Congratulations for sister Olga in your own words. Congratulate your sister on her birthday in prose in your own words. "The brightest person"

  • sister from brother beautiful in their own words to tears short
  • sister from brother beautiful in their own words to tears long
  • Dear sister, dear happy birthday, so you became an adult, and remember how we grew up with you, you followed me, and I would like to run away from you and hide. There is now a distance between us, but I will say loving, sister, happy birthday, happy angel day to you!

    Sister! I want to congratulate you on your birthday and wish you everything, everything you can only wish for!! Health, happiness, joy, success, kindness and beauty! Let your eyes shine with happiness! Happy birthday sister!

    Dear sister, congratulations! I wish you happiness, kindness, all the best: prosperity, prosperity, good fortune, prosperity. Let your dreams come true, your mood will always be excellent, and true friends will always keep up with you. Happy birthday!

    Dear sister! I am at a loss: I do not know at all what to wish you. God generously endowed you with intelligence, beauty, natural kindness. You are a real treasure. Just stay always as bright as you are now, and may all your most incredible desires and dreams come true. Good health and delightful happiness to you! Happy birthday!

    Happy birthday, my dear beloved sister. May the guardian angel accompany you on the path of life and protect you from mistakes and failures. I wish that the path along which you will go to success is not thorny, and that each new step gives you the strength to move on.

    Today is the birthday of the brightest person on the planet Earth - my beloved sister. I wish you today and always to be the happiest, believe only in good and do not know grief and troubles. Although sometimes we quarrel with you, you are still the best sister!

    Sister, happy birthday! I want your life to be filled with joy, light, smiles, kindness and warmth. May every day you live be bright and memorable. I also wish you lots of love and happiness. You are smart and beautiful, you will definitely achieve all your goals and fulfill your cherished dreams.

    Sister, happy birthday! I wish you sunny smiles, bright colors, good mood, warmth, joy. Let the bright star illuminate your life path with magical light. May you be surrounded by sincere and kind people. I wish that all your plans come true, and be happy!

    My dear little sister! I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you bright days that bring only good news, positive emotions and kindness in every word and every action. Let the warmth, attention and love of people dear to you surround you. Believe in yourself, in your dream, and in miracles, and everything will turn out perfectly.

    Happy birthday, dear sister! It seems that quite recently we shared one toy, quarreled because we could not decide which game to play - the one you want, or still the one that I choose! But then they ran into the yard and walked together very amicably and cheerfully. You can write a book about our adventures! Now you are already quite an adult, and I want to wish you great happiness, unearthly love, good health. May only success await you in all your endeavors. Prosperity, beauty, a clear sky above your head, the fulfillment of all your most cherished desires.

    My sister is dear, beloved and very pretty! On your birthday, I wish you to squeeze everything out of life, rush at a high but safe speed, and not miss the “Happiness” stop! Loaded to the fullest on the platform "Health", drank from the spring "Joy" and enjoyed the river named "Love"! picked flowers in the "Great Mood" meadow and took a blessing from the hands of the Lord! Be young and beautiful, and also very happy!

    Sister, on your birthday, I will not wish you much, but just wish you great Happiness with a capital letter! Why just happiness? Because, it seems to me, if we are truly happy, then all the gray and black stripes will seem to us just a small addition to the beautiful and rainbow palette of life! And happiness can be both quiet and sad. In nature, there is not only good weather, there is not only bad weather, but at the same time, every rain, every storm and every hurricane is beautiful in its own way. There are also no accidents in life: if it rains, let it in, cry with it, understand why he came to visit you, and then see him off, meeting the next guest with a smile - a rainbow! But most importantly, in moments when the sky is covered with dark clouds, remember that there are much more reasons for happiness in any situation than for sadness!

    Sister! Today is your birthday, which means you will undoubtedly receive a lot of gifts and flowers, hear a sea of ​​compliments, nice words and wishes... Believe me, you deserve it all! You are a wonderful, bright and kind person, and I can rightfully be proud that I can call you such a beautiful and deep word “sister”. A sister is the closest friend who can be trusted with everything that you won’t tell anyone else. My sister is a faithful helper and protector who will always be on my side. A sister is a ray of sunshine that will warm with her smile, cover with her care and love. I see all this in you and for all this I am immensely grateful to you! I want to wish you to always follow your own path in life, not turning off and not paying attention to the criticism and disapproval of others. Only you know what you need and what is right for you. Listen to your heart! And I will always support you.

    Dear little sister! Usually, on a birthday, everyone tries to wish more good and bright things, so that there is enough for the whole year ahead ... and I will not be an exception! Let every day you live be an incredible concentrate of positive, which then together, in old age, hehe, we will sip from memories like a pina colada from a glass with a cocktail cherry. Let the sun warm you even in the most inclement weather, and let all the clouds scatter from your bright gaze alone. We will always be with you together, side by side, shoulder to shoulder, back to back, we will go through life, and all troubles in fear will begin to scatter to the sides as soon as we show up nearby. I love you sister. I love. I love!!! Happy birthday, you are the best sister in the world!

    Birthday is the day we get a little older. The day when we unconsciously take stock, drawing an invisible line over all past events, thoughts and feelings. We take something with us on a new journey of our life, and we leave something in the past. And the most important thing in this annual ritual is to take with us what we really need. To endure precious experience, accumulated energy, warmth and love, do not forget the bag with pleasant memories and take with you a thundering piggy bank of wisdom! My sister, today your birthday has come, and I want to wish you that on the threshold of the new year of your life you let go of all past failures and doubts, throw away all insults and worries, put hope, faith, love, good luck in a suitcase and confidently step on a new step where happiness awaits you!

    My dear sister! My best friend and advisor! I hug you tightly, kiss you on your cheeks and congratulate you on your birthday! I wish that this and all subsequent days you never leave the festive mood! I wish your heart to always be mischievous and restless and not let you turn sour! May everything that is planned come true in your life! Let fate spoil you, good luck will be registered in your apartment, and well-being will become your friend! I wish you good health, reciprocal love, true friends! Let no worries and sorrows darken your heart! Carry the warm and bright light of your kindness through your whole life! Thank you sister for everything! Happy birthday!

    You and I are the closest and dearest, we are friends who always find in each other that support that makes it easy to overcome your favorite obstacles. You are without a doubt the kindest, most beautiful and at the same time reckless woman on earth, because you are my beloved sister, whom I am always proud of and admire. Today you have become a year older, but every year you only become more beautiful. Women's happiness, inspired love, breathtaking passion and lifelong reciprocity, I wish you, my birthday girl! Be always as cheerful and cheerful as today! Always be grateful to the Lord for what you have, and never stop there! Happy birthday, my beloved sister!

    Today you, dear sister, are young, blooming, dreaming and believing that there are miracles in the world ... Today we celebrate your birthday, and I confess that I am a little sad that you are growing up ... there are so many troubles in adulthood ... But I believe you have everything on your shoulder! Most importantly, always be yourself! I know that you will definitely be happy and loved, and everything you dream about will happen!

    As a child, many of us dreamed of a brother, but I always needed a sister. And I have her, and she is what I always needed, and I love her very much and cherish her as my own blood, as a person who will always support me and whom I will always help. Happy birthday to you, sister, think of something and let it come true!

    Happy birthday to my beloved sister!!! I wish you happiness, health, success in life and at work, may all your dreams and plans come true. I wish that the sun always shines above your head and that it never rained in your life.

    My dear! Happy Birthday! I wish you to go through life with a firm gait, not to bend under difficulties, to meet joy with dignity! Let your children only please you, and the second half never offend! Happiness, health, good luck!

    The most mischievous and cheerful sister! Happy birthday, I congratulate you and hug you tightly. I thank you for the merry childhood years that we spent with you in joyful fun and entertainment. I love you, my dear, I hug you tightly and wish you all the most wonderful and bright. May your holiday be the most wonderful and sweet celebration in your life.

    My dear sister, many years have passed since your birth, but for me you are still the same small and unintelligent little one with funny bows. On your birthday, I want to wish you to find the path that will certainly lead you to happiness and never turn off it.

    My beloved sister, on your birthday, let's remember our childhood. Our quarrels, reconciliations, now they seem ridiculous and absurd. Sometimes I miss you next to me, your bursting laughter. I wish you, my dear little man, not to know loneliness, illness, betrayal. May happiness be reflected in your extraordinary eyes, a smile shine on your lips, and love live in your heart.

    My dear sister! Congratulations on your birth day! Let it be filled with good emotions, loved ones and pleasant wishes. I love you and give you a piece of my soul and half of my heart!

    Who knows my sister better than me? Only God. But! He can't tell you about it even if he wants to, but I can. I just won't. After all, I'm not just a sister, I'm a real friend. And they say only good things about best friends, or nothing. So let's talk about the good. Let's start with the fact that my sister is good. She has a beautiful not only ass, but also a soul. She is a wonderful girl, wife and mother. But if you offend her, he can punch her in the face. Strong and beautiful, that's why she's dangerous. Hot as peppercorn, she's got brains - stuffing. Well, that's all in a nutshell, what fit in a paragraph, and what I was able to remember right off the bat and tell the nations. Sister, happy birthday! You are the best without a doubt.

    Dear sister! Dragonfly fidget, you are always cheerful, fluttering, and today you are especially good, it seems that the sun is shining clearly among us! On your birthday, I want to wish you: stay the same, be cheerful, do not lose heart and laugh out loud when it's fun! I could wish you to be more serious and careful, but you already know how to stand up for yourself, you are a real miracle, happy birthday, dragonfly!

    Dear sister, you are the closest, blood relatives for me. You and I, like two girlfriends, share all the joys and failures in half. Today you have a solemn event. From the bottom of my heart, accept my sincere congratulations. Let your life bloom and smell. May all wishes come true, may every day bring only good news. Be always beautiful, loved and desired, enjoy the authority of men. All the best to you, my sister. Good luck in everything.

    Today is a beautiful, wonderful day - the birthday of my beloved sister. Accept the most sincere congratulations on your personal holiday. Make any wish today, and it will surely come true, because today is your day. Good health to you, my dear, beautiful happiness, true, mutual love. May every day bring only good news, may luck come to your heels, may a good mood never leave you, and may all anxieties and sorrows run away into impotence.

    Dear sister! I sincerely want to congratulate you today on a wonderful day in your life! Sometimes I can't even believe that you've become so grown up; I often remember moments when we grew up together: we played, laughed, sometimes cried, argued, quarreled, but we always remained sisters and stood like a mountain for each other! I sincerely wish you great female happiness, because it's so great when you love your life and the whole world is open to you! Be always loved and desired, good luck in all your endeavors, great success and remember that I am always with you, wherever you are! Happy Birthday Sister!

    Happy birthday, beloved sister! Your birthday is the same holiday for me as my birthday! Now I can't even believe that you were once so small! Now you have grown and matured, but still in my memory you will remain a little sister! I often remember moments from our lives when we grew up together. Together with you, we cried, played, had fun, laughed, sometimes argued and quarreled. But no matter what, you've always been my best friend. You have always supported and protected me. On this beautiful day, I want to wish you female happiness, great bright and pure love to the grave! May the world around you always shine with bright colors and goodness be in full swing!

    Beloved sister! Let at least a hundred years pass - remember: I love and appreciate your kindness and care, your gentle sweet and smile, your strong and warm hugs! Even if fate chooses to scatter us around the world, I will never forget about you and will always be ready to run, fly, sail to any geographical point on the map to see you - and I will never, ever miss a single your birthday! Love to you, prosperity, light, warmth and happiness, iron health, rapid flight of the soul and fantasy, many, many unforgettable moments in your long, long life full of joy! Firm faith in your own endless strength and endless energy in all your affairs.

    Happy birthday to my beloved sister!!! I wish you happiness, health, success in life and at work, may all your dreams and plans come true. I wish that the sun always shines above your head and that it never rained in your life.

    With all my heart I wish you to live a happy life. May your life path bypass anxiety and a loving guy who will love you more than anyone met on this path. May happiness and luck always walk side by side. Happy birthday!

    Beloved sister, as your most faithful protector, I wish you to find a second equally faithful protector in the person of your husband! May your life always be bright, cheerful and happy! Happy birthday!

    Beloved sister, you are my flesh and blood, and that is why we are so close! And also because you are the most wonderful person in the whole wide world! I wish you happiness, love and good luck! Love you!

    Today is your sister's birthday. Congratulations on this significant event! Let your eyes glow with happiness, a smile shines on your charming face! Remember that you deserve a lot! Let men worship you, but you only need one! It is important to make the right choice!

    Allow me, sister, to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on your birthday. Wish a blush on the face, stones on the fingers. Let men fall from your beauty, and rivals envy your vigor, fragrance. You are not a noblewoman, not an overseas diva, and not even a princess, you are a QUEEN!

    Don't worry about anything, enjoy every day, love and be happy!
    And I will take over all the insidious dragons and unlucky princes!

    Good luck in life!

    Since childhood, you have been support, protection and support for me in everything: in studies, at school, in relationships with friends, with enemies.
    Anything happened. We quarreled and even fought, but then we always reconciled. After all, one blood flows in our veins, and there are no people in the world closer and dearer!

    Today, on your birthday, my sister, I want to wish you unique happiness, golden wealth and incredible luck. In turn, I promise to support you in any endeavors and protect you from what I can do. May love never leave you, and may joy follow in your footsteps. Smile more often, my sister. Do not despair and believe that you will succeed even in difficult situations. Prosperity to you, let your means allow you to acquire everything you want. I wish you always good mood and inexhaustible optimism. Let work bring you not only material wealth, but also great pleasure. Long life to you and your loved ones. May all your dreams, sister, be sure to come true.

    On your birthday, sister, I am as happy as you, because you are the closest and dearest to me. You are an example for me. From the bottom of my heart, accept congratulations on your birthday. I wish you to be constantly full of energy and delight everyone with your incomparable beauty. Good luck in business to you and all your endeavors. Let only kind and selfless people surround you. Be a magnet for good luck and happiness. May there always be a blooming spring in your soul, and resentment does not upset you. My beloved sister, I wish you a peaceful sky and harmony in the house, the laughter of children and a loving man. Everything you dream about, may it come true. Sister, let your life consist only of bright moments and give only pleasant surprises.

    Dear, dear, my little blood sister, happy birthday! I wish you incredible charm and angelic beauty. Be always smart and beautiful, let everyone admire you. Good luck in business, sister, to you. May there never be tears in your eyes, and may your mood be, like today, festive. I wish you a good environment, may you never have ill-wishers. Love to you mutual, my beloved. Let happiness accompany you with a shadow, and grief does not enter your house. I wish you wealth like in a fairy tale, never need anything. Let your guardian angel never let you down and protect your whole family. Dear sister, your years only make you beautiful, but your soul never grows old.

    My sister, I congratulate you on the most wonderful holiday - your birthday. I want joy like the sun to illuminate you every morning. I wish that wealth showered you with torrential rain, and your shadow was the strongest health and love. Always smile every new day, be kind and smart. I wish you the most desired female happiness. Let men see in you the one that they need. True friends to you, sister, good colleagues at work and a good boss. May your home be comfortable and well. Let no one offend you, and I, as your brother, promise you that I will always help and we, as in childhood, will share secrets. Warmth and long life to you, sister. May all that you desire be sure to come true.

    Dear sister! You have no idea how happy I am to have you. I don't have anyone closer than you. You are the very person who can be trusted with your secrets, get support. My dear sister!!! With all my brotherly heart, I congratulate you on your birthday! I would like to wish you the greatest happiness in the world, good luck in business and love, as well as good health for many years to come. Sister, I am always ready to take an example from you. I wish you to be smiling, cheerful, and also desirable for men. Let only the worthy be with you. I believe that God will send you an angel who will keep you and protect you from all troubles and misfortunes. I love you very much, Happy Holidays!

    Darling, no matter how many years pass by, I always remember you. Even on distance. And I wish you prosperity, happiness, joy on your birthday! Let gentle smiles flutter around you like bright butterflies! May a distant star always illuminate your path! May such prosperity descend upon you from heaven that you will even be amazed at your luck!
    Be loved by your loved ones, be open to everything new, be honest with everyone! Never despair and firmly believe in yourself, because all paths are open to you now and you just have to choose the best one! Do not make a mistake in choosing, do not succumb to temptations and focus only on good! Be happy, honey!

    My sister has a very significant event today - her birthday. I sincerely congratulate you, my dear, and wish you good health, joy, success and good mood. Let the cuckoo tirelessly count your years. May you have a good time at work. May peace and tranquility reign in the family. May luck always choose only you. Be always so wise and kind. May spring bloom in your soul for a long time. All the best to you, prosperity and well-being. May a good angel always protect you from failure.

    My sister, happy birthday!
    I wish you cheerful smiles, excellent mood, warmth, joy and happiness.
    Let the bright star of good luck illuminate your path of life with wonderful light.
    Let honest, kind and sincere people surround you.
    May all your plans come true, all your dreams come true and life be filled with positive and happiness!

    Sentimentality does not suit a real man.

    But there is one day in the year when you can afford to say just like that, from the bottom of your heart, about your feelings.

    For me you were, are and will be a small, beautiful, defenseless princess.

    Happy Birthday to You!

    Dear sister, your brother wishes you a happy birthday. I wish you from the bottom of my heart to comprehend great success in life and know bright happiness, believe in your dream and realize your desires, make friends with good luck and luck, sincerely love and be loved.

    Happy birthday, dear sister. Your brother wishes you to feel comfortable and free, like a fish in water, cozy and confident, like a squirrel in a hollow, calm and quiet, like a bear in a den, cheerful and optimistic, like a playful kitten in a basket, beautiful and happy, like a crane in sky.

    Happy birthday to you! I wish you positive, may happiness always be with you. Health is friendly and gives you a sea of ​​cheerful spirit. Go towards your dream without hesitation and everything will be fine. The main thing is that you are always surrounded by love and attention.

    Dear sister, happy birthday to you! I wish you to shine with happiness and have everything that you dream of. May your life shimmer with a rainbow palette, give pleasant meetings, love, prosperity and good health. And I will always be there and support at any moment. Your brother.

    Happy birthday my beloved sister! As your brother, I want to wish you a happy fate, an easy life and good luck in everything. And also my dear, be healthy, loved and immensely happy.

    It is a pleasure to congratulate you, you just need to list your virtues. Be the same feminine beauty, wonderful hostess, smart and beautiful lady. Good mood, health, wonderful people, tender love, interesting ideas and smiles. And know that I am proud of the title of brother to such a beautiful sister. Happy birthday!

    A brother stands by a mountain for a sister, I will crush anyone into powder if they offend you. Congratulations, dear, happy birthday and wish you juicy helmets of life, rich emotions, a variety of interests and hobbies. Be an unearthly beauty, someone's dream and perfection itself.

    Happy birthday my dear and sweet sister. For a brother, you give support and a smile, fun and excellent mood. I wish you to be the happiest and incredibly beautiful, deeply loved and 100% successful. Sister, I wish you to always follow your dream, enjoy life and achieve any goal.

    My dear sister, I wish you a happy birthday. Your brother wishes you to always remain a role model, a standard of incredible beauty, an ideal of femininity and an object of adoration. Sister, let life give a fairy tale every day, let fate carry you along the road of good luck and happiness.

    I wish you, sister, only the most courageous, faithful and handsome man, a strong family and the happiest life. Let all the troubles and insults that darken your everyday life disappear. I wish you on your birthday to have a lot of opportunities - to go on trips, find a dream job with a huge salary and enjoy everything that your life gives. May good luck come to you, may unexpected surprises please you pleasantly. My sister, my joy, long life to you! May no illness dare touch you and your family. Well, and of course love to you and harmony in your personal life. Let only good and bright moments meet in your life. Believe in yourself and you will succeed.

    My sister, happy birthday! I wish you to shine with your beauty and happiness every day, like today. Strong and mutual love to you. Never be sad, my dear. Let all your girlfriends envy your attractiveness. May success accompany everything, so that you do not start. Never hang your nose and know that your optimism will always help you. I, like your brother, will be there, you can always rely on me. Health to you, sister, the strongest, may not a single illness ever disturb you. I wish you prosperity and your favorite work, from which you will not get tired. Harmony always reigns in your family, and the house will be cozy. Let your beauty not go out, but over the years it only gets bigger. Much happiness to you, dear!

    Every morning should be greeted with a smile on your face. After all, only in this way we can spend our day with a smile on our face. And now I need to tell all of you that you try hard to cope at all, no matter what happens. And even if it doesn’t work out very well, there is simply no other way out. And now, when so many guests have gathered at our house, we simply must do everything in order to actually spend a good holiday with them. And do not forget that for this you will need to try to take everything into your own hands. And finally, when there is very little time left, I will need to tell you that you are a very dear and important person in my life for me. And even though sometimes we cannot find understanding with you, there is nothing to worry about. So don't be afraid of it. Let's continue to try to live with you day after day, hoping that one day a happy future will come for us.

    Many people never realize how much they have missed in their lives. And because of this, you can say that they will always feel like this. And now I say all the words I said for a reason. I say this so that my dearly beloved sister can feel many moments and draw her own conclusions from all this. And today you celebrate your birthday. Knowing that such an event is one of your favorites, I will try to do everything possible so that you do not feel any disappointment today. Just let's work together to overcome all the obstacles that will arise in front of us in life. And then we will be able to experience those very feelings that can make us understand something new. And may you always be loved by a person you can rely on.

    Holidays are the very events that we will respect quite a lot anyway, and always try to celebrate in the best possible way. These are events that make our heart beat at a completely different pace. And I also want today to be one of the best for you. After all, a birthday only happens once a year. Let's try to do everything in order not to regret it at all later. And since many guests will come now, try to remain a good hostess for them, who will make the holiday cozy. And no matter what happens, we will always be a happy person. After all, a positive attitude quite often helps to get through the obstacles, problems and difficulties of life. And no matter what happens, I will always be ready to help you in everything. Be a happy girl.

    Birthday is a holiday of childhood, which leaves an indelible mark on the heart and soul of a person, after which everyone can rejoice like that only at one mention of the holiday. And now we are gathered here to celebrate the birthday of our beloved sister. She looks so happy that she does not want to upset her for any reason. That is why I will try to continue to do everything for her own good. And I will have to tell you that you always live your life in such a way that later you will not be ashamed of anything at all. That is why it is necessary to say that you can at least sometimes be able to think about something important. And then really important moments and moments will come in your life.

    I'm so happy that I have a sister. With her we share the most intimate. My sister is just an amazing person. In difficult times, she will always lend a shoulder, or give wise advice. Today my sister has a wonderful birthday. I sincerely congratulate you on your celebration, wish you health, much joy and good mood. May the bird of happiness bring you good luck. May peace, peace and love reign in your family. Be always the same beautiful and cheerful.

    It's good that there is a person on earth in whom I am one hundred percent sure. All my secrets and mysteries I can only trust her. Wise advice and warm words I can only hear from her. This is my sweet sister, my blood. Today, with great joy, I congratulate you on your birthday. May happiness always smile at you, may luck knock on your door, and remain forever. I wish you good health, great happiness. Love and be loved. All earthly blessings and family comfort to you.

    Sister is the closest and dearest person by blood. I am so happy that I am not alone in the world, but my own sister is next to me. On your birthday, I wish you, dear, all the very best. May reliable friends always meet on your way, may you always be appreciated, loved and respected. Good health to you, more smiles, and great happiness. May your life be like pure spring water, may you be lucky in everything and always. Prosperity to you, peace and good luck in everything.

    The dearest person on earth has a birthday. I sincerely congratulate you, sister, and wish you much, much happiness. May fate always be kind to you. May your cherished dream come true today. Let the years lived be the most precious wealth. I wish you good luck in all your endeavors. Be always loved and desired. May life give you only pleasant surprises. Be always the same kind, wise and cheerful. May the Lord always protect you.

    Dear sister, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. May this holiday bring you a lot of joy, fun and good mood. I wish you a long and happy life. May only good news always please you, and all hardships and sorrows will forever forget the way to you. Let your beauty enchant those around you. May your family appreciate, love and help you in everything. All earthly blessings to you, peace, warmth and prosperity. Good luck to you in everything and luck, good luck.

    My sister has a very significant event today - her birthday. I sincerely congratulate you, my dear, and wish you good health, joy, success and good mood. Let the cuckoo tirelessly count your years. May you have a good time at work. May peace and tranquility reign in the family. May luck always choose only you. Be always so wise and kind. May spring bloom in your soul for a long time. All the best to you, prosperity and well-being. May a good angel always protect you from failure.

    Today our whole family is celebrating a wonderful holiday - the birthday of our dear sister. We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday. May a smile always shine on your face, may a spark of joy always burn in your eyes, be always happy, live in prosperity and respect. May your dream come true today, may everything be fine in all matters. Never be discouraged and easily solve all problems. May your life flow like a full river, may the Lord always protect you.

    Be forever cheerful, happy, lucky, affectionate, well, loved! Never get sick, don't regret anything! Congratulations!

    Happy birthday to a kind and wonderful man. I wish you respect and love, joy and happiness, prosperity and success, good luck and luck.

    Happy birthday! I wish the fulfillment of all dreams, stability in life and a devoted second half.

    I wish you, having a clear conscience and a spotless reputation, to be able to achieve the greatest heights in this life, but at the same time be happy in everyday life.

    On your birthday, I want to thank you for your support, trust, honesty and understanding. You are a true friend you can always rely on. Good luck and all the best in life!

    Birthday Poems for a Beloved Man

    Happy birthday to the most worthy man! I wish you success and prosperity, inspiration and conquering peaks! Be a support and an example for your family and friends. All the best to you!

    May all your friends and relatives always surround you with affection and care, give you their love and warmth, understand perfectly, and I wish you just to glow with happiness. Happy birthday.

    I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday! I wish your life to develop at the speed of lightning, to be as limited as the universe. May so few of your wishes come true as there are stars in the sky, and your ears hear good words, as few as grains of sand on our big planet. Love and affection, about which fairy tales are written!

    I wish that no wishes will ever come true, no matter how big they are, from your enemies ... and the smallest ones from your friends come true!

    Happy birthday! In our time, everything is not easy, and I wish you to live not according to the law and not according to justice, but according to circumstances, without crossing the boundaries of justice and law!

    Happy birthday to a man - Pleasant congratulations to the birthday man

    Here you are a year older! Happy birthday! Keep growing and discovering your talents further!

    Let the light of a lucky star lead you towards joyful and interesting events, bright hopes and dreams, to success and prosperity!

    We wish you a cozy atmosphere in the house, love and warmth in relationships, respect and trust in the team, happy and joyful years of life!

    Happy Birthday to You! We wish you new beginnings and victories! Circle of true and good friends! So that no adversity touches you! Happy Coming of Age!

    Happy birthday! Congratulations and wishes for strength, courage, a decent life, success, stability, love, to be a leader and never lose heart!

    Lovely wishes for a man on his birthday

    Happy birthday, charming and strong, kind and sweet, strong and wonderful man. I wish you clear goals, true plans, undoubted luck and resounding success in life.

    Happy birthday. I wish you to always remain a strong man, a kind person, a real winner, a true leader. Health, respect, love and prosperity!

    You are a person, not a being. You have goodness, but not evil. For a dispute, evidence and arguments are not needed when you are right. You have never lied to your loved ones. You meet any news with a smile, but a children's story can also touch. But the main thing is that on your birthday, it’s not too lazy to congratulate you on a significant event!

    Every woman knows what an ideal man should be. He must be brave like Superman, swift and agile like Spider-Man, handsome like Johnny Depp, charming like Harry Potter, smart like Albert Einstein, brutal like Gerard Butler, a real gentleman like James Bond, have a sense of humor like Jack Sparrow, and sexuality of Ian Somerhalder. Unfortunately, few people have seen such men, but now he is in front of me.

    Happy New Year and Happy Future! Continue to charge everyone around with your energy and deeds, please with new successes, surprise with generosity and responsiveness and stay in the same great shape as today!

    My beloved, sweetest, kindest, most beautiful little sister! Happy birthday! I wish you a good mood forever, so that no difficulties can sadden you! I wish you true friends, more unforgettable adventures, great love, bright sunsets, gentle sunrises and the happiest days. And so throughout life! Happy birthday, baby!

    Dear sister! From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your birthday. May love always shine in your eyes, a joyful smile play on your lips, and a happy light illuminate your face. Let every day be filled with only positive, laughter and wonderful moments. Happy birsday, my dear!

    Sister, happy birthday. Always remain the same sweet, charming, gentle, kind, beautiful. Let all the troubles bypass you, and you give people your radiant smile. Be purposeful, persistent, and all your dreams will come true. Do not hesitate, you will be the happiest. I love you!

    My sister is my favorite, dear and very sweet! Congratulations on your birthday! I wish you to remain as beautiful, young and very kind for many decades. May everything in this world be beautiful for you. Let there be the greatest successes in work, home comfort pleases! I wish you good health, vivacity and harmony for the body and soul! Let nature itself be a source of joy and inspiration for you, and let your loved ones be reliable support and support! Happiness to you and big and strong love!

    My beloved and dear sister, I congratulate you on your birthday. You are our bright and kind person who gives everyone his warmth. I wish you great human happiness, health for many years, so that your heart is always happy and never upset. Even in the most difficult days, you will be easy on your soul. We all love you.

    My beloved, irreplaceable sister! Happy Birthday to You! There are not enough words to fully describe all my feelings and wishes to you. But the most important of them is health, which cannot be bought with money, this is luck, which must be firmly held by the tail, and this is a dear person who is always there. I wish you to look at the future only with a smile and with endless positive.

    My dear sister, on your birthday, I wish you all the best in the world. May your life be easy, and adversity bypass you. Good health, devoted friends and great love to you!

    My clear sun, my beloved sister, who has a holiday today? Yes, yes, your day has finally come, your holiday. You know that for me you are the most beloved and best sister. I congratulate you on your holiday and want to wish you the most successful and happy. You give smiles, love and light to everyone around. Stay forever so groovy and bright. Let all bad things bypass you, and only truly devoted people will always be around.

    One folk wisdom tells us that no one can choose relatives. But even if I was given such a chance, I would still choose you, my sister. Your kindness and sincerity know no bounds, your actions are worthy of imitation, and for your sincere love you can move mountains. So let your next birthday become a bright holiday for all the people close to you. May life bring you only pleasant surprises and never upset you.

    Sun, here comes your birthday again. I notice how every year your character, appearance changes, you become smarter and more self-confident. It's very nice to watch you. And even though I don't say it often, I love you madly. I trust you the way I trust myself. First of all, I want to wish fidelity in relationships, many good acquaintances, strength, happiness in everything, energy in business. And besides this, good health and long life. Remember, you are beautiful, my life without you would be much worse. Thanks for everything, Happy Holidays!

    Happy birthday to my beloved sister. I wish you happiness, health, success in life and at work, may all your dreams and plans come true. I wish that the sun always shines above your head and that it never rained in your life.

    My dear sister, happy birthday! Let health not fail, and friends do not betray! I wish your whole life to be filled with fun, good deeds, and evil, envy and separation will forever forget the way to you! Do not forget us, your loved ones, enjoy life and endure all hardships!

    With all my heart I wish you to live a happy life. May your life path bypass anxiety and a loving guy who will love you more than anyone met on this path. May happiness and luck always walk side by side. Happy birthday!

    My dear! Happy Birthday! I wish you to go through life with a firm gait, not to bend under difficulties, to meet joy with dignity! Let your children only please you, and the second half never offend! Happiness, health, good luck!

    Dear sister, dear happy birthday, so you became an adult, and remember how we grew up with you, you followed me, and I would like to run away from you and hide. There is now a distance between us, but I will say loving, sister, happy birthday, happy angel day to you!

    Everything in the world has two sides: good and bad. And you are no exception. Your good side is in your kindness, responsiveness, sincerity and confidence. And your bad side is that no matter how much you look for flaws in you - there are simply NO. So always stay like this. Happy birthday.

    Sister! I want to congratulate you on your birthday and wish you everything, everything you can only wish for!! Health, happiness, joy, success, kindness and beauty! Let your eyes shine with happiness! Happy birthday sister!

    Dear sister, congratulations! I wish you happiness, kindness, all the best: prosperity, prosperity, good fortune, prosperity. Let your dreams come true, your mood will always be excellent, and true friends will always keep up with you. Happy birthday!

    Today is your sister's birthday. Congratulations on this significant event! Let your eyes glow with happiness, a smile shines on your charming face! Remember that you deserve a lot! Let men worship you, but you only need one! It is important to make the right choice!

    Congratulations on your birthday!
    May this day be the happiest in your life! And everyone else always looks up to him!
    After all, you, dear, deserve a lot: love, respect, adoration, admiration and just a good life!
    Blossom and bloom daily, because it's so beautiful!

    Congratulations, dear sister, happy birthday today!
    I wish you to be as happy as today, very often!
    Let your eyes shine with joy, your soul sing with delight, and your heart beat in time with your loved one!
    Be beautiful, unique! And let men solve all the problems in life!

    I want you to be warmed by the warmth of our hearts on your birthday, sister, to drink our good thoughts and wonderful wishes! Charged with confidence and positive energy of relatives, friends and relatives for the whole next year! We wish you only happiness, good luck and luck!

    Dear sister, I congratulate you on your holiday. I wish that your house is always filled with warmth and comfort, that there are always many creative and bright ideas in your head, that your heart is filled with love and tenderness, and that your every day is filled with joyful and incredible emotions.

    Happy birthday, my dear beloved sister. May the guardian angel accompany you on the path of life and protect you from mistakes and failures. I wish that the path along which you will go to success is not thorny, and that each new step gives you the strength to move on.

    Allow me, sister, to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on your birthday. Wish a blush on the face, stones on the fingers. Let men fall from your beauty, and rivals envy your vigor, fragrance. You are not a noblewoman, not an overseas diva, and not even a princess, you are a QUEEN!

    Happy Birthday Sister. I really want your life to be easy and happy. I wish you good health, success in your studies, excellent mood. Let only good events leave a mark on your destiny, and positive emotions give strength to strive for more.

    My beloved sister, I wish you to live in harmony with yourself, your thoughts, feelings and desires. So that the river of life flows along the channel you choose, avoiding rocky reefs. Let every day bring only positive emotions, and not a bit of disappointment. I love you so much.

    My dear sister, many years have passed since your birth, but for me you are still the same small and unintelligent little one with funny bows. On your birthday, I want to wish you to find the path that will certainly lead you to happiness and never turn off it.