How to remove car oil from clothes. Recommendations and methods for removing machine oil from clothes

Getting on the fabric, machine oil forms persistent brown stains that are almost impossible to remove with powder. If you have soiled things that it is a pity to throw away or send to the country, try to get rid of pollution in proven ways.

You can remove engine oil from clothes using folk remedies. One of them is a mixture of ether with magnesia powder. Mix the components so that a homogeneous slurry is obtained, and apply to contaminated areas of clothing. With gentle light movements, rub the mass from the edges to the center of the stain. Wait for the ether to evaporate and brush off the chalk with a clothes brush.

There is another way to remove engine oil at home. To do this, you need to prepare a mixture of turpentine and ammonia. The ideal proportion is 1:1. Rub the stain with the resulting liquid and leave for a while - from 5 to 20 minutes. If the stain does not come out immediately, repeat the procedure. At the end, wash the clothes in the usual way.

Before using this method, check the fabric for stability. To do this, apply a couple of drops of the composition to an inconspicuous area and wait a few minutes.

To remove the most old stain from engine oil, try using kerosene or aviation gasoline. Apply solvent to a cotton swab and gently rub the stain from the periphery to the center. When the dirt becomes almost invisible, wash the clothes. This method is quite dangerous, but very effective. Solvents should not be used to remove stains from delicate fabrics, as they can damage their structure and further spoil the appearance of the product.

Modern means

To remove a stain from machine oil at home, it is not necessary to turn to folk remedies. Modern manufacturers of household chemicals produce a sufficient number of different products that can quickly remove the stain and return the clothes to a decent look. So, for example, a fresh oil stain can be cleaned with dishwashing liquid. Apply a little to the dirt and wait 30-40 minutes. Then wash this area and place the clothes in the drum of the washing machine. Set the desired mode and the maximum allowable water heating for this type of fabric.

A stain remover works well for stubborn stains. The product in the form of a powder must first be dissolved in warm water, observing the dosage recommended by the manufacturer. Immerse the soiled clothing in the resulting solution and hold for 20 minutes.

Oxygen bleach will help tidy up whites. It should be used in the same way as a stain remover. More detailed instructions can be found on the product packaging. However, the exposure time must in any case be increased, since engine oil is difficult to remove.

It is very easy to put a stain of engine oil on your clothes, because this can happen not only while servicing your own car, but also during a simple trip by car or public transport. Few people know how to wash machine oil, which can penetrate very deeply into the fibers. Most often, people prefer to part with a soiled item of clothing without even trying to wash it.

In fact, it is not as difficult and troublesome as it seems at first glance. With certain skills and knowledge, you can do without dry cleaning, in which things often completely spoil, and an unplanned shopping trip.

Basic rules and important nuances of working with outerwear

The main rule of the approach is that you do not need to try to wash off the machine oil by the most ordinary run of the product in the washing machine. Washing powders will not give the desired effect, and bleaches will only spoil the thing itself. It is also better to refuse mechanical processing with brushes, they will only thin the matter, and engine or machine oil will be absorbed even deeper.

Here are some effective methods to remove engine oil stains from outerwear:

  • If the material does not have a high absorption rate (the surface of a jacket or tight jeans) and the stain still looks fresh, apply a little dishwashing liquid to it without rubbing and leave for a quarter of an hour. After the specified time, we begin to blot the stain with dry cloth napkins until the formation completely disappears. Then we wash the product in the usual way.
  • A spot planted a few minutes ago, with a still sticky surface, can be sprinkled with chalk, ground into a fine powder. The particles will absorb the oily substance, they will only need to be carefully removed. The item is then washed.
  • Oil is well removed from a jacket or down jacket with kerosene. It is poured onto the stain, wait a few seconds and begin to shift with a piece of cloth from the periphery to the center. This approach leaves visible stains, so subsequent washing of the product is required.

Tip: Kerosene stains can only be removed by washing the fabric in very hot water. Therefore, you first need to make sure that the soiled thing allows such an aggressive approach to cleaning. Otherwise, you will have to choose another processing option.

How to clean oil stains from denim?

The surface of jeans suffers from machine oil much more often than other garments. Unfortunately, machine oil stains are very difficult to remove from this fabric. If the thing is very expensive and not completely covered in dirt, you can use one of the following methods:

  • First, the surface of the jeans is treated with a solvent. Strongly not three, otherwise the color of the fabric itself will change. Sprinkle the solvent with washing powder, sprinkle with water and begin to rub with a brush. We act with effort, stroking does not remove oil stains.
  • A good result is given by a special spray, which can be purchased at a hardware store. Unfortunately, it does not work on old stains, so you will have to take care of its acquisition in advance.
  • There is another way, which involves the use of a very aggressive agent - a mixture of ammonia with turpentine. Before washing machine oil in a similar way, it is worth preparing for the fact that a piece of clothing can be hopelessly damaged. We mix the two components and apply to the stain, clean it with a cloth. After obtaining the desired result, we wash the product by hand in several changes of soapy water. After the approach, the jeans may have a persistent unpleasant odor that will disappear very slowly.

When working with technical fluids, care must be taken to protect hands, mucous membranes, and respiratory organs. Manipulations should be carried out with gloves and a mask, best in the fresh air. Additionally, you will have to come up with something to protect clothing. It often happens that in the process of work, spots simply move from one surface to another due to a violation of elementary technical rules.

Is it possible to quickly and permanently get rid of old stains?

If stains on the surface of jeans or outerwear are found a few months after contamination, there is still a chance to wash them even at home. Damage to very thin materials will have to be accepted, their structure simply cannot bear the impact and will be destroyed. Even if the stain goes away, the product will lose its aesthetic appearance.

Before you wash the old type of machine oil from a piece of clothing, you need to choose a product that matches the color:

  1. Gasoline is considered a universal remedy, it can be used both for cleaning a black velvet jacket and thick light jeans. We take two cloth napkins, moisten in gasoline and apply to the stain from the sides. In half an hour, the oil should go to napkins, then things will only have to be washed.
  2. In some cases, a solvent also helps, but only if the product is dark in color. The stain is carefully treated with an aggressive composition, after which the product is washed in a typewriter or by hand. You can repeat several times, but you need to monitor the color of the treated area.
  3. Today, special soaps have appeared on the shelves of hardware stores to remove old stains, including oil stains. The product is rubbed into a pre-moistened surface, left for half an hour and washed off. Next comes the machine wash.

The listed approaches will help to get rid of other technical contaminants, for example, from engine oil or fuel oil. But you need to soberly assess the danger of such exposure and, if possible, use specialized cleaners or consult with specialists.

Many still do not know how to remove machine oil from clothes without ruining the fabric. It is clear that a simple powder in this case is not enough.

Soak? Also no, the oil has already been absorbed and formed a film on the clothes. White? So you get completely spoiled fabric! What to do? We have some great options!

Where to begin

Of course, it is much easier to remove a fresh stain from engine oil, so you should act immediately. Nevertheless, do not forget to be careful, as thin fabrics can spread.

Whatever the composition of the oil, it is resistant. In view of this, in case of contamination of clothing, you can try various compounds that dissolve fat.

You will need:

  1. special stain removers
  2. napkins or cotton pads;
  3. brush and or sponge.

Before proceeding with the cleaning, it is worth noting that all of the options below are quite aggressive.

This means that before use it is necessary to check whether they will spoil the clothes. Apply a small amount to the fabric area. Leave for a few minutes, rinse and see the result.

How to withdraw

Here are a few ways to remove oil from fabric:

  • Quick response and chalk.
Take ordinary chalk, grind it and apply it to the pollution. Small particles of chalk will absorb the oil, and it will not have time to turn into a film. Then gently remove the stain from the clothing and soak it in warm water. The disadvantage of the presented method is the need for quick action. If the stain is old, this method is not suitable.
  • Aggressive dishwashing detergent.

After the stain appears, apply dishwashing detergent to it. Wait 20 minutes. Then you can simply wash the clothes as usual.

Dishwashing detergent has a more aggressive formula. It dissolves fats well, so it is an effective way to remove stains.

  • Use of solvents.

How to wash machine oil and fuel oil from clothes? Remove with solvent! Place a tissue under the fabric and try to clean the stain. If the cloth is completely wet, change it.

The best option is to use special solvents for oil paints. Then the item can be washed in warm water as usual.

old stain

Did the scary spot show up right away? Don't worry, gasoline will help remove it:

  1. Soak two washcloths in gasoline.
  2. Put them on your clothes: one on top, the other on the bottom.
  3. Wait half an hour.
  4. The oil will dissolve, while some of it will remain on the napkins.
  5. Then you can wash the clothes by hand.

Often there is such a problem that you notice an old stain on a down jacket. to make it disappear?

First, clean the stain with a solvent. Then wash the clothes in the washing machine several times. If the down jacket is light, it is better not to risk it - take the thing to the dry cleaner.

Nail polish remover is also suitable, but it must contain acetone. By the way, it helps to remove. Scrub the stain with a sponge. Leave for half an hour. Wash clothes with powder.

stain on jeans

Not sure how to get machine oil out of denim?

Jeans most often suffer from all sorts of pollution. This is not surprising, because they are considered universal clothing.

To remove oil from jeans will help ... a brush. First, treat the stain with a solvent. Then pour the powder on the problem area and brush it. Rinse and

A special spray can be purchased at the hardware store. It will easily remove engine oil and is a great option for those who deal with technical devices. How to use the spray can be found in the instructions from the manufacturer.

Strong means

In some cases, a mixture of ammonia and turpentine will help.

The specified solution is applied to the stain and cleaned with a napkin or cotton pad. Then you can wash the clothes in warm water. Since turpentine has a sharp and persistent smell, you will have to wash things more than once.

The presented method is suitable for such fabrics as:

  • wool;
  • acetate;
  • silk;
  • velvet.

Remember! When working with alcohol and turpentine, safety rules must be observed to protect the respiratory system.

Now you can buy a special soap to remove difficult stains. It can remove any greasy stains. At the same time, the stain removal technology is quite simple.

Apply generously to a cloth dampened with warm water and wait half an hour. Then just wash the clothes in the washing machine.

If contamination is present on white clothes, it is recommended to use a stain remover for white things, if on colored clothes - for colored ones. The method of application is indicated in the instructions for the tool.

So, when working with various types of equipment, after a bus ride or car repair, oil stains may appear on clothes.

They are deeply soaked into the fibers of the fabric and are not removed during normal washing. But now you know how to wash machine oil and fuel oil from clothes. The main thing is to consider the type of fabric and proceed with caution!

Many modern men never look under the hood of a car, trusting all repair and maintenance work to car service masters. And their wives do not know the torment of how to remove machine oil from clothes. I was not lucky in this regard: my missus loves to delve into technology, not only repairing it, but also inventing it.

home remedies

For the first time, I discovered a stain from machine oil on my husband's shirt at the very beginning of family life. It was a long time ago, when we did not yet have access to the Internet, and in stores there were no good stain removers. I had to experiment with the tools that were at hand.

fresh oil stains

Well, everyone knows this: The fresher the stain, the easier it is to remove.. And the more time passes from the moment it is put on the clothes, the less likely it is to save it.

So, if we have a sticky spot that just landed on the fabric, the first thing to do is to try not to let it soak into the fabric. And to do this, apply something on it into which the oil is absorbed faster. It could be:

  1. Regular school chalk, preferably white. It should be crushed into powder and thickly sprinkled on the affected area. After a few minutes, shake off or brush off with a brush.

  1. Dentifrice. The method of use is the same.
  2. Dry mustard powder.

And starch, talc and other free-flowing fine-grained substances well absorbing engine oil and other liquids. You can also try a blotter. The main thing is to remove what has not yet been eaten into the fabric.

Right after this:

  • the soiled area must be soaked in hot water: as hot as the fabric can withstand (the instructions on the label will tell you the maximum temperature);
  • then rub this area with laundry soap;
  • then wash off the soap with a sponge or soft brush, reapply the powder. And so several times;

  • after that you need the thing in the usual way in the washing machine.

Most often, this method works great, but only with fresh stains..

If there is no chalk or mustard on hand, you can try replacing them with toothpaste. It is squeezed onto the stain, lightly smeared and allowed to dry. And then moistened with water and cleaned with a brush.

It is important to remember that no washing powders, even the best ones, can cope with such pollution immediately. That's why you can send the item to the wash only after removing most of the oil the ways described above.

old stains

Men, for the most part, are pretty careless creatures. Even having noticed a stain, they are unlikely to rush to take off their clothes and do something with it. In any case, I often have to wash an already stubborn stain on a jacket - how to remove such beauty?

Difficult. But you can. But not with any fabric. And depending on the degree of neglect. What and how do I use?

  • Regular dishwashing detergent. It has degreasing properties. I just pour it on the stain without rubbing, wait 15-20 minutes, remove it with a paper towel. Then I wash it in hot water.

  • Thinner, pure kerosene or Vedashku (WD-40) - motorists are familiar with this universal tool. Any of these products is applied to the soiled area, after which you need to take a soft cloth and start to drive the oil from the edges to the center with it.

Then wash with laundry soap by hand in very hot water. But that's only half the battle. You can and will succeed in removing machine oil from clothes, but to get rid of a sharp and unpleasant smell, the thing will have to be washed and dried-ventilated several times.

  • Solvent in combination with bleaching powder. This method can be applied in the case of white clothes. . Wet the stain with chemistry, remove it with a napkin, pour powder on top and sprinkle with water. We clean it with a brush. Repeat until you get the desired result.

  • Refined gasoline. Not the one that can be drained from the gas tank, but a special one. For example, for refueling lighters. They need to moisten two cloth napkins, put one under the stain, the other close it from above. After 30-40 minutes, when the gasoline absorbs the oil and dries, the procedure can be repeated.

  • A mixture of ammonia with turpentine in equal proportions. An even more thermonuclear agent that helps clean clothes from oil. It is used in the same way as in the case of solvent or kerosene. And it smells just as bad.

All these methods are very aggressive, and they must be used with caution. Heed the following tips:

  • Always first check the effect of the agent on the fabric in an inconspicuous place to make sure it doesn't damage or discolor it.
  • use a brush It is possible only by removing stains from jeans or other products made of durable and dense material. Thin fabric can be completely ruined.
  • Be sure to wear gloves using solvents and other aggressive liquids.

Stain removers

Now I rarely use the methods described in the previous chapter. Because it's long and tedious. It is much easier to remove engine oil with the help of special, easy-to-use and effective products.

Of course, I can not judge all the drugs sold in stores, but I have already tried many. I'll tell you about those that turned out to be the most effective:

  • Product from AmwaySA8 powder. It turned out to be more effective than liquid and gel analogues and sprays of the same brand. The powder is applied to the stain moistened with water and left for several hours. And the hotter the water, the better. But here you need to focus on product recommendations.

  • Faberlic Stain Remover Pencil. This is such a dense crayon that you need to rub the contaminated area moistened with warm water so that a white foam appears. It is recommended to leave it for 10-15 minutes, then rinse. I keep longer, sometimes for several hours depending on the degree of pollution. An excellent tool, one of the best, and the price pleases - about 120 rubles.

  • Soap with bile Udalix. I use it like ordinary soap: I rub a wet cloth, hold it, rinse it off, if necessary, repeat until the result. It copes well with fresh stains, with old ones - when it does.

  • Frosch - gel-like stain remover. It also contains bile. It’s convenient that you don’t have to rub the fabric with your own hands - there is a sponge on the lid. And you can wash the thing not immediately, but leave the product on the fabric for any time - it will not harm it.

Most of all I like the pencil. It is the most efficient, compact, you can take it with you on trips, it is convenient to use it. But even he does not always save.

If I don’t know how to remove stains on a jacket or other clothes, then I just take it to the dry cleaners. If she doesn’t help, I try not to get upset, as before. In the end - it's just rags, although not always cheap. Nerves and relationships are more expensive.


If I missed something, you can watch the video in this article and choose the tool that suits you. Although the methods listed here quite often helped me out, saving good things from moving to the trash can. In any case, it is always worth trying to remove even such a complex stain.

I would be glad if it helped someone. If so, describe your positive experience in the comments.

Any person at least once in his life had to deal with an unpleasant problem - traces of oil on jeans. It is deeply absorbed into the fabric and, as a rule, you cannot get rid of it with ordinary washing powder.

Bleach will also not help, but will only spoil the material even more. However, there are many proven ways to remove pollution and solve the problem. Competent and prompt actions to clean the denim will give the clothes a good look and keep them for a long time.

To successfully remove traces of any type of oil, you must follow the general rules for cleaning things:

  1. It is necessary to start cleaning up pollution as soon as possible after its detection. After all, it is known that it is easier and faster to remove fresh stains that have not penetrated deeply into the fibers of the material.
  2. Before the procedure, it is desirable to carry out with a means chosen to clean the traces, a small test and check its effect on a separate piece of fabric or part of clothing that is invisible to the eye.
  3. When carrying out the procedure, it is recommended to use a brush or sponge.
  4. Oil stain must not be rubbed, on the contrary, it must be gradually removed, slightly getting wet, without pressure. Otherwise, you can only exacerbate the problem.

How to wash jeans from an oil stain:

Before carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to think over a plan for all stages of removing pollution so as not to spoil the thing. Observing all the necessary rules, it will not be difficult to get rid of stains on jeans. Fresh soiling is especially quickly and easily removed.

Instructions for removing fresh stains

Fresh traces of oil are easier to remove, however, it is necessary to proceed to action immediately after a problem is detected.

  1. First you need to take a napkin and blot the place with pollution with it. This is done to remove excess oil from the surface of the material.
  2. To get rid of fresh stains, you need a brush or sponge., which should be moistened in one of the products described below, and then wipe the stained area with it.
  3. This procedure should be carried out very carefully, especially for thin fabrics that tend to spread quickly. First you need to prepare:
    cotton pad or napkin;
    brush or sponge;
    stain remover. It can be salt, chalk, starch and toothpaste. If these products are quickly applied to a soiled surface, they will prevent further penetration of oil into the denim. Dishwashing liquid also helps.
  4. Apply one of the selected means in a dense layer to the problem area and leave for 30-40 minutes, then carefully remove it. After finishing the process, wash the jeans.

Instructions for removing old stains

If the contamination is fresh, it is quite easy to get rid of it using the methods described above. But what to do when the stain is old and deeply penetrated into the fibers of the material, is it possible to remove it completely?

Of course, there are methods for cleaning up such contaminants. As with the removal of fresh stains, it is required to take action immediately after the discovery of the stain.

  1. Choose a device for cleaning things - a brush, sponge, cotton pad or cloth.
  2. Choose a product that is suitable for cleaning the fabric from an old oil stain. Most often, in this case, you have to resort to aggressive (chemical) agents or gasoline. They act as a solvent for a dried oil stain, which is what is required in this situation.
  3. Since there is a high risk that an aggressive substance can ruin the fabric, it must be tested before use by applying a little solution to a separate area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric.
  4. After the procedure with chemicals or gasoline, it is advisable to immediately wash the jeans in warm soapy water to get rid of the remnants of the product and the smell.

What products can be used to remove a stain from engine oil

There are many proven methods for cleaning machine oil from jeans with chemical and folk remedies.


When cleaning stained areas of fabric, aggressive (chemical) agents help well:

  1. Stain removers. Now on sale you can find a lot of synthetic detergents. With their help, it is easy to get rid of unpleasant oil stains on clothes. Stain removers, cleaners and sprays, differing in their chemical composition and cost, can easily cope with difficult stains. How to use them correctly, you can learn from the instructions.
  2. A special soap made to remove greasy marks. With the help of this simple technology, you can get rid of old oil stains. Soak jeans in warm water. Take soap and apply to the contaminated area, holding it there for half an hour. After the procedure is completed, the item must be washed.
  3. Nail polish remover with acetone. Soak a sponge in the solution and rub it on the stain. Hold for 15-20 minutes, then wash with powder. The method is well suited for removing traces of dirt from dense fabrics.
  4. Dishwashing liquid. You should hold it for 15-20 minutes on a contaminated surface. When the oil has dissolved, remove the liquid from the clothes with a rag or napkin, and wash the jeans at an elevated temperature using washing powder. When washing thick white jeans, you can add a little bleach.

Folk remedies

  1. Chalk. Good for cleaning up marks on jeans. Crush the chalk into a powder and sprinkle it on the dirt. Leave it for two minutes, then shake off the remaining chalk from the clothes. The remaining white trace is removed during washing with detergent.
  2. Turpentine with ammonia. This effective combination successfully copes even with old pollution. Mix both components in equal proportions. With the resulting mixture, wipe the desired area with a sponge. After the end of the process, wash the clothes thoroughly with powder in warm water until the smell completely disappears.
  3. Ammonia. Dilute 1 teaspoon of alcohol in 100 ml of water. Moisten traces of dirt with this solution and hold for 45–50 minutes. Alcohol in its pure form is not recommended, it will lead to a discoloration of the fabric.
  4. Petrol. With it, even very old stains are easily removed. Take two napkins and soak in gasoline. Put one of them under the soiled piece of fabric, and the other on top. Wait 15-20 minutes until the oil dissolves and the dirt remains on the napkins. Wash clothes by hand using laundry detergent.
  5. Toothpaste. Squeeze out the paste from the tube and smear the stain liberally. Wait until it dries completely. Then clean off the remnants of the paste with a brush and wash the item.

Powders and iron for removing grease stains from jeans

  • A fresh mark can be removed with washing powder. Pour a little powder, rub into the stain with a toothbrush until foam appears. Wait for some time until a dry crust forms, which then needs to be brushed off.
  • Baking soda. Not bad eliminates pollution ordinary baking soda. Dilute soda with water in a ratio of 1: 1 and hold on the contaminated area for 10-15 minutes. Remove the rest of the mixture with a damp cloth.
  • Baby powder or talc. Ordinary baby powder has excellent absorbent properties. Sprinkle powder on desired area. Wait 30 minutes until the traces of dirt are completely removed, then wash the item. You can use talc instead of baby powder.
  1. Iron. Place dry napkins or paper towels on both sides of clothing. Heat the iron to the desired temperature (depending on the type and density of the fabric). Iron the stain, changing the napkins as they get dirty. This method is used when removing fresh oil traces. It is not suitable for cleaning old, deeply ingrained dirt.

Food stain remover

Often food products are used to solve this problem.