If women are the weaker sex, why all the hardships of life for them? Why are women considered the weaker sex and is it right?

It has long been customary that women are the weaker sex. Everyone is already used to it, but there are still some doubts, because the weaker sex has to experience serious trials, such as childbirth, for example..

So why are women weak? And are they weak? Yes, indeed, women are weaker - this is now justified with scientific point vision.

Rheumatism and arthritis are more common in women

British doctors, who involved about a hundred thousand people in their study, found that arthritis and rheumatism weak spots female. Women are more likely to suffer from them than men - as much as three times. In addition, it is more difficult for them to gain muscle mass.

Strength - everything is clear here

Physically men are clearly stronger than women, since the first bones are stronger and larger. Men are much less likely to fracture, partly because they don't know what menopause is, when precious calcium is washed out of the body. This is a purely feminine weakness.

Immunity is another point in favor of men

With immunity, as a rule, men have fewer problems, and therefore immune diseases, for example, hypothyroidism and the already mentioned rheumatism, they are less likely to worry.

Muscle mass - this round is again for men

Hormones are responsible for building muscles. testosterone, which men have 10% more than in women. Nevertheless, women cannot boast of greater dexterity, because the lightness of their figure gives them only greater flexibility.

mental health

Here the situation is somewhat contradictory. Men are more likely to suffer from autism and schizophrenia than women twice. But the beautiful half of humanity has such problems as postpartum depression, mental disorders associated with menopause. In general, pregnancy and menopause are female weak points. However, it is not entirely clear who is stronger in this regard.

Women suffer less from heart problems

In men, the hormone estrogen is produced in smaller quantities, and it protects the heart.. That's why heart attacks are much less common among women, and then they occur for the most part after menopause - at this time, a decrease in estrogen secretion is observed.

Estrogen Protects the Gut

This hormone also prevents intestinal damage such serious illness like cancer. As for lung cancer, men are more susceptible to it, as they are more prone to smoking. And saves from this disease healthy lifestyle life. Here is such a statistic. So women are really considered the weaker sex. Although is it so important when you are building a serious relationship? Indeed, the main thing is your mutual feelings.

Who cries more, lives longer?

By the way, many consider women the weaker sex because they cry more than men. The reason lies in education. Men from a young age are taught to restrain their emotions, and especially tears. As for girls, parents, as a rule, allow them to cry, they say, if they cry, they will calm down faster.. And this the right approachtears help to cope with stress faster, and not accumulate negativity in yourself what happens when tears try to hold back. This is one of the reasons why the weaker sex lives on average longer than the strong.

It has long been accepted in society that a woman belongs to the weaker sex, but is this really so or the stereotypes are already hopelessly outdated. Yes, we are all used to the fact that it is the man who bears all the difficult questions, the solution of which at first glance is not acceptable for a woman.

We are also accustomed to believing that it is only possible for a man to feed his family, and a woman cannot do this. Moreover, to see her as the owner of a large enterprise, quite recently it was impossible to imagine. And how is it now?

Strong or still weaker sex?

Fast paced life modern norms and the requirements changed the situation radically. Today, a woman is capable of much: to own and; be successful; earn huge money that not every man can get; make real "male" decisions and bear responsibility. And what is the weaker sex?

However, not all so simple. A woman without a push does not go to such drastic changes in life, wanting to acquire self-sufficiency and independence. Usually some kind of life situation pushes her to this.

For example, responsibility in the family of parents, after the death of one of them, is assigned to the daughter. Who has no choice but to fight for her own destiny and at the same time support the surviving parent with younger brothers or sisters.

Or, for example, a girl, having experienced a strong disappointment in a man, trying to forget the offense and prove to him that she is the best, forgets about herself, thinking only about her career. And there are thousands of such situations, only the meaning remains the same, a woman becomes the stronger sex, due to the absence of a real “stronger sex”. Although many ladies deny this, nevertheless, it is a fact.

But what happens in the soul of these very business women who have the qualities of the "stronger sex"? This is where all the salt is, there is complete darkness from insults, disappointments, mistrust and much more. But in fact, inside any business woman there lives a little girl who is still waiting for her prince and believes that he will come and save her from such a life.

In other words, along with ostentatious strength and power and incredible endurance, there is incredible fatigue, moral decay and weakness. Therefore, the weaker sex remains still weak, no matter how trite it may sound.

This state of affairs has spread for a long time, and women who have achieved everything, in fact, at some point in the depths of their souls would have given everything for a moment of weakness. And they would gladly transfer all their strengths on the man's shoulders. But no, what about stereotypes, and what others will say. Vicious circle.

Although by and large, in my opinion, a woman should be a woman, not a man in a skirt and driving. She should bring kindness, beauty and tenderness, give birth to children and create comfort in the house. However, everything in our life is so mixed up that it is already difficult to figure out where it is and where it is not. And what would be more correct?

If you look from the other side, you can see a different position of some women. For example, this: I am a woman, I am weak, which means I will not do anything. He is a man, a stronger sex, let him do it. Is this the right position?

Also not true. When a man goes out of his way so that the family has everything, and when he comes home he sees his wife lying on the couch with a bunch of claims. After all, there are a lot of ladies who do nothing, do not work anywhere, and at the same time twist ropes from men, sometimes demanding the impossible.

But the whole point is their laziness, and irresistible, which they so fiercely justify by the weakness of the sex and belonging to the female gender.

It turns out that the so-called weaker sex, the concept is twofold and not always clear for both men and some girls! Is it really stronger than the male half?

Women are the weaker sex. Is it true. Excellent article by Dmitry Seleznev, one of the the best specialists in the field of gender relations.
Yes, be considered weak in modern world very beneficial.

First of all, let's agree on what kind of weakness we are talking about. If about muscle strength, then yes: on average (but not always) women are weaker than men in terms of muscle mass and muscle strength. But how much do muscles decide in our automated and comfortable age? Drag a TV or other weight - here you need to have strong body. Pressing the elevator button or turning the steering wheel of a car equipped with a hydraulic booster - even a child can cope with this.

But to say that women are physically weaker than men is overkill, if not a lie.

In Russia women live longer than men up to 14 years! Think about this number. Look around and try to compare the number of old men and women over 60 years old, look at the older generations of your own relatives: how many of them are living men, and how many women?

The psyche of a woman is much more flexible and stable than a man's. Women tolerate stress more easily.

The supermortality of middle age is a purely male phenomenon. Women cry, and men accumulate everything in themselves and bring themselves to heart attacks and heart attacks. I do not call men to cry, I just voice the facts.

Women have a significantly higher pain threshold than men. I believe that women are less sensitive to pain due to reproductive function- a kind of painkiller from mother nature. Women are lighter than men high temperature during illness. This list could go on, but I won't. My job is to debunk the myth.

Why is it so often talked about some “ weak field"? Because it is FAVORABLE for women to say it.

The myth of weakness is a universal magic wand, it allows for centuries to exploit naive men and involve them in performing the most diverse work for a woman.

Don't feel like doing something yourself? And it’s not necessary: ​​after all, there are a lot of men around who believe in the “weakness” of a woman and are ready to rush to help.

It's nice to drive a cool jeep. But putting the spare wheel itself instead of a punctured wheel is not very pleasant. So, we must remember the “weakness” and entrust this matter to her husband.

Shopping is a great pleasure for a woman. And drag along shopping center bags and packages with women's junk bought for the "hostess" should be the so-called. “a real man”: after all, a woman is the “weaker sex”.

I talked about this manipulation in detail in the chapter “Manipulations. I am weak and defenseless.”

The myth of the “weakness” of the female sex is also a clear embodiment of the principle double standards at the level of society: where it is beneficial for women, they are full-fledged citizens, but as soon as DUTIES or equal responsibility loomed on the horizon, women immediately call themselves the “weaker sex”, put pressure on pity and demand a condescending attitude, special, easier conditions, etc. .d. Ex-wife one businessman from Nizhny Novgorod, “weak woman", miraculously did not kill ex-husband with an ax, chopped off two of his fingers and made him disabled, and at the trial she pressed on pity for her “depression” and poor health. The court listened and gave a minimum term.

Talk about special conditions for women in criminal penalties is yet to come. Now it is important to understand that modern women there is not the slightest reason to refer to their imaginary “weakness” and exploit patriarchal stereotypes. Women have long been playing “in the male field”: they work for public service, run businesses, go in for sports, drink on an equal footing with men, sit in parliament, serve in the police, etc. - and “weakness”, as you can see, is not a hindrance here. The slender Turgenev young ladies, eating up anemia and fainting from every sneeze, are long gone (and were they really?), before us are arrogant, assertive, aggressive, dominant creatures that have long lost their femininity. Should men give up their seat on public transport? Personally, I yield only to the elderly, pregnant women and the sick.

Knowing the “logic” of modern women, I can very well imagine their shrill reaction to this chapter: “oh, poor little peasants, how different they are!” or “can you, poor fellows, change the gender?”

Especially for them: no, no one whines, complains, does not envy. Just stop lying about your own “weakness”. Have you chosen equality? - There is no reason to refer to the “weakness of the sex”. You can not sit on two chairs with one booty. Want to be self-sufficient, independent and equal to men - be. But forget about women's preferences, complaints about "weakness", special working conditions, early retirement, concessions and other women's benefits of patriarchy.

I do not like? Then remember that you are women: be true friends and assistants to your men, give birth to children, take care of a man, his house. Serve the man and stay out of the " male field” . And then you will have the moral right to special treatment- like a woman.

You can't worship two gods.

I want to appeal to men: remember that the myth of the “weakness of the sex” is nothing more than a myth, a convenient woman’s fiction supported by obsequious “nice guys” (they are ALENI, they are also “real men”). Where is the line between myth and truth? It is very easy to understand: what relates to the difference in muscle strength can / should be done for a woman close to you and grateful (!) Let's say move your sister's closet. But to give way to an outside aunt on the grounds that she is the “weaker sex”, you should not. Don't turn off your head.

I don't even have much to add. Somewhere you can clarify, somewhere a little argue, but why? In the main Dmitry is right. The only thing is that I would have reacted much more sharply to an attempt at female manipulation in the style - "the poor man is different, have pity on him." In such cases, full mirroring is very good, such as - "uti-way, offended a little girl, have pity on her." Works great.

And Lena about an amateur

Oh, this "weaker sex" ...

First of all, let's agree on what kind of weakness we are talking about. If about muscle strength, then yes: on average (but not always) women are weaker than men in terms of muscle mass and muscle strength. But how much do muscles decide in our automated and comfortable age? To drag a TV or other weight - here you need to have a strong body. Pressing the elevator button or turning the steering wheel of a car equipped with a hydraulic booster - even a child can cope with this.

But to say that women are physically weaker than men is overkill, if not a lie.

In Russia, women live longer than men by as much as 14 years! Think about this number. Look around and try to compare the number of old men and women over 60 years old, look at the older generations of your own relatives: how many of them are living men, and how many women?

The psyche of a woman is much more flexible and stable than a man's. Women tolerate stress more easily.

The supermortality of middle age is a purely male phenomenon. Women cry, and men accumulate everything in themselves and bring themselves to heart attacks and heart attacks. I do not call men to cry, I just voice the facts.

Women have a significantly higher pain threshold than men. I believe that women are less sensitive to pain due to childbearing - a kind of painkiller from mother nature. Women are easier than men to tolerate high temperatures during illness. This list could go on, but I won't. My job is to debunk the myth.

Why is it so often said about some kind of “weak field”? Because saying it FAVORABLE the women themselves.

The myth of weakness is a universal magic wand, it allows for centuries to exploit naive men and involve them in performing the most diverse work for a woman.

Don't feel like doing something yourself? And it’s not necessary: ​​after all, there are a lot of men around who believe in the “weakness” of a woman and are ready to rush to help.

It's nice to drive a cool jeep. But putting the spare wheel itself instead of a punctured wheel is not very pleasant. So, we must remember the “weakness” and entrust this matter to her husband.

Shopping is a great pleasure for a woman. And to carry around the shopping center bags and packages with bought women's junk for the “hostess” should be the so-called. “real man”: after all, a woman is the “weaker sex”.

The myth of the “weakness” of the female sex is also a clear embodiment of the principle of double standards at the level of society: where it is beneficial for women, they are full-fledged citizens, but as soon as DUTIES or equal responsibility loomed on the horizon, women immediately call themselves the “weaker sex” , put pressure on pity and demand a condescending attitude, special, easier conditions, etc. The ex-wife of a businessman from Nizhny Novgorod, a “weak woman”, miraculously did not kill her ex-husband with an ax, chopped off two of his fingers and made him disabled, and in court she pressed on pity for her “depression” and poor health. The court listened and gave a minimum term.

Talk about special conditions for women in criminal penalties is yet to come. Now it is important to understand that modern women do not have the slightest reason to refer to their imaginary “weakness” and exploit patriarchal stereotypes. Women have been playing “in the male field” for a long time: they work in the civil service, manage enterprises, go in for sports, drink on an equal footing with men, sit in parliament, serve in the police, etc. - and “weakness”, as you see, is not a hindrance here. The slender Turgenev young ladies, eating up anemia and fainting from every sneeze, are long gone (and were they really?), before us are arrogant, assertive, aggressive, dominant creatures that have long lost their femininity. Should men give up their seat on public transport? Personally, I yield only to the elderly, pregnant women and the sick.

Knowing the “logic” of modern women, I can very well imagine their shrill reaction to this chapter: “oh, poor little peasants, how different they are!” or “can you, poor fellows, change the gender?”

Especially for them: no, no one whines, complains, does not envy. Just stop lying about your own “weakness”. Have you chosen equality? - There is no reason to refer to the “weakness of the sex”. You can not sit on two chairs with one booty. Want to be self-sufficient, independent and equal to men - be. But forget about women's preferences, complaints about "weakness", special working conditions, early pensions, concessions and other women's benefits of patriarchy.

I do not like? Then remember that you are women: be faithful friends and helpers to your men, give birth to children, take care of a man, his house. Serve a man and do not meddle in the "man's field". And then you will have the moral right to a special attitude - as a woman.

You can't worship two gods.

I want to appeal to men: remember that the myth of the “weakness of the sex” is nothing more than a myth, a convenient woman’s fiction supported by obsequious “nice guys” (they are ALENI, they are also “real men”). Where is the line between myth and truth? It is very easy to understand: what relates to the difference in muscle strength can / should be done for a woman close to you and grateful (!) Let's say move your sister's closet. But to give way to an outside aunt on the grounds that she is the “weaker sex”, you should not. Don't turn off your head.


The feminine principle is both order and chaos, light and darkness, positive and negative, male and female. This duality is the "mother-woman" pair. Due to relative factor awareness, the mother acts in relation to children (regardless of gender) in the role masculine. Therefore, you can call the masculine in a woman a mother, and the feminine - just feminine.

In any relationship, including relationships with men, a woman can play the role of either mother or true woman. A woman who manages her own business, in solving business issues, manifests herself as a mother, that is, a masculine principle. In a similar way, married woman, which itself takes all the most important family decisions, also manifests itself mainly as a mother.

However, it should be understood what this leads to - in such cases, the spouse becomes not a husband, but a son. From the point of view of the husband himself, the wife is not a wife for him, but a mother, while he himself feels like a little boy.

The state of affairs described above is the main cause of problems and lack of happiness in most marriages, since a woman sooner or later gets tired of playing the role of a mother in relation to her husband, and a man, in turn, gets tired when he is told all the time what and how to do.
The number of possible outcomes of such situations is almost infinite. For example, a husband may be attracted to younger women who are less likely to treat him like a son, and a wife may be interested in a man who does not need maternal care. As a result, the spouses move away from each other. In an attempt to assert his masculinity, a husband can become aggressive and even physical cruelty towards his wife, and a woman can show even more authority in an effort to force her husband to become a real man. This can lead to a complete rupture of the relationship, an outbreak of violence, or simply withdrawal into oneself (turning into a "little boy"). As a rule, such problems arise because the husband does not fulfill his true function as a man and the wife is forced to take on the role of mother.


The feminine takes a negative position in relation to the masculine. This does not mean that a woman is inferior to a man in some way, because the masculine and feminine principles are equal, although they are opposite poles. A woman, being a negative polarity, not only balances a man, but also complements and supports him in all respects. Thus, when they say that a woman is weak, they do not mean the literal meaning, but the role that she plays in a man's life.
What does it mean to balance a man? Because the feminine negatively, a woman sees a lot differently than a man. And instead of always agreeing with him, a real woman will express her own, different opinion to a man. This does not mean that you need to deliberately object to a man, just a woman’s opinion usually opens up new facets of what a man already knows. Moreover, she does not reject the man’s point of view, but by offering him a different perspective, the woman helps him overcome the limited views that sometimes arise due to excessive focus on the problem under consideration.

The man is a hunter. He tends to over-focus on his prey, and at times this narrows his thinking so much that he no longer sees the problem as a whole. The reason is that in a concentrated state, a man forgets about everything except the current task, "closes" on it and, as a result, is no longer able to see other options for solving it.

A man is always focused on the positive potential, as his goal is to overtake the victim. And if, for example, he aims to find new work and finds a job to his liking, he focuses solely on how to get this job, that is, he neglects the unforeseen circumstances that may be associated with it.

On the other hand, a woman whose nature is to protect and protect is not only cautious, but also suspicious. As a result, she always pays attention to any catch. However, these natural qualities of a woman defy social conditioning and often bring various troubles to her: accusations of pessimism, irritability and vindictiveness. Unfortunately, men often angrily accuse their wives of being pessimistic, refusing to support their ideas and initiatives. In fact, a real woman never tries to undermine a man's faith in herself, she just wants to open his eyes to the negative aspects of phenomena.

A real man applauds these efforts. They do not harm him, but, on the contrary, give self-confidence, as they allow him to see the situation from both poles. Instead of getting angry at a woman's negative approach, a real man always listens to her opinion. Since none of us has the right to think and decide for the other, the woman will only express her point of view, and the man will make the final decision himself. If a man appreciates the views of a woman, he will definitely take her opinion into account. Many relationships between a man and a woman end badly just because there was no such reasonable cooperation in them.

men by different reasons often do not believe in their abilities as a hunter and getter, that is, they feel insecure about their masculinity. This uncertainty usually manifests itself in one of two ways. In the first case, the man begins to fiercely defend his ideas. In the second case, whenever the wife stresses negative side affairs, the man immediately agrees with her, that is, leaves her the right to make the final decision. However, in both cases, the man inadvertently deprives the woman of self-confidence: she is either afraid to express her opinion so as not to arouse the anger and resentment of her husband, or she makes all decisions on her own, after which the husband will sooner or later accuse her of authority. It is clear that both options are bad.

In the absence of reasonable cooperation between a man and a woman, their relationship is divided into two types. In the first type of relationship, an insecure man constantly suppresses his wife, who is deprived of the right to her own opinion. In the second case, the weak-willed man behaves like " a little boy", and his wife plays the role of a "mother", explaining to him what, how, when and where to do it.

And although the solution to this problem seems quite simple, in practice everything is much more complicated. It takes two to dance the tango. To make relationships strong, meaningful and long-term, efforts must be made by both a man and a woman. To do this, it is only necessary to understand that men and women view problems from opposite points of view and, therefore, think differently.

When intelligent cooperation takes place between a man and a woman, and the woman complements the man in the fulfillment of his destiny, the only thing left for the man is to use both the positive and the negative to claim his rights to power. This strength is manifested in self-respect, self-confidence and, therefore, the fulfillment of one's destiny. In general, power means knowledge gained from personal experience that can be used in solving current problems and problems, they are useful in a practical sense. Knowledge is real power, as opposed to ordinary information (from books or from other people), which is like a random shot because it has not yet been tested in practice.

Intellectuals usually say that information is as powerful as practical knowledge, but this opinion is based only on the assumption that "power" for them is something external. However, true power lies within, not outside, and cannot be lost or taken away. A man with a gun can be called powerful, but only as long as he has a gun. If he does not have a gun, his strength will also disappear.

True knowledge is self-understanding, and anyone who knows himself must be reckoned with because he has real power. So, if you just read the information in this book, you will simply increase your amount of information, but this will not add any personal power to you. On the other hand, if you take advantage of the information received and begin to apply it in practice, the result will be personal experience and the consequences of experience are knowledge of oneself and others. With this knowledge, you will be able to change yourself in any direction.

A woman supports a man when he claims his rights to power. The very presence of a woman allows a man to accumulate a huge store of practical knowledge about himself. Each of us has an inner counterpart of the opposite sex, but since we cannot communicate with this counterpart directly, we need its outer reflection, a mirror on the physical plane. So a woman is for a man a reflection of his own female counterpart and the goal for him is to establish a reasonable cooperation between them - because there is no point in arguing with a part of himself or not paying attention to it. Helping a man to assert his rights to power, a woman, of course, also uses a man to support her own inner masculinity. From all this it follows that a woman can come into contact with her inner masculine principle only by supporting a man on the physical plane. Otherwise, she will suppress her inner masculinity, but what is the point of suppressing a particle of herself?

talking in simple words, we can acquire wholeness only by recognizing and cooperating with our inner counterparts. Is it possible to achieve something significant in this life without achieving inner integrity? As for men, the negativity of the feminine pole is necessary for them in order to achieve clarity in matters of purpose, direction and mode of action. Without the agreement of both polarities there can be no clarity. If we are not able to evaluate all the pros and cons, positive and negative, remains in best case one-sided - subjective, not objective approach. As for women, a woman can maintain her inner masculinity only by helping a man in outside world, which means that she needs to submit to the leading role of a life partner. If a woman does not want to dominate her own masculinity, to suppress him, she has only one choice: to transfer the reins of power to a man on the physical plane. Only in this way can she support her inner double. Any other course of action will push her to fulfill the role of a mother, and soon she will become a real punishment for any man.

Do you like to crush men? It's your choice, but then don't complain about fate if your personal life it doesn’t go well at all, and all the surrounding men show hostility towards you. If you want to become a real woman, you will quickly realize that she is not weak and gains true strength when she allows herself to submit to the leadership of a man.
Let's see what this means.

The awareness of a woman must first of all become part of the known, and this is possible only with reasonable cooperation between a man and a woman. When a man includes a woman in his world, that is, in the known, the natural negativity of a woman turns from a threat into useful tool. As a result, a woman can focus on how to become a real woman, because she no longer needs to compete with a man. Being included in the equation of a man (cognized), a woman acquires self-worth.

She does not try to force recognition from men (which is practically useless), as they listen to her with pleasure and pay great attention to her advice. The irony is that if a woman wants to become equal to a man, she must first step aside and give him the leading role. After that, he willingly and joyfully raises her to the level of an equal!

If this seemed chauvinistic to you, I beg you to think carefully again. We do not set the laws of this world. We are all just products of life, we are born into it as men or women. We have the right to choose how to treat it. We have a choice: either act against these laws, or make them work for us. Finally, we have the most important choice: to claim power or waste it.

Men who try to enslave women achieve only one thing: suppress one pole of their full awareness, remain one-sided and subjective. Because they lack objectivity, they become increasingly withdrawn into themselves, which deprives them of inspiration and creativity, and ultimately turns into losers. By suppressing the inner feminine, a man deprives himself of strength, instead of including the unknown in the equation, he limits himself only to the known, to himself (or rather, to the little that he knows about himself). He knows almost nothing about his inner double and therefore simply cannot include the unknown in the equation.

By refusing to listen to a woman's opinion, such a man loses clarity, his views are vague, and his goals are vague. Having nothing but goals that he himself does not really understand, a man loses his sense of purpose and direction. As a result, he spends his life fruitlessly and meaninglessly.

Similarly, when a woman seeks to repress men, she only manages to bring to life one half of the female awareness, that which is called "mother." A woman does not even suspect the existence of an inner masculine principle, as well as the true purpose and true role of a man. She has no respect for men at all. This means that she does not respect her masculinity, a part of herself. How can you value your heart, but despise your liver? You either respect your whole body, or completely despise it. Even if you sincerely believe that the heart is more important than the liver, neglecting the liver will quickly lead to death. The desire to become a mother for everyone who falls into her field of vision will quickly turn domineering woman in an old hag! Yes, she can get a certain power over people, but what will it give? Is this really "femininity"? What do you think of men - "little boys" who listen to their "mommy"?

Women are not at all the weaker sex, but they are often considered weak, since the real woman deliberately steps aside and submits to the leadership of the man. However, when a real woman concedes a leading role to a real man, he knows without a doubt that he has fallen into a trap stronger than a wolf trap. A real man understands perfectly well what the innocent look of a woman who slightly bows her head means. She may smile affectionately, but deep down he knows that it was she who chose his guidance, waiting for him to show her the direction. She has made her choice, and the man has no other choice. He knows that now she will hunt him down one way or another, nudge him in the back, do whatever she can to get him to claim his power. As he gains strength, he leads them both to fulfill what she feels is the destiny of a man and her inner masculinity. All this time she will sincerely encourage and support the man, her faith in him will remain completely unshakable. What man could resist such a temptation? What kind of man would come up with the idea of ​​running away? Real woman may seem weak, but behind this "weakness" lies her greatest power over a man and those women who exchanged a skirt for men's pants!

© Théun Mahrez - "Feminine and masculine: revealing the secrets of the feminine"