Remove old paint from clothing. How to wash the paint: cleaning of different composition of contaminants and forms of surfaces. Dish detergent

Traces of a variety of paints on clothes are stains that are difficult to remove. The degree of effort applied depends on how long the stain is on the clothes and what type of paint it is. Here, an arsenal of chemical stain removers and experience will help. You still do not know how to remove paint from clothes at home without going to the dry cleaner? Study the article.

How to get paint out of clothes at home

At home, removing paint from clothes is even easier than taking it to dry cleaning, because only you know how long the stain has been on the item and what type of paint it is. First, determine the type (composition) of the fabric so as not to spoil it with a solvent. If this is not done, the fabric can not only change color, but also melt.

Action plan, how to remove the paint yourself:

  1. Use the blunt side of a knife to scrape off dried oil paint from the fabric before processing.
  2. Lubricate the stain with a greasy agent (for example, vegetable oil).
  3. Check on a piece of fabric (a place hidden from the eyes in clothes) the effect of the selected stain remover. The acetate fabric will dissolve with the stain if acetone is used.
  4. Rub the stain with a cotton swab dipped in one of the following:
  • acetone nail polish remover;
  • turpentine;
  • refined gasoline;
  • liquefied gas for lighters.
  1. Wipe the remaining greasy traces with ammonia.
  2. There is another way to remove paint from clothes without harming the fabric:
  • Take butter (preferably butter) and washing powder (1 tbsp each).
  • Soften the butter and mix with the powder.
  • Rub the mixture into the dirt.
  • Leave for a short time and wash.

  1. Soak the stain with gouache so that the paint gets wet. Wash with any special means.
  2. Wipe the stain from the water-based emulsion with alcohol. If dirt remains, then wash first in cold and then in hot water with the addition of detergent.
  3. To remove acrylic paint, take vinegar and ammonia (2 tablespoons each), add salt (1 tablespoon). Apply the solution to the stain, wait 2 minutes and scrub with a brush. Rinse and evaluate the result.

How to get hair dye out of clothes

There are no special secrets on how to remove paint from clothes after dyeing your hair, if you do it right away. Sometimes the necessary detergents or cleaning chemicals are not at hand, then hairspray will help. It contains a small concentration of solvents. The method is effective if the stain has been set recently.

If the contamination is not immediately washed off, then it is difficult to remove the paint. However, there are options:

  • Soak white items for ½ hour in bleach or hydroperite solution. Then rinse and wash.
  • Apply vinegar to the stain, then rinse and launder.
  • Use a stain remover.

Time is the determining factor for removing paint from clothes. The longer the stain stays on the fabric, the harder it is to remove. To remove oil paints, use solvents. In other cases, instant washing will help.

It is important to follow how the tissue reacts to cleansing so as not to aggravate the situation. How do you deal with paint stains on clothes?

Did you have paint stains on your clothes? Is it possible to remove such pollution at home without resorting to the help of professionals? In fact, this problem is quite solvable on its own. Let's take a closer look at how to wipe off oil paint. An oil paint stain is quite easy to remove if you follow simple rules:

  • First, you need to start scrubbing off the oil paint immediately after the stain appears.
  • If the stain is left by oil paint, quickly scrape off the top layer of paint with the blunt side of the knife. After that, scrubbing the stain will be much easier.
  • Before you start cleaning, you should determine what type of fabric the product is sewn from (after all, the wrong product can ruin the thing), and what kind of paint it is stained with. This is of great importance, as different types of solvents are used to remove different types of paints.

5 ways to get oil paint off clothes at home

To answer the question of how to wipe oil paint from clothes at home, you need to understand that it is permissible to use not only special tools, but also use folk methods suitable for dealing with different types of paint stains. Let's take a closer look at these methods.

Butter and Powder

Looking for an answer to the question - how to wipe off oil paint in the absence of any special means, you can try this method of getting rid of oil paint stains:

  • Heat the butter and mix with a spoonful of washing powder.
  • The resulting mixture is rubbed into the oil stain and left for a few minutes, allowing the product to be absorbed and begin to act on it.
  • Next, wash the contaminated clothing by hand or in the washing machine.

This method is used with almost no restrictions on the types of fabrics, it is used to remove paint from white clothes. To achieve greater efficiency, it is necessary to start removing stains as soon as possible, since this method is not very effective in the fight against old stains.


Another answer to the question - how to wipe off oil paint, will be the use of various solvents. In this case, the algorithm of your actions will be as follows:

  • First, you need to take an acetone solvent (you can take a nail polish remover), apply a few drops to the stain and let it soak in, leaving it for a short time.
  • Then, wipe the product with a piece of cloth, removing the solvent from the clothes, and rinse the item itself thoroughly with cold water.

When using this stain removal method, be careful not to use it on colored fabrics, because the solvent leaves white stains on things. For some types of fabrics, this method is not suitable at all, for example, rayon products with this cleaning method can simply dissolve under the action of acetone and similar cleaners.


Another solvent that can help answer the question - how to wipe oil paint from clothes, is gasoline. Working with this type of solvent is as follows:

  • First of all, moisten a piece of cotton wool or a piece of sponge with gasoline.
  • Then, with a cotton swab or sponge, you need to properly rub the paint stain until it finally disappears.
  • And finally, it is necessary to wash the product with soapy water to remove traces of gasoline. If this is not done, the appearance of the clothes may be spoiled by stains.

To wipe off oil paint from clothes, you need to use refined gasoline, which I use to refuel lighters. This solvent perfectly removes stains from any type of matter.


Turpentine is great for removing old oil paint stains from clothes at home. Turpentine acts similarly to gasoline, that is, it is applied with a cotton swab or sponge to contamination, after which it is rinsed properly.

Do not forget that turpentine can leave greasy stains on things. To get rid of them, you should use ammonia. After wiping the oily stain with ammonia, the stain disappears almost instantly.

White Spirit

A very effective way to wipe oil paint from clothes is white spirit. To remove stains, as in previous cases, it is necessary to moisten a cotton swab in the solvent and wipe the stain, then rinse the product thoroughly to remove traces of contamination. This method is absolutely not suitable for removing stains from items made of delicate fabrics.

The answer to the question - how to wipe off oil paint, is not found?

But, if the traces of paint could not be wiped off the clothes, they can be hidden by applying a creative approach. A pocket or button sewn over the stain can help mask a little dirt. When it comes to things dear to your heart, the best way out is to contact specialists. A professional dry cleaner will help you get rid of paint stains with high quality.

Based on the above text, to the question - how to wipe off oil paint from clothes at home, the answer was received in expanded form.

Video how to wipe oil paint from clothes

If a nuisance happens and a paint stain appears on your favorite or new little thing, do not be discouraged. It’s not worth throwing away or sending a little thing to rest in an old box; it’s better to learn how to clean paint from clothes at home.

In order for a paint stain to appear on clothes, it is not necessary to work as a painter or carry out repairs in the apartment. Freshly painted walls in the entrances, benches in squares and bus stops, fences in city parks have not been canceled.

Effective folk and purchased means will help in achieving the goal. Before considering the intricacies of their use, heed a few tips to achieve the best result, and prevent final damage to clothing.

  • Don't wait for the paint to dry completely. The faster the stains are removed, the greater the chance of successfully completing the clothes rescue mission.
  • Before starting the procedure, be sure to determine the type of paint, because stains from oil, acrylic and water-based paint are removed in different ways.
  • Remove the stain by first turning the stained item inside out. This simple technique minimizes the chances of spoiling the color or appearance of the fabric.
  • When treating dirt, place a paper towel or a piece of clean, unnecessary cloth under the fabric. The dyes will partially transfer to the substrate, which will simplify the task and speed up the procedure.
  • Remove the stain from the edges towards the center to prevent the paint from bleeding.

The preliminary preparation for the fight against paint stains is completed, the time has come to get acquainted with time-tested tools that will become a formidable weapon in achieving a strategic goal. We are talking about the return of the soiled thing to its original form.

Ways to clean old oil paint from clothes

If there is an oil paint stain on your clothes, do not hesitate, as in the case of chewing gum. By immediately starting the fight against pollution, you will significantly increase the likelihood of a positive result.

  1. If the stain is fresh, laundry soap will help remove the stain. Wash the stained area in slightly warm water, then rinse repeatedly.
  2. You can also remove a fresh stain with butter. Cover the stain with a thick layer of oil, wait at least an hour, then wipe the stain with a cloth soaked in ammonia. It remains to wash clothes using powder.
  3. An assistant in the fight against oil stains will be ammonia, turpentine, pure gasoline or kerosene. Place a piece of gauze or a napkin under the contamination and treat the contamination with a cotton swab dipped in solvent. To remove greasy stains, use a detergent or ammonia.
  4. A good result in the fight against stains from oil paint is shown by solvents, for example, White Spirit. Apply a tampon soaked in solvent to the stain for half an hour, then gently wipe the stain and wash the clothes in soapy water.
  5. To prepare the next remedy, you will need white clay and gasoline. Mix these substances in equal amounts until smooth. Apply the resulting paste on the stain and leave for half an hour. After the gasoline has evaporated, clean the fabric with a brush.
  6. If we are talking about clothes made of delicate material, glycerin will come to the rescue. Soak a piece of white cloth in a warmed water bath and treat the stain. Next up is laundry.

Video tips

Before use, be sure to test the selected product on an inconspicuous fragment of the product. If all is well and the cleaner you have chosen is safe, continue.

How to clean dried acrylic paint

Water-soluble paints and varnishes are widely used in the field of repair and construction. Among them are acrylic paints. And since such a decorative coating dissolves in water, it is easier to deal with traces than in the previous case.

  • Soak a cotton swab, gauze, or paper towel in alcohol, nail polish remover, or alcohol-based antiseptic. Thoroughly blot the contaminated area.
  • It is extremely important that the alcohol penetrates deep into the fibers and has a weakening effect on the paint. Gently wipe off with a cotton swab. Pollution is advised to wipe, not smear, otherwise the stain increases.
  • Take a new swab and repeat the procedure. Continue until the acrylic paint is out of sight.
  • Wash clothes in powdered water and dry. After drying, carefully inspect the place where there was contamination before. If it was not possible to completely eliminate the problem the first time, repeat the procedure from the very beginning.

If you start the process of removing stains from acrylic paint in a timely manner, the chance to return the little thing to its original appearance will be high. However, even in the case of old stains, you should not be upset. Vodka, vinegar, gasoline or brake fluid will help to defeat them.

Water based paint cleaning

Interior decoration is a complex stage of the construction process, requiring high costs. Many make repairs themselves to save money and showcase their talent. And regardless of experience, stains inevitably appear on clothes from the water-based paint used for finishing. How to eliminate such pollution?

Before removal, it is important to determine the composition of the decorative coating. If it is based on PVA, a sponge dipped in soapy water will help remove the stain. Sometimes a normal wash is enough to get the result.

As for acrylic water-based paint, it is resistant to water and detergents. Then mechanical action comes to the rescue with further rubbing. An important role is played by the type of soiled fabric base. Choose a stain remover and method based on the material of your clothing.

  1. thick fabric . The material is characterized by high resistance to abrasion. Any chemical solvent is suitable for removing the stain, be it acetone or white spirit. It remains only to wash the thing.
  2. Lightweight, synthetic-free fabric . The best result shows mechanical erasing using gasoline or chemical solvent. During the procedure, be sure to place a paper lining under the fabric, then wash the product.
  3. synthetic material . Solvents are not suitable for cleaning clothes made of synthetic material, since their effect on the composition of the fabric is detrimental. Sunflower oil will help remove traces of water-based paint. Soak a swab in the oil and wipe off the dirt. The process is troublesome and time-consuming, since the paint leaves with difficulty.

The considered methods are good in the case of fresh pollution. To remove dried-on traces of PVA-based paint, moisten the dirt liberally to soften the dried layer, then scrub with a brush and wash.

How to get paint off jeans and trousers

Jeans and trousers are universal clothing in which it is always convenient and comfortable. Thanks to the materials of manufacture, characterized by wear resistance and durability, such wardrobe items retain their original qualities even with regular wear.

It should be noted that jeans are easy to care for. They wash well and are undemanding to detergents. And it's so insulting when a trace of paint appears on jeans or trousers, especially in the case of new things.

Acetone, thinner or kerosene is suitable for removing paint from jeans and trousers. It is enough to moisten a clean cloth in the liquid and gently treat the contamination. The final step is washing.

If the listed cleaners are the only way to get rid of the paint, any detergent is suitable for washing. Some housewives use laundry soap, others use powders with active additives. All means are good.

Video material

Standard types of pollution do not concern us much, since we always know how to deal with them. However, in unforeseen situations, when we soil things with dirt, which we have not had to deal with before, an unpleasant feeling arises, and fear for damaged clothes. Although in fact, knowing how to remove pollution, you can wash almost any clothes from it.

Today we will tell you how to remove paint from clothes, dwell on the most popular types of paint, and the main ways to remove it from things.

An intense fight ensues

Basic moments

Paint stains are rightfully considered the most difficult to remove from clothes, therefore, when such a situation arises, we are often horrified when we imagine how we will deal with this pollution. However, knowing the basic ways to remove paint from your things, this story does not look so catastrophic.

You can stain things with paint at any time and in any place:

  • you can drip on your shirt and jeans while dyeing your hair;
  • spill the powder from the printer cartridge on yourself or smear the print on the document with your sleeve;
  • you can cover up jeans, a dress, a skirt during repairs, or being close to carrying out similar work;
  • a t-shirt or shirt can be easily smeared with coloring pigment while working with a child on a playground or;
  • paint stains may appear on the back of trousers or shorts from a wooden bench on which you sat down, not paying attention to some kind of inscription;
  • you can tidy up your jacket by opening the door of the entrance out of habit with your shoulder.

In general, situations in which you put a spot of paint on clothes can be simulated in a great variety.

Of course, we will not throw away good, high-quality, and often very beloved things because of some kind of paint stain, but rather we will study the main points for removing such contaminants. By the way, these rules are not so many:

  • First of all, the speed of the reaction is important. Do not put off washing and laundering stains for later, carry out the work immediately, then you will have a better chance. It will be extremely difficult to remove an old stain of a dye that is well ingrained into the structure of the fabric, and it will be almost impossible to remove it from white clothes without damaging it.
  • If you understand paints and can determine which one ruined your clothes, then this is just wonderful. In this case, it will be easier for you to choose the optimal means for removing pollution. For example, the simplest option is gouache, watercolors are washed in ordinary water using laundry soap or washing powder.
  • It is advisable, before removing stains on clothes using various chemical compounds, to work with hard and hard objects, such as a knife or brush, to remove the main layer of paint.

Removal of the main composition of the paint

Thus, the main thing is to determine what type of paint we are facing. If there is at least a general understanding, then choosing the right tool to remove alkyd, oil, acrylic, water-based, watercolor paint at home is not difficult.

Removal of oil and alkyd paint

One of the most common paints for outdoor and indoor work are oil and alkyd paints. They are not very expensive, so they are often used to color various items. In this case, the oil composition is created on the basis of drying oil, and the alkyd composition is based on classical solvents.

Can of oil paint

If you have oil or alkyd paint stains on the back of your trousers or jeans, the first step is to remove the bulk of the substance. This can be done with a stiff-bristled brush or the back of a knife.

Before using the solvent, it is desirable to soften the oil composition, for which it is necessary to treat the stain with fat, for example, pour sunflower oil on it, or rub it with petroleum jelly. After that, you can proceed to the use of solvents.

Traces of oil paint on the jacket

In principle, most solvents will cope with a stain of oil or alkyd enamel: 646, 647, white spirit, solvent, gasoline, kerosene, turpentine, acetone, but there are some nuances:

  • Classic solvents 646 and 647 perfectly wash oil, alkyd and other paints from any surface, but for some types of clothing their aggressive substances can be dangerous. 647 solvent is specifically intended for washing off car paint and nitro enamels.
  • White spirit works in a similar quality, and calmly copes with pollution at home, besides, it also does not smell so strong. Let's call it the most optimal and gentle solvent, which is very simple to use. It is enough to moisten a cloth in it and gently wipe the dirt on things.
  • The solvent was created on an oil base, it fights well with traces of enamels of all stripes on clothes, and is also able to remove drops of bituminous varnishes and epoxy.
  • It is permissible to use acetone, or nail polish removers based on it. To do this, pour a little liquid on the stain, and let it soak in for a while. It will take 5-10 minutes to soften the paint. After that, using a cotton pad, you can wipe the stain from the clothes. At the same time, acetone can not be used for all fabrics, for example, it will corrode light synthetics from acetate fibers, and burnt spots may appear on colored material, so be sure to test this solvent in an inconspicuous place. For many jeans and pants, acetone will work fine, and it will also work for white fabrics.
  • Gasoline is quite suitable, but it is advisable not to drain it from the tank of the car, but to buy a cleaner composition at the hardware store, or use gasoline for lighters. The principle of stain removal is the simplest, soak a cloth in gasoline and wipe the paint stain.
  • Kerosene and turpentine work similarly, they even cope with old stains. But after them, characteristic oil traces may appear on the surface of trousers or jeans. Grease stains can be removed by overlaying the fabric with white paper and ironing it. Remaining stains should be removed with ammonia.

You can purchase a special solvent-based compound in stores that specializes in removing paints of this kind. Just don’t rush to completely treat your item with this tool right away, because it is also very aggressive and can ruin the fabric, test it and read the instructions for use.

Imported composition for cleaning fabrics from paint

If the unpleasant smell of solvents irritates you, you can use the folk recipe and remove oil paint from your trousers, dress or pants. A very original composition is created on the basis of butter and washing powder according to the following principle:

  1. To create a cleanser, you need 1 tablespoon of butter, which will need to be mixed in a bowl with 1 tablespoon of ordinary washing powder.
  2. The resulting composition must be applied to the contamination, and try to grind thoroughly. For further penetration of the composition into the tissue, it must be left for several minutes.
  3. After some time, the thing is erased in the usual mode, and the paint spots disappear.

For home use, this method is very relevant, since it does not use aggressive chemical components that can harm things. The technique successfully works with a coloring pigment based on drying oil not only on strong fabrics of trousers, jeans, but also on other, more delicate materials.

Removing water-based paint

Water-based paints are used in home repairs, they are easy to use, and can be washed off in a liquid state with plain water. Acrylic paint can also be washed with water, but only until it dries. If these dyes have hardened, then alcohol must be used to remove them. Just stretch the stained cloth, and wipe the stain with a cotton pad soaked in alcohol. The paint will soften and move away from the material.

White water-based paint

Many types of water-based paint are so safe and unpretentious that they can be removed from things in a normal wash with detergent. However, in this case, several approaches may be required. You can try hand washing in cold water. If such a wash does not help, then proceed to washing in a warmer detergent composition and in a washing machine.

In any case, removing water-based paint from trousers or jeans is a breeze, even if you get dirty in acrylic. Acrylic paint will help to remove proven folk remedies: vinegar, salt and ammonia. To do this, you should perform the following manipulations:

  • We mix the ingredients in proportion: 1 tablespoon of salt, 2 tablespoons of vinegar, 2 tablespoons of ammonia.
  • We apply the mixture to the stain from the acrylic composition, and leave the chemicals to work.
  • To help the composition penetrate deep into the fabric, you can additionally grind the mixture with an old toothbrush.
  • After all procedures, the material must be rinsed under running water.

There may be slight traces of the presence of paint, which will be easy to remove with normal washing with detergent or laundry soap.

Throwing things in the laundry

By the way, watercolor paints can also be safely classified as water-based. They are easy to wash with a normal wash in soapy water.

Other paints

A fairly common problem is washing hair dye from clothes. In particular, it is difficult to deal with traces of a light composition. In order to have a better chance of defeating unpleasant stains, it is better to wash soiled things immediately. You can first try to wipe the stain with hairspray, which contains solvents of a similar nature.

Worst of all, if it was not possible to wash the thing right away, and the stains have already taken root on it. For white fabrics, a soak in a hydrogen peroxide solution can be used. Half an hour soaking in the composition is enough. After further washing, as usual for this item, the stains will be eliminated. For colored items, you can use an acetic solution, which also helps to eliminate stains of a different nature.

Another common problem is the need to remove stamp ink or powder from the printer, which inadvertently got on our clothes. These dyes are not the strongest, so they can be removed from clothes when washed in cold soapy water. In this case, hot water should not be used, as it will fix the stamp or printer ink on the clothes.

Washing is done with ordinary laundry soap or washing powder. Inks from the printer are usually easy to remove, but if you have difficulty, you can treat the stain with a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide. In this case, coloring pigments will not have a chance. High-quality rinsing will fix a positive result.

It is possible to fight paint stains, and in most cases the victory will be yours. However, it's always a good idea to test cleaners on inconspicuous areas of clothing before full use. This habit will save you from spoiling your favorite trousers, dress, skirt or jacket.

Paint stains on clothing can be caused by careless handling of a painted item or as a result of repair work. Try scrubbing, scrubbing, or staining with our tips on how to quickly remove paint from clothing before throwing it away. First you need to decide which substance. And also the material and its composition matters. The method that you choose thanks to our recommendations will help the stain disappear without a trace without much effort.

First aid for things with stains of fresh paint

The faster the stain is detected, the more likely it is to be removed completely. Don't take the first one you see and use it. Any substance must be applied to the fabric from the inside, placing the paper to the front. Napkins or paper towels are perfect for this purpose. This will prevent the ink from penetrating deep into the fabric. The stain should be removed from the edges towards the center to prevent it from spreading and dripping.

To select the best way to get rid of the stain, you should set the type of dye. Types of dyes that can get on clothes:

  • watercolor;
  • acrylic;
  • water emulsion;
  • oil;
  • enamelled;
  • hair dye.

Having determined the type of substance, you can begin the procedure to eliminate the stain. It is important to follow the correct sequence of actions to ensure maximum results:

  1. Preparing a home work surface. Often, hazardous solutions are required to remove paint from things: acetone, kerosene, gasoline, white spirit, and others. Certain safety rules must be observed: operate in a well-ventilated area, for example, on a balcony or loggia.
  2. The place to work should be covered with oilcloth or cling film. It is desirable to put a white dense fabric on top.
  3. Material processing should not be carried out on surfaces that have been painted (a layer of paint may come off). Parquet and laminate are also excluded: stains remain on these materials.
  4. Before removing a trace of paint, test the selected product on the corner of the clothing and evaluate the reaction of the fabric.

Removing old stains

It is not always possible to find the problem right away. And then methods for removing old stains come to the rescue. Turpentine softens old paint well, so it should be tried first.

In the fight against dried-on dirt, dishwashing detergent is effective. In its composition, you can find substances - fat thinners, which can dissolve a trace of paint. The first step is to soak the desired item in a mixture of water and detergent for at least 11 hours. Then the mark will need to be rubbed with the hard side of the sponge.

In order not to throw away a thing with a paint stain, you can take it to the studio and sew an interesting appliqué to match the clothes.

Removing oil enamel

There are several ways to remove oil contamination. The most popular of these is the use of vegetable-based oils. It must be gently applied to the stain and wiped with a cotton swab. If the contamination does not lend itself, you should leave the oil on it for at least half an hour. Residues can be removed with dishwashing detergent.

Laundry soap often helps out if we decide how to wipe various types of dirt with high quality. It is most effective to use it to eliminate fresh stains. Laundry soap interacts well with alcohol. The mixture is left on the contaminated area for 10-15 minutes, then the jeans or jacket are sent to the washing machine.

Perfectly removes such pollution solvent, kerosene, refined gasoline or white spirit. You need to use any of these products like this: the substance is applied to the stain, and it is left for 15-20 minutes. Solvent residues are removed using laundry soap. If it was not possible to remove the product the first time, you need to apply a stain remover with oxygen in the composition to the pollution.

Baking soda is a great home remedy for removing enamel. Before applying it to the fabric, you need to add a few drops of water. Then the mixture should be rubbed into the stain.

Without acetone in the composition, together with warm glycerin, they interact well and help wash off dirt and paint.

Removal of acrylic and water-based paints

The water base does not interfere with their durability. Some acrylic and water-based paints are used to decorate facades. How can such contamination be removed? A fresh mark can be wiped off with a hard-bristled brush and warm water.

Dried stains are first soaked and then cleaned. When fresh, dirt can also be dissolved by placing a soiled suit or blouse in warm water with the addition of powder and rinsing.

Consider another option for cleaning water-based paint. The place of contamination can be wiped with alcohol using a moistened cotton swab. And also to eliminate the trouble, many prepare a solution: two tablespoons of vinegar, two tablespoons of salt and two glasses of water. Place clothes in the solution, and then wash them with your hands.