How to break in shoes at home. How to increase the size of rubber boots

Stretching real rubber boots or galoshes is unrealistic. This material is graceful, but with powerful stretching it will either tear or primitively return to its original shape. Luckily for those who missed the sizing, real rubber shoes on the shelves is very rare. Usually the product that is called rubber boots is made of polyvinyl chloride - PVC. And this material is absolutely allowed to increase in size.


1. To begin with, empirically determine what your boots are made of. There is a small chance that they are still made of real rubber. Then next steps you can easily ruin them. For skill, take a needle and heat it to red. After that, touch it to the boot, preferably not in a visible place. If the material begins to melt, then shoes made from polyvinyl chloride. You are allowed to start stretching.

2. Polyvinyl chloride is called a thermoplastic material. When heated, it softens, and when cooled, it hardens again. How much your boots soften when heated depends on the amount of plasticizer that the manufacturer has added to the material. Consequently, it is unrealistic to predict the triumph of stretching beforehand. Generally, PVC begins to soften at 70°C.

3. Boil water and pour hot boiling water directly into the boots. Let the shoes sit for 30 minutes. Then add more boiling water.

4. While the boots are softening, put a few pairs on your feet wool socks in order to increase the volume of the legs. Socks will also help keep your feet from getting burned by heated boots.

5. After that, you need to pour the water out of the boots and, without wasting time, quickly put on shoes on your feet. Polyvinyl chloride has a hefty excellent tensile strength. And tearing it, unlike rubber products, is quite difficult. Therefore, boldly pull on softened boots.

6. Without taking off your boots, take half a bath cold water. After that, climb into the bath and stand for a few minutes. As long as your shoes will be cooled, do not forget to move your fingers and put pressure on the boots from the inside. Exclusively in their front part - to increase the size.

Small shoes can ruin every day - they rub blisters, and walking in them is sheer suffering. Slightly increase the size of shoes is allowed at home. You don't need anything special for this. You should not believe that it is allowed to stretch shoes or boots much - a maximum of one size, or even smaller.


1. A special tool - stretching, cool stretches shoes. Its size increases by approximately 3-10 mm, depending on your dream and the quality of the product used. You can buy it in a store where there are creams and other shoe care products. Perfectly impregnate the material of the shoes and put them on your feet. Walk until the stretch has completely evaporated. If the result did not live up to your expectations, repeat everything. Non-natural leather stretches not very cool, and suede is even worse, but it’s still worth trying.

2. You can use water. Stuff shoes tightly with paper or rags and soak with water. The result of the work directly depends on the density of the packing. After drying, try on shoes - if it is stretched unsatisfactorily powerfully, repeat the work done until you achieve what you want. The main thing is that the desired is allowed to be translated into reality. Shoes cannot be stretched more than 1 size.

3. Shoemaker will come to your aid. Modern special technologies for stretching shoes are capable of much. You will be able to adjust the size to the one you need. The work of the master is within reasonable limits, and you will be able to pick up the shoes on the same day or the next. It all depends on the degree of employment of the shoemaker and the processing of the material.

Buying beautiful and sports shoes brings a lot of joy, but occasionally, in pursuit of external beauty, we forget that it may not be suitable. What to do in this case? Return a purchase to the store? Don't rush to give up sneakers back - a few primitive tips will help stretch sneakers and wear shoes with pleasure.

You will need

  • - shoe stretching spray;
  • - wooden stretching;
  • Castor oil;
  • - alcohol or vodka.


1. If you don’t want to experiment with new sneakers and use for stretching folk recipes, then intentionally for you, in fact, in any shoe store highly professional products are sold - sprays. As usual, they are presented in large assortment and in different price ranges. Using them is quite easy: shake the can, apply on the inside or outside of the sneakers and wait complete drying. True, there is one caveat: your sneakers must be made from genuine leather.

2. If your sneakers not leather, then in this case a special wooden stretch will help to solve the snag, which must be inserted into sneakers for 24 hours. The advantages of such a stretch is that it is adjustable in length and width, which means it will allow you to stretch the shoes in the right places.

3. If you are not contrary to folk remedies, but there is castor oil in your house, then apply 50 g to inner surface running shoes and wait for complete absorption. If the skin is softened sneakers you need to wash it under water and try to walk in them a little.

4. It is allowed to use another popular recipe. Water richly sneakers with vodka or alcohol, put thick socks on your feet and walk until you feel that the shoes are breaking.

5. If none of the above methods suits you, then there is one root remedy left - contact a shoemaker. In this case, you risk less than everyone, because. expert craftsmanship virtually eliminates shoe deformation. The shoemaker will treat your pair with a special solution and put them on a wooden insert. With the help of screws, the shoe is stretched to right size.

Use castor oil with caution as it can give the skin an obscene radiance and leave a special smell.

The most practical shoes for rainy weather - rubber boots - can never let their owner down. As usual, breakthroughs occur on it, the soles are ground or pierced. Usually there is only one rubber pair, and it is not always possible to immediately make a new thing or visit a professional shoemaker. Try sticking your boots on yourself. If you try and do everything right, they will still serve.

You will need

  • - rubber patch;
  • - rubber glue;
  • - block;
  • - hammer;
  • - solvent;
  • - rags or cotton wool;
  • - file;
  • - skin;
  • - soldering iron and capron (if necessary).


1. Prepare leaky rubber bands boots to the fix. Before everyone, they need to be scrupulously cleaned of all blockages and completely dried. Then you need to find a suitable patch of rubber. For example, it is allowed to cut it out of obscene rubber shoes or a bicycle tire.

2. Process wrong side patches and allowances around the breakthrough on the boot (on the front side) with a file, then go over them with an abrasive wheel or coarse-grained sandpaper. This is necessary in order to give the surfaces to be glued some roughness - the glue will grab better.

3. Wipe the rubber insert and the hole with solvent or acetone, wetting a clean rag or cotton swab in the degreaser. Make sure that no fabric fibers or cotton particles remain on the surface.

4. Trim the edges of the boot patch so that it is slightly smaller (about a couple of millimeters) than the sanded rough area. Now it is allowed to start gluing shoes at ease.

5. Use an adhesive for rubber surfaces (such as "Super Moment" for rubber or "Rubber"). It's great if you have the opportunity to consult with an experienced shoemaker and purchase a highly professional adhesive composition on his advice.

6. Read the adhesive manufacturer's instructions and follow them correctly. Apply compound to patch and hole area thin layer and take out from 10 to 20 minutes (depending on the requirements on the adhesive package). Some craftsmen make adhesive smearing twice, both times drying it a little.

7. Press firmly on the surfaces to be bonded. It is allowed to pull the boot on a block or on a log and tap the patch with a hammer. However, be careful that it does not move. Do not use patched boots before a day later.

Helpful advice
If your rubber boot has a punctured sole or a chipped heel, try updating it with scraps. nylon tights and a soldering iron. Apply nylon lumps to the sanded and degreased damaged surface and rub it into the burning rubber with a metal rod.

This method gives a 100% guarantee that rubber shoes will stretch. However, there is no certainty that over time the size will not decrease again. It is possible that the heating-cooling procedure will have to be repeated more than once.

There are many ways to return rubber products to their previous state in which they are most convenient to use. Therefore, to the question of how to soften rubber at home, there are several answers at once. And to choose how to soften the rubber in each case will remain with the owner of the house. In the most famous and common method of processing the products under discussion, ammonia is used. Its main advantage lies in maximum efficiency, availability and low cost, because such alcohol can be purchased at the lowest cost at any nearest pharmacy. First, rinse the rubber part with water and immerse in a water-alcohol solution. It is prepared in proportions 1/1. For such a bath, about 30-40 minutes will be enough. After the specified time, the rubber will need to be washed again. clean water and dry thoroughly.

The second most popular method of softening rubber among ordinary people involves the use of castor oil. It is important to note here that its result will be quick, but short-lived. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to this method if it is required to soften the rubber for short term. To begin with, the rubber product is washed with water and dried, and then completely thoroughly lubricated with castor oil applied to a soft cloth or cotton wool. It remains only to give the object time to impregnate and you can use it. The term depends on the size of the product and the thickness of the rubber. For miniature parts, just a couple of minutes of “rest” will be enough. By the way, if liquid silicone is at hand, then it is quite possible to use it. This tool gives exactly the same result of quick, but short-term softening for rubber products.

The next method, which tells you how to soften the rubber at home on your own, will be longer, but the effect of it will remain for long time. This will require large saucepan or other container available for heating, in which it will be possible to place the rubber product completely. If the material has become very hard, it is best to boil it in salted water. Rubber is immersed in a saucepan with liquid, and then sent in this container to medium heat. You can use for such heating and a boiler. It is difficult to specify the exact time of the procedure, it will also depend on the size of the product and the degree of its “stubbornness”. To determine the deadline for its completion, you will simply need to periodically check the rubber with a wooden stick for softness.

But not only boiling will be effective for softening the products under discussion. It is possible to influence objects with high temperature in other ways. If, for example, a hardened hose cannot be put on the desired pipe, then its end should simply be immersed in boiling water for a couple of minutes. The main thing is that immediately after that, have time to quickly install the part until it returns to its original state. High temperature very quickly affects the rubber, effectively steaming and softening it. If it turns out to be difficult to remove the part used, then you can heat it in other ways, for example, by applying a cloth soaked in boiling water or by acting with a jet of hot air from a hair dryer. After such procedures, the desired element will quickly pull together soft and pliable. The main thing is to protect your hands from exposure to high temperatures or boiling water. It is better to protect them first with thick gloves or in some other way.

But there are other ways to quickly and easily soften rubber using improvised means. For example, the most ordinary kerosene can help with this. It is known that he is able not only to soften the rubber, but to completely change its structure, returning the material to its former elasticity and pliability. That is why this method is recommended by experts to those who would like to achieve a result that remains on long term. It will be necessary to fill a container of the desired size with kerosene, and then immerse the rubber product into it. Do not immerse the object in cold kerosene, it is better to leave it at room temperature for a while. Usually a couple of hours in the substance under discussion is enough to soften various rubber products. As soon as the right time expires, and the kerosene will have the desired effect on the object, it will be possible to remove the structure from the liquid, rinse thoroughly under water and dry.

You can stretch the boots to the desired size at home, since there are a lot of methods. At the same time, in order not to make a mistake when choosing the most effective way, it is worth starting from the material of the shoe. If simple methods did not help, you can resort to alternative solutions.

How to stretch leather boots?

There are several proven ways to stretch boots out of genuine leather:

How to stretch suede boots?

Suede shoes are quite capricious. When stretching suede boots, you need to be extremely careful. There are several ways to stretch delicate suede shoes:
  • Treat with foam . In a shoe store, you need to purchase a special foam for stretching suede. Following the instructions on the label, it is necessary to treat the boots both outside and inside. Put them on and walk around for about half an hour.

Wear a boot treated with foam on bare foot it is forbidden!

  • Use wet socks . Hot water and ordinary socks can also work wonders. Moisten socks made of natural fibers with hot water, put them on. Then put on boots and walk around the apartment for a while.
  • Treat with vegetable oil . It is necessary to warm the oil in a water bath and apply to the outer surface of the boots worn on the feet. Walking in boots lubricated with oil is recommended for several hours, renewing the oil every 30 minutes.
  • Treat with alcohol . Combine alcohol with water in a ratio of 1: 1, apply generously on the inner and outer surface of the boots. Put on socks and boots, walk like this for several hours.

Instead of alcohol, you can use vodka!

  • Also, suede boots can be stretched with damp newspapers, as is the case with leather boots.

How to stretch rubber boots?

IN Lately rubber boots are back in fashion grandmother's chest". If the size of rubber boots does not suit you, then you can stretch them only in one case - if they are made of polyvinyl chloride. You can find out what exactly your boots are made of by touching, for example, a red-hot needle to the boot. If the material melts, then it is subject to stretching.

You can stretch rubber boots in the following way:
  • fill the boots with boiling water;
  • wait a couple of minutes until the material softens;
  • put on woolen socks and fill a large basin cold water;
  • when the water in the boots has cooled down a little, it must be drained and immediately put on shoes;
  • in boots, stand in a basin of cold water.

Stretching leatherette boots

Leatherette shoes are distinguished by a special "pliability". Therefore, stretching it is not as difficult as products made from other materials. So, there are several effective methods:
  • Use laundry soap . Faux leather will quickly soften under the influence of such soap. So, it is necessary to dilute laundry soap until a pasty foam is formed. Apply this foam to the inside of the boots. Leave for a couple of hours, optimally, for 5-6. Then, using a sponge, remove the remnants of soap from the boots, put socks and boots on your feet, walk until the shoes are completely dry.
  • Apply building hair dryer . Warm up the boot with a building hair dryer, put warm shoes on your feet (with a thick toe), wear for a while.
  • The newspaper method also perfect for leatherette boots.
  • The use of alcohol and alcohol-containing . Alcohol, as well as any alcohol-containing substances, is also capable of softening leatherette boots. Moisten the inside of the boots with vodka or cologne, put on your feet, walk until completely dry.

How to stretch faux leather boots?

Boots from faux leather relatively inexpensive, and therefore very popular. But they can also be small.

You can stretch artificial leather boots in the following ways:
  • Spray for artificial leather. The tool is sold in specialized stores and is able to soften the surface of the product. To do this, you just need to sprinkle the boots with a spray.
  • Also suitable for artificial leather is the method of stretching with alcohol and wet newspapers, freezing and treating with castor oil.
  • Well stretches the toe of the boot raw potatoes. The peeled tuber is tightly inserted into the boot for a couple of hours or even overnight. After - break in the boots.

How to stretch the tops of boots at home?

The narrow shaft is serious problem, which can also be fought at home:
  • Professional shoe stretching products are sold in many company stores. The best of them: Salton, Salamander, Kiwi. The agent is applied to the bootleg with outside. Then boots are put on a terry toe, and worn until the product is completely absorbed.
  • You can rub the shaft of a narrow product with castor oil, put it on and wear it until it dries completely.
  • Oily cream must be applied on both sides of the boot, placed in the shaft plastic bottle with warm water and leave overnight.
  • The shaft of leather boots can be stretched by dousing it with boiling water and putting the boot on the leg.
  • You can try to stretch the top of boots made of thick leather with flannel fabric and iron. To do this, straighten the bootleg and place the boot (unbuttoned) on ironing board. Through a damp flannel napkin, thoroughly steam the tops.

If the shaft is narrow immediately after purchase, do not rush to turn to stretching methods. Perhaps in a few days it will disperse by itself to the desired size.

How to stretch winter boots?

It is difficult to stretch winter boots, because they have fur inside, and not all processing methods can favorably affect its condition. the way out will be warm socks and warming up with a hairdryer. You can also resort to the help of special sprays or stretchers for winter shoes. These are the safest and most reliable methods of stretching shoes with fur.

Alternative Methods for Stretching Boots

There are a couple more alternative methods how to stretch shoes one size. For example:
  • You can organize a "steam room" for boots at home. To do this, you need to hold the boot over steam, for example, over a boiling kettle or pot of water. Quickly put on steamed boots on your legs and walk for a couple of hours.
  • Especially risky ones can try to lubricate suede boots hot vegetable oil. After that, put on boots and do not take them off for several hours.
  • Paraffin candles will help stretch the boots. To do this, you need to melt the wax, pour it into bags (as in the freezing method) and place it in boots. Wait for hardening.
  • If they rub the backs or side walls of the boot, then you can process them laundry soap.
  • Another remedy is kerosene treatment for those who are not afraid bad smell. Boots are abundantly moistened with kerosene and worn in for several hours.
About methods of stretching other shoes -. In the issue of "Everything will be kind", experts talk about ways that will allow you to stretch your boots:

So, buying small-sized boots is not a reason to be upset. Various ways Stretch boots allow you to deal with this problem. The only thing to consider is the material of the product and compatibility with one or another stretching method.

Buying shoes is a responsible and very scrupulous business, since a new thing should not only be beautiful, but also very comfortable. However, in practice, it very often happens that perfectly fitting shoes or boots rub calluses on the first walk. Of course, such an unfortunate misunderstanding can spoil all the joy of a long-awaited purchase. But you should not despair, as you can always stretch the shoes at home, making them more convenient and comfortable.

Leather shoes: the secrets of fitting to size

Natural shoes lend themselves best to stretching, and break in after a few weeks., ceasing to press in socks and rub heels. However, few people want to wait so long until the new thing can perfectly repeat the contours of the foot. The easiest way out in this situation is to wipe the inside of the shoe with medical alcohol, vodka or ordinary cologne and walk around the house in it for about 20-30 minutes. At the same time, shoes should be worn on thin cotton socks that absorb excess moisture.

An excellent tool for stretching shoes made of genuine leather is steam.. To do this, boil the kettle and, while it is on the stove, bring shoes or boots to the spout and hold them over the steam for several minutes until drops of moisture appear on the insoles. After that, shoes should be put on socks and walked around in them for at least an hour until the water has completely evaporated. The procedure for wiping the insides of shoes with a damp cloth soaked in water is based on the same principle of action. hot water. True, you need to ensure that not very much moisture gets inside, otherwise the leather insoles will deform and will create a lot of inconvenience when walking.

In the case when the shoes put a lot of pressure on the toes in socks, you can treat their inside with 9% table vinegar, then put on a new thing and do not take it off for 20 minutes. If problems arise with a heel that is too hard and constantly blisters, then in such a situation it is best to lubricate it from the inside with a small amount of castor oil and leave the shoes overnight in a warm and humid room - for example, in the bathroom. In the morning, the remaining oil that has not been absorbed into the skin will need to be removed with a paper towel, and after that you can safely put on a new thing without worrying that it will cause you any problems.

Also too hard leather shoes can be softened with kerosene, which should process the insoles, heels and bow from the inside. After that, shoes or boots should be put on socks and walk around the house in shoes for at least half an hour. True, it should be borne in mind that after such a procedure, the new thing will be saturated with a characteristic smell, which will disappear no sooner than after a few weeks.

Often leather shoes, if not worn for a long time, it dries out and deforms. So that she does not sting and rub her legs, you can use a proven folk way her stretch, which consists in rubbing the insides of shoes or boots with ordinary paraffin. After this procedure, the shoes should be left overnight, and in the morning, carefully remove the paraffin layer and lubricate the insoles, heels and socks with any vegetable oil. Then you should put on socks, put on shoes and walk around the house in shoes for at least 2-3 hours. If there is no time for this procedure, then you can use special wooden blocks, which are sold in departments where shoe care products are presented. Such a block should be selected strictly in size, otherwise model shoes risk turning into some kind of trampled galoshes.

How to stretch leatherette shoes?

Artificial leather substitutes, which are widely used today in the manufacture of shoes, have one significant drawback. They practically do not stretch, and attempts to break in such shoes most often lead to the fact that characteristic stains or cracks appear on the material. However, you can still try to solve the problem with ordinary Vaseline. They should lubricate the inside of the shoe. After a few hours, the remaining Vaseline must be carefully removed. soft cloth or paper napkin, after which you should put on socks and walk around in shoes for about half an hour. In case this method does not help to achieve the desired result, you can use ordinary laundry soap, which should be thoroughly rubbed on the inside of the shoes. After 5-6 hours, the soap should be removed with a damp sponge, then put on the shoes over the socks and do not take them off until they are completely dry.

Folk remedies for stretching rubber and fabric shoes

If your sneakers or beach slippers are too tight, then in this case the easiest way out of the situation is to tamp them tightly with a newspaper, previously abundantly soaked in boiling water. It is best to do this in the evening, so that in the morning you can take out the newspaper and put on shoes without any problems, feeling that the shoes have become noticeably more spacious and comfortable.

For these purposes, years are also suitable, which tends to perfectly stretch fabric and rubber. True, in order to achieve the desired effect, the shoes will have to be frozen. This is done in the following way. Pour about 1.5-2 liters of water into two tight plastic bags, then lower the shoes into them and tie the bags tightly. To ensure that water does not leak, you can place shoes in second bags that do not need to be tied. After that, sneakers or beach slippers must be sent to the freezer for at least 10 hours. When the shoes are frozen, they must be removed from the freezer, wait until the ice inside melts slightly, and carefully remove it. Wet shoes should be put on immediately over thin socks and left on for several hours. For convenience, however, in such a situation it is best to use wooden blocks, with which it will be possible to dry the shoes and give them the necessary shape much faster. True, it should be borne in mind that this method of stretching is not suitable for shoes made of natural and artificial leather, since after cold treatment it will lose its attractive appearance.

Although I don’t like rubber boots, but in the country without them you can’t enter the forest after the rain, or get into the store in wet weather. Only here is the trouble - it has become difficult to find boots for a non-youth full foot!

I turned to the Internet and subtracted there a way to stretch rubber shoes. More precisely, not rubber, but PVC. The author of the advice strictly warned that the method was absolutely unsuitable for real rubber. PVC is able to stretch when heated, and after cooling it retains its shape. It was proposed to heat the boots in a simple way: by pouring boiling water into them.

When I found the letters “PVC” on the packaging of my boots, I decided to give it a try.

While the water was warming up, I put on high, thick socks with a terry underside. I prepared a bowl of cold water for quick cooling.

Attention! It is better to put the boot in the sink, so that it is easier to pour boiling water from its softened bowels. I filled one boot, waited a bit, emptied it and put it on my foot. Be careful - it's very hot inside (I had to put on another sock). Then I walked a few steps and put my shod foot in a bowl of cold water. After cooling, I removed and compared the volume of the tops - after processing, 2 cm was added, otherwise the boot was not damaged. I repeated the process with the second one. Now the puddles are not terrible!

I think that stretching the shoes by more than 1–2 cm will still not work - the thin knitted mesh inside the boot can burst.

As soon as September replaced August on the calendar, rains came to the capital. Rubber boots are a real salvation in slushy and rainy weather, more practical shoes just can't be found. However, it should be remembered that such shoes are not suitable for constant wear.

How to choose rubber boots?

1. When choosing boots, remember that they can be made from either natural rubber or PVC*. It's easy to tell them apart by weight. Lighter boots are most likely made of synthetic material, heavier ones are made of rubber.

Boots from natural rubber- 100% rubber - better quality and will last longer. However, very few of these boots are currently being produced.

But PVC shoes have a completely different colors and drawings, since paint on synthetic material much easier.

To protect yourself, when choosing PVC boots, ask the seller for a certificate of conformity and a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion. Information about the material of the boots can also be found on a special insert, label or on the soles of the boots.

2. Surface rubber boots should not be swollen and cracked. Also, it should not have scratches or a whitish coating - such defects can cause the boots to leak. Fabric inserts (if any) must be firmly glued.

3. It is better to choose a embossed sole (so as not to fall if it freezes in the morning). In addition, there should be no gap between the base of the boot and the sole, otherwise the shoes may get wet. Stiff soles should be avoided: if walking in boots is uncomfortable, you will get unnecessary stress on the spine.

4. It is necessary to try on rubber boots with a tight toe, because the boots themselves do not warm. In addition, remember that you should be comfortable in boots right away - they will not take the shape of your leg and will not spread.

5. You can test rubber shoes after purchase: put them in a bowl of water. If they leak, take it to the store. Purchases with a receipt must be accepted.

6. Another tip: if you want boots to be more comfortable for everyday wear, you should pay attention to rubber shoes lined with wool or felt. It is desirable that the lining can be removed from the boot and dried separately - this will make it easier for you to take care of the shoes.

7. To protect your feet from direct contact with rubber, buy boots with insulation. In products High Quality cotton fabric is used. In the insulated version, it can be fur (woolen, semi-woolen fabric), bike (cotton), fleece (polyester).

8. Buy boots with removable insoles or with removable insulation - "sock". They protect the foot from cooling, partially absorb moisture, and can be dried separately from the boots.

To keep the surface of the boots glossy and shiny, you can wipe them from time to time with a cloth soaked in a solution of glycerin.

Rubber boots should not be dried on a battery - the glued elements may not withstand overheating and will begin to leak water.

To make the toe of boots more comfortable, you can put warm or orthopedic insoles in them.

By itself, rubber does not heat and cannot retain heat, does not allow air to pass through.

Remember that rubber boots are practically not breathable, so you should not wear them for more three hours in a day. In addition, in order not to create a "greenhouse effect", rubber boots should not be worn on synthetic or nylon socks.

If you are going to go to a cafe or theater in rainy weather, do not forget to take a change of shoes, because in a warm room your feet in rubber shoes will sweat a lot, and when you go outside, you will freeze.

How did rubber boots come about?

1. The secret of rubber tree sap was first discovered by the Indians of South America. They impregnated their clothes with it, turning it into waterproof. It is even easier with boots - the Indians simply dipped their feet into the sap of this tree. When it dried, a pair of waterproof boots remained on the feet.

2. The American inventor Charles Goodyear invented the vulcanization method in 1839. Under the influence of high temperatures, he combined rubber with sulfur and received rubber, which he called "vegetable skin".

3. In Spain, wellingtons are called “katiuskas” (katyushki), and in Great Britain they are called wellingtons, after the Duke of Wellington, who instructed the shoemaker to modify army boots of the 18th century model. New sample shoes were made from leather, and only by the end of the 19th century, after purchasing a patent for the use of vulcanization from Charles Goodyear, was the production of waterproof boots started.

4. Forty years after Goodyear's death, the Goodyear Rubber Company, today's largest manufacturer of tires and other rubber products, was founded.

5. The Finnish company Nokia before the start of the production of cell phones was famous manufacturer rubber boots.

6. Fashionable style rubber boots were given by designer Elio Ferrucci. He took three pairs of galoshes, painted them with bright colors and took them to fashion magazine, asking the editor to take a picture and post it. After its publication, the painted overshoes became a sensation, and the young Ferucci became known in Milan.

*PVC- polyvinyl chloride, a thermoplastic polymer characterized by chemical resistance to alkalis, mineral oils, many acids and solvents. It does not burn in air and has low frost resistance (-15 ° C). Heat resistance: +65 °C. Often used in clothing and accessories to create a leather-like material that is smooth and shiny.

10 ways to increase your boot size

Each of us faced such a problem as tight boots. Perhaps your favorite shoes have become small over time, or you have purchased new model not in size.

If you have no particular desire to part with the thing, you can try to save the day. To do this, you need to know how to carry boots at home and not damage the product.

Can be achieved on your own desired result without resorting to the services of a workshop. There are several ways to solve the problem.

Special stretching products

by the most in a simple way increase the size of the boots is considered an acquisition special aerosol. It is applied to the part of the shoe where the product "sits" on the leg most tightly.

After treatment with a spray in boots, you need to walk for at least 30 minutes. Stretching a new thing, try not to be in one place, but to move, so you will achieve results faster.

To quickly break in shoes without using special means you can use alcohol or vodka.

Places in which discomfort is felt are moistened with liquid, after which they put on the product and walk for at least an hour.

  • Stretching in this way does not damage the shoes. You will need a large number of wet newspapers with which the product is filled, after which the paper is left inside for 12 hours.
  • Then you need to put on thick socks (if possible, several pairs at once) and walk in shoes for as long as possible.
  • Repeat this process until the item is the correct size.

With the help of cold, you can get the desired size during the day. For this, double plastic bag pour water and tie tightly. The presence of air in the bag is not allowed.

The "bubble" must be carefully placed inside the shoe and placed in the freezer for 10-12 hours. The boots are then removed from the freezer compartment and "thawed" at room temperature.

You can also increase the size by heating the product. You need to put on several pairs of thick socks, and then put on tight boots.

Turn the hair dryer on high temperature regime, and direct the air flow to the desired area. You can warm up the same place for no more than 1 minute. Then turn off the appliance and leave your shoes on until they cool down.

At right approach stretching boots at home is not difficult.

How to stretch the top of your boots at home

Shaft stretching is a time-consuming and risky process. In order not to spoil the product, you should not try to stretch it in cases where:

  • the zipper closes only half way;
  • shoes are made of leatherette.

In other cases, even if the lightning does not converge for a couple of centimeters, you can influence this area yourself. Consider how to stretch the top of your boots at home using improvised means.

To successfully cope with the task, it is necessary to act carefully, without making sudden movements, and follow the following sequence of work:

  • Unzip your boot and place it on a flat surface.
  • Preheat the iron to medium heat and steam the shoes through a damp cloth.
  • When the material becomes soft, stretch it to necessary measurements marked in advance.

After obtaining the desired size, the boots are stuffed with paper and allowed to dry at room temperature. If the desired result was not achieved the first time, the procedure must be repeated.

Glass container and pencils

Shoes must be soaked in problem areas hot water, then put inside the boot glass container filled with water at a lower temperature. After that, pencils are alternately inserted between the container and the shaft until there is no free space and set aside to dry completely.

Using these methods, you can achieve the desired result, and the boots will be without special efforts fasten at the ankle.

Heated in a water bath vegetable oil will help stretch the shoes.

New leather shoes cause discomfort when worn and often damage skin. To avoid this, it is necessary to stretch the product before use. Consider how to carry leather boots correctly:

  • Put on your boots daily and walk around the room. When discomfort take off your shoes immediately.
  • Moisten the product with boiling water to make the skin soft and supple. Then put on your shoes and walk around the room. Remember, boots are stretched until completely dry, it is undesirable to take them off earlier.
  • Heat the vegetable oil in a water bath and wipe the surface of the shoe with it using a foam sponge. After impregnation, boots must be put on and not removed for an hour and a half, repeating the treatment every 30 minutes. After the shoes are stretched, the oil is thoroughly washed off with water.

Breaking in leather boots is easy. This material is easy to stretch, and you can easily get rid of the discomfort when wearing such shoes.

How to stretch faux leather boots at home

Faux leather shoes can be stretched with castor oil.

Shoes made of artificial leather are not subject to stretching, and when trying to increase the size, the material deteriorates. Therefore, it will not work to stretch the boots too much, you can only slightly soften them in the following ways:

  • Use castor oil, the properties of which are similar to those of special sprays. A small amount of the product lubricates the necessary areas and wear the product as long as possible.
  • If the shoe presses on the toe or heel, this area is lubricated 13% vinegar solution. Then put on the product and wear until dry.

These methods, although slightly, help to cope with the problem and partially eliminate the inconvenience.

How to stretch rubber shoes at home

Is it possible to stretch rubber boots on your own and how to do it? First of all, you need to understand that rubber is plastic and practically cannot be stretched. If you put a lot of effort, it just breaks.

Only PVC boots can be stretched.

How to stretch rubber shoes yourself? Follow this sequence of actions:

  • Pour boiling water inside the boots and leave for 30 minutes.
  • Put on thick socks and, draining the water from the inside, quickly put on shoes.
  • Dip your feet in a basin of cold water and stretch your shoes for 20-30 minutes, pushing into tight areas with maximum force.

How to soften old rubber

Kerosene. Kerosene will help soften the rubber. Almost every motorist has this substance in stock, since from time to time it has to be used to clean parts. IN this case kerosene will help change the structure of rubber and restore its elasticity almost completely. You will need to pour a little money into the container and put the product in it. After 3 hours, you can check whether the former elasticity has returned to the rubber. If the answer is positive, you need to remove the product and rinse with warm water. When it dries, it can be used for its intended purpose.

Ammonia. When kerosene is not at hand, you can try to soften the rubber using ammonia. You will need to dilute the substance with water in a ratio of 1: 7. Then a rubber product is placed in the solution and aged for about 30 minutes. After this time, you need to pull out the part and rinse it with water. After that, the product is thoroughly dried and it is ready for use. It is not recommended to keep the rubber in the ammonia solution for more than an hour. If the part does not become soft, then it is better to try another method.

Silicone and castor oil. There are situations when you need to soften the rubber as quickly as possible. In this case, silicone will help. Lubricate the part with it and wait 10 minutes. The product will return to its former elasticity and it will be possible to use it for its intended purpose. However, this method has only a temporary effect on the part, after a few days it will harden again. Castor oil will also help soften the rubber quickly. They need to generously lubricate the part and rub it into the product. It will quickly become elastic, but also not for long.

Heating. Help soften rubber heat. You will need to put the part in boiling water for 10 minutes. After this time, you need to get it out of the water and quickly use it for its intended purpose. There are times when it is impossible to remove the rubber part. In this case, it will be difficult to soften the rubber by the methods described above. However, you should not despair, in order to achieve your goal, you can use a hairdryer. It is recommended to direct the jet at the product, after a few minutes you should try to remove it again, everything should work out.

Alcohol and glycerin. Rubbing alcohol will help soften the rubber. You will need to pour the product into a container and put the parts in it. After a few hours, elasticity will return to them. Products are recommended to be washed in warm water with soap. You can also lubricate the rubber with glycerin. It is recommended to rub it into the part, after which the remnants of the product are removed with a cloth. Machine oil It also helps soften the rubber. It will need to be rubbed into the product and wait 30 minutes. During this time, the part will become soft and elastic.