How to stretch shoes in length at home. How to stretch new nubuck shoes. In a basin in water

Today we will share with you the secrets of how to properly stretch shoes at home. The article will include the following items:

    How to stretch shoes at home with ice and frost
    To do this, pour into plastic bags water, tie them tightly and put them inside the shoes. Next, the shoes are placed in the freezer or on the balcony if it is very cold outside. Wait until the water is completely frozen, thanks to this, the shoes will quickly stretch and take on a shape that is comfortable for you. Unfortunately the shoes genuine leather may crack after this procedure, so it is better not to experiment.

    How to stretch shoes with warmth
    Put on uncomfortable shoes for a fat one wool sock, and then heat the shoes with a hair dryer on high power until you feel warm. As soon as the boots and socks are warm, you need to break them in - walk around the apartment as long as possible until they cool down. Can't be held this procedure with leather shoes, as it can crack and become unusable.

    "Grandfather methods" of stretching shoes
    Stuff as much wet newspaper as you can into your boots, then wait until it is completely dry. Take out a newspaper and check if the boots have stretched to a comfortable size for you. There is another way in which you need to be very careful. Pour 100 milliliters of boiling water into the shoes and pour it out after a few seconds, and then put it on and walk around the apartment at a slow and fast pace.
    The "cowboy" way is also very relevant, just add a lot of whole grains to the shoes, pour right amount water, and then leave for 12 hours. In the morning you will see that the grain is swollen. Take all the grain out of the shoe and put it on, then break it in until it is completely dry. But this method is also unsafe, since walking in wet shoes is not recommended, so do not wear shoes for more than 30-60 minutes.
    Don't risk it if you're going to stretch your suede or leather shoes. It can crack, become covered with white spots, burst, and so on. It will be even more offensive if the shoes were very expensive. It's best to keep your receipt and exchange your shoes if you've recently purchased them. Also, don't forget that suede and leather shoes become harder after being submerged in water.

    The alcohol will help stretch your shoes well!
    Take cologne, water and alcohol in equal proportions and mix. Then wipe with this mixture. uncomfortable shoes outside and inside. Don't get carried away with rubbing outside, only the toughest places need to be processed. Most shoe stretchers contain alcohol, but in varying proportions, so this method very efficient. But you should not get carried away with wiping with alcohol: the paint will begin to crack and dry out, the color of the shoes will change, cracks may appear, and so on. Thus, it is possible to process winter boots but very carefully.

    Oil, vinegar, paraffin will also help us!
    If you have not worn shoes for a long time, you can use vegetable or castor oil. Vaseline can also be used to stretch. In the same way as with alcohol, treat the shoes, and then walk around the apartment in it. After one or two hours, you need to wash off the oil, be sure to thoroughly clean the shoes. The method is harmless to natural leather, artificial leather can also be processed. Sometimes leather shoes creak while walking, grease the sole thin layer castor oil, and when it dries, the creak will disappear.
    To increase the size of the shoe, you can wipe it with a 3% solution of vinegar, of course, inside. But don't risk wiping the outside of your shoes, because vinegar is just as harsh a chemical as alcohol.
    The most gentle method is rubbing with paraffin. Rub the inner lining of the shoe with a candle, and then leave it overnight, you can remove the paraffin in the morning. But such stretching will not help to expand the heel of the shoe; for this, the back part is treated with alcohol, and only after that it is rubbed with a thick layer of paraffin.

    What are shoe stretching sprays?
    Many fear for their shoes and don't want to expose them. chemical substances, as this may lead to unforeseen consequences. In such cases, it is better to purchase a special spray in a shoe store. The best sprays are now produced by the following manufacturers: Oke, Salton, Twist, Duke of Dubbin, Silver, Salamander and Kiwi. You need to apply a small amount of spray to the place where the shoes rub the most. Woolen socks and shoes are then put on to break and stretch it. Be sure to read the manufacturer's instructions before applying the product.

    Bad buy

    I am sure that every person has come across the fact that the purchased pair of shoes, which fit so perfectly in the store, ends up being a little tight. I don’t want to return the new thing I already loved so much, but I don’t really want to rub my legs either. Therefore, you need to know a few tricks on how to stretch shoes at home. By learning some rules, you can correct some of the flaws in the purchased pair and wear it with great pleasure. Only stretching the shoe in length should in no case somehow spoil it.

    How to stretch shoes at home, method number 1

    This method is quite simple and very common among our population. In general, you need to smear the inside of the shoes that you are going to stretch with alcohol, or, if there is no alcohol, vodka will easily replace it. The next thing to do is to put it on your legs and again moisten it with the same intoxicating liquid from above. And in such a “wetted” state, you need to walk for several hours. And what is important - do not lie or sit. Thus, in addition to stretching the shoes, you will soften them significantly.

    How to stretch shoes at home, method number 2

    The most primitive way, which is probably known even to children. You need to break in your shoes with a wet sock. Only woolen socks are suitable for this, as they are thick.

    They need to be soaked in warm water and put on your leg, then put on the shoes that you want to stretch, and walk like this for several hours. The result will not keep you waiting, the purchased pair will no longer rub your legs.

    How to stretch shoes at home, method number 3

    This method can only be used for leather shoes. The essence of this method is to pour boiling water over a couple. Next, you need to drain the water, and as soon as the shoes have cooled down, they must be put on and worn until they are completely dry. It is better not to experiment with other materials, as they simply cannot withstand this stress. IN the best option they will become stained, at worst they will be unusable.

    More options

    Also have special stretch for shoes, which you can buy in a shoe store or in special departments of a supermarket. Most often it is available in the form of a spray or foam. But in this case, you need a special stretcher that looks like a wooden leg.

    In general, you need to apply the purchased product to the shoes and put them on a stretcher, or in extreme cases, break them in yourself. You can also use wet newsprint, which is tightly thrust inside and left until complete drying. Another option: take soaked in hot water towel, wrap a pair of shoes in it and leave for a while.

    If the pair of shoes you bought while walking began to cause inconvenience, there is no need to panic and rush to the store to return the purchase. Use the methods described above and you will be able to wear your purchase without problems. But remember that if the shoes are made of artificial materials, then it is better not to use methods that use boiling water or any other aggressive liquid.

    A situation familiar to everyone: in the store, shoes or boots fit perfectly, but at home they rub calluses. It's not a problem! We will teach you how to stretch leather, suede, patent leather and even rubber. new shoes improvised means.

    How to stretch leather or suede shoes

    Leather and suede are malleable, elastic materials, especially when exposed to heat.

    • Moisten the inside and outside of the shoes with alcohol or vodka, put on a pair and wear for several hours. This action will help soften the material and fit the shoes to your foot size.
    • Place your shoes in a tub or sink and pour boiling water over the inside. It only takes a couple of seconds to fill the inside of the product and immediately pour hot water. Soak up the moisture, wait for the shoes to cool down a bit, and put them on your feet. Preferably over socks so as not to get burned.
    • If you are afraid of getting your shoes wet, do the same, after putting a bag inside each shoe so that the boiling water and the lining do not touch.
    • Not only boiling water will be effective, but also ice. Fill two quarter-sized bags with water, tie off and drop each into a shoe. Put the structure in the freezer and take it out when everything is completely frozen. Once the ice has melted, remove it from your shoes. Such a procedure is suitable for a strong, undemanding pair: not every material will withstand the cold test.

    The same methods are suitable for winter shoes with fur lining. Just do not wet the insides of boots or boots too much. Well, you will need to dry your shoes carefully.

    How to stretch faux leather shoes

    The leather substitute does not stretch well and easily deteriorates: it cracks and loses its shape. However, it is too early to lose hope. There are ways to stretch and such shoes.

    • Lubricate with fat cream or Vaseline inner surface shoes. Wait 2-3 hours for the moisturizing mask to absorb into the material, and then put on your shoes and walk in them for 20-40 minutes.
    • You can try the familiar method with newspapers. They must be tightly stuffed into each shoe, and then leave a pair to dry at room temperature. When stuffing, do not be zealous so that the shoes do not deform. Also, do not try to speed up the drying process with a battery or hair dryer: excessive heat exposure can ruin the material.
    • A way for the spendthrifts or those who need to stretch narrow shaft high boots. Insert a bag into the shoes, fill it with any small cereals, and pour water on top. The grain will swell and stretch tight boots without your participation in 8-10 hours.

    How to stretch patent leather shoes

    Stretch patent leather shoes more difficult because there is a risk of damage top coat: It may crack and lose its luster. It is possible to painlessly increase shoes if under the varnish is soft and thin skin(natural or artificial). Is this your couple? Then to business!

    • Mix alcohol and water in a ratio of 2: 1, moisten the socks with the resulting solution. Now put them on, and on top - tight shoes. Walking in shoes should be about an hour or two until the socks are completely dry.
    • Treat the inner surface of the shoe with Vaseline or cream, paying attention to Special attention dense parts: toe and heel. Then you need to insert blocks into the shoes (if you have them) or, as usual, put the shoes on tight socks.

    If your waterproof friends are made of durable classic rubber - alas, no way. If it is from the now common polyvinyl chloride (aka PVC), then it is as easy as shelling pears. To check the material, a needle or an awl and a lighter are enough. Heat the metal and touch the boots in an inconspicuous place, but do not pierce them. If the boots begin to melt, then this is PVC and the shoes can be stretched.

    You will need:

    • a few liters of boiling water
    • deep container with ice water,
    • woolen or terry socks,
    • your boots and your legs.

    Pour boiling water into rubber shoes and wait 3-5 minutes: the material will become noticeably softer. Put on thick socks and move your pelvis closer with cold water. Pour the boiling water out of the boots, quickly blot them with a towel so as not to wet your feet, and put them on your socks. In a heated steam, properly trample and walk around for several minutes. Leave your shoes in cold water for an hour, and then do not forget to dry.

    This method will not only increase rubber boots, but will also fit them to the shape of your foot. True, walking stretched shoes should only be in a day or two, when the boots finally harden.

    Many of us have experienced the problem of tight shoes. It distracts attention, causes pain and harms health. If it's about sports shoes the problem is only getting worse. After all, the main purpose of sneakers and sneakers is to be comfortable and not restrict movement. Is it possible to cope with the problem and stretch sports shoes at home?

    Is it possible to stretch sneakers or sneakers that are small

    Before you start changing the size of sports shoes yourself, consider the factors that affect the result.

    1. The materials from which sports shoes are made can be stretched, but mainly in width.
    2. Do not expect to lengthen textile shoes by more than half a size. Only leather items can be pulled out one size.
    3. The fastening seams on the shoes do not stretch.
    4. Synthetic rigid materials are difficult to deform and are easily damaged when stretched.

    If after the purchase you realize that the shoes are small and tight for you, The best decision problems - contact the store with a request for an exchange or return.

    Professional means for increasing the size of shoes

    If for some reason you cannot return tight sneakers or sneakers to the store, use professional tools for stretching. Shoe repair shops use:

    • surface treatment liquid;
    • pads on which shoes are pulled that require stretching.

    As a liquid to help increase the length of shoes, manufacturers offer special sprays and stretch foams. When buying them, pay attention to the purpose. If the spray is labeled “for all types of natural leather”, then it will be ineffective for textile sneakers.

    Mode of application.

    1. Shake the can of expander foam.
    2. Apply the contents evenly to problem areas from the inside and outside.
    3. Wear wet shoes over thick woolen or terrycloth socks.
    4. Walk in it until the spray is completely dry.
    5. Repeat the procedure several times to completely eliminate discomfort.

    Before applying the spray or foam, it is necessary to test the effect of the product on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe shoe.

    Analogous to professional lasts are mechanical devices: spacers for shoes, mechanical extensions, shape holders. As a rule, they are universal, suitable for several sizes and different fullness. The spacers are equipped with a screw mechanism, which provides force stretching. Additionally, the kit includes plastic pads for the protruding features of the foot. Such devices are not cheap, but they can be used repeatedly.

    How to use mechanical shoe brace:

    • treat the shoes with a stretcher spray or moisten with water;
    • insert a mechanical spacer inside the sneakers or sneakers, having previously installed plastic pads on it;
    • use the screw mechanism to tighten the shoe. This should be done carefully so as not to damage the material;
    • leave until completely dry;
    • repeat the procedure if necessary.

    If you can’t fix the problem yourself, trust a professional. The master will adjust the shoes as accurately as possible to your size and features of the foot, while maintaining appearance and product quality.

    How to increase the length and width of shoes at home

    Simplest folk way stretching - put on tight sports shoes on wet wool socks and walk in it until completely dry. The method is long and not very pleasant. Once is enough only for shoes made of genuine leather. For other materials, you will have to repeat the procedure several times.

    Instead of water, alcohol or alcohol-containing liquids can be used. Under their action, the material softens and becomes more pliable to change shape.

    Rubbing alcohol is great for stretching shoes with a rubber front or back.

    1. Treat rubber surfaces cotton pad dipped in alcohol-containing liquid.
    2. Apply mechanical action to a still wet surface: use a stretcher block or put on thick socks on sneakers and walk until completely dry.

    The use of alcohol-containing stretching methods for shoes made of genuine leather degrades its quality and shortens the service life.

    How to quickly expand rag shoes: the ice method

    This method is based on the property of a liquid, familiar from a school physics course: when water passes into a solid state, it expands, increasing in volume. This creates pressure on the surface of the shoe, as a result of which it stretches.


    1. Inside each sneaker or sneaker, insert a tight plastic bag and spread it well inside.
    2. Pour in water and tie the bags tightly.
    3. Put the shoes in the freezer for a day.
    4. If your fingers press and you need to stretch the front of the sneaker, then place a towel twisted with a roller under the heels.
    5. Remove shoes from freezer.
    6. Wait for the ice to melt a little.
    7. Pull out the packages.
    8. Use a paper towel to remove excess moisture and dry the shoes.

    This method is suitable for both natural and artificial dense materials.

    Thermal stretching of textile and fabric sneakers

    The essence of the method is to treat the shoes with a hairdryer.

    1. Put on sneakers or sneakers over thick woolen socks.
    2. Heat problem areas with a hair dryer for 20-30 minutes.
    3. Walk in shoes until they cool down.

    The method is effective and, importantly, does not impair the original quality of the shoes.

    Stretching new suede sneakers with a hair dryer - video

    We use newspapers

    There is another well-known method - newspaper. They were actively used by our grandmothers. For stretching, they used wet newspapers, which they stuffed tightly into shoes and waited for them to dry. At the same time, rammed wet paper naturally dries at least three days, the insoles and the surface of the shoes are soaked and deformed. This method has more disadvantages than advantages, so today it can hardly be called effective.

    Newspaper and other homemade ways to stretch shoes - video

    To accept optimal solution which method to choose, compare the cost of shoes and the cost of adjusting them.

    Experts say: the closer the chosen stretching method is to a professional one, the better and faster the effect will be.

    The Right Ways to Stretch Children's Shoes

    The best solution is to return uncomfortable sneakers or sneakers to the store or use the services of professional shoemakers. If you still decide to fix the problem yourself, use the tips:

    • use only those methods in which the shoes are not stretched on the child's foot;
    • from folk remedies, use the ice method;
    • Purchase special stretch pads for children's shoes.

    Remember that the shoes for the child must be suitable in size. Wearing tight or short fabric sneakers deforms the foot and can lead to health problems.

    When choosing one or another method, weigh the pros and cons. Give preference professional ways stretch marks and remember that you can increase the length or width of sports shoes by no more than a size. If the pair is small for you, the best solution is to change it for a new one.

    Universal options for stretching shoes

    There are several ways to influence tight shoes suitable for products from different materials(genuine leather, substitute, suede,). These stretching methods are also the safest for all possible models, except for fur-lined boots.

    Special emollients for shoes. They are applied from the inside of the shoes to the problem areas. (If the shoes are made of genuine leather, then you can apply it on the outside). Immediately after treatment, the shoes should be worn with a tight toe box until the desired areas are dry, taking the shape of the foot. This stretching option can be repeated several times to achieve the best result.

    Stretching with castor oil is also universal way effects on tight shoes. After oil treatment from the inside, you need to walk around in shoes for several hours. The oil softens problem areas, so that the shoe acquires the exact shape of the foot. This method is inconvenient because after the procedure, shoes that are greasy from the inside must be thoroughly cleaned. You can change the oil alcohol solution(with water one to one), cologne, and even kerosene. But this method is even more inconvenient, since the smell after processing will persist for a long time.

    How to stretch leather shoes

    Genuine leather products are the strongest and most durable. Therefore, they can withstand more aggressive methods of influence. For example, high and low temperatures.

    Under the influence of high temperature, genuine leather is able to expand and become softer. You can heat the shoes with a hair dryer, or hold them for a while over boiling water. Heated shoes should be worn until completely cool and dry. warm skin immediately acquires desired shape and keeps it for a long time. After the procedure, so that the skin does not dry out, it should be treated nourishing cream for shoes.

    You can also stretch shoes made of genuine leather under the influence of low temperature, by freezing. First, plastic bags are inserted into the shoes (2 in each, in case the bag breaks). Then water is poured into the inner bag. It is necessary to ensure that large folds do not form inside the shoes; for this, the packages should be straightened as much as possible. Water should completely fill the space inside the shoe. The water bag is tied and the other is left open. In this position, the shoes are placed in the freezer at least overnight. During the freezing process, the water will gradually increase in volume, while stretching the shoes.

    After processing the shoes in one way or another, it is necessary to apply the cream.

    As a rule, shoes made of genuine leather can break in on their own after a few weeks of wearing. Therefore, perhaps we should not rush with such radical measures stretch marks.

    How to stretch shoes out faux leather or substitute

    Such shoes are much more difficult to stretch than natural ones. When exposed high temperatures such products are in disrepair. Therefore, you need to act more carefully. The most effective and safest way to stretch is to fill with damp paper or cloth. The fabric (paper) must be moistened in hot water, quickly wrung out and filled in the interior of the shoe. When stuffing shoes, you need to carefully design the shape so that there are no distortions or deformations. Shoes with padding should be completely dry, and away from heat sources. This will take quite a lot of time. But, after drying, the shoes will retain their shape.

    If non-natural shoes rub your heels, you can rub inside backdrop with paraffin or laundry soap.

    How to stretch boots

    For boots without fur lining, you can apply the same stretching methods as for shoes.

    And lined boots can only be treated with leather softeners or oils on the outside. Most safe way- put on several pairs of socks (for greater effectiveness, you can moisten them in hot water) and wear them for several hours. The procedure will have to be repeated several times, because wearing wet winter boots with fur lining until completely dry is impossible. After taking off worn boots, you should immediately fill them with paper or pieces soft tissue. Dry your boots naturally, away from heat.

    How to stretch suede and patent leather shoes

    Such products can only be processed from the inside. Any impact on the outer surface can damage the shoes.

    You can use only stretching methods with a soft, gentle effect without thermal stress. It is best to break in shoes in warm, damp socks (previously soaked in hot water) until completely dry. Alternatively, padding with damp paper or cloth can also be used.

    Suede shoes are quite elastic, so they can be broken in by simply wearing them at home often. After a while, she will ideally "sit down" in the shape of the leg.

    How to buy the right shoes

    How to avoid unwanted surprises when buying new shoes:

    1. In the morning, almost every person's leg is more refined than in the afternoon. During the day, tired legs swell a little. Therefore, it is better to buy new shoes in the afternoon. Shoes purchased in the morning can be very tight in the evening.

    2. When choosing a new pair of shoes, you also need to pay attention to the fullness, width and rise. Possibly your favorite model right size not suitable for other parameters. If your shoes are too tight, don't buy a size up. Calluses form on the feet from sliding back and forth.

    3. You should not immediately go out into the street after buying a new pair of shoes. Before that, you need to walk around in a new dress at home for some time. If you feel discomfort, shoes that were not worn on the street can be returned or exchanged for a more comfortable model.

    When stretching shoes in conditions, you need to act with extreme caution. You can stretch the shoes, while not harming them, only half the size, no more.

    Genuine leather shoes are best suited for stretching. Shoes or sandals from textile fabric almost impossible to stretch strong impact will only break the structure of the material.

    On leatherette shoes after freezing or simply wet processing cracks may appear. Shoes made of poor-quality, poorly processed leather, after wet processing, will become even more rigid and warp when dried.

    Very expensive shoes should not be stretched by yourself. It is better to contact the workshop, where special shoe lasts of different sizes are used.