Orthopedic insoles for summer open shoes. Orthopedic insoles for open and high-heeled shoes. Appointment of orthopedic insoles

If the eyes are the mirror of the soul, then our feet can definitely be considered a mirror of the health of the body. The greatest loads are experienced by the shins and feet, which means that it is here that various problems often arise. Orthopedic insoles are used for the prevention and treatment of various foot diseases. But how to choose them correctly, because manufacturers offer a huge number of models? How often can I use this orthopedic accessory? And what do buyers say about specific products who have evaluated their quality?

What are orthopedic insoles for?

Healthy foot formation largely determines the functioning of the entire musculoskeletal system. A person takes an average of 3 to 7 thousand steps per day, while the feet must not only evenly distribute the load, but also ensure stability. In childhood, the most common diseases are flat feet and hallux valgus, in adults - osteoarthritis, arthritis, heel spurs.

Foot deformity not only causes discomfort or pain in the legs, but also negatively affects the condition of the knee and hip joints, contributing to the development of chronic diseases in them. The spine also becomes more vulnerable, so its curvature often occurs, which leads to a malfunction in the work of all internal organs.

Proper footwear helps prevent the development of diseases in adults and children, the parameters of which can be adjusted using orthopedic insoles. Their anatomically correct shape follows the shape of the foot, provides support to the most vulnerable areas, and evenly distributes the load.

The insoles are excellent shock absorbers that reduce static and dynamic loads, improve blood flow, and eliminate the appearance of corns and calluses.

Types of orthopedic insoles

According to their design, orthopedic insoles can be longitudinal, transverse and combined. They are used to treat various types of flat feet. In addition, accessories can prevent or fight other diseases, so there are preventive and therapeutic models.

Orthopedic insoles with therapeutic effect

With the development of various diseases, the following types of medical insoles are used:

  • for heel spurs - are fixed under the heel and resemble a horseshoe in shape, lift the heel to the correct anatomical position and reduce tension in the plantar fascia;
  • for rheumatoid arthritis and flat feet developing in the course of the disease;
  • with osteoarthritis - insoles evenly distribute the load and restore the shock-absorbing functions of the arch; ready to also correct differences in leg length;
  • during pregnancy - improve blood circulation and reduce the risk of swelling and varicose veins reduce stress on the feet.

Marking of orthopedic insoles

We list the main markings that can be found on products, and point out their features.

  • VP1 - insert with recesses for the heel and the longitudinal arch of the foot. It is recommended to use during pregnancy and at the first signs of flat feet.. For prevention, they are necessary for everyone whose professional activity is associated with heavy physical exertion and weight lifting.
  • VP2 - has an instep insert and a lining for the longitudinal arch of the foot and its correction.
  • VP3 - under the front section of the foot there is a pronator, along the longitudinal foot there is a lay-out, on the heel there is an inlay. Recommended for the prevention of torn foot syndrome.
  • VP6 - inlays and lay-outs under both arches of the foot and under the heel are combined with elements to prevent calluses. Used to flatten the longitudinal arch and anatomically correct thumb abduction.
  • VP7 with a pronator along the edge of the foot and a heel pad is prescribed for women who like to wear high-heeled shoes, as well as for patients to prevent clubfoot and shortened feet.
  • VP9 is used for significant foot deformities. The design provides for a heel socket, lining along the longitudinal arch and a shock absorber under the heel.
  • VP10 with recesses for the heel and longitudinal arch, their design prevents complications from corns and calluses in the form of scars.

Preventive gel, silicone and frame insoles

Prophylactic insoles perform similar functions, but differ in material.

Silicone insoles are effective in preventing flat feet, as well as arthritis, salt deposits, swelling, varicose veins and heel spurs. They relax the muscles of the legs well, so the feeling of fatigue occurs less often. Perfectly absorb moisture, so they are suitable for those who walk a lot in sports shoes.

It is important to change silicone insoles every 3 months.

Gel is an alternative to silicone. Gel inserts on the arch support absorb shock loads, provide the best cushioning in the toe and heel. Such liners are often made transparent, so they are convenient to wear with summer shoes (gel insoles cannot be used in winter).

The average lifespan of gel insoles is 6 months.

Finally, the frame insoles are rigidly designed to provide the best possible support for the foot. They are made of genuine leather, latex foam or other resilient material and have additional layers for better moisture absorption and hygiene.

Custom made insoles

Some podiatrists are convinced that mass-produced insoles should only be used by retirees and diabetic patients. In all other cases, liners should be made to order.

Individual insoles are made of genuine leather with perforation. They have antibacterial substrates with activated carbon. The design provides support for the transverse and longitudinal arch of the foot, a rigid arch support and a heel shock absorber.

Orthopedic insoles to order:

  • support the foot in the correct anatomical position;
  • improve blood supply to the legs;
  • relieve the load from the spine and joints due to depreciation;
  • correct postural disorders;
  • relieve discomfort and discomfort;
  • have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire musculoskeletal system.

Modern technologies for manufacturing custom-made insoles make it possible to take into account all the anatomical features of a particular person, areas of greatest pressure, and bending of the foot. When developing a model, orthopedists even take into account the patient's lifestyle and the type of shoes that he prefers.

How much do orthopedic insoles cost

It is not difficult to buy orthopedic insoles inexpensively if desired, because the cost of even custom-made liners is quite affordable.

So, the average prices for orthopedic insoles:

  • individual insoles made in an orthopedic salon: for children and teenagers - 2000 rubles, for adults - 2500-3000 rubles;
  • preventive mass production: for children - 600-800 rubles. (with reinforced arch support - up to 1200 rubles), adults - up to 1500 rubles.

If you need to make adjustments to the basic model during an individual order, the cost can increase up to 6,000 rubles.

What orthopedic insoles to choose

Do you want to know how to choose the right orthopedic insoles? Here are some general recommendations.

  • If you have a heel spur, then heel pads will do.. Using the accessory will prevent chafing of soft tissues.
  • Prophylactic insoles made of genuine leather, elastic foam or cork will relieve all lovers of high heels from the discomfort and pain that occurs in the evening.
  • Soft insoles made of a material with a porous structure will help to escape from calluses.
  • With instability of the ankle or a tucking foot, it is worth buying semi-rigid insoles, which are made of flexible plastic.
  • For people weighing more than 100 kg who have foot deformity, the doctor will most likely recommend hard insoles made of metal, plastic or graphite.
  • Liners are used for longitudinal flat feet or heel spurs under certain areas of the foot.
  • For children, thermoplastic insoles, which under the influence of pressure and temperature, take the form of a foot, will be an ideal option for prevention.

Prophylactic insoles can be purchased independently. How to choose orthopedic insoles with a therapeutic effect should be prompted by a doctor.

How to wear orthopedic insoles

For winter and summer shoes, their own models are produced. Winter orthopedic insoles are usually thicker and may have fur.. For summer shoes, on the contrary, light materials are used that make the insoles barely visible in open sandals or sandals. Many insoles that can be found on the market are fixed with an adhesive layer.

The first 3-5 days you may experience discomfort. It takes time to get used to orthopedic insoles, especially if they have a healing effect. The first weeks you should not wear insoles all the time: it is better to start with 10-15 minutes, gradually increasing the time for the foot to adapt.

The mode of wearing medical insoles is determined by the doctor, but for the prevention of the product can be used for almost the entire day or at times of maximum exertion.

Before putting orthopedic insoles into shoes, do not forget to remove the factory insoles.

The insole is one of the most important parts of the shoe design, which contributes to additional comfort and prevention of foot diseases.

According to the season in which the product is used, the insoles can be conditionally divided into summer, winter (for example, winter insoles with foil) and demi-season.

The main male (and not only) problem of the warm season is excessive sweating of the feet in closed shoes and, consequently, the appearance of a fetid odor.

Benefits of summer insoles

Of course, summer shoe insoles should have bactericidal and absorbent properties, because a wet surface is a friendly environment for various fungi and bacteria. Antibacterial insoles for shoes - an effective remedy in the fight against unpleasant foot odor!

Insoles for summer are usually made of leather, gel/silicone or other special materials:

  • Wood bamboo charcoal. Carbon insoles for shoes are made from a material that contains natural raw materials that can remove excess moisture and have a bactericidal effect.
  • Cork insoles are also good in summer. The air in them circulates well, due to the porous structure. They also have a special thermoregulation, i.e. in cool weather they warm, and in the heat they cool the foot.
  • Suitable for summer open shoes and products made of modern EVA polymer material. It is an environmentally friendly foam rubber. The use of eva insoles is practiced both in ordinary shoes for prevention and to achieve a certain therapeutic effect. The material is absolutely hypoallergenic and does not cause irritation. This product has good vapor and air permeability, which ensures the establishment of an optimal microclimate in the shoe, and also protects the feet from overheating.
  • Silicone insoles for open sandals and closed shoes with heels.

Features of goods in the online store Stelki.ru

Summer insoles for sneakers, sandals and other types of shoes can be made from a variety of materials, but they will certainly give comfort to the feet when using any shoes! You can buy summer insoles for shoes inexpensively on the website of the online store Stelki.ru at a bargain price with delivery in Moscow and other regions of Russia.

Shoes with high heels or open shoes have their own specifics, so you should separately select orthopedic insoles for them.
Buying orthopedic insoles for high-heeled shoes in Moscow has become not so problematic, but for starters, it’s worth understanding that the insoles for such shoes must meet certain requirements.

What happens when you wear shoes with heels?

Wearing high heels changes the biomechanics of your feet. Why is this happening? When we are on a straight surface, the maximum load goes to the heels, about 70%, only 30% of the load falls on the rest of the foot. If we stand on heels, then the forefoot already accounts for 90% of the load, while the heel is only 10%. In addition, the arches of the feet practically do not take part in walking, because there is practically no load on them and therefore they cease to perform the function of depreciation.

Orthopedic insoles for open shoes with heels at a bargain price should definitely be bought so that they allow you to save the forefoot and provide comfort when wearing shoes with high heels. In our online store you can also use the service - delivery in Russia.
Open shoes are called that because they are sewn without a back, and sometimes a sock. That is why orthopedic insoles in the Moscow region are hardly noticeable for such shoes, retain their aesthetic appearance and, of course, have a therapeutic or prophylactic effect.

When purchasing shoes, we do not always pay attention to how comfortable the foot is in a particular model. Sometimes we are so captivated by the design that we can even pay for an uncomfortable but beautiful last. And then problems begin, especially in the summer, when the leg also sweats a lot. Therefore, special insoles for summer shoes were invented to help you feel the long-awaited comfort.

Orthopedic insoles for summer shoes

When deciding how to choose insoles for summer shoes, pay attention to what you will wear them with. If these are sufficiently closed shoes, then it is better to choose full orthopedic summer insoles. Such insoles are also suitable for sports sneakers in which the foot sweats a lot. Such insoles should be made of natural material, preferably cotton, which will ensure proper air exchange, allow the skin of the feet to breathe and you will not experience inconvenience from sweaty feet. It is good if such insoles are additionally equipped with a special system of plant fibers, which, together with moisture, will absorb unpleasant odors. In addition, orthopedic shoes should provide the necessary support for the foot, relieving stress from some areas and evenly redistributing it over the entire area of ​​the sole. These insoles should also have a heel cushioning system that will relieve excessive stress from the heel area.

Orthopedic insoles for open summer shoes

The choice of insoles for open summer shoes can become a more serious task, since here, in addition to convenience, one must also take into account the fact that such insoles should not be visible from the numerous cuts on sandals or. Modern insole developers have developed a special, gel technology that allows you to perform several functions at once. Firstly, such insoles securely fix the foot in the shoe, it does not slip on the sole even with high heels and thus prevents chafing. Secondly, insoles with gel perfectly accept and redistribute the load, providing an orthopedic effect. And finally, these insoles are usually made for a specific area on the foot, which allows them to remain invisible. Now there are special gel insoles for the balls of the foot, gel heel pads, as well as special “brakes” for the feet that prevent the foot from slipping forward, even if you are wearing high-heeled shoes.