Women's clothing in hipster style. Sweater from the "grandmother's chest". Movies about hipsters

I want to introduce my readers to the current, modern and fashionable youth movement. Style name hipster derived from English to be hip ”, which means “to be in the subject”. Many believe that this term appeared relatively recently, but the beginning was laid back in the 40s. A new subculture began to emerge among American and European youth who were fans of jazz music, were fond of parties and even dabbled in drugs. The behavior and views of modern youth are fundamentally different.

Fans of this style are not interested in politics and completely reject the consumer lifestyle, although reckless fun and other attributes of youth life are not alien to them. They always follow the latest fashion, are interested in music and art. Hipster girls declare that they are not going to limit themselves to anything, they are as free as possible, they have branded devices, they like to hitchhike and ride bicycles. Their credo is ambiguity and mystery. Each of them has their own account in various social networks, where they post dozens of looks (look), delighting their friends in the news feed and gaining a lot of likes. She covers the events of her life in detail, whether it is buying shoes, accessories, clothes, watching a movie, visiting an art exhibition, and so on.

Hipster girl image

Hipsters look extremely wild and unusual, dress strangely and catchy, but this is only at first glance. In fact, they adhere to a certain style of clothing, so varied and deliberately casual, which makes them stand out from the crowd. Her wardrobe contains a lot of vintage and branded items, as well as various knick-knacks and fashion accessories. Grandma's sweater, men's shirt, printed t-shirts, skinny jeans, short shorts, leopard print leggings, multi-colored tights, oversized bags, ridiculous glasses, a film camera, fashion gadgets, macbooks, iPhones, iPads are used.

All the same, hipster fashion exists! Representatives of this subculture are united by an unusual manner of making fashionable sets, combining vintage elements with fashion brands. An important component in clothing is a jacket - always denim or leather. Particular attention is paid to shoes - these are bright sneakers or tennis shoes, cowboy boots or moccasins, the main condition is the absence of a heel. The hipster wardrobe denies everything boring, rejects solid color schemes and welcomes only bright colors. It's a unisex subculture.

Hipster girls do not like to bother with hair styling. For them, both the retro style and the classic hairstyle, with a large fleece or high bangs, and even shaved temples are equally acceptable. Many prefer careless buns at the back of the head, with tousled hair sticking out. I must say that the effect of negligence in the haircut is done on purpose, so do not think that they do not have a comb. Dear girls, don't be afraid of "oblique" looks, get rid of "stamps", feel like a real hipster!

Look in your mom's closet for some vintage pieces. Ha, that's the same as saying:<<сходите в любой магазин, где отовариваются молодые взрослые>>. You have not noticed the fashion for pseudo-vintage gizmos<<везде>>? But to be more, as they say, authentic, go to vintage stores, second-hand stores, or ask relatives to look into junk cabinets. Surely someone had an old rainbow t-shirt lying around in a box from when they were 12 years old.

  • The T-shirt must be either too small or too large. But if by some miracle you find a Davy Jones T-shirt in your aunt's old wardrobe, and it fits you, then put it on - Davy Jones is worth it.

Keep your neck and all your hipsterity warm by wrapping yourself in a large scarf or shawl. The good news is that scarves look good with any outfit. ANY. Did you wear a shirt? Scarf. Wedding Dress? Scarf. +35 C outside? Scarf. Even Kanye West doesn't take off his scarf. Now you understand how cool you are.

  • Learn how to tie a scarf/shawl in a dozen different ways. If you don’t know how, then just casually drape it, wrapping it around your neck once. You absolutely don't care what a scarf looks like, you just love the comfort it gives your neck, right?
  • Find a flowered dress. Do you sometimes like a light breeze blowing<<туда>>, isn't it? Dresses can be comfortable. But just like a T-shirt, dresses should evoke a different era. Old-fashioned floral dresses are just right. The more flowers, the better.

    • Found a dress that is too big for your purposes or too conservative with too long sleeves that need to be cut off. Go ahead, neon bras and bandages were invented for this. No kidding. Look on the Internet.
    • Too cold to walk around in a dress? Excuses! Have you heard of wool tights? Wool, patterned, neon tights? If they don't solve the problem, then nothing will. Simple black tights under voluminous woolen socks are another good bow (from the English look).
  • Throw all your jeans under boots and flares. We know you have several pairs. You've only been buying them since 10 years, except in 2006, when skinny jeans appeared for a moment, and they were quickly replaced by bell-bottoms from the other side of the disco spectrum. After that incomprehensible year, you're stuck in safe straight jeans again. It's okay, we've all been through it. But now it's time to get rid of them. Only skinny and nothing else. Ankles don't need to breathe!

    • Your favorite jeans don't fit the hipster code? Make shorts out of them. The higher the waist and the more it looks like you borrowed them from your mom, the better. And when we say cut short, we mean short. And the more casual, the better.
  • Put on a bunch of accessories. That's right, take everything you have and put on yourself. Did you end up with a tribal wooden bracelet, your grandmother's ruby ​​necklace, and a lace collar? Great. Exactly what is needed. The main thing is to combine the incongruous.

    • What is outrageous to some is commonplace to you. A huge flower right on top of your head? Why not? Catchy, huge yellow-neon hair clip? ...Exactly what is needed.
  • Mix the trends of the past. Since you were 12, you've gone through (in order) the Hello Kitty phase, the N*SYNC phase, the emo phase, the preppy phase, the flannel phase, the grunge phase, and here you are. Great - now take one from each bow and collect them into one. Voila! And you are a hipster. Like 2+2.

    • Seriously. The essence of hipster fashion is the mismatch of styles and the clash of cultures in a nonsense - if you really need to put a label here. The main mistake of a bad hipster is that he thinks too much about what to wear; if you are careless in your wardrobe, you will do.
  • Wear anything but flip flops and heels. This is probably the only rule of approach to shoes. If you are not wearing flip-flops and not heels, then everything is in order. Moccasins, cowboy boots, sneakers are great choices. Hipsters love ballerinas! Who knew that such an innocent thing as ballet flats would become very hipster?

    • The main thing is that the shoes do not look too new. If you just returned from the store with brand new sneakers<<конверсами>>(you are the original cutie), give them a good rub. These babies need to be dragged around a bit before being taken out to people.

    For the hipster

    1. Put on your sister's jeans. In all seriousness. If you fit into them, pull them. And the tighter they are, the better. They should fit from the scrotum to the ankles. And do not worry that you will not remove them later, this is not the point at all.

      But what you should be wary of is hanging sides over the jeans belt. They should fit very well and fit everything from top to bottom. In other words - do not forget to wear briefs - tight shorts!

      Feel the nostalgia. Anything that reminds you of being five years old should be in your wardrobe. And anything that reminds your father of his five-year-old age, too. If the thing is vintage, then there is a place for it in the closet. Your wardrobe should only include brands from companies that no longer exist. Except, of course, American Apparel.

      • Things don't have to fit. More on that later, but if the thing is small or large, cool! Size should be the last criterion by which you choose clothes.
    2. Pretend you have bad eyesight. If you want your hipster meter off the charts, wear large, thick black-rimmed glasses. If you want the hipster meter to explode, then wear black thick-rimmed glasses without lenses. Well, at least you will always know that your ears are in place.

      • This style is starting to get outdated, so try to stand out, for example, with defiantly bright Ray Bans frames. Ray Bans are always in fashion.
    3. Half business, half day off. If you've read the girls chapter, you already know that pairing mismatched styles is an important part of the hipster look. Just as you combine styles from different times, combine different levels and statuses. A TNMT t-shirt makes the Armani jacket fit over the top, tie a plaid knitted scarf over the top, skinny jeans and a pair of worn moccasins underneath. Does he go to a job interview, go to a bar, or go for a bike ride? Nobody will ever know.

      • Do not be shy about defiantly bright prints. Plaid, plaid, paisley, colorful things - everything that will make a girl reading Cosmo scream in horror - you are on the right track. Do you have a checkered tweed jacket and a striped cowboy shirt in your closet? They clearly match each other.
    4. Layers. If weather permits, layering in combination (as discussed earlier) is a great idea. Cardigans can be worn over anything, mind you. Sweaters, long sleeves - all this exudes irony. A scarf over a T-shirt and a raincoat? Ofcourse, why not?

    5. Before buying<<конверсы>> think. Let's be honest: everyone and sundry wears converse. There is no irony, hipsterism or protest left in them. All they talk about<<Посмотрите, я был в магазине Converse и потратил почти 3000 рублей на кеды, и мне абсолютно наплевать, как я выгляжу>>. So, if your sneakers aren't 15 years old or handmade for your foot, then try something else.

      • Dr. Martens is a good start. Cowboy boots, old Reeboks, Keds, and vintage moccasins will work too. Just skip the flip flops.
    6. Grab a messenger bag over your shoulder. Google it<<Курьерская сумка хипстера>> and be surprised. This horror is called<<сумками хипстера>>. Here, as usual, the society did not show much originality, but for what it bought, it was sold for: to carry everything you own with you, you need a courier bag.

      • Someone might pay attention to your bag - and ask where your bag is, hipster men's bags (murse) are now gaining momentum. Well, let him ask, but you have both hands free to poke him in the eye for being so narrow-minded and ignorant - he deserves it.

    Hipster bow for both genders

    1. Avoid<<ширпотреба>>. This means that you should not wear brands such as Hollister, Abercrombie, Aeropostale, etc. For two important reasons: it shows your individuality, and that you are against big corporations. For shopping, check out brands like Buffalo Exchange. If you don't want to buy things second hand, then look at stores that sell clothes that look worn or vintage. However, American Apparel is perhaps the exception as they don't use sweatshops to make clothes.

      • Well, do you live in a small town where you can't even dream of second-hand? You've been caught in the city's mall or H&M, and you may feel a bit ashamed, but you won't be the only hipster shopping there.
    2. Find a T-shirt that fits well. Remember:<<хорошо сидит>>for a hipster, not the same as<<хорошо сидит>> for the non-hipster. A hipster men's shirt should be tight, and the sleeves should be a millimeter shorter than a regular men's shirt. Women's shirts often repeat the boyfriend's bow. Women don't have to buy shirts from the men's section, but you can choose a women's shirt a couple of sizes larger than you.

      • To be sexy, you have to look unsexy. Especially for girls, tight clothes that make it hard to breathe in are not hipster repertoire (this does not apply to men's skinny jeans). Baggy and loose clothing is good, and even excellent. The main irony is not a silhouette.
    3. Don't forget denim. Except denim skirts. Skinny, skinny jeans<<маст хэв>> for both sexes. They can be any color or pattern, even floral or acid green. If you don't like pants, consider cutoff jeans. They can be any length for girls and just above the knee for men.

      • Girls can wear their boyfriend's jeans by folding the bottom of the legs a couple of times.
      • Denim shirts and jackets are a great addition to a hipster wardrobe. Don't be afraid to cut and cut them. Denim vests are also in the price!
    4. Zip up what's on you. Zips up, right? For sure. If you are a hipster girl, then you probably have several sweaters with a hood in your closet. They go with any outfit. Exactly, to anyone. A hoodie should be your best friend.

      • You'll earn extra points if you wear a hoodie with a fedora, blazer, or feminine floral dress.
    5. Reuse old things. There is no point in fighting for the environment and becoming a vegetarian if you can't do the same with your wardrobe. If in doubt, before throwing away an item, find out if you can give it a second life. Can you turn it into something new and completely wearable?

      • It is not necessary to keep them in their original form! Sweater can be turned into gloves (lampshade cape, book cover. cushion cover)! Do you want to be original? Do-it-yourself stuff is a good start.
    6. Get ready for winter. The intensity of dressing will depend on the time of year and where you live, but it's important to dress warmly without losing your hipster look. Here are some ideas:

      • Find a flannel. An oversized button-down shirt is a good addition to a hipster look, no matter the color. Ideally, the color should not match with the rest of the clothes you are wearing.
      • Buy a couple of cardigans. They are sold everywhere, even in the most consumer goods stores. Choose a cardigan with large buttons and a deep V-neckline. If you find it, buy a cardigan a couple of sizes larger.
      • Find an ironic turtleneck or pullover. Grandmother's patterns are best suited: kittens, flowers or Christmas trees. The uglier the pattern, the better.
      • Keep your head warm with a fluffy, gray beanie. The color can be changed to acid orange.
    7. Feel free to color. Since you can combine any, the most incongruous things, you can become a real rainbow person. The more colors the better. And the brighter and more patterned they are, the more reason to wear all this and go to a public place with your analog camera.

      • Neon, neon, neon. Neon pants, neon shoes, neon accessories, neon Ray Bans - even if you're not in style, you'll stand out! Ordinary colors blend too well (fuck the color palette), so spruce up your wardrobe with neon, patterns, and more.<<несочетаниями>>.
      • Watch series<<Девчонки>>, <<Убить скуку>> or<<Портландия>> for inspiration. The way your favorite performer dresses will do too!
    • Do not try to combine everything in clothes too much. Sure, there is the usual hipster look, but it's not about looking like you're trying to look like a hipster, but like you threw on everything you had at hand and left the house.
  • In recent years, this term has been constantly on the lips, but some do not know the meaning of the word hipster. It came to us from the USA, where new trends in art, music, cinema and lifestyle are often born. The main thing is that hipsterism has nothing to do with hippies, does not harm others.

    What is hipster

    In the modern world, there are many subcultures that have certain characteristics. What does hipster mean? The slang word translated into Russian means "fashionable", "cool person". It can be a guy or a girl who lives in a large city and belongs to the "golden" youth, or just trying to seem fashionable, modern. Hipsters have a certain lifestyle. They are attracted by “vintage” clothes, SLR cameras, iPhones and other gadgets from Apple, sneakers and other interesting paraphernalia. Hipstota - modern dudes.

    Where did the hipster style come from

    Find out what hipsters mean - who they are and where this style came from. This movement has been around for a long time and is not new. In the middle of the last century, people began to appear in America who were always “on the wave”, “in the subject”, in English jargon it sounded like this - “to be hip” (hence the name). The hipster style initially supported jazz music, trying to avoid the generally accepted framework, disliking society. Much has changed over the years, but the essence remains the same: representatives of the direction express their position through a style that is based on external and internal freedom.

    What do hipsters look like?

    You can understand that in front of you is a representative of this youth movement in appearance. This is the main "marker" of the subculture: deliberate negligence with a certain taste in clothes. As a rule, a hipster with a beard, mustache. Girls choose original hairstyles. Of the accessories, glasses are characteristic. Hipstota pays a lot of attention to fashion, follows shows, new products. Young people can discuss company stores for a long time, where good things are sold at affordable prices. It seems that they are dressed casually, but young people spend a lot of time on how they look.

    How hipsters dress

    In the issue of clothing in this subculture, certain trends can be traced. Women's and men's clothes, as a rule, choose unisex. We can distinguish the following main elements of the hipster style:

    1. Shirts. More often these are denim or checkered models without fitted undercuts. Equally suitable for girls and boys.
    2. Skinny jeans. These are tight-fitting models with a narrow cut. Girls can wear leggings, denim shorts or trousers in bright colors instead.
    3. Sweatshirts with buttons.
    4. All kinds of forms of T-shirts and T-shirts with prints (inscriptions or images). Especially hipsters welcome unique models (hand made).
    5. As a rule, sneakers are chosen as shoes, but these can be loafers, brogues, slippers, moccasins or tennis shoes. Girls sometimes wear wedges or massive heels.
    6. Accessories. Hipster glasses have become a signature element of the style. They are worn even without vision problems (just without diopters). Of the sun protection models, only Ray Bans are suitable. Girls wear massive jewelry, colored headbands, bag-bags or plastic bracelets.

    hipster hairstyles

    The hipster haircut is easy to perform - the process does not require much effort. Girls, unlike guys, will have enough of a bun at the top, and men are recommended to add volume to their hair. Representatives of this trend welcome thick bangs, trendy haircuts, hair accessories. You can make a few light curls or bouffant, which will depict a small mess on the head. In combination with stylish things, it looks interesting.

    A hipster guy is usually bearded and mustache. Creating a touch of negligence is important, but facial hair should be carefully looked after. In the bathroom of every guy you can find small combs, oils, beard sprays. To create interesting photos for their Instagram, the guys weave wild flowers, but after the photo session they will definitely take them out.

    What do hipsters listen to?

    It can be said that hipster fashion requires them to be experts in all areas of art. Hipstota always follows newfangled trends, but music plays a special role. It sets the direction, creates the atmosphere. Every hipster will look for a good but unknown band that is worthy of attention. You can't surprise your friends with a famous song, but the new track of the indie band will give you a unique sound and please you with the lyrics.

    You can find artist tracks only on the Internet: they are not released on discs or records, they are not played on the radio. Fashionistas listen to a variety of performers of all nationalities. Young people are not guided by ratings, they try to judge impartially. If you want to determine if it's a hipster group, ask your friends about it. If no one has heard of her, you are on the right track.

    Movies about hipsters

    If you still do not understand who hipsters are, you can take the time to watch movies in which characters refer to this style. Tapes do not appear too often, and a list of paintings belonging to this genre will help you navigate. Watch this movie:

    • "Adolescence";
    • "Imaginary Love";
    • "Do not give up";
    • "She";
    • "Submarine";
    • "Ruby Sparks";
    • "Kingdom of the Full Moon"

    Every era, every century is inseparable from the emergence of youth movements. Remember the era of hippies - lovers of life, dudes with their struggle for self-expression, and more recently, the time of emo, non-disappearing punks, goths and others. Today, hipsters are gaining more and more popularity - a subculture whose main idea, in my opinion, does not have much depth, representatives of this movement do not fight with anyone, but only enjoy life and all its benefits. And especially hipsters are attracted by all the most fashionable and trendy. The origins of this informal culture are really interesting. Let's get to know her better together.

    Who are hipsters?

    Simply put, hipsters are representatives of an informal movement who always want to be in the know. The first hipsters appeared back in the 40s of the 20th century in the USA, initially the representatives of this movement were characterized as wealthy youth interested in foreign literature, jazz music, arthouse cinema, street fashion. In today's understanding, hipsters (subculture) are young people and girls who strive to be advanced. At the same time, they do not have a special political or social opinion, they do not fight for anyone's rights, they prefer to bring fashionable foreign things into their lives.

    Hipsters are happy to use all Apple products; in their arsenal you will definitely find an Iphone, Ipad or Macbook. And among them there are many people with modern creative professions: photographers, graphic designers, journalists, DJs. Or they prefer to work in establishments such as music stores, nightclubs, branded clothing boutiques.
    Reading this post, you should not think that the subculture of modern hipsters is hopeless: these people in most cases have a creative mindset, they are cheerful, sociable, party-goers by nature. They prefer to watch films with a deep meaning, read Palahniuk and have their own style of dress, which I will tell you about later.

    How do hipster girls and boys dress or How to become a hipster?

    The age category of this subculture ranges from 16 to 25 years. The hipster girl wears vintage clothes, in her wardrobe you will definitely find skinny jeans, she has a bunch of T-shirts with bright prints and slogans. An essential attribute of any hipster is a plaid shirt. They also like to wear backpacks, parkas, and the famous Converse sneakers have become the cult shoes of this subculture for both guys and the fair sex. In general, in clothes a hipster girl prefers comfort and practicality.

    For hipster guys, the wardrobe differs little from that of women. Tight trousers, T-shirts, sweatshirts, T-shirts with prints and patterns, soft jackets (jogging), sneakers, backpacks still dominate here. In the arsenal of a hipster wardrobe, you can also add hats - with pompoms, tight ones, as well as hats. The guys of this subculture usually wear beards, love casual hairstyles, button up their shirts with all buttons.

    Another important hipster accessory is large black-rimmed glasses.

    Is it possible to become a hipster only by dressing according to the above recommendations? I don't think so. After all, hipsters (subculture) combine creative people with their aspirations and goals, they are not only those who want to live in St. Petersburg and drink coffee from cardboard plastic cups. And at the end of this post, watch the video from Comedy Woman about hipsters. I liked it, how about you?

    Hipster style is an opportunity to demonstrate your own individuality through the created fashionable bow. And for this, it is absolutely not required to spend time analyzing catwalk trends and trends of the current season. A feature of the hipster style is the ability to combine mass-market items with vintage options, skillfully use a variety of accessories and not be lazy to show imagination in decor and combinatorics.

    When did hipsters appear?

    If you try to figure out what style of clothing hipsters prefer, you will have to plunge a little into the past. It was the first wave of the fashion trend that laid the foundation for the style that we are seeing today.

    For the first time, they started talking about hipsters in the middle of the last century, when a fashionable bohemian layer emerged, living under the motto "to be hip", which means "to be in the subject." Developing as a cultural and philosophical trend, this subculture gradually began to express its worldview through clothes - bright, unusual, stylish and comfortable.

    The second wave of fashion trends began at the beginning of this century. It also covered all creative youth - from 15 to about 30 years old, whose priority is the development of personal and spiritual, rather than material wealth. Today, speaking about a fashionable subculture, it is not enough to figure out how hipsters dress, it is worth paying attention to their preferences, hobbies, specifics of communication, hairstyles and even food. After all, a hipster is not a podium creation of fashion designers, but a real lifestyle and worldview!

    Hipster style: layered look

    Hipsters are distinguished by a rather bright original style - a little ridiculous, but always recognizable. Expressed through the unisex direction, it is distinguished by the versatility of the selection of products for both sexes, and the hipster style for girls often looks more organic and attractive.

    In the wardrobe, a combination of vintage elements, flashy colors, prints, applications, accessories and accents in the image is allowed. But there are things without which you will never become a real hipster! These include:

    1. Men's checkered shirt. Classic hipster bow element. Today you can see the hipster style in the photo without it, but in the ideal image, the “cage” must certainly be present.
    2. Skinny jeans or leggings. A super-skinny version that perfectly harmonizes with voluminous top models. An alternative could be colored tight tights or products with animal prints.
    3. Loose jumpers with funny designs. Deer, owls, wolves in a clear or sketchy image add a little childish spontaneity and charm to the image.

    1. Short vintage dresses. A spectacular, but infrequent option, as hipster girls dress mainly in trouser solutions.
    2. T-shirt. A hit with any hipster outfit. By no means monotonous! Prints, funny perky inscriptions, cartoon characters, flags are welcome. Often, a pattern is applied to T-shirts on their own with special paints or an order is made in the atelier. The task of a hipster is to be different from others.
    3. Jacket and cardigans. To create a complex multi-layered image, these products are most suitable.
    4. Skirts. Free models to the floor, with applied decor, embroideries, appliqués.

    Hipster style for girls - photos show this moment very clearly - it's always a lot of "highlights" and "chips". The hand-made decor confirms the main hipster idea - the personality and its opinion always come first, everything else only reflects the deep world of a person.

    Hipster is not only clothes

    Assessing how hipsters dress in photos, you pay attention to the constant presence of bulky bags and backpacks, spectacular jewelry and hats, comfortable, stable shoes and gadgets. The latter are simply a must for a true hipster.

    And these are not just some phones, smartphones or tablets - the priority is the products of a particular manufacturer! The cult preference among hipsters is APPLE. Young people need gadgets to go online and communicate there. It seems to be a banality, but for hipsters it is very, very important.

    On the World Wide Web, young people choose social platforms for communication - Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. There is a demonstration and discussion of invented bows, uploading photographs, discussions about creativity, cinema, paintings, books.

    Hipster clothing style for girls is found on Instagram as often as photos of nature, people, surroundings. Self-expression through unusual and not always clear shots is another feature of the youth subculture.

    Hipsters in the crowd - accessories and hairstyles

    So, an outfit from a grandmother's sweater and comfortable leggings is selected, an iPhone is purchased, a large backpack is also ... Hipster style ready? Not yet! To complete the image, you will need to work a little more.

    1. Hairstyle. A hipster dress does not go well with simple haircuts. Hairstyles require the indispensable presence of bangs, while the rest of the hair is cut in a comfortable manner or collected in a ponytail. Hair can be dyed in an extraordinary bright color or use a contrasting color.
    2. Glasses. Large, in a plastic thick frame, sun-protection, mirrored, less often classic. Options are selected from two brands - Wayfarer or Ray-Ban.
    3. Hats. Bandanas, headbands, hats, caps - the more interesting the solution, the better it fits into the image.
    4. Accessories and decorations. All options for inexpensive and voluminous jewelry! Plastic bracelets, ear cuffs, voluminous chains - the number of products is unlimited. Separately, it is worth mentioning socks as an element of hipster style. They can be bright, colorful, striped and funny.