Wet paper paintings. How to make papier mache out of toilet paper and PVA glue? The subtleties of the manufacture of the material

Elena Voronina

How much can be made from paper. I want to introduce you to another version of an unconventional technique for working with wet paper.

For this we need: napkins (white, transparent file, pattern sample, water, PVA glue, modeling stack.

Finely tear the napkins. Older children can easily cope with this, it is better for small children to help with this.

We pour some water. The main thing here is not to overdo it. We need to dampen a little. Therefore, I pour water into glasses for the guys as much as necessary for this work.

We wring out our torn napkins and pour PVA glue to get gruel. And mix everything well.

Now we have everything ready for further work.

We put the prepared sample drawing into the file. I made several attachments to immediately show the options for the final work. And we begin to lay out our gruel along the contour of the picture. We correct our work with a stack. It is very important for us not to close the outline of the drawing.

Now our craft should dry. It dries fairly quickly.

The craft has dried up and now comes the fun part. The guys and I use several options for its use. I'll show you a few.

After drying, the guys and I paint it.

I. you can put it on a separate drawing

And, you can use them for shadow theater. But, for this, the craft will need to be glued to the cardboard, cut off. Glue hashi to the cardboard (sushi chopsticks) and spray with hairspray.

I will be very glad if my experience is useful to someone.

Paper is a versatile material from which you can create original crafts. Products made using the papier-mâché technique from toilet paper are very popular. It can be toys, decor items or accessories. If the manufacturing technology is not violated, then the gizmos are not only beautiful, but also durable.

The subtleties of the manufacture of the material

Papier-mâché is a way of making paper and glue crafts. There are several paper craft techniques, the essence of which boils down to the fact that different options for gluing paper are used to enhance strength.

  • The 1st method is that small pieces of paper in several layers are glued onto the base. This technology for making the basis for crafts is called mashing, or multilayer papier-mâché.
  • The 2nd method involves breaking the paper into individual fibers, mixing it with glue and working with a plastic, well-formable mixture.
  • The 3rd method is that the paper is crumpled, processed with a paste and used in this form.

For the manufacture of papier-mâché from toilet paper and PVA, the 2nd method is used. As a result, the mass is:

  • plastic;
  • easily processed;
  • inexpensive;
  • durable;
  • easy.

From papier-mâché based on toilet paper, Christmas decorations and masks are usually made. If gouache is added to the mass of such material, then the basis for further creativity will turn out to be colored.

3 papier mache recipes

Raw materials for papier-mâché crafts based on toilet paper are rough in texture, but it is convenient to form small details from it. Either glue or paste is used as a connecting element. In the second case, the mass dries faster and is better impregnated. There are several ways to make papier-mache for creativity.

Option number 1


  • 2 rolls of medium quality toilet paper;
  • water;
  • PVA glue.


Option number 2


  • 2 rolls of toilet paper;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • PVA glue;
  • 3 art. l. linseed oil;
  • a piece of gauze;
  • sandpaper.


  1. Tear the paper into small pieces with your hands.
  2. Fill it with water so that all the paper "drowns".
  3. After a day, filter through cheesecloth. But we do it so that part of the water still remains in the paper.
  4. Lay out the mass on a plate.
  5. Add about 450 g of glue, pouring it in portions and constantly stirring.
  6. Pour in the oil so that the mass is elastic.
  7. We knead the preparation.

Option number 3

If you are wondering how to make toilet paper papier mache with homemade paste, then the following description is especially for you.


  • cardboard,
  • paste,
  • toilet paper,
  • paints,
  • brush,
  • pencil.

In the first master class, I told you how to decorate a bottle with toilet paper.

Coat the cardboard with glue and glue the paper, forming arbitrary folds. Let dry.

We make a sketch. No need to be smart, it can even be one tree.

We already have the main background. Denote the hill: glue the paper and drape the folds with your fingers as shown in the photo.

Let's start laying out the trees. We tear off a piece of paper, moisten our hands with glue and twist the flagella. They must be completely saturated with glue. We lay out the trunk from thick bundles, thin ones will go to the branches.

Water is denoted by horizontal folds. But we lay out the stones from the mass, which we crush in our hands from paper and glue. We spread the bush with thin flagella. It took me 15-20 minutes to do everything. After drying, we get a coloring picture.

6. Now let's work as an artist. Summer is in the yard, which means we take bright colors: a yellow background, green grass, blue water. To avoid a sharp border between colors, just smear it with your finger.

We continue: the trees are brown, the stones are dark gray, the bush is light green.

Let's dry.

And now we will turn the coloring picture into a work (I don’t know what!). Dip the tip of your finger into light brown paint and run over all branches and trunks. So we designate the bark and give volume. We work with contrast.

If the grass turned out to be light, then feel free to dip your finger in dark green paint and coat all the bulges. For stones, mix a light gray color, but water can be smeared with white or blue.

These are the picturesque things we got: the picture began to play, the water came to life.

We put it in a frame and admire our suddenly discovered talent for painting!