How to stretch shoes. How to increase the size of rubber boots

Try to avoid such purchases when the purchased shoes are too small for you. If you still could not resist and bought slightly small shoes or boots in the store, near which you simply cannot pass by, we will tell you how to stretch your shoes already at home and still enjoy the purchase.


You can slightly modify any tight shoes at home: stretch leather, suede, patent leather, rubber, artificial, and even nubuck. At the same time, it will not affect the appearance and will not spoil the shoes.

Purchased shoes are not always exactly small and do not always need to be stretched as much as a size. It may fit perfectly, but be a bit narrow or stiff where it meets the ankle. Sometimes it needs to be stretched a little in width.

In fact, not only new shoes may need stretching, but also, for example, shoes made of genuine leather, which for winter season shrunken or caked in the most uncomfortable way in the closet.

How to be? Do not throw away because of this purchase or favorite ankle boots? Looking for a shoe shop in the city, in which shoes are stretched along your leg with the help of blocks, there is neither time, nor strength, nor desire? The situation can be saved even at home!

There are some of the most effective and proven ways to stretch shoes:

With alcohol

And the very first and most effective on this list is to stretch shoes with ethyl alcohol.

  • We moisten the shoes from the inside with alcohol (you can equally successfully use vodka and colognes);
  • We put on thicker cotton socks (the leg should be back to back inside the shoe);
  • We put shoes on our feet;
  • We process shoes with alcohol and outside. To prevent the alcohol from quickly eroding, over the shoes you need to wear large, thick and loose socks five sizes larger than your usual size;
  • For 1-2 hours we walk around the apartment until the shoes get the size you need.
  • It will be easier to treat shoes with alcohol, bay water solution alcohol (1:1) in a container with a spray bottle.

With oil

The oil itself is a very plastic substance, in the old days it was very actively used to soften or stretch shoes. Especially this method effectively resurrects leatherette shoes that have not been worn for several years and helps to return original view patent leather shoes.

Most suitable Castor oil, which is devoid of a pronounced smell, but has excellent elastic properties and will help stretch the shoes. If it was not at hand, and the shoes urgently need resuscitation, then the usual refined vegetable oil.

  • On cotton pad applied required amount oils;
  • Shoes are processed abundantly - either the entire block, or only the problem area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe shoe, which directly presses and rubs the legs;
  • Cotton socks are put on (for “oily” procedures it is better to choose old socks that you won’t be sorry to throw away) and shoes are worn in for 1-2 hours.

With boiling water

What you can always find at home is hot water. Just as pasta swells in boiling water, shoes made of genuine leather can also behave.

Attention! This method will allow you to stretch the shoes only from natural materials! Shoes made of leatherette or some synthetic materials may lose shape, appearance and other qualities.

So, the shoes are stretched with boiling water according to the following scheme:

  • pour boiling water over shoes from the inside;
  • hold for a couple of seconds for exposure;
  • drain water from shoes;
  • we put on the cooled shoes on a thick layer of socks, as described in the previous methods;
  • wear until the shoes are completely dry.

If you are embarrassed by such a “boiled” method and you are afraid of ruining your shoes, then use a more gentle variation. Shoes will have to be steamed over boiling water for a certain time. Hot steam will have a similar, though lesser effect on shoes. Then she should give the desired shape as soon as possible, stretch it properly and fix the result (shoes can be fixed with plastic spacers or tightly crumpled paper).

With the use of cold

This label is radically opposite, but no less effective. If your shoes are tight, and there is free space in the freezer, then you can stretch your shoes in one night! (Well, or in balcony conditions, if it happens in winter).

Put plastic bags filled with water in your shoes. Before being sent to the freezer, also place shoes in a bag for hygiene purposes. In the evening, you leave uncomfortable shoes in the cold, and in the morning you take out the ice blocks from them and you get already comfortable shoes!

Take all precautions:

  • In order not to spoil the shoes, use two tight bags, the first of which is tied, the second is left open;
  • See that the water fills the entire space (if you stretch the shoes to size) or only the toe (if you stretch the shoes in width).
  • In the morning, leave the shoes on for about 20-30 minutes room temperature, and then remove the ice blocks.

Using paper, newspapers

It is also one of the earliest popular ways to stretch shoes at home. Leather shoes does not always confirm its high performance, but for fabric moccasins, rubber boots or flip flops, as well as shoes made from other non-natural materials, it fits almost perfectly.

  • Prepare a lot of newsprint;
  • Soak it in warm water(you can also use a little alcohol from the first option for stretching shoes);
  • Protect your shoes from the inside from newspaper paint clean slate paper or bag)
  • Tamp wet newspapers tightly inside (by the way, they practice stuffing shoes not only with paper, but also with wet cloth, however, it holds a new shape a little worse);
  • Leave shoes to dry.

When forming a shoe from wet newspapers, it is important to be careful and accurate, because what shape your shoes will take on now, it will remain so when it dries.

If the shape seems slightly distorted to you, it is better to redo this papier-mâché shoe.

It is very important that with any of the “wet” stretching methods, the shoes are dried gradually, and not on batteries, heaters or in the open sun. Because the result can be obtained inversely proportional. Shoes will dry out even more and will be unpleasantly deformed.

With a hair dryer

In an apartment, you can stretch your shoes with a regular hair dryer. The shoes are warmed up and then treated with a stretcher (or treat the shoes with one of the home remedies suggested above), then the shoes are put on the toe. You will have to repeat this procedure several times so that the shoes stretch gradually.

Using vinegar

The arsenal of answers to the question of how easy it is to stretch shoes is not exhausted. Pretty much anything you can find in your kitchen cabinets or refrigerator can be used. For example, vinegar. They are most often treated with shoes with narrow "noses" that squeeze the fingers and foot. Prepare a 3% vinegar solution and treat the inside of the shoes. It will become softer and more pliable. But on the outside, it is better not to treat shoes with acetic acid - it is not known how shoes will react to it.

other methods

If you have at home paraffin candles, then you can use them by analogy with the "freezer" method. Melt the wax, pour into bags and into shoes. We are waiting for hardening, take it out and get comfortable shoes!

If your shoes rub your foot, in problem areas, treat the heels and side walls of the shoes with soap or a paraffin candle.

Kerosene perfectly and effectively softens leather shoes. But this method is unlikely to be popular with fashionistas because of its unpleasant companion - a persistent smell.

With the use of special tools

Perhaps experimenting with shoes is not your method, or shoes are too expensive, then of course it is better to save home remedies for the most extreme case. Stretch shoes will help affordable professional tools, which are sold directly in shoe stores. The most famous of them do not need advertising:

  • Kiwi;
  • salamander;
  • Duke Of Dubbin.

The method of application of these sprays and foams is indicated on the packaging. But the conditions are the same as with home remedies. We apply, put on with terry or other thick socks, and “walk” the shoes up to complete drying.

Each of us faced such a problem as tight boots. Perhaps your favorite shoes have become small over time, or you have purchased new model not in size.

If you have no particular desire to part with the thing, you can try to save the day. To do this, you need to know how to carry boots at home and not damage the product.

Can be achieved on your own desired result without resorting to the services of a workshop. There are several ways to solve the problem.

Special stretching products

by the most in a simple way increase the size of the boots is considered an acquisition special aerosol. It is applied to the part of the shoe where the product "sits" on the leg most tightly.

After treatment with a spray in boots, you need to walk for at least 30 minutes. Stretching a new thing, try not to be in one place, but to move, so you will achieve results faster.

Alcohol or vodka

To quickly break in shoes without using special means you can use alcohol or vodka.

Places in which discomfort is felt are moistened with liquid, after which they put on the product and walk for at least an hour.


  • Stretching in this way does not damage the shoes. You will need a large number of wet newspapers with which the product is filled, after which the paper is left inside for 12 hours.
  • Then you need to put on thick socks (if possible, several pairs at once) and walk in shoes for as long as possible.
  • Repeat this process until the item is the correct size.


With the help of cold, you can get the desired size during the day. For this, double plastic bag pour water and tie tightly. The presence of air in the bag is not allowed.

The "bubble" must be carefully placed inside the shoe and placed in the freezer for 10-12 hours. The boots are then removed from the freezer compartment and "thawed" at room temperature.

thermal effect

You can also increase the size by heating the product. You need to put on several pairs of thick socks, and then put on tight boots.

Turn the hair dryer on high temperature regime, and direct the air flow to the desired area. You can warm up the same place for no more than 1 minute. Then turn off the appliance and leave your shoes on until they cool down.

At right approach stretching boots at home is not difficult.

How to stretch the top of your boots at home

Shaft stretching is a time-consuming and risky process. In order not to spoil the product, you should not try to stretch it in cases where:

  • the zipper closes only half way;
  • shoes are made of leatherette.

In other cases, even if the lightning does not converge for a couple of centimeters, you can influence this area yourself. Consider how to stretch the top of your boots at home using improvised means.

Stretching with an iron

To successfully cope with the task, it is necessary to act carefully, without making sudden movements, and follow the following sequence of work:

  • Unzip your boot and place it on a flat surface.
  • Preheat the iron to medium heat and steam the shoes through a damp cloth.
  • When the material becomes soft, stretch it to necessary measurements marked in advance.

After receiving right size boots are stuffed with paper and allowed to dry at room temperature. If the desired result was not achieved the first time, the procedure must be repeated.

Glass container and pencils

Shoes must be wetted in problem areas hot water, then put inside the boot glass container filled with water at a lower temperature. After that, pencils are alternately inserted between the container and the shaft until there is no free space and set aside to dry completely.

Using these methods, you can achieve the desired result, and the boots will be without special efforts fasten at the ankle.
Vegetable oil heated in a water bath will help stretch the shoes.

New leather shoes cause discomfort when worn and often damage skin. To avoid this, it is necessary to stretch the product before use. Consider how to carry leather boots correctly:

  • Wear boots daily and walk around the room. When discomfort take off your shoes immediately.
  • Moisten the product with boiling water to make the skin soft and supple. Then put on your shoes and walk around the room. Remember, boots are stretched until completely dry, it is undesirable to take them off earlier.
  • Heat the vegetable oil in a water bath and wipe the surface of the shoe with it using a foam sponge. After impregnation, boots must be put on and not removed for an hour and a half, repeating the treatment every 30 minutes. After the shoes are stretched, the oil is thoroughly washed off with water.

Breaking in leather boots is easy. This material is easy to stretch, and you can easily get rid of the discomfort when wearing such shoes.

How to stretch faux leather boots at home

shoes from faux leather can be stretched with castor oil.

Shoes made of artificial leather are not subject to stretching, and when trying to increase the size, the material deteriorates. Therefore, it will not work to stretch the boots too much, you can only slightly soften them in the following ways:

  • Use castor oil, the properties of which are similar to those of special sprays. A small amount of the product lubricates the necessary areas and wear the product as long as possible.
  • If the shoe presses on the toe or heel, this area is lubricated 13% vinegar solution. Then put on the product and wear until dry.

These methods, although slightly, help to cope with the problem and partially eliminate the inconvenience.

How to stretch rubber shoes at home

Is it possible to stretch rubber boots on your own and how to do it? First of all, you need to understand that rubber is plastic and practically cannot be stretched. If you put a lot of effort, it just breaks.
Only PVC boots can be stretched.

It is possible to stretch rubber boots when they are made of PVC. Many people mistakenly call polyvinyl chloride rubber, but its difference lies in the fact that this material lends itself well to mechanical stress, and you do not need much strength to increase the size. tight shoes.

How to stretch rubber shoes on one's own? Follow this sequence of actions:

  • Pour boiling water inside the boots and leave for 30 minutes.
  • Put on thick socks and, draining the water from the inside, quickly put on shoes.
  • Lower your legs into your pelvis cold water and within 20-30 minutes, stretch the shoes, with maximum force resting on tight areas.

There are many ways to return rubber products to their previous state in which they are most convenient to use. Therefore, to the question of how to soften rubber at home, there are several answers at once. And to choose how to soften the rubber in each case will remain with the owner of the house. In the most famous and common method of processing the products under discussion, ammonia is used. Its main advantage lies in maximum efficiency, availability and low cost, because such alcohol can be purchased at the lowest cost at any nearest pharmacy. First, rinse the rubber part with water and immerse in a water-alcohol solution. It is prepared in proportions 1/1. For such a bath, about 30-40 minutes will be enough. After the specified time, the rubber will need to be washed again. clean water and dry thoroughly.

The second most popular method of softening rubber among ordinary people involves the use of castor oil. It is important to note here that its result will be quick, but short-lived. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to this method if it is required to soften the rubber for short term. To begin with, the rubber product is washed with water and dried, and then completely thoroughly lubricated with castor oil applied to a soft cloth or cotton wool. It remains only to give the object time to impregnate and you can use it. The term depends on the size of the product and the thickness of the rubber. For miniature parts, just a couple of minutes of “rest” will be enough. By the way, if liquid silicone is at hand, then it is quite possible to use it. This tool gives exactly the same result of quick, but short-term softening for rubber products.

The next method, which tells you how to soften the rubber at home on your own, will be longer, but the effect of it will remain for long time. This will require large saucepan or other container available for heating, in which it will be possible to place the rubber product completely. If the material has become very hard, it is best to boil it in salted water. Rubber is immersed in a saucepan with liquid, and then sent in this container to medium heat. You can use for such heating and a boiler. It is difficult to specify the exact time of the procedure, it will also depend on the size of the product and the degree of its “stubbornness”. To determine the deadline for its completion, you will simply need to periodically check the rubber with a wooden stick for softness.

But not only boiling will be effective for softening the products under discussion. It is possible to influence objects with high temperature in other ways. If, for example, a hardened hose cannot be put on the desired pipe, then its end should simply be immersed in boiling water for a couple of minutes. The main thing is that immediately after that, have time to quickly install the part until it returns to its original state. High temperature very quickly affects the rubber, effectively steaming and softening it. If it turns out to be difficult to remove the part used, then you can heat it in other ways, for example, by applying a cloth soaked in boiling water or by acting with a jet of hot air from a hair dryer. After such procedures, the desired element will quickly pull together soft and pliable. The main thing is to protect your hands from exposure. high temperature or boiling water. It is better to protect them first with thick gloves or in some other way.

But there are other ways to quickly and easily soften rubber using improvised means. For example, the most ordinary kerosene can help with this. It is known that he is able not only to soften the rubber, but to completely change its structure, returning the material to its former elasticity and pliability. That is why this method is recommended by experts to those who would like to achieve a result that remains on long term. It will be necessary to fill a container of the desired size with kerosene, and then immerse the rubber product into it. Do not immerse the object in cold kerosene, it is better to leave it at room temperature for a while. Usually a couple of hours in the substance under discussion is enough to soften various rubber products. As soon as the right time expires, and the kerosene will have the desired effect on the object, it will be possible to remove the structure from the liquid, rinse thoroughly under water and dry.

In many cases, rubber products are completely irreplaceable. Various seals, belts, hoses and other parts are found in the design of household items and automotive technology. But with prolonged use or hypothermia, they can become hard and unsuitable for further use. How to soften rubber at home? There are substances and methods of exposure that help achieve the desired result.


This substance is able to change the structure of rubber and restore the elasticity of rubber products. The procedure consists in soaking objects until the desired effect is obtained. Rubber big size can be carefully rolled up before being placed in a container of kerosene. After a couple of hours, the softened part must be removed and rinsed thoroughly.


There is another option - to arrange the product bathing in a water-ammonia solution. The rubber should be placed in the prepared composition and kept for about half an hour. Then the washed and dried part can be used for its intended purpose.

Silicone and castor oil

What can soften the rubber at least for a while? Silicone will have a temporary effect on it. Having lubricated the surface of the object with it, it is necessary to give time for absorption, after which the product will be ready for use. A similar treatment can be carried out with the use of castor oil.


In a situation where it is not possible to put a hose on a rounded part or pipe, immersion of the desired part of the product in boiling water will help. After waiting a little, you need to remove the hose from the water and, without wasting time, install it in the right place. It will be easy enough to do this, because the material will steam out from the high temperature.

Sometimes there is a problem with the removal of rubber elements from some structural parts. In this case, air heating will be effective. A hair dryer is used. Under the influence of a hot jet, the material will expand, as a result of which it will be possible to scroll and pull off the pliable element.

Such simple methods you can soften hardened rubber, thereby increasing the service life of popular products.

All people face the problem of tight shoes. Someone hastily measures the pair they like, and then it causes discomfort. Someone new boots do not converge in the bootleg, someone deliberately buys the wrong size, because they liked the model. And no one, of course, comes back to change shoes.

What to do in such a situation? It is best to take the boots to the workshop. If this is not possible, then you can use proven people's councils to stretch Various types boots, including tarpaulin and felt boots.

Is it possible to stretch

If the boots are too small, then you can stretch them to the required size, you can living conditions- There are many methods.

Important! However, it is worth considering the characteristics of the material from which the product is made, when choosing one or another method.

Leather is a material that dries out over time. You can stretch by 1 size using natural and artificial materials(steam, ice, damp newspapers).

Winter with fur

Resize winter boots not easy, because inside they are trimmed with fur, and not all processing options will have a positive effect on the condition of the products. The use of tight socks and heating with a hairdryer will quickly help to solve the problem:

In addition, you can use professional products (sprays, stretchers) to stretch winter shoes.

Stuff your shoes with paper beforehand. Apply funds on top of the boots.

Treat those areas that cause severe discomfort and leave overnight. Several procedures are enough for the shoes to stretch to the desired size.

Rubber and polyurethane

Rubber boots and shoes made of polyurethane are most in demand in last years. You can change the size of such shoes only if polyvinyl chloride is present in its composition. You can check whether the product is subject to stretching as follows: touch the product with a hot needle. If the material melts, then the shoe size can be changed.

Use the following methods to bring your rubber boots to the desired shape:

  1. Fill the product with boiling water;
  2. Wait until the material becomes softer;
  3. Put on thick socks and drain the water from your boots;
  4. Put on the product and stand in a container of cold water.


Nubuck is a material that requires delicate care. need to be very careful. The following methods will help you with this:

Tight or narrow - stretch at home

If the boots are tight or too tight, there are safe remedy to resolve this issue. Let's combine the methods proposed above:

  1. Wear thick socks and uncomfortable boots;
  2. Walk around the house in them so that they take the shape of your foot;
  3. Then fill the product with wet newspaper sheets so that it does not deform;
  4. In this form, leave the shoes for the night;
  5. In the morning, when the skin softens, put on the socks again and repeat the breaking-in procedure;
  6. Do this until you get the desired result.

Another proven method is to oil a pair of shoes. fat cream from all sides. If you have a block, then this will simplify the task:

  1. Insert the structure (plastic or wood) into the shoes;
  2. Adjust the last according to your size;
  3. The block will stretch the boots in right place as far as the material will allow.

in the lower leg

Many are faced with a problem when a thing fits in size, but does not converge in the shaft. There are several options for how to resolve this issue.

Professional Spray:

  1. Apply the product to the inner and outer surface of the shoe in the area of ​​​​the shaft;
  2. Put on boots on your feet and wait for the product to dry;
  3. This option is suitable for stretching artificial leather boots.

improvised means in order to increase the shank in the shoe:

  1. Find glass bottle, fill with water and insert into boots;
  2. Wet the item on all sides. It is advisable to use hot water for this;
  3. Insert pencils into the free space between the shaft and the bottle;
  4. Leave to dry naturally.

Vodka and spats:

  1. Moisten the leggings with vodka;
  2. Put them on your feet;
  3. Try to pull on the shaft;
  4. Wait until the shoes are completely dry.

After drying, the boots will be comfortable to wear in the bootleg area. Repeat the procedure if necessary. Handle with care on artificial leather shoes.

Did you manage to stretch the shoes over your foot?

Yes fineNo, I'll take it to the workshop

In caviar

There are few ways in the calf area. Use the following guidelines:

  1. Use a professional calf stretch boot spray;
  2. Apply the product inside and out;
  3. Aerosolize those areas that cause severe discomfort and leave overnight;
  4. You can try to smooth the fur inside with an iron. After that, fastening the shoes will be easier;
  5. Wet the product with water from the inside and insert a tightly rigid block into it (you can use a jar or bottle). Leave shoes to dry. Then rub with castor oil.

On the rise

You can increase the shoes in the instep area:

  1. Filling it tightly with pieces of newspaper soaked in water. Wait a few hours for the paper to dry. After that, do not forget to apply an emollient cream or castor oil to the surface of the product;
  2. Having processed problem areas professional spray as described above. Rinse off is not required. Carry out the procedure in a ventilated room;
  3. Insert a bag of water into the shaft and place the shoes in the freezer overnight. The tool is very effective, but can lead to damage appearance boot;
  4. Put on warm socks and go to new shoes during the day. It will become much more convenient;
  5. Last the way is fine for the hardy. Break in a new thing for several days until the product takes the desired shape.

How much does it cost in the workshop if they press in length or in width

In shoe ateliers, you can produce any. Specialists will take into account the characteristics of the material

Not a single master will take up stretching products made of artificial leather, as well as rubber.

The work of the master will cost more than if the procedure was carried out independently. However, a specialist, if he takes up the job, guarantees you the desired result.

Information. To change the size of shoes, the craftsmen use modern and delicate methods of processing products. In the shoe workshop, a full range of measures is used to stretch products in length and width.


If the shoes you bought don't fit, don't worry. There are many tools, both professional and folk, that will help solve this problem. When choosing one or another option for stretching shoes, consider the characteristics of the material of the product.

Useful video

You can watch a helpful video here: