How to do the correction of extended nails with acrylic. The perfect solution for many nail problems. When to manipulate

If not every girl dares to build nails on her own, then every second woman tries to carry out the correction procedure. It is worth noting that this process is not too easy, and sometimes even more difficult than the modeling itself. Nail correction is a material restoration procedure to preserve the appearance of a manicure, as well as to minimize the risk of injury, splitting and cracking of the nail plates.


The extension is carried out according to two technologies: acrylic and gel. Correction of nails also differs, depending on what kind of material the nail modeling procedure was carried out. Each extension technology has its pros and cons, its own features that need to be taken into account at all stages. And nail polish is no exception.

General information

Before starting work, it is necessary to study the basic general rules. First, any procedure involving the use of tools must be safe. It is necessary to carefully treat everything with disinfectants. This applies to both nails and tools. Secondly, nail correction at home is faster if you use a special manicure machine. It is not necessary to purchase a professional model. A machine for correcting nails can be either semi-professional or generally homemade (with low speed). Nozzles also need to be disinfected so as not to infect during operation.

Materials for gel correction

When processing nails extended using gel technology, the following materials are needed:

  • modeling gel;
  • antiseptic;
  • degreaser;
  • acid-free primer;
  • liquid to remove the sticky layer.

This is the minimum set. If the nails were built up with a single-phase gel, then it can also be used for correction. If the technology was three-phase, then any system is suitable.

Gel Correction Tools

The minimum set of tools that will help you make the correction as quickly and easily as possible consists of:

  • UV lamps;
  • lint-free wipes;
  • pusher or orange sticks;
  • buff for polishing nails;
  • gel files (100/100 grit, 150/180 grit);
  • manicure apparatus (if there is one, if not - only nail files);
  • brushes for gel nail modeling;
  • manicure nippers for artificial nails;
  • cuticle pliers or blades.

It is noteworthy that a manicure machine can replace several tools at once, since it can do most of the sawdust work.

Step by step procedure

First of all, nails and hands are treated with an antiseptic so that during work the risk of introducing even the slightest infection is reduced to zero. If the manicure is made with varnish, then it must be erased. The cuticle is pushed back with a pusher or orange sticks. After that, it is removed with wire cutters as carefully as possible so as not to injure the finger. Masters recommend replacing the trimming method with an uncircumcised one in order to carry out the procedure safely with a 100% guarantee. The next step is degreasing. A special tool is dripped onto a lint-free napkin, which is carefully cleaned nails. After this step, the plates are no longer touched by hands, so as not to spoil the adhesion of materials. This is where the preparation ends. Correction of extended nails involves several stages.

Step #1: Thickness

If you apply an infinite number of layers of material, then the nails will become thick, barrel-shaped and vulnerable to blows. Not to mention that all the beauty of the extension will come to naught. That is why, after preparation, the thickness of the material is removed first. This can be done either with a special nozzle on a typewriter, or with a 100/100 grit nail file, since the gel is not too easy to cut off by hand with soft sandpaper. The thickness is removed exactly half of the existing one. The area between the cuticle and the material (there is a natural plate) is filed gently with a soft file (150/180 grit). If the gel began to slip strongly in this place, there are cracks and discharges, then it is carefully cut down until only a strong adhesion remains.

Step #2: Length

Correction of extended nails also involves the removal of excessive length. It appears as a result of the growth of natural plates, along which the gel "creeps" up. This increases the length. If it is unacceptable and uncomfortable to wear, then it is reduced. Too large is removed with wire cutters, medium and small - they are cut down with a machine or a nail file. Correction of the shape of the nails can be carried out at this very moment, if this is permissible. That is, a square (the standard and most common shape) can be sawed down to an oval, almond or circle. Usually the length is removed by 1-2 mm. If the correction is carried out late, when the nails are strongly branched, then up to 5 mm.

Step #3: Processing

After all the sawdust work has been successfully completed, the resulting dust is removed with a brush. Additionally, the nails are treated with a degreaser again, then with a primer. The latter is a special liquid that is designed to form a strong bond between the old layer of material, natural nails and a new layer of gel. The primer dries in the air within a few seconds. In this case, the nail plate may turn slightly white, but this is absolutely normal. The primer should not be touched by hands, it is desirable that it does not fall on artificial material.

Step #4: Modeling

Correction of nails consists in laying out a new material on the old and on the natural nail. Everything is done in exactly the same way as with extensions. That is, all the rules are observed: the gel should not fall on the cuticle or side rollers, the apex remains in its place, the convex shape is preserved. Each layer is dried in the lamp exactly as long as the instructions for the material require. The ends are carefully sealed so that the gel does not slip or chip off. It is necessary to dry not only from the outside, but also from the inside, otherwise sealing will not work.

Step #5: Finish

After the necessary manipulations are carried out, proceed to the last stage. Covering nails with a finish gel, which can be either with a sticky layer (it is removed) or without it. When it dries under the lamp, oil is applied to the cuticle. After that, the correction procedure is considered completed.

acrylic correction

It is not much different from gel, just the material dries differently - without a UV lamp. In addition, sawing and processing are carried out with nail files, the abrasiveness of which is 150/180 grit. Too hard a file can cause injury to the nails. The rest of the procedure is similar to the gel. As a degreaser, you can use a nail polish remover, and instead of a professional antiseptic, for example, formic or boric alcohol. To keep the gloss on acrylic longer, the last layer is made using a finishing gel, which is dried in a special lamp. This combination makes the nails stronger - they become more resistant to negative factors. All brushes for material (both gel and acrylic) must be made of natural bristles. Lint-free napkins are required so that even the smallest piece of fabric does not remain on the material.

Natural nails and their correction

Correction of nails at home is carried out not only on extended nails, but also on natural ones. The procedure is called "manicure". There are several types of it: edged, unedged, hardware. Each of them is good in its own way. So, for example, the hardware does not require steaming, but you need a manicure machine. Edged copes with complex and neglected cases. And unedged manicure is considered the simplest: no special apparatus, no sharp and dangerous tools are required.

Special cases

Correction of an ingrown nail with plates is performed first with a manicure machine and is considered a special case in manicure. First, you first need to steam out the problem finger. Secondly, you need a device with nozzles. The step by step procedure looks like this:

  1. The nail is steamed, then treated with an antiseptic.
  2. The skin is pushed back with an orange stick or a pusher.
  3. Everything that can be processed with a cone nozzle is processed. This applies to the cuticle, lateral ridges, skin on the nail.
  4. Then the nail plate is degreased and polished.
  5. A special medical plate is processed with a machine, adjusting in size and shape.
  6. A special glue is applied to it, the plate is pressed against the nail in the problem area.

A stretched brace on the nail prevents it from growing further, straightening and correcting growth. Only the master should carry out such a procedure, since at home it is impossible to assess how strong the tension is and what kind of plate is required. It is recommended that you first visit a doctor so that he can determine possible solutions to the problem of an ingrown nail.

Price range

Nail correction, the price of which is quite high, can be carried out:

  • on one's own;
  • in the cabin;
  • from a private master at home.

It is worth noting that in the salon, usually the price of the procedure is exactly half the cost of extension (approximately 600-1200 rubles for both hands). A private master can make a discount or even spend everything for free, if he is still learning. You can do the correction yourself, but only by following all the rules and procedures, and extensions, otherwise there is a risk of spoiling your nails to disgrace. In addition, you will have to spend money on funds and tools, which in terms of cost is equal to the procedure in the salon or with the master. And how do professionals do nail correction? Exactly according to the instructions, in accordance with all the rules.


Depending on what kind of procedure is needed, it is worth considering the possibility of carrying it out at home. So, for example, it is better to entrust problematic and complex cases to a professional, and deal with easy ones on your own. Correction of nails at home does not cause difficulties if you follow the instructions and advice of the masters. Manicure of any type can be carried out independently, saving money and time. Extended nails require correction every two or three weeks, depending on how quickly your nails grow back. At the same time, in the absence of a special apparatus, but if necessary, remove the free edge from under the end, it is still worth visiting a master who can easily cope with this problem. Nails that have diseases (it doesn’t matter if they were before the build-up or appeared after it) must first be cured and only then beautified with varnishes or artificial material.

About design

If during the correction of extended nails it is required to change the design, then it is necessary to almost completely cut off the thickness. After that, the first layer of material is modeled, on which decorative elements are laid out. It is noteworthy that such a nail correction costs several times more than a regular one, since it combines triple work: almost complete removal, then design and modeling. Such work is valued higher, takes more time, but the result exceeds all expectations. It is recommended to think over the design in advance. For example, painting is done on already modeled nails, and internal design - only under the base or finishing layer.

In this article you will learn how I do the correction of extended nails. I will test two ceramic cutters of different shapes and abrasiveness. I will also show you how to make a nail design using yuca flakes and stained glass gel polish.

Step 1. Removing the coating using a ceramic cutter. In the process of sawing, I tested two ceramic cutters:

With a red notch and a sharp tip - easily and gently removes the coating. Its pointed tip makes it easy to cut material in hard-to-reach areas.

With a white notch - has a rounded tip. It has a larger abrasive, so the material is cut faster, but small grooves are formed.

Also, with a cutter, I shorten and file the free edge. I brush off the dust after filing all the nails.

Step 2 With a cylinder-shaped diamond cutter, I do a manicure, cut off the cuticle, clean out the pterygium and grind the side ridges. You can learn more about this procedure in my courses.

Then, with the help of a grinding cap, I grind the nail plates. And clean up the dust.

Step 3 I apply Nail Prep, then Cosmoprofi Acid Free Primer.

Step 4 I cover my nails with a universal base from Cosmoprofi - a thin layer and rubbing movements. I dry in the lamp.

Step 5 I perform correction with Cosmoprofi Flex gel. This is gel jelly. First, I paint over the nail with a thin layer, then I take a drop of gel and begin to form the structure of the nail. This gel differs from the usual one in that it is completely immobile and is leveled only by the movement of the brush, so I constantly move it with vibrating movements. I dry well in a lamp and do sawdust.

Step 6 I cover my nails with TNL No. 274 gel polish in two layers with intermediate drying in a lamp. I do not apply a coating on the ring fingers, as the design will be made on them.

Step 7 I apply the Fiore base on the ring finger and, without drying it, spread the silver flakes of yuca on the entire nail. I dry it in a lamp.

Step 8 I level the base coat. Land.

Step 9 I mix the gel polish with the base on the palette and cover the nail. At the request of the client, I cover in two layers to make the stained glass effect darker.

Step 10 Align the other nail on the ring finger with the base. I dry it in a lamp.

Step 11 I mix the gel polish with the base on the palette and cover the nail with the resulting stained glass window. Land.

Step 12 With a thin brush I make a stroke with the main color of the gel polish. I fix it in a lamp.

Step 13 I draw a branch with black gel paint. I dry it in a lamp.

Step 14 I mix the base with yuca flakes and spread them on the leaves of the twig. Land.

Step 15 I cover my nails with Fiore top coat without a sticky layer. If necessary, with the help of a thin brush, I level the coating. I dry it in a lamp.

Step 16 I grind the nail with a branch, degrease it and in the places where the rhinestones will be located - I apply the gel from Cosmoprofi Thick Clear. I glue rhinestones and bouillons. Land.

For many women today, problems such as brittleness and poor nail growth are relevant. Also, defects due to mechanical injuries and damage are not uncommon. In a beauty salon, manicure masters solve this problem with a procedure such as gel nails.

The best solution for many nail problems

With the help of the gel, you can strengthen the nail, hide all kinds of defects, create the desired length and shape, decorate with a variety of patterns, and much more. After polymerization, the gel has a sufficiently plastic structure, which allows you to create artificial nails that are as similar as possible to natural ones. However, due to the fact that the nail is constantly growing, the material also shifts. To return the nails to their original beautiful appearance, it is necessary to regularly correct them.

Such a procedure as the correction of gel nails in a beauty salon is one of the most popular services. Usually, after 3-4 weeks, the nails grow a few millimeters, the architecture of the artificial nail is broken, the highest point, the apex, is displaced. All this contributes to brittleness. Material separation is also possible.

Types of correction

There are several types of correction:

  • simple and complex gel nail correction;
  • mini-correction;
  • french gel nail correction;
  • correction with design restoration;
  • correction of nails with gel polish.

It is important to know

Before starting any correction, the master should pay attention to the general condition of the nails and the health of the client, what kind of violations and breakdowns occurred, where the material exfoliated. Sometimes the reason for detachment of artificial nails can be temporary antibiotics, hormonal imbalance, excessive sweating of the hands, ignorance of the rules for the operation of artificial nails. Having excluded all non-technical reasons, the master selects the necessary material.

Materials and equipment

For gel correction, the following consumables and equipment are required:

1. Gel. The master selects a 3- or 1-phase system. You will need a base gel, a transparent gel for creating a substrate, a camouflage gel, a white gel for a jacket.

2. Degreaser.

3. Primer. Acidic or acid-free. Designed to create a good adhesion of the gel to the natural nail plate.

4. Gel top coat. Designed to create a protective layer and add shine to finished nails.

5. Liquid for removing the dispersed (sticky) layer on the surface of the gel coating.

6. Paper forms.

8. UV lamp with a power of at least 36 W.

9. Milling cutter or a set of files of different abrasiveness (from 100 to 240 grit).

Each correction differs in the complexity of execution, the amount of consumables spent and time. A simple gel nail correction is the most common. Technically, it is basic.

A simple correction is always planned in advance and carried out after 3-4 weeks. In its process, the material is laid out only in the area of ​​​​the regrown nail and side ridges. The following instructions will tell you how to make a gel nail correction in 1 hour. The process is simple but requires patience.

Step by step gel nail correction

Step 1: the hands of the master and the client are treated with a disinfectant solution.

Step 2: If necessary, a European manicure procedure is performed.

Step 3: at the request of the client, the length of the nail is shortened, the desired shape is given to the free edge.

Step 4: those places are processed with a milling cutter or file where the material has peeled off. The entire surface of the nail is also leveled. The highest point is cut down, as the symmetry is broken. Gloss is removed from an overgrown nail with a softer file with an abrasive of 240 grit. You need to work with files very carefully so as not to cut or injure the natural nail. After washing down, all dust is well removed with a brush.

Step 5: The nail plate is degreased. The regrown part of the nail is treated with a primer. It is applied in a very thin layer. Too much of it can be one of the reasons for the delamination of the material.

Step 6: If the master uses a 3-phase gel system in his work, then he applies a base layer of gel to the entire surface of the nail. This layer polymerizes in a UV lamp for 2 minutes. Sometimes during the polymerization of the gel, the client may experience discomfort and burning on the surface of the nail plate. In this case, it is recommended to remove the hand from the lamp for a few seconds and place it again as soon as the reaction stops.

Step 7: Without removing the dispersed layer, apply a small amount of gel to the overgrown part of the nail and distribute evenly. Do not allow the gel to come into contact with the cuticle or flow onto the skin of the client's hands. The distance from the gel to the cuticle should be approximately ½ millimeter. This layer also polymerizes in a UV lamp for 2 minutes.

Step 8: The second layer of gel restores the architecture of the nail and creates the highest point - the apex. This layer polymerizes in a UV lamp for 2 minutes.

Step 9: After the new nail is created, it is filed to level the surface of the gel and give the nail its final shape. The area near the cuticle is very neatly cut off.

Step 10: The entire surface of the nail is covered with a finishing gel and cured in a UV lamp for 1-3 minutes. If a gel with a dispersed layer is used, then after polymerization it is removed with a special liquid.

After the new nails are ready, you can offer the client to cover them with decorative varnish or decorate with a pattern. Finally, nourishing oil is rubbed into the cuticle.

Complex correction

Complicated correction of nails with gel is carried out in cases where the time from extension to correction was more than 4 weeks. As a rule, at this time there are definitely breakages, and the material has already moved to the middle of the natural nail. Such a correction already almost corresponds to a full nail extension. In the process of complex correction, the master cuts all the material down to the substrate. Then the gel completely creates a new nail, taking into account all proportions.

During a complex correction, an aquarium design or a French manicure is often performed or restored. It is important to correct the reverse side of the nail. All irregularities or detachments must be cut with a milling cutter, a new arch is created.

Gel French manicure correction

It should be noted that the correction of the French manicure itself is somewhat different from the usual correction. You can restore the jacket by complex correction and sawing, or you can use the method of removing the free edge. In this case, the free edge is completely cut off with a milling cutter or saw. He is given the correct and symmetrical shape of a smile. Washed down the surface of the nail and general preparation are carried out in the same steps as with a simple correction. Then a special paper form is placed under the natural nail. It will serve as a work surface for creating a new free edge. White gel is laid out end-to-end with a finished edge. After its polymerization, the nail is filed in accordance with the rules, the desired shape and length is given to the free edge. At the end, the French manicure is covered with a top coat.

Usually, the time for a complex correction or jacket is 1.5-2 hours, depending on the chosen design.

Mini Correction

The fastest gel nail correction is mini. It takes no more than 15 minutes. It is performed after 5-6 days after nail extension. If after this time small detachments of the material appear, they are carefully filed with a file for natural nails. The entire surface is covered with a fixative or top coat.

Correction with gel polish

If the client is already tired of extended nails, but does not want to cut them off completely, then we can offer to correct nails with gel polish. This is a great way to gradually remove artificial material. In this case, the nail is processed in accordance with the instructions for a simple correction. During washing, the border of the artificial material is compared with the surface of a natural nail, without the formation of an apex. The nail is given the desired shape and length.

After washing down and pre-treatment with a primer, the entire surface of the nail is covered with a thin layer of base gel polish. Then 2 layers of gel polish and a top coat are applied according to the technology. Gel polish coating is not subject to correction. After 3 weeks, all material will simply be deleted. If the client wishes to grow her nails again, the master will perform a full gel nail extension. Correction in the future will also take place every 3-4 weeks.

Extended nails allow many women to realize the dream of a beautiful manicure. However, no matter how well the extension is performed, the nail plate grows along with the artificial nail, which means that you will have to go to the master for correction.

Also, correction is necessary in case of breakage of the nail or its exfoliation.

How often do nail correction?

The answer to this question will be given by the master, who will select a schedule for repeat visits, based on the growth rate of the nail plate. On average, you will have to visit the salon every 3-4 weeks.

During the correction procedure, the master removes the artificial coating (the acrylic is dissolved with a liquid, and the gel is cut off) and applies it again.

As a result, the manicure again acquires a neat and beautiful look.

Correction of artificial plates can be performed in different ways.

There are the following types of this procedure:

  • Minor - performed with minor damage, usually resulting from mechanical stress (scratches, chips, delamination).
  • Medium - carried out monthly in order to update the artificial surface. The master applies the gel or acrylic again to remove the visible difference between the artificial and regrown natural nails.
  • Large - involves the replacement of an artificial plate in case of breakage, displacement, detachment.

Gel correction is performed as follows:

1. Before starting the procedure, hands are disinfected with a special agent.

2. Do a manicure with cuticle removal.

3. We pass a 220 grid file along the overgrown part of the nail, smooth the transition zone of our own and the extended nail, grind the entire surface and remove the coating (shellac or varnish), washed down as when preparing the nail for extension.

Step-by-step correction of gel nails

We remove the excess length and give shape. This must be done carefully so as not to injure the skin around the nail plate. At the end of the procedure, the dust is brushed off with a brush.

4. A couple of new layers of gel will be required to correct leaving the past built-up material. We apply a thin layer of gel with a brush on the cleaned regrown surface and the rest of the nail, filling the niches after grinding. We dry the nails in the lamp, apply another layer of gel and send the nails to dry again.

Also, you can not do without polishers, or buffs. They help make nails shiny and smooth. The buffs have 4 sides, each with its own graininess. The sides are labeled with numbers so you can easily figure out which order to use them in.

4. Degreasing - this will require a special liquid, for example, inexpensive from Severina or Domix or better known from CND or Jessica.

5. Primer application - they are also presented as affordable and suitable for home use ("Irisk", "Tango"), as well as expensive and used in salons ("CND", "OPI").

6. Applying a base coat - for home use, you can purchase an inexpensive base coat from "SuperNail" or "UV Bonder".

7. Gel application - the most popular manufacturers are Irisk, Planet Nails, EzFlow, IBD, Masura. Also in a specialized store, get a brush.

8. Curing under the lamp - this requires a special UV lamp. They have different power - from 9 to 36 watts and a timer for 10, 30, 60 seconds.

9. Applying a top coat - for gel correction, products from Severina, Top Gloss-gel, TNL are recommended.

How to fix acrylic nails

In addition to gel, acrylic extensions are also popular. To carry out the correction, you must first remove the old coating.

It is performed as follows:

  1. The master disinfects hands with soap or a special solution.
  2. The lacquer coating is removed with the usual nail polish remover, but always without acetone.
  3. Then the master does a manicure, removing burrs, cuticles. With strongly regrown nails, gloss removal with a fine-grained nail file is required.
  4. The periungual bed must be glued with a plaster so that the acrylic does not get on the skin and cuticles. Then an acid primer is applied.
  5. A brush with pile is moistened in monomer and dipped in acrylic powder. It turns out an acrylic ball, it is gently stretched over the surface. The acrylic layer is polymerized under a UV lamp.
  6. After correction, the nail is given the desired shape, first with a nail file with a large grain, and then with a fine one. The procedure is completed with buff polishing.

If you are tired of growing nails

With the appearance on the market of the nail industry of a stable coating of shellac and gel polishes, the popularity of extensions has somewhat decreased. This is due to the fact that gel polishes also stay on the plate for at least 3 weeks and do not require cutting.

As a result, it is possible to quickly grow natural nails.

Gel polishes have the following advantages:

  • keep for a long time, do not chip, do not lose color intensity,
  • easy to apply and remove, so they are often used at home,
  • do not have an unpleasant odor, rarely cause allergies,
  • when removing the plate is not injured.
  • help in strengthening and restoring nails.

Almost all beauty salons offer a manicure with shellac and gel polishes, while the procedure and application and correction take less time than with extensions.

The choice of colors is incredibly large, and experienced craftsmen perform various designs and complement them with decorative elements.

But no matter what coating you choose - gel, acrylic or shellac, do not forget about timely correction, and then your nails will remain beautiful and healthy.

You can make your nails long and beautiful in just a few hours - just go to the salon and go through the extension procedure, which will give you the desired length and shape. For the first few weeks, such a manicure will please the owner with a beautiful shape and length. But already three weeks after the extension, it will be necessary to carry out the procedure for the correction of gel nails. Correction means that the master will again return the original shape and beauty of the extended base and strengthen the material, which will allow you to continue to enjoy new nails. Correctly made correction will free you from visiting the master for another two to three weeks.

Types of corrections

Depending on the neglect of the nails and the integrity of the extensions, various types of corrections can be applied:

  • small implies that you need to fix small flaws - scratches, chips, small delaminations;
  • the average is carried out as a regular procedure after building. The regrown part is filled with gel, and the form is also leveled;
  • a large procedure is done in cases of nail breakage or severe detachment.

3 reasons for nail correction

There are several reasons why you may need to see a nail technician for this procedure or do gel nails at home if you have the right knowledge and tools:

  1. Regrowth leads to the fact that the transition between the gel and the native nail is noticeable. The master fills in the regrown part and reduces the shape, which allows you to save the length and appearance;
  2. If the gel began to flake off or cracked, you need to see the master. In no case do not remove the gel from injured fingers at home if you do not have skills in this matter. Most often, such manipulations end in serious injuries to the nail plate;
  3. A small crack on the gel will not take long to repair, but if the procedure is not done in time, the scratch may increase and lead to breakage;

Regular manicure procedures for the care of extended nails take a lot of time and money, so many have switched to self-correction. Now you can find a huge number of video tutorials on building and correcting gel nails, with the help of which everyone can understand the principle of these procedures and how they should be performed.

home correction

If you don’t know how to make gel nails correction yourself, then our video tutorials and step-by-step description of the entire procedure will help you learn all the subtleties of this work and, if you wish, do it. First you need to stock up on materials that will help you do the whole procedure:

  • gel;
  • files of different hardness;
  • buff (square file);
  • UV lamp;
  • disinfectant;
  • a set of brushes;
  • primer.

Below is a step-by-step instruction for correcting gel nails, do not forget about each step - this is the only way you will be able to create beautiful and unique nails on your hands.

Step by step:

  1. Hands and tools are disinfected.
  2. The varnish is removed.
  3. A special oil is applied to the cuticle, and when it softens a little, you need to gently move it, thereby freeing most of the regrown nail.
  4. With the help of a nail file, the excess length is cut off, the desired shape is given to the nails.
  5. With the help of a buff, the shiny surface of the nail is removed, if the gel has peeled off somewhere, then this area is also treated with a buff.
  6. Remove excess dust from fingers with a brush, treat everything with a disinfectant solution.
  7. Apply primer.
  8. Using a brush, apply a small amount of gel and gently spread it over the regrown surface, dry for 2 minutes under a lamp.
  9. Remove all irregularities with a file, give the same shape to all nails.
  10. Remove stickiness with an antiseptic.
  11. Cover with colored varnish, dry in a lamp and finally cover with a top coat and also dry in a lamp.

Now you know how to do gel nails correction and you will be able to carry out this procedure yourself. Regular implementation of this procedure will serve as an excellent strengthening of your own nails, prevent their brittleness and give you a beautiful and neat manicure that will require your attention no more than once every three weeks.

Advantages of gel extension:

  • from the aesthetic side, the gel looks much more natural than acrylic and is closer in texture to natural nails;
  • the gel is breathable and the nails get everything they need for normal growth;
  • gel coating strengthens natural nails - due to the fact that your nails are as if under cover, all injuries go to the extended base;

So, now you know all the advantages of the gel and the features of its correction. Before proceeding with it, carefully read the instructions again and watch the video about the gel nail correction procedure.