How to determine whether natural suede or artificial. Suede material: description, composition, characteristics, advantages and disadvantages

Suede has been used to make clothing for hundreds of years. This material is loved for its beautiful appearance, practicality and long service life.

Modern technologies allow the production of various types of suede. For example, technical suede GOST 3717 is made from the skins of reindeer, goats and other artiodactyl animals. There is also artificial suede, which is a woven fabric.

The difference between natural and artificial suede

To find significant differences between different types of suede, you need to know the features of their manufacture. Natural suede is the skin of an animal that has undergone a special dressing. The artificial material is made from individual fibers in a woven or non-woven way.

To understand whether suede is artificial or natural in front of you, you need to carefully consider the material:

  • color uniformity. Natural suede never has a solid color, if you run your hand over it, the color can change from dark to light. Faux suede does not have this feature;
  • underside of the product. On artificial suede substitutes, there is always a woven base, it is clearly visible even on raw sections;
  • natural suede has a characteristic smell of leather, while artificial material has no smell or smells of chemical dyes;
  • If a drop of water gets on natural suede, it will quickly be absorbed. Only a dark spot remains. Synthetic materials do not absorb water well, so a drop will stay on the surface of the material for some time.

If you carefully examine the surface of natural suede, you can see that it is not uniform. The pile of artificial suede will be perfectly even, and the canvas will be solid and smooth.

A material that imitates natural suede can be made in two ways. The woven method allows you to get a better and more expensive material. First, a fabric is woven from microfiber fibers, and then the finished fabric is processed on a special machine, which cuts part of the fibers and forms villi. The result is a material very similar in texture to natural suede.

There is also another way to make suede. The villi are glued on the prepared base in a special way.

Such material is more affordable than natural suede. And modern technologies make it possible to produce artificial suede, which is difficult to distinguish from natural suede in appearance.

See the video for simple ways to clean suede:

Buying products made from natural materials is considered the most acceptable option. In order not to get hooked by scammers, be sure to find out the main subtleties and differences between high-quality material and an equally well-thought-out fake. In our article we will talk about how to distinguish artificial suede from real. You can find important points for choosing suede items, as well as recommendations for caring for them, right there.

Characteristics of a natural product

The production of suede involves the tanning and impregnation of dressed deer or sheep skins with special fats. The process produces thin skin with short villi on the front. Suede is characterized by high heat capacity, excellent "breathing" and at the same time very thin. The main advantages of using this material are described below.

Natural suede

Advantages of natural material:

  • Exceptional strength, which is more surprising considering the rather thin layer.
  • They perfectly pass air without interfering with cellular respiration.
  • For a long time they retain their original appearance.
  • Exceptional softness and porosity of the material.

On the video, it looks like natural suede

The disadvantages are the high cost. Despite the development of modern industry, dressing skins requires no less costly method, like centuries ago. In addition, the quality of raw materials is also much inferior, so the problem of obtaining good suede is relevant every year. The second major obstacle before buying (especially shoes and outerwear) is low moisture resistance.

The porous surface gets wet quickly, so use may be a little limited. However, the use of special impregnations will help to at least partially solve this problem.

Characteristics of artificial material

Making faux suede also requires the utmost attention. There are two types of this fabric. The first is obtained by gluing small villi onto a solid base. This is the least durable and durable option. Such a surface is easily damaged, so this suede is considered not so popular, but very cheap.

Natural suede

The second type of artificial suede involves the process of creating villi using looped threads. Subsequently, quite high-quality pile is made from them. Of course, this option is more preferable, especially since it has a lot of positive aspects of use.

Benefits of faux suede:

Among the shortcomings can be noted the inability of heat transfer. You can get cold in faux suede products, and in summer they are extremely hot. Faux suede is harder and has a shorter lifespan. Manufacturing technologies are constantly being improved, so you should pay attention to the durability of the coating, as well as the quality of the accessories used.

Main distinguishing features

One of the main criteria for choosing a suitable thing can be called its authenticity. Now the technology for the production of artificial suede is so perfect that not everyone can distinguish these options. The main criteria that you should focus on when buying suede items are described below.

How to distinguish suede from artificial material:

In order for a purchased pair of shoes or a favorite suede jacket to please the owners longer, special care conditions must be observed.

First of all, this applies to cleaning suede products. In particularly difficult cases, it is better to use the services of dry cleaning, and to remove everyday dirt, be sure to purchase a line of specialized products. Brushes and erasers to remove dirt, as well as special impregnations and shampoos, will extend the life of your favorite thing.

Not always the purchase of natural suede will be justified. Aside from the cost, this may not be practical when it comes to some use cases. Faux suede can be the best option, so the information below will be useful.

Which material is better in which case

Of course, it is best to purchase exactly the shoes and clothes that suit you. Many people prefer natural materials, but can not always afford to buy them. In what cases it will be more advantageous to give preference to artificial suede, is described below.


The season of use is the main purchase criterion. As a rule, it is better to buy summer and demi-season items from natural suede. For winter use, this material is less resistant, in addition, daily care can bring many not very pleasant minutes.

Suede shoes

Summer sandals with weaves of suede stripes are a great option for long-term wear. They will not be hot, they will not tear for a long time and always look chic. The material breathes well and will not rub your feet when walking. In this regard, an artificial substitute is appropriate only for infrequently used shoes.

Useful advice: if it is not possible to buy two pairs of good leather shoes at once, you can use a tricky trick. To go out "in the light" to buy inexpensive shoes from a substitute, because you will not have to wear them so often (not to mention changeable fashion). It is better to purchase high-quality and natural suede for everyday use, because in this case, skin contact with the material will be longer. This simple rule will save the budget without harm to well-being.


In general, it is necessary to approach the issue more seriously, because by purchasing this or that thing, you hope to receive only positive emotions from it. If your budget can't handle buying a natural suede sheepskin coat, you might want to look into a quality substitute.

Suede outerwear

On the other hand, some of the improved characteristics of faux suede will become much more comfortable. For example, the ability to choose the so-called Stretch - suede will allow you to emphasize the dignity of the figure more profitably. Replacement products are easier to care for and the range of suitable products is varied.

Furniture upholstery

Used frequently . A soft suede sofa is a real dream. However, its operation may not be so long. In places of constant friction, suede is easily wrinkled and forms completely unaesthetic bald spots. This negatively affects the appearance of upholstered furniture, and replacement requires huge investments. In this case, artificial materials fully justify their existence, especially since furniture fabrics are usually produced with a certain "safety margin". They are designed for increased loads, resistant to abrasion and easier to clean. In this case, the use of high-quality artificial suede is more reasonable.

An important point: the pieces of natural suede by default cannot be too large. If you are offered a huge sofa without the slightest trace of seams and a completely uniform color, you have every chance of being deceived with a 100% guarantee.


For a real woman, a bag is not just a container of necessary things. This is a kind of intimate detail by which one can judge the character of the owner. If you plan to buy a bag from this material, in addition to the recommendations given earlier, you need to pay attention to the quality of the accessories. The serviceability and reliability of locks and latches mean much more for long-term operation.

Another important point: the lining material. As a rule, a real suede bag may lack it partially or completely, but in place of the inner pockets, its use is simply necessary. Too thin and loose fabrics quickly fail, and it is very problematic to replace them. If you plan to use the bag in active mode, special supports from the bottom will also be useful, which will prevent rapid wear.


All kinds of belts, bracelets and gloves can also be made of suede. When purchasing this or that element, it is necessary to judge, first of all, its expediency. Of course, natural materials are always in trend, but for such details this may not be a decisive factor. For example, faux suede has more color options and decorative elements, such as drawing.

In some cases, a good wallet can also be bought from a substitute, because the fittings used are more important here. On the other hand, buying expensive suede gloves can be completely unjustified if the owner often “suffers” from forgetfulness and can lose several pairs at once during the season.

When making purchases, we all hope for a long and trouble-free operation of the thing we like. Unfortunately, these expectations are not always justified, so it would be useful to learn the basic rules for a successful choice of suede. This material is widely used in the field of fashion and design, so things from it can be found almost everywhere. How to distinguish natural suede from artificial, and in what cases it is worth choosing an acceptable option, our article will tell you. Also, what is the difference between nubuck and suede.

Suede - this article will focus on this type of cotton fabric. We will talk in detail about natural suede and artificial suede and its use in clothing. Natural suede is a noble, beautiful, but very expensive material, products of which not everyone can afford. As an alternative, manufacturers offer to wear faux suede clothing, which is also characterized by elegance, velvety and luxury.

What is the name of artificial suede and composition

Suede fabric is a cotton or silk fabric, the front side of which has a characteristic pile. It is also called natural suede - soft leather, which is made with fat or combined tanning of the skin of a deer, elk, goat, sheep. In appearance, these two materials are very similar, but have a number of distinctive features.

Artificial suede material is produced in two ways:

  1. The woven method is used in the production of the highest quality and most expensive fabric. The fabric woven from a special microfiber thread on a special machine is split into small fibers that have different lengths. After processing the pile, the resulting suede fabric is glued to the base, which makes the material more durable and prevents it from stretching. Woven fabric without an additional substrate is less durable and quickly deforms. Artificial suede fabric is used for tailoring (photo).
  2. The non-woven method involves gluing fibers made from polyester onto a cotton, silk or synthetic base. This is a faster and less expensive method of production, but the quality of the material is much lower.

Thus, the pile in the composition of artificial suede is synthetic fibers of microfiber or polyester, and the base is, or synthetics.

It is used for furniture upholstery: description, characteristics, rules of use, pros and cons - read about all this.

How to determine natural suede from artificial and its properties

Faux suede is an imitation of genuine leather. But thanks to unique production technologies, it is possible to achieve maximum similarity between these materials. If you want to figure out how to distinguish artificial suede from natural, you need to pay attention to the following details:

  • natural material is obtained after dressing the skin of animals, which means it looks more natural: pores, microscopic scratches are visible in its structure, the color after dyeing may be less uniform;
  • - it can also be compared, so see its description at the link.
  • artificial suede fabric has a persistent smell of synthetic fibers, and natural material smells like leather;
  • if you run your hand over the natural pile, it will change its color to a lighter one;
  • natural suede is much more expensive than artificial woven or non-woven fabric, so it is often replaced with similar counterparts. For example, it may be - read about its composition in another article.
  • Another option, it is very similar to suede, but inferior to it in a number of characteristics, you can read more about it at the link and see its photo.

Suede properties:

Where applicable

The scope of application has wide boundaries: from tailoring to the manufacture of upholstery for furniture and covers for cars. It all depends on the base on which the pile is pasted.

Cotton-based fabric turns out to be more dense and is used when sewing winter and autumn outerwear, as well as bags and shoes. Suede fabric on a knitted basis drapes well, therefore it is suitable for making skirts, dresses, jackets.

Depending on the basis, several varieties of this material are distinguished at once. If spandex or other elastic is used as a substrate for sticking villi, then stretch suede is obtained. This is a matter stretching in all directions, which in properties resembles natural leather.

When sewing upholstery for car seats, self-adhesive Alcantara suede is used, which is obtained by a non-woven method. Today it is the most inexpensive and high-quality upholstery material in the world, which is many times superior to leather.

Advice. To give the finished product a slight sheen, the fabric is placed with the pile down when cutting, and to get a brighter color, the piles should “look” up.

This video features a suede skirt, dress and jacket! Attention! Video in English!

Products made from natural suede have been very popular with people who prefer beautiful and solid things for many years. This high-quality material looks quite impressive, has a very soft structure, is able to retain heat well and protect against dampness and cold. But this type of leather is quite expensive, and in order not to fall for the tricks of dishonest sellers, you need to know how to distinguish real suede from a fake when buying.

Suede fabric on a natural basis is obtained by tanning and impregnating the skin of deer, goats, sheep or calves with a special composition of fat. The result is a beautiful product, which is an elastic, thin material with a delicate and fleecy surface.

There are two grades of real material, differing in quality and appearance depending on what kind of leather was used in their production. If the skins of calves or sheep are used to obtain suede, on the one hand, it turns out to be more dense, and on the other hand, it is very thin and delicate, therefore it is easily damaged.

Natural fabric of another grade is made by processing the skin of deer, chamois, elk, mountain goats. It is particularly soft, stretchable and breathable. This suede is ideal for sewing outerwear, accessories and shoes. In the manufacture of these things, double face is often used - a double-sided material that does not have a wrong side, decorated beautifully and carefully on both sides.

To obtain suede fabric, the skin of animals is tanned with various fats of animal and vegetable origin. The prepared layers of leather are lubricated with a greasy composition and placed in a special machine under the press, where it is gradually impregnated. This process is quite time consuming and can take from 3 to 5 days. After a certain time, the fat is tightly connected to the skin composition, and the material acquires a homogeneous structure. After that, the fabric is dyed.

Real suede has a matte and velvety surface, it is very durable, waterproof and breathable. This distinguishes it from artificial materials and natural velor - a similar fabric that has a lower cost and does not have the same plasticity, water resistance and strength.

Gallery: natural suede (25 photos)

Properties of real suede

Products made from this type of leather have always been very popular with consumers. But thanks to the advent of modern technologies in the textile industry, the production of artificial materials has reached such a high level that it has become almost impossible to distinguish them from natural ones. To correctly determine the quality of suede, you need to pay attention to the following aspects:

Advantages and disadvantages

Things made of suede look very impressive, expensive and retain their original appearance for a long time, because real material is of very high quality and has the following advantages:

  1. Durable, wear-resistant and elastic, despite the rather thin layer.
  2. Perfectly passes air, does not interfere with cellular respiration.
  3. It has softness and lightness, retains heat for a long time.
  4. Has a great look.

Shoes made of natural suede look much more elegant than ordinary leather, and if you accidentally get in it in the rain, such a fabric will never get wet through. This is its difference from artificial fakes, nubuck and velor.

The disadvantages of suede include:

If you have purchased a jacket, gloves or shoes made of natural material, do not forget that things need to be monitored regularly, and then they will always be in excellent condition.

Characteristics of faux suede

A suede substitute is a material that is visually very similar to a natural product, but together with that has significant differences. It is a completely artificial fabric covered with villi that mimic real leather.

Production features

There are two types of synthetic fabric, which differ in the way they are made:

Suede substitute(name of artificial material) looks very dignified, things made of it have a beautiful appearance, give a pleasant feeling when worn and have an affordable price, but, unfortunately, synthetic fabric will never have such strength and durability as natural canvas.

Advantages and disadvantages

Qualitatively made suede from non-natural materials is in very good demand among buyers, as it has positive properties:

Artificial analogue ideal for furniture upholstery, as it has the same structure, does not fade, it is able to warm on cool days, and in the summer months - to give coolness.

The disadvantages of synthetic material are as follows:

  1. Inability to pass air. In clothes made from this fabric, it will be very hot in summer and cold in winter.
  2. Insufficient strength. Products made from natural fabrics can last much longer.
  3. The material does not tolerate wet exposure and can quickly lose its presentation. It is recommended to take care of it with the help of dry cleaning using special products.

Recently, technologies for the production of suede substitutes have been constantly improved, therefore, during the purchase of products, you can find a fairly high-quality material, the shortcomings of which will be minimized.

Differences between natural suede and artificial

If you want to buy a thing made of real material, you need to carefully consider the product and check the properties of suede fabric. First of all, you need to focus on the following parameters:

Following these tips, you will successfully be able to identify the real fabric, distinguishing it from a substitute. And the ability to understand the materials will help you get a decent and beautiful thing made of suede.

Application of fabrics

Artificial and natural materials are used for clothing, footwear, fashion accessories and furniture coverings.

It is best to buy jackets, skirts, raincoats and demi-season shoes from real suede. Since it is better not to expose such a fabric to moisture, it is recommended to wear boots, shoes and boots made from it in warm and dry weather. For autumn and winter outerwear made of natural material is ideal - a fashionable jacket or a suede sheepskin coat.

Artificial fabric is mainly used for furniture upholstery. Suede substitute looks great as a cover for armchairs, sofas, bedside tables and chairs. This material is quite resistant to abrasion, designed for heavy loads, does not require complex maintenance.

Suede bags look very nice, wallets, gloves, belts, bracelets. Such products are produced from natural and artificial fabrics. When buying accessories, you should not forget - those made from real leather have a higher price.

Clothes and shoes made of suede look very chic, but keep in mind that things made from such material require careful handling. If you carefully wear and properly care for them, suede products will serve you for many years, delighting with their impeccable beauty.

Attention, only TODAY!

Faux suede is almost indistinguishable from the real one. This is a synthetic or natural fabric with a characteristic pile on the front side. It is used both for making clothes and shoes, and for furniture upholstery. There are two ways to produce material:

  1. Woven. Microfiber threads are split into small fibers, which, after processing, are glued to the base. It turns out a fleecy suede fabric with high strength. Without an additional substrate, the material becomes unstable to stretching. In this way, the most high-quality and expensive samples of matter are made, from which jackets, raincoats, and gloves are sewn.
  2. non-woven. Polyester villi are glued onto a cotton, silk or synthetic base. This species is produced less expensively, it is much easier to care for it. Such suede is used mainly for furniture upholstery.

Conclusion: faux suede is a combination of microfiber or polyester fibers and a base made of cotton, silk or synthetics. Properties of this matter:

  • outwardly, it looks like a natural analogue;
  • the surface of artificial suede is soft and velvety to the touch;
  • the fabric is durable and resistant to deformation (does not wrinkle);
  • does not fade;
  • has good strength;
  • repels dirt and dust;
  • has low hygroscopicity;
  • has a uniform color;
  • resistant to the formation of kinks, cracks, abrasions;
  • if you run your hand over the fabric, the villi will easily change position.

Differences from natural

Even considering the maximum similarity with the original, faux suede still has a number of features. How to distinguish natural suede from its artificial sister?

Pay attention to these details:

  1. Obtained from animal skins, natural suede looks more natural. It has a heterogeneous porous structure, in which cracks and scratches are noticeable.
  2. Dyed natural suede cannot be a uniform color (the reason is its uneven texture).
  3. In natural material, the thickness changes from the center to the edge.
  4. The original suede smells like leather, while the faux suede smells like synthetics.
  5. Natural suede is much more expensive than artificial.

Advice! Run your hand over the canvas: the natural at the point of contact will become lighter.

Advantages and disadvantages

This artificial fabric has significantly more pluses than minuses. Let's consider everything in order.


  1. As a furniture upholstery, it is equally good for any style of interior, whether classic or avant-garde. Versatility is also evident in the successful use of suede both at home and in the office.
  2. Increased resistance to deformation and scuffing is another plus of upholstery suede. Such sofa clothes will not crack and will not stretch under increased load, which a natural analogue cannot boast of.
  3. The material does not accumulate static electricity.
  4. Artificial furniture suede around the entire perimeter has the same density, unlike natural.
  5. The fabric is resistant to direct sunlight.
  6. This upholstery does not stick to the body.
  7. An interesting property of artificial suede for furniture: in winter it gives warmth, and in summer - coolness.
  8. The same goes for suede clothing. The skin in such clothes breathes.
  9. Faux suede is easier to clean thanks to the Teflon treatment they are treated with.
  10. Such matter looks no less aesthetically pleasing and attractive than the real one. Its iridescent velvety surface attracts the eye.


  1. The fabric has limits. For example, it does not withstand use as a scratching post. Keep animals away from this upholstery.
  2. Light material tends to get dirty quickly. The problem is solved either by frequent cleaning or a removable cover.
  3. Caring for faux suede is not easy. Such material does not tolerate high humidity. Only dry cleaning or a minimum of water (solutions of ammonia or vinegar) is allowed.


From suede, mainly produce:

  • clothes,
  • shoes,
  • furniture upholstery.

For tailoring outerwear and suits, cotton-based suede is used. Such things fit the figure well. Knitted suede is a good material for skirts, dresses and blouses. Stylish accessories are also obtained from matter: bags, belts, wallets, gloves. As for shoes, everything is made from faux suede, from shoes to high boots.

In the production of furniture, artificial suede is given worthy attention. It serves as an upholstery for chairs, sofas, armchairs. Another suede found itself in everyday life. It makes excellent absorbent wipes for washing glasses.


How to remove stains from faux suede? Clothes can be washed using gentle detergents. Brush suede shoes and use. But with the upholstery you need to be careful. Only dry cleaning is acceptable, especially if a greasy stain is planted. Water will only make matters worse.

Advice! When choosing impregnation for suede shoes, be careful and choose brands that have earned the trust of consumers. Poor-quality impregnation can glue the villi into a dense crust, permanently ruining the thing.

For cleaning clothes, a soapy solution is suitable, which is applied to the contamination with a soft brush. The solution must not be hot. After cleaning, blot the product with a towel to remove excess water. To avoid the formation of smudges, during drying, blot the product several times with a towel.

Upholstery needs constant maintenance. First, vacuum and brush regularly. Secondly, if possible, use protective cases. But if you managed to plant a stain, then you have to tinker. How to clean a suede sofa? Salt, eraser, washing powder will come to the rescue. Be sure to test any product on an inconspicuous area of ​​the upholstery.

Advice! Movements during cleaning should be in the direction of the pile.

Faux suede is a useful and at the same time capricious material. But if all the rules of operation are observed, then a product made of such a fabric will serve the owner for a long time.