How to make your jeans fit the right size. Ways to shrink jeans

After buying a fashion item, after a while you realize that either you have lost weight or your jeans have become larger. It is difficult to meet a person who, in order for his pants to fit great, gained extra pounds. Then the problem arises: what should be done to make the jeans sit down? The issue can be resolved in several ways.

How to make jeans smaller by 1-2 sizes: effective ways

The most efficient way is to throw them away. Yes, yes, throw it away. If it's a pity, you can give it to your girlfriends or one of your friends, for whom they will be in time. But this is not a solution to the issue. Firstly, a good and stylish thing was not bought in order to give it away. Beautiful and expensive jeans did not deserve such an attitude. What’s more, they fit perfectly.

But what to do to make the jeans sit on the size? This is exactly the problem that the owners of stylish trousers cannot find a solution for months. Thoughts about what to come up with involuntarily spin in my head day and night, and at work, and in public transport.

It is a pity for a true fashionista to throw away her favorite jeans. As you remember, how much you had to endure while becoming their owner, how much you had to deny yourself in order to buy a stylish fashionable thing ... But this is not a reason to despair and give up earthly joys. Moreover, jeans are made of material that can always be made one size, or even two, more or less. The main thing is to know what to do to make the jeans sit down. This task is easy to deal with.

What can I do to make my jeans fit? And why are the pants getting bigger?

Sometimes it happens that trousers that were even a little tight suddenly become larger after wearing. It's all about the structure of the material. Jeans is a fabric that tends to stretch. If the fabric stretches, how can jeans not stretch? This is a regularity.

What can I do to make my jeans a size smaller? If you do not want to look for complicated ways, then at the time of purchase, simply buy pants one size smaller. A slight discomfort in wearing them will be present for several days. The main thing is that after a while you will not have to look for answers, how and what to do so that the jeans do not fall off.

If they are still stretched, you can try to make them smaller by 1-2 sizes yourself at home.

Three ways to shrink your pants

Many years and numerous experiments have brought their results. There were several ways to return the fabric to its previous size. There is even a hint on the trousers - this is a label. If you study it, it already becomes clear that it will not be so difficult to cope with the problem. It is designed to give the owner some hint on what and how to do so that the wardrobe item lasts a long time and does not lose its former appearance.

There are three most effective ways by which you can learn what you need to do to shrink jeans at home. Rather, these are the basic and safe methods that will not spoil the thing and will not change its color. They will even help keep it fresh.

Method one

Influencing the fabric with hot water is the most effective and easiest way known to most. Hot water can make clothes a couple of sizes smaller. The higher the temperature of the water, the more likely it is that the fabric will shrink several times and make the clothes smaller. For example, if you wash your jeans in water at a temperature of 90 ° C, they will decrease in size in a matter of minutes. This means that you should abandon the denim hoodie, suspenders and elastic bands on the trousers. The clothes will take on their former appearance and will fit their owner, which will allow them to be worn for some more time. Or rather, until the next wash. In other words, if jeans are washed in hot water periodically, then trousers can last forever.

This method is unique in its ease of implementation. As a rule, it is not special, because hot water contributes to a change in the size of the material. You can wash a thing in several ways, this will not affect the result. You can use hand wash, or you can entrust this process to a washing machine. Each method involves step-by-step implementation of the basic rules for washing in hot water.

Washing in hot water: step by step instructions

When washing pants in a washing machine, follow these tips:

  1. Place the jeans inside the drum of the washing machine, put the required amount of washing powder. Experts also recommend using special liquid capsules. They are more economical and wash well.
  2. Select the washing mode and set the water temperature to 90 ° C.
  3. At the end of the process, the trousers must be wrung out; for this, the “Spin” mode should be set.
  4. After the trousers should be dried and folded. It is not recommended to iron them.

After such a procedure, the fabric will sit down twice, thereby making the trousers half as large.

Method two

An equally effective way to make things smaller at home is boiling. In this case, you need to set the temperature regime above the norm. Boiling allows you to reduce any denim item by 2-3, or even 4 sizes. It all depends on the time of this procedure. High-quality jeans after all the manipulations will not lose color, will not lose their attractive appearance.

Step-by-step instructions for boiling denim pants

Before starting the boiling procedure, it is necessary to change the concentration of the proportions of the detergent. It makes no sense to buy washing powder for this expensive one, because in this case the price does not matter at all.

So, first you need to soak the pants in the prepared solution for 20-25 minutes. Be careful, water is boiling water. After wringing out, dry, but do not iron. Otherwise, the fabric will return to its previous state.

After such a simple procedure, the clothes become smaller, they can be worn for some time, then washed again in hot water, boiled, which will help to return to their previous size. In addition, remember that in 90% of all cases, the washing machine is to blame for why jeans have become two sizes larger. Keep in mind that low water temperature, unreliable powder and delicate washing will not make any changes to the structure of the material.

Method three

The third and important way is drying after washing, which will also make things smaller. However, they should also be dried properly. Most fashion owners know that they can stretch during drying. How much they stretch depends on the following factors:

  • how to dry a thing, that is, its position during drying;
  • how long does it take to dry?
  • the material from which the jeans are made.

The state of things depends on how properly the drying is performed. There are rules, the implementation of which is a guarantee of fixing the desired effect after washing. After all, you can wash it by making denim trousers smaller in size, and after drying, again look for a way to make stretch jeans sit down. But to prevent this from happening, you need to follow a few basic rules for proper drying of jeans. A correctly performed procedure is the key to a long service life of denim trousers, maintaining quality and appearance.

Drying denim trousers: rules and features

There are three main methods for proper drying:

  • standard method;
  • use of additional fabric;
  • the use of auxiliary functions of the washing machine.

The first type of drying is standard. This is a common procedure when an item is hung upside down. The main condition is to wring out the fabric as much as possible. The less water remains, the less it will have to drain through the fabric, therefore, the more likely it is not to stretch under the weight of the flowing water.

The second type of drying is the use of additional fabric. On a flat, ventilated surface, you need to put jeans on which fabric will be applied on both sides. Thus, the trousers will be preserved better: water does not drain, the thing does not hang, which means it cannot stretch and become covered with drips from flowing water.

The third way is mechanized. The drying procedure is performed by an additional function in the washing machine - hot drying. The mode used will allow you to dry jeans quickly and efficiently without streaks and stretching, which is very convenient in terms of time and beneficial for maintaining the external state of jeans.

In fact, there are many different ways that will allow you to return stretched things to their original form, but they do not always give the desired result. The above recommendations and methods are the main and most effective. They have been tested in practice more than once. Therefore, their use is guaranteed to give a high-quality result. Now the thought of what needs to be done to make the jeans sit on the size will never disturb again.

Today, wide flared jeans are gradually going out of fashion, and many are thinking about how to narrow jeans from the bottom at home in order to give them a second wind and turn them back into a fashionable style. The very procedure of narrowing depends not only on the style and style of the trousers, but also on the fabric from which they are sewn. Today we will tell you how to make skinny ones out of wide jeans simply, quickly and at no additional cost.

How to make jeans already at the bottom?

Updating your wardrobe and narrowing your jeans to make them fashionable leggings or stylish skinny is not difficult, you just need a little patience and perseverance.

For work you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Sewing machine with threads that match the color of the trousers.
  • Pins.
  • Needle and thread (any color)
  • Overlock or overlock foot for a typewriter.
  • Tailor's scissors.
  • Chalk or quality soap.
  • Ruler or measuring tape.
  • Iron.

There are several ways to solve the problem, the main thing is to do everything carefully and carefully so as not to spoil the thing.

Method number 1. Simple

Jeans should be sewn along the inner seams of the trousers, since finishing lines pass along the outer side seams.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Stretch the bottom of the legs, as the model of the new jeans provides for a narrower bottom as well.
  2. Work with a steam iron on the bottom of the trousers so that no creases are visible.
  3. Turn your jeans inside out.
  4. Put the product on yourself and measure the places where you need to take in. Using pins, pin the legs along the line of the future inner seam.
  5. Look carefully if the length and width suits you, if there are any inconveniences when walking and sitting. If everything suits you, then take off your jeans.
  6. Lay the product on a flat surface and straighten out all the folds and irregularities.
  7. With sewing chalk or soap, draw lines along the marks laid with pins, sweep the line along the line with an “overlock” stitch or a “needle-forward” stitch.
  8. Try the product again, make changes and eliminate defects. If the trousers are longer than you need, then you should first shorten them, and then take them in.
  9. Remove the trousers and mark new lines with chalk, leaving a 1.5 cm allowance from the seam line.
  10. Cut off excess fabric with scissors.
  11. Sew over the allowances on the overlock from the side of the front halves of the legs. The threads must match the color of the fabric.
  12. Press the finished seams with an iron on the back halves of the legs. For this purpose, you can use a special block-sleeve, which is attached to the ironing board. You can also use a homemade pillow.
  13. Sew the product along the marked lines. Try to connect the old and new seam smoothly, without a noticeable transition between them.
  14. Align the lower sections on the legs, mark with chalk allowances along the bottom of 3-4 cm.
  15. Pick up the threads for processing the bottom of the trousers in the color of the finishing stitch.
  16. Fold the bottom along the chalk line, sew on the front side with finishing threads on a typewriter (stitch width 0.4 cm).
  17. After finishing the bottom of the trousers, iron the finishing stitch using a sleeve or pad.
  18. Remove the extra thread with which you outlined the line. Turn jeans inside out and try on. If they fit perfectly and the result satisfies you, iron them, and wear fashionable and stylish trousers, to the envy of everyone.

Important! For a denser and more expressive finishing stitch, thread two spools of the same color into the upper thread. Put the thread in the color of the fabric into the hook - there the thread should be single.

Method number 2. Using old skinny jeans

This method practically repeats the entire procedure of method No. 1, with the only difference being that the old narrow ones are superimposed on top of the wide trousers, which fit perfectly on the figure. Then the marking of new seams of a relatively narrow model is done. After that, the lines are swept away, and the jeans are tried on. If everything suits you, then start sewing by cutting off the excess fabric and processing the allowances on the overlock.

Or maybe it's time to use the pants in a different way, without wasting time sewing and hemming them? Think about it, because we offer a lot of interesting ideas, with detailed master classes!

Method number 3. We use a pattern

This method is the most difficult, because for its implementation it is necessary to rip wide jeans and fit narrow jeans into patterns. However, this method will help to achieve maximum and high-quality results.

The essence of this method: the pattern of tight jeans is completely transferred to the fabric of wide trousers, then the pattern is marked with chalk on the fabric and additional seam allowances are made. After that, you should cut off the excess fabric and stitch the pattern.

To keep your pants durable, practical and beautiful longer, and you do not spend a lot of time caring for them, read the recommendations on. You will not have problems with caring for things made of denim!

Additional decor

If you want to not only narrow your jeans with your own hands, but also make an original designer item out of an ordinary wardrobe item, you can insert a strip of leather, suede or lace into the side seam. For this:

  1. Turn the jeans inside out and measure the areas that need to be sewn in on both sides of the legs.
  2. Remove the jeans and trace the seam lines according to the marks.
  3. After sewing the legs, draw lines along which the excess should be cut off, making allowances for the seams of 1-1.5 cm, cut off the excess fabric.
  4. Cut out a strip from any fabric you like.
  5. The pattern is a triangle with a base of 5-10 cm and a height equal to the distance from the point of narrowing to the bottom of the legs.
  6. Insert strips of fabric into the legs and stitch them.
  7. Finish the bottom of the trousers.

How to narrow jeans from the bottom at home without a sewing machine?

Fashion dictates its own terms, so many people are now trying to look beautiful, stylish, youthful. If you want to make your jeans skinny at the bottom but don't have sewing machine skills, you can use the simple method of wrapping excess fabric around the legs.

This option for narrowing your trousers will take you no more than two minutes if you proceed as follows:

  1. Put on your pants, stand in front of a mirror.
  2. Pull one leg to desired width with one hand.
  3. Holding the leg of the leg with the fingers of one hand, wrap the excess fabric to the right or left, as you like, with the other hand.
  4. Roll up the bottom of the leg once, securing the folded fabric. You can wrap the bottom and twice, if the length allows.
  5. Evaluate the result - if this width satisfies you, then do the same manipulations with the other leg.
  6. Experiment with the height of the trousers, their width until the result completely satisfies you.

How to narrow jeans at home by size?

There are many reasons why we want to change our wardrobe. Here are just a few of them:

  • Often, purchased clothes do not sit on the figure as we would like, since any item of clothing is cut and sewn according to certain standards. And if the pants are a little big on you, then you can take them down a size so that they look perfect.
  • The figure of a person is prone to change, and when clothes become large, you can alter them in order to continue wearing your favorite thing further.

We will tell you more about how to take in trousers a size smaller. But before you drastically change the look of your pants, check out those for different types of figures.

Reduce the waist of trousers

First of all, it is necessary to decide where the product is to be sutured. Indeed, in addition to the style, it is necessary to determine the purpose of adjusting the size. For example, if straight-cut jeans of medium width have become too big at the waist, then the following algorithm should be applied:

  1. Turn the product inside out.
  2. Step back from the middle seam at the back 7 cm in both directions, at this distance unlock the belt.
  3. Open the crotch about 8 cm.
  4. Open up the middle seam.
  5. From the wrong side, mark the places for sewing with pins, outline the lines with chalk.
  6. Sew along the marked lines. If necessary, duplicate the seam with a double line.
  7. Cut off the excess fabric on the belt, sew it on.

2015-03-14 Maria Novikova

As you know, the female figure is prone to change, we can suddenly lose weight or gain weight. When the figure changes, we go to the store to update our wardrobe, this leads to additional costs. Or, for example, you are tired of your favorite jeans and want to change them, make them more stylish. Then you can give the jeans for alteration in the studio, but at the same time you will have to pay the master for the work. There is another option, to alter jeans with your own hands.

DIY fashion leggings

I have such jeans, and it seems a pity to throw them away, especially since I recently made decorative holes on them.

How to make holes in jeans, I already wrote in the previous one. But, in terms of width, they did not suit me, and then I decided to narrow them down to make fashionable leggings out of them. How to sew in jeans so that they look stylish and fashionable, I will share this with you now.

You will need:

  • Sewing machine
  • Overlock
  • Tailor's scissors
  • tailor's chalk
  • Tailor's needles
  • Iron and ironing board
  • Special pad or block-sleeve
  • Threads in the color of jeans
  • Threads in the color of the finishing stitch
  • Machine needle No. 100
  • Ruler or measuring tape

I will sew in jeans along the inner seams of the trousers (stepping), since finishing lines pass along the side seams of these jeans.

Let's get to work!

First you need to rip the bottom of the jeans, since according to the model at the bottom, the jeans will also be narrowed.

Then iron the bottom seam allowances with a steam iron so that there are no creases.

For one iron the inside seams (stepping) on ​​both legs.

How to sew jeans?

After ironing the legs, I took my old denim leggings (the model of which suited me) and traced the desired shape of the jeans over them.

Then she folded the legs in half and transferred the chalk line to the second leg, using tailor's pins.

Connect with chalk lines the places of chipping with pins, from the side of the second leg.

After that, you need to remove the pins and lay the machine line along the chalk lines, on both legs with threads in the color of the fabric.

Overcast the allowances on the overlock with threads in the color of the fabric, from the side of the front halves of the legs.

Iron the treated seams with an iron on the back halves of the legs.

Attention! To do this, you can use a special block-sleeve, which is included with the ironing board. Or a special pillow that you can make yourself.

Finishing the bottom of the jeans

Then you need to process the bottom of the jeans, for this we align the lower sections on the legs. Since the bottom of the jeans will be processed with a seam in the hem with a closed cut, so we outline the allowances along the bottom 3.0-4.0 cm.

After that, we select the threads for processing the bottom in the color of the finishing line.

I recorded a video on how to properly hem jeans, you can watch it in this one. To learn how to hem the bottom of jeans with a Turkish seam, follow this.

Attention! To make the finishing line dense, you can thread two spools with the same color into the upper thread, so that the thread is double, then the line will turn out to be more expressive. This is the case if there are no special finishing threads for denim. In the shuttle, you can put threads in the color of the fabric, there is a single thread.

After the bottom of both trousers has been processed, it is necessary to iron the finishing line with an iron, using a pad or sleeve block.

Here's what should happen:

Did the zipper suddenly break? Then my master class will help you:. It just takes a little effort, time and desire. Thanks to this, if not new, but fashionable jeans will appear in your wardrobe. Why throw away old jeans if you can give them a second life, and a good mood and a lot of new ideas. For example, alter jeans

Stop being a gray mouse, join the ranks of fashionable and stylish! Don't know how? I will help you!
Right now, place an order for a personal pattern or a consultation on tailoring and cutting clothes. Including consultation on the choice of fabric, style and own image.

My . I'm on Twitter. Look on Youtube.

I would be grateful if you use the buttons:

You rarely meet a person who does not have at least one pair of jeans in his wardrobe. For some, this is generally the most favorite item of clothing. But the trouble is, jeans tend to stretch. And people tend to lose weight. Therefore, once beloved pants can sadly vegetate on the far shelf of the closet. What can I do to make my jeans fit the right size? There are several options to restore them to their former glory.

It is very easy to shrink jeans into a couple of sizes. All known methods for this are based on heat treatment. But it is worth remembering a few important nuances before proceeding with processing:

  1. When buying, always choose jeans that are a size smaller than your usual size. Already on the first day of wearing them, they will stretch over the figure, and will sit perfectly on the figure. Pants that are exactly your size will become a bit big.
  2. You can only shrink jeans made from ordinary cotton fabric at home. Stretch pants can not be reduced in size.
  3. Cheap synthetic jeans after all the reducing procedures can turn into a rag that is not even suitable for mopping.
  4. At home, you can only reduce jeans by 2, maximum 3 sizes. That is, from 56 to make 44 will not work.
  5. It should be borne in mind that jeans shrink not only in width, but also in length. Do not forget, otherwise you will walk in the style of "a little grown up."
  6. Shrink pants will still stretch during wear. Therefore, the procedure will have to be repeated again.

These are very significant facts, which should not be neglected. And further. Before shrinking jeans thermally, consider: maybe they just need to be sutured in?

Well, now let's look at the most famous methods of what you need to do to make your jeans fit the right size.

Shrinking jeans by washing

Those who have ever washed their own pants are well aware that they shrink. We use this property when necessary. Only in the machine we set the function “cotton - intensive wash”, and not “jeans”. If there is no such program in your unit, then we simply use the hottest temperature. As a rule, it is about 90°C.

After the machine finishes its work, it will be necessary to dry the jeans. They do this not in the open air, but with the help of:

  • special dryers
  • heating appliances
  • heating radiators
  • heat guns

If the jeans are allowed to dry naturally, chances are they will absorb some of the moisture from the air and stretch a little again. Or they will retract under their own weight of wet fabric.

By the way, some sources claim that it is impossible to shrink pants with the help of hand washing. Say, the water is too hot for the hands. What nonsense. Who bothers to put on thick rubber gloves with cotton coating inside? There are no such, there are only thin ones? No problem! Under thin ones, you can always wear ordinary work gloves or your demi-season gloves. You do not walk all day in such a design. Just turn on your head. And the Russians have always been cunning for fiction.

Advice. Simultaneously with shrinkage, you can lighten boring dark jeans. Just add to the usual rate of washing powder 2 tbsp. l. hydrogen peroxide. Or mix the powder with baking soda in a ratio of 1 to 1.

Reduce jeans by boiling

Everything is simple here. Pour clean water into a large saucepan or metal bucket. 5 liters minimum. We put on a strong fire. When it boils, we lower the jeans. Cook over low heat for at least 20 minutes. Be sure to make sure that the pants are completely immersed in boiling water. Otherwise, shrinkage will occur unevenly.

We dry again on the battery or over the heater.

By the way, absolutely all sources, as one, categorically do not recommend using heating radiators for drying jeans. Allegedly to avoid yellow spots or streaks. What is heresy anyway? Are your batteries hot enough to burn cotton yellow? Or are they covered in mud?

Yes, all my life, our mothers dried things in the winter on radiators, no one complained. Therefore, do not listen to unverified facts and think with your head.

Advice. Please note that after such a procedure, the jeans will not only sit down, but also become a little lighter. If you do not need such an effect, then use another shrinkage option.

Shrinking jeans in pieces

It happens that you need to seat your pants not entirely, but in a certain place. Most frequent:

  • knees
  • buttocks

In this case, there is no need to wash or boil the jeans completely. You can use the original method.

For him, you will need any fabric softener and cool boiling water. Mix the liquids in a ratio of 1 to 3. Bring to a boil again. Now you need to abundantly moisten the desired shrinkage site in the resulting solution. This can be done with a sponge or a teapot with a narrow spout. Or you can simply dip the desired part of the jeans into the liquid.

Now they are waiting for the fabric to cool (not dry!) The procedure is repeated several more times, heating the mixture to boiling water.

After that, you need to dry the pants without wringing and twisting. There is no need for rinsing.

Advice. If there's no heater nearby, or if you're shrinking your jeans in the summer when the radiators are cold, don't panic. Choose the hottest day possible. Dry your pants in a horizontal position in the sun itself. Change your towel often to a dry one and flip your jeans to the other side. So they will shrink a little more.

If you need very little shrinkage of the pants, about the size, then there is no need for boiling or washing. All you need is an iron and an ironing net (can be replaced with gauze or thin chintz).


  • The maximum temperature allowed for ironing is indicated on the pants label. Remember.
  • Wet the jeans thoroughly with hot water.
  • Press lightly without twisting.
  • The iron is installed on see point 1.
  • Cover the jeans with a mesh so that shiny stripes do not appear.
  • As soon as possible, they try to dry the pants with an iron.

There is a heat treatment of the fabric, but in a more gentle mode than when boiling.

A unique recipe for shrinking jeans is roaming the net ... on yourself! It is necessary to dress up in pants, sit with the most tolerable hot water. Then it is proposed to dry them on yourself.

And this stupidity is found almost everywhere. But the fact is that this is not a way of shrinking, but of STRETCHING too tight jeans. Don't believe? Try it to be sure.

For the method to work, you will have to not move or even breathe while your pants are drying. But when you then take them off, you will still stretch them. Therefore, use the other methods described above.

How to shrink jeans fast

If you are too lazy to do any body movements, or there is no way to shrink your jeans yourself, then the nearest dry cleaner will help you! Be sure to choose the crappiest, with a bad reputation. After returning the jeans, you will definitely not recognize them. They will sit down so that ... your younger brother or sister will be delighted with the new thing.

Doubt? Then read the relevant reviews, stories of eyewitnesses and direct participants. Or try it yourself.

Now you know what to do to make your jeans fit the right size. And certainly never throw your favorite pants into the far corner.

Video: how to reduce jeans at the waist

The jeans you like in the store are sometimes too big. What if you still want to buy them? In no case do not refuse to buy. Just like not giving up your favorite pants that have become big as a result of a successful diet. And there is no need to be upset in these cases either. Another thing is needed: to reduce jeans. This can be done not only in the workshop, but also at home.

There are several ways that really help to make pants smaller.

By washing

Hot water can affect your jeans and make them look smaller.

When hand washing, you will need capacious containers (basin, baby bath) and boiling water. But detergents are not useful: the work is done with clean trousers.

Jeans are immersed in boiling water and kept in water for 10 to 15 minutes. In another container (you can in the bath). From boiling water, the thing is immediately immersed in cold water for 2-3 minutes. Now it remains to wring out, dry and iron the pants using steam.

Machine wash

When using a washing machine, only the maximum temperature wash function (95°) is required, no rinsing! The highest temperature is also needed for drying. You can also use a hot battery.

Important! Having the ability to shrink from hot water, jeans can stretch during wear. Therefore, washing can be reduced, but not more than 2 weeks.

With stitching

Laundry is usually used as a temporary method. For a permanent change in size, the trousers are sutured. The work is carried out both completely with the entire product, and with individual parts that have become problematic.

Materials and tools that will be required when working with jeans at home

If you are constantly engaged in needlework, you will have all the necessary tools at hand. The rest of the girls and women need to prepare the following:

  • matching color threads;
  • needles for basting and stitching;
  • pins;
  • tape measure;
  • chalk or pencil;
  • wide elastic band;
  • sewing machine.

The presence of an assistant is very useful!

How to sew in jeans that are too big

We will tell you how to sew jeans in different places.

How to sew jeans at the waist. Instruction

The most common case is when the pants fit well, but are clearly large at the waist. There are several ways to fix this.

The easy way

Put on your jeans and tuck in a few tucks at the waist to make it shorter. You got some kind of darts. Try to distribute them evenly, without collecting all the excess fabric in one place.

Secure the hoods with pins. After that, you need to carefully rip the belt in places of the tucks and carefully sew them up. The fabric, which turned out to be superfluous, is cut off, after which the belt is sewn again.

Important! Try not to make too long darts at the back, on the buttocks: this will pull up and shorten the back of the legs.

The hard way

This method will take more time, but you will be pleased with the result.

Work begins with ripping off the belt loop and label, which are located at the back. After that, you have to carefully unpick the belt (from the seam - 10 cm in each direction) and the step seam (by 8 cm). We carry out work with the back seam:

  • fasten excess fabric with pins;
  • we outline and check during the fitting;
  • if necessary, we correct, after that we perform a machine seam;
  • on the front side we make a double seam with a thread matching the color of the stitching.

Continuing work, we sew up the ripped step seam and also perform stitching. After that, we move on to the belt. Having measured how long it should be after sewing, we cut off the excess fabric, not forgetting to take into account the stitching allowances in the calculations. We sew on a shortened belt, return the back loop and the company label to the product. Work is done!

Important! In order for the product to look of high quality after re-stitching, do not forget to remove all old threads in a timely manner after tearing off and how to iron the seams after you have torn the old ones and made new ones.

Reducing the size with a wide elastic band

Another way to reduce jeans at the waist will require a wide elastic band. Getting started, we undermine the belt from the wrong side in the back of the trousers.

Cut off the elastic (you need a length that is slightly less than the waist line on the back). We fix the elastic band on the belt with pins and try on the pants. If the elastic has not pulled the belt together enough, we adjust its length with pins. After that, we sew an elastic band, and then a belt. Now your jeans will fit perfectly at the waist. And on the back of the belt, only a small assembly will be visible.

How to sew jeans in the hips. Instruction

If jeans dangle in the hips, they are sutured in this place. First, it is planned how much tissue needs to be removed. To do this, put on trousers turned inside out and pin the excess material with pins.

Having removed the jeans, a seam line is outlined with chalk or a pencil from the inside. After that, the belt and pocket are torn off, the side seam is ripped open and a new one is made. In conclusion, 2 decorative stitches are made from the face of the product.

How to sew jeans on the back seam. Instruction

You can remove unnecessary volumes in the buttocks area if you redo the back seam. In this case, you will also have to first remove the belt loop and the label from the back. The trousers are then put on to mark and secure how much fabric needs to be sewn up.

Having removed the jeans, they make a basting seam, and after an additional fitting - a machine one. After removing excess fabric, the seam is processed, and stitching is done from the face. The last step is sewing on the belt, belt loops and labels.

How to sew jeans on the sides in the legs to change their model (from wide to narrow). Instruction

If the fashion has taken a rapid turn and the newly bought jeans clearly do not fit into it, do not immediately push them away. When switching from wide or flared trousers to tight ones, everything is fixable.

Action algorithm:

  • We put on the inside-out jeans and mark the desired width of the trousers with pins.

Important! If flared trousers got into a mess, jeans are narrowed below the knee, when working with wide legs - along their entire length.

  • After removing the jeans, they make a basting and check it during the fitting.
  • If the preliminary seam does not need to be adjusted, machine stitching is performed.
  • Iron the product, and then cut off the excess material.
  • Perform processing and external stitching.

Tips for downsizing jeans at home

The work of self-reducing the size of jeans will require perseverance and painstaking work. The experience of experienced craftswomen will help.

Jeans Sewing Tips:

  • Perform work on a clean, but already worn product. This will give you an idea of ​​how much the jeans stretch as you wear them.
  • Take your time and don't rush! It is better to do an additional fitting to fit the pants to your figure than to ruin the thing.
  • Do not rip the legs completely, turning them into a skirt: not everyone succeeds in sewing them correctly in the crotch area on their own.
  • Use double stitching and extra stitches at the end of the seam - this will improve the quality of your work.

Follow all the steps carefully and carefully, and you will succeed!

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