Powerful woman - who is she? What an ideal woman she is

Men do not really like powerful women, because, unlike just strong woman, they tend to demonstrate their superiority over others. They should be bosses at work, and not command their family and husband at the same time.

Therefore, it would be more correct to raise the question “How to be a powerful woman?” in another way: "How to get your way from a man." Yes, sometimes representatives of the strong half of humanity are so confused that willy-nilly, you have to take the lead in order to family boat did not fall apart in the sea of ​​life under the onslaught of circumstances.

personal power

What you want to achieve is most likely in the name of personal power. What does she mean by herself? For example, you are at a crowded stop, sheltered from the rain under a canopy. And then someone among the crowd starts smoking. If this is unpleasant for you, you tell this person to put out the cigarette, and he unquestioningly obeys, because one glance at you is enough for him to understand with whom he does not need to argue.

Another analogy. Did you notice, while studying at school, that in the midst of a dispute, they don’t listen to someone at all, but listen to someone with their mouths open? Moreover, he says absolutely the same thing as his previous less successful speaker. The secret is in personal power. The second had unquestioned authority.

Define the boundaries of what is permitted

In order to have an impact on people, you and they must be clear about what limits you cannot overstep. In addition to the above case with a stop, it can be the rudeness of sellers, people in transport, poor-quality services, and so on. If you find this unacceptable, put people in their place, punish the guilty and demand preferences for themselves.

Public opinion

You should not care how other people think of you, especially those who are completely unfamiliar to you. To develop this skill, you need to accomplish a real feat - to go out into the street in clothes that you would never wear. At first it will be very uncomfortable, but after that you will feel a real adrenaline rush. And you will like to shock the bored audience. Such exercises will help get rid of the pressure of public opinion, you will also cease to depend on brands, which means that from now on even the most sophisticated PR technologies will not have power over you.

All of the above can be successfully applied both at work and at home. The man who is next to you will notice your changes, and if you want, he will change his character with you. It is in your hands to change your life and do everything that you did not dare to do before. No need to demonstrate your strength intentionally, play mistress over subordinates. Let the force speak for you, then in a relationship with the most different people success awaits you.

The fate of a person is often determined by his character. It is important for girls to develop femininity in themselves: tenderness, modesty, meekness. It is these qualities that many men prefer to see in their future wife. But you can often see such a situation: complaisant ladies can’t arrange their personal life, while strong-willed women achieve success in work and family life.

It turns out that a powerful woman is more likely to achieve the desired comfort in life? Is it so?

Power is a form of control. A powerful woman prefers to control every situation of her life, loves to demonstrate in public and personal relationships its dominant role. Such women are demanding of themselves and other people.

According to psychologists, power comes from weakness. For the psychological health of a person, he needs his own territory, where a person feels like a master. He must feel this territory from childhood. It concerns him inner world, personal space and territory in the truest sense of the word (own room). If for any reason the child did not have his own place in the house and personal space, then during adulthood it develops into a desire to dominate and take the lead in all spheres.

A powerful woman is good in the role of a boss who skillfully manages a business and controls every situation. Such women become excellent leaders, achieve respect in society and make excellent careers.

But how acceptable are such qualities in family life? Can a man accept a powerful woman into his life?

In fact, men only theoretically want to see a complaisant and modest lady next to them. And when they find themselves in the company of a “strong” woman and get to know her better, they understand what is behind her, like behind a “stone wall”. If a man is smart enough and knows how to find an approach to such a woman, then he can get a good job in life.

Powerful women have their advantages in family life.

They value male achievement. Many of them contribute career growth your lover.
Such a woman does not allow a man to drown in his own weaknesses. She will always find reliable methods to wean him from a glass or "someone else's skirt."
A powerful woman loves order in the family. As a rule, her children are always brought up, and relatives know "their place."
For many modern men image ideal wife associated with the "iron lady", who makes all decisions authoritarianly. Thus, she frees her husband from unnecessary troubles and worries and allows him to enjoy life. The husband of a powerful woman can devote himself to work or his favorite hobby.

But powerful women also have their downsides.

A man does not always want to put up with the dominant role of his wife. Such a woman is hard to convince or dissuade in anything. Most of the compromises are required from the husband, otherwise the union may fall apart.
A powerful woman rarely listens to the opinions of others, including the opinion of her beloved man. To convince her, you need to pick up reasonable arguments. And this can greatly annoy a loved one.
Such a woman can make a man with a weak character "henpecked", who in the future will not be able to take a step without consulting his wife.
Powerful women never disappear in life. If a man is ready to put up with leadership qualities wife and take on her domineering character, then family life can be quite happy, and there will be constant prosperity in the house. However, the husband in such a family will never be the master.

Many people think that "being bossy" is a bad characteristic for women. Nobody likes bitches.

Any man likes to feel like a boss and give orders, not follow them. Therefore, female "bosses" are usually perceived as something negative.

But this character also has its advantages. Bossy girls are ambitious and never compromise. And this is probably the most effective method live.

The power of character is reflected in all aspects of her life. Why is this good and not bad?

1. They are not afraid to say what they think.

Girls with character don't hesitate to say what's on their mind. And they think it's right.

Every person is entitled to their opinion. It's just that some people are more comfortable when they express their point of view, and not hush it up.

2. They don't shy away from problems.

They look for problems and are great at dealing with them. One might even say happy. And therefore they have much more life experience than other girls.

3. Authority is a natural trait of their character

These girls do not insist on their power, do not stick it out. They just know that it is.

It seems that these people are born with something that not everyone can manage to comprehend before old age.

4. They don't have self-confidence issues

They have enough self-confidence to defend their point of view and stand their ground.

They know how to take the reins of government.

5. They don't know what they're capable of and keep striving for success.

They will never settle for less than what can be obtained at the cost of maximum effort.

They won't stop until they get the job done. They don't make excuses. They show results.

6. They know how to negotiate

Such women are successful negotiators, which makes them very successful in business. They know how to make deals.

7. They won't let life pass you by.

Such girls physically cannot for a long time sit still. And they always jump at any new and exciting opportunity.

Everything they do is always fun and interesting.

8. They are always ready

They are aware of their abilities and are always ready to get out of any situation.

These girls cannot be taken by surprise. No matter what you do, they will always be two steps ahead.

9. They don't follow common rules

In fact, they don't follow any rules at all other than their own.

10. They are not afraid to tell you that you are wrong.

Most people are afraid to tell the truth - only because we all hate to offend someone.

But when it comes to bossy girls, it's not like that. They don't filter their speech.

To be honest, it's great.

11. Their main goal is to achieve the maximum

No matter what kind of work they are doing, they are always able to give 110 percent.

You never have to worry about the fact that the bossy girl can't handle something. She is consistent, collected, smart and energetic.

12. They don't force you to make tough decisions.

As a rule, in a relationship, a man seeks to solve all complex cases for a woman. But with powerful girls, everything is much simpler: they are able to take responsibility.

13. They make you feel safe.

Remember how you met her. Surely everything was easy, and you were not even worried?

In general, and so it will always be. With girls who can take responsibility and take responsibility for themselves, too, to live comfortably and conveniently.

14. They know where they want to eat and what to order.

A bossy girl will never tell you that she doesn't know what to order for food. She makes the choice easily and without hesitation.

And you always get the best table without question.

15. They won't let you be anything but yourself.

Power girls want the real you. And there will be no compromises.

They will become your main fan, motivator and supporter at any time.

16. They are always ready to try something new.

They are always ready to rush in pursuit of new experiences. They will enrich your life.

17. They are never ashamed of what they do.

It's another one important aspect in their relationship with men.

We are "Beginners" Working in the Hundred since the spring workshop. They took a project for study: "Male and feminine" The topic is huge. We started with a sub-topic: "A strong powerful woman and a weak man." This is the first work-thinking.

Vadim Vasiliev

Strong (dominant) woman.

She has to be strong, she has to take power. And, having taken it once, it is not so easy to give it away. Here pride already influences (connects). Against this background, doubts arise in the abilities of other people, in the ability to make decisions independently. Such a woman is clearly in the position "above". And most likely this is before the appearance next to her strong loving man or any life situation.

Alexander Grinyaev

Dominant (strong) woman takes on the functions of a man, uses material goals (money, property) as a self-realization of his superiority, transferring the energy of life into the material. Men are used as a resource strong man is perceived as a competitor (perhaps a mentor up to a certain point) or as an associate to achieve a certain material goal (if he does not eat, he will transfer to the opposition).

Options for the manifestation of Authority:

* Open positioning of Authority (I am strong, I can do everything myself, I will achieve everything, a man is needed for sex)

* Behind-the-scenes influence with an external mask of benevolence (gray eminence, manipulation of a man to achieve his goals)

Reasons for becoming a powerful woman:

* Generic programs (Imperious Mother, Grandmother, etc., a picture of behavior-interaction with male representatives formed since childhood).

* Lack of initiative from a Man (when a man for some reason does not take responsibility, refuses power).

* lack of relationship with a man (the need to perform male functions due to the lack of relationships in a certain life-time period or the rejection of such relationships)

Irina Alekseeva

Strong, powerful woman.

A woman who has become strong and powerful due to life circumstances or, thanks to generic programs.

Does it evoke sympathy?

Strong, yes; strong, no.

Strong woman

With a strong man: close, but behind her husband.

With a weak man: power lies, a man does not take responsibility, "hides" for a woman. (Whoever is at the helm, that and moreworks,Withthere is more demand for it).

A woman is forced to take power, gets used to it, then when a strong man appears, she gives it up with difficulty, rips herself off "with skin." Or does not give up, fights with a man as best he can (intrigue, manipulation).

Power- male role, harmony is broken inside a woman, there is an advantagemale.Oftenthis is also manifested externally: harshness, rudeness (mat, rudeness),intractability.Woman- the keeper of the hearth, the husband's inspirer leaves, a "second-class man" appears.

This is probably where the problems come from. modern society with childbearing.

In clothes style"unisex",femininity not respected..

Men,get up!Take power!

This is how every woman wants to feeldesired,gentle, beloved andfor Husband..

Tatyana Lukina

Power woman..

The first and most basic is the generic program. Space night, war... We were not asked, there was no choice. And yet many women are happy to step down from power. Only a receiver is needed to whom this power can be transferred. And here begins the search for a worthy one. It seems that you give away power, but at the same time you control everything. And the slightest oversight gives the right to regain this power, erasing from the face of the earth that slight manifestation of masculinity on the part of the opposite sex. Meet friends - this is Lilith. And the woman herself? I see her as a very offended soul by someone. Without faith, hope, without love. She put on armor, grooms herself, bravadoes, and her soul cries. Is she happy? Lilith entwined her with cobwebs and rejoices. For me, this is the image of the Gorgon Medusa. Just living life in a dream, waiting for men to wake up. In the soul, everyone dreams of being weak and defenseless. Remove the burden of responsibility for everyone and everything and, finally, spread the wings that have already swelled from uselessness.

Powerful is not equal to strong. You can be strong without power. The most important thing in this: clearly bear responsibility for yourself. At the same time without losing femininity and wisdom

Irina Alekseeva

Weak man as I see him:

no self I not a priority.

Does not take responsibility for himself, his life, everyone around is to blame, they must, support outside,

Very emotional, quick-tempered, touchy.

The image is that of a child that never grew up.

unborn Man..

Reasons for weakness:

Genus Program

domineering mother,

Strong, long guardianship

What prevents you from becomingman:

An incomplete picture of the World, disbelief in the Creator and one's own abilities, laziness.

How does a weak man feel next to a strong woman:

Fear, position "under" The result is a depressed state or aggression,

Escapes from making decisions, from working on yourself - frommyself.Disliketo oneself, claims to others, to the World.

Tatyana Lukina

Weak man... I don’t know why, but I always called these “seals”, in last resort"bulls". So what is he? A body lounging on the couch watching TV, reading newspapers (previously, now a phone, tablet or computer) after an honestly completed main male task - making money? No. It's just lazy man in deep pride, thanks to which women also learned to earn good money. The one who carries bags for his wife, helps her with housekeeping and prefers to spend time with her, rather than at a men's gathering? Perhaps, but not a fact. He probably just loves and takes care of his wife ...

Now presenting an image weak man I see an ostrich, which I already forgot when I stuck my head out of the sand. There, in the dungeon, he created his own illusory little world in which he is cozy and comfortable. Those. head hidden in flower pot, and the body stupidly goes with the flow (or is led by the leash). Outside, they will decide everything for him, they will do it, the main thing is that they don’t touch his head, because it’s VERY SCARY there! So you can see that there are eggs. And if you stick your head out, then you have to act like a man. And suddenly I can’t cope, I’ll be disgraced ...

According to my feelings, a weak man is not a "henpecked", but rather " Sissy". Someone will always do everything for him. He will never take the initiative. Everything suits him. A certain comfort zone. An overgrown colossus that does not want to grow up. In an eternal escape, an irresponsible individual. As a rule, an inveterate bachelor is always a weak man. But families also happen, then a woman simply has no choice and she becomes a draft horse, with the hope that one day he will wake up. in power, you can live (probably).But times are changing and women are already fed up with power.The world of weak men is on the verge of extinction.

Vadim Vasiliev

Weak man. This one has no purpose. He serves the goals of others (environment, colleagues). Can't fail -program" good man"dominates. I see him as weak in manifesting himself in the material world, i.e. he can also be spiritually developed (he is interested in such knowledge). What do I feel for other weak men? The desire to avoid communication with such a person, to reduce it to a minimum. Do not listen to complaints about life, whining that the whole world is to blame. A weak man does not take responsibility at all, even for himself. Decision making is relegated to others, thus the brain does not strain, you are in your comfort zone and beyond your nose is not interested in anything. This is very beneficial for a sophisticated mind, the purpose of which is to minimize the cost of resources. But this benefit is only superficial, in the long run it is a failure. How does the wife feel towards me when I am in the role of a weak man? At first she liked it. obedient husband, we move where she thinks we need to. The power is in her hands and everything is under control, nothing escapes her sight. But the moment came, it became hard to drag everything on yourself and be a second-class man. I wanted love, feelings, to feel weak behind strong male back(even just under protection). And it seems to me that for the most part, women do not get the idea that she was a co-author of a "weak project" and positive desires turn into reproaches, claims, resentments from "helplessness" to expand everything into right direction. A weak man was comfortable up to this point, but after a series of claims and quarrels, no one’s hand is raised to restore the union, if it’s not fate))) Situations at work when I am in the role of a weak man. Everyone just rides me, I won’t say no to anyone openly, but I will accumulate so much negativity in myself that it’s either illness, or dismissal, or malicious malicious sarcasms (such a kind of revenge).

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