What does a woman feel when the water breaks. How to understand that water is breaking in pregnant women: causes, sensations and important actions

The outpouring of amniotic fluid is a long-awaited, but at the same time, a terrible moment for the expectant mother. When does the amniotic fluid leave and how long does this process take? What should be its color? How do you know if your water broke during pregnancy? What should you do if it finds you at home? We will answer these and related questions in the article.

Amniotic fluid - what is it?

Amniotic fluid, fetal fluid, amniotic fluid is a biologically active liquid medium that is inside the fetal membranes (amnion and chorion) throughout pregnancy. Its importance is also great for the baby - it is his natural environment, ensures the intrauterine life of the child.

Before the onset of childbirth, and sometimes during their process, the bladder, where the child is in the amniotic fluid, bursts, and the waters come out through the natural opening in the mother's body. That is why it is so important to know the answer to the question of how to understand that the waters have broken. After all, this process indicates that you need to urgently go to the maternity hospital, if the expectant mother is still not there.

Terms of departure of waters

Amniotic fluid does not leave at the same time for all women in labor - this is an individual process for each woman. Therefore, the expectant mother should know the answer to the question of how to understand that the waters have begun to break even in the early stages of pregnancy. Practice shows that three scenarios are possible:

  • Premature.
  • Timely.
  • belated.

Let's analyze each of them in detail.

Premature rupture of fetal fluid

The bubble can theoretically burst at any time starting from the 32nd week of pregnancy. If the process began long before the birth of the baby, then we can talk about premature discharge of water.

If you already know how to understand that the waters have broken, but there are no contractions, in no case hesitate, but urgently call an ambulance! At this time, the baby is in serious danger - without the nutrition that the amniotic fluid previously supplied him with. Only experts can help him!

Causes of prenatal outflow of water can be both internal and external. The most common are the following:

  • A fall.
  • Hit.
  • Strong emotional stress.
  • Disease.

The woman at this time is waiting for resuscitation. Doctors make every effort to save the fetus and induce childbirth - after the 32nd week, the child's body is already more or less ready for life in the big world. But still, this state of affairs is dangerous for the baby: a prematurely born child may not survive, despite all intensive resuscitation measures. The situation is complicated by its incorrect presentation - in this case, the umbilical cord may fall out or twist, which leads to oxygen starvation. Therefore, it is worth contacting the hospital immediately.

Timely outpouring

Let's consider the most favorable option, analyzing the question: "How to understand that the waters of a pregnant woman have broken." The amniotic fluid has expired, and the cervix is ​​softened and ajar. At the same time, contractions are already running parallel to the outpouring of waters. If uterine contractions began later, up to 10-12 hours, this is not a pathology.

lingering effusion

Often there is such a state of affairs that for some reason the fetal bladder cannot burst on its own. There is only one way out - amniotomy, its mechanical piercing. There are many reasons for this phenomenon.

Indications for artificial rupture of the bladder are usually the following:

  • Rh-conflict pregnancy.
  • Preeclampsia.
  • Family activity is weak.
  • The baby is overdue.
  • Increased bubble density.
  • Irregular contractions.
  • The cervix is ​​not open.
  • flat bubble.
  • Low percentage of placentation.
  • Polyhydramnios.

You should not be afraid of amniotomy - this procedure is painless for a woman, because the bladder has no nerve endings. She also does not touch the child in any way.

And now let's deal with the sensations that will help answer the exciting question of how to understand whether the water has broken in a pregnant woman. It is important to pay attention not only to how this process goes, but also how the woman feels about it.

How to understand that the waters have broken?

Photos, for ethical reasons, we placed only schematic. However, the following table will easily help you to recreate a complete picture of this process.

sign Description, feelings
ContractionsContractions will begin at the same time as the water breaks or after - this is purely individual. As a standard, the cervix opens first (here you already feel paroxysmal pains in the lower abdomen), and then the bladder bursts. But, we repeat, there is nothing to worry about if the contractions began 10-12 hours after the waters broke.
PainHow do you know if the water has broken? Pain will definitely not be a sure symptom - after all, there are no nerve endings in the bladder. With this gap, there is no discomfort, no burning, no pain. Paroxysmal pain during the outpouring of water is already a sign of contractions that have begun. By the way, it is they who often provoke the rupture of the fruit sac.
LiquidBut a sure sign of how to understand that the waters have departed is precisely the outpouring of liquid. Sensation as if a whole stream of water gushed out of you, very quickly and abruptly. Therefore, this should not be confused with spontaneous urination. It seems to women in labor that a lot of fluid came out - in fact, no more than a liter. But if the waters depart slowly, in parts, this may be a harbinger of a violation of the course of childbirth.
LeaksSometimes so-called leaks testify to the approach of the outpouring of water. But their nature can only be understood in laboratory conditions - in everyday life they can be easily confused with urine or prenatal vaginal discharge.
SoundA clicking, popping, or popping sound inside your body is another unusual sign that your fetus bubble has burst.
CorkNot the most obvious symptom. A clot of mucus can come out both much earlier than the discharge of water during urination, and during the outflow of amniotic fluid. It's also okay if he comes out before the baby is born.

After the waters have departed, you need to pay attention to the color of the liquid.

fruit water color

The color of the amniotic fluid can tell a lot about both the condition of the mother and the child:

  • Yellow. A dull yellow tint, reminiscent of urine, indicates that everything is going as it should, and there is only one problem - to be under the supervision of doctors as soon as possible.
  • Red blood streaks. You should not worry with this nature of the liquid either - before you are the discharge that appeared when the cervix opened.
  • Green. A rather dangerous sign is one of the evidence of insufficiency of fetal waters, which is fraught with oxygen starvation of the child. It may also indicate defecation of the fetus - if these masses enter the baby's lungs, it is dangerous for him with pulmonitis or pneumonia.
  • Brown. The darker the liquid, the more dangerous the situation. May be a sign of intrauterine death of the child.
  • Red. Indicates the beginning of internal bleeding - in the mother or child. We urgently need to take a horizontal position and call an ambulance!

What to do when the waters have broken?

So, your waters broke. What to do first? Calm down the excitement, pull yourself together and try your best to remain calm. And then - to act according to this simple algorithm:

  1. Call an ambulance.
  2. If the color of the waters is brown or red, lie quietly until the arrival of the doctors, without doing anything. Otherwise, follow the instructions.
  3. Change soiled linen. Hygiene procedures should not be carried out so as not to disturb the child - most likely, your cervix is ​​already open.
  4. Dress according to the weather.
  5. Collect the documents and things you need in the hospital.
  6. If contractions have begun, devote yourself to breathing exercises before the doctors arrive.

It is important for a future mother to know how to determine the moment when the waters have broken - this is a sure sign of an approaching birth. The most important thing for her in this situation is to contact qualified doctors as soon as possible and not succumb to excitement.

Amniotic fluid performs several important functions, but first of all, they provide protection to the baby and dampen its movements inside the mother's womb. In normal labor, water usually breaks during the first phase. The ideal option is considered to be the outpouring of amniotic fluid after contractions, with full disclosure of the cervix. But sometimes childbirth does not begin with contractions, but with a rupture of the fetal sac and an outpouring of water. What to do if the waters have broken, but there are no contractions, we will tell in this article.

Causes and signs of outpouring of water

According to statistics, 10% of pregnant women who carried their baby to the due date face premature outflow of water. In almost half of the cases of preterm birth, the process of giving birth to crumbs also begins not with contractions, but with the discharge of amniotic fluid. It is noteworthy that in women in labor whose first pregnancy ended in water discharge before the development of labor, in 35% of cases the scenario is repeated with accuracy during subsequent pregnancies.

The outflow of amniotic fluid can be massive, when a lot of it is immediately poured out, or it can be gradual, when the water gradually leaks due to a small rupture of the fetal bladder. It can be difficult to determine such an outpouring on your own, and therefore it is strongly recommended that women, when changing the nature of the discharge, be sure to inform the attending physician about this.

Before childbirth, a woman's body produces special enzymes that soften the membrane of the fetal sac. It can burst prematurely due to numerous reasons.

  • Ascending infections in the mother(infectious lesions of the genital tract) - the most common cause of preterm pregnancy.
  • Narrow pelvis and abnormal position of the fetus in the uterus- such a reason is more characteristic of cases of full-term pregnancy. In this case, there is no tight fit of the presenting part of the child's body to the pelvis, no division into the so-called anterior and posterior waters is created, almost the entire volume of the amniotic fluid accumulates below and departs. But the risks to the fetus and woman for this reason are minimal.
  • Isthmic-cervical insufficiency- this reason usually accompanies preterm birth, but may also be the first signal of the onset of the birth of a full-term baby.

  • Outside interference- We are talking about invasive diagnostic methods. Some women mistakenly believe that the discharge of water can provoke examinations by a gynecologist or sexual intercourse.
  • Woman's Trouble- we are talking about alcohol abuse during childbearing, about smoking during this crucial period, as well as about women with severe anemia, preeclampsia, edema, underweight or obesity.
  • gestation twins or triplets.
  • Traumatic rupture of the membranes- the fall of a woman on her stomach, on her buttocks, on her back (at any stage of pregnancy).

How to understand that the waters have broken, women are told in antenatal clinics, since this is really a very important skill. With a complete rupture of the fetal bladder, the outflow occurs in a large volume, the stomach immediately visually becomes smaller. It is possible that the mucosal plug may come out simultaneously with the waters or some time before them.

If the ruptures of the fetal sac are small and lateral, then the waters go little by little, gradually. Sometimes we are talking about a few drops. You can pay attention to this after a long stay in a prone position - water accumulates in the genital tract and their departure becomes more noticeable.

If there is a suspicion of water leakage, it is imperative to contact a medical institution, since this condition can threaten the life of the child and mother. At home, you can conduct a pharmacy amniotest, but its accuracy leaves much to be desired.

When should labor begin?

If the waters still receded, there is no need to panic. Normally, contractions should start in about 3-4 hours. This period is considered optimal. But the limits of the allowable latent period are quite wide.

  • If the gestational age from 24 to 28 weeks, before delivery, a month may pass from the moment the waters break. Naturally, the entire period, if the doctors decide to wait, the woman will have to spend on bed rest in a ward with increased sterility measures. An important condition is that not all water should break.
  • During pregnancy from 29 to 37 weeks contractions develop on their own within 24 hours in about half of the women, for the rest the waiting period may be longer - up to a week, which, again, provided that the mother does not have an infection and the mother has no infections, the woman will have to spend in the hospital ward under the supervision of a doctor.
  • From 38 weeks from the moment of outflow to the start of contractions, it usually takes no more than 12 hours for half of the women. The rest of the latency period can last from 24 to 72 hours.

After an amniotomy (puncture of the fetal bladder), it usually takes less time before contractions begin. Without stimulation, they begin within 3-9 hours.

Another question is that waiting for a long latent period is sometimes simply dangerous. The risks for a baby deprived of protective waters are too high. And therefore, the question of delivery is put squarely almost a few hours after the woman goes to the hospital.

In normal childbirth, after the timely outflow of amniotic fluid, the child remains without water for a certain amount of time. In this case, nature has provided a number of compensatory mechanisms. But for longer than 12 hours without health consequences, a baby cannot be without water. The safest period is considered to be 6 hours. After this time, doctors need to decide what to do next in order to save the child and his mother.


Why is the anhydrous period so dangerous for the baby and the woman in labor, why can’t you calmly wait for the end of the latent period and the start of independent contractions?

The most important and most formidable danger lies in the development of an infection that will affect the baby, the inner lining of the uterus. This complication occurs in about a third of cases if the baby stays in the uterus without water for more than 12-24 hours. For a child, this threatens with serious consequences, often death. For the mother, this condition threatens with the removal of the reproductive organ and the inability to further conceive, bear and give birth to a child on her own. Infections do not enter the uterus during pregnancy due to the mucous plug and amniotic fluid, which create an almost sterile environment. If there is no water and plugs, the likelihood of infection with staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus and other bacteria and viruses is high.

For premature babies, if the waters have broken before the 37th week of pregnancy, the situation is complicated by the likelihood of respiratory distress syndrome. In 70% of cases, this complication is the cause of the death of a premature baby.

To avoid such a complication, doctors need to determine the limits of reason with great accuracy - to extend the latent period as much as possible to stimulate the production of surfactant in the lungs of the crumbs with hormones, at the same time, one must not overdo it and not lead to infection of the fetus.

No less formidable complication of the anhydrous period is fetal hypoxia. It occurs due to compression of the umbilical cord and placental abruption, which occurs quite often. The danger of acute oxygen starvation lies in the likelihood of damage to the brain, central nervous system, death of the child. Often, after a long anhydrous period, a child develops cerebral palsy, ischemic brain damage, the degree of consequences of which is commensurate with the degree of hypoxia and the duration of the anhydrous period.

Often, childbirth after the discharge of water proceeds with anomalies. In itself, the early discharge of amniotic fluid is considered a complication of pregnancy and the birth process. However, the lack of water very often leads to the development of contractions, but very weak, insufficient to open the cervix and give birth to a baby. Another common complication of childbirth after the outpouring of water is rapid labor, fast, in which the likelihood of birth trauma is very high.

The formation of strands inside the uterus during a long anhydrous stay is extremely dangerous for the baby. These thin and strong threads can lead to self-amputation of the fetal limbs.

Actions of a woman

If the amniotic fluid breaks or even suspects it, you should call an ambulance. Even if a pregnant woman has a scheduled appointment with a doctor tomorrow, you can’t wait. And even more so, you can’t stay at home to wait for the start of contractions. The latent period can be long, and time is not in favor of the child.

If the waters are opaque, the woman should note what color they are and be sure to inform the doctor at the maternity hospital, where the ambulance will take her.

The color of the waters is essential for the choice of further tactics. If the waters are clear, with a high degree of probability, there is still time, the child feels well, but if the waters are green, dark, gray, with a swampy unpleasant odor, this may indicate the development of an infection, hypoxia, due to which the child the rectum came out the original stool meconium, coloring the water in green or dark color. Water with blood is often a sign of placental abruption.

In all these situations, an urgent decision is made on delivery, the preferred method is surgical - caesarean section.

While waiting for the ambulance team, the woman needs to lie on her side, exclude being in an upright position, sitting.

It is important to make sure that all documents and things necessary for childbirth are prepared. It is necessary that a woman must have a passport with her, a compulsory medical insurance policy, an exchange card from the antenatal clinic with all tests and ultrasound protocols for the entire duration of pregnancy.

No need to drink medicines - any medicines can harm, try to squat more, bend down to cause contractions.

How do doctors act?

Immediately after you are brought to the hospital, doctors will have to quickly make the right decision on what to do next - induce contractions and induce labor, perform a caesarean section, or enter a latent period and try to prolong the gestation as much as possible.

To begin with, they will confirm the fact of rupture of the membranes. The woman will be examined, an ultrasound scan will be done with a change in the amniotic fluid index, and testing will be carried out. Today, the PAMG-1 test (Amnishur) is used for diagnosis, its accuracy is over 99%.

If the fact is not confirmed, the woman will be reassured and sent home, since it is too early for her to give birth. If the diagnosis confirms the rupture of the fetal membrane, they proceed to assess the condition of the woman and the child.

It is important to find out as accurately as possible the estimated weight and height of the fetus, the size of its head, the size of the woman's pelvis, the degree of readiness of her cervix for labor.

If the gestational age is less than 36 weeks, most often they try to do everything possible to wait at least a little, to give the baby the opportunity to accumulate surfactant in the lungs. If there are contraindications to expectant management, the issue of delivery is immediately decided.

If the pregnancy is full-term, and such is the gestation period from 37 weeks and above, the waters were clean, the woman is sent to the antenatal ward and waits for several hours. During this time, she will be examined for infections, and they will also monitor the baby's condition through CTG.

If the contractions are too weak or after 6 hours they are gone, this is a reason to stimulate labor. A woman is given a drip of oxytocin, a hormone that enhances uterine contractions. If after another 6 hours the full disclosure of the cervix has not occurred, a decision is made to conduct an emergency caesarean section.

If the doctors decide that the birth now for the child can be fatal (the risk of respiratory distress syndrome) and a decision is made to prolong it, then the woman is placed in a separate room equipped with germicidal lamps. Cleaning is done 4-5 times a day, linen on the bed is changed once a day, diaper-linings are changed to clean and sterilized once every 3 hours. Strict bed rest and round-the-clock monitoring of the fetal condition are prescribed.


Doctors will keep the pregnancy after the water breaks only if there are no contraindications for staying in the latent period. Such contraindications include infections, inflammatory processes, various complications and pathologies of pregnancy.

All women whose babies have reached a weight of 2600-2700 g or more for a period of 37 weeks of pregnancy and above are trying to give birth without many days of waiting. Women who have children weighing less and for a shorter period will also have to give birth as soon as possible (usually by caesarean section), provided that there are signs of infection or suspicion of fetal problems - Rhesus conflict, hypoxia, signs of abnormalities in KGT.

The discharge of amniotic fluid can have serious consequences for both the child and his mother. That is why it is important to act without panic, but clearly and quickly.

Just in case, a woman from 32-34 weeks should prepare a bag with the necessary things and documents for hospitalization, put it in the corridor, not far from the exit. If the waters break, the outcome of pregnancy and childbirth depends on how quickly she will be in the hospital and will be examined.

From 32 weeks, you should not wear colored underwear, as well as sleep on colored bedding. The very fact of the discharge or leakage of water on them can be detected, but it will be almost impossible to establish the color or shade of water when pouring onto blue, green or red bed linen. It is best to use white underwear and panty liners, which will help with determining the nuances of the color scheme of the amniotic fluid.

There is not a single harbinger of the breaking of the waters. Not a single symptom will appear and indicate that the fetal bladder will burst soon. It happens all of a sudden, unexpectedly, sometimes even without apparent reasons and prerequisites. A woman needs to be extremely prepared for such an event. With the right actions of the woman in labor and the right medical tactics (active or passive, expectant), everything ends well, completely healthy children are born. The likelihood of complications will increase as time is lost.

For information on how the onset of childbirth goes and the water leaves, see the next video.

Along with the appearance of painful contractions, the discharge of amniotic fluid is one of the main and unequivocal harbingers of an early birth. Gynecologists say: it is impossible to miss the outpouring of amniotic fluid. Nevertheless, expectant mothers are overcome by the fear that the water will begin to leak imperceptibly, and precious time will be lost. Is it possible? What does amniotic fluid look like, and when to rush to the hospital? Dispel all doubts together.

The meaning and functions of amniotic fluid

Amniotic fluid fills the bladder that forms the membranes and the placenta. This is a very special environment in which the child develops during all 9 months. Amniotic fluid is actively produced in the initial stages of pregnancy from maternal blood plasma. At a later date, the baby's kidneys also take part in the formation of amniotic fluid. The fluid in the fetal bladder is updated every 3 hours, and, if necessary, replenished.

Amniotic fluid performs important tasks:

  • protect the fetus from various infections due to the high content of immunoglobulins;
  • perform a nutritional function (contain proteins, salts, glucose, fats and vitamins);
  • reduce the pressure of a growing baby on the walls of the uterus;
  • soften the effect of gravity;
  • maintain a stable temperature for the normal development of the child (always around 37 ° C), even if the pregnant woman suffers from heat or cold;
  • muffle too loud sounds of the external environment;
  • help the baby to carry out their first movements;
  • relieve the pressure of the baby's head on the cervix;
  • give the baby the opportunity to go through the birth canal as gently as possible.

When does the amniotic fluid leave?

Ideally, amniotic fluid is poured out at the peak of a strong contraction in the first stage of labor, when the cervix is ​​6-7 cm open. After this, uterine contractions intensify, and the woman's body prepares for the main stage of childbirth - attempts. However, such a development of events is not an axiom. The waters can break even before the onset of contractions or pour out simultaneously with the appearance of the first painful sensations. If this happens after 37 weeks of pregnancy, then the birth will not be considered premature, and there are no fears for the life of the mother and baby.

Sometimes the outflow of fetal water is delayed, and doctors resort to puncturing the bladder directly in the process of childbirth. Such actions are appropriate if:

  • contractions suddenly stopped, and labor does not resume for several hours;
  • the fetal bladder is “flat” (there are no “front waters”), as a result of which the membranes are overstretched and delay the passage of the baby through the birth canal;
  • the fetal membranes are so dense that the waters cannot pour out on their own until the cervix is ​​fully dilated.

Also, pregnant women should know that 1-7 days before childbirth, a mucous plug may begin to move away - a dense clot that covers the cervix during pregnancy. The mucus plug usually comes out not entirely, but in small parts within a few days. Sometimes women mistake cork for water. In fact, it is not difficult to distinguish them: cork is much thicker and darker in color (from light beige to brown with streaks of blood), while water is a non-viscous transparent liquid that does not leave characteristic dried marks on underwear.

If the integrity of the membranes is broken prematurely (before 37 weeks), then the amniotic fluid begins to leak. This happens for a number of reasons:

  • intrauterine infection;
  • isthmic-cervical insufficiency in the mother;
  • anomalies in the structure of the uterus;
  • trauma;
  • multiple pregnancy.

Often, water leakage goes unnoticed by the expectant mother and is not detected in time, as the woman cannot distinguish amniotic fluid from urine or vaginal discharge. If in doubt, you can use a special pharmacy test or resort to a home experiment. To do this, it is necessary to empty the bladder, conduct hygiene of the genital organs, wipe dry and lie down on a clean diaper or sheet for at least 40-60 minutes. If a wet spot remains on the fabric, then the discharge from the vagina is water. In this case, a pregnant woman should urgently contact the antenatal clinic. The specialist will assess the condition of the pregnant woman and the baby and suggest the best tactics for maintaining pregnancy.

What sensations does a woman in labor experience when amniotic fluid is discharged?

Shortly before the outflow of amniotic fluid, a woman may feel discomfort or a slight pulling pain in the lower abdomen. The discharge of water itself is not accompanied by painful sensations, since the fetal bladder does not have nerve endings. The only thing that a woman can notice is a strong wetting of the crotch area, as well as underwear and clothes. During a sharp rupture of the fetal bladder, you can hear a soft pop or crack. This is also completely normal.

How much liquid should go?

The amount of amniotic fluid increases throughout the entire period of pregnancy. By the time of the expected birth, their volume reaches 1-1.5 liters. When the membranes rupture, most often not all water comes out, but only 150-200 ml of liquid. These are the so-called "front" waters, which are located between the cervix and the baby's head. The remaining liquid can flow out in a thin stream gradually: during movements, coughing, bending over and directly during contractions. In some cases, all the waters are poured out at once. It resembles a strong flow of fluid that cannot be stopped by squeezing the pelvic floor muscles. This is usually followed by painful contractions.

What color should amniotic fluid be?

The amniotic fluid should be clear or slightly pinkish without any odor. The presence of inclusions and white "flakes" in the amniotic fluid is also considered normal. This is a transfer lubricant that protects the baby from injury, as well as a fluff that covers his body - lanugo.

Green, brown or brown waters indicate that they have got a large amount of meconium - the baby's original feces. In addition, the waters can turn dark green as a result of the aging of the placenta, which no longer copes with its functions. Another reason is a disease suffered by a woman during pregnancy: SARS, influenza, or an infectious lesion of the urinary tract. You should not panic at the sight of green waters, however, when you enter the hospital, be sure to notify the doctor about their color, smell and consistency.

Bright pink or red waters with lots of blood clots are the most dangerous condition. They signal the beginning of the detachment of the planet and internal bleeding. Therefore, a pregnant woman must be taken to a medical facility as soon as possible.

How to act during the discharge of water?

Regardless of the amount of water, you must go to the hospital immediately. If the waters are clear and contractions have not yet begun, or if there is only slight discomfort, a pregnant woman can drive herself to the hospital by car or taxi. It is best to lie on your side in the back seat of the car to alleviate discomfort and minimize the risk of cord prolapse. If the color of the amniotic fluid causes concern, and the pregnant woman is in severe pain, it is better to call an ambulance team and go to a medical facility under the supervision of professionals.

Pregnant women also need to remember that the passage of amniotic fluid increases the risk of infection of the fetus. Therefore, you should not independently resort to hygiene procedures (shaving or cleansing enema) at home.

How long does it take to give birth after water breaks?

After the outflow of amniotic fluid, the countdown of the so-called "anhydrous period" begins. Therefore, it is very important to fix the exact time of the bubble burst. Natural labor should begin within 6-12 hours. Otherwise, there is a risk of acute fetal hypoxia and the development of complications in the child. In the absence of contractions after the outflow of water, the obstetrician-gynecologist decides on the stimulation of labor or operative delivery.

Thus, despite the fact that the departure of the waters actually does not occur as brightly and dramatically as in feature films, this event is definitely exciting. And most importantly, it means that childbirth is just around the corner, and very soon the woman will meet her long-awaited baby.

Especially for- Olga Pavlova

How to understand that the waters have broken, and should they leave normally before the active start of contractions? How not to miss the start of labor? The closer the date of the proposed meeting with the baby, the more anxious the mother becomes. We will hasten to reassure and give the necessary information.

Amniotic fluid or amniotic fluid surrounds the baby in the amniotic sac. They are necessary to protect it from infections, noise, shocks, etc. Their outpouring occurs when the baby's head presses on the front wall of the bladder. As a result, it breaks, and the anterior amniotic fluid flows out.

As a rule, this is a volume of water up to 200 ml. And how do the waters leave - what are the visual signs and sensations at the same time? Experienced mothers answer that the discharge of amniotic fluid occurs in a strong jet or stream. But it is very palpable and obvious, to be confused with urination or vaginal discharge.

Situations are also possible when small cracks form on the bubble and water begins to leak. In such cases, the number of allocations is very small. And to determine that it is amniotic fluid is not easy.

An amniotic test will help to understand that a pregnant woman's water has broken before childbirth. It is similar in use to a pregnancy test. Only now it needs to be immersed in selections. They have an alkaline environment, and therefore will be determined on the test strip. But this test must be performed by a medical professional so that it is informative. There are also pads with a similar function, but for home use. It is very comfortable. It is enough to wait for the discharge from the vagina to get on the pad, you do not need to take any smears.

And if it turned out - it really broke the water, what to do in such a situation? You should contact your doctor immediately. In the early stages, this is a pathology and requires urgent treatment. In general, water leakage is dangerous up to 38-40 weeks. That is, before the expected date of birth. An open fetal bladder is a free access to infections to the baby. Mom can get hurt too.

After the specified period, the discharge of amniotic fluid indicates the onset of labor. Although sometimes this happens even before the start of contractions. Your actions should be as follows. Be sure to remember what color and smell the liquid came out of you. Normally, it should be transparent, with a sweet smell and white flakes. Chances are your baby is fine. Slowly gather in the hospital and go to give birth.

If the color of the discharge is greenish, with dark blotches, then this indicates an insufficient supply of oxygen to the fetus and the presence of original feces in them - meconium. The water may also have a pinkish tint, indicating the onset of placental abruption. Both cases require immediate hospitalization.

Labor activity can catch you at an unexpected time and in a completely inappropriate place, so it is very important to pack a bag for the maternity hospital in advance and not leave the house without your exchange card, so that in the event of a possible emergency, you no longer care about fees.

The worries that arise in pregnant women before childbirth are not in vain, because the birth of each child is individual and can occur in different ways, even if a woman already has children. The discharge of water is always a reliable indicator of the onset of labor. However, for some, they are poured out completely, and for someone gradually. How to determine that amniotic fluid is starting to drain, and what to do about it? Is it possible not to notice the outpouring of liquid? These are the main issues that are relevant for all pregnant women and especially for nulliparous women. They require detailed explanation.

Signs of breaking water

The fluid that surrounds the baby throughout pregnancy is called amniotic fluid, or amniotic fluid. When the fetus grows up and is completely ready for its birth, it presses hard on the walls of the bubble, and it bursts, and water pours out.

Depending on the size of the crack and the location of the rupture of the bubble, the liquid is poured out completely or gradually. In the first case, it will not be difficult to determine that the waters have departed, and in the second, difficulties usually arise. How to understand that the waters have broken? You can determine that the bubble has burst, and you can recognize the onset of labor by the following signs:

  • Basically, the water leaves at night, when the pregnant woman is sleeping. Women in labor note that they wake up from the feeling of a wet bed. Those who have a bladder tear during the day feel some pressure in the lower abdomen before pouring out the liquid. Many do not feel anything before the discharge of amniotic fluid. It is not uncommon for fluid to be poured into the toilet when urinating, when a woman strains a little. This situation is a reason to fear that the waters will depart imperceptibly.
  • A pregnant woman may feel cotton inside herself, and then abundant moisture, sometimes similar to urinary incontinence, which is a reliable sign of a rupture of the intrauterine bladder.
  • Experts say that at the beginning of the outpouring, the volume of amniotic fluid is equal to one glass (200-250 ml), but in practice the amount of outgoing water may differ.
  • When the rupture of the amniotic sac is formed from above, the waters leave gradually, which leads to oxygen starvation of the baby due to the slowly decreasing volume of amniotic fluid. This is very dangerous for the health of the child.

Passage of amniotic fluid before contractions

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When contractions begin, doctors do not recommend rushing to the hospital, because they can be training. It happens that preparatory contractions last for a month. However, if the nature of cramping pains is periodic and regular, we can assume that the birth process has begun.

During normal labor activity, the process of discharge of intrauterine waters should occur after the onset of contractions. Their sign is a periodically increasing pulling or pressing pain in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region, which is regular. If the outflow occurred before contractions, while labor did not begin, such a pregnant woman must be urgently hospitalized, because a child without amniotic fluid can be in the womb for about 12 hours, after which his life will be in danger.

In case of early discharge of amniotic fluid, professional monitoring of the condition of the mother and child is necessary. If, after the outflow of water, labor activity is poorly developed or does not exist at all, doctors will take appropriate measures for a successful delivery. Untimely seeking help can lead to complications and harm the life and health of not only the baby, but also his mother.

Timely outpouring of water

Although nature takes 40 obstetric weeks to bear a child, the baby may appear earlier than this period. Most often, primiparous women give birth at 38 weeks, while the baby is considered full-term. It is in primiparous mothers that a feeling of anxiety arises, why the water does not pour out when the contractions have already begun.

There is no need to worry about this, because the outflow of intrauterine fluid during childbirth is considered timely, when contractions have a regular cycle, and the cervix has opened at least 4 cm. if he didn't break himself.

belated process

In some situations, the amniotic sac does not open on its own. The reason for this is:

  • excessive bubble density;
  • delayed pregnancy;
  • preeclampsia;
  • violation of labor activity;
  • Rh-conflict of the child and mother;
  • weak labor activity.

If the amniotic sac does not rupture naturally before or during childbirth, then there are indications for amniotomy - artificial piercing with medical instruments. This procedure is absolutely painless, and you should not be afraid of it. After opening the bladder, the amniotic fluid departs and labor activity becomes more intense.

What sensations does a woman in labor experience when amniotic fluid is discharged?

What sensations does a woman in labor experience when amniotic fluid is poured out? This question is mainly of interest to primiparous mothers. After childbirth, women compare the sensations that occur when the waters are completely poured out with a feeling of emptiness. When the bladder ruptures, the large and round abdomen suddenly becomes smaller. The contractions then intensify, the pain reaches its peak.

If the rupture of the bubble is small and occurs before the onset of contractions, then the woman may not even feel that it has burst. She will feel only copious watery discharge, which is sometimes compared to spontaneous urination.

How much liquid should go?

For most pregnant women, it is important to know how much fluid should pass. With a normal pregnancy and a lower rupture of the fetal sac, the anterior part of the amniotic fluid is poured out immediately. Such an outpouring is compared by many with a sharp squelching and sometimes an intense stream, so it is difficult to miss it. New moms usually compare the amount of discharge with a bucket of water. It seems to them that there is a lot of liquid, but this is not so.

When the fetal bladder breaks, about 600-1000 ml of fluid is immediately poured out. The rest (about 200 ml) will go away little by little.

What color is amniotic fluid?

It is important for every woman who is preparing to become a mother to know in advance about the color of amniotic fluid during childbirth and what does it mean when it differs from the norm? If the waters have broken at home, mommy should definitely pay attention to their shade. This will make it possible for the woman herself and the specialists to decide what actions need to be taken for a subsequent successful delivery. The color of the liquid may look like this:

  1. Transparent waters are an indicator of the norm. At the same time, some compare their smell with breast milk, which after childbirth provokes the child to look for the mother's breast. A woman in labor can call an ambulance and calmly prepare for a trip to the hospital.
  2. A cloudy yellowish color of the liquid is also considered normal if a woman feels well. Water may break while going to the toilet when urinating. In this case, the liquid will turn yellow, which is not a cause for concern.
  3. Water may have pink and red blotches. This is usually the result of mucus from the dilating cervix entering the amniotic fluid from the start of its discharge. With a natural color (yellow or colorless), you should not worry.
  4. If the amniotic fluid has a green color, this indicates the presence of a large amount of meconium in the amniotic fluid during the defecation of the baby or oligohydramnios. Both of these reasons can cause irreparable harm to the health of the child. With oligohydramnios, the baby experiences oxygen starvation, causing brain hypoxia, which sometimes leads to the death of the child. Ingestion of meconium by a baby also leads to negative consequences, such as pneumonia and pulmonitis.
  5. If the waters have broken and their color is brown, it is urgent to call an ambulance, describing your situation. The darker the color, the greater the risk of death of the child.
  6. The situation is no less dangerous if there is blood in the waters, especially with a bright red color. This is a sign of open bleeding. This situation threatens the life of not only the child, but also his mother. In this case, the woman needs urgent medical attention. While the team of doctors is traveling, you need to take a horizontal position and limit your movements.

How to act during the discharge of water?

Usually women prepare for childbirth in advance. They collect things in the maternity hospital according to the list issued by the doctor. For most, the package of necessary supplies is ready from the beginning of the 3rd trimester, so if contractions occur or the fetal sac breaks at home, the question of what to take to the hospital is not worth it. Each mother should understand that without amniotic fluid, the child will live for about 12 hours, therefore, when opening the fetal sac, mandatory hospitalization is necessary.