Emerald stone in nature. Emerald: last among the first. The effect of the mineral on Gemini

Even children know what the green gem is called. Emerald is one of the varieties of beryl, has a green color that is sometimes diluted with an admixture of bluish tints. Beryl itself is a mineral that does not have a specific tone, but with the help of chromium or vanadium it acquires a characteristic emerald hue. The natural mineral contains the following impurities:

  • Chromium - 0.14%.
  • Vanadium - 0.05%.
  • Iron - 0.12%.

On the Mohs scale, emerald reaches up to 8 units.

The green gemstone got its name after going a long way. The ancient Greeks called it smaragdos, the Persians - zumurrud, the Slavs - smaragd, in Sanskrit the mineral is called marakata, in Latin - smaragdus, and medieval Europe called it Esmeralda.

In the modern jewelry market, emerald is highly valued, and its most refined and pure colors are more expensive than the king of precious stones - diamond.

Who is it suitable for?

It is not suitable for every owner. Due to the fact that the stone's properties tend towards qualities such as honesty and kindness, it can create a lot of problems for a dishonest person. But for virtuous individuals who live according to their conscience and defend the truth, this precious mineral is ideal.

For people who are inclined to study the subtle matters of the universe and have excellent intuition, an emerald will be a good help, the magical properties of which activate the extraordinary abilities of its owner. Under the influence of the precious stone, they will discover their talents for spiritualism and will be able to see the secrets of the universe.

Emerald is suitable for delicate and sensual natures. It helps them to steadfastly face the whims of fate, to see deception and betrayal in advance, and also significantly balances their state of mind.

Those for whom emerald is suitable also include sailors, travelers and nursing mothers. It will be a strong amulet for teenagers who do not have established moral values. With its properties it will protect them from rash actions and help them find a direction in life.

Emerald and zodiac signs

Any gemstone has both positive and negative effects on certain people. The same is true with the meaning of the stone for certain zodiac signs. Therefore, it is very important to study the astrological compatibility with the mineral before making a purchase.

As the most suitable zodiac signs for emerald, astrologers identify Cancer, Leo, Taurus, Sagittarius, Pisces and Aquarius. The stone will provide them with strong assistance in matters of family, love and friendship. These signs are recommended to wear jewelry with a mineral in the form of a ring or ring on a certain finger:

  • Taurus is average.
  • Aquarius - nameless.
  • Sagittarius and Leo - index.
  • Pisces and cancer - little finger.

Another sign of the zodiac stone is Gemini. Green color helps Gemini women maintain their youth, beauty and health for a long time, and also protects their personal well-being from the interference of envious people.

A zodiac sign can also have an ambivalent relationship with a mineral. Since the stone carries strong energy, a person may not be able to cope with it due to his personal qualities. This risk group includes Libra, Aries, Virgo and Capricorn. For Scorpios, due to their tendency to negative moods and actions, natural emerald is completely contraindicated.

Magic properties

There are many legends and stories associated with green emerald. One of them was recorded in the Bible. It describes the overthrow of Satan, during which he lost the most beautiful decoration of his crown - the emerald. From this lost jewel a cup was subsequently carved, which the Queen of Sheba brought as a gift to Solomon. It was this cup that was the main attribute of the Last Supper of Jesus, and also in it at the execution of Christ Joseph collected the blood of the Savior. This cup has remained known in world history as the holy grail, endowed with powerful magical properties.

In Ancient Egypt, mines for the extraction of this mineral first appeared. In Egypt, the meaning of the mineral was associated with eternal life and youth, thanks to its green color. The great queen Cleopatra believed that emerald had magical love properties. She not only loved to wear emerald jewelry, but also demanded that furniture and even the doors of the palace be encrusted with gems.

The inhabitants of ancient Rome, like the Greeks, preferred carving gems on a green gemstone, and some Indian tribes worshiped emerald as a deity and believed that it was capable of healing the human body from any disease.

The meaning of the amulet is very multifaceted. Many cultures attribute to it the ability to recognize adultery. This property is supported by a legend in which the king of Hungary, Bella IV, once embraced his unfaithful wife and noticed that the emerald on his ring was split in several places.

In other beliefs about the stone, its property is enmity with snakes, which immediately go blind at the sight of this jewel. It also talks about the ability of the green gemstone to heal from snake venom.

In former times it was considered a symbol of honesty and justice. Even the most inveterate robbers never stole this mineral because they believed that the punishment for stealing the green gem would certainly fall on their heads. But to the rightful owner, the emerald stone will give balance, sobriety of mind and purity of thoughts.

Emerald also has a beneficial effect on a person’s home. With its magical properties, the stone cleanses the house of negative energies and preserves the warmth of the family hearth.

The color of the stone helps relieve fatigue and tension from the eyes, and will also relieve its owner from sleepless nights and nightmares. The stone heals overwork, tidies up the nervous system and relieves depression. Using a green gemstone, you can disinfect water, and its frequent use as decoration normalizes the functioning of the internal organs and systems of the human body.

Since ancient times, people have believed that emerald has magical properties that ward off death and misfortune and bring wealth and good luck to the home. All that is required from its owner is honesty and purity of soul.

Emerald colors

The color directly depends on its deposit. For example, in Colombia there are mines for the extraction of deep herbaceous shades of this mineral. You can understand what kind of unusual stone is by getting acquainted with its special type - Trapiche. This variety is also mined in Colombia, but has one very unusual feature - a six-pointed star is clearly displayed in its center.

The yellow color of emerald can be found in Zimbabwe. A mineral with this shade is highly valued in jewelry.

Zambian emeralds have the purest and most transparent shades. Their colors are darker than Colombian emeralds, but blue shades can also be found among them.

Natural or synthetic

Synthetic emerald was first obtained in 1935, in one of the laboratories in Germany. Artificial stones are very similar to natural emeralds, but are often inferior to them in density and refraction of rays. In addition, the detrimental effects of filtered ultraviolet radiation on artificial minerals have been identified. Under its influence, they change their emerald tones to faded brown shades.

Modern technologies are gradually improving the quality of artificial emeralds. Some of them even surpass the performance of natural emeralds. At the same time, their pricing policy is more humane to the consumer: the cost of artificial mineral is from 5 to 10 times lower than natural stone.

Place of Birth

The cost and quality of the stones depends on the color, cut, purity of the emerald, where it is mined. Beryl of the highest quality is found in the mines of Colombia (Muso, Tunja), Zambia, New Granada, Egypt, and Brazil. The mineral is of medium quality and is mined in Ireland, Austria, and Norway.

Emerald deposits, where large quantities are mined, are also found in Russia, China, the USA, Zimbabwe, Madagascar, Cambodia, Spain, Australia and many other countries.

In Russia, emeralds are mined in the Urals. The sizes of stones found here often reach unique sizes. The emerald deposit, where other precious stones (phenacite, alexandrite) are also mined, has brought Russia about fifteen tons of green beryl over the hundred years of its operation.

One of the most expensive precious stones in the world is the emerald stone, the price of which is higher, the greater its weight. The weight of a gem is measured in carats. 1 carat is equal to 0.2 g. You can calculate the cost of a gem as follows:

  • For 1 carat of weight, a stone weighing 1 carat - $1000.
  • For 1 carat weight, a stone weighing 2 carats - $1500.

The price of an emerald depends on the intensity of its hue. For example, stones with deep grassy tones can reach up to 120,000 rubles per carat. At the same time, pale colors are estimated at only 3,200 rubles for the same weight. The cost of artificial emeralds is about 1,300 rubles per carat.

Another factor in the cost of a mineral is its purity. The more inhomogeneities a stone includes, the more valuable it is.

The price of an emerald directly depends on its cut. The more qualitatively it reveals the advantages of a stone, the more expensive it will be.

Emerald is a green variant of the mineral beryl. Its hardness is 7.5-8 on the Mohs scale. But, despite its good hardness, emerald is quite fragile due to the natural flaws in its structure.


The color of emerald is green with faint bluish and yellowish tints. However, there are two additional characteristics of a color that affect its value: color intensity and hue.

Intensity is determined by color saturation, i.e. how bright or faded it is. Tone determines the degree of darkness of a color. It can vary from light green to dark green.

When choosing an emerald, you need to pay attention to both the intensity and tone of the color. Tone is a choice of taste, and intensity affects color quality and evaluation.

The more saturated the stone, the more expensive it is. The most valuable are rich green emeralds of medium color tones.

Moderately dark stones that have an intense green color are the most valuable.


Clarity is determined by the number, size and visibility of flaws in an emerald's structure.

Internal defects that formed naturally during the formation of the mineral are called inclusions. All natural minerals have inclusions that can be visible to the naked eye or with a magnifying glass.

If you come across an emerald without defects, then most likely it is artificial or fake. When assessing cleanliness, the main thing is to pay attention to how visible the inclusions are upon ordinary examination.

We must strive to ensure that the emerald has no visible flaws.

The inclusions should not be so large as to spoil the appearance. Also, a large number of large defects can compromise the integrity of the structure and make the emerald more fragile.

Avoid inclusions that are too close to the surface, especially if they are lines or cracks. Such imperfections can cause the stone to simply split along these cracks upon impact.

In general, the fewer visible inclusions, the better the quality of the emerald.

Weight in carats.

Carat denotes the weight of gemstones. One carat is equal to 200 milligrams or 0.2 grams. The larger the size, and therefore the weight of the stone, the higher it costs.

However, the price change is not proportional to the weight of the stone. That is, if there are two stones with the same characteristics, but one is twice as heavy as the other, then the price of the larger stone will be much more than double. This is due to the fact that large specimens are quite rare and therefore expensive.

It is even rarer to find a large emerald of good quality. Such a copy will cost a lot of money.


The setting of the emerald should protect it and preserve it so that it does not fall out. For better protection, it is best to use V-shaped teeth. This setting is best suited for angular shapes.

It is better if V-shaped teeth are placed at the very corners of the stone to protect its edges from possible impacts and damage. Also the safest is a blind setting.

It frames the stone around the entire perimeter with a metal strip, which protects it from external influences.

The blind frame can be full or partial. That is, completely edging the stone or some of its sections.


There are many ways to treat emerald to improve its quality. For example, internal cracks in stone that reach the surface are filled with resins to hide them.

Such methods are common practice. However, you need to keep this in mind before subjecting your emerald jewelry to ultrasonic cleaning. Ultrasound can destroy fillers, so in this case it is best to use gentle cleaning methods. For example, use a damp cloth to remove accumulated dirt.

Sometimes emeralds are dyed to deepen their color. But such stones are considered less valuable and therefore they are cheaper.

Synthetic product versus analogues.

Imitation emeralds are made from another similar material. Synthetic (or artificial) emeralds are created in a laboratory and have the same properties and characteristics, the same structure and composition as real ones.

Since they are man-made, they are less valued and worth less.

It is important to know if the emerald you are buying is created in a laboratory, as these stones are cheaper, so as not to buy a synthetic emerald at the price of a natural one.

Compared to natural emeralds, synthetic emeralds generally appear cleaner because they do not have as many visible internal imperfections as their natural counterparts.

Many (but not all) synthetic counterparts also show a red glow when illuminated with ultraviolet light (however, this is not an accurate test, as some natural emeralds also glow red under similar conditions).

Although there are some clues that can help identify man-made stones, it is very difficult to tell whether an emerald is synthetic or natural just by looking at it.

As a rule, the best way to find out for sure is to test it with special equipment. Therefore, if you want to be sure, ask for a certificate confirming the origin of the stone or send it to a laboratory for analysis.

Emeralds are one of the most beautiful and expensive gemstones, and many people want to have them in their jewelry collections.

However, there are many emerald jewelry on sale that are actually fake. Let's see how you can recognize such emerald imitations.

A fake emerald is any stone whose chemical structure differs from the natural one. Counterfeits can be made from a variety of materials, both synthetic and natural.

Sometimes, cheaper natural gem minerals such as peridot or garnet are sold as emeralds.

Colored glass can also be used as imitation.

Definition of counterfeit: color and shine.

Genuine emerald comes in various shades of green, from dark to light.

Counterfeits are also green, but some have additional, non-green shades such as yellow. If you notice these secondary hues, keep in mind that the “emerald” could actually be another mineral, such as olivine or green garnet.

By holding the stone up to the light, you can also determine whether it is a fake. In bright light, natural emerald does not show intense colorful flashes (the so-called fire); Natural emeralds may have some fire, but it is minimal.

Some fakes, however, shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow, and this is a sign that the emerald jewelry is an imitation.

If the stone you are looking at is cut, carefully examine its facets. A real emerald is relatively hard, and the edges of its facets should not show significant signs of wear.

Because some imitations of emerald are made from softer materials such as glass, their edges become less sharp over time and appear worn.

Fake emeralds and purity.

Genuine emeralds are not completely pure as they have natural imperfections in their structure.

If you look at such a stone up close, preferably with a magnifying glass, you should see at least some imperfections such as lines, bubbles, crystals, etc. High clarity emeralds will have less of them, but they will still not be perfect.

Unlike real emeralds, man-made imitations usually look too perfect and clean, and if they are also relatively cheap, then this is a sure sign that you may be dealing with a fake.

One thing to keep in mind, however, is that synthetic emeralds can also look very clear and be quite affordable, even though they are not technically considered fake.

Note the doublets and triplets.

Doublets and triplets are terms that refer to gemstones created by adding one or two extra layers of material to the real mineral to make it appear larger and more valuable.

Real emeralds are sometimes enlarged in this way - by adding glass or plastic layers on top of the real stone; these materials are often dyed a more intense green color to make the stone appear more attractive.

To check if this is true, look at the gemstone from the outside: if you see that it is actually made up of layers, then you most likely have a doublet or triplet.

Emerald is a gemstone that is a variety of green. Natural precious stones can also be called by the poetic word - smaragd, which in the language of the ancient Russians means - jewel. The color is usually dark, dark green. Blue and yellow shades are allowed. Black emerald is also found, but this mineral is a type of tourmaline and has little in common with beryl. Find out what a genuine gem looks like, what its history is, and whether you can independently distinguish a fake from the original.

History of modern emerald

Descriptions of emeralds are found not only in Slavic chronicles, but also in the writings of Ancient Egypt and Rome.

Cleopatra had her own large deposit of gems. The Egyptians believed that the gods gave them the stone. It symbolized spring and eternal youth.

Emerald was highly valued in Babylon and India. The crystal was presented as a gift to high-ranking officials and wealthy people.

To have jewelry with a mineral meant to have magical powers. It was often given to beloved women. It was believed that jewelry decorated with this stone would protect against the evil eye and damage.

Mankind knows many types of emerald. But it was only in the 19th century that people discovered the chemical composition of emerald. Green beryl is given its rich color by chromium or vanadium oxide. Allowed to contain iron impurities.

Where is emerald found in nature?

Emeralds are mined from rocks. The largest deposit of natural stone is located in Colombia. It is there that 50-95% of all minerals are obtained at the moment. Colombian emerald stone is considered one of the best in the world.

Of course, pure green emerald is an excellent raw material for making jewelry. It is framed in gold, silver and platinum. But raw, uncut crystals can be used to treat humans.

Their cost is lower, but lithotherapists believe that such gems:

  • normalize blood pressure;
  • relieve headaches;
  • improve visual acuity;
  • help in the treatment of diabetes;
  • normalize metabolism.

Artificial stones

The simple formula of emerald allows crystals to be grown in laboratory conditions. For this, emerald powder, water and special preparations are used. The technique is called hydrothermal technology. Experienced specialists control the entire process (size of stone, its color).

Synthetic gems are no different in appearance from natural ones. Their color can vary, from green-white with milky splashes to green-blue, but the main tone is green.

The density of minerals of this type is lower, but the color is richer. There are examples of unique shades.

Artificial gems are produced in Germany, Switzerland, Russia, Belarus, and the USA.

How to distinguish artificial stone from natural

The chemical formulas are synthetic and very similar.

But even with the naked eye the stones can be distinguished:

  1. Pay attention to the appearance of the gem. The emerald is too light (almost light green) - this is the result of laboratory cultivation. In nature, stone has darker shades, and dark greens predominate. The brighter the gem that is offered to you, the more likely it is that it is a synthetic analogue.
  2. You need to pay attention not only to color. Emerald of natural origin has inclusions, small defects, and cracks. They are quite acceptable. An artificial analogue grown in a laboratory will not have such defects.
  3. Using the Chelsea filter. If you look at an artificial emerald through it, the stone will be much redder than a natural one.
  4. Exposure to filtered UV (ultraviolet) irradiation with a wavelength of 340-360 nm. Natural emeralds do not react to it, while synthetic ones acquire a characteristic brown luminescence. But the technique is not perfect, since some natural minerals also react.


Artificial gems are richer in color palette, but their cost, of course, is lower than natural ones.

An important factor influencing the price is the cut. A stone with sparkling edges, set in precious metal, will cost much more than an untreated one. The most common cut is “emerald”, much less often – “cabochon”.

Emerald is a 1st class gemstone. Large emeralds, absolutely defect-free, rich, thick tone weighing from 5 carats are more expensive than diamonds. Emerald It is considered ideal in cases where a perfectly transparent stone has a uniformly distributed rich color.

The main criterion for high emerald quality is its color, but transparency comes second. Stones of natural origin almost always have splits and cracks, and only occasionally are specimens found that are ideal in all respects, and they are very highly valued.

Emeralds come in various colors - from green-yellow to blue-green, but the main color is always green, sometimes even dark green. The distribution of color is almost always uneven; very often the base of the emerald is colored darker than its free end.

The word "emerald" comes from the Perso-Arabic zumurrud, as well as from the Turkish zümrüt. Previously, in Russian the word emerald was written as izumrut.

Turkish and Arabic words come from the Greek word σμάραγδος, smáragdos, previously used in the languages ​​of the Slavic peoples, which translated means a green gemstone.

In Europe, emerald has the following names: in Spain it is called esmeralda, in Germany this stone is called emerald, and in France it is called emerald.

Varieties of emerald

Emerald occurs in various species in nature. Brazilian emerald has a transparent green tint. Quite a rare name Trapiche, this type has the shape of a carriage wheel with spokes. They are usually found in Colombia.

Another type is called emerald – malachite or Eurohit. The next variety of emerald is called Vilyuisk or Vesuvian. There are also copper emerald or dioptase, Ural or demantoid and nickel emeralds.

Physical properties of emerald

According to the well-known classification of A.E. Fersman, the emerald mineral belongs to the first-order semi-precious stones. They also include diamond, ruby, euclase, sapphire, alexandrite, chrysoberyl, and noble spinel.

Emerald is a transparent variety of beryl that has a grassy green color. This color shade is given by vanadium oxide or chromium oxide, very rarely there is an admixture of iron oxide, usually South African emeralds. Emeralds are characterized by increased fragility; their hardness ranges from 7.5-8 units.

Unlike emerald, it has a hardness of 10.0. The transverse separation, combined with small, thin cracks that are often found in emeralds, makes this mineral very sensitive to pressure and high temperatures. At 700 degrees and above, emeralds easily lose their color, but they are resistant to various reagents and acids.

Emeralds often have various defects. Precious varieties of emeralds very often characterized by the presence of a rather complex network of thin cracks and veins that cut the stone lengthwise and crosswise.

Often found and zonal emeralds, the crystals of which have a longitudinal change in color intensity, usually with a lighter and brighter core, as well as with transverse alternation of dark and light green zones.

In light emeralds, even without magnifying devices, but by eye, dichroism is clearly visible, that is, a change in the color of the mineral from bluish to yellowish-green when the crystal is rotated.

The best emeralds contain approximately 75% tone. In addition, a high-quality emerald should be well saturated with color, its shades should be light and bright. Gray color is normal.

Transparent are only emeralds of the highest standard quality, however, they are often clouded by various inclusions of gas, bubbles and liquid, as well as healed cracks, pinpoint inclusions of other minerals captured by emerald crystals during their growth. It is by the mineral composition of the inclusions contained in an emerald that it is determined from which deposit a given specimen was mined.

Transparency of emerald

Basically, all emeralds contain a large number of inclusions and surface fractures. Unlike a diamond, whose quality is assessed at 10x magnification, an emerald is assessed by eye.

Thus, it turns out that if an emerald does not contain cracks and flaws visible to the eye, of course, provided that visual acuity is good, then it is considered flawless.

Emerald crystals, which do not have surface damage, are quite rare, so almost all emeralds are chemically treated with various mixtures to give them the most pleasant and beautiful appearance.

The irregularity and unevenness of the shape of emerald crystals makes it possible to use the cabochon method instead of the simple one. Emerald cut, which helps intensify the color shades, was developed to avoid chipping the corners of the gemstone.

Origin of emerald in nature

Emerald crystals are formed by the interaction of felsic magma with ultramafic host rocks, so their deposits are usually caused by zones of greisenization of ultramafic rocks or phlogopite mica, sometimes emeralds are found in or near pegmatites. However, the best in quality emerald specimens found in hydrothermal veins that occur in carbonaceous shales.

Alluvial scatterings of emerald crystals practically do not form, due to the fact that emerald is close in density to quartz. Secondary deposits are caused only by weathering crusts.

As a result of greisenization processes, in the presence of feldspars and granites, light-colored micas are formed. Such as muscovite or lepidolite.

As a result of this process, the original rocks turn into greisen, which are complex rocks containing light micas and quartz.

Very often, greisen are saturated with valuable ores and minerals in the form of small inclusions. The choice for deposit development is made, as a rule, in the presence of greisens containing ores of rare colored stones and rare metals.

The greisenization process is necessary for formation of emeralds. In most deposits discovered on earth, the formation of emerald is confined to the presence of phlogopite mica; they are usually formed as a result of the interaction of ultramafic rocks and high-temperature water solutions.

In Colombia, emerald crystals are found in low-temperature carbonate veins that are adjacent to black bituminous limestones. Quite rarely, small emeralds are formed in exocontacts of various pegmatites.

Emerald deposits

The biggest and richest emerald deposit Colombia is considered. In recent years, 95% of all emeralds are mined there. From 2000 to 2010, emerald mining in Colombia increased by 80%. Also, deposits of this mineral are located in Zambia in the vicinity of the city of Kitwe.

In 2004, approximately 20% of all emeralds in the world were mined from this deposit, such statistics placed Zambia in second place after Colombia in emerald production. During the first half of 2011, 3.7 tons of emeralds were mined from the Kagem deposit.

Emeralds mined in Zambia are considered better than those from Colombia, as they are of high and impeccable quality. Emerald deposits also available in these countries: Austria, Afghanistan, Australia, Bulgaria, Brazil, China, Cambodia, Canada, Ethiopia, Egypt, Germany, France, Kazakhstan, India, Italy, Namibia, Madagascar, Nigeria, Mozambique, Norway, Russia, Pakistan, Somalia, Spain, South Africa, USA, Switzerland, Zimbabwe and Tanzania.

High quality emeralds quite a rare occurrence. Most of them are found in several deposits: on the Red Sea coast, in the Zabara mountains near the city of Kosseir in Egypt, there is a deposit that, according to hieroglyphic inscriptions discovered there, was developed in 1650 BC; an emerald deposit called Tunja was discovered in 1555 in Colombia; Another famous deposit is located in the town of Muso, in New Granada, which has been developed since 1537.

Emeralds of significantly lower quality are mined in Norway, near Lake Mjosen and in its environs, in Ireland in the town of Mourn, in Habachtal, in Salzburg, Austria. In the Russian Federation, emerald crystals are found 90 km away. northeast of Yekaterinburg on the Tokovaya River.

There is black mica slate there. Emerald deposits are also known at the sources of the Bolshaya Refta River. The stones mined in these places are famous for their size. The Bolshaya Refta River is also rich in phenacite and alexandrite.

Under Pharaoh Sesostris III, who reigned about 37 centuries ago, emerald deposits were developed, which gave the world many beautiful specimens. They are located near Aswan, 50-65 km. from the Red Sea.

Slaves dug mines in hard rocks, the depth of which reached 200 meters. One such mine could house about 400 people at a time. They believed that emerald did not like light, so all work was carried out in absolute darkness.

Emerald-bearing rock extracted to the surface, then chopped it into pieces and generously smeared with olive oil, this helped to distinguish and select precious minerals, which the ancient Romans and Greeks called stones of green radiance.

History of emeralds

In ancient times, they were highly valued by the rulers of India. It is believed that the builder of the Taj Mahal, the famous Sultan Shah Yahan, wore emeralds as a talisman, they were depicted with sacred scriptures.

Most likely, it was because of this that emerald was credited with influencing love, because the Taj Mahal is one of the greatest symbols of devotion and love.

The famous report of Juan de Samano, who was the secretary of the great Emperor Charles V, indicates that Colombian emeralds were first found in 1525. And this was associated with the first expedition of Diego de Almagro and Francisco Pizarro.

This mineral was also highly valued by ancient cultures. The inhabitants of Babylon sold emeralds back in 4000 BC. The famous emerald deposits belonging to Cleopatra were located in the vicinity of Aswan in Egypt.

For many years it was believed that these deposits were just a fictitious story or legend, but in 1818 they were discovered again in these places. And in the old mines, tools were found that were later definitely dated back to 1300 BC.

By 1530, almost all emerald deposits and mines were known to Europeans. Their number was not large. After the Spanish conquest of Colombia, large quantities of emeralds found their way to Europe.

In ancient Egypt, there was a Book of the Dead, in which it was written that the Egyptians accepted an emerald as a gift from the great god and ruler Thoth. Green color speaks of spring and therefore emerald was considered a symbol of eternal youth.

The peoples of Egypt called this mineral the stone of the goddess Isis. And they endowed him with the ability to turn dreams into reality, see the past, read minds and predict the future.

It was also assumed that emerald is capable of rewarding a person with unchanging love and loyalty. He was considered the patron saint of expectant mothers, and the emerald was the best gift for a pregnant woman. Emeralds were also very popular in ancient Egyptian jewelry.

And a huge number of people wanted jewelry to be placed in their tombs after their death. There is a legend about the great emperor Nero, which says that he had a large emerald, which he used as a monocle when he watched gladiator battles.

The well-known emerald is a rather rare stone that is of great value and popularity. Its amazing appearance and unusual properties attract the attention of many mineralogists and collectors.

Physical properties and features of emerald

This transparent crystal belongs to the variety, and it owes its green color to chromium and vanadium. The hue and saturation of a color are affected by angle and temperature.

You can often find cracks and small splits on it. This is considered a normal flaw due to the fragility of emerald. It is also very sensitive to compression and high temperatures, and has good resistance to acids and various reagents.

Emerald in history

Many ancient manuscripts and legends describe the magnificence of the mineral and its magical properties. Emeralds have always been an object of wealth and respect. Now a large number of stones can be seen in museums and personal collections. These include an emerald cup in the New York Museum, the diadem of the ruler of Farah in the Jewelry Treasury of Iran, and a treasury vase in Vienna.

Many peoples highly valued the properties of emerald and even idolized it. The stone is mentioned in the Bible as an ornament worn by Jewish priests and in the description of the rainbow that surrounded the throne of God.

Mining locations

One of the famous places for emerald mining is Egypt. The crystals found there are light in color and of low quality. In contrast, high-quality minerals are mined in South America. Their deposits have also been found in Colombia, Australia, India, and Pakistan. In Russia, emeralds are mined in the eastern Urals, where they were discovered in the mid-nineteenth century. Near Yekaterinburg there are crystal mines that are quite large in size. The Malyshevskoe emerald deposit is also known. It is located in the Sverdlovsk region.

The extraordinary properties of emerald

Many cultures consider this gem a symbol of chastity and purity. The emerald stone can become an indispensable assistant and strong protection against grief, sadness and despondency. It encourages its owner to do good deeds, not to succumb to evil thoughts, helps to increase wealth and find a way out of complicated situations.

Symbolism of emerald

Jewelry with it is often given to young mothers, thereby providing support, strength and protection. Sometimes it is placed in a small child's cradle as a talisman. Emerald will be a good amulet for travelers. It will provide peace and spiritual harmony away from home. A gem with a silver frame is used as an amulet against sorcerers and evil spirits. A gift in the form of an emerald is considered a wish for success and is presented as a sign of the donor’s sincere feelings.

The stone will help young people fight vices and depraved desires. Creative individuals will be able to feel the rise of spiritual strength and endless inspiration.

Emerald symbolizes love and romance. If you give it to a loved one, he will not be able to change, deceive or betray. Otherwise the stone will split. This wonderful crystal will help lovers come to a common opinion in various situations, and will also protect their relationship from evil intentions.

The importance of emerald for culture

In Ancient Rus', this gem, along with ruby, was considered a symbol of wisdom and hope. Sometimes they made wedding rings with it. For clairvoyants, emerald helps to perform magical rituals, see the past and look into the future, communicate with the other world and read thoughts.

Emerald is suitable for spiritual and noble people. Then he will fully demonstrate his magical powers and beneficial effects. If the owner is an insincere person, the stone can take revenge on him. The legend says: “Whoever owns an emerald will gain glory.”

Healing emerald

Lithotherapists have long known the beneficial properties of this precious mineral. With his help:

Emerald helps with gynecological and urological problems, stops vomiting and relieves skin diseases. It destroys bacteria and is able to purify water. It is recommended to purchase it for those who have diabetes or hypertension, as well as for those who are bothered by nightmares.

The green gem will calm the nerves and help the eyes relax. Its powerful energy eliminates any negative influences, promoting longevity and good health. For greater effect, emerald rings are worn on the little finger.

The influence of emerald on the zodiac sign

If you know who an emerald is suitable for, you can easily use its magical powers and wonderful properties. Those people whose horoscope sign is Gemini, Cancer or Taurus have the greatest connection with him. The stone must be real. If it is artificial, no zodiac sign will be affected.

The influence of the stone on Cancer

A bright green emerald will help Cancers become less emotional. The stone will relieve them of loneliness and complexes. Girls are recommended to wear silver earrings with it. This will give them charm. Males can purchase rings or other jewelry.

The effect of the mineral on Gemini

A pendant or pendant with a dark green mineral will suit Gemini. This zodiac sign will be able to get out of difficult situations with dignity, become calmer and wiser. Lonely Geminis will be able to find a partner and arrange their personal life.

Emerald for Taurus

Taurus will become wiser, more insightful and calmer, and will be able to cope with life's obstacles. The stone sharpens the character traits that are inherent in this zodiac sign. This does not prevent Taurus from finding new values ​​and personal happiness.

Effect of the stone on Sagittarius

Sagittarius will be able to get rid of worries and worries, relieve irritability. The stone will teach them to subtly sense beauty and help them decide on what they love in life.

Virgo's reaction to the mineral

For those whose zodiac sign is Virgo, emerald will become a faithful friend and helper. It will give you optimism, teach you to enjoy every day and control your desires.

Aquarius and emerald

Aquarius is a calm and cheerful sign. Emerald is suitable for such people. It can be used by them as a talisman, thereby protecting them from stress and fatigue. Creative Aquarians will be inspired by new ideas, begin to think differently and fantasize. The stone will instill confidence in them and bring them luck in love affairs.

The influence of the crystal on Aries

The crystal will teach Aries to subtly feel people and understand them. The extraordinary properties of the stone will only enhance their cheerfulness and optimism.

How does the stone affect Leo?

Leo is the sign of a leader who sometimes lacks the strength to reach his intended goal. If these are good goals, then emerald will help you concentrate on them and achieve the desired result. The mineral can improve your financial situation and also help in solving complex cases.

Stone for Libra

Those people whose zodiac sign is Libra will also be able to experience the beneficial properties of the crystal. It will help you relax, become bolder and more emotional. This is something that the closed Libra sometimes really lacks.

Capricorn and the influence of emerald on it

For Capricorn women, emerald will be a real find. It will give female representatives beauty, softness, and romance. The stone will help this zodiac sign improve and develop their love relationships.

Scorpio and emerald

Scorpios will be able to refrain from rash actions and discover new talents in themselves. However, this sign must use the stone with extreme caution, because its energy can be destructive for Scorpio.

Effect on Pisces

Those people whose zodiac sign is Pisces can count on establishing peace of mind and balance. The stone will help you find stability in love and material terms.


The luxurious and exquisite emerald has captured the hearts of many people. Being a rare and expensive stone, it continues to delight the eye with its incomparable radiance.