Toothache conspiracy: myth or reality. Prayer for toothache to the Blessed Virgin. Ritual with radish

IN modern world people are divided into two categories: believers and non-believers. Fewer people adjoin the second one, and even many medical specialists are already inclined to believe that beliefs in the strength and power of conspiracies, corruption and other mystical rituals actually exist. Many people are interested in the possibility of being cured of diseases (if traditional medicine does not help) with the help of slander and visiting grandmothers, which Lately there was enough. But there are a number of magical rituals that can be performed independently and knowledgeable people I do not hide them, but prefer to tell and teach the skill of small therapeutic actions. For example, the simplest is a conspiracy for toothache.

In order to use conspiracies, you must be confident in them. Of course, you can spend time looking for a medicine man and try to find out his secrets. white mage he will do so, he will recommend the text, and it can be used in the future. But how can you be sure that you will get to bright person that he is not a charlatan and, in general, will give real conspiracy? Too many "buts".
The second option also has its pitfalls. The Internet provides a rather large number of versions of the same text in order to speak toothache Once and for all. Among the heap, all invented, it is necessary to recognize the effective one. How to find out what conspiracies and prayers will help?

  1. As for prayers, everything is simple here. You go to a church or monastery, where such books are sold, and buy a specially created prayer book. It has a huge number of texts that are used in various diseases. Moreover, they indicate why they are and how many times to read. At home, such prayers also work, as in temples. A good recipe so that the tooth or teeth do not hurt.
  2. If you prefer magical actions, so you have to be careful here. Follow the words of the text. You should not use a conspiracy if the appeal goes to the dead, any evil spirits or evil spirits.
  3. The structure of a conspiracy against toothache always consists of three main parts. The first is the beginning. In other words, an introduction that describes our actions. For example: “I will go out into a wide field, a clean wind will blow me, I will see a field flower in the field ...”. There must be action first. You need to go and see something.

Next is the main part. We ask the one we saw. Again, the characters must be positive. Maybe fabulous, but always kind and fearless. They are asked for help to remove pain, cure teeth, stop injury and destruction of tooth enamel, etc.
The last part is the final one. It already contains gratitude for the help and the way back home. Once you have gone somewhere in the text, then you also need to return. As a rule, the text should be closed. The following words can be used for this: “Amen!”, “Key. Language. Castle”, “Do not interrupt my request”, etc.

  1. The text can be addressed not only to mythical and fabulous creatures, but also to God, Christ, Mother of God. It all depends on what time the conspiracy was created from the diseased tooth (pre-Christian times or already during the adoption of Christianity).

Acquaintance with conspiracies and rules

You have already decided and found the text that suits you. Now it's up to you how you spend it, what you do.
Firstly, any conspiracy for toothache must be read in a whisper. For it to really help and your teeth stop hurting, do not confuse the words in the text. If it is indicated that when casting a spell it is necessary to use a candle, wand or other ritual things, then their presence is mandatory. Be sure that this action will help.
Secondly, it is not desirable that there are many people in the room where the teeth are talking or that you are constantly distracted. This will not give a positive result. You need complete concentration on what is happening.
Thirdly, if additional things were used (shelves, splinter, apple, bone, etc.), you must immediately take it out of the house. Thus, you complete your actions.

As already known, it is the words that act on the aching tooth to a greater extent. They are built according to a special principle and scheme. That is why in no case should you change their places in the spell.
Let's move on to the famous conspiracies. There are not very many of them.

Why do people still believe in miracles?

The existence of such forces that can help is known for a long time. In some cases, even scientists have ceased to oppose this fact. Checking the strength of the water after the conspiracy, it was found that the structure of the water had already completely changed. Indeed, new substances appeared in it, which did not exist before the reading. Every day an opportunity to heal folk ways supported by facts. Through research, it was found that the words are constructed in such a way that the formula is visible. Optionally, this text will look like a verse. There must be a formula here, only then the effect will be felt.
People, realizing that science also proves the existence of such moments, come to the conclusion that folk wisdom embodied in conspiracies will really help. If you still have doubts about the effectiveness of conspiracies, then think about how people used to live without medicines and doctors? They could only turn to the healer, who performed the rites.

Toothache is one of the most common problems humanity. How to deal with this scourge if anesthetics do not help or if you simply do not have them? How to appease pain syndrome before going to the doctor? A conspiracy for toothache will help.

Strong water ritual

You need to read a conspiracy from toothache to water on a waning moon, which will help reduce pain. Such magic helps to eliminate even the strongest discomfort even under the crown of the tooth.

So, stand in front of the moon at the window, take a glass of sacred water in your hand and read the words of the spell:

“Our Guardian, the Lord, give me strength to perform this sacrament. Fill my body with health and energy, as you give it all to water. Be merciful to me, deliver me from this disease. Amen".

Pour the water outside, and immediately go to bed. After a few hours, you will feel the relief.

Ritual for the Newborn Moon

If your teeth hurt very badly, and it so happened that there is a young month in the sky, this very one will suit you. strong rite. Stand near the window, look at the month and read the conspiracy words:

“The moon is young, it illuminates with silver, you shine brightly and the power in you is the most powerful. Come down from heaven to me and take away my ailment. I give you all the bad teeth along with the pain. Make this sore leave me forever. Amen".

After that, you need to try to fall asleep and not talk to anyone. In the morning your toothache will be gone.

Conspiracy to the starry sky

The very name of the ritual indicates when it should be performed. So, in order to speak a bad tooth, you need to stand at the window, look at the sky strewn with stars and read the following words:

“Dawns are bright and bright, cover my ailment with a white sheet. Let the toothache recede and leave me forever. There will be no pus, no flux, no redness, no pain on my teeth. My teeth will be whiter, stronger than stone. Amen".

After that, you need to drink a glass of holy water and read the Our Father prayer.

Day plot in the sun

How to speak so that your tooth does not hurt? On a sunny day, stand in front of the sun so that it illuminates you. Push on sore spot and read seven times the conspiracy words to yourself:

“How this bright and red sun shines and shines, in the evening it sets over the horizon. So let my sore go with him and never come back. Amen".

After a couple of hours you will feel relief, and your toothache will gradually fade away.

Ritual for a thin month

There is another most powerful conspiracy for a toothache that needs to be read for a thin month. At midnight, with a clear sky, when you see a young month, stand in front of it and read the magic words:

“A young month with golden horns, with silver legs. You have been in that world where there are many souls. Do they have toothache? They don't hurt. So let this sore leave me as a servant of God (name). Amen".

Remember that such magic will only work if you strongly and sincerely believe in it.

candle wax ritual

Take a church candle, break off a piece of wax and speak it:

“Thirty-three dead men lie on a distant island. Their teeth do not hurt and do not ache. So let me never experience this, and let that sore that is, let it leave me forever. Amen".

To correctly and effectively speak a toothache, the words of the rite must be read three times. This piece of wax will become your amulet. It can be applied to the affected area. It will relieve you of even the most severe toothache.

Conspiracy on a tree

If you are suffering from toothache and do not know how to relieve it, do a very simple and powerful ritual against toothache. For this you need a wooden stick. Take her in right hand and read the following words:

“Just as this tree does not feel anything, so may my teeth stop hurting and become numb until the end of time. My words are strong and dexterous, will come true quickly. Amen".

After reading the ritual, go to bed and do not talk to anyone.

Healing ritual for thunder

Such a ritual will help not only eliminate discomfort on the teeth, but also prevent their occurrence. It can also be used to strengthen teeth.

The magical action is carried out in early spring during the first thunder and thunderstorm. It is certainly difficult to predict, but the result is worth it.

While rumbling in the sky, pick up any hard object and better stone, and bite it with your teeth several times, then read the conspiracy words:

“The stone is hard, strong and dead, so my teeth will become strong and hard. Nothing will destroy or crush them. They will never get sick, whine and fester. Amen".

Having finished this ritual, you need to dig the stone in a secluded place so that no one will find it. With it, you drop all your diseases and ailments associated with teeth.

Whispers on the water

"Gathered Holy Mother of God help the servant of God (your name). She called for help from all the apostles and the guardian angel. They stood together and wished get well soon martyr and servant of God (name). May his teeth never hurt, ache, fester or crumble. So be it. Amen".

After whispering, you need to drink water in small sips. Healing water will pacify your suffering.

Nettle conspiracy

How to speak a toothache on nettles? It's simple but very effective ritual, which will help you eliminate dental disease not only for an adult, but also for a child.

To perform such a ceremony, you need to find a fresh nettle bush in the garden. Stand in front of him and read the conspiracy words:

“The nettle is stinging, holy. Help me, the servant of God (your name), heal the disease, get rid of the pain. Get all the filth out of my bad tooth. If you do not fulfill my desire, then I will dry you. And if the pain will pass my illness with your help, I will let you go. Amen".

In order for a conspiracy against toothache to help, every word must be read clearly and loudly. After reading the spell three times, pin the nettle to the ground with a staple, and untie it on the third day.

Ritual with radish

This is very Old Slavonic effective rite. To speak a bad tooth to yourself, you will need:

  • radish;
  • pine or spruce branch.

Read the text of the plot:

“On a far, far away island, which is located beyond the seas, oceans, there is a church, and in it is the Mother of God. She asks all the saints to expel the sore from the servant of God (name). All the saints of heaven, you don’t know toothache, so I want to get rid of it as soon as possible and not experience it anymore. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After that, take a piece of radish, fold it together with the knot and attach it to the aching tooth. This is very effective remedy. Within a couple of hours, your teeth will stop hurting.

Very strong pain killer

This is another Old Slavic most effective rite that our ancestors performed, referring to the pagan gods. This white magic helps to eliminate not only toothache, but also pain in joints and bones.

Take a small slice of bread, which can be applied to an aching tooth and read the text:

“Khlebushek - you are our breadwinner. You support and prolong our life. So deliver me, a servant of God, from painful torment. May my toothache disappear. Amen".

Quick Ritual

If you want to quickly get rid of a dental disease, this simple but very powerful rite will help you. Read the plot three times:

“Saint Cain, ask your brother Abel. Does his teeth hurt? So may the servant of God (name) stop suffering from this misfortune. Amen".

After reading the plot, get up, cross yourself, read the prayer "Our Father" and go to bed. Quick Plot against toothache will work in a couple of hours.

Strawberry Ritual

A strong conspiracy from a sick tooth with strawberries is read all alone. To carry it out, you will need strawberry roots - 3 pcs. and holy water. Dip the roots in the water and say healing prayer phrases for yourself:

“The strawberry roots dry up, my teeth stop hurting forever. Amen".

After the ceremony, attach one root to the sore spot, and drink holy water.

Conspiracy on rowan

Find a rowan tree, gnaw its bark, then read the plot:

“Rowan red, heal my toothache. I beg you, help me get rid of this disease. If you don't help, I'll gnaw you all out."

Prayer conspiracy

Before you conduct this most effective conspiracy for toothache, you need to read the words of the Our Father prayer in complete solitude. Then read the text of the plot:

“The moon is in the sky, the fish is in the water, the worm is in the ground. Do not converge them and never be together. Likewise, I, the servant of God (name), will never suffer from this scourge. Amen".

If the toothache is the result of a wisdom tooth sprouting, ice should be handled with care as it can further aggravate the pain.

A conspiracy from the soreness of wisdom teeth

We all know that a sprouting wisdom tooth is a real pain. This phenomenon is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, itching, pain and swelling of the gums in the area of ​​​​cutting the tooth. An effective conspiracy will help to dull and eliminate the symptoms.

To carry it out you will need:

  • watch (preferably sand, but you can get by with ordinary ones);
  • church candle;
  • white thread.

Light a candle, put a clock in front of it. Take the thread in your hand and read:

“As this candle burns down, so let my pain subside. As this time passes, so let my pain take away with it. I will bandage my aching tooth with a thread, and then I will burn it and bury my ailment. Amen".

Rite for strong and healthy teeth

If your teeth often hurt, crumble and fall out, only strong teeth will help you folk conspiracies from toothache. One of them is shown below.

To perform such a ritual, you need to find something solid, such as a stone - pebbles or granite. In the future, such an item will become your talisman and will be a protection against this disease.

Lightly bite the stone three times and say the plot:

Ritual for the young moon

When the sky is clear and the young month, stand in front of it and read the incantation words:

“Clear, silvery month, you shine brightly in the sky. Help me eliminate my toothache. Let every worm that lives in a diseased tooth die. Will you protect me with your strength, power and energy from this misfortune for a month. Amen".

Another rite for the new month

Here is another most powerful rite that Natalya Stepanova offers. In the phase of the birth of the moon, you need to read the conspiracy words from the disease of the teeth:

“You have a month of a young brother. His name is Filat. As he is young, so are his teeth young, strong, do not ache and do not hurt. I want my teeth to stop hurting too. My words are under lock and key. My will will be fulfilled. Amen".

Quick spell for toothache

This ritual, which Natalya Stepanova offers, must be read in silence and without strangers, otherwise it will not work.

You need to lightly tap on the cheek in the place where the sore tooth is located and read the words of the spell:

"You are strong like a stone wall, white as chalk, and my illness - go away, you are not my destiny."

These are very popular conspiracies by Stepanova, which have been tested by many and the result of their implementation is positive.

Conspiracy rituals for children

Conspiracies from children's toothache are used during the period of the appearance of the first milk teeth. It is during this period that the baby begins to experience discomfort. To eliminate these unpleasant symptoms simple steps need to be taken.

Before reading strong conspiracies for toothache in children, you need to make a kind of talisman with your own hands. Take any item that includes a large number of calcium. Sea, river corals or shells are best suited for this. Take a rope, put seafood on it, tie it, thus making beads. Take this amulet in your hand and read the words of the conspiracy:

“Seashells are strong, do not feel pain, never break them. So let the servant of God (name of the child) never experience a toothache. May his teeth be strong and healthy. Amen".

After that, read the words of the prayer "Our Father". Every time your child's teeth start to hurt, take this amulet in your hands and read the words of the conspiracy.


Remember that such rituals should be performed only when necessary. After all, as you yourself understand, such magic will not help restore lost or destroyed teeth, as well as contribute to the growth of new teeth. Eliminate pain with magical ritual, you in any case after that you need to visit a dentist.

Toothache is one of the most severe and unpleasant. To reduce it, in the old days, healers and healers made special conspiracies. Some of them have survived to this day.

Talking about dental conspiracies, you can do without a long introduction. It is enough to experience these unpleasant sensations from pain in the teeth or gums at least once, and you can believe in any miraculous powers, especially if you have to wait until morning or the end of the working day before visiting the dentist.

When resorting to folk remedies, remember that the disease should not be started. Don't put off going to the hospital. And conspiracies against toothache will help both you and the doctor in his work, and then the pain will go away, the treatment will end in success and will not be painful either.

Natalia Stepanova's conspiracy for toothache

This conspiracy is known: the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova advises him to use it. It sounds simple enough to remember and pronounce with confidence. Do this as clearly as possible, without doubting the power of the words spoken:

A month in the sky, the sun in the oak, freeze, a worm in the tooth. Amen.

Of course, the worm here is just a metaphor. Both disease and pain are embedded in this image at the same time. It's like you're blocking it. But it is important to understand that despite the subsided pain, your tooth is not being treated at this time, it just does not bother you. you should not use a conspiracy instead of an anesthetic all the time. Make arrangements for the aching tooth to be examined by a specialist.

Strong dental conspiracy for 40 repetitions

Before this conspiracy, you need to read "Our Father". We have given his text separately, and you can always.

After praying 40 times in a row, read the slander on the aching tooth:

The moon is in the sky, the worm is in the earth, the fish is in the water, and when the three come together, only then will my (your name or the name of the patient you are talking about) have a toothache.

Quick plot against toothache

Tap your finger on the cheek on the side where your bad tooth is, and say:

Strong as a stone, healthy and white, and ailment is not my destiny.

After that, try to drink a glass of clean water.

Folk remedies for toothache

If the pain is completely unbearable, conspiracies can be strengthened by other folk remedies. For example, an unexpected remedy acts against toothache - massage. Only not a tooth or gum, but a palm. space between thumb and forefinger during massage relieves pain. Read about other secrets of self-massage and try this technique in action.

The power of nature can also help you. For example, oak is known for its strength and life force. Rinse your mouth with a decoction of its bark, and the disease will recede.

Finally, the last. Sometimes a toothache is induced as a punishment for spoken words. Remember if you could accidentally drop someone offensive word, to slander a person, to bring trouble in your own words. If so, then perhaps the teeth hurt just because of this. In this case, to begin with, mentally and sincerely ask the person for forgiveness. And then say:

What has been removed from the tongue has long passed, and you pass, toothache.

We wish you beautiful smile. Remember that in any situation there are folk remedies that will help you. smile more often and don't forget to press the buttons and

06.07.2016 04:45

Herbal preparations they are known for being a kind of pantry of folk knowledge. They affect...

Probably, there is no person in the world who has not had a toothache at least once in his life. Everyone is familiar with this piercing, exhausting pain when you can’t think of anything else but a bad tooth.

Yes, you can drink a handful of painkillers and somehow make it to the dentist, but what if you can’t drink the pills or they simply weren’t at hand? take advantage folk methods, one of which is a conspiracy.

There are a dozen rituals for toothache, since the problem in past centuries was extremely acute, because it was not possible to turn to a specialist, as well as the specialists themselves. It is from this problem that the legs of the phrase “don’t talk my teeth into me” grow, which means “do not distract me” Do you want to escape from pain? Read the conspiracies!

Ritual with water on the moon

This conspiracy is very strong, so it helps with at least severe pain. Read it better evening, facing the moon and holding a vessel of water (not boiled). Repeat seven times, without interruption, these words:

“Keeper of heaven and traditions, Lord and Owner of the Ezens, Zayans and Tengri. Favor me in performing my ritual! Help me and make your direct intervention in my affairs! fill my body life energy. Feed my mind with the healing light of consciousness. Fill my soul with your invisible presence. Be sympathetic and noble to me, saving me from terrible pain. Now and forever, take the pain out of my teeth."

Rite with a door

Wash your hands and the door bracket with water alone, and then pour it over the threshold. Drawing crosses on the cheek behind which the bad tooth is located, read the following plot:

“Dawn-lightning, a red maiden, a midnight woman, a hare in the field, a pebble in the sea, a limar at the bottom. Cover, lightning, with your veil my mournful teeth from the damned limar; under your cover they will remain intact. Enemy Limar, leave me alone; and if you continue to gnaw my white teeth, I will hide you in the abyss of hell. My word is strong!

Conspiracy for the young month

Read for a young month:

"Month-month, silver horns, golden legs. Come down, moon, from heaven and take away my toothache, taking it with you. My pain is neither small nor heavy, but your strength is great. I can not endure the pain, but your strength to endure. Here is my tooth, here are two teeth, three - they are all yours, and with them the pain. Month-month, hide the toothache from me.

Try to observe the phase of the moon

Nettle Conspiracy

“Mother nettle, holy tree! I know a servant of God (name), who has worms on his teeth that you bring out; and if you do not bring out, I will dry you up; but if you take you out, on the third day I will let you go.”

After reading it, go outside, find a nettle, bend it to the ground and tie it. Release after three days.

Ritual with radish

This conspiracy against toothache is read on a radish, a twig of pine or spruce, which are then placed on the cheek opposite the diseased tooth.

“On the sea-ocean, on the quiet island of Buyan, there is a cathedral church, and in it is the Blessed Virgin Mary and the dental healer Antipius. They ask the saints of God for the servant of God (name): “How do you, the servants of God, do not hurt your teeth, even if the servant of God (name) does not hurt.” In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen".

This method is from the old village practice

A quick no-prep ritual

"Cain! Cain! Cain! Ask your own brother Abel: do his white teeth hurt? No. So let the servant of God (name) not hurt. In the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Amen, amen, amen."

The second rite for the young month

At 24:00 on a clear cloudless night, seeing the new moon, say:

“Young, young, you have a golden horn. You are standing, and my servant of God (name) is in health. - Have you been in that world?

Did you see the dead?

Do they have toothache?

They don't hurt.

Give, God, that my, the servant of God (name), my teeth do not hurt.

Repeat the plot three times, after each time spitting three times, looking at the month.

Ritual with strawberries

Take three strawberry roots, dip them into the water and say three times:

“As this strawberry withers and withers, so may the teeth of the servant of God (name) be silent and numb sow this day and to this hour.”

Rowan bark needs quite a bit

After that, put the charmed roots on the aching tooth, and drink water.

Conspiracy on rowan

Go to the mountain ash, gnaw its bark, saying:

“Rowan, mountain ash, heal my teeth, if you don’t cure them, I’ll gnaw all of you.”

Repeat the plot three times, take a piece of paper with the words previously written on it and go to bed, putting the paper behind your cheek with a bad tooth. In the morning, as soon as you wake up, do nothing, burn the paper first.

Conspiracy with 40 repetitions

Read the prayer "Our Father", and after it a conspiracy:

“A moon in the sky, a worm in the ground, a fish in the water. When the named brothers come together, then the servant of God (name) will have a toothache. Amen, amen, amen"

Read 40 times.

We remind you that ice should be applied with caution. Since in some cases, for example, an improperly growing wisdom tooth, it will only make things worse and increase inflammation.

Traditional medicine is not always effective, this is even allowed by experienced doctors with a fairly serious reputation and practice. Toothache is an incredible and unbearable ordeal that not everyone can endure. If traditional painkillers do not help, then toothache comes into force, it should be read by everyone who wants to forget about discomfort once and for all.

The principle of action of conspiracies from pain

Skeptics often attach conspiracies to special criticism. They criticize this technique and in every possible way dissuade people from resorting to such methods. However, those who have personally tested the power of conspiracies on themselves say otherwise. They claim that prayer has incredible active force. Understanding the magical world is not available to anyone. To an uninitiated person, it seems incredible. However, someone who calls himself an expert in this field calls this method of getting rid of pain the most effective.

If we do not take into account the magical paraphernalia and all the issues associated with it, then we can explain with scientific point vision for what reason magic spells can work.

  1. distraction factor. A person who experiences a toothache constantly thinks about this unpleasant factor. It literally intensifies the pain sensations, winding oneself morally. To cast a spell on an aching tooth, it is necessary to perform the ritual exactly as prescribed. The authors of the conspiracies focus on the fact that you need to concentrate all your attention on the pronunciation of the prayer. That is why it seems to most people that during the pronunciation of the conspiracy, their pain goes somewhere.
  2. Faith works miracles. This is a fact that has been documented by many scientists who have done research in this area. Around the world, millions of people are healed of the most complex diseases with the help of faith alone. Not a few cases have been noted when people with cancer or the disabled got to their feet and continued their habitual image life. Faith is a ray of hope and warmth in human life. It does not matter what gives faith to a person: it can be an amulet, an icon or other paraphernalia, the main thing is to have faith in your heart. Many people sincerely believe in the power of spells, this is what drives them and gives positive result. It is enough just to pronounce a conspiracy from a severe toothache, you must read it correctly in order to feel true relief.

If you want to, be sure to pronounce it yourself, do not resort to the help of relatives and friends.

Conspiracy from toothache to water: read

If the tooth hurts non-stop, the most effective way there will be a ritual on the water. Best time for such an event it's late evening. Make sure that on this day there is a full and clear moon in the sky, which is not hidden behind the clouds. This is very important point. Get outside so you're under open sky, and the rays of the moon fell on you. Holding a glass of water in front of you, you need to say the following words twelve times, while looking at the moon itself:

“The moon is the guardian of heaven, the water is the protector of the earth. As the moon rose into the sky, so did my pain go away. So I’ll drink clean water, I’ll immediately forget about the tooth. Amen!"

After you have pronounced the rite, exactly in a word, you need to take a glass of charmed water and drink it. After each sip, you must say the following:

“I drink holy water, a helper from any ailment».

At the end of the ritual, bow three times to the moon. If the plot for toothache is read correctly, you will get rid of it for a long time. discomfort and discomfort, no doubt about it.