How to stretch winter suede shoes. How to quickly stretch suede shoes. Freeze Stretch

It happens that you see a pair of beautiful suede shoes, you buy it in a hurry, and then you find that when you wear it, your leg is squeezed. Are there ways to fix the situation? Luckily, suede is a malleable material, so there are plenty of tips on how to make a shoe a little bulky and up the size.

wear more often

Do not think that you will be able to stretch the shoes two sizes. You can increase the volume slightly, since the base remains unchanged. You cannot change the length of the sole or its width, but the suede upper can be increased in volume by a few millimeters. To achieve this effect, you need to wear shoes or boots more often.

Put on suede shoes that you want to break in at home, spray them with water from the inside and wear them for 2-3 hours. If you do this for several days in a row, then soon the suede will stretch, and you will be able to walk in shoes on the street and wear them to work or to festive events.


To break in suede shoes as soon as possible, use water. Soak cotton socks in water, wring them out well and put them on your feet. Then put on the shoes you would like to break in. Wear it around the house until your socks are dry. Usually one or two treatments are enough to stretch the shoes.

If the sock is tight, then take the paper, slightly wet it and stuff the shoes or boots tightly. When the paper dries, the shoe size will increase slightly.

Steam helps to stretch suede at home. In addition, steam has a positive effect on the texture of the material, the main thing is not to overdo it with processing. Hold your suede boots over the steam to heat them up and slightly dampen them. Strong wetting should not be allowed. Put on shoes and walk for 1-2 hours, in this way you can break in any model - winter boots, light shoes, autumn boots.

If, in addition to the lower part, it is necessary to slightly increase the bootleg with a lock in volume, then proceed as follows:

  • unfasten the lock;
  • straighten the bootleg;
  • moisten a flannel napkin with water;
  • put a napkin on the inner surface of the shoe;
  • ironed with a hot iron.

The hot steam helps to make the suede more supple and the cuff stretches easily. This is a fairly simple and effective way to increase the size.

Alcohol and vinegar

Alcohol or vodka helps to spread suede shoes. It is necessary to dilute the alcohol in half with water, moisten with an alcohol solution from the inside those places of the shoe in which it presses the most, put on shoes and walk for two hours. It is only necessary to treat suede with alcohol from the inside, because if you wet it from the outside, the color may change or stains will appear.

Wet the suede liberally until it becomes slightly damp. Pointed socks should not be stretched in this way, as they lose their shape. The rest of the method is quite old, proven and widely known.

Instead of vodka, beer is sometimes used, but here you need to choose light varieties so that there are no marks on shoes. And we must remember that after beer, suede will have to be aired.

You can stretch your boots with vinegar. To make the shaft a little wider, moisten it on the outside with a weak solution of table vinegar. After such processing, the shaft will stretch better.


The original way to stretch the shoes if they are too tight was invented a few years ago. You can try it on some old pair you don't mind throwing away, and if you like the method, apply it to suede shoes.

  • fill two balloons or plastic bags with water and tie them tightly (fill the bags halfway or less);
  • put water bags in your shoes;
  • put the shoes in the freezer overnight.

When water freezes, it expands and increases in volume. As a result, strong pressure will be exerted on suede shoes, and the material will stretch. If you place such packages in the bootleg, then you can even stretch winter boots at home.

Special stretching products

If you don't like any of the methods described above, then buy a can of a special agent in a shoe store. The aerosol sprays a liquid or foam that softens the skin, making it more supple. Spray the shoes you want to break in, put on your shoes and walk around a bit. You will get a better effect than when wetting with alcohol.

Shoe shops use a last that increases through the use of a special mechanism. The last has a spacer that allows you to stretch the shoe in length and width by one size or even more. Such a block can be bought and used at home. It allows you to stretch your shoes without the use of water or other liquids, although a softening spray is recommended. There are pads for stretching boots.

The stretching process takes place in several stages, gradually. After each stage, the shoes are tried on and checked if the size fits. The more carefully you act, the more time it will take to stretch.

Despite the large number of stretching methods, try to buy shoes by size. Too narrow shoes cause deformation of the foot, makes the legs ugly. So that during storage the shoes do not dry out and do not decrease, lubricate them with softening foam, stuff them with paper or use pads.

Any woman will agree that it’s hard to imagine a more enjoyable experience than buying new shoes. However, this cannot always be said about its wearing. Currently, manufacturers offer fashionable women a lot of different models from various materials. But it is not a fact that new shoes often rub your feet, press, press and deliver a lot of unpleasant minutes. Therefore, the question arises before women: “How to stretch the shoes?”

There are actually many ways. But do not forget that shoes are different, and a certain material needs its own approach. Therefore, in this article we will consider how to stretch suede or leather shoes.

Let's start with This material is quite elastic. Paradoxically, when searching for an answer to the question of how to stretch shoes from it, you will have to sweat. Most traditional methods cannot be used. After all, suede is a delicate, fragile material, it is very easy to damage it, you need to be more careful. However, there are several ways, the use of which will save you from having to visit the workshop. It will take some improvised means, as well as your patience and accuracy.

So, if you are interested in how to stretch suede shoes, remember: you need to wear them as often as possible, and not only on the street, but also at home.

"Wet" methods
1. It is not recommended to wet such shoes. But if you put it on wet socks and walk around until they dry, then it is quite possible to achieve the desired result.
2. You can treat the shoes from the inside with a small amount of vodka and alcohol diluted with water (1: 1).

Special funds
1. There are aerosols that are sold in shoe stores. They are easy to use and quite effective. The aerosol must be sprayed on the inner surface of the shoes, and then wear them. Experts recommend using them outdoors.
2. A sliding block is a device for "dry" stretching of shoes. It is usually wooden, and its width and length can be adjusted. Using a similar device, you can stretch your shoes in a couple of days.

As you can see, the answer to the question of how to stretch suede shoes is quite simple to find. And do not be upset if new shoes do not bring joy, but continuous trouble in the form of pain.

But what if the newly purchased shoes are not made of suede, but of a more familiar material for everyone - leather? In this case, too, do not despair. Below you can read how to stretch leather shoes.
1. The easiest solution is to take them to the workshop. But you will have to pay for it, and even spend time.
2. Folk methods suggest stuffing shoes with wet paper. If they are made, then you can use castor or vegetable oil. This method is considered the most gentle. The inside of the shoes must be lubricated with oil, and then walk around the apartment in it. Use and alcohol tincture.
3. You can buy special foam in stores. But along with it, you will need to buy a block in the shape of your foot. First, the shoes are lubricated with foam. After that, they should be planted on the block.

So you learned how to stretch leather shoes. All of the above methods are quite easy to use.

But what if you need to stretch winter shoes, such as high-top boots? You can take a durable one to put it on your hand, and then place it in your boot up to the toe. Now pour water into it. If the boots are cramped not only in the area of ​​​​the foot, but also in the bootleg, you will have to fill them with water along the entire length. Then they need to be placed in the freezer overnight, the water will turn into ice and expand. In the morning, boots should be taken out from a warm place and wait for it to melt.

You don't need to be upset if your new shoes are a little tight. And best of all, choose shoes by size, carefully and carefully.

Suede shoes are popular among most fashionistas and fashionistas. This is not surprising, because she looks elegant and noble. On the modern market, you can find suede shoes in a variety of colors: blue, yellow, red, etc. Such models are suitable for all occasions. Choosing the perfect combination of clothes and shoes will not be a problem.

But sometimes it happens that after buying the shoes are too small. This can happen for various reasons. Perhaps you didn’t pay close attention to the fitting, or you chose shoes in a hurry. As for girls and women, nothing will prevent them from acquiring the thing they like, even the wrong size.

What to do if, having come home, you notice that the suede new thing is tight and interferes with walking? You need to try stretching new shoes or boots at home. There are several ways to deal with this situation. It is about them that we will talk in this article.
Natural suede is easily deformed, so stretching the shoes wide is not difficult. This requires patience and extreme caution. The fact is that suede is considered a rather soft and delicate material. Careless attitude and neglect of safety precautions will lead to damage to the shoes. If you want to stretch suede shoes at home, remember that methods for increasing the size of leather products are inappropriate in this case.

How to quickly stretch suede shoes

If you bought suede shoes for some special occasion, and there is still enough time before it, it is advisable to break in new shoes or boots. Wear them as often as possible. It is better to do this at home, so the shoes will not lose their presentation. Walking in small shoes on the street will cause discomfort and lead to the formation of corns and corns. Wearing suede shoes at home is enough for an hour. During this time, it will definitely stretch in width.

What if you need new shoes the very next day? In this case, there is an effective and affordable way:

  1. We take ordinary plastic bags. It is important to ensure their integrity.
  2. Gently place inside shoes or boots.
  3. We fill the bags with ordinary cold water.
  4. We tie so that there is air space inside the bag.
  5. Place a pair of suede shoes in the freezer overnight.
  6. In the morning we take it out and let the frozen water thaw a little. This will make it easier to get the ice packs out.

The whole point of this method is that when water freezes, it expands. Ice will stretch suede shoes all night long. This method is considered the fastest and most convenient. You are not required to make any effort.

Method 1

Another way to quickly increase the size of suede shoes is to use regular hot water. To do this, you need to take socks made of natural material, for example, cotton. Soak them in hot water. The temperature should be such that it does not burn the hands and feet.

Next, we put shoes on wet socks and walk around the house for some time. This option will definitely help to increase the size of suede shoes. Socks can be taken from a denser fabric - wool or plush. The denser and more voluminous the material, the more effective the result will be.

Method 2

The second method is similar to the first and also involves the use of water. Only in this case, it is necessary to moisten not the socks, but the inner surface of the shoes. We take a sponge or cloth, wet it in hot water and carefully process those places that are most stingy and callused. Then we put on shoes or boots with a thick toe and do not take them off for about an hour.

Some use ethyl alcohol instead of water. It is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1. If you are using vodka, you do not need to dilute it.

Method 3

You can increase the size of suede shoes with steam. Boil a large pot of water. During the boiling process, hold the shoes over the steam each for a few minutes. As a result of light moisture, the suede will become soft and supple, it will be easier to stretch it. You can ask someone close to you to wear shoes with a large foot size. In this case, you need to be careful, because suede things are easily deformed and do not take their original shape for a long time. Shoes can be ruined, achieving the opposite result.

It is important to ensure that the shoes do not become too wet. Put on thick socks and leave your shoes on until they are completely dry.

A steamer or iron works well for this method. Direct the stream of steam inside the shoes and treat each shoe for a few seconds. You can repeat the procedure several times.

Method 4

There are times when it presses exactly in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fingers. In this case, there is the following way to expand the toe of the shoe.

Take old newspapers or any other paper, moisten with warm water. Form a small ball and place inside each shoe for a short time. This method will help to give the toe of the boot the desired shape. The main thing is not to overexpose the paper, otherwise the shape of the sock may be completely broken.

It often happens that the purchased shoes are so uncomfortable that there is no way to wear them: the suffering caused negates all the joy of the purchase.

Why is it so? Indeed, in the store it is carefully measured, paying special attention to the comfort of the foot when walking.

The fact is that indoors (in a store or at home) we walk differently. Therefore, when trying on, it is impossible to guess the degree of comfort of new shoes during normal walking along the street. What if you have to spend hours on your feet?

Do not despair: in this case, there are many ways to stretch shoes at home. The main thing is that it matches the size of the leg in length, and softening it and stretching it a little so that it “sits down” exactly in the shape of the foot is not so difficult.

Traditional stretching methods

Breaking in is the easiest thing to do. We replace cozy home slippers with new shoes and walk around the house in them.

It is impossible to achieve a perfect fit in one day, so the same is done for 2-3 days. If it still hurts to move, you can try other methods.

You can break in shoes by wearing not very thin, wet socks. Under the influence of moisture, the material will become softer and more elastic, gradually taking the shape of the leg.

This method also requires 1-2 days, which should be taken into account if the shoes were bought for some kind of event. You should be careful: walking around the apartment in wet socks can lead to a cold.


Freezing is a creative way to stretch your shoes yourself. Suitable for all types of materials, as it does not violate their structure.

The essence of the method is that a well-closed plastic bag filled with water by almost a third is placed in the shoes. It is necessary to evenly lay it from heel to toe, and then place it in the freezer for several hours, preferably at night.

As you know, when frozen, water expands, stretching the shoe in width. After removing from the refrigerator, you should not immediately start removing the bag, it is better to let the ice thaw so as not to damage the lining.

After that, you need to put on shoes and walk around the room. Usually, after such manipulations, the legs feel much more comfortable, but if this does not happen, the procedure is repeated.


Stretching with thick socks and a hair dryer is a relatively new method.

Putting on socks, the foot is bent and straightened several times, directing a hot stream of air from a hair dryer to the places of creases.

This softens the shoes well, making them softer and more elastic, but after the stretching process is completed, a special conditioner is needed to restore the moisture balance.

Stretching with alcohol spray. Water and alcohol are mixed in equal parts and poured into a container with a spray bottle. The spray is sprayed inside the shoe, allowed to soak and put on, wearing it until completely dry.

Wet newspaper will also help expand the shoe a bit. The periodicals are tamped down, paying special attention to the toe part. It is important not to overdo it, otherwise deformation is possible. After complete drying, the shoes will sit on the leg much more comfortably, and will also become much softer.

Faux leather

Here are a few ways to effectively stretch faux leather shoes.

  • Use a special spray. It is sprayed inside the shoes, which are then put on and broken in.
  • Potatoes will play a good service. It is cleaned and firmly inserted into the toe of boots or shoes for several hours, for example, at night. After removing the potato, the shoes are wiped and broken in.

Suede shoes

Many stretching methods applicable to genuine and artificial leather products are not suitable for specific applications.

This is a rather delicate and delicate material that is very easy to damage using drastic stretching methods.

Nevertheless, the task is quite feasible: you just need to be patient. Being a natural material, suede is elastic.

Therefore, it is enough just to walk around in suede shoes, and to a greater extent at home, and not on the street, so as not to experience discomfort.

If soft methods of exposure did not bring results, you should resort to wet or dry methods:

  • wet methods are similar to those used for leather shoes. The only condition is to moisten the suede very moderately, since it becomes covered with characteristic spots from excess water;
  • dry stretching of suede shoes is carried out on a wooden block of a hinged structure in the form of a foot. The desired width is given by adjustment, but it should be noted that dry stretching will take several days.

Here are some universal tips on how to stretch shoes quickly and painlessly for your feet:

  • Do not rush and try to achieve a perfect fit on the leg with one approach. It is better to gradually change the shape of the shoes, carrying out the stretching procedure for several days.
  • It is better to purchase shoes in a timely manner, given that it will take several days to wear and stretch them.
  • In some cases, it is worth contacting professionals. This applies to model and expensive delicate shoes, which are simply terrible to spoil.
This is also true for those who have problematic legs, including the infamous "bumps" (valgus). People with such features of the feet require a special form of footwear, which can only be given by a specialist.
  • Home stretching is applicable only to high-quality shoes made from natural materials. Budget models may not withstand exposure to heat and moisture.
After using a hair dryer or other heat source, treatment with shoe conditioner is a must. If it is not available, shoes can be treated with a regular cream to restore moisture.

Suede is a capricious material that does not like a lot of moisture and water. At the same time, it is elastic and stretches well, sits well on the leg and quickly takes the desired shape. If your new suede shoes feel uncomfortable or too small for you, you can easily stretch the pair.

First of all, you can give the shoes to the workshop, so that the craftsmen stretch the products using a special last without the use of water and other solutions. However, some prefer to stretch products at home. This must be done carefully and only safe methods should be used so as not to harm the material.

In no case should you use special pads and stretchers for leather made of wood or plastic, which are used to make leather shoes and boots. In addition, you should not let a person with a large foot size break in suede shoes, otherwise overstretching will occur, and the pair will become large. Let's look at how to stretch suede shoes at home effectively and safely.

Ten ways to stretch suede shoes

  1. To make the boots stretch a little, you can break in a pair. In this case, the base and sole will remain the same. You will not change the length or width of the shoe, but the volume of the suede upper will increase by a few millimeters. Put on boots, shoes or sneakers with a cotton sock, lightly spray suede with water from a spray bottle and walk around in shoes at home for two to three hours on several days in a row;
  2. To break in shoes faster, hold suede over boiling water until slightly warm and moist. Don't get too wet! Then wear a thick and warm sock around the house for one to two hours. In this way, you can carry light suede shoes, autumn boots, and winter boots at home;
  3. Soak cotton socks in water, wring out thoroughly and put on your feet. Then immediately put on sneakers, boots or boots that are tight, and walk around the house until they dry. Already after the first procedure, the shoes will stretch slightly. And after two procedures, it is already stretched by 1 size;
  4. If the toe of your shoe is tight, lightly dampen paper or newspaper and stuff the shoes tightly in these places. Leave items to dry at room temperature. Remove paper when dry. Shoe size should increase slightly;
  5. To stretch the shoe in the shaft, unfasten the lock and straighten the place of the shin, put a damp flannel cloth inside and iron it with a hot iron. As a result, the suede will become more pliable, and the shaft will stretch one size larger;
  6. Vinegar is also used to make the shaft wider. Moisten the desired areas of products from the inside with a weak solution of table vinegar. After that, the shaft will begin to stretch;
  7. You can make suede shoes a size larger with alcohol or vodka. Take alcohol or vodka and dilute it in half with water, then moisten the areas inside the shoes that are most tight with the prepared composition. Put on shoes and walk like this at home for two hours or until the material is completely dry. In no case do not treat the outer part of the suede with an alcohol solution, otherwise it may change color! In addition, this method is not suitable for stretching sharp and narrow socks, boots or shoes;
  8. Freezing is an extreme but effective way to stretch suede shoes at home if they are too tight. Also, the method is suitable for those shoes that fit in the freezer. Take two plastic bags and fill them halfway with water, tie them tightly and put them inside each shoe. Put the shoes in the freezer and leave overnight. When freezing, water expands, increases in volume and exerts strong pressure on the suede, thereby stretching the material;
  9. You can expand the shoes with the help of a special aerosol. Spray the product on the material, as a result, the suede will soften, become more elastic and pliable. Then shoes or boots need to be broken in. This is a more effective and safer method than treatment with an alcohol solution;
  10. Heat a thick sock with an iron or hair dryer, put it on your feet and put on shoes. Shoes can be pre-moistened with a spray bottle or a special aerosol, or treated from the inside with an alcohol solution. Then bring in the items.

How to care for suede shoes

In order for suede to serve for a long time, retain its color and presentable appearance for a long time, it is important to properly care for shoes made from this material. To do this, you can not wear suede products in rain and wet weather, in extreme heat with temperatures above 35 degrees. Otherwise, the suede will crack, wrinkle and become stained, shrink and become one size smaller!

After wearing, be sure to clean and dry your shoes. For cleaning, use a special brush or sponge with soft brass bristles. Dry suede only in natural conditions in a room with good ventilation. Never place suede shoes, boots or boots on a radiator or near electrical appliances. Do not dry the material with a hair dryer! After drying, the surface is cleaned with a special cream or spray for suede care.

If the suede is worn out or has lost its color, you can restore its original appearance and mask cracks and scuffs using a special spray paint, which is matched to the color of the shoes. If you can not find the right shade, take a colorless paint.

You can also use folk remedies. For example, coffee grounds are suitable for brown products, and talcum powder is suitable for white products. But improvised means are temporary, so you have to regularly tint the material.

Stains and complex dirt, greasy areas will be removed with a soapy solution with a small amount of ammonia. To clean white and light suede, take hydrogen peroxide or a mixture of milk and soda. If stains persist, rub dry shoes with fine salt and leave for two hours. Then remove the composition with a damp soft cloth and dry the product.

We looked at how to stretch suede boots, pumps, boots, or athletic shoes. And you will find detailed tips on caring for such products, as well as how to restore a presentable appearance to suede, at the link.