Beads from improvised materials. Beads from different materials - master classes. Beads made from natural materials

Jewelry is back in fashion. Only here the prices bite. And if you look closely at what the counters are filled with, you can see how elementary some things are made.

Do you want to occupy your free time with something or buy a stylish, individual piece of jewelry? Then you can start making beads yourself. Many techniques are also suitable for those who do not like to mess around for a long time, but want each outfit to have its own, suitable jewelry.

Of course, you can not think for a long time, but simply string the beads or beads you like on a thread, attach a lock - and that's it! The beads are ready. But as it is not interesting and not original.

Let's look at more interesting options together.

So, polymer clay beads.

This option is for those who want to try to make beads on their own from and to. You don't need it, it wakes up plastic. We act as with ordinary clay or plasticine. We roll the plastic into a sausage and make it the thickness we want. Now cut into pieces.
Here you can dream up. If you want classic beads, then the pieces should be the same size. They need to be rolled into balls and holes made with toothpicks, with which they need to be baked. Well, here, the beads are almost ready. It remains only to cover them with varnish. You can diversify them with the help of color, shape and size. So, you can not roll the balls, but make the beads square and generally uneven. It will turn out very original and stylish.


If you have old beads that have lost their appearance, or whole beads, they can be decorated with thread and a hook. Just tie the beads around to make fun colored balls. If you take a beautiful thread, then the balls will turn out not even funny at all, but beautiful.

Fabric beads in five minutes

Many fashionistas like this option of beads, and it is done in just five minutes. Here again we need old beads. Choose a satin fabric, but another option, for example, knitwear, is quite suitable. Depending on what you want in the end.

We cut out a long strip of fabric, fold it and sew it on a typewriter. We twist. We tie one end into a knot and throw a bead into the resulting “pipe”. Tie the knot again. And throw the next bead. Just make sure that the knots are neat, and the fabric fits snugly around the beads. The ends of the resulting beads can be sewn, again knotted or sewn on with a ribbon and tie a beautiful bow.

Ribbon as decoration

Beads made using ribbon are the latest fashion. We will need beads of large or medium diameter, a fishing line and a ribbon in the color of the beads or in a color that contrasts with them. For example, a golden ribbon with white or black beads looks beautiful. Or black tape. However, this is a matter of imagination and taste.

We take a fishing line and string beads on it, inserting a ribbon between them, which we collect in a fold. Then we burn the ends of the fishing line and ribbon and tie the ribbon with a beautiful bow. Beads are ready!

In addition, beads are made at home from felted wool, from scraps of fabric stuffed with cotton wool, from papier-mâché, and even from sand. There are a great many techniques for making beads, as well as material sold in stores. The main thing is to choose the right lock and thread if you want to collect beads on it.

Suitable for MK:

Marbles - glass balls

The problem of “the wardrobe is full, but there is nothing to wear” is probably familiar to many. It seems that things do not even fit into the closet, but still I want to somehow refresh the familiar image. In this case, jewelry and accessories come to the rescue: sometimes one large detail is enough to completely transform the whole image. The big plus is that accessories do not take up much space, practically do not become obsolete, and most importantly, you can even make them yourself. Literally from improvised means, the same stylish jewelry is obtained that is sold in expensive designer stores. We bring to your attention several unusual ways of how to make beautiful beads yourself in a master class with your own hands.

How to make beads with your own hands from plastic bottles and other materials

It's hard to imagine, but even ordinary plastic bottles can be used as material for beads. This is a very simple decoration, which is more suitable for children's games or as a bright stage outfit. To make unusual “beads”, you will need bottoms cut out of plastic bottles, and it is better to take containers with a volume of 0.5 liters or less. If you look closely, these blanks look like flowers. It is only necessary to shape them with a building hair dryer so that the petals are bent, and paint them with acrylic paints.

Another version of plastic bottle decorations looks already “grown-up”, but is also easy to make and suitable for beginners. For him, we need bottles of green or blue plastic. It is necessary to cut blanks that resemble petals in shape, and then randomly punch holes in them with a hole punch. Next, heat the blanks so that they curl up a little. After that, it remains only to string the petals on a beautiful cord or a metal chain with large links.

Beads from plastic bottles are a demonstration of what spectacular things can be made from improvised materials that are in every home. For the next necklace, plastic blanks will need to be cut into squares of the same size. Next, we heat the blanks so that they have curved wavy edges. We connect the blanks in pairs and insert a matching bead into the center - we get a beautiful translucent flower. From these beads you can assemble a spectacular necklace and even earrings.

How to assemble a beaded necklace?

A necklace made of ready-made components is also very simple to make. From the cord and beads, you can make the simplest decoration "choker", which is well suited to sports and country style.

If you spend a little time, then from beads and fabric you will get elegant beads, in which you are not ashamed to go on a date.

Leather beads.

Genuine leather is an unusually plastic material, from which not only expensive accessories are made, but also jewelry. It can be either an ethnic-style necklace, decorated with beads and natural stones, or romantic leather flower arrangements. The simplest beads that can be made from leather are simple tubes wound around wooden sticks.

Knitted beads.

Knitted jewelry looks very gentle and elegant. They usually consist of several separate elements, such as flowers, connected together with ribbons and decorated with beads and beads. Simple and stylish necklaces are crocheted - they can look like lace stand-up collars.

You can come up with schemes for finished work yourself, focusing on any knitted products with a pattern, even on napkins.

In addition, using a crochet hook, you can make useful slingo beads for children. This is a special decoration for mom, with which the baby can play, sitting in her arms or in a sling. Usually such beads are made of bright cotton yarn in the form of fruits or animals. However, adult beads can also be made using the same technique (crocheting wooden beads), it is only important to choose the right design.

Beaded beads.

Beads are one of the most popular materials for making homemade jewelry, which can be used to make very elegant gizmos. This is quite painstaking work, but the result is certainly worth it. Beads are used to make elegant necklaces of various shapes: woven, embroidered, knitted in the form of ropes. In order for the finished product to look good, it is important to monitor the quality of the material and choose only smooth beads without flaws (for example, made in Japan or the Czech Republic).

The so-called air beads made of beads look very stylish. This type of necklace consists of several levels of fishing line of different lengths, on which beads, beads and crystals are strung. Usually, a monochrome scale is used, and if you make such beads from white beads with pearls, you get a real wedding decoration.

In general, working with beads requires some preparation and skills - this is not the kind of beads that can be built five minutes before leaving the house. It is better for beginners to start with simple elements, gradually trying something new and more complex. On thematic sites and forums, you can find detailed master classes with descriptions of how to weave this or that detail on your own.

Don't be afraid to experiment and embody your wildest ideas - you can find inspiration photos in fashion magazines and style articles.

Video on the topic of the article

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the video, which demonstrates in detail the process of making handmade beads and necklaces.

It is difficult to find a girl who would not like to have a lot of jewelry, but with current prices, not everyone can afford it. So why not make such accessories yourself? Many girls at the word “needlework” say that they are not able to do something on their own, it’s better to buy it in a store. But at the same time, without trying and not knowing that it is not so difficult to fulfill the plan. A beginner always wonders how to make beads with his own hands, and now there are a large number of master classes that will help with this. You can make beads from anything. Needlewomen make jewelry from beads, from leather, from plastic bottles, from improvised materials, from wire, from wood, from beads and fabric, and there can also be crocheted products.

Such questions are obvious when a person first encounters such desires. But everything is not so scary. The main thing is to have desire, desire and patience. A flight of fancy will always help with this. Our article will help everyone to make beads in a short time, while the product will turn out beautiful and unique. Every year there is such a variety of different jewelry that even the most picky fashionista will be able to find what suits her best.

Technique "air"

Someone likes simple, light and thin beads, while someone prefers more voluminous jewelry. So, for example, this master class will show how you can make beads using the “air” technique using beads and lek. The work is painstaking, but it is worth devoting your time to it. With the help of a step-by-step description, making such beads will not be difficult even for beginners.

What you need to prepare for making beads:

  • a skein of fishing line with a diameter of 0.2, up to 45 meters;
  • hook, it is better to take thicker;
  • two pins that have rings;
  • two caps for the product;
  • beads, two colors of 30 grams;
  • textile;
  • tailor's pins;
  • round nose pliers;
  • screw lock.

We collect beads on the fishing line in any order, we do this so that the beads turn out to be multi-colored and the colors are evenly spaced. So, we collect until we get a length of about 4.5 meters.

When you get the desired length, you don’t need to cut the fishing line, just move the beads to the side during the set.

We need to retreat 5 centimeters from the beginning of the forest and fold the tip and the main thread in half, make a knot, as shown in the photo below. We take the hook and stretch it into the resulting loop, while pushing a few beads to the hook and form an air loop.

So, we knit to the very end, but it is important that there are both empty buttonholes and with two or three beads. In this case, our "air" will turn out to be lighter and more airy. We do this until the length is 40 centimeters. When the desired length is knitted, we will knit five empty buttonholes.

And so we knit, taking into account that each time we increase the length of the chain, between five empty ones up to 2 cm. It turns out that the first row was made 40 cm and five empty, and the next 2 cm more - 42 cm. We knit until we will not run out of beads, it should turn out from 12 to 15 rows. We finish the last row with the same five empty buttonholes, and then retreat 5 cm, and only then can we cut the thread and tie a knot. Now put the resulting thread on the fabric with a snake, and where we have empty loops, we fix them with pins.

We begin to collect the product. We take pliers and unbend the ring on the pin, but do not overdo it. Next, we put a buttonhole on the hook of the pin from the first row, so we move to each, while carefully removing them from the pins. When all the buttonholes are on the pin, we can bend the ring so that not a single eyelet slips out. Next, close the ring with a rubber band. After, we collect beads on the pin, but not to the very end, but leave a place for the fastener. With the help of round-nose pliers, we form a ring and hook the clasp there. On the other hand, we do the same, and now our product is ready.

Below will be presented ideas, photos of which can inspire everyone to create such products.

Beads on a string

Previously, our mothers did not have such a variety of different decorations. Everything was standard and did not stand out. But now there are so many options that every day you can change your image radically. In this master class, we will learn how to make beads from cord and beads. Quite an original solution that combines tenderness and style. You can try to solve such a problem with your child, because children like to create something with their parents, and you can also learn something new. The schemes are simple, there is nothing complicated in creating such beads.

What you need to prepare:

  • waxed cord with a diameter of 0.8 cm;
  • clasp;
  • protectors;
  • carpets;
  • scissors;
  • connecting rings;
  • lapis lazuli beads.

We begin to make beads, for this, without cutting the thread, we take the tip of the cord and with the help of scissors we form an oblique cut. This is necessary so that the cord goes better into the hole of the beads. Now the beads are strung on a thread. When collected to the full length, leave 5 cm at the end. Now we form the clasp. To do this, you need to put the protector on the cord, as we see in the photo below. Next, we thread the tip of the thread through the second side of the tread. A loop is formed. It is necessary to tie a knot, for this we hold the protector with our left hand, and we tie it with our right hand, as indicated in the picture. And tie a knot under the tread.

Now you need to cut the protruding thread. And the tail, which remained in 1 mm, is burned with a lighter. We fix the knot with the help of a carpet. We move the beads to the end. Next, we work on the other side. Here we work in a similar way, only we leave half a centimeter between the bead and the tread and form a knot. We tighten it tightly and set fire to the tip of the thread with a lighter. We put on the protector and press it with pliers. Now we fasten the rings, and a lock to them, and our beads are ready.

Video on the topic of the article

This article presents a video selection with which you can learn how to make beads with your own hands.

Gone are the days when handmade jewelry was considered bad taste and lack of money. Many designers develop jewelry collections that cost much more than gold jewelry with diamonds.

So what is jewelry?

By definition, bijouterie (from French bijouterie)- decorations from inexpensive materials. A variety of metals and alloys, transparent and colored glass, plastic, ceramics, wood and leather can be used for production. But high-quality jewelry can consist of expensive crystals, gilding or silvering. Such jewelry in appearance can be indistinguishable from real jewelry, and cost much more.

In more complex leather jewelry, real patterns are created or figures are carved.

Natural materials (wood, stones, shells)

Wonderful summer decorations can be made from lacquered shells and strung on a thread.

Ordinary pebbles can also be used to create jewelry. Most often, a stone of an interesting shape is braided with wire to create a pendant:

And wooden decorations have long become classics:


Felt is a great material for creating jewelry. Decorations are very bright and really sunny.

Even the most beautiful and expensive clothes look boring without accessories. However, exclusive jewelry is not affordable for everyone. What to do? We invite you to learn how to make beautiful and, most importantly, original beads with your own hands. You can make beads for all occasions based on your own tastes, moreover, this one will be a wonderful gift for relatives or friends. So, the first question that, for sure, everyone had: “What to make beads from?”. The answer is everything! Well, almost everything. You do not even have to run to the store for fashionable and beautiful beads, because you can also make them yourself. So all the same, how to make beads yourself? Let's talk about this a little more.

Make wood beads

Firstly, wooden beads can be purchased at a nice price. Secondly, this method of making beads makes it possible to show imagination:

  • you can just varnish the beads and leave it that way. real wood creates an atmosphere of lightness and warmth;
  • beads can be painted with paints by hand. the coating can be either monochrome or multi-colored, and the types and number of patterns are limited only by your imagination;
  • if you own knitting needles, you can crochet your beads or, alternatively, braid them with beads;
  • you can try to sheathe the beads with a cloth or cover them with polymer clay.

One of the varieties of wooden beads is acorn beads. Just find an oak tree somewhere in the park, collect acorns under it, separate the main part from the hats at home and string it as shown in the photo:

However, you can dream up yourself.

Wool beads

Woolen jewelry is very light and pleasant to wear. They look very cozy in combination with knitted sweaters and woolen dresses. All you need is to roll a neat ball out of wool. After that, you can decorate it with patterned embroidery or make inserts and patterns from beads. .

Polymer clay beads

The advantage of polymer clay is that it is easy to make neat balls of the size and shape you need from it. In addition, it is very bright and durable, you can be sure that such beads will last you a long time. You must make a long sausage of the color you like out of clay and cut it into beads.

paper beads

You can make paper beads in three ways.

  • The first way is papier-mâché. the technique is quite complicated and time-consuming, but such beads will also look unusual and extravagant;
  • the second way is to cut old unnecessary magazines or newspapers into long strips, and then twist them, giving them the shape of beads. do not forget to glue the tip with glue, and varnish the beads themselves - so they will last you longer;
  • and finally, you can make your own Hawaiian beads, which will become an original decoration for a party. To do this, you need to cut out flowers of different shapes, colors and sizes from paper or napkins, and string them on a long thread.

We bring to your attention thematic video:

Fabric beads

You can wrap light beads with a cloth, for example, made of wood or plastic.

Dark blue denim with silver accents will look very nice. If you have a thin neckerchief, try the following technique: string one bead onto a scarf, like an ordinary thread, and wrap the next one with a cloth, and so alternate them to the end, as shown in the photo:

Beads made from natural materials

You can get these beads for free from nature itself. Such decorations can be made with children, it perfectly develops fine motor skills. Take your child for a walk in the fall and collect materials along the way for a future masterpiece. It can be rowan beads. To do this, you need to collect berries in the autumn-summer period, clear of everything superfluous and carefully string them on a thread. It is recommended to make such beads long and wrap them around the neck many times.

Shell beads look very gentle and are great for light summer dresses. To make this decoration, collect some shells during your summer holidays. At home, they need to be thoroughly washed, dried and varnished. Then make holes in the shells and pull the thread through them. Optionally, you can add glass beads or metal inserts to the jewelry.

Cord beads

It is advisable to take several different types of cord, at least two. You will also need separator beads. There is nothing complicated in the technique itself. Gather several cords into a bundle. The number of laces depends on the desired length of the beads. Next, simply wrap your bundle with bundles of a different color and string beads, as shown in the photo:

How to make beads from stones with your own hands

You can buy stones for beads at any store that specializes in needlework. Next is a matter of technology.

If you want to become the owner of handmade amber beads , try making beads out of epoxy resin. See the video for more details: