound together. Show how pleasant and necessary you are his touch.

For you as a couple, it does not hurt to bring a share of romance into everyday life. It can be an interesting trip, since your condition still allows you to carry out your plan, or the simplest option is a romantic dinner. It will bring a fresh, warm note to your relationship.

Fight bad habits together. Share your feelings with him and make him feel needed, but don't overwhelm him with too much information and household chores. After all, learn together, and to get started, read this article together.

Video about 15 weeks pregnant

15 obstetric week of pregnancy is the 13th week from the moment of conception. A lot of new and interesting things happen this week. Every expectant mother needs to know which symptoms are normal and which indicate possible problems.

15 weeks of pregnancy - fetal development, photo, how does the baby develop and feel?

The baby already looks quite formed. His height 10 cm, weight - approx. 50 g.

He actively moves in the amniotic fluid, bends his arms and legs - and, as long as his size allows, he can somersault and rotate in his mother's tummy.

15 obstetric week of pregnancy - what has formed, what is happening, what does it look like?

Between 14 and 16 weeks, the auditory system actively develops. From now on, he can sing songs and tell stories. So the child will quickly learn to recognize the voices of the parents.

The kid learned not only to bend his arms, but also to move his fingers and grimace.

The sebaceous, sweat glands begin to work, in boys the production of the first testosterone begins.

Pigments responsible for hair color are formed.

At this stage, the development of the cerebral cortex begins. This process will continue for about a month. The process of division of nerve cells begins.

What can be seen on an ultrasound?

During ultrasound, doctors determine the following indicators in the fetus: weight, body length, fronto-occipital size, head circumference, tummy circumference, humerus length, femur length, chest diameter, nose bones.

The expectant mother can see her baby in such an interesting activity as clenching fists, grimacing.

The subcutaneous fat is not yet developed, so the baby visually seems thin.

The external genitalia are still developing, but this week the chances of determining the sex of the child are already quite high.

Given the anatomical features, it is much easier to identify a boy in early pregnancy.

Video: Ultrasound 15 weeks

Fetal heart rate at 15 obstetric weeks of pregnancy

The heartbeat is the main indicator of the viability of the baby. For this reason, doctors always carefully monitor heart activity throughout pregnancy.

Ultrasound, echocardiography, and CTG are used to assess cardiac activity. At week 15, the heart rate is 140-160 strokes in a minute. Deviations from the norm are considered a serious pathology and require proper treatment.

What happens in a woman's body at the 15th week of pregnancy?

Most women during this period notice an unusual surge of strength and energy. A decrease in the level of hCG contributes to the normalization of the emotional background.

Despite the improvement in well-being, a pregnant woman can be pestered by:

  • Weakness, dizziness, nasal congestion.
  • Because of the growing belly, pain in the back and in the coccyx area can be felt. The reason for this is an enlarged uterus, which compresses the sciatic nerve.
  • Another unpleasant symptom that can upset the expectant mother is a violation of the kidneys. This happens because the fetus presses on the ureters. You can’t joke with such a symptom, as kidney problems can provoke a threat of miscarriage!

At week 15, pigmentation on the body intensifies - moles and freckles become more noticeable. This is due to the increase in melatonin. After childbirth, these manifestations will disappear.

Given the fact that blood circulation in pregnant women increases, exacerbation of cardiovascular diseases is possible in the second trimester.

Quite often, women complain of pain and cramps in the limbs. A typical cause of leg cramps is a lack of calcium, magnesium and potassium. In order to fully replenish the daily dose of these trace elements, pregnant women are strongly advised to take them in the form of tablets.

Changes in the body of a woman at the 15th week of pregnancy of the obstetric period

Changes in the body of a woman at the 15th obstetric week of pregnancy

Breast and belly of a woman at 15 weeks pregnant

A woman's breasts are preparing for future lactation every day. Each woman can express it differently.

As a rule, by this time the breast is increased by one size. Heaviness, tingling, excessive sensitivity may be felt. Not always, but quite often there is leakage of colostrum. The nipples become darker than before pregnancy.

The tummy at this point is already well visible. But it all depends on the physique of the woman. The narrower the hips, the faster the tummy will grow. This week he is still small and does not interfere with movement.

By the 15th week of pregnancy, a woman gains, on average, 3 kg.

First movements during pregnancy

Women who are expecting a baby for the first time need to wait another 2-3 weeks before they feel the first movements.

Due to an active lifestyle, some mothers simply cannot recognize the first movements of their baby. And many pregnant women often mistake them for bowel activity.

With a multiple pregnancy at week 15, the movements are already felt quite well and regularly.

In women who have given birth before, the first movements occur somewhat earlier than in those who are expecting a baby for the first time. This is due to the fact that the muscles of the uterus after childbirth become a little thinner - and, accordingly, more sensitive.

Previously, on ultrasound, doctors determined the date of birth, starting from the first movement.

What can and can not a woman at 15 weeks pregnant?

Now alcohol is especially contraindicated for pregnant women, since this week the cerebral cortex is being formed. Despite the fact that the fetus is reliably protected by the placenta, alcohol is able to penetrate the placental barrier and affect the fetus.

Nicotine disrupts the blood supply to the fetus, which can lead to low birth weight - and in the future, the child is likely to lag behind in height and weight.

Even if the mother smokes only one cigarette a day, this is a very large dose for the child, since his body is not yet able to clear itself of nicotine.

In medicine, there is a term - "children with tobacco syndrome." These babies have a lot of health problems from birth just because their mothers did not find the willpower to quit smoking.

At week 15, it is undesirable for pregnant women to be in one position for a long time, especially with legs crossed. Since blood flow can be disturbed - and this, in turn, will lead to swelling and pain in the legs.

Food must still be complete. Doctors say that the ideal portion of protein per day is 200 g. This is enough to meet the daily requirement.

Now it is very important to keep the placenta healthy. To do this, you need to increase the intake of vitamin E. Most of it is found in vegetable oil.

Video: 15 week obstetric pregnancy

Already now, the expectant mother needs to find a comfortable position for sleeping, as a growing tummy can bring inconvenience and discomfort over time.

According to most women, it is more comfortable and safer to sleep on your side during pregnancy.

15 weeks pregnant - how to understand that everything is fine?

Of course, every mother who is expecting a baby has repeatedly asked herself the question: is everything all right? In order not to worry about this, you need to regularly visit your gynecologist. Only he can say for sure whether the pregnancy is developing correctly.

For herself, a woman should know that if the tummy continues to grow - and the doctor hears the baby's heartbeat during the examination - there is no reason for concern.

Popular questions about pregnancy at week 15 - answers a specialist

15 weeks of pregnancy - obstetric and embryonic period - what is the difference?

  • In fact, obstetric term cannot be called the exact gestational age. Since its beginning falls on the first day of the last menstruation.
  • Embryonic term is considered more accurate, since it begins from the moment of conception.

Allocations at the 15th week of pregnancy - the norm or the threat of miscarriage?

Every woman has discharge during pregnancy. It is important that they are light or transparent, free of blood, pus and unpleasant odors.

The heterogeneity of the discharge should also alert. With any change in the nature of the discharge, be sure to tell the doctor about it.

Is it normal if toxicosis suddenly disappeared at the 15th week of pregnancy, it stopped feeling sick, I don’t feel pregnant, there was blood?

If blood suddenly appears - while other signs of pregnancy disappear - this is not a very good symptom. Perhaps the fetus has stopped developing.

But doctors can confirm such a diagnosis only after a thorough examination.

If at the 15th week of pregnancy the heartbeat of the fetus is not heard?

If the doctor could not hear the baby's heartbeat, it is necessary to repeat the procedure after a few days.

With a normally developing pregnancy, the work of the heart at this time should be well heard.

If at 15 weeks of pregnancy pulls the lower abdomen

Heaviness in the lower abdomen is a common occurrence. The uterus grows, the tummy grows with it - it is not surprising that at the same time it can sometimes pull the lower abdomen.

However, frequent and prolonged pain can indicate various disorders. If, in addition, the pain begins to radiate to the lower back and hips, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Worried about pain or tingling in the ovaries at 15 obstetric weeks - causes?

The main cause of such pain is stretching of the muscles and ligaments adjacent to the uterus.

If, apart from this, the woman is not bothered by anything else, such pains are considered as the norm.

15th week of pregnancy with IVF - what do doctors do?

For a woman who did not have any abnormalities, after the 15th week of IVF pregnancy, there is no need to undergo additional studies.

Is it possible to determine a frozen pregnancy at 15 weeks or does it rarely freeze during this period?

It is not always easy to determine the fetal fading on your own. This may be evidenced by the sudden disappearance of signs of pregnancy.

At this time, the probability exists, so the mother needs to carefully monitor her condition.

Are SARS, influenza and other diseases dangerous at 15 weeks of gestation?

During this period, the placenta reliably protects the baby from many viruses and bacteria.

However, elevated temperatures can damage the placenta. That's why in no case should complications be allowed.

Diseases such as pyelonephritis, herpes, tuberculosis, rubella are considered dangerous.

At the 15th week of pregnancy, toxicosis disappeared and I feel good

At week 15, due to changes in hormonal levels, there is an improvement in well-being. During this period, a woman can continue to lead a normal life.