What to do if the nails grow. Recipes from traditional medicine. How to cure an ingrown toenail with kombucha

Onychocryptosis or ingrown toenail is a disease that occurs in men and women. It causes a lot of problems: severe pain, finger bundles, inflammation, swelling, suppuration. In addition, embedded in soft tissues nail roller, the sharp corner of the nail looks unaesthetic, hinders movement. If the problem is ignored, there is a risk of infection with serious consequences.

Why is this happening

Most often, the problem occurs on the legs, mainly on the thumbs, little fingers. In rare cases, a similar phenomenon occurs on the hands. Why is this happening:

  • heredity, when the shape of the nails, the nail fold contributes to the onychocryptosis;
  • flat feet;
  • circulatory disorders in the limbs, when they are often cold even in summer;
  • excess calcium in the body;
  • fungal diseases of the fingers, feet, which leads to the fact that the nail plate ceases to grow normally. It becomes yellow, wavy, thickens. Nails are deformed, grow incorrectly, digging into soft tissues;
  • excess weight, including during pregnancy;
  • poor-quality pedicure, manicure, when the nail is too rounded at the edges;
  • wearing shoes of smaller size, tight models or with narrow toes, which leads to prolonged squeezing of the toes, deforms the foot;
  • an injury that leads to a change in the shape of the nail.

Symptoms of onychocryptosis, what to look for

Initially, there is pain, discomfort when walking, increasing soreness in the finger, nail area. Unpleasant sensations can disappear at night, when the body is resting, resume during the day, while wearing shoes. A little later, a swelling appears around the area of ​​​​ingrowth. If you look at the skin of the nail fold, you will notice that it has become red, inflamed, and when touched it feels hot.

When toenails grow into the skin, the body reacts with inflammation. If you do not see a doctor in time, suppuration will soon begin. The nail gradually digs deeper into the skin, injuring soft tissues. Pus gradually accumulates inside, after which it breaks out along with blood. If the nail is ingrown, the area around it is inflamed, you should immediately take action. Suppuration is an impartial sight with serious consequences.

When to See a Doctor

As soon as there are signs that the toenail is inflamed, the first thing to do is to visit a doctor. He will examine the damaged skin, advise what to do.

A visit to a specialist is especially important if:

  • no improvement after 3 days home care behind the inflamed nail plate;
  • infection, abscess occurred 5 years after the last tetanus vaccination;
  • there are diseases such as diabetes, AIDS, circulatory disorders in the leg or arm;
  • person at the time of infection nail plate is undergoing chemotherapy, suffers from an ailment that prevents rapid healing wounds;
  • on the face all signs of inflammation, infection, especially if immunity is weakened, the temperature rises.

Onychocryptosis, sparing treatment methods

What to do if a nail grows in, what solutions are offered by official medicine:

  • laser correction, a toenail removal procedure performed under local anesthesia for 10-13 minutes. There is a point effect on the nail plate, without violating its integrity. Damaged skin is evaporated, cauterized without affecting healthy tissues. Then nail bed solder, preventing problems in the future;
  • putting on the nail of special springs and staples that contribute to the extension of the deformed surface. Corrective appliances act like dental braces. They are hardly noticeable on the feet, do not interfere with wearing shoes, disguise ordinary varnish. The effect of wearing staples on the nail plates is significant. As a result, it is possible to minimize the compression of the skin roller, eliminate pain, and correct the direction of nail growth;
  • phenol therapy, a painless procedure during which the growth cells of the nail plate are destroyed;
  • radio wave treatment local anesthesia within 5-7 minutes. First, the ingrown part is removed with a scalpel, after which the nail matrix with the growth zone of the nail plate is soldered with the apparatus. Along the way, soft tissues are cleaned, removing overgrown skin. After the procedure, the nail plate begins to grow correctly, no longer causes concern.

Beauty salons solve the problem with improperly overgrown nail plates by building acrylic gel. Part of the nail is cut off, a gel is applied on top, leveling it. After the healing procedure, the problem of ingrown nails disappears, they grow correctly, evenly.

Surgery for onychocryptosis

If a serious abscess occurs, what should I do? In this situation, they usually resort to partial or complete removal of the nail. The operation is performed by a surgeon, its complexity depends on the severity of the infection and other problems. The procedure for treating nails in general terms is as follows:

  1. The patient will be prescribed a mandatory tetanus vaccination if the previous vaccination was more than 5 years old.
  2. Before surgery on the nail plate, x-rays will be required, which will exclude the possibility of osteomyelitis, when the infection affects the bone tissue on the legs and arms.
  3. An anesthetic is then given to numb the toe or hand.
  4. The next step is the removal of the focus of infection, damaged overgrown tissues.
  5. When the nail plate is slightly damaged, the surgeon performs its partial removal. In severe cases, the nail bed is removed completely.

Nail care after surgery

After surgical intervention a bandage is applied to the damaged nail, which is kept for at least 2 days. After that, it is removed, the wound is washed, and then gauze smeared with an antibiotic ointment is applied to it. The procedure is repeated twice a day until the wound heals. After 3-5 days, the surgeon checks how the damaged area heals, gives recommendations.

In the postoperative period, the doctor prescribes painkillers, antibiotics. They must be taken strictly according to his recommendation, following the instructions. . Depending on the complexity of the operation, the wound healing process takes from 3 to 15 days. At this time, it is important to wear comfortable shoes comfortable fit on the leg.

Treatment with folk methods

Traditional medicine offers many ways to deal with ingrown toenails, hands. However, doing it yourself is not worth it. It is advisable to carry out the treatment of infected nails in parallel with drug therapy, after consulting a doctor. What can be done:

  • at the very beginning of the disease, when pus does not flow from under the nails, it is worth practicing warm baths with soda, potassium permanganate, salt. For the same purposes, decoctions of herbs are suitable: chamomile, celandine, succession, St. John's wort, sage. Baths should be done several times a day, after which it is advisable to apply an antiseptic ointment;
  • what to do if inflammation starts? Dilute Dimexide with water in a ratio of 3: 1. After that, wash the affected area, lubricate with a solution of Dimexide, apply Vishnevsky ointment or ichthyolka to the nail plate, and bandage it. It is advisable to carry out the procedure several times a day, at least 1 time at night. In the morning, unwind the nail, wipe it with a solution of Dimexide, give the leg a rest. Before putting on shoes, the wound is closed with a cotton swab;
  • take a leaf of aloe, finely crush, add a little water to the gruel. Moisten a cotton or gauze swab with the mixture, apply to the affected finger. Put a film on top, a rag, leave overnight. In the morning, the nail will become softer, then you can try to cut it with scissors, file it with a nail file. Instead of aloe, you can apply chaga, birch tree fungus;
  • buy a latex fingertip at the pharmacy, fill it with butter, put it on your finger before going to bed. Until the morning, the pain subsides, the plate softens, after which it must be lifted, fixed with cotton, and bandaged. The same can be done using lard. Take a small piece, melt it over a candle flame, grease the inflamed area with the resulting fat. It is advisable to do the procedure after steaming the legs, 2-3 times a day, at least 1 time at night;
  • relieve soreness, swelling during infection, inflammation near the nails will help gruel prepared from equal parts of chopped onion, garlic, wax, butter. Mix the ingredients, boil lightly in a water bath, stirring with a wooden spoon, spatula. Then remove the composition from the heat, cool, apply to the site of inflammation, lubricating the skin and tissues with a thick layer. From above, apply a leaf of white cabbage previously scalded with boiling water, wrap it with a bandage, putting warm socks on top. It is recommended to do the procedure daily, until recovery.

The most important thing to do is to try to raise the corner of the nail ingrown into the skin on the legs, hands. If this succeeds, you should take a piece of bandage, cotton wool, twist it, carefully place it between the soft tissue and the nail plate. The nail will rise, stop digging into the body.

Important! When there is a temperature, steam baths, warm compresses are contraindicated! They can provoke the development of phlegmon with swelling, fever. If help is not provided in time, it leads to death.

Prevention of onychocryptosis - a way to avoid problems

Those who have a tendency to onychocryptosis should avoid tight, uncomfortable shoes. Preference should be given to models with a wide toe, where the foot feels free and comfortable. Buying new shoes, it is worth walking a few steps in it to feel whether it fits or not.

Foot hygiene is the main event that should be given constant attention. Every day they are washed with warm water, they change socks and stockings more often, they regularly do foot massage to normalize blood circulation. If there is a regular ingrown toenail, the nail plates should not be cut short. When cutting off the corners, cut them so that the edge protrudes above the surface of the skin.

The nail plates are cut so that the edges are not convex, but concave. As soon as there was a feeling that the nail began to grow in, they immediately begin to do warming baths, lubricate the problem area with emollients. The procedures will relieve pain, inflammation, help to remove ingrown edges without any problems. Often problems with the nail plates are due to a lack of vitamins. What should be done:

  1. Take vitamin preparations that contain sulfur, gelatin, vitamins A, E. The nail bed is lubricated with a mixture vegetable oil and iodine, oil tea tree. To make the surface of the nails hard, less deformed, it is lubricated with a formalin solution.
  2. For the strength of nails, it is desirable to saturate the daily diet with dishes containing jelly. It can be fruit jelly, jelly, jellied meat or fish. Also useful are foods high in calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, which strengthen bone tissue.
  3. Baths with sea ​​salt, creams, gels with vitamins A, E, strengthening the nail bed.

If nothing helps, the nail exfoliates, crumbles, you need to see a doctor. He will prescribe tests that will help determine which vitamin, trace element is lacking in the body, after which he will prescribe a course of treatment. After therapy, the nail plates will strengthen, stop inflaming, piercing into the soft tissues of the fingers.

It is known that the horny plates on the legs grow almost 4 times slower than on the arms: only 1.5-2.5 mm per month. For this reason, pedicures can be done less frequently than manicures. Taking this into account, plus the fact that toenails are almost always "hidden" in shoes, some people neglect timely care, and then wonder why one or even several of them began to dig into the skin. And, alas, this is not the only (albeit the most common) reason for ingrowth.

Most often, the ingrowth of the nail plate into the skin occurs on the thumbs, a little less often on the little fingers and almost never on other terminal phalanges. The main reason for this phenomenon has already been established, but it can also be due to:

  • transverse / longitudinal flat feet, when the position of the foot during walking is considered physiologically incorrect;
  • excess calcium in the body;
  • wearing shoes with narrow toes or smaller sizes;
  • overweight, in particular during pregnancy;
  • fungal infections of the skin and / or nails of the feet;
  • impaired blood circulation in the lower extremities;
  • trauma;
  • an illiterate pedicure, when the plate was cut too short and rounded at the edges;
  • genetic predisposition to onychocryptosis - a disease in which the nails grow into the lateral or anterior roller of the finger.

How to understand that the nail begins to grow into the skin of the finger?

Signs of an ingrown horn plate into a toe are impossible to miss. At first, a person feels slight pain and discomfort only when walking. Then these symptoms increase so that they do not disappear even during rest. Further - more: since the edge of the nail does not go out, but sticks into soft tissues, the skin in this area noticeably swells, turns red. Touching it feels hot.

If the treatment of an ingrown nail is not started on time, a serious inflammatory process. The plate digs deeper into the epidermis, and, as a result, suppuration occurs, followed by the release of pus along with blood or the formation of an ulcer. Despite such unpleasant and painful formations, this is not final stage ingrown nails. The acute stage is replaced by a chronic one, which is characterized by the following symptoms: the granulation tissue increases significantly in the area of ​​​​the roller, the nail phalanges are compacted and deformed. In this situation, the inflammation is already considered irreversible and can go to the bone tissue.

What can be done if the nail has grown into the toe?

What to do if the nail plate began to cut into the skin? Experts answer that everything depends on the state of neglect. So, for example, if the nail has grown a little into the sidewall of the finger, then it is allowed to fix the problem at home on your own. You just need to pry the edge over the skin so that the regrown and, by coincidence, the ingrown part can be free again. If successful, a piece of bandage or cotton wool should be carefully placed under the raised corner, of course, having previously disinfected everything.

Treatment at home with ointments, compresses, baths and other folk remedies (which will be discussed in more detail at the end of the article) is also possible on initial stage ingrown toenail. However, if symptoms such as suppuration, acute pain, severe swelling and hyperemia, then the question of what can be done does not exist on its own. It is urgent to seek help from the clinic, where, depending on the severity of the case, the doctor will select the optimal method of treatment.

What are the traditional treatments?

If the nail began to dig into the skin on thumb leg or other terminal phalanx, then official medicine offers the following methods of treatment:

  • conservative;
  • orthopedic;
  • radio wave / laser;
  • surgical.

All are considered to be sparing, except surgical intervention. However, in some cases, surgery is the only option to eliminate an ingrown toenail. But more on that later. First, it is worth talking in more detail about each option.

1. Conservative.

The main goal is to reduce the intensity of pain in the affected area, combat purulent-inflammatory processes and, of course, create conditions for the problem-free growth of the horny plate. For this, both weak solutions with potassium permanganate and various antimicrobial ointments (for example, Levomikol, Baneocin) can be used.

Since ingrown nails are almost always characterized by overhanging (due to swelling) of inflamed soft tissues, drug therapy additionally combined with the imposition of cotton rolls or, if possible, bringing thin gauze strips under the edge of the plate. All accessories, of course, are pre-impregnated with antiseptic agents.

Application conservative treatment, unfortunately, is ineffective, and therefore it is justified only at the first signs of an ingrown nail. Also, an indication for such therapy is the impossibility, for one reason or another, to use more radical methods.

2. Orthopedic techniques.

The principle of operation is to gradually extend and increase the radius of deformation of the ingrown nail by changing the direction of tension. As a result: the problematic edges rise and separate from the soft tissues of the roller, which means that the degree of ingrowth and pressure on them is significantly reduced.

To achieve these goals, various springs and brackets can be used. They are in many ways similar to braces and are also individually made. However, in Lately Increasingly, the correction of ingrown nails with plates made of polymeric materials has become in demand. These devices, as practice shows, better adapt to the curvature of the stratum corneum and any varnish coating can be used on top of them.

3. Laser and radio wave methods.

They are famous for the fact that they allow treating ingrown nails by evaporating and dissecting the deformed tissue without any trauma, and due to the photocoagulant action, also without bleeding. Using a laser, it becomes possible to remove areas damaged by granulation as accurately and carefully as possible, while neighboring healthy areas do not suffer at all. The advantage of this technique is also that it contributes to the destruction of fungal spores and harmful bacteria, and, therefore, the plate recovers and heals faster.

Laser therapy and treatment of an ingrown nail with radio waves are considered by many to be similar procedures. The nail matrix and the growth zone are also processed here, and if soft tissues have grown, their excess is also removed. Only in this case, instead of a laser beam, specialists use radio waves, which, in their opinion, are distinguished by higher accuracy and controllability of the impact.

4. Operation.

If the nail has grown into the finger so that the doctor considers surgery with a scalpel the only way out of the situation, then it is performed as follows:

  • before the procedure, an x-ray of the foot is necessarily taken in order to exclude the likelihood of developing osteomyelitis (this is when the infection affects the bone tissue on the legs);
  • the patient is injected with an anesthetic and the beginning of its action is expected (the finger should become numb);
  • the focus of inflammation is removed;
  • if the ingrown nail is slightly damaged, then the surgeon makes a partial resection; in severe cases, the bed is completely excised;
  • at the end of the procedure, a bandage with an antibiotic ointment is applied to the damaged plate.

Surgery with a surgical scalpel is the most radical method from ingrown nails on the big toe or its other phalanx, and therefore resort to it only in exceptional cases.

Surgical intervention is required only when the ingrowth has reached last stage, that is, the inflammatory and deforming processes have become irreversible. However, there are exceptions. For example, an undeveloped ingrown toenail can be treated with surgery if other treatments fail. desired result or they often relapse.

Home Treatments

At home, you can treat a finger into the skin of which a nail has stuck, you can different methods. The main thing to remember is that this is only permissible at the initial stage, that is, when the first symptoms appear. It is also advisable not to neglect the advice of a doctor, because self-medication is always accompanied by the risk of developing negative consequences.

So, what to do to save an ingrown toenail at home:

  • Herbal baths.

Prepare an infusion of chamomile, string, calendula and St. John's wort by pouring 2 tablespoons of them with one liter of water. After steaming the herbs for 40 minutes and straining, then you need to hold your feet in the resulting liquid for at least 20-25 minutes. After the procedure, lift the steamed skin.

  • Compress with honey and onions.

Honey-onion compress - excellent home method soften the nail plate. What's more, it's quite easy to prepare. It is enough to mix a small chopped onion with 1 large spoon of honey, apply the mass on the problematic toe, wrap everything with stretch film and bandage it. Having made this compress for the night, as the reviews testify, in the morning you can try to bring the ingrown edge of the nail out.

  • Application of aloe.

It is better to start home treatment of a finger with aloe as soon as there is discomfort when walking. After all, the leaves of this "fleshy" plant have not only an anti-inflammatory effect, but also an anesthetic. And all you need is to cut the aloe across, attach one of the halves to the sore spot and bandage it without squeezing the phalanges.

  • Butter treatment.

Since nails often grow into the thumbs, this folk method will come in handy. The fact is that here you will need a latex fingertip, and, you see, it is bad to put it on other toes because of its jumping off. As for the therapy itself, it is simple to the point of impossibility. Having bought a fingertip, it should be filled with melted butter and put on the problem tip. As a rule, the next day the pain already noticeably subsides, the horny plate softens and you can lift the edge.

  • Use of funds from the first aid kit.

If the inflammation has already begun, then you can treat the nail on the big toe in this way. Dilute the antibacterial and concurrently anesthetic concentrate Dimexide with water in a ratio of 3:1. Lubricate the affected area with this solution, and then apply Ichthyol ointment or Vishnevsky on the plate, bandage everything.

As the season approaches open shoes, all women are in anticipation of new ideas and interesting solutions for a pedicure, dreaming of showing your legs in full glory. But some of them are in for a nuisance that will make them forget about beautiful toes. Ingrown toenail and its treatment, which can take up to long time, can spoil the mood of any fashionista.

Photo from the site: blogger.com

To avoid this situation in the summer, the problem should be dealt with beforehand, without starting it, especially since now there are many ways to cure an ingrown nail at home. " Perfect manicure"gathered his" collection " folk recipes and tools to help solve unpleasant problem without running it to the point where surgery is required.

Symptoms, prevention and treatment of ingrown toenails

To begin with, let's say that the problem of an ingrown nail is familiar not only to women, but also to men. Moreover, men are more likely to resort to procedures for the treatment of an ingrown toenail on the big toe. It's just easier for them to "disguise" the problem. While to the weaker sex fashion is not so supportive. Concepts " beautiful shoes” and “comfortable shoes” for women contain completely different content. As a rule, the fashion industry offers ladies a narrow, uncomfortable shoe, high heels - and these are all additional risks for the formation of an ingrown nail. And if the problem has already been outlined, then when using such shoes, it is aggravated.

Photo from the site: ectorbital.xyz

Except uncomfortable shoes An ingrown toenail can be caused by:

  • Specific direction of growth of the nail plates. Some people on genetic level laid in such a way that the nails grow at a slight slope, and they cannot avoid the problem of an ingrown nail. In other words, if one of the parents had frequent problems with ingrown nails, then their children are not immune from this fate.
  • Fungal infection, purulent diseases of the nails. Various diseases and inflammation lead to the growth of the soft tissues of the toes and deformation of the plates, which also threatens with ingrown nails.
  • Injury to the toes and nail plates. Broken nails, damage to the phalanges of the toes can provoke not correct height plates, and as a result - their ingrowth.
  • Incorrect nail cutting technique. By the way, the most common cause of the formation of an ingrown toenail. Most people try to cut their nails as deep as possible so that they do not have to return to the procedure for longer. As a result, a short-cut nail under the pressure of tight shoes begins to prop up the nail fold. And if it is also sharp, then ingrowth cannot be avoided.

Photo from the site: bildhelp.ru

Before you decide how to treat an ingrown nail, you should specify the symptoms of the problem in order to detect it in time and eliminate it in a timely manner.

The symptoms of an ingrown toenail are:

  • Thickening of the side roller on the side where the nail grows. Most often this inner side. It is on her that pressure is exerted, under the influence of which the nail begins to dig into the skin. As defensive reaction there is an increased granulation of tissues and its growth, the so-called "wild meat" is formed.
  • Thickening of the nail plates, their deformation (ribbed surface, point impressions).
  • Changing the color of the nail. Due to the thickening of the plate and the change in the density of the nail fold, the nail at the site of ingrowth acquires a yellowish color, but its transparency is preserved. Less commonly, the nail acquires a dense white tint.
  • Redness skin at the site of the ingrown nail.
  • Pain syndrome, especially clearly manifested while walking in closed tight shoes.
  • In advanced cases - suppuration with the formation of a yellowish-serous fluid.

In order not to have to decide the question of how to treat an ingrown toenail, it is necessary to observe prevention:

  • Choose the right shoes. It must fit, made of natural materials, be comfortable. The same applies to hosiery. Excessively tight stockings or socks with a predominance of synthetic fabrics also contribute to the formation of an ingrown nail.

Model tight shoes are one of the main provocateurs of the formation of an ingrown nail. Maximum allowable time stay in it - no more than 4 hours. The rest of the time you should use comfortable shoes that do not squeeze the feet. Therefore, try to buy shoes in the afternoon. It is noticed that by this time the feet swell a little and increase in size. Accordingly, having bought shoes taking into account these features, in the future, during its operation, you will not experience discomfort.

  • Try to pamper your feet by giving them a break from shoes and socks.
  • Perform hygiene procedures regularly.
  • Do the right pedicure. Pay special attention to cutting the plates on the big toes (the treatment of ingrown nails in 90% of cases falls on them). Cut the nail in a straight line, retreating from the nail bed by 1 - 2 mm. Round the corners with a nail file.

Ingrown toenail treatment at home

Immediately make a reservation that the treatment of an ingrown nail at home is possible only at the initial stages of the development of the problem. If the situation is complicated by suppuration and an open wound, then you should immediately seek help from specialists. We will tell you about the treatment of an ingrown nail without surgery.

Photo from the site: artis-cudendum.ru

In the treatment of an ingrown nail, the first priority is to “release” the nail plate from under the side roller. To do this, you will need to soften the nail in the bath. It is advisable to use an antiseptic bath - with an infusion of chamomile, calendula, string, or with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. It is important that the bath is warm. Too hot will irritate the inflamed skin around the nail. In addition, an ingrown nail can provoke suppuration and lead to the formation of wounds that are not noticeable at the initial stage of development of the problem, and hot water will provoke the growth of an abscess and the spread of infection. Cold baths will not soften the nail plate enough. Optimum temperature there will be an indicator of 32 - 35 degrees.

If suppuration has formed around the nail, then in this case it is a hot salt bath that should be prepared. Under the influence of hot water, the tissues will contract and thus exert natural pressure on the abscess. In turn, the salt will draw fluid out of the tissues. After this procedure, it is imperative to disinfect the wound surface. If the focus of suppuration cannot be removed on your own, you should definitely consult a doctor!

The duration of taking baths takes 20 - 25 minutes. It must be done 2 times a day.

After the nail softens, it should be carefully removed from under the nail roller as far as possible. To do this, a small flagellum made of gauze or cotton wool should be driven under the nail plate, soaked in a disinfectant solution - hydrogen peroxide, furacilin solution, alcohol diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1, etc. The flagellum must be driven as deep as the overgrown part of the nail will allow. Perhaps there will be discomfort and pain, but they will have to be endured.

Photo from the site: oblasti-rus.ru

Polyethylene should be applied over the application or a fingertip should be put on the finger. Applications and subungual flagellum should be changed twice a day, after each bath.

It is important to keep your feet bare as often as possible during treatment. If it is difficult to provide such an opportunity, you should choose the most comfortable shoes and less likely to expose the feet to stress.

This procedure is done until the ingrown nail is completely removed.

To speed up the healing process, you can also use this method of treating an ingrown toenail at home, such as filing the nail plate. To do this, cut a thin strip on the thumbnail, approximately to the middle of the plate. One deep cut is made in the center or several shallow cuts in several zones of the plate. It is important not to damage the nail bed. About 1/3 of the thickness of the nail plate is cut off.

As a result of this method, the nail plate under the natural pressure of the overgrown roller will shrink in the saw cut area and the nail will come out from under the skin on its own.

Photo from the site: bildhelp.ru

Treatment of an ingrown nail with folk remedies

Apart from medicines very effective recipes traditional medicine, which will help, how to cure an ingrown nail, so prevent possible relapses. Consider some recipes:

  • Butter for an ingrown toenail. A small amount of butter is applied to steamed and pre-disinfected nails. Then a gauze wagon is applied and the finger is wrapped in polyethylene. This procedure it is preferable to do at night. By morning, the nail and the skin around it will soften and a small cotton or gauze roller can be driven under it so that the nail does not re-enter the skin. The procedure is performed until the problem is completely resolved. Also, this tool helps well at the first hint of a problem. Due to the softening properties of the oil, the nail becomes softer and more elastic, and thus the possibility of its ingrowth is excluded.

Photo from the site: infoindustria.com.ua

  • Aloe pulp has similar emollient properties. A gruel from the leaves of the plant should be applied to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ingrown nail. For amplification therapeutic effect the finger can be wrapped with the inside of a cut aloe leaf. Put on a fingertip over the application or wrap the “design” with polyethylene. This procedure should also be done on pre-steamed and disinfected nails. Best time application - evening or during sleep. Under the influence of aloe juice, the nail softens and over time it can be removed from under the nail roller. In addition, aloe will have a wound-healing effect on the lateral ridges.

Photo from the site: healgemor.ru

  • It will help, how to cure an ingrown toenail, and relieve inflammation, a plantain leaf. The scheme of the procedure is as follows: a crushed plantain leaf should be applied to the pre-steamed nails. The resulting application is again wrapped with a leaf of a whole plantain and wrapped with gauze. To enhance the effect, the treatment bandage can be sealed with polyethylene or a fingertip. The procedure is carried out at night. In the morning, you should carefully, as far as possible, remove the nail from under the overhanging area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin and drive a small flagellum of cotton or gauze under it.

Photo from the site: myfamilydoctor.ru

As you can see, an ingrown toenail can also be treated at home. The main thing is to observe the regularity of procedures and ensure the rest of the affected limb. After the end of the treatment, do not forget about preventive measures, because once an ingrown nail can remind of itself with a relapse. It is also important not to let the problem take its course and not self-medicate when the problem has gone too far and is complicated by the formation of suppuration and an open wound surface. IN this case need urgent medical attention!

Most often, the thumbs are affected, but in general it can happen on any other, both on the legs and on the hands. The reasons are as follows:

It is worth highlighting the following reasons:

  1. Clumsily trimmed nails. Quite often, the problems associated with an ingrown nail are of concern to those who carefully monitor hygiene. Many people cut their nails very deep and too short, giving a rounded shape. It is not right. Such cutting leads to the fact that there are serious problems with thumb- the nail grows into the skin and hurts.
  2. tight shoes leads to permanent injury, friction. Eventually the nail will grow in. This may also be the result of wearing shoes on high heels.
  3. If there is flat feet, ingrown nails into the skin are often observed.

The risk group should be added to those who have a sweet disease - diabetes. Another reason is the genetic factor.

There can be several reasons for the development of an unpleasant defect:

An ingrown toenail can be treated at home and clinically. The first option is suitable for the initial stages of ingrowth, when the correct pedicure and some other methods can still solve the problem, but the second option is appropriate when serious suppuration begins, and it is impossible to solve the problem with improvised means.

Doctors are treated infrequently, leading to serious consequences, but this is not because people do not want, are afraid or embarrassed, but because they do not know which doctor to contact.

A surgeon is engaged in the treatment of an ingrown nail - onychocryptosis. It will help you quickly get rid of the problem. Another specialist who deals with the feet is a podologist.

Ingrown toenail: how to get rid of it yourself at home

Without a reason, the nail plate will not grow into the nail roller. In order for this disease of the fingers to begin to develop, factors provoking it are required. Most often they are:

A disease in which the nail plate grows into the soft tissues of the finger is called onychocryptosis. It is characterized by frequent inflammatory processes at the site of ingrowth and excruciating pain, which is aggravated by walking.

The most common causes of an ingrown toenail are:

  • Wrong haircut, toenail care. Of all the reasons, this is the most commonplace, but at the same time the most common. In no case should the nail plates on the legs be cut at an angle or along an oval line. Correctly cut should be strictly horizontally only that part of it that has gone beyond the nail roller to the outside. Short cut toenails can also be the cause of ingrown toenails.
  • Uncomfortable, narrow, tight shoes. When we pay tribute to fashion, we do not think about the consequences. The narrow toe of the shoe squeezes the toes so much that the nail plates are deformed and change the direction of their growth. This reason is equally relevant for both women and men. Note that in children who we take comfortable shoes, this ailment practically does not occur.
  • mechanical injury. For this reason, the direction of growth of the nail plate may also change. Therefore, it is very important to properly care for nails after an injury in order to prevent ingrown nails.
  • An ingrown toenail on the big toe may appear due to flat feet, especially the transverse one. As a rule, the deformation of the foot (flattening of its arches) changes the load on all fingers, and then the nail plates begin to grow.
  • Nails can be deformed under the influence of certain diseases. Particularly irreparable harm can be done to them fungal diseases causing developmental anomalies and ingrowth.
  • factor of heredity. Why do toenails grow in this case? Because not only the shape of the eyes, ears and nose is transmitted to children, but also the shape of the foot. The altered appearance of the foot and fingers remains in the memory of the cells, safely passing to our children.

If we consider in detail all the reasons that lead to the appearance of this problem, it turns out that in most cases only we ourselves are to blame. But it's too early to lose heart, because we can eliminate most of the causes in the same way by radically changing the situation.

How to get rid of an ingrown toenail - read on.

The severity of the pathology

This is an ailment that has several degrees of severity:

With the 1st, pain during walking is mild, since the nerve endings have not yet been affected. Inflammation develops in the soft tissues, swelling appears, the skin turns red.

At grade 2, there is an increase acute angle with its subsequent ingrowth into the roller. Redness on the skin intensifies, swelling of the tissues becomes more pronounced, a purulent-inflammatory process and ulceration develop.

At 3, a bloody-purulent granuloma begins to form on the finger, the nodules actively bleed. If treatment is not carried out, then the inflammatory process proceeds for a long time and the disease becomes chronic.

And under the influence of a granuloma and due to an increase in the size of the lateral roller due to swelling, the plate can bend and become duller and thicker.

In the absence of adequate treatment, the inflammation spreads and affects the soft tissues of the posterior nail fold, which provokes the following problems:

  • inflammation and suppuration;
  • hyperkeratosis;
  • development of papillomavirus infection;
  • erysipelas;
  • purulent inflammation of the connective tissue of the fiber;
  • inflammation of the lymphatic vessels;
  • osteomyelitis of the phalanx;
  • fungal infections;
  • inflammation of the tissues of the finger;
  • malignant neoplasm.

At severe course diseases, people often lose their ability to work.

Traditional Treatments

It is best to consult a doctor and choose one of traditional ways. The disease is prone to relapse and difficult to treat. Therefore, the problem must be approached comprehensively, taking into account the cause that caused the pathology, the stage of development of the inflammatory process and associated infections.

All traditional methods are divided into 3 types:

  • conservative;
  • orthopedic;
  • surgical.

What therapy should be carried out, the doctor will tell, depending on the patient's condition.

1. Conservative treatment.

The main goals are:

  • elimination of purulent-inflammatory process;
  • reduction of pain in the affected area;
  • prevention of tissue injury around the nail;
  • creating conditions for rapid growth plates.

Symptoms of an ingrown toenail

An ingrown nail occurs when the space for the growth of the nail plate is blocked by the nail fold. As a result, since the growth of the nail does not stop, it cuts into the tissues of such an obstacle.

In order not to miss the disease at the very beginning, it is important to know exactly the symptoms of an ingrown toenail. suspect pathological process follows if observed:

  • slight soreness of the nail roller (in this case, self-treatment is possible);
  • redness of the nail fold (with it self-treatment is possible);
  • swelling of the roller (the possibility of self-treatment remains);
  • significant pain syndrome(remains possible self-treatment);
  • "wild meat" in the area of ​​​​the ingrown nail (only surgical treatment is allowed);
  • purulent-necrotic process in the tissues located in the area of ​​ingrown nails (an urgent surgical removal ingrown nail).

Considering dangerous consequences diseases, be sure to pay attention to the most minor changes in the state of the nail fold and promptly treat the ingrown nail.


A doctor will help to cure an ingrown nail completely and drastically, but there are other methods of dealing with trouble:

These methods involve some unpleasant intervention, so to speak, small operations that will help treat an ingrown toenail on the big toe. However, there are other methods, one of them is the use of special brackets.

Fraser staple

A wire loop that is custom made and applied to the nail without cutting it. It acts on the principle of a screed, lifting the corners and preventing them from growing in. Over time, the plate straightens out.

Before use you need:

  • thoroughly clean the nail and the skin around it;
  • cut the corners of the plate correctly;
  • remove loose and rough skin on rollers, as well as from under the nail;
  • treat with a disinfectant solution.

A rigid wire is placed across the nail, and the tips are bent over the edges (in the middle). After 3-4 days, you can feel the elimination of pain and some relief.

Bracket ZTO

Wire bracket, which is also installed and fixed at the edges. Gradually, the nail rises and straightens. You can wear such a brace for up to six months, visiting a doctor every 1.5 months.

It is important to ensure that the staple does not twist, otherwise it will tear off the nail. All types of staples, including OST, are installed only by a doctor.

Bracket Goldstadt

A small flat-format metal bracket, one end of which is attached to the edge of the nail, and the other is glued to the plate (ideal if the nail grows on one side and seems to be rounded).

The doctor's job is to correctly calculate the tension of the staple so that it does not potentially tear off the nail plate.

B/S inserts

Plastic plates that are attached with glue:

  • the nail is cleaned, polished and degreased;
  • the plate is installed and polished;
  • the nail and plate are covered with medical varnish.

Change such an accessory, which helps if the nail has grown on the big toe and fester, about 1 time per month. Treatment lasts from 3 months to six months.

All plates are an ideal option on how to solve the problem of an ingrown nail without resorting to surgery in the first stages. However, the risk of recurrence remains quite high.

Ointments and gels are the best way to soften an ingrown toenail, kill infections and correct the proper growth of the plate.

However, they are more effective for the first stages. May be assigned to complex therapy after surgery:

When choosing a way to get rid of an ingrown toenail on the big toe, you can not ignore special liquids for processing a finger during a pedicure, installing a brace or other manipulations:

  1. "Dimexide" - you can do compresses with it or wash the nail and skin with inflammation, but there are the same contraindications as the gel.
  2. Scholl is an excellent fluid to use before cutting or other procedures for an ingrown toenail. Gives effect when regular use.
  3. Gehwol is a drug that softens the plate and eliminates pain. Corrects nail growth.

There is another excellent remedy, like baths - it is quite possible to cure an ingrown toenail on the big toe without surgery in the first stages.

Recipes for effective baths

For implementation, you will need a small container, if there is a special bath with massage, then this is just wonderful! Several different ingredients should be added to it:

Summing up, we can highlight the scheme - what to do if a nail has grown on the big toe:

  1. To begin with, it is recommended to hold your feet for 20 minutes in water for several days, 3-4 times a day. The procedure will reduce swelling and relieve pain.
  2. Then, having disinfected the area, lift the edge of the nail, placing cotton or a piece of dental floss.
  3. Be sure to use ointments with antibiotics that disinfect and remove inflammation.
  4. In the process of treatment, you need to wear loose shoes, even better - with an open nose.
  5. When severe pain you can drink pills or apply special painkillers ointments on your finger.

There are many ointments and solutions that are easy to pick up without a doctor. Experts believe that it is advisable to carry out independent procedures only if the nail does not fester.

1. Anti-inflammatory and antiseptic drugs: Furacilin, ethanol, various ointments. Before applying them, the skin and nail must be softened. The easiest way to do this is with baths. They are also necessary before removing the plate, ingrown into the skin.

2. At an early stage of the process, baths are the first remedy. They are made on the basis of a decoction of willow or oak bark, herbal infusions string or chamomile. Perfectly softens the skin and anesthetizes the solution with sea salt.

3. Magnesium sulfate is often used as a first aid. It helps to release the corner from under the skin. Prepare baths based on this drug. Allows you to steam even very hard nails.

5. Be sure to use topical antibiotics in the form of a cream or ointment. They kill bacteria and stop the development of infection. Fingers are lubricated along the entire length 2 times a day, which will not fester. They do it at home so as not to wear shoes for some time.

6. Levomekol has antibacterial and antiseptic properties, thanks to which the nail will not fester, and the wound will be cleaned. Apply to a napkin or gauze and apply to the affected area. They can also lubricate the affected area.

7. When home treatment use ichthyol ointment. It relieves inflammation, anesthetizes and removes pus. The ointment is applied to the affected area and covered with a gauze bandage.

8. Vishnevsky's ointment has a similar effect - it anesthetizes and relieves inflammation, it accelerates regeneration processes, and the wound heals faster. Processing is carried out in the morning and in the evening. But if the nail is festering, then it is strictly contraindicated.

Preventive measures

In order not to have to Once again To treat an ingrown toenail, you must follow these recommendations:

There are many methods for treating an ingrown toenail. Conservative methods include:

This good way which have been used for decades. You will need a leaf of the plant, previously peeled from the skin.

Chop it finely and place in a bowl. Boil water, cool a little, pour aloe.

Apply the composition to the affected area and bandage. Remove the compress in the morning.

For some reason, many people think that the legs are just aesthetic value. It is enough that they look good, well-groomed and beautiful.

But in fact, few people think that the edges of our fingers are very sensitive, and if we didn’t have nails, our legs would be constantly exposed to injuries and infections.

Therefore, it is important not only to wash them on time and carry out procedures such as pedicures. Such a pathology as an ingrown toenail is dangerous.

And it is best to treat it in medical institutions, according to the recommendations and advice of a doctor. After all, if you start the disease, it can switch to other fingers.

Sooner or later, everything will lead to the fact that the disease will worsen.

It is bad enough that pathology does not always manifest itself on early stages, and a person may not even suspect that something is wrong with him. But after a while, there will be discomfort, pain, redness around the nail. It is at this moment that you need to not just go, but run to the doctor.

If this is not done, and no measures are taken on their own, then swelling will periodically appear in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe finger, inflammation will begin to progress, and the pain will become more intense. This will cause the patient to begin to limp.

With each passing day, the inflammation will become stronger, it will become noticeable externally, and with an infection, pus will form under the nail.

The doctor will tell you how to cure an ingrown nail, because it is not always possible to cope with such a problem on your own. Medical methods show high efficiency in the fight against the disease.

The most popular drugs that doctors prescribe if a nail has grown into a toe can be found in the table.

If you are worried about an ingrown toenail, how to treat it with conservative methods, you should consult a specialist. Usually use special corrective devices. Thanks to them, it is possible to treat an ingrown nail without surgery. Conservative methods include:

In severe and advanced cases, an ingrown toenail requires radical and immediate treatment. In such conditions, doctors use surgical intervention. This method is quite painful, so local anesthesia is used with it.

When an ingrown nail is concerned about how it is treated at home, this disease can be found out from a local doctor. On initial stages disease does not require radical and painful methods. Usually it is enough to treat at home with simple folk remedies. Among them are:

  • Salt baths - have a beneficial effect on softening the skin. Salt also acts as a natural antiseptic, and warm water relieves pain. The procedure is carried out for 15-30 minutes. During this time, the skin is well steamed, and the nail that cuts into it will become soft, so you can try to gently pry and cut off its corner.
  • Butter - used for compresses. You can also warm oil apply on the nail and wrap with a film. Wash off after a few hours, then treat with an antiseptic. Thanks to this method, further ingrown nails can be prevented.
  • Medicinal herbs- they are used for baths. For example, chamomile and calendula have disinfecting properties, accelerate the release of pus, and mint - painkillers. Herbs are pre-brewed and then diluted with boiled water. Carry out the steaming procedure for 30 minutes.
  • Aloe compress - used if the nail grows strong enough and provokes inflammation. The juice of the plant is applied to gauze and applied to the affected area of ​​the skin. Aloe relieves redness and prevents the growth of bacteria.
  • Onions and honey - grind in a blender to a state of gruel. The mixture is applied to the finger under a bandage and left overnight. Such a compress can be done if the skin is very inflamed and there is a lot of pus.

How to understand that the procedure is no longer worth it is quite simple. If the nail has stopped growing, its corners are visible - you can carefully do a pedicure and safely forget about the problem.

If the nail on the big toe or other terminal phalanx began to dig into the skin, then official medicine offers the following methods of treatment:

  • conservative;
  • orthopedic;
  • radio wave / laser;
  • surgical.

All are considered sparing, except for surgical intervention. However, in some cases, surgery is the only option to eliminate an ingrown toenail. But more on that later. First, it is worth talking in more detail about each option.

1. Conservative.

The main goal is to reduce the intensity of pain in the affected area, combat purulent-inflammatory processes and, of course, create conditions for the problem-free growth of the horny plate.

For this, both weak solutions with potassium permanganate and various antimicrobial ointments (for example, Levomikol, Baneocin) can be used.

Since ingrown nails are almost always characterized by overhanging (due to edema) of inflamed soft tissues, drug therapy is additionally combined with the application of cotton rolls or, if possible, thin gauze strips under the edge of the plate.

All accessories, of course, are pre-impregnated with antiseptic agents.

The use of conservative treatment, unfortunately, is ineffective, and therefore it is justified only at the first signs of an ingrown nail. Also, an indication for such therapy is the impossibility, for one reason or another, to use more radical methods.

2. Orthopedic techniques.

The principle of operation is to gradually extend and increase the radius of deformation of the ingrown nail by changing the direction of tension. As a result: the problematic edges rise and separate from the soft tissues of the roller, which means that the degree of ingrowth and pressure on them is significantly reduced.

To achieve these goals, various springs and brackets can be used. They are in many ways similar to braces and are also individually made.

Recently, however, the correction of ingrown nails with plates made of polymeric materials has become increasingly in demand. These devices, as practice shows, better adapt to the curvature of the stratum corneum and any varnish coating can be used on top of them.

3. Laser and radio wave methods.

They are famous for the fact that they allow treating ingrown nails by evaporating and dissecting the deformed tissue without any trauma, and due to the photocoagulant action, also without bleeding.

Using a laser, it becomes possible to remove areas damaged by granulation as accurately and carefully as possible, while neighboring healthy areas do not suffer at all.

The advantage of this technique is also that it contributes to the destruction of fungal spores and harmful bacteria, and, therefore, the plate recovers and heals faster.

Laser therapy and treatment of an ingrown nail with radio waves are considered by many to be similar procedures. The nail matrix and the growth zone are also processed here, and if soft tissues have grown, their excess is also removed.

Only in this case, instead of a laser beam, specialists use radio waves, which, in their opinion, are distinguished by higher accuracy and controllability of the impact.

4. Operation.

Treatment with folk remedies

There are other methods of treating an ingrown nail, called folk remedies. Their effectiveness in itself is questionable, but as an alternative and complementary therapy, their use is appropriate.

Most folk methods contained useful components that really help regeneration and fight pain:

Tight, non-breathable shoes, and even models with a pointed toe, are a guarantee that your feet will be uncomfortable. There is an ingrowth of the edge of the nail plate into soft tissues against the background of constant pressure on the edge of the leg.

In order to effectively deal with this problem, there is an excellent way, which consists in gradually correcting the shape of the nail plate by meticulous, unhurried and very careful sawing along the plane of the entire middle part.

You should start from the very foundation, but not to the meat. Visually, the sawn thickness should be controlled - it should be half the nail plate.

When sawing is performed, the thickness will become thinner, become more transparent, the nail will be more pink in color. appearance. Time will pass, and the nail will correct in shape, there will be no ingrowth along the edges.

Ointments in the fight against ingrown toenails on the big toe

In order to remove some of the symptoms, various ointments are used:

Ointments are applied to a dry leg and loosely wrapped with a bandage all night. As a result, pus is drawn out. In the morning, you can try to cut off the ingrown corner of the plate.

Treatment with folk remedies

Effective home healing can significantly reduce the risk of infection as a result of infection through a wound on the big toe. Important Tasks that pursue all methods that help in treatment include the following features:

  1. Relief of inflammation.
  2. Cutting off part of the nail plate.
  3. Restoring the correct shape of the nail, as a result, it becomes possible to prevent the manifestation of such problems with the nails.

Of the main methods of struggle, it is worth highlighting the following:

In order to wash the wound with pus, choose a lower concentration of the solution - in the range of ten to thirty percent.

Complications of an ingrown toenail

In the event that the patient refuses treatment for some reason, an ingrown nail can lead to serious complications. This ailment is the cause that causes such diseases:

  • lymphadenitis;
  • lymphangitis;
  • purulent inflammation of the bone of the nail phalanx of the finger (osteomyelitis);
  • gangrene of the finger;
  • abscess;
  • sepsis.

Thus, it becomes clear that an ingrown nail is not at all nonsense, which only causes discomfort. Only timely therapy can lead to complete healing and prevention of complications.

Ingrown toenail prevention

Ingrown toenails can be prevented by following these tips:

Flat feet puts people at risk: they are more likely to develop ingrown nails, as are those who suffer from atherosclerosis or diabetes.

During pregnancy, an ingrown toenail should only be treated under medical supervision. It will help you choose the right ointment that will not harm the health of the child and mother, as well as prevent the development of complications and infections.

If the temperature begins to rise with an ingrown nail, this means that the periungual roller is severely infected. In parallel, pain appears and swelling increases. The process goes to the bones and surrounding tissues.

Of course, it is much better to prevent a problem than to think about what to do if the nail grows. Therefore, treatment at home should begin with preventive measures.

First of all, you should pay attention to shoes. It should be free and comfortable.

It is undesirable to constantly wear shoes with high heels. It should also be noted that shoes made from natural materials are much less likely to provoke various kinds of problems, including ingrown nails.

Equally important is foot hygiene. Incorrectly done pedicure is the main cause of ingrown nails. Therefore, during hygiene procedures, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • All tools are pre-treated with special disinfectants or alcohol. This is necessary to avoid infection.
  • Before the procedure, the feet are thoroughly washed with antibacterial soap. It is important to clean the entire foot, not just the toes.
  • Nails are pre-softened with cream or bathed. This is necessary so that they do not break or crumble under the influence of scissors.
  • It is optimal to use ordinary straight scissors for pedicure.
  • Don't cut your nails too short. They are given a natural shape without removing or rounding the corners.
  • All sharp places and irregularities must be trimmed with a nail file. In order not to loosen the nail, you should file it in only one direction.
  • For cuticles, it is better to use special sticks, not scissors. Firstly, it is safer, and secondly, it is much more aesthetically pleasing.

Onychocryptosis is called the ingrowth of a part of the nail plate into the tissue of the nail fold (to be precise, the lateral edge). Most often, an ingrown toenail is found on the big toe.

An inflammatory process, swelling, redness and pain appear. Often, only pain makes you see a doctor when it is already impossible to endure and suppuration occurs. Because of this, the problem becomes chronic. According to statistics, chronic onychocryptosis acquires half of the patients.

Why does a nail grow in

The reasons are different and conditionally divided into external factors and diseases.

External causes

  • Uncomfortable (not your size) and narrow shoes(including narrow nose).


What are the symptoms of onychocryptosis

There are five main signs, some directly speak about a certain stage of the disease:


As soon as an ingrown toenail is suspected, be sure to contact a foot specialist or surgeon.

Doctors will ask you to go through a few simple laboratory research to make the most accurate diagnosis. These are the blood tests:

  • General. Helps to understand at what stage the inflammation is.
  • For glucose. To exclude the presence of diabetes.

If you have a fungus, see a dermatologist and stick to a comprehensive treatment regimen. One method is clearly not enough. Are there any complications? Then you can not do without additional diagnostics.

The surgeon will certainly say to do an x-ray of the foot, with its help, suppurations are found on the bones and a bone outgrowth (osteophyte) can be seen on the finger.

If onychocryptosis in a child

You may not try the home remedies described below, because in children everything is more serious, it is difficult for them to endure pain, it is more difficult to understand what exactly is bothering them. Immediately take a coupon to the surgeon or sign up to the specialists of private clinics.

Treatment at home

Treatment at home is possible only in the initial stages of onychocryptosis or for the purpose of prevention, and requires compliance with certain conditions:

  • you need to wear only loose shoes;
  • observe hygiene rules;
  • cut nails correctly;
  • change socks twice a day.

There are six home remedies for getting rid of an ingrown toenail. We will briefly describe them below.

Taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Indicated for strong painful sensations. You need to follow the instructions and generally do not abuse the pills. You can use Nimesulide, Paracetamol, Ibuprofen and other drugs from the group.

Disinfectant baths
For good effect do twice or four times a day, regularly. Dissolve in water or baking soda, or a solution of potassium permanganate, or sea salt. Baths soften the tissue and help gently remove the nail. If this can be done, then do not forget to wipe the treated areas with iodine.

Compress from medicines
Designed to relieve inflammation. It is prepared from 10 milliliters of dimexide, 20 milliliters of water, 1 milliliter of dexamethasone and 1 ampoule of analgin. A gauze swab is moistened in the solution, applied to the finger, covered with cellophane, bandaged and put on over the sock. They keep the night, do the procedure for three to four days. If it does not go away within the specified time, immediately see a doctor.

Boiling water
It is used exclusively at the beginning of the disease, not with an abscess. A swollen, inflamed finger is placed for a couple of seconds in a very hot water and get it back. Repeat for 10-20 minutes. It should turn out about 20-30 times.

Chlorhexidine solution
Moisten them with a sterile bandage and apply to the area between the skin roller and the nail. As soon as it dries, “flavor” again with an antiseptic. The bandage is slightly advanced daily to free the nail.

vertical groove
It is done on the stratum corneum of an ingrown nail with a nail file. Allows you to lift the edge of the problem area when tightening.

The main active ingredient is carbamide (urea), which softens the nail and tissues and makes it easier to trim. You need to apply on a dry finger, filling the ointment with a spatula between the nail edge and the periungual roller. Socks are put on after the procedure. Duration - 3-4 days, then they try to cut off the nail.

Vishnevsky ointment
Indicated for infections. Consists of birch tar, castor oil, xeroform. It should be applied under a bandage at night, removed in the morning. You can cut the nail if it comes out from under the roller.

Softens, relieves inflammation and pain symptoms. It contains extracts of Maclea and licorice, palm oil, plus St. John's wort horophyte, petroleum jelly. First, the legs are steamed, and then a balm is applied to the roller and the entire plate. One or two times a day is enough.

Ichthyol ointment
Helps fight inflammation painful sensations, bacteria and irritation. Contains Ichthammol and Vaseline. With the ointment, they make a “night” bandage so that in the morning you can cut the nail.

Surgical methods

How to behave after surgery

Resection is a rather serious operation that requires a long recovery. The treated area will be painful at first. Complete healing occurs within a month, and control is required all the time: to protect the nail bed from infection as much as possible. They also take the following steps:

  • For three to five days, the operated site is treated with antiseptic agents, for example, hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine, antibacterial ointments (Gentaxan, Levomekol, etc.) are used, and the finger is bandaged with sterile materials. Followed by dressing every other day.
  • In the early days, it is advisable not to step on your foot at all, and then adhere to a gentle regimen and avoid stress.
  • If you are very worried discomfort you can take painkillers.
  • Shoes are allowed only wide, so that the materials do not come into contact with the sore toe.

State-of-the-art non-surgical and safe methods

This optimal solution, as it is carried out under the supervision of specialists using the latest equipment. Fast and safe.

Podofix (Podofix)
Podofix This is a non-surgical treatment of ingrown nails, developed by German specialists. For correction, small staples-plates are used on the nail, which can be completely varnished. They are almost invisible, do not cause discomfort, do not require the abandonment of an active lifestyle. This adhesive-backed staple is also shown when calluses, hypergranulation, nail curl, for cosmetic purposes.

  • Kombiped (Combiped)
    Combined technique, the design combines Podofix plates and ZTO staples (metal staple and adhesive plastic pad). Easy to install, straightens the nail, relieves pain.
    Full description of the method and price

Possible negative consequences if timely treatment is not started

How to prevent an ingrown toenail

First of all, learn the basics of pedicure. There are not many rules, here are the main ones:

Photo of an ingrown nail before / after, symptoms, consequences, treatment