Conspiracy for a good salary. Conspiracies to increase salaries and promotions

If the work of a talented and diligent employee is not noticed and not encouraged, then magic can come to the rescue. In order to raise wages, there is a special conspiracy.

To make it, you need any yellow coin. On it you need to read the following magical text:

“As in the blue sea, the mighty ocean, fish are found and not translated, As in the blue sky, the sky is huge, the stars shine, do not count them, As in a spacious field, a wide field of grass, do not interrupt everything, So it is with me, a servant of God ( name) there was always money. My words are strong, like the mighty stone Alatyr, I seal them with an iron sword in mother earth. Let my boss increase my salary, add money, see my talents. To always be like this. Amen!"

After this period, the coin must be presented to someone, or give alms to a homeless person, or spend it on acquiring some thing, and give the thing itself to someone. It could be chocolate or candy.

The following month, the Conspiracy must be repeated. Despite its simplicity, the Conspiracy is really very effective and I have not yet heard from people practicing this Conspiracy that it does not help.

I wish you all good luck and financial work!

To get a vacant position or a promotion, sometimes only luck is not enough. And sometimes, envious colleagues with their emotional mood make you almost invisible to the authorities. Magic rituals will help to attract good luck and turn the situation in your favor, to protect yourself from the envy of your colleagues.

In addition to conspiracies, magicians recommend always carrying a black tourmaline stone with you at work. It acts like an amulet and protects its owner from the negative aura of envious people. It is not difficult to activate the protective properties of the mineral. To do this, every morning a drop of bergamot essential oil is applied to it.

Impact on superiors with the help of a conspiracy

In some cases, the head of the enterprise does not hide negative emotions towards the employee. In such a situation, it is not necessary to count on a highly paid position and bonuses. But, in order to win over the boss and remove the negative, it is possible by conducting a magical conspiracy. For this you will need:

  • 1 tbsp dark honey;
  • a small pinch of crushed basil leaves;
  • they can be replaced with basil essential oil (3 drops).

All components are thoroughly mixed, slightly heated. During the bath, the mixture is added to the water. Lying in the water, read the plot:

“As Joseph sees with his eyes the lady of the Most Holy Theotokos, admires her, does not stop admiring, looks at her, does not look enough, praises her, does not praise, so it would be on me, the servant of God / servant of God (your name), the whole human race: and old, and young, and masters, and servants, and the weak, and the strong, and the rich, and the poor - everyone loved me, honored me, everyone praised me, admired me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

A conspiracy to help win over competitors

Several people can apply for a promising, vacant position. In order to defeat them, you can perform a magical ritual.

For its implementation it is necessary:

  • On a piece of paper write the name of a competitor, in the amount of 9 times.
  • Cross out each word three times.
  • While whispering the words:

“With a triple sign, a triple law, I hold back and imprison you in the fetters of deeds and thoughts. Let it be so".

  • Next, the sheet is folded into a tube, placed in a glass container (bottle).
  • Vinegar is poured into it and tightly closed.
  • They go to a deserted place.
  • Stand facing west.
  • Holding the bottle with the right hand, read the following words:

“Be you always behind me, in any business, in any process. I have all the awards and honors, and you - gnawed bones. Fulfilled."

  • A glass bottle is thrown behind the back, only over the left shoulder.
  • They go home. You can't look back or talk to anyone.

A ritual to help you find a good job

If you are looking for a job, and interviews for an attractive position do not work, the following ritual will help.

  • Before the full moon, they buy a new handkerchief.
  • The following words are recited on it 7 times in a row:

“It will be for me, the servant of God (name), prosperity on the road-road. Wherever I go, I find a job, I won’t get a refusal.”

  • They take a charmed handkerchief with them when they go to a conversation with a potential employer.
  • A handkerchief is applied to the palm and open the door.
  • Under no circumstances should the handkerchief be used for other purposes.

Attract good luck at work

There is a strong enough conspiracy to raise wages. It is read three times in a row before leaving home for work.

“Lord Father and Mother Church! Save and save me, a servant of God (your full name), from evil barbarians, from adversaries, from fire, from water, from judgment, from trouble. Accept my repentance. Soften my heart, deliver me from black anger, from evil thoughts. Give me happiness, health and long life. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

Ritual for good work

A strong conspiracy will help open the doors to prospects, settle relations with the manager in order to increase salaries and protect colleagues from envy. It is carried out using candles of four colors. The following components are required:

  • one white wax candle;
  • one black wax candle;
  • one green wax candle;
  • one brown wax candle;
  • candlesticks;
  • one dry leaf of patchouli (or brown essential oil);
  • some cinnamon:
  • a container with water, a towel (for washing hands).

During a conspiracy for a career, it is advisable to be completely alone. No one should interfere with the process.

  1. They sit down at the table, light a black candle.
  2. Looking at the flame, think about all the problems.
  3. Imagine that they all burn in the flame of a wax candle.
  4. First, they hold it in their hands, then put it in a candlestick.
  5. In it, it should burn out completely.
  6. Sprinkle a black candle with finely chopped patchouli leaf.
  7. If oil is used, they lubricate the candle from the bottom up.
  8. A black candle is placed in the center of the table.

After handling the black candle, wash your hands thoroughly. Not a speck of patchouli or a drop of oil should fall on other candles. The remaining copies are sprinkled with cinnamon.

The white candle is identified with you. Holding it in your hands, you need to think about the feelings associated with getting a new, good job. Next, the candle is placed in a candlestick, next to the black one. But so that the white is higher than the black candle.

The green candle symbolizes prosperity. Showering her with cinnamon, they only think about it. The candle is placed on your right side.

The brown candle is identified directly with the work itself. When pouring cinnamon on it, you need to be as clear as possible about the expected work. A brown copy is placed on the left side.

Lighting a candle, whisper the following words:

on white - “What I ask is mine by right”; on black - “Sadness will burn, the enemy is defeated”; on brown - “I will find a job for me by right”; on green - “Luck will come! Let it be so!".

The candles must burn to the ground. You can’t tell anyone about the ritual performed so that the result is effective.


The first step on the path to successful career growth is a highly paid position. Job responsibilities are an important aspect of any person's life. To help find a job to your liking, which will bring joy, conspiracies for work and career will help. They will protect you from ill-wishers and help smooth out tense relationships with the leader.

You have been working for your company for many years, always fulfilling your plans, submitting reports on time, and conscientiously fulfilling all the instructions of the management, but you still sit in one place and cannot wait for a promotion? Then a conspiracy to increase at work can help you, it is necessary to read such conspiracies already at first, only you noticed that they seem to not notice you at work, as soon as it comes to promotion.

Unfortunately, in such moments, justice does not always take place, often friends of the authorities, envious colleagues, or just lucky people get promoted. In this case, you just need to attract good luck to yourself, and in this case, turning to the Higher Forces helps very well.

Conspiracies for those who can't wait for a raise.

There are many such conspiracies and prayers, but you need to choose the one that will suit you. After all, each person is individual, with different energy, character, environment, etc. You can only find out which method is right for you by trying and being guided by your intuition.

Conspiracy to please the boss

Effective conspiracies for promotion at work.

Often they are not promoted due to the biased attitude of the manager towards you. And do everything right, and never let him down. And he is unhappy. In such cases, a conspiracy to please the boss helps well. To do this, you need to come to the store on the first lunar day according to the lunar calendar and buy three hundred grams of caramel sweets. Under no circumstances should you take change from the store! Bring these sweets home, sprinkle them with holy water. Put them in a dark place and leave them in the house overnight. In the morning before work, you will need to go around the room in which you work, so as not to attract attention to yourself! You need to go around counterclockwise, and throw a handful of sweets at each corner. While pronouncing the words

"A sharp corner spreads sweetly, the anger of the authorities quietly smolders."

It is necessary to distribute the caramel so that it is enough for each corner.

Conspiracy to help the Heavenly Forces

This conspiracy must be completed within a month. Every day always at the same time, preferably in the morning at the beginning of the day, say the words

"Heavenly Forces help, hurry up my career."

This conspiracy, although very simple in execution, has proven itself very well and has helped many.

Conspiracy for a new thing

For this plot, you need to buy yourself a new thing, it can be like a shirt, trousers, or a dress. Clothing color should be discreet. It is also necessary to clean the workplace before the ritual so that it also looks like new. It is necessary to carry out this conspiracy on the new moon. On this day, when putting on a new clean thing, you must say a prayer:

As a new thing is dressed, so a career is instilled in me.

May my service be good and successful!

And the bosses and colleagues are understanding. Amen

A conspiracy to move up the career ladder.

And so you must do three days in a row. Every time you read a prayer when you put on your new thing. After three days, the item must be rinsed in cold water. Only this water cannot be poured out, you will take it to work on the fourth day and sprinkle all the corners with it.

This is a very strong conspiracy, and having carried it out, you can confidently count on a promotion up the career ladder.

You must also remember that all conspiracies and prayers must be carried out in complete solitude! Nobody should be watching this. You should not tell anyone about your ceremony, even your best friends and relatives. As soon as anyone finds out, immediately the magical powers will be destroyed, and all your actions will be in vain!

Advice. It is very important not to doubt the power of conspiracy and prayer. Your faith increases the magical properties of this rite and reduces the time to fulfill your desire!

It is also necessary to understand that in order for the conspiracy to take effect, and your desire to be fulfilled, time is needed! The mechanisms of heavenly forces are launched immediately as you perform the ceremony! But to get the result you need to wait a bit. Therefore, one should not rush and carry out strong conspiracies more often than necessary.

Follow all these simple rules and or climb the career ladder will definitely lead you to success!

Video "Conspiracy to succeed at work"

Online test "Are you appreciated at work?" (25 questions)


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Website visitor comments

    For the past year I have been working .. melting in one place and there has been no increase at all over the years. Although I sometimes work at night, I try, but there are still no offers for promotion. Although my colleagues are more successful and they are doing well, and by the way, some of them later than me came to get a job and are already higher than me in status. Why is that? We urgently need to do your plot, and then I hope that I will be promoted at work and everything will be OK.

    There are people who are invisible. They always do something, sometimes even bring great benefits, but they are simply not noticed. I worked for one company for five years until I freaked out and decided that something had to be done about it. Rummaged the entire Internet! When I came across this conspiracy at first I thought: but this is too much. But I decided to check anyway. Dvizhuha began a week and a half later. Everyone somehow immediately remembered me, everything somehow started spinning and I achieved my goal in two months! So guys, while you don’t believe it, you’re sitting here, someone is acting!

    I'm about to get a promotion at work right now. But the choice is before our chief. He gives only one place - the deputy. There are only five candidates, including me. That is, the boss arranged a competition for us, gave us a task, whoever does it best will take the place of his personal deputy. I really want this place. For ten years I have been working for this boss, I think that I am worthy of this position. I will make your plot, it will suddenly work, and luck will be on my side. If only it were.

    On the account of "do not tell anyone" that's for sure !!! My classmate, with whom I studied together, boasted that her rapid rise was due to the fact that she was conjuring on her boss. Less than a month later, she was kicked out of her job with a bang with a scandal, and now she cannot get a job anywhere. This is how her power responded to her!

    She worked for two years, and a colleague who works for the third month was promoted because she became friends with her boss. There is simply no strength to look at this injustice. She spends a whole hour of working time with a cigarette (I don’t smoke), from a break she returns slowly like a pava (I’m in a hurry to get back to the hall as soon as possible), if there is no work at the checkout, she sits chatting, and I go to the warehouse and substitute goods in the hall. And where is the justice? I want this promotion, I will do your plot.

    We also needed to sell a car not so long ago, and we had to sell it quickly enough, since the money was needed urgently. In order not to waste time in vain, we decided to resort to the help of magic. They made a conspiracy for salt and holy water, as described here (I have been using your articles and advice for a long time - it helps a lot in life - thanks). Within a week after the ceremony, they sold the car, and quite successfully! There is no need to complicate your life if you can make it easier with the help of magic)). I think so).

    My husband has been working in the same position for I don't understand how many years. I am angry with him, and all our quarrels are only because of this, although I seem to understand that he has nothing to do with it, there are much stronger forces that hinder his progress. Therefore, I tried to make conspiracies for him, I really want everything to work out, I'm very worried about him.

    I have been with the company for 4 years. The last 2 years there was no success in my career. It seems that he worked no worse than others, was friends with his superiors, participated in forums, but they promoted anyone except me. My wife began to talk quietly about conspiracies, and I laughed. A month later, I was appointed head of the department. I don't know if it's a coincidence or my wife's conspiracies.

    I have an interesting history with the promotion. I worked as a secretary and knew everything about the structure, principles of work. All the meetings took place in front of my eyes. I knew everything about our company. I was still studying in absentia, I didn’t even dream of a promotion, there were candidates better and more experienced than me. Now I am the Deputy Head of Economic Affairs. The plot was done at the pleasure of the boss

    I wanted a managerial position even before joining this company. I had everything and education, experience, skills. I did a plot for a new thing for three days in a row! I waited almost a year and it worked!!! I never stopped believing that everything will work out!

    If it hadn't happened to me, I would never have believed it. She made a conspiracy to help the Heavenly Forces for a month, uttered the right words every day, always at the same time. Changes occurred gradually and no one suspected anything. And I am happy with my new position and received my first salary!

    I have a common story: I worked, worked from morning to night, gave all the best, but no one noticed it. One day I decided that either the promotion was enough or I quit. I read all the advice, started conspiracies. Six months later, I was appointed assistant manager, and a year later, deputy

    It is very disappointing when the boss does not appreciate your work and qualifications. To achieve a promotion in the service, I turned to conspiracies. She did everything according to the article for a month, made a conspiracy to help the Heavenly Forces. This is a very simple and effective method, as many write. I am waiting

    The work weighed me down, I performed my duties as if automatically. Wanted something else. Just as our boss was going on maternity leave, her place was free. I decided to take advantage of the conspiracy for a new thing, besides, updating your wardrobe is always nice. They didn’t appoint me as the head, but on the other hand, I’m her right hand, now I have a higher salary and more interesting work

    I’ll put in my 5 kopecks, as the immediate supervisor, in whose direction the employees were conspiring. More precisely, we had one employee in the team, in whom everyone was always to blame, especially in her jambs and mistakes, she never admitted her guilt. And so she was advised to conduct some conspiracies in order to improve relations in the team. Imagine my surprise when I arrived at work in the morning, she was already in the office, and before that she was late all the time and there were sweets everywhere. To be honest, it did not help her and there was no increase. Sometimes you have to look at yourself

    It really helps, it's just that everyone's situation is different. There are a lot of organizations where “their own” and other employees work, who must perform duties both for themselves and for “that guy”, when they couldn’t stand it, they made a conspiracy. And a good opportunity turned up, my colleagues fell ill, I had to pull the work for three for a week, but soon they gave me a bonus and a new position

    I had two years left before retirement, and as luck would have it, they posted a plan to reduce staff and we “old men” were in the forefront. For a month she made a conspiracy to help heaven and it helped. They left me and calmly completed it until my retirement and 55 years. So, if you follow everything, everything will work out.

A conspiracy to raise wages is a magical rite that does not affect the person who performs it, but the environment and other people surrounding the employee. A conspiracy to increase wages does not only increase income, but also resolves possible conflicts with superiors.

As a rule, wage increases can occur not only when the business is doing well, but even in a difficult situation bordering on bankruptcy.

The rite to raise wages, like any other conspiracy, has its own characteristics.

Having studied the rules for performing the ritual and correctly conducting it, it will turn out to be effective and efficient, bringing the desired results in the very near future:

  • both men and women can read the conspiracy, regardless of their position and salary level;
  • the most effective rituals are obtained during the growing moon or on the full moon. It is not recommended to read a plot for a waning month, as it may have the opposite effect;
  • it is undesirable to conduct a ceremony to raise wages on church holidays, Sundays or on days when a person feels unwell;
  • money conspiracies are the strongest if carried out on Thursday or Saturday.

Having studied these simple rules, you can make the conspiracy effective, and get the result in the shortest possible time.

It is believed that the ceremony begins to work immediately after completion, and the first results can be seen in a month and a half.

Conspiracy to raise wages in several stages

This rite is considered very effective, and it must be carried out in several stages.

First stage- cleaning of the workplace. If possible, the working room is fumigated with calendula and mint grass. If this is not possible, then a rag bag with herbs should be left in one of the drawers of the table or in another secret place for a week.

Second phase- CONSPIRACY. A conspiracy is read on the full moon:

“Flowers all bloom on the full moon, they obey the round moon,
And I, the servant of God (name), ask the moon for clear light, complete consent.
So that my salary is round, like you are now,
And with your growth it increased,
And as you decrease, so it will stabilize.
The light is long, the month is full, my purse is golden.
My chief boss will listen to the moon and solve my affairs.

The plot is repeated three times, and after reading it, you should go to bed.

Third stage- Morning ritual at work. In the morning after reading the magic words, you need to come to work first, open the window and say the plot:

"I let in the light, I let out failures!"

The plot is repeated three times, after which you can proceed to your ordinary duties. The rite of passage for a salary increase begins immediately, and the first results can be enjoyed in a few weeks.

Ritual for a coin

When a talented and diligent employee does everything to be noticed and encouraged, but the boss does not do this, magic comes to the rescue. A special conspiracy for a coin will help to ensure that the employee's salary is increased. To complete it, you need a coin of any denomination of yellow color.

Magic words are read on it:

“As in the blue sea, the mighty ocean, fish are found and not translated,
As in the blue sky, the huge sky, the stars shine, do not count them,
As in a spacious field, a wide field of grass is earing, not to interrupt everything,
So I, the servant of God (name), always had money.
My words are strong, like a mighty stone Alatyr,
I seal them with an iron sword in mother earth.
Let my boss increase my salary
He will add money, he will see my talents.
To always be like this.

The words are read three times, after which the coin should be placed in the workplace to your right. The coin should lie there for three days. When three days have passed, you need to buy something with it. Only it is not bought for oneself, but for someone else. For example, a purchased candy that is given to a child is suitable. On this, the ceremony is considered completed. You can expect results within a month.

You can make it so that wages are raised with the help of magical influence. A special conspiracy to raise wages will help the boss notice the talents of his subordinate and, accordingly, encourage him financially.

Conspiracies that attract money Vladimirova Naina

For the boss to pay

Read this conspiracy in the mornings and evenings three times, and the unscrupulous leader will not delay the payment of salaries.

Shila Ulyana, hemmed Maryana,

Two dawns converged

We agreed among ourselves:

Neither a thief nor a boss can get into my pocket,

Do not steal wages, do not rob,

Protect from all hands.

Hands would turn to stone, eyes would go glassy, ​​legs would stiffen.

Who will take from the servant of God (name) without asking.

He will steal the salary,

He will not leave Ulyana and Maryana from lightning.


This conspiracy is also for the timely payment of money:

On the forehead of the eye, in the corner of the image.

Who will offend me by stealing wages,

Who will halve my salary,

He does not see the white light.


Choose any one you like best. This plot will help protect your wallet from a thief. Read it to your wallet on an even number.

Cross on me, cross on the wall.

Who will steal my salary, steal it,

From the second cross will die.


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