What to do if the shank of the boot is narrow. How to stretch the top of your boot at home. Special means for stretching shoes

You've found the perfect boots for your feet, but here's the problem: they're too tight or don't close all the way. Literally a couple of centimeters separates you from a pair of shoes sunk into the soul? We'll fix everything! There are various simple methods on how to stretch the tops of boots at home by 2-3 cm. Some of them are suitable for shoes made from any natural material, some only for high-quality leather. It is worth refraining from self-stretching patent leather, as it can easily crack. So, how to stretch boots in the tops of different materials?

How to stretch boots in the bootleg

How to stretch the tops of leather boots

Genuine leather - the material is elastic and strong enough, so it can be easily stretched. Here are a few available methods:

  • perhaps the easiest way is to rely on the experience of shoe cosmetics manufacturers. They have already taken care of us and provided special products for shoe stretching on the store shelves. Most often they are available in the form of a spray or foam. Using them is quite simple: apply on shoes in the place where it is necessary, immediately put on shoes and walk for 30-40 minutes;
  • if you have time to spare, but no funds from the store, you can resort to using the freezer. Put crumpled paper in the bottom of the shoe so as not to expand the entire boot. Take a strong freezer bag of the right size, fill it no more than halfway with water, close it and carefully place it in your boot. Leave in the freezer for 8-10 hours, pull out the boot and let the water thaw. Now you can take out the bag and try on shoes. If the required volume is not reached, repeat the procedure;
  • stuff boots tightly with paper or rags and moisten them with plenty of water. Let the shoes dry, remove the fillers and lubricate with a special shoe care cream.

The effectiveness of these methods will depend not only on your skill, compliance with the rules, but also on the quality of the skin, its density and elasticity. But if you know how to stretch the top of your boots at home, your shoes will always fit you.

How to stretch suede boots in the shaft

Suede shoes, like leather shoes, can be slightly stretched. There are simple methods for this:

  • store-bought special stretchers should be applied to the inside of suede boots. Then put them on thick stockings and walk until completely dry;
  • apply a 3% solution of vinegar to the outside of the shoe, and a product from the store on the inside. Also walk in boots until completely dry;
  • iron the top of the boot with an iron through a dense fabric, be sure to douse the shoes with steam. Humidified and heated suede lends itself to stretching.

These methods, how to stretch the tops of boots at home, are not suitable for shoes with fur lining. You can stretch winter boots by heating them from the outside:

  • hair dryer. To do this, you need to put on thick stockings or tights on your leg, turn on the maximum heating temperature and blow each section of the boot that needs to be stretched for at least a minute. The skin will become more elastic, so the boot will fasten. So that the shoes do not return to their previous shape, you need to walk in it until it cools completely. Then be sure to treat the skin with cream or glycerin to restore lost moisture;
  • boiling water. Pour boiling water over the bootleg, put on boots over thick stockings and wear them a little.

These methods are quite simple and affordable for home use.

If your favorite boots are a little tight, and it’s scary or impossible to stretch them yourself, you can take the shoes to the workshop. Shoemakers, who have a wealth of experience and professional tools in their arsenal, will do this without ruining your perfect pair.

Finding the perfect shoe for your foot is not always easy. And if you are lucky enough to find such a pair, then this is a great success. It often turns out that shoes that you liked in the store and fit right in, later present surprises: they press, rub, squeeze the foot or cause fatigue when walking.

It's not always easy to find the perfect shoe for your foot.

To get rid of such problems, try stretching new shoes. There are several ways to stretch shoes at home, but not all materials react to them in the same way. We will tell you how to properly stretch boots and shoes so that they become comfortable and at the same time do not lose their attractiveness.

Is stretching always necessary if the shoes are tight

If you are looking for materials for stretching shoes, then most likely you have already encountered the problem of tight shoes. So, the question of why you need stretching for shoes is not in front of you. You are probably looking for a safe and fast remedy for your inconvenience.

Shoes made of soft natural materials are best stretched. Therefore, when buying shoes made of thin soft leather (ballet flats, moccasins, etc.) or suede, do not rush to stretch it in special ways, even if slight discomfort and squeezing occurs in places. Such shoes in the process of wearing will acquire the desired shape in a few days.

You can try stretching tight shoes made of thick hard leather at home by no more than half the size.

Shoes with a hard molded last take much longer to break in and will likely require additional stretching. Especially if you did not guess with the size when buying.

Do not expect miracles: when stretched, shoes increase by half a size and no more. Therefore, if the purchase frankly presses you, it is better to hurry up to exchange it for a pair of a larger size.

Remember that you have the right to return shoes that do not fit you to the seller within 14 days from the date of purchase. The main condition is that shoes should not be worn, so do not rush to immediately go out into the street in a new thing. Try a couple for one or two days in the walls of the house.

It is better not to try to stretch expensive shoes at home, but to turn to the services of professionals who will fix your problem using special materials and pads.

Ways to stretch leather, patent leather and suede shoes

Determine the type of material your shoes are made from. Perhaps it is not intended for stretching at all or requires the use of only gentle methods:

  • Genuine Leather. One of the strongest and most durable materials, lends itself well to various types of stretching. Stretches under the influence of moisture, is not afraid of exposure to high and low temperatures.
  • Suede leather. Elastic, soft material that lends itself well to being worn during wear and in most cases does not require additional stretching.
  • Polished leather. An expensive and attractive material, which, if it is recommended to stretch at home, is extremely careful. When exposed to aggressive methods, the glossy surface may crack, and the shoes will lose their presentation.

Specialized shoe stores have foam for stretching patent leather shoes, which is applied to the outer and inner surface of the product before wearing. To achieve the effect, the procedure is repeated several times.

To stretch patent leather shoes, apply a special product to it, and then stuff it tightly with paper

The use of special means

To stretch leather and patent leather shoes, you can buy special tools in professional stores. They are softening compounds that are applied from the inside and outside to problem areas. Shoes treated with this agent are put on and worn until dry. To enhance the effect, you can first put on a tight sock.

Natural suede involves the use of only gentle stretching methods, without exposure to moisture, temperature stress, and external processing. Therefore, suede shoes are worn in only by applying a special stretching agent to the inner surface of the product.

Video: we stretch shoes made of natural materials using special tools

Folk stretching methods at home

For leather shoes, the following stretching methods are suitable:

To stretch the shoes, put a bag of water in it and put it in the freezer overnight.

Tip: do not forget to apply softening cream to the surface after all the procedures for stretching leather shoes.

For suede products, a method is considered relatively effective when shoes are stuffed with wet paper or cloth and left to dry completely.

How to stretch boots in the instep and in the top

Boots - shoes are perhaps the most problematic. It often happens that boots that are suitable in size turn out to be narrow in the lower leg, and you have to deny yourself an elegant and sophisticated model. At the same time, a perfectly fitting calf boot can be uncomfortable in lifting or squeezing the foot. One option is to try stretching the part of the boot that causes discomfort.

All of the above stretching methods are applicable to boots. And the material properties also remain unchanged. Genuine leather boots will be the easiest to stretch. Both high and low temperature methods are suitable. At the same time, pay attention to fittings, transverse and longitudinal seams, which can be damaged during stretching.

Remember that patent leather boots should not be heated and dried near heaters.

You can stretch the top of a leather boot by steaming. To do this, unfasten the boot, inside and out, intensively heat the skin with hot steam. Then stretch the skin with your hands, avoiding jerks, it is better to do this together with an assistant. At the end of the procedure, fasten the boot and stuff the bootleg tightly with wet newspapers. Leave until completely dry.

In the people, the top of the boot is sometimes called the shank.

To stretch the boot in the instep area, stuff it tightly with paper or rags soaked in water. You can pre-steam or warm the boot with a hair dryer. Don't forget to apply an emollient (cream, castor oil, etc.) to your skin.

Shoes made of artificial materials

Leatherette (artificial leather) is not recommended to stretch under the influence of high and low temperatures. After heating, it cracks and becomes unusable. A possible stretching method is stuffing with wet paper until it dries. However, be careful with the stuffing process: the shoes will hold the shape you give them. Therefore, avoid unnatural deformations.

Shoes made of woven material (textile) stretch when wet, but often lose their aesthetic appearance. Trying to increase the size of textile shoes due to a special stretching means inevitably reducing its service life, because by stretching the fabric hard, you violate its structure.

Video: how not to stretch your shoes

Video: three easiest ways to stretch shoes

There are several ways to stretch shoes at home. Most of them will not cost you a penny, but no one can guarantee success either. If you value your shoes, use the services of a shoemaker. And when choosing home stretching methods, stop only at those that are safe for the material from which your shoes are made.

Surely, every person has faced such a problem as buying a tight pair of shoes. This can happen for various reasons - inattention during the fitting process, haste when buying, and also for such a banal reason as the lack of a pair of the right size, but the model really liked it. What to do if the new thing does not bring the desired joy, it presses and interferes with walking? In this article, we will talk about how to stretch suede boots at home.

Suede, like other natural materials, is elastic and deforms without much effort. Therefore, when working with it, one should be extremely careful, patient and attentive, since a careless attitude can lead to loss of the appearance of the shoe.

Important! For suede products, stretching methods for leather shoes are not suitable. Suede is easy to damage and ruin, as this material is more fragile.

The natural way to stretch suede products

When wondering how to stretch suede boots at home, try the simplest one first. To do this, you need to regularly put on a tight new thing and walk in it. As you move, the elastic suede adjusts to the desired shape. In order not to feel discomfort, it is better to break in small shoes at home, doing household chores.

Important! If for a long time it has not been possible to spread a new suede dress on your own, it makes sense to seek help from a friend who has a larger foot size. The main thing at the same time is not to overdo it, so that later you do not have to pull off your shoes. Constant manipulation of tightening and stretching suede products can completely ruin the look of shoes.


If you are deciding how to stretch suede boots at home by 1 size in the shortest possible time, then the previous method is unlikely to suit you. Use water, there are several ways to use it.

With cotton socks:

  1. First, wet your socks with water, wring them out carefully and put them on your feet.
  2. After that, put on suede products that need to be stretched.
  3. Wear shoes around the house until your socks are dry.

Important! It is possible to spread suede products in this way in 1-2 procedures.

With paper

If the toe of suede products is too tight and uncomfortable, use paper. To stretch the toe of the shoe, you need to take the paper, slightly wet it and stuff the boots tightly with it. After the paper dries, the size of the product will increase.

Important! A very large ball of paper can permanently ruin the shape of a sock, so you need to carefully consider its size.

It is not recommended to use newsprint, as ink can stain the inside, further staining tights and socks when wearing shoes, and in the worst case, ruining the appearance of a light-colored pair of boots altogether.


How to stretch suede shoes a size larger at home with steam? Easy enough, the main thing is not to overdo it. Follow these instructions:

  1. Fill a large pot with water and boil it.
  2. Hold the new suede over the steam to slightly moisten and warm up. Avoid excessive wetting of the workpiece.
  3. Put on boots and walk around in them for 2-3 hours.

Important! With the help of steam, you can stretch any suede product - boots, boots and shoes.

If you need to increase the volume of the bootleg with a zipper, proceed as follows:

  1. Unzip.
  2. Straighten your ankle.
  3. Moisten a flannel cloth with water.
  4. Place a damp cloth on the inside of the bootleg.
  5. Iron the napkin with a hot iron.

Important! This is an effective and fairly simple way to increase the volume of the shaft of suede products, since under the influence of hot steam the suede becomes more supple and elastic.


You can also stretch suede boots at home with alcohol. This is a widely known, proven and old way. Use the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Mix alcohol with water in a ratio of 1: 1 or take vodka.
  2. With an alcohol solution, moisten the inside of those places of suede products where they are most tight.
  3. Put on your shoes and do household chores in a processed new thing for 2-3 hours.

Important! Suede products can only be processed from the inside. Treating suede on the outside may cause stains or discolouration. Do not use this method to stretch pointed socks - they will lose their shape.


It is possible to use beer instead of vodka to stretch suede products, but you just need to choose light beers so that there are no marks on the shoes. Another point that you will have to face is that after beer, you will need to carefully ventilate the treated pair.


A weak solution of table vinegar will help to make the top wider. Make a weak solution of vinegar and moisten the outside of the top of the product with it. After this treatment, the suede will stretch better, so you can just stretch it with your hands, but it’s better to put on boots and walk around in them for a while.


A few years ago, this original and effective way was invented on how to stretch suede shoes a size larger at home. Try it first on some useless old pair that you don't mind throwing away in case of failure.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Take 2 strong balloons or plastic bags, fill halfway with water and tie tightly.
  2. Place these water containers inside your boots.
  3. Place the pair in the freezer overnight.
  4. Remove from freezer and let water thaw slightly.

How does it work? According to the laws of physics, during the process of freezing, the volume of water increases. The suede will stretch under the pressure exerted on it. This method can also be used to stretch the shaft.

Important! Suede does not like excessive moisture, so use only strong balls or bags so that they do not burst during the freezing of water and the shoes do not get wet.

Special compounds for stretching suede shoes

If none of the above methods suits you, you can purchase special shoe stretching products in a specialized store. Read the instructions carefully and apply to achieve the desired results.

Many women, when buying boots, are faced with the problem of a discrepancy between the width of the bootleg and the volume of the leg. Most models are sewn according to standard measurements, and therefore the products are not suitable for all customers. This does not mean that you should refuse the pair you like or buy shoes a few sizes larger. There are many options for how to stretch the bootleg at home.

Freezing boots

The freezing method allows you to effectively expand leather shoes. This is one of the easiest ways to stretch your bootleg at home.

Shoes must first be prepared for the procedure. To do this, take a large bag with a plastic zipper and fill it halfway with water. Squeeze out all the air from the bag, leaving a small gap in the corner. Bring both plastic sides together to close the bag.

The volume of the bag should be chosen based on the size of the shoe and the part to be stretched. If it is necessary to expand only the heel or toe, a liter bag is enough for the procedure. To stretch the tops of high boots, a 3-4 liter bag is suitable.

Place the filled bag in the boot in the place that needs to be enlarged. For example, to stretch the top, you can fill the entire lower part with unnecessary paper, and put the prepared inventory on it. It is necessary to evenly distribute water over the entire stretch area and place the boots in the freezer.

When the water is completely frozen, remove the shoes from the chamber and leave the ice to thaw.

Warm up stretching shoes

There is an equally effective way to stretch your boots at home. Before the procedure, it is necessary to put on 3 pairs of thin socks and shoes. If it is difficult to get your legs through, you can remove one pair of socks.

When the shoes are on your feet, you need to heat up the part that is tight with a hairdryer. The warm-up time of the leather boot should be at least 30 seconds. It is recommended to select the maximum power on the hair dryer. Warmed skin needs to be kneaded, fixing a comfortable position with your feet. Do not take off your shoes until the leather is completely cool, otherwise it will return to its original shape. Then remove all excess socks and try on boots.

This method can be used to stretch all parts of the shoe. It is also suitable for widening the shaft of high boots.

Shoe expansion with special devices

For those who are interested in how to stretch the bootleg at home with minimal harm to shoes, there is a special device. Different types of stretch marks are used for soles and tops. Such devices are a wedge with a turning handle. The device is inserted into the boot and opened for a few minutes so that the skin is stretched to the desired width.

Stretching devices are commonly used in shoe shops. But they can also be used at home. Special skills and knowledge are not required to use the wedge. The main thing is to properly fix the boot.

A professional wedge can stretch shoes made of leather, suede and even rubber.

Stretching chemicals

To expand individual parts of leather shoes, special products are produced in the form of sprays. Before use, read the instructions from the manufacturer. It describes in detail how to stretch the tops of the boots. The manufacturer also indicates a list of materials that can be processed with a particular agent. Most of these sprays cannot be used on suede shoes.

It is also important to pay attention to the composition of the sprays. Some manufacturers add alcohol to the product.

Before use, it is recommended to apply a small amount of spray on the inside of the lower leg or other inconspicuous place and observe the reaction. If the skin has not changed color and appearance, the product is suitable for use.

The distance of applying the stretching spray is up to 15 cm. Immediately after spraying the product, you need to put on boots and walk in them for a while.

Stretching the skin with alcohol

70% alcohol is often used to expand leather shoes. In this concentration, alcohol does not harm even suede products.

How can you stretch the top of your boots at home with alcohol? It is necessary to spray with a spray bottle on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe shoe that needs to be stretched. Alcohol should be applied evenly over the entire treated area. Then put the shoes on your feet and wait 30 seconds. During this time, the alcohol will be absorbed into the skin.

In order for the shoes to stretch properly, it is recommended to remain in them for some time after the alcohol has dried. Many believe that this is the cheapest and easiest method of how to quickly stretch the top of your boots at home. In most cases, the desired result can be achieved the first time.

Application of castor oil

This remedy is often used to soften rough skin. Therefore, many masters, when asked how to stretch the bootleg at home, advise this remedy. Castor oil perfectly stretches the skin with minimal damage to the product.

To increase the shaft, you need to pour castor oil into a glass or ceramic container and heat it to 50 degrees. Wipe pre-washed and dried boots with a sponge dipped in oil. Then you need to put on tight socks or socks on your feet and put shoes on them. It is recommended to walk in boots for about 3 hours. Then you can treat the shoes with castor oil a second time and walk a little more. The total duration of the procedure depends on how much you need to stretch the shaft.

Important Points

You can expand your shoes yourself if you know the features of stretching procedures.

  1. Only shoes made of natural suede and leather can be stretched.
  2. When buying shoes, you should ask if the store provides a service for stretching the tops. Sometimes it can be free.
  3. Stretching shoes while wearing is almost impossible.
  4. Be sure to expand the tops of the boots with locks. In narrow shoes, locks quickly break, which are susceptible to mechanical damage every time they are put on.
  5. It is not necessary to use the services of a workshop to stretch shoes. There are many effective and safe ways to increase the top of your boots at home.
  6. One pair can be extended by 2-3 cm. It is undesirable to stretch the skin more, as it may tear.
  7. When buying boots, you should pay attention to the presence of cuts with an inserted elastic band. They create additional comfort and make the shaft more elastic.

  1. When freezing boots, it is important that water does not get on the skin, otherwise it may crack.
  2. Freezer bags filled with gel can be used instead of water bags.
  3. When stretching by freezing, ice packs should not be immediately pulled out of the boots. Frozen water expands and may damage the product.
  4. If after the first time the boots did not stretch, the method used should be repeated.
  5. When stretching shoes under the influence of high temperature, wipe the skin with glycerin or cream. This will restore the desired level of humidity.

If it’s a bit crowded and you will have to fill the boots with water along the entire length. Tie the bag tightly at the top.

Put shoes overnight in the freezer. If the temperature is below zero outside, you can send it with a water “filling” to the balcony. As we remember from school physics lessons, water expands when it freezes. Moreover, this happens gradually and fairly evenly. Water, turning into ice, will gradually stretch the skin.

Take the boots to a warm place and wait a few hours for the ice to melt. put on shoes- and make sure that it is no longer as tight as it was. But if your foot still feels like the boots are too small, you can repeat the stretching operation again.


You should not use the “ice stretch” method for summer shoes: they are usually not designed for operation at sub-zero temperatures, so a night in the refrigerator can adversely affect the condition of shoes or boots (for example, leather will crack or the sole will burst).

Helpful advice

If you can’t stretch shoes at home, you can contact a shoe repair shop (it’s better not to the “stall at the crossroads”, but to the workshop at the consumer services plant). Professionals have special equipment that allows you to gradually, safely and at the same time stretch your shoes quite strongly in a day or two.

Almost every person in his life faced with the need to stretch his boots. This can be a stretch of the shaft, or directly to the toe or heel, if the width of the shoe or its size does not quite suit you.

The surest way to properly stretch boots is to give them to a shoe shop, where they are carried out on special devices. Under pressure on selected lasts, each boot is stretched in the right place and in the right volume, as far as the material and the particular location of the seams and accessories allow.

However, if it is not possible to use the services, you can try stretching boots in.

How to stretch boots at home?

Before you start stretching, you need to make sure that your boots are clean, to do this, you can wipe them on the outside with a damp cloth.

Stretching methods:

  1. The easiest way is to put a few under boots and wear them for an hour, then fill them from toe to heel with wet newspaper while maintaining the shape of the boot. Leave the paper on overnight, this will soften the skin, and in the morning repeat the process of breaking in. This can be repeated until the boots are stretched.

  2. Treat the boots inside (if they are not fur) and outside with castor oil, and wear for an hour, after putting on several pairs of socks. At night, the skin is treated with a greasy cream or a special stretch, a block is placed inside according to the shape of the leg. Repeat the process until the boots are stretched.

  3. Leather boots can be stretched by softening the material with boiling water; hot water will soften it and take the shape of a leg more easily.

  4. When stretching patent leather boots, it is recommended to use only special foams and sprays. Shoes made of rubber, fabric and non-natural materials are very difficult to stretch.

  5. If after a month of intensive procedures the boots did not break, you will have to buy a new pair.

How often did you refuse the boots you liked because the plump leg did not fit into the bootleg? And why do you deny yourself the pleasure of wearing high beautiful boots, if the size suits you, but the zipper on the ankle does not converge? There is only one way out of this situation - to stretch the top according to your leg volume.

When stretching, it is important to remember that it is possible only to a certain extent, which is limited by the elasticity of the material, the presence of transverse seams, decorations, etc.

You can give the boots to a shoe shop, they know how to stretch the tops - they use a special device that blocks the skin in the right places.

It is much more difficult to carry out such a procedure, however, something can be done at home.

How to stretch the bootleg at home?

The first method of directly stretching is quite simple - if your boots do not have very thin skin, not kid or varnish, you can stretch them with an iron and wet. This procedure is best done by two people so that the stretching is uniform.

Warm up the iron well, prepare a wet cloth. A previously unbuttoned boot is placed on the board and steamed intensively through a wet cloth. Do not spare the steam, but do not get too carried away so that water does not flow from it.

After the skin is moistened and steamed out, gradually stretch the shaft to the sides without jerks and strong movements. Before starting stretching, measure the volume of the bootleg and stretch it until it reaches the desired one. After finishing work, fasten and stuff the boot with paper, tamping it tightly inside so that the skin does not sit down when it dries. Alternatively, you can put a wooden block of a suitable size into the shaft and. The boot should dry out after such a procedure for 2-3 days.

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New shoes or boots, as a rule, seem very comfortable only in the store. After the owner of the shoe begins to wear it, he usually first acquires a couple of corns or chafing. But these problems can be avoided if you know how to stretch. shoes. There are several proven methods.


The most commonly used method, or - alcohol. Moisten the inner surface with tight alcohol or vodka, put on and put on uncomfortable shoes on your feet. Then moisten the top of the shoe with alcohol or vodka and walk around the house in it for a couple of hours. Do not doubt: it will stretch, including in length!

An indispensable assistant in overcoming the narrowness of shoes is ordinary boiling water. Pour a little hot water inside brand new leather, as if rinsing. You can then put on shoes and wander around the apartment. From such a procedure, the skin will certainly expand.


There are special spacers and sprays for stretching shoes, they are sold in specialized stores. But it is most effective to increase the length of shoes in the workshop, using the services of professionals.

How beautiful suede boots look on the legs, making you an attractive and modern fashionista! But often the weather in autumn, winter and spring does not please us, so suede boots require increased attention. Such shoes are capricious and need special care. In order for suede winter boots to serve you for several seasons and not lose their appearance, you need to know and apply a few rules.