For the husband to be obedient to the conspiracy. For a husband to miss his wife. So that there is no refusal to the wife

All about religion and faith - "prayer for a husband to be affectionate" with detailed description and photographs.

A conspiracy to love a husband to his wife. A conspiracy so that the husband loves to obey and respect his wife

This strong conspiracy on the love of a husband for his wife, the wife must independently read so that the husband loves her more life listened to her advice and respected his wife more than his mother. The conspiracy is done on a glass of drinking water, and you need to drink your husband with the charmed water. After the wife reads a conspiracy that causes love in a husband, respect and obedience to his wife, a beloved man who has drunk the charmed water “takes up his head” will stop drinking and walking with friends, but will always rush to his wife, stop listening to the opinion of friends and relatives (mother-in-law and father-in-law) and begin to seek advice from his wife and respect her opinion more than others . Consequences of this love love spell to the love and obedience of a husband to his wife expressed as follows, the husband will be very strongly drawn to home to his family and every day his love for his wife will become stronger and stronger. You will notice a change in your husband's behavior instantly as soon as he drinks the charmed water. Want to using magic to make the husband obey his wife, read the conspiracy to subjugate the husband to the will of his wife. For the ceremony, pour into a glass of drinking water and say over it words of a conspiracy for the love and respect of a husband :

As water is dried by the sun and moon, fast winds all twenty-four hours.

So this water would dry my husband, servant of God (name).

Drink it with sips, drink it, do not forget me, the servant of God (name).

How nature cannot exist without water, how people and cattle cannot live without water,

So that the servant of God (name) also could not get up on his feet, rise,

In work and service, manage, sit, walk, stand, keep your head

Without me, servants of God (name).

There is a feoclist in an open field, but everything has dried up, everything has died out

Day in the sun, night in the moon.

So for me, God's servant (name), let him dry and miss,

For his wife he sighs and suffers, loves and respects.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever.

In order to return the husband’s love, the conspiracy should be read by the wife, and only after reading the conspiracy will she be able to return the husband’s love to his wife and thereby become the most beloved and desired for him, and the husband, after reading the love spell on him, will obey his wife and respect her opinion in all matters.

Christmas divination for love and marriage allows you to see your future husband in order to recognize the groom sent by fate at the meeting. Fortune-telling at Christmas time for your soul mate will not only show you the groom, but also forever bewitch him to you, protecting the family from cheating and her husband's partying. In order to independently tell fortunes and conduct a fortune-telling ceremony for a narrowed Christmastide, you will need the usual

Rituals for Christmas time for love and marriage have long been performed by girls and women of all ages. At Christmas time, you need to guess at the betrothed, while conducting a special ceremony, those who have already been able to get married for Christmas week read conspiracies and prayers for the love of their husband. Christmas magic holds a strong love spell and a simple marriage ceremony that anyone can perform.

Under Christmas white magic especially strong. Conspiracies and rituals for love on Christmas evening or Christmas night help to quickly and very much fall in love with any person and even make him propose to you, awakening in him an obsessive desire to marry you and create a strong and happy family with you. Traditions and customs for Christmas contain a very

Epiphany magic on love is ancient rites conspiracies and prayers to kindle and maintain love between people. On the day of January 19, when the feast of the Baptism of the Lord is celebrated, you need to read a strong love plot for the love of the one you love. This conspiracy has nothing to do with a love spell, but it is so strong that the person on whom the white Epiphany was read

On the eve of the new year, the magic for love and the creation of a family “marriage” is the strongest. If before the new year before its onset, as well as in new year's eve conduct magical rite for love and marriage and read a strong conspiracy for a strong and mutual love in the family, then all year your family will be bypassed family problems, the spouses will be faithful and the most pure and

All the rites for Palm Sunday: conspiracies and love spells will help make a person marry you and, experiencing strong love, marry in the shortest possible time. If you need to marry your beloved man or boyfriend, on a holiday Palm Sunday read a love prayer for love and the creation of a family. According to the tradition of sorcerers and healers who keep the customs of their ancestors and

White magic for Easter aimed at love and marriage is sinless and harmless. A simple love prayer read for Easter, in heaven and on earth, will strongly bind the souls of your loved ones and will protect your marriage from betrayal and the evil eye and damage, protecting the family after the wedding. There is a good white marriage conspiracy after reading which you can quickly and successfully exit

A conspiracy to love a husband to his wife. A conspiracy so that the husband loves to obey and respect his wife REVIEWS WHO DID:

Dear guests, you are reading the website - Magini's diary:


Conspiracies, love spells and prayers for all occasions

Conspiracies to make the husband obey

Every woman wants her man to fulfill her whims. And in family life, you especially need to be able to find a compromise. But husbands are different, very capricious and intractable as well. Fighting with direct methods here will not always be effective, because the husband can go into even more resistance. But it will be useful to try to change the situation with the help of magic. To do this, you can apply a conspiracy to obedience to your husband.

Conspiracy to obedience to her husband

How does a conspiracy work?

How is it that with the help of magic you can make your own husband become more obedient to you. The conspiracy to submissive the husband works in such a way that the information field changes in a married couple. More understanding and love appear in the family, both spouses become softer and more loyal.

In general, to be honest, it is better to carry out a conspiracy so that your husband obeys after the wife herself is ready to surrender in obedience to her husband. Then this magical ritual will be the last brick on the way family harmony. If a woman conducts this obedience conspiracy out of anger, so that a man obeys her always and under any circumstances, then this will still not be a harmonious relationship. Yes, the conspiracy will make it so that the man will be completely at the mercy of his wife, but at the same time his will will be greatly suppressed. The fact is that after a while the woman herself may get tired of such obedience. After all, if we talk about harmonious happy relationship, then you want to have an equal partner next to you.

When can such a conspiracy be used?

Here are a few situations where you can use an obedience spell for your own spouse:

  1. A conspiracy to obedience to a husband can be safely applied at home if you are tired of useless disputes with your husband. There are men who themselves are very fond of arguing. Their wives often want him to be obedient and not argue to no avail. It is useful to make a ritual, because after it a person will find a sphere for self-realization and, as a result, will not argue so often and uselessly.
  2. From a man you want obedience even in the case when a woman wants to get something pleasant from him. For example, he is not accustomed to give gifts, but this can be insulting. If this is so, then God himself ordered to make a conspiracy. After that, it will become easier to convey to him the importance of gifts. You can also make him give gifts without a reminder.
  3. The daughter's mother can also do this ritual so that the son-in-law obeys her daughter more. Here you don’t even need a strong magic text, the simplest one will do, because here the magic will be launched by the power of motherly love.
  4. It is possible to read a conspiracy so that the husband obeys even when the family is in a difficult situation. When you need to make an important decision, you especially need to unite with the whole family and get the loyalty of each family member. Here the magic word can also be of great help.

Conspiracy for water

The easiest way is to direct such a conspiracy so that the spouse obeys the water. Early in the morning, the wife needs to get up, drink a glass of water herself, and then prepare the charmed water for her beloved. On a glass of water, you need to very confidently read such a magical text:

“My husband, you hear my divine conspiracy. I want to make you obedient for myself, for this I turn my love into this water. If you want to contradict everyone around, but listen to me, you were mine and become mine for my soul. I need your obedience for harmony, not for evil. As water in a glass is clean, not cloudy, as it stands calmly, so even my dear one, he obeys me with love. As it is said, it will be so, but it cannot be otherwise. Amen".

After that, the charmed water should be offered to your loved one as soon as he gets out of bed. It is important to make sure that he drank this water to the bottom. When he drinks, it is good for the wife to say the following words to herself:

“I speak to love and obedience to you, beloved.”

Of course, a woman also needs to behave in a certain way so as not to provoke a sweetheart into an extra argument. To do this, you need not to get emotionally involved in disputes, not to answer them, then your husband will simply cease to be interested in arguing with you. But this does not mean that it is necessary to swallow grievances, it is also wrong, it is necessary not to get involved in empty and meaningless disputes. It is possible that over time, the sweetheart will begin to spend the energy that he spent on the argument to take care of you.

Conspiracy on his underpants

As you know, sexual energy is a strong thing. And since men are polygamous beings, it rages in them in a special way. And by the way, perhaps because of an overabundance of sexual energy, your husband can waste energy on arguments. You can make a conspiracy on his obedience to underpants. It is better to do this on the men's day of the week. It could be Monday, Tuesday or Thursday. And there must also be a growing moon, because with the help of a magical ritual you attract something into your life. Take the sweetheart's underpants, go out into the direct moonlight and say this magical text:

“So that I don’t argue, but the servant of God (his name) loved me more. When you see my face, you don’t want to argue like that, but you just want to obey me and listen to me. You see your love in me, you don’t want to argue with me at all. You take care of me, that's where the energy goes. As a tender flower blooms in spring, so your love, after a conspiracy to me, blooms and blooms. lush color You fulfill all my desires."

This conspiracy is a little love spell. The wife needs to make sure that the next day the husband walks in the charmed shorts, then the family will definitely come out to new level harmonious relations. By the way, this magical ritual is also perfect if the beloved began to actively pay attention to other women.

Conspiracy to subdue the will of her husband.

Conspiracy to subdue the will of her husband.

Conspiracy on sweet pie- so that the husband obeys.

Any wife wants to control her husband, so

Conspiracy to the moon

With a magical request for the obedience of a husband, you can also turn directly to the moon. Go out to the growing moon, to its direct light and you need to read the following text:

“Just as the sky cannot be without the moon, so let my dear wife not be able to live without me. So that he understands this and obeys me always and in everything. For his wife, whom he loves, let him do everything that she needs, everything that she wants, and let this pleasure bring him too. Be obedient to him with me, be devoted to him. The moon itself is my support.

You can also speak the same magical conspiracy to his humility on your spouse while he is sleeping. But the husband must not be allowed to wake up. If you speak such a text sincerely, then in a few days you will notice the first results from the conspiracy. Such rituals work no worse than the magic of the famous Siberian healer.

For the husband to be kind.

Holy healer Panteleimon,

Holy Martyr Tryphon

Holy Great Martyr Barbara,

Holy Martyrs and Confessors:

Gury, Samon, Aviv,

Pray to God for us

On Forgiveness and Healing

Servant of God (name).

From bad language

From a bad temper

From violent will, from impatience,

from insult, from whining and lies,

From arrogance and laziness, from a blasphemous demon.

Saints, pray to God for us at any moment

Prayers for the preservation of the family and against the betrayal of her husband

An effective prayer for a husband’s betrayal is a good alternative to a love spell for an Orthodox person. Any woman wants her lover to adore her as much as his own life, and maybe even more. Unfortunately, a man is more susceptible to the influence of fornication. Often the opponent uses black magic, and then it is necessary to resist her with the power of her faith. Prayer for the preservation of the family will help to ensure that the husband respects the relationship.

What can be the first bells, signals to a woman that it is time to take care of admonishing her husband? First of all, if you have been married for a long time, you should pay attention to bodily contact. If a loved one does not perceive you as a woman, refuses affection, does not seek to hug and kiss you once again, this indicates that feelings have cooled. Even if fidelity is in order, he still does not look to the left, this chill between spouses will easily lead to scandals. It is only in your hands to return passion to the relationship.

Do not immediately grab onto the conspiracies of the warlocks. Remember what is always with you - faith in God. Strong prayer so that the husband loves his wife more than life can return the relationship to normal. Love will become strong and indestructible, like a powerful river.

But still try to start with yourself, weigh all the arguments "ha" and "against". Indeed, in addition to conspiracies, there are other ways to introduce affection and warmth into relationships. Remember, the power of prayer will not help you in any way if you are going to take someone else's man away from the family. Wish happiness to your opponent, if there is one, and be calm inside. Give your husband a choice so that he then fully realizes what is happening to him without you. But still, with the help of Christian prayer, you can achieve results if you read it correctly.

Love and loyalty in the power of faith

In order for peace and tranquility in the family to be throughout the marriage, it is necessary to appreciate and respect each other. This is the simple truth that modern society you don't see it very often. Scandals and strife with a showdown can begin after the wedding. If in one case this is a normal process of “grinding” to each other, the couple tests their love for firmness, then in the other it is the way to the end, to the death of the relationship.

Prayer that the husband loves, strives for the bosom of the family and misses his wife can help those who are baptized. Kindness and tenderness of character is not brought up, but it is in every man, no matter how rude he is of himself. It happens that the cooling is caused by fatigue at work and problems in other areas of life. In this case, it is worth reading common prayers. But if you understand that there is already a question of saving the family, additional support will be required.

Prayer for well-being and fidelity to the Matrona of Moscow

Usually a prayer for well-being in the family of Matrona of Moscow helps a lot. It is good because it conveys Divine Love to the family, but you do not need to learn incomprehensible Old Slavonic words. This prayer belongs to the category of general and family prayers. She works if the family stack up bad relationship, there was a misfortune, the husband betrayed gambling and completely forgot about his wife. Prayer in general increases the well-being of the family, improves relationships between spouses, but it is not aimed at making the husband love his wife more than life itself. Prayer readings are appropriate in cases where there is not enough stability in marriage. The text of the prayer to the Matrona of Moscow:

The intercessor will definitely help a woman who asks for help sincerely. Do not forget to pray diligently in the morning and evening, go to church and fast. Peace and harmony will reign in your family, fuss and superficial problems will go away.

For a man to love only his wife

In addition to prayers for the preservation of the family, there are also sacred texts designed to revive tender feelings between spouses. If you notice that your husband is on the verge of fornication, he is already strongly drawn to the side, or even there are the first signs of infidelity, it's time to turn on the full power of prayers.

This text on love is also used to make a problem different temperaments in marriage did not develop into a problem. It often happens that at the beginning of a life together, everything suited both, but old love become something more down to earth. Next to you is a living person who has just entered into a conscious and independent relationship. It is often even harder for a man than for a woman. Be kinder to your loved one and read prayers in his absence. Humble yourself: a wife must accept her husband as he is. So that love does not leave your life, pray for its preservation before the Almighty.

The tandem of prayer for the preservation of love and ritual works very well. For a family in which there is an opportunity to drink alcohol, the following rite is ideal. You can do it so that your loved one revives feelings for his chosen one. Only if the man is completely unaware of what you did before a romantic dinner, the ritual will work.

So, you need to buy wine that your lover likes. A bottle with a drink must be spoken so that there is fidelity and love. Think that soon a man will adore you more than his life. Just read this text before the wine:

“I say magical words to wine,

So that the servant of God (his name) desires me, the servant of God (your name),

To love (name), go to bed with dreams of me and get up too,

So that my body is desirable to him, so that youthful excitement wakes up in him.

Strong drinks are not suitable for this ritual. For the preservation of a family in which the husband likes to drink, it is better not to pray in this way. And in other cases, it is necessary to give the charmed wine to the husband. The wife should do it unobtrusively, but on the same evening. The most suitable for this is a romantic.

On the preservation of the family and happiness

To be loved faithful husband and a good family man, his wife will also have to try. Use a prayer that will return family happiness into married life. It is best to read this text when the moon is growing. So you will be more likely that love will grow throughout the month, and then strengthen. Ask God for the preservation of the family, turning to the church candle:

"Like the moon in the sky grows and increases,

So in the heart of a servant of God, warmth and love will increase.

Now my husband wants to adore me, not to know life without me.

And the sorceress moon will help in this.

The moon will make it so that every time

As it increases, so the love in my betrothed increased,

This love was accompanied by tenderness and warmth,

We shared our well-being.

This ritual should be done every night before going to bed. To make your loved one become interested in you again, diligently observe this rule. To prevent fornication and to preserve the family, the regularity of rituals is important. If you need instant results, prayers will not help. You will have to resort to black magic, but this will only negatively affect your spiritual path.

Prayer to the Mother of God for quick reconciliation

If there is a quarrel, you can and should resort to the action of prayer. Return peace to the family, because in married life often there are strife because of jealousy. In order for harmony to reign again, you need to pray to the icon of the Mother of God “All-Blessed”. The patroness of marriage and family life admonishes the lustful and makes sure that he never looks the other way again.

The love of a wife can also fade over time. To prevent this from happening, the wife needs to cultivate in herself a sense of gratitude to her husband and diligently pray, thank God. In all problems, the word of prayer helps, but you need to skillfully apply it. Understand your feelings and destiny. Prayer for a loved one to love more than life is simple and accessible, but it really changes lives.

“O Blessed Virgin, Mother of the Lord of the Higher Forces, Heaven and earth Queen, city and country, our all-powerful Intercessor!

Accept this laudatory singing from us unworthy Thy servants, and lift up our prayers to the throne of God Thy Son, that he may be merciful to our unrighteousness and grant His grace to those who honor all-honest your name and with faith and love worshiping Your most pure image. Nesma more worthy of His pardon to be, otherwise You will propitiate Him for us, Mistress, as all of You is possible from Him. For this sake, we resort to You, as if to our undoubted and soon Intercessor: hear us praying to You, surprise us with Your great and rich mercy, show us Your heavenly help and intercession, and ask God Your Son as our shepherd jealousy and vigil for souls, the ruler of the city is wisdom and strength, the judges are truth and impartiality, the mentor is reason and humility, the spouse is love and harmony, the child is obedience, offended by patience, offending the fear of God, grieving complacency, rejoicing abstinence; to us all sent down the spirit of reason and piety, the spirit of mercy and meekness, the spirit of purity and truth. Hey, Lady Pure! Have mercy on your weak people, gather the scattered, guide those who have gone astray on the right path, heal those who are ill, support old age, be wise, young, raise babies, and look at all of us with the contemplation of Your merciful intercession, lift us up from the depths of sin and enlighten our heart eyes to the sight of salvation . Be merciful to us here and at the terrible judgment of Your Son, repose in faith and repentance from this life, fathers and our brothers in eternal life with angels and create life with all the saints. Thou art, Mistress, the glory of heaven and the hope of the earth, You, according to God, are our Hope and Intercessor of all those who flow to You in faith. We pray to You, and to You, as an almighty Helper, we betray ourselves and each other and our whole life, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen"

For a man to love more than life, you need to help the relationship with prayer. Holy text needed Orthodox person V without fail and even more so for a Christian family. To make it easier for you to deal with the texts of prayers that you will use more than once in the future, memorize them.

Prayer for the beloved Saint Matrona is one of the most effective ways bring harmony back into your life. The girl needs to pray to the Matrona in cases.

Happen in life difficult situations. We all value families and unbreakable well-being, but no one is immune from the departure of her husband. This tragic moment is painful for any woman.

The whole life of a person collapses, because his strong rear has cracked or a loved one leaves you. . A strong prayer for admonishing the wife, so that the husband respects, and the children obey more.

It is very good when peace and tranquility reign in the family, and everyone loves, respects, appreciates each other. But such ideal, it would seem, families are not often found in modern society. It also happens that quarrels and scandals, quarrels and showdowns arise directly on empty place. There is no reason for this, but what to do in such cases? You can use the services of magic and its rituals. A conspiracy for a husband to miss, obey, always rush home, love, appreciate and respect his wife and family can help.

What do we take from the experience of our ancestors

If your husband at the beginning of family life was kind, gentle, affectionate and caring, and now you feel coldness on his part, then it's time to take action. It also happens that the husband began to drink very often, explaining this by fatigue, problems at work, bad mood ...

This also suggests that it is possible (even necessary) to resort to the services of magic. The experience of our ancestors tells us that it is important to deal with such problems in family life, you even need to do it before everything has gone too far - there has not been a divorce. Wise woman at first she tries to solve the situation herself, but if nothing helps, then it's time to turn to witchcraft.

Previous generations believed very much that magical power could help. They often turned to healers, sorcerers, healers and witches. Sometimes our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers performed rituals themselves. As for the conspiracy against the husband, so that he was faithful and obedient, always striving to go home - this ritual was used most often. It really works, no doubt about it. This conspiracy has come down to our days practically unchanged, now many women also use it.

Do not forget that you should not tell anyone that you are resorting to the services of magic. Keep everything under wraps; that's why she and personal life so that no one knows about it.

How does a conspiracy work on a husband now

Modern young girls and older women use many magical conspiracies without even understanding their essence, their real purpose. But any ritual, if you decide to turn to it, is a kind of action, a serious process that needs to be given due attention and time. During the ritual, you need to be alone. This is the main condition. Also, no one should know what you are going to do. A lot also depends on faith in the success of the ceremony and your concentration. Since you have decided to turn to magic for help, you must follow its rules and do everything as indicated in the "instructions" for the rites. No left or right indents. Everything must be done as it says in the description.

If your desire is not at all sincere, you are driven by simple curiosity, then you should not turn to magic. Nothing good (for you for sure) it will not end. No games or innovations. Magic has been around for a long time, newbies often don't realize it. The performer must be fully focused on the process of conducting the ritual, observe everything, be serious, and be responsible for what he has done. First of all, you must understand the essence and purpose of the conspiracy against your husband. Only then can you take action. Don't miss a single detail. Everything in the ritual is important.

Now you can choose from a huge variety of conspiracies. Husband has hundreds of them; you choose the one that suits you best. If you have been married for more than one year, then feelings may cool down a bit. Many wives turn to the help of magic in order to regain their former warmth, so that the husband will again be inflamed with passion for his other half. If everything is done correctly (observe all the conditions of the ritual), then the result will not be long in coming. Your spouse will not only be faithful, will not go to the side, but will always rush home to his family. Relationships will become better, stronger, more tender.

But if you want your husband to desire with you more often intimacy, then one conspiracy will not be enough. It is important that a woman takes care of herself. This applies not only to appearance, but also to maintaining a warm atmosphere in the house. Tell your husband as often as possible that you love him, that you have the best of men, you are very lucky with him, and so on.

The text of the conspiracy on her husband so that he obeys and does not change

To carry out such a ritual is quite simple. The words of the conspiracy do not have to be taught, you can read it from a piece of paper. But the main thing is that you all say it out loud (not very loudly), do not lose your rhythm and be sure to think that the conspiracy will help. The words of the rite will be:

"Mother Holy Mother of God. Nicholas the Wonderworker and Jesus Christ himself, help, bring harmony to the family! I do not take water, but return life. I do not give water, but I connect a husband and wife. To what pure water, such a clean life was with a slave (husband's name) with a slave (wife's name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

It is better to say the text three times.

Some wives use this particular conspiracy to "distract the husband from the bottle" and bring him to the house. The man becomes just perfect. Other ladies resort to a similar rite in order to improve relations in the family, to avoid conflicts and showdowns. Still others believe that a man will not cheat, his gaze will be directed only towards his soulmate. In general, every lady will find something for herself. It is important to immediately determine the goals - what exactly do you want to get from the ritual.

A conspiracy to love a husband to his wife. A conspiracy so that the husband loves to obey and respect his wife

This strong conspiracy to love a husband for his wife should be read by the wife on her own so that the husband loves her more than life, obeys her advice and respects his wife more than his mother. The conspiracy is done on a glass of drinking water, and you need to drink your husband with the charmed water. After the wife reads a conspiracy that causes love in a husband, respect and obedience to his wife, a beloved man who has drunk the charmed water “takes up his head” will stop drinking and walking with friends, but will always rush to his wife, stop listening to the opinion of friends and relatives (mother-in-law and father-in-law) and begin to seek advice from his wife and respect her opinion more than others . The consequences of this love spell to the love and obedience of a husband to his wife expressed as follows, the husband will be very strongly drawn to home to his family and every day his love for his wife will become stronger and stronger. You will notice a change in your husband's behavior instantly as soon as he drinks the charmed water. Want to using magic to make the husband obey his wife, read the conspiracy to subjugate the husband to the will of his wife. For the ceremony, pour into a glass of drinking water and say over it words of a conspiracy for the love and respect of a husband :

As water is dried by the sun and moon, fast winds all twenty-four hours.

So this water would dry my husband, a servant of God (name).

Drink it with sips, drink it, do not forget me, the servant of God (name).

How nature cannot exist without water, how people and cattle cannot live without water,

So that the servant of God (name) also could not get up on his feet, rise,

In work and service, manage, sit, walk, stand, keep your head

Without me, servants of God (name).

There is a feoclist in an open field, but everything has dried up, everything has died out

Day in the sun, night in the moon.

So for me, God's servant (name), let him dry and miss,

For his wife he sighs and suffers, loves and respects.

Now and forever and forever and ever.

In order to return the husband’s love, the conspiracy should be read by the wife, and only after reading the conspiracy will she be able to return the husband’s love to his wife and thereby become the most beloved and desired for him, and the husband, after reading the love spell on him, will obey his wife and respect her opinion in all matters.

Christmas divination for love and marriage allows you to see your future husband in order to recognize the groom sent by fate at the meeting. Fortune-telling at Christmas time for your soul mate will not only show you the groom, but also forever bewitch him to you, protecting the family from cheating and her husband's partying. In order to independently tell fortunes and conduct a fortune-telling ceremony for a narrowed Christmastide, you will need the usual

Rituals for Christmas time for love and marriage have long been performed by girls and women of all ages. At Christmas time, you need to guess at the betrothed, while conducting a special ceremony, those who have already been able to get married for Christmas week read conspiracies and prayers for the love of their husband. Christmas magic holds a strong love spell and a simple marriage ceremony that anyone can perform.

Around Christmas, white magic is especially strong. Conspiracies and rituals for love on Christmas evening or Christmas night help to quickly and very much fall in love with any person and even make him propose to you, awakening in him an obsessive desire to marry you and create a strong and happy family with you. Traditions and customs for Christmas contain a very

Epiphany magic for love is ancient rites, conspiracies and prayers to kindle and maintain love between people. On the day of January 19, when the feast of the Baptism of the Lord is celebrated, you need to read a strong love plot for the love of the one you love. This conspiracy has nothing to do with a love spell, but it is so strong that the person on whom the white Epiphany was read

On the eve of the new year, the magic for love and the creation of a family “marriage” is the strongest. If before the new year before its onset, as well as on New Year's Eve, conduct a magical rite for love and marriage and read a strong conspiracy for strong and mutual love in the family, then all year your family will bypass family problems, spouses will remain faithful and most clean and

All the rites for Palm Sunday: conspiracies and love spells will help make a person marry you and, experiencing strong love, marry in the shortest possible time. If you need to marry your beloved man or boyfriend, on Palm Sunday they read a love prayer for love and the creation of a family. According to the tradition of sorcerers and healers who keep the customs of their ancestors and

White magic for Easter aimed at love and marriage is sinless and harmless. A simple love prayer read for Easter, in heaven and on earth, will strongly bind the souls of your loved ones and will protect your marriage from betrayal and the evil eye and damage, protecting the family after the wedding. There is a good white marriage conspiracy after reading which you can quickly and successfully exit

A conspiracy to love a husband to his wife. A conspiracy so that the husband loves to obey and respect his wife REVIEWS WHO DID:

Dear guests, you are reading the website - Magini's diary:


Conspiracies, love spells and prayers for all occasions

What needs to be done so that husbands want wives - the best conspiracies

At first sex life newlyweds is filled with passion, but time can cool a burning desire. What needs to be done so that the husband wants his beloved wife, what conspiracies help in this? Household magic offers many effective rituals. The best of them are presented to your attention.

Love plots always help to return a man to bed, but you must believe in a successful outcome. Seek help from the forces of light to avoid a rollback. Do not confuse the words and strictly observe the conditions of the ritual, try to keep secrecy.

Features of village magic

For centuries, rural residents have used conspiracies aimed at making the husband want his wife. If a married guy has lost interest in bed comforts, feel free to take his underwear and other personal items. It is not necessary to warn the faithful about the conspiracy - everything is carried out in the strictest confidence.

There are factors that affect the effectiveness of a spell being cast. A woman who resorts to the help of otherworldly forces must be faithful to her betrothed. Do not forget to go to church - then the conspiracy will work quickly.

Red Ribbon Ritual

One of the most powerful conspiracies for a husband to want a wife, involves the use of a red silk ribbon. This item must be hidden in the matrimonial bed under the sheet. Here is the next course of action:

  1. You wake up at dawn.
  2. Slowly remove the tape from under the sheet.
  3. Pass these objects along the lips of a sleeping spouse.
  4. Go out into another room and proceed to the main ritual.

Once in the next room, weave the ribbon into your hair. Read the plot, remove the ribbon from your hair and hide it in a secluded corner. The text of the conspiracy to make a man want you again looks like this:

“I’ll wake up in the morning, gather in an open field - I’ll look for my betrothed there. I'll look at four sides - and I won't see anyone there. Spiritual wind, you are walking in the steppe, help me find my husband. I will return home again - my betrothed lies there. The hubby yearned, grieved, without God's Servant (say the name) he was very bored. I will hug, accept and caress - everything will be so. Amen".

spell on linen

So that the spouse does not run away to his mistress and always satisfies you, use it underwear. Underpants or underpants are suitable (the main thing is that the spouse puts them on soon). The ceremony is performed at dawn near the window - so that the first rays fall on men's underwear. Spell text (pronounced three times):

“Deep water beyond dense forests is not from the earth, but from a woman. The island rises in the middle of the water, on that island a solid stone pillar is erected - it does not bend, it does not break, it rises to heaven. The sun rolled out, the pillar warmed up red-hot. That is not a pillar, but the camp of my betrothed lived (the name is called). Let the pillar always look at me, but the peasant wants a sugar body. Under the key of the word, that key to the dead man is in the coffin.

Powerful sexual binding

If you want to discourage a man from having fun with other women and attract him to you, use a sexual conspiracy. First, prepare a dish with spicy meat for your husband. Stealthily cast a spell on food:

“The house is buried under the gravestone, the old devil fell asleep under that house. I will not be afraid of the unclean, I will turn to him with a bow and a request. I burn with heat, I passionately desire a husband. Let the male root not be afraid of me, before my flesh it will rise and be strengthened. My words are strong as falcon claws.

This binding is done only in extreme cases, since the addressee of the conspiracy is evil spirits. To avoid a rollback, pray diligently for three days after the ritual. Ask God for intercession in the face of otherworldly darkness.

Ritual in a country house

If you have a cottage or Vacation home, this rite will be very effective. To conduct it, always take a large needle to nature. Procedure:

  1. Wait until the husband celebrates a small need under the tree.
  2. Approaching the dark area, circle it with a needle in a circle (in the direction of movement of the clock hand).
  3. Spend the second circle in the opposite direction.
  4. Insert the needle into the center of the wet circle.
  5. Read the plot.

If you have been looking for a long time what to do to make your husband want a wife, this plot is perfect. But remember: the needle must be stuck with the eye down (after magical actions the needle does not come out of the ground). Say the text of the spell three times:

“My beloved girlfriends, let your spouse turn to you with a golden ring, and to me (the name is called) with his hard end.”

The best sexy girls

The section of household magic aimed at maintaining the husband's fading interest in his wife is called sexual drying. Do you suffer from a lack of sexual life, do you suspect your husband of infidelity? Then speak the marriage bed. Here is the procedure:

  1. Get undressed.
  2. Get into bed.
  3. Spread in different sides hands.
  4. Make three claps and say a plot.

This complex of magical actions will lead to the fact that your missus completely forgets about the rival. It is better to read the plot for a growing month, and do not wash the clothes in which you were originally. Spell text:

“Let the legs of God's servant tremble (the name is called), the lips dry, and the nature only reaches out to the beloved wife (name). My word is strong. Amen".

Dryer with wine

Sexual attraction is greatly enhanced if a woman performed a ceremony with wine. Arrange a romantic dinner for your betrothed, but before that, speak an alcoholic drink. You need to read a prayer in a secluded place before the start of the meal. You will have to wait at least 4-5 days for the result, after which the spouse will ignite a sudden passion for you. The text of the prayer is:

“I enchant intoxicated wine, seal it with a strong spell. As a loved one (the name is called) takes a sip, he immediately jumps on me. From now on, my betrothed will not imagine life without (say your name). Days and nights, his thoughts are only about me. My flesh loves my wife, I will always awaken passion. Amen".

Rituals using underwear, sheets or wine are especially powerful. Please note: it is best to spend them with the growing moon, at sunrise. Practicing magicians forbid drying women who have their period during the ritual. Follow our instructions clearly, and your spouse will constantly delight you with his attention.

How I got rid of herpes with lipstick

Hi all! Previously, for 6 years I suffered from herpes. Rashes were every month. Based on my experience with the disease, I can say the following. Acyclovir-containing drugs help well at first, and then the effect of the treatment disappears. She was observed in a herpetic treatment center, but the treatment was ineffective. A lot of money spent and all to no avail.

Having learned about lipstick from herpes, I was skeptical, but still ordered it. Used for a week. I felt the first result after 4 days. Now not a hint of herpes!

So that the husband dries for his wife

So that the husband dries for his wife

“I have three children, twin girls and a boy. My husband met a girl on the Internet, first he corresponded with her, and then, apparently, he met. I found out about all this later, when he announced to me that he had cooled off towards me and he liked the other one.

Dear Natalya Ivanovna, I can understand everything and am ready to forgive him, because we have three children, who needs them if not us? Is there really no way to get his passion back? I don't want to live from the pain. How can that be, it's unfair! Is his new affection dearer to him than I, who bore him children, and dearer than our innocent children? I beg you, tell me how you can revive his passion?

To do this, you need to go to the village, to the village or to the place where there is a well. You need to approach the well on the right side of the sun and, bending over it, looking into the water, say:

Like cold water in a well,

So let the heart of a slave (such and such)

So (such and such) let (such and such) forget,

Forgets her words, forgets her eyes.

So that he did not call her and did not know,

Like water in a well, it cooled.

I didn’t suffer about her, I didn’t suffer,

I forgot about her from time to time.

Be the key to my words in the water

From now on, forever, forever.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Husband's prayer for his wife

A Husband's Prayer for a Wife There are prayers that no one will read for a person. These include the prayers of a widower or widow. They read these prayers in solitude, looking at a photograph of a beloved spouse or spouse who has already left this earth, with whom they lived long life So

So that there is no refusal to the wife

So that there is no refusal to your wife Light three candles and, looking at them, read the following conspiracy: The moon conspired, the star conspired, the sun conspired. All will agree among themselves, And all my words will be confirmed, They will be fulfilled and consolidated. All my decrees Be for the servant of God (name)

How to remove a husband's hatred for his wife From a letter: “Before the wedding, my husband told me that he loves me more than anything in the world. But five years have passed, and everything in my life has changed. Trouble began when he took on a new employee. Almost from the first day she became

For a husband to be loving towards his wife

For a husband to be loving to his wife They say at the moment when the rooster covers the hen. This is indeed a very powerful conspiracy. There is a lectern in the church, And in the field there is a golden chicken coop. There are many chickens and one rooster. I do not notice the lectern, I sweep away the rooster from the perch with a golden broom.

For a husband to miss his wife

So that the husband misses his wife Read this conspiracy over a gift or some thing that will always be with him. The conspiracy words are as follows: You take a thing from me, You give me your peace. Not in the middle of the day, not in the middle of the night It would not be for you without the servant of God (name) Peace and urine.

So that the husband thinks about his wife all the time

So that the husband thinks about his wife all the time Pin a new pin to the clothes and do not remove it for three days. On the fourth day, read a special plot over her and pin her on her husband's clothes so that he does not notice her. The words of the conspiracy are: Wear, do not lose, the Servant of God (name) is not


A CONSPIRACY THAT THE HUSBAND DOES NOT COOL TO THE WIFE In the old days, they did this if suddenly the husband began to cool off to his wife, or the wife stared at someone else. A piece of bread, such as the spouse loves, and even better, a piece that he began to eat and did not finish, they put it on the windowsill, yes

For a husband to miss his wife

To make the husband miss his wife Speak on some gift or thing that the husband will use. The slander is this: You take a thing from me, you give me your peace. Not in the middle of the day, not in the middle of the night, there would be no peace and urine without the servant of God (wife's name). Amen.

To make the husband think more about his wife

So that the husband thinks more about his wife Keep a new pin pinned on you for three days, then, having spoken to her, fasten it in an inconspicuous place on your husband's clothes. They read this: Wear, do not lose, do not forget the servant of God (wife's name). Amen.

How to remove the hatred of a husband to his wife

How to remove a husband's hatred for his wife From a letter: “Before the wedding, my husband told me that he loves me more than anything in the world. But five years have passed, and everything in my life has changed. Trouble began when he took on a new employee. She almost from the first day began to hang herself

What to do if a husband has lost interest in his wife How often does it happen that a husband, who just yesterday looked at his wife with loving eyes, caught her every word and rushed to fulfill any of her requests, suddenly changes his attitude radically. And the wife is no longer nice, and the children are not needed. Husband

So that no one approaches his wife

So that no one approaches his wife At the request of many jealous husbands I am posting this thread. The husband reads it over a gift or sweets, which he then gives to his wife. The plot is read on Women's Day: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. The conspiracy words are as follows: I will wash white, I will get up

What to do if the husband has lost interest in his wife

For a husband to burn with passion for his wife

CASE No. 29. About the missing wife

CASE No. 29. About the Missing Wife Probably, further than this city is only the sea, and beyond it - Japan. The city is not a city, even by the standards of central Russia I would call this city a diminutive town. Few people live, although many do not know each other in person. Incidents there

Letters to wife

Letters to my wife (1) 30 August 1905 Most precious Mrinalini, I am holding in my hands your letter of 24 August. I am very sorry that your parents again suffered a heavy loss, however, you did not write which of the brothers died. But no matter how hard the loss is, grief will not help the cause.

Conspiracies for a husband

Husband love spell

All sorts of daily problems, troubles, fatigue from everyday life dull emotions. This makes a man look for vivid impressions outside the home. In an effort to save relationships, the keepers of the family hearth often resort to conspiracies so that the husband loves, cares, hurries to his wife and children, brings everything to the house.

Speaking a conspiracy changes the husband's energy field. As changes occur, the wife begins to feel the change in the relationship. The husband's eyes seem to open, he suddenly begins to see his wife in a different light, her image fills all his thoughts. The use of magic is a great responsibility to the person to whom it is directed. By tying him to you, you assume the obligation to be responsible for his future fate.

A conspiracy so that a husband loves his wife more than life

For the ritual to work, you need to choose a strong conspiracy to love your husband, which contains a powerful energy message. Take 3 hairs of your spouse and 3 of your own. Tie with two or three knots. Burning them over a candle, say: "Burn the flame of the candle, burn our braided hair, fasten us forever."

This conspiracy is read at night, standing on the threshold of a house or entrance, turning to the moon: “I will save my family, looking at the moon. Michael (name of spouse), my husband, being in front of you, I give you my heart, in return I take your love for me! So that you hug me to yourself, never let go, only yearn for me, love me alone! Amen"!

A conspiracy on her husband so that he does not cool down

Everyone knows that sympathy, falling in love, love, passes with a certain period, and if it does not completely disappear, then these sensations become dull, become not so stormy and acquire a household shade. To prevent this from happening, there are special conspiracies, with the help of which you can restore the lost ardor, make a new round in love relationship, and just keep the necessary man next to you. You may well read a conspiracy on your husband at home, white magic does not prevent this.

How to read a conspiracy for a husband at home?

There are several levels of conspiracies, weak options of which will help bring liveliness to relationships, cheer up and renew them. But there are other conspiracies, the strength of which can be compared with the love spells of black magic, but at the same time they are harmless to people and do not have such detrimental consequences. The most famous, simple and at the same time effective, can be called a conspiracy to water a husband’s love and attraction to you. Or vice versa, a man with such a rite will be able to attract his wife. This procedure is simple, done at home, but, as in any other business, it requires some rules. Before starting the process, you should read more than one article, weigh everything, pick up a conspiracy, while doing everything in the right sequence, without stepping back a single step. In addition to water, apples, candles, salts, etc. are used in heart conspiracies.

Conspiracy from jealousy

Very often in a relationship there is a feeling of jealousy, in most cases this manifests itself in the beginning. love story, but not rare cases and jealousy of a husband to his wife, and vice versa. At first, you like this feeling, because it becomes clear that you are not indifferent to your beloved, in connection with this, the relationship is strengthened. But it also happens that jealousy becomes more and more over time, and begins to act with destructive force.

Many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity themselves unknowingly read conspiracies so that their husband becomes jealous, but they don’t even have a clue how badly this can end for a relationship. Living together becomes difficult and unbearable, the feeling of jealousy exhausts, takes strength and energy.

Of course, for those who suffer from unrequited love or attention from the other half, a strong conspiracy is needed to make the husband jealous, after which the partner will miss and yearn for you greatly. This energy setting will change the state of your partner's soul without the need to use karmic binding or love spells.

Well, for those who suffer from jealousy, it is necessary to purchase any non-alcoholic drink on Thursday, it can beat water or juice, say good plot, and give the jealous man a drink. You just need to make sure that the liquid is drunk in the evening of the same day, or, in extreme cases, until the next morning. The action of the rite will not keep you waiting, and you will see the result within a few days. The jealous will get rid of completely unreasonable reasons for jealousy, and both partners will gain a sense of peace of mind and harmony.

A conspiracy so that the husband gives money to the family

Husband categorically refuses to finance the family? Or does he not want your earnings to go down to a penny in boutiques, beauty salons or even casinos, and the family ate instant pasta for weeks? In the second case, you can lower the esotericism for more than one thousand American rubles, but no conspiracies so that the husband gives his salary will not work on him if he is not a cretin. Urgently reconsider your attitude to life if you do not want to be divorced soon.

You are a housewife, but you haven’t seen any money from your husband since the wedding day? It is worth talking with your spouse about his vision of the formation of the family budget. Of course, you can refuse the conversation, hoping that reading the prayer “Our Father”, and then asking for “sponsored” help from the husband, will have an effect. But if the father always managed all the money in the parental family of the husband, then you will have to convince your soul mate of the need for a different financial strategy.

Conspiracies for passion

As long as it lasts Honeymoon, happy newlyweds can’t get enough of each other in any way and don’t even think that cooling may someday come in their relationship. However, this happens, and not rarely. A man gets bored with his wife, he begins to stare at other women, and past passion to the beloved fades away. If cosmetical tools, beautiful lingerie and other romances do not help, it is time to use a strong conspiracy so that the husband really wants his wife and forgets to think about the existence of other female beings.

Love rituals can be divided into two categories: light conspiracies and strong spells. The latter option is carried out, as a rule, with the addition of blood, ashes and other ingredients to the enchanted food and drink, which is typical for black magic. These methods should not be abused. Without proper training and skills, you can harm both yourself and your husband, and if we are talking about someone else's spouse, whom you want to take away from the family, the dryer is fraught with the most terrible consequences.

A conspiracy so that the husband only wants his wife

A simple but effective ritual is performed by speaking a red ribbon. whispered the right words, the tape is placed under the sheet. In the morning you need to get up before your husband, get a ribbon and weave it into your hair, repeating the plot. After the ritual, the tape should be kept with you and not shown to anyone. Strengthens the action of the conspiracy and the fact that the tape lies on the matrimonial bed: this strong remedy against ties on the side.

If, despite all your efforts, every evening your spouse turns his back on you and starts snoring loudly, use the plot to make your husband stand, which is read at sunrise. While the missus is snoring sweetly, pick up the underwear that he will put on after waking up, and, standing at open window, substitute a thing sunbeams. Read the plot and expect the result by the evening.

A conspiracy so that the husband listens to his wife and respects

Love and understanding in the family is very important. However, often a man tries to show himself as the most important and never listens to the opinion of his wife. Even if she's right. In such a situation, if it is not possible to reason with the faithful in words, it is worth resorting to special conspiracies. They are able to bring peace and balance back into a relationship.

Many women complain that before marriage, their man was so understanding, listening. And a few years later, he seems to have changed and generally does not take into account the opinion of his wife. But a conspiracy so that the husband obeys only his wife and no one else can turn this behavior back.

Conspiracy to obedience to her husband

A simple ritual that can straighten the brains of a man can be performed by any woman. He will make a man stop listening to someone outside the family, even if it is best friend or own mother. As a rule, conspiracies friendly family are read on the most favorite pastries of a man, and they can be of any content. The main thing is not to feed anyone except a man and herself with this food. As you know, the devil is in the details: the slightest deviation from the course of the ritual - and the effect may be the opposite of what was intended. Up to a complete refusal to listen to his wife.

It is noteworthy that there is also a reverse conspiracy - so that the husband's wife obeys. He acts in a similar way, discouraging a woman from listening to her numerous girlfriends or advisers on the Internet. In fact, a man will be able to get an obedient, submissive wife who will become a reliable "rear" for him. In this way, you can also achieve peace and understanding in the family. However, we must not forget that a spouse is a person with his own opinion, and no conspiracy will change this one hundred percent.

A conspiracy to love a wife to her husband

If family life has cracked and a woman’s feelings for her husband are cool, do not despair. You can get help magical powers and try to influence the feelings of his wife with the help of rituals and rituals. A conspiracy to love a wife for her husband is read to strengthen family relationships and return the lost love of a woman to herself.

It is worth noting that the ritual may not work if the man does not show tenderness and love for the woman, since in this case she can leave the family even despite her own love feelings.

A love spell will be valid if you follow the ritual of reading it. Usually, you need to imagine your wife in front of you while reading the plot and send your own love to her image. Carrying out any actions that involve the involvement of magical powers must be taken seriously. It is worth deciding for yourself whether you really sincerely desire what the rite should bring you. If your feelings for your wife are sincere, and her love for you has passed, then you can resort to conspiracies.

Mystical rituals are not only love spells, but also lapels that can be resorted to in order to get rid of obsessive manifestations of love from another person. For example, you can read the plot to ex-wife lagged behind you if she does not allow you to start a new life and build other relationships.

Conspiracy to make a husband want a wife

It's no secret that most marriages undergo difficult period in relations between spouses, after several years of close life. As a result, the spouse may cool off towards his beloved and stop experiencing an intimate attraction to native woman. In order for a husband to always want a wife, you need to read conspiracies that will very quickly return his desire.

Of course, before magical rites you should talk with your spouse, but it’s better to try to seduce him accessible ways. However, if all attempts end in failure, ancient conspiracies are indispensable.

Conspiracy to have sex with her husband

It is worth noting that the ritual is possible only if there is complete faith in the success of the manipulations performed. This is the only way to achieve the expected result. Read a conspiracy to arise sexual desire you need over the dough, which the woman kneaded with her own hands.

To do this, you first need to prepare a yeast dough, and put a magnet under a deep plate. During the time that the yeast dough will heat up and grow, the text magic conspiracy you need to repeat over the bowl 7 times. As soon as everything is ready, be sure to bake a pie from the dough and treat them to your beloved spouse. The intimate desire of your faithful will return with even greater force than it was before.

A conspiracy to make a husband miss his wife

If you are in marriage bond with your loved one, but you feel that your love and sympathy have become very weak, phone calls with questions about how you are doing, how you are feeling and other worries have stopped, which means you need to increase your partner’s attention to yourself. But how to do that?

Love conspiracies are white magic that helps a person attract love to himself, make the object of sympathy think of you, yearn and look forward to meeting you. You can use the conspiracy and, thus, return former affection, passion and attraction to your relationship. After such a magical love spell, a man begins to think and remember about you more often.

A conspiracy to make the husband yearn

Everyone knows that in marriage one loves more, and the other only accepts this love. In most cases strong feelings the wife experiences - she calls her husband, asks how he is doing, whether he ate or not, whether he dressed warmly when he came home from work, and so on. This happens on a subconscious level, as all women love and crave someone to take care of, especially when there are no children yet. Such obsessive attention is not pleasant for everyone, so it is most often repulsive. That is why, in order to restore the old relationship, women read magical conspiracies.

Much less often, men are faced with the fact that the wife is not in a hurry to go home, it is more pleasant for her to spend time talking with her friend, or shopping in stores. And, sometimes, a conspiracy to make a wife yearn for her husband becomes the only way out of this seemingly hopeless situation. Good ritual is the reading of words from a conspiracy for food or drink, which is presented to their other half. It is only necessary to make sure that everything is eaten or drunk to the end, so it is best to buy or cook your favorite delicacy, which is difficult to refuse.

A conspiracy on a husband for salt

For various reasons, in the process of life, feelings between spouses cool. In most episodes, wives begin to notice that their man is not so gentle, affectionate, or even began to stare at other women. In this case, a conspiracy against a husband for salt will help, which will not be difficult to do at home. Food for the husband is salted with enchanted salt, it is not scary if the wife also eats this food.

Why exactly does salt have an intense effect and why is a conspiracy being made on it? The fact is that salt crystals have a unique structure, the energy of the conspiracy penetrates into them, the words, as it were, charge the salt. Salt should be bought in advance, and when paying, do not take change. The plot itself is read in the evening, after 18 hours. best period for the ritual with salt is the full moon. It is worth considering and weather If there is a strong wind, rain, then it is better to postpone the holding for another day.

It should be noted that you must read the conspiracy for salt on your own. Make sure that you are not distracted by relatives, children, animals, it is better if no one is at home. Having spoken salt in the evening, prepare dinner, and during the meal, salt the dish. Striking changes will not be long in coming, the positive dynamics of the ritual will be noticeable in the morning, the husband will become more affectionate, courteous, and benevolent.

A conspiracy so that the husband does not beat and respects his wife

Domestic violence is terrible. It often happens that husbands begin to oppress their wives, feeling power over them. Of course, you can always ask for help from law enforcement agencies or relatives. But, as a rule, it destroys the family. You can try to do without such extreme measures by experiencing a special conspiracy for yourself so that the husband obeys, does not beat and respects his woman. After all, he himself once decided to marry her. Apparently, something went wrong in his brain. And it is the conspiracy that is able to free him from darkness and return those feelings that once were, and even make them much brighter.

Such means seem to be a scam. How can a mystic help if something terrible happens at home every day? Can an abstract force stop a man who thinks of raising his hand against a weaker one? Quite possible. You just need to take seriously this opportunity to get rid of domestic violence in peaceful way.

A conspiracy so that the husband does not offend

Such a means for one's own salvation is considered the most convenient and successful. Especially for families in which the husband is a tyrant and despot who arranges total surveillance of his wife. In such a situation, it’s not that you won’t be able to contact the police - it’s not always possible to even leave the house.

Therefore, it is important to use all available methods. A quality conspiracy so that a husband does not offend his wife, read according to all the rules, is able to calm down a man’s cool temper, return to him love and respect for his soulmate, which he himself once chose among others. magical effect occurs directly on feelings and emotions, calming and giving awareness of what a man is doing. A woman needs only a modicum of courage and luck for such a remedy to calm her domestic tyrant.

Conspiracies so that the husband finds a job with a decent salary

Losing a job entails looking for a new job and this is not always successful. Subsequently, discord in the family begins, misunderstanding on the part of relatives. Even having found a job, a man cannot stay on it for a long time, problems in the team, inconsistency of requirements, etc. In such cases, a conspiracy will help so that the husband is hired, and he settles down there for a long period.

The power of the conspiracy lies in the faith of the woman herself, who will stretch a thin invisible thread to her man, which will push him to real action. To do this, they use many options, one of the most effective is the pronunciation of a conspiracy on a white handkerchief, which then a man must carry with him until he finds a job, which should happen quite quickly.

Conspiracy to get a husband to find a good job

In most cases, behind the inability to get a well-paid job is a person's lack of self-confidence. A woman should inspire her husband, make him learn the text of the conspiracy, which he must read himself at the moment when he goes to find a job. This will give self-confidence to the man himself, and will contribute to the loyalty of the future bosses. Reading a conspiracy so that the husband works, maybe the wife, because she must help her man in everything. She reads the plot, after which she writes her desire on a white sheet, for example, for her husband to find a good and well-paid job. After that, the leaf with the desire is burned, and the ritual itself is repeated for 7 days.

A conspiracy for a sleeping husband

Over the years of family life, passion and feelings are gradually dulled, the zest of the warmth of the relationship disappears somewhere, dissatisfaction with the partner appears, and, as a result, the man’s interest is on the side. And if suddenly a woman has any doubts about her husband and the assumption that he has another woman, then you can make a love spell on the matrimonial bed. For this, a sheet is taken, on which intimate love relationships or the husband's underwear were made. Linen should be placed under the mattress where the wife sleeps. The rite is performed on the growing moon and is read from memory near the bed on the husband's side three times. You can also read a conspiracy over a sleeping husband to enhance the effect of a love spell, thereby preventing his betrayal.

A conspiracy to dream of a future husband

Since ancient times, girls loved to guess the future in order to see their betrothed. And for this there are many magical rituals. An interesting conspiracy is a prophetic dream, which allows you to slightly open the veil of the innermost and find out the near future, which stimulates the correctness of actions. The fact is that dreams are a projection of the reality in which a person lives, supplemented by thoughts and desires. And this relationship allows you to see prophetic dreams and provoke them with the help of magical actions. Therefore, a conspiracy to sleep, to dream future husband, is read on the first night in a new place or in last days waxing moon and full moon.

Many magicians advise taking a bath with the addition of rosemary, mint and lavender herbs (you can use the oil of these plants) before the rite of prophetic sleep for complete relaxation and calm. And during this procedure, it is necessary to fumigate the room with dried sleep-grass or a stalk of aloe. The rite of prophetic sleep should be carried out alone, lie down, relax and think only about what interests you the most. Completely get rid of conjectures, otherwise in a dream a person will see only the projection of his conjectures, and not upcoming events.

Spell to get husband to call his wife

Some couples will be tested by distance. This period can lead to a deterioration in relations and cooling if one of the partners forgets to even call his soulmate. If this happened to you, then you should try a conspiracy so that your husband calls you. Holding a simple ritual will help remind your husband of his feelings for you, that he misses his loving wife.

The main thing in such a conspiracy is a pure energy message to a person. Direct all your thoughts to your man, remember some pleasant moments from your life together. A photograph of the husband can help with this. At the same time, it is necessary to read the words of the conspiracy.

A properly performed ritual will soon lead to increased attention to you your man. He will call you more often. The principle of the conspiracy is that it refreshes the love of a man. Your relationship will only get stronger, and the distance will ruin it. Having achieved the attention of your husband you need, you can easily maintain your relationship at the same level of mutual understanding, accepting signs of attention gratefully, because the husband will only want to call the wife who rejoices at his call and appreciates his attention.

Conspiracy to give her husband a salary

The financial well-being of the family energy level almost completely dependent on the woman. More often it is the man who provides the family, but the woman can give him inspiration and strength to achieve financial and career goals. Therefore, if something at work does not go the way the husband would like, the wife can always influence it. The wife can read a conspiracy to pay him a salary soon if she was detained. To conduct a ritual that will speed up admission to family budget money earned by her husband, it is advisable to wait for the new moon. Conspiracies related to money, which are held on the growing moon, lead to an increase in cash receipts.

Turn in conspiracies and prayers for paying your husband a salary to the saints who patronize all working people. After carrying out all the necessary rituals, you will be able to note not only the establishment of stable salary payments, but also an improvement general situation husband at work. Perhaps he will be offered a promotion.

Husband's pay raise

The real conspiracy good salary it will only help if you read it at dawn on the days when the moon is growing. This is the most auspicious time, since the dawn and the growing moon are symbols of something new. During these periods it is always easier to start something new, they are favorable for improving the financial situation.

Believe it or not, conspiracies work! More and more people have become convinced of this and continue to be convinced of this. The power of the word is truly great. After all, it is not in vain that it is said that a word can both cure and cripple. A word can scare away, but you can caress. Moreover, in a word, you can return your husband. And you can have the heart of his mother, who, for some reason that is understandable to her, does not want to accept you, propitiate you.

In a word - you can solve issues related to the opponent. In any case, for sure, it is worth at least trying to do something in order to save the family. After all, destroying what was created (sometimes with great difficulty) is always quick and easy, but preserving is always difficult, it is always time, always effort, always intelligence, and sometimes flexibility, turning into wisdom (or vice versa), it's always hard work!

Conspiracies against a husband and conspiracies from a rival are what girls should inherit from their mothers in childhood, but, alas, these things are almost completely lost in our culture. We don't believe in anything, we're not going anywhere. We just silently resign ourselves to the fact that someone has decided for us. But is it worth it to give up so quickly and develop paws?

In our section you will find conspiracies for all occasions that will be useful to you! This is a conspiracy against betrayal and a conspiracy to love a husband, a conspiracy to a mother-in-law and a conspiracy to separate (to separate him from his mistress), a conspiracy to reconcile and a conspiracy to be faithful to her husband, a conspiracy to love a husband to his wife and a conspiracy to separate husband and wife (yes, sometimes such a need may arise) and many other conspiracies.

Conspiracy for reconciliation

This conspiracy truly unique. After all, it can be used as a tool through which you can reconcile a husband and wife, or a guy and a girl. If your relationship with your loved one (beloved) went wrong and you are very sorry about it, then this conspiracy will help you restore your past relationship.

You need to take the spring land (this is the first land that just appeared from under the snow) and, having spoken a plot on it, divide it into two parts. You leave the first part with you (you can pour it out in your yard, or under the windows of the house), you need to take the second part to the house of the one with whom you want to restore your old relationship. It has been noticed more than once that as soon as the ritual is done, the relationship is resumed. You need to read the plot in one breath:

The question naturally arises, what to do if a separation or quarrel occurred in winter or autumn? Where to get spring land? Do not wait for the onset of spring and the day when the snow begins to melt and the earth becomes visible. Indeed, if you need to do this ritual urgently (for example, in winter), then you can buy land in the store. Another question is that the effectiveness of this ritual may decrease, however, it is still worth trying to do it.

Conspiracy to return the husband

Anything happens in a family. Quarrels and reconciliations, love and enmity, the main thing is to survive all this without scattering each to its own corners. If, nevertheless, this happened, and the husband left, and worst of all, he went to a rival, do not rush to kill yourself, this can be corrected. This spell will help you!

Take holy water in the church, dip your wedding ring and say the following words to the water:

As soon as the plot was uttered, you need to immediately take this 40 sips, wash your face with the remaining water, without rubbing, let the water dry itself.

Conspiracy against change

This conspiracy is especially relevant for those whose husband is younger than his wife. Today there is love, and tomorrow he may start looking around, and then the wife, who is older than her husband, has to worry and cry a lot, thinking about her rivals. To prevent this from happening, so that your husband is always faithful to you, you need to read the following conspiracy:

Conspiracy to return a loved one or beloved

After looking this video master class, you will also learn how to conspire to return your loved one.

Divorce conspiracy

This conspiracy is relevant in those cases when it comes to divorce every now and then, or you are already preparing for it, but the divorce has not yet taken place. Thanks to this conspiracy, the decision to divorce can be canceled due to the fact that everything will work out. You need to read the plot from the night full moon, through the wide open window.

Conspiracy to leave the husband

Yes, do not be surprised, there is such a need! It happens when the husband long time lives in two houses. And he doesn’t leave his family and doesn’t leave his mistress. And the wife seems to be no longer a wife, and not a widow, and don’t understand what. The husband does not allow new relationships to be built, and little is left of the old ones. If you have decided to break the existing vicious circle, then it is worth doing this very strong ritual, which will finally help to dot all J.

You need to do the ritual on the waning moon. As soon as the husband left the house, after him (literally right there) wash the floor with clean (ideally spring) water, with the words:

This strongest conspiracy will forever solve the problem of going to the left of your spouse (or wife). You need to do it late at night - at three o'clock. For the ritual, you will need the paws of a rooster (you can buy them at any store that sells meat), as well as a tree - an aspen. If the ritual is performed on the wife and the husband does it, then the paws of the chicken and birch are needed. It's not hard to tell the paws apart. Roosters are always larger. It is important that the paws are paired (left and right, and not both right or both left).

Take a red thread, tie one paw to one end, the other to the other and hang them on a tree, reading the following plot:

As soon as the plot is read and everything is done, without looking back, silently go home.

Conspiracy for reconciliation

This conspiracy is not in vain considered by everyone to be very strong. After all, he is able to reconcile even those who, it would seem, have finally quarreled. Moreover, it is also suitable for those who just constantly quarrel for no apparent reason. In such cases, it is generally impossible to exclude the option when someone has done damage to you for a quarrel. The signs are as follows: people cannot live without each other, and at the same time, when they are together, they swear and squabble all the time like dogs because of all sorts of trifles. To remove this rift, you need to buy a new red towel on Sunday. Kneeling on him, read this plot three times:

"Terrible is Your judgment, O Lord,
You will judge the people who stand before you.
A fair judgment, a merciful judgment.
Storms will pass, thunderstorms will go away, and the sky will become bright.
The storms will subside, and the violent winds will subside.
And our quarrels with the servant of God (name) and empty disputes will all settle down, dissolve.
Your mercy will descend on us, the servants of God (names), Lord!
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

As soon as the plot is read, give your husband (boyfriend) this towel, let them dry off after taking a bath or shower or bath. And after that, you need to dry yourself with the same towel. After that, all quarrels in your couple will come to naught.

A conspiracy from treason to the icon of the Virgin

Another strong conspiracy that is used in cases where the husband went on a spree. The intercessor and assistant in this conspiracy is the Blessed Virgin Mary. You will need an icon with any image of the Virgin, two church candles, which you will need to intertwine (twist). Place twisted candles in front of the image and read the following plot:

"Mother Mother of God,
With all my heart I beg you, with all my heart I beg you!
Be my hope and support, be my intercessor and intercessor of my family!
Give me back my loyalty, give me back the love of my beloved husband, a servant of God (name).
Let him know me alone, let him desire me alone with all his heart.
Only I am the light in the window for him, and all his thoughts are only about me!
So be it!

Candles cannot be extinguished, they must burn out completely!

Conspiracy from a rival

This conspiracy is relevant in cases where the husband is walking. Alas, this does not happen very often. To solve this issue, you need evening milk (ideally, you need to get the milk of a cow milked in the evening, but if you live in a city and you can’t find such milk, then you can buy milk in a store, the main thing is to do it in the evening). It is for evening milk that the conspiracy is done, as soon as they have spoken, let your husband drink this milk.

Here is the text of the spell itself:

Conspiracy from the hatred of the mother-in-law

Whether we like it or not, sometimes it turns out that the husband's mother does not want to accept her daughter-in-law. Come on - to perceive, sometimes the mother-in-law begins to frankly mischief or even inflict damage on her son's family, in every possible way trying to nullify the young daughter-in-law. To avoid negativity, to propitiate the heart of the mother-in-law, you need to do the following ritual.

You need to find a plant called coltsfoot. When it is twelve o'clock on Friday afternoon, you need to dig up the above-mentioned plant together at the root. This should be done very carefully so that the root does not break off in the process of digging.

Once everything is ready, facing the east side, you need to read the plot, when you say the word "Amen", separate the root from the plant. It is very important! Further, you need to take the root of the mother-and-stepmother to the threshold of the mother-in-law (ideally, bury it in the dream where she lives), and bury the plant itself in the same place where you dug it up. The conspiracy is as follows:

"Coltsfoot! Grass-ant!
Be my intercessor, be my protector!
Be my faith and hope, be my mother!
Help me, dear, always and in everything!
Shorten the evil tongue of my stepmother - my mother-in-law (name),
Pacify her evil thoughts directed at me!
As soon as he decides to shout at me, let him turn to stone,
How he decides to growl at me, let him be dumbfounded!
All her curses, let them return to her,
May all her good deeds be multiplied!
Your roots, coltsfoot are strong, they don't know any barriers,
So the love of my stepmother (name), let me know no barriers!
From now on, I am her daughter, dearer and more desirable than me in the whole wide world.
Her caress is all only for me and my husband,
All her love goes to my house, and it will remain in it!
Let it be so! Let it be so! Let it be so!"

A conspiracy to love a husband to his wife

This conspiracy can be used in two cases:

  • - when you want to make your husband always love you,
  • - and when you have a rival.

This conspiracy is very strong, it is for this reason that it helps to solve two issues at once.

However, it is important to know that this conspiracy can only be read by the wife who married her husband in the church, but if there was no wedding, then this conspiracy will not suit you, because it will not help you. You need to read this strong conspiracy at sunset, at sunrise, and at the very moment when the sun is at its zenith, for three days in a row.

The plot is read on the very towel on which you stood when you got married in the church. When the plot is done, your husband will need to wipe himself with this towel. How to do it, figure it out yourself.

Zoryushka-Dawn, a beautiful girl!
You walk high in the sky, you know everything and you see everything far away!
You see, Mother Dawn of my married husband, my zealous husband,
You see where and with whom he meets his morning, with whom he greets the day and where he goes to supper.
Be to him, Zarya-Zoryushka, a guiding star, be a light to him in the night, lead him to my doorstep.
So that he does not know any other fate, except to be with me, his wife before God and people!
Let his eyes only look at me, his lips only want to kiss me,
His warm heart belongs only to me, and his violent little head is filled with thoughts of me!
Only I am for him - the light in the window,
Only I for him - Morning Dawn, Day Dawn, Evening Dawn and Night Dawn!
He can't eat without me, he can't drink without me, he can't sleep without me,
There is no life for him without me, for I am his Life.
From a lovebird - a lapel, from a rival - disgust.
Others have hook-hands, lips do not give affection, eyes do not burn with light,
He can’t see the white light anywhere, only in my house, next to me, together with me!
Married in the church, bound with me forever and ever by one oath, my husband (name),
Be always with me (name), your wife in the night, and in the morning, and in broad daylight,
Be with me at the Dawn of the Morning, and at the Dawn of the Day, and at the Dawn of the Evening and the Dawn of the Night!
Taco byst, taco is, taco will be!

In total - in three days you will read the plot 21 times.

Conspiracy to quarrel

This plot is just for those cases when you know for sure that your husband has a mistress and you want to quarrel them. In order to perform this ritual, you will need two pieces of wool - cat and dog.

Before you start reading the plot, you need to do the following:
Refer to the piece cat hair, hold it in your hands and say: “I call you by name (call the name of your mistress, if you know it, if you don’t know the name, then just say - my husband’s mistress). You do the same with the dog's hair, just say, holding it in your hands: “I call you by the name (say the name of your husband).

Once the wool is named, mix it properly. Above the wool, you need to read the following conspiracy three times:

Once the plot is done, you need to put a small piece of wool in your husband's pocket. And so, for a month, every day, without missing, you need given wool put on him. The conspiracy is strong. It acts quickly, but still you should not refuse to fulfill it, despite the return of the husband to the bosom of the family. Just in case, it must be done within 30 days.

Husband love spell

For this plot, you will need a piece of white soap. Actually, it is not this piece of the conspiracy that will be done. How to carry out the conspiracy, see the video clip.

Conspiracy to return the husband

This conspiracy is appropriate to do when your husband left you, and you, by all means, want to return him. To perform the ritual, you need to get up as early as possible on Easter day and go to any store that is in the place where you live. Standing on the threshold of the store, quickly mentally say:

“Jesus Christ is risen! And my husband came back to me!”

Entering the store, you need to buy something in it, but do not take the change. When you leave the store, through the same threshold as you entered, mentally say to yourself: “Paid”!

Conspiracy from a rival

This conspiracy is read specifically in order to protect oneself from a rival, from her intrigues, from her influence. To complete this plot, you need to buy new castle(mounted). Taking it in your hands (holding it open), read the plot (directly into the well itself), standing on one side of the river. Close the lock immediately and throw the key into the water. Having crossed to the other side, throw the castle itself into the water.

Know, my rival, I close you!
My ban cannot be lifted by anyone, just as Belgoryuch Stone cannot be moved!
My word is unshakable, my cause is right, my side is bright!
And you, you podkolodnaya snake, lie here, you will never see my husband!
Key, lock, tongue!
I lock the lock with my tongue and key, I separate you from my husband!
No one can open the lock forever, how can you never get together!

Divorce conspiracy

This conspiracy is very effective! After all, it is done in the spring, at the very time when nature, waking up, is gaining strength, gaining color. It is at this moment that you should ask Mother Nature for help! And she will definitely help you! You need to dig up a bed and plant something, for example, flowers. The moment you throw the seeds into the ground, you say:

Important condition- You shouldn't be distracted.

A conspiracy to love a husband to his wife

This conspiracy is used in those cases when they want the husband's love to be long, so that he not only does not go to the left, but does not even think about it. This conspiracy must be done in the forest, on the night of the full moon. It is important that no one sees or hears you at this moment. It is necessary to shout the plot very loudly, so loudly that the echo repeats it. This conspiracy has been working for seven years, then you need to repeat the ritual.

“The echo is sonorous, the echo is loud!
Forest spirits, night sounds!
Get together, help me (name) give!
Pacify the boiling blood of my husband (name),
Tame his zealous heart!
Proud eyes, black eyes turn on me!
I am bread for him, I am salt for him, I am a spring for him, I am wine for him!
His life is in me, his happiness is born in me!
His thoughts are full of me, his thoughts are full of me!
While he is next to me, in his heart is joy,
As long as he is by my side, everything is easy and simple with him!
And if my husband (name) looks to the side, then everything will immediately turn to dust:
His blood will cool, his heart will ache, his eyes will go out!
Echo loud, echo loud!
Spirits of the forest, sounds of the night,
So be it!
I conjure you three times, I beg you three times!
Only with me he can see happiness!
Key. Lock. Language"!

Conspiracy from a rival

A conspiracy from a rival on a poppy

This conspiracy is traditionally considered one of the most powerful. After all, he is protective. To do this, you will need a Mac. Yes, regular poppy. You can shop, but best of all - home, the one that grew up in the garden. The conspiracy must be spoken on the poppy and sprinkled under its own threshold within twelve days. This poppy will not allow your rival to take your husband away from you or do something bad to you.

Separation conspiracy

If you have convicted your husband of treason, or have not yet convicted, but you know for sure that he is cheating on you, you need to do the following rite. After all, he helps to separate the husband from his mistress. The conspiracy is very strong!

You need to take two threads (no matter what - woolen or synthetic): black and red. Approximately one meter long. Tie them at the beginning and tie them at the end. From one knot to another - the threads need to be twisted together. Next, you need to read a conspiracy over these two twisted threads. When you read, tear the threads. By the end of the plot, all your threads should be broken. When the plot is read and the threads are broken, they must be burned.

“I am walking on the straight road, I am walking on the bright road, I am walking on the right road.
I am my rival (name) walks along a crooked path, but with pits and potholes, with mud, and lumps!
In an open field, a stone lies, a devil and a devil sit on it.
Yes, not just sitting, but tearing out each other's eyes, tearing each other's wool and throwing it in the wind!
There is no rest for them, there is no light for them, from summer to summer!
From spring to spring, from autumn to autumn, from winter to winter - they are doomed to fight!
So is my husband (name) with my rival (name),
How will those devils be from summer to summer, from spring to spring,
From autumn to autumn, from winter to winter - fight and fight, deciding which of them is in charge.
They will fight not for life, but to the death, not knowing how to breathe, looking in different directions.
My word is strong, my intention is firm.
So be it forever and ever! Amen!"

Conspiracy to return the husband

When a husband goes to a lover, there is little pleasant in this, all the more, there is little pleasant when the children are also left without a father. Any wife wants to protect her family, wants to keep it, and, of course, wants her husband back. This conspiracy is just the same for this case. It must be done on the growing moon. In one breath.

“Voditsa is a bright girl!
My maternal pain is paid for by you!
Your help is waiting for my heart, waiting is torn!
Let my son (name) turn to me, to his mother (name), turn his face,
Let your heart respond to my call!
I am always the first
His wife is always second!
To be so now and forever and ever! And until they are finished!

Mother-in-law conspiracy

This conspiracy is read when between the daughter-in-law and the mother-in-law suddenly (for no apparent reason) ran black cat. Everything went well for the time being, and then something happened (no one even understood what it was), and everything suddenly went topsy-turvy. Quarrels began, mutual claims and accusations began. As if someone really damaged the relationship.

If there are such suspicions, you need to read this plot three times a day, three days in a row. Then three days break and repeat everything again. Then again for three days to make a break and again for three days to read the plot. This plot is read in the morning (at sunrise), afternoon and evening, at sunset:

Conspiracy from hatred of mother-in-law to son-in-law

There is nothing worse when two people close to you whom you love cannot find each other. common language. This conspiracy is read on a poppy, it helps to reconcile the two sides: mother and husband, or, in other words, mother-in-law and son-in-law. The charmed poppy must be carefully poured into the pocket of the mother and husband, but this must be done so that neither he nor she notices it. No need to pour zhmenu, just a couple of grains is enough. After all, if you pour a lot, firstly, it will cause suspicion, and secondly, the poppy will be thrown away. Your task is to keep them with this poppy in their pocket for as long as possible.

Here is the text of the spell:

Conspiracy of hate

This conspiracy can be used in cases where there is no harmony between the parents of the wife and the parents of the husband. When each of the parties pulls the blanket over itself, each considers himself right and is not ready to compromise. This conspiracy must be read into the water, and then this water must be poured into the parents' drink (both of them).

Any woman longs for all her whims and desires to be fulfilled. But not everyone is lucky with husbands who are ready for anything for the sake of their beloved wife. If a family has already been created, then it is simply necessary to look for compromises so that it does not come to a divorce. If the husband is not always ready to compromise and is constantly experienced by the woman, then it is simply necessary to look for methods to solve such a problem. Agree that conventional psychological methods are ineffective in such cases. But, if you want to quickly and effectively achieve your goal, then a strong conspiracy to obedience to your husband will come to the rescue. You can make a man obedient in ordinary home conditions.

How these rituals work

A conspiracy to obedience to her husband has several very important nuances. Its essence lies in the fact that it is aimed at changing the information field between spouses. With its help, such an option is achieved that mutual respect, passion and love will reign in the family. As a result, both husband and wife will listen to each other more and fulfill the desire of their partner.

Experts recommend that a strong conspiracy to obedience to the husband be carried out only at those moments when the wife herself is ready to make concessions, because the ritual does not work for one person, but for the whole couple at once. At such moments, the magical ritual will become last stone in building a well-being wall. If you conduct a magical rite due to the fact that anger at your husband boils in your soul for not fulfilling your whim, then nothing good will come of it. Thus, harmony in the family is unrealistic to achieve.

If you read a special strong conspiracy to submissive your husband, then you can simply deprive a man of his own opinion. And literally in a few months, the wife herself will not be happy with such obedience of her man, because he will become spineless.

In what situations is this rite applied?

Such rituals are usually used in certain situations.

  1. A wife can carry out obedience conspiracies at those moments when she simply no longer wants to constantly quarrel with her husband. Especially if the quarrel arises out of important reason, but just like that.
  2. The obedience of a man will help to arrange harmony in the house and receive from him small gifts. Such rituals will help teach the spouse to give gifts to his woman and help her with household chores. It is for such situations that our ancestors created a universal method of raising a man.
  3. Sometimes conspiracies to make the husband obey can be carried out by mothers-in-law. If they really want their daughter to be successfully married and never quarrel with her husband, then hold such magical methods just necessary.
  4. Sometimes magical prayers for raising a husband are necessary in those situations when the situation in the family is heating up. That is, we urgently need to talk about something very important and the opinion of each person present is required. In order for the outcome of the situation to be as the woman needs, she reads special words.

Ritual with water

The easiest way to make the husband obey is to read the water slander. It can be found at the Siberian healer Stepanova. First of all, the wife must wake up. She should drink a small amount of water, and then with special words and prayers, speak the drink for her husband.

The words of the prayer are as follows:

“I, the servant of God (name), want to raise my husband and make him obedient. First, it will be calmer. And secondly, my life will improve a lot. Tired of constantly quarreling and trying to sort things out. As soon as the words of my prayer reach heaven, the Lord will do everything, if only our married couple became much better. My husband is very good man, but a strong conspiracy to his humility will never be superfluous. As a wife, I read these words. He must become obedient and obey only me. Amen".

The charmed water must be given to the spouse so that he drinks it completely. If the water is not drunk to the bottom, then no result can be achieved. Remember to behave normally. Do not provoke a man to quarrels and misunderstandings. You just have to be patient and it will all work out soon. Be sure that after some time, the spouse will become a completely different person and will take care of you.

How to speak men's underpants

Sexual energy always has a much greater influence on a person than any other. If we consider the fact that the male sex is quite polygamous, then their sexual energy is manifested much more than the female one. Some experts are sure that it is an excess of sexual energy that can influence the development of scandals in the family.

In some cases, it is appropriate to perform a ritual on the husband's underpants. A woman should remember that it is best to read a strong conspiracy on a man's day. Perfect option- It is Monday. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the process of the growth of the moon must take place. Due to the fact that you call new emotions into your life, the moon will contribute to this much better. Take your loved one's underwear and go outside with them. Stand so that the moonlight illuminates them.

“Let my husband stop provoking me, the servant of God (name) on constant quarrels. As soon as we see each other, he will burn to me with the most sincere feelings love. There will never be any anger or hatred in our family again. Let him listen to me with his mouth open. He must accept my words as something sacred. But the scandals he must remove from our lives. I was so tired of constantly participating in conflicts that I had to use the services of magic. I wish that he always obeyed his wife. May my husband forever forget all the sorrows and troubles and begin to happen every word of mine. Everyone wants us to be happy. Amen".

How to perform a ritual with moonlight

If you really want to tame your spouse, you can immediately ask for help from the night luminary. The moon has a very large energy and will be able to direct your spouse in the right direction.

As soon as you see the growing moon in the sky, you should immediately read the following words of prayer:

“The sky did not live a single day without the presence of the moon. So let my husband not imagine his life without his lawful wife. Only with me can he be happy and understanding. Let him listen to me and always delve into my words. I want him to do everything I ask him to. Only in this way can we live our whole lives together and grow old. If we constantly have conflicts, then we will soon divorce. Nobody wants to get divorced. May the mother of the Lord help us. Amen".