What can be done if new shoes are tight. Breaking in uncomfortable shoes. Home Remedies for Stretching Shoes

Even with a very careful choice of shoes, you may encounter a situation where after some time you put on a new fashionable pair, but it turns out to be small for you. What to do if the shoes are tight, you will learn from this article.

Stretching shoes - options

Depending on where exactly the shoes are tight and how hard, you can approach this problem in different ways:

  1. If you don’t have free time or you want to get the result as quickly as possible without putting any effort into the process, there is only one way out of the situation, what to do if new shoes are too tight - contact a special workshop. Professional shoemakers, with the help of special lasts, chemical and mechanical means and equipment, will be able to stretch the material and it will be more comfortable for the foot. The only drawback of this method is the need to pay for the services of professional craftsmen. We examined this nuance in more detail in the article.
  2. If you want to fix the situation yourself, here are a few ways to help you, which you will learn about below. But be prepared for the fact that this process is not a second, but it can take several days.

What you need to know about the services of professional shoemakers?

Not every material is subject to stretching. For example, each specialist will undertake to adjust the size and softness of natural leather material. But not any master will be able to correct the situation when shoes made of artificial or patent leather or fabric material are small.

What to do if the shoes are tight? - Folk ways

Before you start stretching the pair you like on your own, you need to know that you can only expand shoes, boots, sandals or sneakers. In length, no pair can be stretched. So, what if the shoes are small and tight? Let's look at a few effective ways.

Skin stretching and softening agent

Today, on sale in shoe and hardware stores, you can buy special aerosols, with which you can not only stretch, but also make the material of any shoe much softer. It doesn't really matter which brand you prefer, as they all generally have a good reputation in consumer reviews.

How to use the stretching and softening spray:

  1. Read the instructions for use of the particular product you have purchased.
  2. Shake the can and spray the composition on the desired surface. Please note that if you are deciding what to do if the shoes are tight from leather, you need to spray the aerosol on the outer surface. If you need to correct the situation with patent or suede, nubuck shoes, processing can be done exclusively from the inside.
  3. Pull the material a little with your hands.
  4. Leave on for a few minutes to absorb.
  5. Put on and wear for about 10 minutes to get the material to the desired shape and size of your foot.

Important! For greater efficiency and prevention of chafing, you can wear the treated pair not on bare feet. It is better to wear socks first. To accelerate softening, you can additionally lightly tap on the material in problem areas with a hammer.

Alcohol solutions and cosmetics

Any alcohol-based product will work to solve the problem of what to do if the new shoes are tight. For this:

  1. Take any alcohol-containing product - medical alcohol, vodka, cologne or cosmetic tonic.
  2. Pour a small amount of the solution of your choice inside the problem couple.
  3. Put the products on your feet in socks.
  4. Moisten the top of the shoe material.

Important! If the hard heels of new shoes rub your foot, soak them with alcohol as well.

Steam plus moisture

Depending on how high-quality the products you purchased, you can also use this method to solve the problem of uncomfortable shoes:

  • Heat water in a kettle or saucepan. It is advisable to boil so that steam is abundantly released.

Important! If you welcome the use of modern technology in everyday life, you probably have a great alternative - a steam cleaner. If not, it's time to think about buying it - believe me, it will save you a lot of time, effort, nerves and help you easily maintain order and cleanliness throughout the house. In our separate article you will find all the useful information about.

  • Hold the problem product on steam, sipping the material a little in different directions.
  • Dampen newspapers with water and crush them into balls.
  • Stuff inside shoes or boots.
  • Leave it like this until the paper is completely dry.

The new fitting should be more comfortable for you.

Important! Do not try to speed up the process by drying products on heaters. Drying should take place in the most natural conditions - this is the only way you will get the expected result.


This method is one of the most effective of all possible options for what to do if the shoes are tight. In addition, such a stretching procedure will not take much of your time. Proceed like this:

  1. Take 2 tight plastic bags.
  2. Fill them up with some water.
  3. Tie the bags and arrange them inside the products so that the shape of the bag matches the shape of the shoes.
  4. Put everything in this form directly in the freezer overnight.
  5. In the morning, remove the products and wait until the ice melts a little - about 30 minutes.
  6. Take out the packages.
  7. Try on a couple.

Important! The action of this method is very simple and is based on the principle of increasing water in volume during freezing and thawing. The only nuance that needs to be taken into account is the type of material: this method is not suitable for patent leather shoes, as the leather will crack when cooled.

  1. If your shoes are too tight, don't try to get them the correct size the first time. Stretch consistently, in several stages, so as not to damage the material.
  2. To make dress shoes more comfortable to wear if they are a bit small, use special silicone pads. They will prevent the material of the shoe from rubbing against the skin of your feet, and after a couple of socks you will be able to remove them without unpleasant consequences and wear shoes that will already sit well on your foot.
  3. New shoes can be a little tight until they take the shape of your foot, especially if they are made from genuine leather. Therefore, do not immediately do hard manipulations for stretching. Just protect the problem areas with a band-aid, and in a couple of days the pair will already sit on your legs “like a glove”.
  4. You can soften the material without stretching it much, using castor oil or fish oil. Just apply a little product to the problem areas of the shoes and rub with a woolen cloth.

01/05/2017 2 31 473 views

We bought the last pair of shoes, but it turned out to be small and now the question arose before you: how to break in shoes that are small at home? There is a solution to this problem and the choice of the optimal method depends on the material from which the product is made.

But first you need to find out which shoes can be worn in.

What shoes can be broken in?

Genuine leather products usually lend themselves well to wearing out and can increase in size, suede can react in a completely different way, so the process must be very careful, you should not rush in this situation. But artificial leather shoes are rarely stretched, because the material from which they are made is usually very hard.

A product made of natural material can be both increased in length and expanded.

Folk remedies?

People always encounter the problem of tight or narrow shoes, someone ordered a model on the Internet and decided to keep it, someone really liked the model, and he could not help but buy it. To make wearing shoes comfortable, they are trying to bring them to the ideal, in this case, to expand and this can be done if you use some folk secrets.


The fact that in order to increase new shoes by one size you can use newspapers is probably known to many. This process is quite simple, for its implementation it is necessary:

  1. A large number of newspapers need to be moistened in plain water, torn into small pieces and put inside the shoe, and it is important to push as much paper as possible into it.
  2. Shoes with newspapers are left for several days until the scraps of paper are completely dry.

Using this simple method, you can get shoes or boots a size larger, but it is important to understand that, most likely, they will also become wider.

In no case should an artificial heat source, such as a battery, be used to dry the product. Exposure to warm air will cause the skin to become much rougher and lose its structure.


If the question arose that you need to stretch leather shoes, then you can resort to the help of ordinary medical alcohol, which, if necessary, can be replaced with vodka. This method allows you to increase it by one or even two sizes without harm to the product. It is important to remember that this method is absolutely not suitable for shoes made of suede, nobuk, artificial leather, and if it has a patent or fabric coating.

  1. The product made of genuine leather is abundantly wetted with alcohol or vodka from the inside.
  2. It is necessary to wear shoes or boots and walk in them until the alcohol has evaporated and absorbed, after which the procedure should be repeated.

Stretching shoes in this way can take several days, so be patient.

If there was no alcohol or vodka in the house, then 3% vinegar can be used, it will have a similar effect on shoes.

Bags, water and freezer

When time is limited, and there is simply no strength to endure pain, you can remember another way to stretch shoes, it will be the most humane, however, it will give an excellent result.

  1. To carry it out, you will need two plastic bags and a freezer.
  2. Bags are placed in the shoes, water is poured into them and tightly tied so that if suddenly the water does not leak out.
  3. Put in the freezer and wait until the water turns into ice. As soon as the liquid changes its state to a solid, it will begin to put pressure on the shoes from the inside, which will cause the product to become wider and slightly longer.

Since this method of stretching is quite difficult to control and you can only rely on chance, you should not use it when it comes to summer shoes made of thin leather, you should not use it when it comes to winter shoes.

hair dryer

Currently, a hair dryer is used not only for its intended purpose, you simply cannot do without its help if you decide to stretch your shoes. The procedure is quite simple, but requires patience and possibly discomfort in the fingers.

  1. The thickest sock is put on the leg, or several thin ones.
  2. Shoes are put on, you may have to try to squeeze your foot in.
  3. The hair dryer is switched on to the hot mode and with the help of it they begin to heat the surface of the product.

After a few minutes, the hair dryer is turned off and the material is left to cool, while the leg should not be pulled out. Once the skin has cooled, the procedure is repeated.

After “hot” stretching, shoes must be lubricated with a special conditioner so that they do not harden. Do not use a hair dryer to increase the size of a suede product.


You can quickly increase the size of shoes with the help of grain and it is quite simple to do this:

  1. Grain is poured inside the product, which is poured with a sufficient amount of water and left for one night.
  2. During this time, the grain in the shoe will swell and begin to press on the material from the inside, stretching it.
  3. The contents are removed and the product must be shoes and worn until it is completely dry.

This method of stretching is quite simple, but it is important to take into account the fact that not all material is able to "survive" such an interaction with water.

Special agent

If you don’t want to experiment at all and look for “grandmother’s” methods of stretching shoes, then you can contact a specialized store where they will pick up a tool that is perfect for your material.

Professional stretchers can be sold as sprays, foams or creams, which is your preference - this is your personal choice.

To stretch shoes with a special tool, you must:

  1. Spray the product in the place where you want to achieve an increase.
  2. Put on shoes and walk around for a few minutes, you can even put on thicker socks.

In just a few minutes, the result will be noticeable, in addition, these products are excellent not only for natural leather or suede, but also for artificial. At the same time, you don’t have to worry that stains or marks will remain on the shoes; you can buy either a transparent spray in the store, or the one that suits you in color.

Means intended for stretching shoes should not be used thoughtlessly. Often, their application can cause the leather or leatherette to lose its original structure and appearance.

Video: how to break shoes at home?

In order not to run into shoes that are too tight for you, it is very important to choose them correctly, especially if you like to shop in online stores:

  1. You need to buy shoes based not on your usual size, but on the length of the foot. Put the ruler on the floor and place your foot so that the heel is at zero and look at the scale. It is important to remember that most people's feet have different sizes, consider this feature when buying.
  2. If you buy shoes in a regular store, then tell the seller your size. In our country, European standards are used, so a professional will easily select a suitable pair of shoes.
  3. Be sure to consider what a particular pair of shoes is made of. You should not buy a product "for growth" or hope that it is easily spread over time. Walking in shoes that are large is quite uncomfortable, and there is also a risk of blisters, but wearing shoes that are small is even worse. Constant discomfort, and as a result, pain in the foot and calluses both on the fingers and on the heels.
  4. If you buy high-heeled shoes, then before you pay for them, go around the store, check if you are comfortable, if the foot fits well and if it does not press in the nose area.
  5. Try to shop during the daytime when your feet are not swollen all day. Buying shoes in the evening, you can find out the next day that they are too big for you.

A few more ways to help deal with the problem of tight shoes:

Leather shoes can be stretched if you lubricate them with vegetable oil or petroleum jelly, this must be done both from the outside and from the inside. After that, be sure to wipe the shoes with a dry towel.

If the shoes are pressing in the heel, then the bulk of the mass must be applied precisely to this zone. Instead of vegetable oil, you can use castor oil, but you need to be extremely careful with it, as it can ruin the color of the product.

A few tips to help avoid blisters and other troubles if your new shoes are tight:

  • after the purchase, do not rush to put on shoes and go out for a walk, it is better to first try to walk in them at home, it is better if you do this for several days;
  • genuine leather shoes are much easier to stretch, so almost any means and methods can be used to correct the size of such a product;
  • before wearing new shoes for the first time, seal the most vulnerable places, i.e. those where corns most often appear;
  • to prevent the appearance of corns in advance, moisten the back with soapy water, alcohol or petroleum jelly and let dry - the skin will become much softer;
  • the inside of the shoes can be safely lubricated with castor oil;
  • you can stretch the product in shoe repair, a specialist with the help of special tools will adjust the size to fit your foot.

In order not to have to torment yourself and new shoes, you need to buy them wisely and be sure to first try them on and walk around in them for several minutes.

If you still couldn’t refuse to buy shoes that didn’t quite fit you, then you can try to fix the situation at home and use one of the listed methods. If the risk of ruining new shoes or boots is much higher than getting the desired result, contact the specialists, but remember, even they are not able to increase shoes by two or three sizes.

Popular wisdom says that shoes must be bought after a long and meticulous fitting in the store. But what do you do when, for some unknown reason, when you get home, your new shoes don't fit as they used to? The problem of rubbing the legs and the appearance of painful calluses is especially relevant. A person needs to go out somewhere every day, but any actions bring only discomfort. Let's try to figure out what to do if the shoes rub. So, let's begin.

Shoes rub - what follows?

Naturally, rubbing cannot go unnoticed. Sad consequences follow. Everyone knows the problem of corns, which appear as a result of prolonged friction of the skin on the hard material of the shoe. Sometimes calluses appear due to excessive pressure.

There are several types of neoplasms - dry and wet corns. The first is coarsened, unlike all the others, areas of the skin. Wet corn, on the contrary, manifests itself in the form of an inflated bubble in which fluid accumulates.

The second thing you can expect from constant rubbing of shoes is corns. They are a fairly dense area of ​​skin that forms on the foot. Corns usually lead to the appearance of dead areas and slowing down of blood circulation in general.

There are more complex effects, such as blisters. A bump filled with liquid appears above the skin. Such innovations do not bode well.

In any case, all of these types contribute to the deterioration, heaviness and pain in the legs. When walking, there is tremendous discomfort, which must be urgently disposed of. Some types of corns entail severe bleeding and the appearance of scars (purple or blue spots, etc.).

Preventive actions

If you are tired of dealing with the fact that your shoes constantly rub, consider preventive measures to help prevent this from happening in the future. Otherwise, frequent friction can lead to deformation of the fingers and feet in general.

  1. Choose your shoes carefully in the store. No need to purchase a beautiful, but terribly uncomfortable model. You walk in such a pair for a maximum of 2 hours, but pain and discomfort will accompany you for a long time.
  2. Buy shoes strictly in size, make it a habit to use non-slip insoles for shoes. They do not allow the foot to roll down, so the risk of blisters is minimized.
  3. Give preference to shoes made of soft natural materials. It is clear that it is cheaper to buy leatherette. But it's better to save up and get high quality shoes that are perfect for your feet.
  4. If you often experience chafing from closed heel shoes, try not to purchase such models. It is better to buy shoes with a fixing strap at the back.
  5. In the case when new shoes rub, you do not need to immediately go for a long walk in it. Break it in gradually, starting manipulations 1 or 2 weeks before the intended exit (events, etc.).
  6. If there is a solemn event on the nose that you need to be at the parade, go out in new shoes, but change your shoes in half an hour. For this purpose, carry extra shoes with you.
  7. In summer and spring, heirs come to the rescue. They are ideal for closed-toe shoes, and you can choose the option based on your color preferences. Today, footprints are available even for open shoes.
  8. Take a closer look at the new inventions - gel inserts. They must be glued from the inside of the shoe to reduce the stiffness of friction and completely eliminate it. Non-slip insoles are made from the same material.
  9. People who have already found a solution for constant chafing use special foot talc in the summer. The powder absorbs sweat, absorbs odor, eliminates slip. Powder based on rosemary oil and zinc oxide has a similar effect.
  10. Visit a pedicurist to suggest other possible ways to deal with the problem. Buy a pencil at the pharmacy, which is necessary for the prevention of chafing. The agent lubricates the areas of the skin on which corns most often appear.

What to do if the shoes have already rubbed your feet

If you did not adhere to preventive measures, as a result of which you rubbed your feet with shoes, proceed as follows.

  1. First, wash your feet, then treat the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin with hydrogen peroxide or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Then, after drying, grease the wound with sea buckthorn oil, tincture of calendula or chamomile.
  2. Arm yourself with a sewing needle, treat it with an antiseptic solution or set it on fire with a lighter. Then gently pierce the swollen corn, squeeze out the ichor. Again, work the damaged area with peroxide or calendula tincture, let the wound dry.
  3. The corn must “breathe”, so it will heal faster and will not leave rough marks behind. No need to seal the damaged area with adhesive tape.
  4. When the skin dries, apply the Rescuer ointment or any other remedy of your choice (Panthenol, De-Panthenol, etc.). If you need to go urgently, stick 2 breathable band-aids crosswise.

Folk remedies for rubbing shoes

  1. In the warm season, you can often meet with wet calluses, plantain copes with such problems. Almost anywhere it will not be difficult to find this plant.
  2. If you are within the house, it is advisable to wash the plantain. Finely chop the leaves and apply to the sore spot. With a compress it is better to lie down to rest. During the night, the healing composition will do its job. Repeat the procedure as needed.
  3. Raw potatoes have medicinal properties. Peel a small root vegetable and grate on a fine grater. Apply the paste to the affected skin. Wrap your leg in a bandage. It is worth waiting 2-3 hours for the corn to come off.
  4. As for dry corns, onions or lemon will cope with such a problem. Turn any of the above products into gruel, apply to the affected area. Wrap your leg in gauze and put on socks. The compress is best done at night.
  5. To eliminate corns, you need only two components. Take 140 gr. onion peel and 250 ml. 6% vinegar. Connect the components and tightly seal the container. The composition should be infused in a cool place for about 14 days. After that, apply the remedy in the form of lotions until the corns disappear.
  6. Also, a remedy based on a chicken egg, 30 ml, can cope with problems. vinegar and 35 ml. vegetable oil. Mix ingredients thoroughly and refrigerate. Infuse the composition throughout the day. Soak a swab with the product and use as a compress.

Bath for corns and corns

  1. To eliminate annoying cracks, corns and calluses, you can resort to using baths. Such a procedure will remove the urgent problem and discomfort when walking.
  2. Do not think that corns are a harmless thing. Such trifles lead to a curvature of posture when walking. The recipe is based on prunes, the procedure is recommended to be carried out at night.
  3. For a single therapy, take 8 prunes. Don't forget to remove the bones. You will also need 250 ml. milk, preferably rustic.
  4. Place a saucepan on the stove and add the animal product and fruit to it. Boil the composition over low heat until the prunes are completely softened.
  5. Leave the broth to cool to an acceptable temperature. Turn the products into gruel with a blender, pour the finished mixture into a bowl of warm water. Dip your feet into the composition and wait for it to cool.
  6. After that, treat the legs and problem areas with a special file or pumice stone. Moisturize your skin generously with a rich cream. Put cellophane on your feet and socks on top. Go to bed.

If you are faced with the problem of rubbing your feet with shoes, you need to follow simple tips. Use non-slip insoles and similar accessories to prevent foot problems. If corns have already appeared, use home remedies. It is advisable to carry out the procedure before going to bed. Try to prevent this from happening in the future.

Video: what to do if the shoes are tight and rub

Buying shoes is a long and exhausting process. But the real pain begins later, when suddenly the shoes that seemed so soft and comfortable in the fitting room, on the street, begin to cause discomfort, crush or rub your feet. If such a misfortune happened to you, and the question arose of what to do if the shoes were tight, you should not get hysterical or immediately run to the store for new shoes. This problem can be completely eliminated at home, with the help of improvised means.

Basic rules for choosing shoes

The best way to solve the problem is avoid its appearance. If you follow simple recommendations when choosing shoes, in the future there will be no problems with wearing them.

How to break in shoes that are tight and rubbing

No need to think that immediately after the purchase you will be able to walk all day in new shoes. First they need to be spread b so that they take the shape of your leg. During the first days, it is recommended to wear a new thing for no longer than an hour. Problem areas of the feet, which are usually rubbed, it is advisable to seal with a plaster (usually this is the area behind the foot, just above the heel, and fingers). This will prevent the appearance of corns.

If the question arose about how to break in shoes that rub the heel, you need to try to soften the heel. You can do this with a special spray sold in shoe stores, or use a wide selection of folk remedies.

Leather shoes

There is a widespread myth that over time, the skin "spreads itself", you just have to wait a bit. But you can not wait for the weather by the sea, but try to speed up the process.

If traditional methods do not help, you can always purchase special products for stretching the skin in a shoe store.

artificial products

Products from various types of leather substitute and synthetics are meant. It requires a slightly different handling than leather. Consider what materials are commonly used to soften artificial shoes.

Breaking in shoes is best done at home. If the pain is gone, then the goal has been achieved and you can go out.

What to do if it rubs the heel of the boots

Breaking in boots is harder than shoes. Due to the height of the tops, it is difficult to get to the heel. The method with a hammer or pliers to soften a hard back is clearly out of the question here. You can use a patch that is glued to the heel and to the boot itself from the inside, thus creating a double leg protection. But while walking, the patch can fall off and rub the leg even more.

A good solution would be a silicone lining. If placed under the foot, it will reduce the slip of the foot during movement and therefore prevent chafing.

You can also use a patch made of dense soft fabric. It is glued or sewn to the inside of the boot.

If corns appear

Unfortunately, despite all precautions, it is not always possible to protect the leg from chafing. You can even rub the corn with old and seemingly comfortable shoes, even with soft indoor slippers. What to do if corns or calluses appear, the skin becomes rough, reddened or even starts to bleed?

The first step is to replace the shoes, after wearing which there were problems. To replace does not mean to throw it away or take it to the store, especially if the problem arose for the first time. It is enough just to wear something else in the following days.

Calluses are blisters, filled with a whitish liquid, the so-called dropsy. Any touch to them is painful, therefore, after carrying out any medical procedures, baths and compresses, it is necessary to protect the damaged area from external influences with a plaster. For quick healing of corns, a compress from plantain or a freshly cut aloe leaf helps well. In no case should you pierce the water callus, so you can bring the infection there.

Dry corns, the so-called corns- These are hardened areas of the skin that form at the site of constant pressure. Usually it is the sole of the foot and big toe. They need to be treated with the help of special compresses and baths.

Potato juice can be used to treat old, hardened calluses. If you apply such a compress at night, it will soften the corns. For their steaming, baths from a weak solution of potassium permanganate, a decoction of chamomile flowers will also help. A good remedy is a foot bath made from a salt solution. A spoonful of salt must be diluted in a liter of water and feet should be lowered there.

Important: in hot water, foot baths cannot be performed, the water temperature should be slightly higher than body temperature.

To prevent blisters, you need to do more than just wear shoes that fit. It is also important to monitor the condition of the legs. For example, it is better to wear socks made of natural fabrics. Synthetics are poorly breathable, feet sweat. Wet skin is more susceptible to friction, and excessive sweating of the feet creates a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria and the appearance of fungus.

You need to regularly lubricate your feet with a nourishing cream, once a week it is recommended to make foot baths from a decoction of calendula, chamomile or oak bark. These substances with antiseptic and tannic properties will remove excessive sweating of the feet and contribute to the healing of cracks or wounds on the feet.

If all else fails, all attempts to break the shoes in vain and it is completely impossible to wear new shoes, people wonder if Can they be returned to the store?.

Undoubtedly, if you purchased goods in a company store, you have such a right. If you bought shoes somewhere in the market from an elemental merchant - alas.

The main thing - do not throw away the check immediately after purchase. This is the first thing you need to safely return an item back to the store. The information on the check must be legible.

The appearance of the shoes must not be disturbed, no damage or scratches. If you walked along the street and there are traces of earth, grass on the sole, the goods most likely cannot be returned. The trade dress must be preserved.

You can return the purchase only within the period specified by the guarantee (usually no more than 14 days).

Returns should be made in the same box., which you purchased, or in the same branded package.

Attention, only TODAY!

If you walk into a store and see a pair of chic shoes, you will definitely want to buy them. But what if the shoes are tight and a little small? Can it be spread? Yes, if you know some tricks.

Can it be done? In what cases is it necessary?

It is very difficult to find shoes that will fit perfectly in size. But remember that most of the materials from which modern boots, shoes or shoes are made are quite soft, so they can be stretched. But it is important to know the measure, since strong deformations will definitely not benefit.

It is worth remembering that even if the boots are a little tight, over time they will stretch a little if they are constantly worn. So do not rush to take drastic measures.

Here are some cases where you should break in your shoes quickly:

  • Shoes "sat down" after washing in the machine (some choose this method of cleaning) or after rain.
  • The shoes are one size small (for everyday wear, they can only break in half a size, no more).
  • At the end of the day, when your legs swell, you feel cramped.
  • The length is perfect, but the width is too small.
  • The width is suitable, the length would like to increase.

How to stretch shoes?

So, how do you stretch a little new shoes that are too tight? It all depends on what result you want to achieve, as well as what material your shoes are made of. Also, your patience also affects the choice of method. Well, the availability of free time is also an important factor.

Universal simple ways

How to quickly break in tight shoes without much effort? There are several options that are suitable for almost all materials:

  1. Special stretching aids. Go to a shoe store and ask the clerk for a special shoe stretch compound. There are different products for different materials: for suede, leather, leatherette and patent leather. Compositions are produced in different forms. It can be spray, liquid or foam. You can ask the seller about the rules of use or find out in the instructions for use.
  2. Break in your shoes gradually. For example, wear it first for a couple of hours a day, then increase the time period. But it can take a week or two to break in. Also, regularity is important.
  3. You can remove all authority and take shoes or boots to a shoe shop. The masters of this business have repeatedly encountered such requests and probably know what to do in this case.
  4. Buy a special stretch for shoes. You can buy it either in a specialized shoe store or in a large hypermarket, in the department of shoe care products.
  5. If you need to act quickly, you can find a friend whose foot size is slightly larger than yours. In a few hours of torment, she can break your shoes, if, of course, she agrees to such “executions”.
  6. Put on woolen socks and put on new tight boots or shoes on them. For a couple of hours of walking in this form, plus a half size, you are guaranteed.

Winter shoes

Such shoes are able to withstand frost and temperature changes, so you can resort to the help of cold.

Here's what you'll need:

  • bag (polyethylene and durable);
  • tap water;
  • free freezer.

Here's what to do:

  1. Fill the bag with water.
  2. Place it in the shoes so that it completely fills the entire space.
  3. Close the package tightly.
  4. Put the shoes in the freezer for 8-10 hours. If you went to school, you probably know that when water freezes and turns into ice, it expands. So the package will increase and stretch the shoes.
  5. After the required time has elapsed, take out your long-suffering boots or shoes. But do not rush to immediately get the ice pack, you can damage the material. Wait a bit for the water to thaw.

Leather shoes

If you need to break in leather shoes, you can use one of the methods below.

  1. You can use alcohol or an alcohol solution (vodka is also suitable). Soak a cotton pad in this liquid and thoroughly wipe the shoes from the inside. Now put on a few pairs of socks (or one thick pair) and then your shoes or boots. Walk like this for an hour or two. Instead of alcohol, by the way, you can use vinegar. Surely after such procedures will remain. It can be removed with ordinary soapy water and airing in fresh air.
  2. Try using boiling water. Boil water and pour it directly into the shoes, then immediately pour it out. Then put on shoes (you can wear a tight sock) and walk around in it a little. Then dry your shoes. But this method is quite extreme, so if you are not sure about the quality of the shoes, then it is better not to risk it.
  3. Also . Put on warm socks and put on your tight shoes. Turn on the hair dryer and warm up especially narrow places for 10-15 minutes. Then turn off the device and walk for 10 minutes. After that, if necessary, the procedure can be repeated. Do all this until the shoes become soft and stop pressing.
  4. And cowboys used to use grain. Try this way too: put grain or cereals in your shoes that swell when wet (for example, rice). Pour water into the same place, leave the shoes overnight. Remove grits, wipe the inside and wear your boots a little.


For suede shoes, the following methods are suitable:

  • The already described method using a freezer.
  • Regular beer will do. Just wipe the inside of your shoes with it, and then put it on warm socks and walk around in it a little. After that, wipe the inside surface with a cloth dampened with soapy water. And be sure to check the shoes to finally get rid of the smell.

Remember that suede is a soft material, so be careful not to overdo it!

Patent shoes

Alcohol is great for patent leather shoes. Want to speed up the process? Then soak thick socks in an alcohol solution (one part alcohol and two parts water), put them on (you can put bags on your feet if you are afraid to burn your skin with alcohol) and walk in shoes until the socks are dry. If necessary, the steps can be repeated. If you did everything right, then you can not be afraid of the consequences.

artificial materials

If you need to spread shoes made of artificial material (leatherette), then in this case, folk remedies can also help. Here are some ways:

  1. Think vodka or cologne. Spray the inside of the shoes with the compound and wear them for two to three hours.
  2. Or you can use a newspaper. Crush it and wet it until it swells. Stuff shoes with newspaper and leave overnight. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

Textile shoes

Use boiling water to break up fabric shoes. Pour it directly into shoes or boots, then literally pour it out in half a minute or a minute. Put your shoes on immediately and walk around in them until they are completely dry.

You can also fill shoes with wet, swollen toilet paper, and then dry at room temperature. But newspapers should not be used, they can leave traces and stains on the fabric.

Wear shoes with pleasure and comfort!