childhood castle. State farm named after Lenin. childhood castle New castle kindergarten

  1. 10.10.2019 Samandar : How much is the cheapest garden per month?
    1. : Good evening. In the settlement of the state farm named after Lenin, there are 2 municipal kindergartens. 1 private. To get into municipal kindergartens, you need to join the electronic queue on the Mosreg, ru portal, the cost of one day is 156 rubles. About a private kindergarten for information on payment from the head of this NGO
    2. Samandar: Please send contact number
  2. 07/25/2019 Ludmila : We are 2 years old. We want to be in your garden! :) How can we do it? :) We live in the village. Misaylovo, registration in Orekhovo, Shipilovsky proezd
    1. : Good afternoon. In order to get a ticket to kindergartens in the Leninsky district, you need to register your child on the state portal. services of the Moscow region. In this case, the child must be registered in the Leninsky district. When registering on the portal, you indicate which kindergarten you prefer.
    1. : Good afternoon In our kindergarten, children are accepted from the age of 3, and registration in the Leninsky district is required.
  3. 09/10/2018 Tatyana: Good day! We arrived from the Volgograd region, it so happened, we have a child of 4 years old with us, there is no one to leave with. Tell me, please, on what conditions are you ready to take us to the garden? We live geographically on Ashcherino 18. Thank you in advance for your answer.
    1. : Good afternoon, dear Tatyana! Admission of children to kindergarten in our country is carried out in accordance with the order. I am sending you the rules for placing a child on the waiting list for kindergarten. Dear parents! In connection with the entry into force on March 1, 2018 of a new administrative regulation on the provision of the municipal service "Acceptance of applications, registration and enrollment of children in educational organizations that implement the main general educational program of pre-school education (kindergartens) located on the territory of the Leninsky municipality -palny district of the Moscow region "(hereinafter referred to as the Service), applications for placing a child on a waiting list in a preschool educational institution are submitted electronically through a single portal of public services (EPGU)<...>and the State Information System "Regional Portal of State and Municipal Services (Functions) of the Moscow Region" (RPGU)<...> . The recipients of the service can be citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens, stateless persons who are parents or legal representatives of a child who needs to be enrolled in a kindergarten. Placement of a child on the waiting list for kindergarten is carried out from birth to 7 years of age. To do this, the Applicant (representative of the Applicant) logs in to the Unified Identification and Authentication System (hereinafter referred to as the ESIA), then generates an Application using a special interactive form in electronic form with attached electronic images: Identity document of the Applicant; Identification document of the representative of the Applicant, in case of application for the provision of services by the representative of the Applicant; A document confirming the authority of the representative of the Applicant, in the event of a request for the provision of services by the representative of the Applicant; Birth certificate of the child or other document confirming the fact of birth; Parents (legal representatives) of children who are foreign citizens or stateless persons additionally present a document confirming the right to stay in the Russian Federation; Recommendations (conclusions) of the Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission (hereinafter referred to as PMPK) for children with disabilities if there is a need to organize educational activities according to an adapted educational program in a group of compensatory or combined type (if any); Documents confirming the preferential right to provide a place in a preschool educational institution (if any). ATTENTION! The Applicant (representative of the Applicant), who is entitled to an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to receive the Service, confirms his status by submitting documents in person to the Department of Education only before the start of recruitment for the new academic year from April 1 to April 30 in accordance with the selected year of admission of the child to DOO. Foreign citizens and stateless persons submit all documents in Russian or together with a duly certified translation into Russian. The Applicant (Applicant's representative) can choose no more than three PEOs. Notification of the decision made, regardless of the result of the provision of the Service, is sent to the Personal Account of the Applicant (representative of the Applicant) at RPGU, EPGU. The recruitment of the preschool for the new academic year (to provide the child with a place from September 1 of the calendar year) is carried out annually from April 1 to July 1 of the current year. Children whose parents applied for registration after April 1 of the current calendar year are included in the list of children who need to be provided with a place in the preschool from September 1 of the next calendar year. With the annual acquisition of the preschool, the age of the child is determined on September 1 of the new academic year. Age categories are calculated automatically. Children living in the assigned territory have the priority right to be placed in a preschool. Additional staffing for vacated or newly created places in preschools is carried out constantly. With additional staffing of the preschool educational institution, the age of the child is determined on September 1 of the current academic year. A notification about sending a child to a preschool is sent to the personal account of the Applicant (Applicant's representative) at RPGU and EPGU, as well as to the Applicant's (Applicant's representative) e-mail within one working day after the protocol is published. Lists of children sent to preschools are published on our website in this section.
    1. : Hello, to enroll in the Municipal Preschool Educational Institution "Kindergarten No. 13 "Strawberry" you need to queue up in the electronic kindergarten. To do this, you need to provide documents to the MFC in Vidnoye, Shkolnaya st. 77. 1. Birth certificate of the child 2 Passport of one of the parents 3. Registration in the Leninsky municipal district Sincerely, the administration of MBDOU

Moscow Mayor Sergei SOBBYANIN will be remembered by many for his tiling, paid parking, and renovation program. Governor of the Moscow region Andrey VOROBYOV - with the ideology of "leadership", the liquidation of local government, mass construction and a private gymnasium in Razdory for 2000000000 rubles from the budget of the Odintsovo district.

While officials of all ranks are competing in deceiving the population and building castles on Rublyovka with stolen money, the director of CJSC Lenin State Farm Pavel GRUDININ builds castles for children, and not in the air, but quite real.

On July 10, it became known that Glavgosstroynadzor issued a conclusion on compliance with the new, already second, kindergarten built in the state farm village. It will be put into operation in the third quarter of this year.

Pavel Nikolaevich Grudinin

New castle kindergarten

4-storey kindergarten with a total area of ​​over 7290 m² meets all modern standards. It is designed for 180 seats. The building, built in the style of a Russian tower, houses group cells, sports and assembly halls, methodological and medical rooms. In the surrounding area there are playgrounds with verandas in the style of the building, a stadium and recreational areas. The building is equipped with accessibility for people with limited mobility. The customer of the object is CJSC State Farm named after Lenin.

This is not another official's castle on Rublyovka, this is a kindergarten at the Lenin State Farm

Construction of a new kindergarten

No, this is not another residence of Putin, this is a new kindergarten
in the style of a Russian tower at Lenin's state farm

Island of socialism

And this is far from the first social facility built in the village, which is called the island of socialism in the Moscow region. CJSC "Sovkhoz im. Lenin" is located just outside the Moscow Ring Road along the Kashirskoye Highway. Established in 1928, the main product of the state farm is strawberries. In addition, potatoes are grown with a productivity 430 centners per hectare, vegetables, apples. The state farm also has cattle with milk 8100 liters of milk per cow per year.

By decision of the shareholders, dividends are not paid, and all profits are directed to increase the wages of employees and the social sphere. In particular, for state farm workers 50% the cost of housing is paid by the enterprise, and the remaining half is paid by the employee within 15 years without interest and overpayments. Pavel Grudinin has been director of the state farm since 1995.

Several social facilities have been built in the village at the expense of ZAO State Farm named after Lenin. Among them is a playground, which is visited by parents with children from all over the area. On weekends, long queues line up at the entrance.

The children's park is guarded by 33 heroes

“At the seaside, the oak is green; Golden chain on an oak tree:
And day and night the cat is a scientist Everything goes around the chain ... "

Already in July of this year, a new building of a comprehensive school on 550 seats erected at the expense of state farm funds. The school building consists of three wings elongated along the axis. In the western part there is a primary and a high school, in the eastern part there is an elementary school, in the central part there are general school premises - dressing rooms, an administrative area, assembly halls, a rhythm room, a library, creative classrooms, a library, a dining room, a catering unit.

On the ground floor of the block of basic and primary schools there are classrooms, workshops, a gym, medical rooms, auxiliary rooms. On the second floor there are classrooms with laboratory assistants, creative workshops, rehearsal rooms.

On the third floor there are specialized study rooms, a theater studio, rhythm rooms, and administrative offices. A sports core with treadmills and playgrounds for playing sports, a children's play area, and places for recreation are equipped on the adjacent territory.

A school for 550 students was built at the Lenin State Farm

Construction of a school at the Lenin State Farm

Sports grounds on the school grounds

"Children's Castle"

One of the main attractions of the village is the operating private kindergarten "Castle of Childhood", opened in February 2013. Kindergarten area 6000 m² cost RUB 260 million was also built at the expense of the state farm. It is designed for 120 children, while immediately after its construction, the state bought 98 seats, making them municipal. Fee for such a place with — 1800 rub. per month. Commercial places - 25-28 thousand rubles. per month.

For children in the "castle" everything you need is equipped. In addition to spacious rooms and a landscaped area with a playground, there is a music hall, various laboratories and even its own observatory!

This is how the "Childhood Castle" in the Leninsky district looks like, which was also noticed in the foreign press, calling it a "Russian fairy tale" and "the most amazing kindergarten on the planet."

For a non-Muscovite, it will come as a surprise that the Lenin State Farm, which became famous throughout the country after its director Pavel Grudinin was nominated for the presidency of the Russian Federation, is not a state farm in the usual sense. In fact, this is an urban residential area just a few kilometers from the Domodedovskaya metro station. It is even more surprising that the brainchild of the life of a harsh accuser of power is a gingerbread town from children's fairy tales. The gates installed at the entrance are already tuned in the right way.

The main office of Grudinin's enterprise is a modest building, sheathed with plastic in the fashion of the early 2000s, lost behind the monument to Lenin. But nearby rises a huge gingerbread castle. This is a kindergarten. One of two in the village. This neighborhood clearly demonstrates the director's priorities.

The locals call it the "castle of childhood", it was built five years ago according to the author's project. Interestingly, in fact, the building has only two floors. So Grudinin's team managed to get around the SNIPs that were in force five years ago, regulating such structures exclusively as buildings of two floors and no more. Grudinin's team not only managed to lobby for the construction, but also managed to make the institution municipal. The castle cost the enterprise 260 million rubles, there are 180 places in it, children receive them free of charge in the general order, as in any ordinary kindergarten.

In total, about 8 thousand inhabitants live in the Lenin State Farm (according to other estimates, 12 thousand). One kindergarten is clearly not enough, and soon a second one was built. It is also made in the form of a fairy-tale castle, although it looks somewhat stricter. On the main tower there is a clock with active chimes.

When you go to see the village, they say, "be sure to see the new school." Moscow hipsters call the 548th “school of the future”. It is considered a great success to arrange children in it.

Pavel Grudinin in his interviews often admitted his sympathy for Scandinavian socialism.

Even the director of the State Farm, as they say in his team, is sure that crime must be eradicated from an early age.

If children have something to do, then the idea does not occur to them to gather at the entrances to drink beer. And the 548th school is a fusion of Scandinavian developments in education and the ideas of local teachers.

The maximum of free space and "air" in the building, the transparent walls of the classrooms - this is a school in which children are all day long, and not just during lessons.

In approaches to learning, the emphasis is on the early career guidance of the child and his maximum development.

That is, it is better if the student proves himself in the maximum of areas of activity than he will waste time on this later, after graduating from the institute.

Characteristically, this is not about the hackneyed "search for oneself" - in art, show business and the humanitarian spheres.

Yes, there are ballet circles, and theatrical circles, and even a recording studio and a climbing wall, but these days you rarely surprise.

But the fact that the school has a craft workshop where you can learn carpentry, tailoring or culinary - perhaps you can surprise.

There are also laboratories for experiments in chemistry and physics, and a huge class filled to capacity with robotics.

Education and meals are free, but the circles - for money, however, are small.

If a child suddenly wants to visit them all at once, it will cost parents 5 thousand rubles. per month.

Children are at school until eight o'clock in the evening.

They say that the institution was built so that the child would spend the whole day in it.

The essence of the concept is wider than just letting the child try everything.

Instead of the already customary division of students into the humanities, mathematicians and chemists, there is a system of division into basic professional areas: engineering and architecture.

At the same time, the school management claims that it aims to release a child with craft skills.

The school has a lot of free space where teachers can, if desired, conduct lessons outside the classroom. For example, as an elective foreign language, you can watch a movie in the hall.

And as an elective physical education - to engage in a climbing wall.

This is what the teacher's room looks like at school No. 548.

And so the usual, as they call it, "universal" classroom.

Almost 700 children study at the institution. The younger ones have their own atmosphere.

From the second to the first floor, they move exclusively along the tube-slide.

According to statistics, graduates of the 548th school all (!) As a result, go to universities for the budget. So it is asserted.

It turns out that it is possible to build a school on your own without the participation of the state in Russia.

Surprisingly, it is much more difficult to give it to the state later on the balance sheet so that it becomes municipal.

Moscow did not want to take over the school.

It is expensive to maintain and is territorially located outside of Moscow.

Grudinin wanted to give it to Moscow.

The logic here is simple, in the capital 129 thousand rubles are spent per student per month, in the Moscow region - 70 thousand rubles.

They say that in order to convince officials on Tverskaya to take the educational institution for themselves,

Gennady Zyuganov spoke with Vladimir Putin.

A wary attitude is also felt towards those who do not live here.

The order is guarded by the local private security company "Kolovrat".

It is not easy for a non-local to get into the Grudin school.

There is a feeling that the state farm is generally trying in every possible way to isolate itself from Muscovites.

For example, Grudinin opened the "Park of Fairy Tales", and it came out so cozy that it turned into a favorite vacation spot for all Muscovites.

The inhabitants of the village simply no longer had enough space and they asked Grudinin to close the park from the "come in large numbers", to which the director objected:

"How can I let your child into the park, and tell another child: no, but you can't, you're not from here?"

As a result, another park had to be opened only for the residents of the village.

But for everyone in the state farm there is an agro-tourist complex.

Its concept was taken from Grudinin's conviction that it would be useful for children living in a metropolis to know at least where milk comes from.

Parents who do not have relatives with a household in the village can bring their children here.

Here the guys will milk the cow themselves, ride horses, grind grain.

They say that once a group of children arrived, in which the boy burst into tears when he learned that the cows were not lilac.

It is clear that all of the above costs money.

The kindergarten cost 260 million, the school, famous throughout Moscow, cost the state farm 2 billion rubles.

To the question - "Where did they get the money?" - here they answer "they sold strawberries."

They say at the state farm that there are funds because Grudinin himself does not consider himself a capitalist (he owns only 44% of the shares of the joint-stock company), and his joint-stock company does not pay dividends.

All profits are allegedly used to raise wages and pensioners, social programs and modernize production.

But the main thing is strawberries. She is everywhere at the state farm, and not just in the fields and the logo.

Sometimes it is replaced by apples. They are also grown on the farm.


In fact, the state farm is 2 thousand hectares (70% of the territory of the settlement is in agricultural circulation, and 300 hectares of land are occupied by strawberries).

Not only strawberries grow around the state farm, but also apples, pears, currants, gooseberries, sea buckthorn, chokeberries and raspberries.

By the way, everything began more than two decades ago with a scientific project to develop a special culture of honeysuckle.

Scientific work by agronomists is being carried out here even now.

However, "began" would not be entirely correct.

The state farm has been operating since Soviet times, Grudinin's parents worked in it, and he himself began his career right here immediately after graduating from the institute where he received an engineering education.

From 1982 to 1989 he worked as the head of a mechanical workshop, from 1990 to 1995 as a deputy director, and in 1995 he was elected director of CJSC Lenin State Farm by the general meeting.

Other news on topics: Grudinin, State Farm, elections, Communist Party of the Russian Federation, strawberries, agriculture
12/28/2017 09:00 Msk | Ivan Zuev

First I saw the castle. With turrets, spiers and weathercocks. Is some von-baron going out again? Drove closer - kindergarten! The most ordinary, with porridge for breakfast and a quiet hour. The director of the state farm named after Lenin, Pavel Grudinin, is building the second one. Already in the old Russian style. The kids here are not only state farm children. Fairy gates are open to everyone. Socialism in action.

The Lenin State Farm is a unique farm. Immediately beyond the Moscow Ring Road - 1800 hectares of arable land. Survived four raider captures.

And it all started in 1918. Lenin was driving to his place in Gorki, and he met the villagers:

P "correct to" the horn go, Comrade "rishchi!

And then, as if by magic, the villagers united into a collective farm. Although before the revolution there were gardens supplying fruit to the House of His Imperial Majesty. By the way, no one intends to change the name of the farm. Brand, in a word.

Announcement at the entrance to the office: "There are no vacancies." The average salary is 74 thousand. The state farm is famous for growing strawberries here. The ignorant call the products strawberries. I'll tell you a secret: strawberries don't exist! It's just a big garden strawberry.

How director Grudinin managed to preserve and increase the economy under the onslaught of the metropolis, he will probably tell in his future book. But the fact that brought me to the outskirts of Moscow is a miniature copy of the German Neuschwanstein castle. All the best for children! Grudinin was there on an excursion and gave a firm task to the architects to repeat the Middle Ages in the conditions of developed socialism.

Do not be surprised, - the chairman, that is, the director, says not without pride. - I built socialism. Lenin's theory works in a single economy. You just need to roll up your sleeves.

Kindergarten is still private. So it is called "Private institution of preschool education" Kindergarten "Childhood Castle". The fee is not burdensome, the same as in the neighboring municipal kindergarten. Children are brought here from all over the region. 6 groups. 150 kids. 6 thousand square meters. Nearby, a tower is being built twice as much. And a gigantic school, which any shopping center would envy in terms of area. Of course, all at the expense of the state farm. Children are promising.

Went inside. You can get lost. The tallest tower is hollow inside. Downstairs was a winter garden. With lighting and irrigation system. But Moscow children are mostly allergic. Tribute to the smoky metropolis. The garden has been demolished.

It would be wrong to say that the "Castle of Childhood" is fundamentally different from any preschool institution near Moscow. But there is one important detail. Financing. If children need an observatory, there will be an observatory. Just brought a set of expensive musical instruments from Germany. Xylophones for every taste and size. So far, no one knows how to play them. But the kids love it. Grudinin spares no money for the future.

On the wall in a frame is the composition of the "government". President Dalia Egorova. Defense Minister Richard Dobrenkov, junior group. There are also members of the Duma. It's such a game. Explore the world in its diversity. And by April 12 they were playing astronauts. According to legend, the kindergarten received an alarming transgalactic radiogram: we are dying from rubble. Interplanetary assistance required.

All week my parents sewed spacesuits. Who used a chemical protection suit, who used foil and pots. The cleanest basement of the kindergarten had to be "dirtied" a little. The game is serious business. They scattered empty plastic, shredder paper and Coca-Cola cans. And in the rubble they hid a scarlet flower. The first interplanetary expedition successfully landed on an unknown planet, lighting the way with flashlights. Those who were afraid of the dark (mostly the younger group) remained on the surface to keep in touch. When the garbage was collected in space containers in the form of plastic bags, the flower was sent for analysis to a special laboratory. The verdict was encouraging: life saved! Geranium is still blooming on the windowsill of the older group. The game was invented by the head of the kindergarten Alevtina Chichkova.

But the most exciting this year was the inter-kindergarten football championship. For two years in a row, the "Castle of Childhood" blew dry the neighboring "Strawberry". He firmly took second place in the standings. And now they played out thanks to the four-year-old forward Andryusha. 7:0 in favor of the "Castle"!

It's like that, - says the coach of the kindergarten team Ruslan Sitdikov. - Whoever scores the first goal wins. The moral oppression of the winner. What to take from the kids? But they are trying. Maybe we will connect one more kindergarten to the championship. And we will have a real kindergarten league.

The state farm is a small republic. It is necessary to fence off the Domodedovo highway with concrete blocks. And how to isolate yourself from spiteful critics? Went to work meeting. The topic of pre-election struggle and dirty technologies was discussed. Everyone was warned that a certain journalist who introduced himself as an employee of the state television and radio company frequented the state farm. Collects dirt. And he has not been an employee for a long time - he was kicked out for bribes.

Director Grudinin put on his snow-white work jacket and led him to show achievements. Several high-rise buildings are being built next to the new kindergarten. The investor not only paid to the state farm treasury, but also provided apartments to those on the waiting list. A whole hectare was fenced with plastic figures of epic heroes. Something like Disneyland. It's called Fairyland. The children's park is open for everyone from 9 am until sunset. There is a trampoline, free (!) Carousels and other children's pleasures. Entrance is free for everyone. Families come from Moscow. And now comes the strawberries. It can be bought in branded stalls in the form of the same strawberries. If you go to the Lenin State Farm, don't forget a flask for milk. Milk vending machines operate near shopping centers. Without any “normalization”, fresh milk is poured here twice a day. Price - 50 rubles per liter. I assure you, you will not find the best within the Moscow region! A new swimming pool is also being built with a Pilates room, a library and a stadium.

I tried to ask Grudinin a question: what is the secret of success? And he just laughs, happy. Well, isn't it clear? You just need to work on your native land. Honestly. And everything will come back.

  1. 10.10.2019 Samandar : How much is the cheapest garden per month?
    1. : Good evening. In the settlement of the state farm named after Lenin, there are 2 municipal kindergartens. 1 private. To get into municipal kindergartens, you need to join the electronic queue on the Mosreg, ru portal, the cost of one day is 156 rubles. About a private kindergarten for information on payment from the head of this NGO
    2. Samandar: Please send contact number
  2. 07/25/2019 Ludmila : We are 2 years old. We want to be in your garden! :) How can we do it? :) We live in the village. Misaylovo, registration in Orekhovo, Shipilovsky proezd
    1. : Good afternoon. In order to get a ticket to kindergartens in the Leninsky district, you need to register your child on the state portal. services of the Moscow region. In this case, the child must be registered in the Leninsky district. When registering on the portal, you indicate which kindergarten you prefer.
    1. : Good afternoon In our kindergarten, children are accepted from the age of 3, and registration in the Leninsky district is required.
  3. 09/10/2018 Tatyana: Good day! We arrived from the Volgograd region, it so happened, we have a child of 4 years old with us, there is no one to leave with. Tell me, please, on what conditions are you ready to take us to the garden? We live geographically on Ashcherino 18. Thank you in advance for your answer.
    1. : Good afternoon, dear Tatyana! Admission of children to kindergarten in our country is carried out in accordance with the order. I am sending you the rules for placing a child on the waiting list for kindergarten. Dear parents! In connection with the entry into force on March 1, 2018 of a new administrative regulation on the provision of the municipal service "Acceptance of applications, registration and enrollment of children in educational organizations that implement the main general educational program of pre-school education (kindergartens) located on the territory of the Leninsky municipality -palny district of the Moscow region "(hereinafter referred to as the Service), applications for placing a child on a waiting list in a preschool educational institution are submitted electronically through a single portal of public services (EPGU)<...>and the State Information System "Regional Portal of State and Municipal Services (Functions) of the Moscow Region" (RPGU)<...> . The recipients of the service can be citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens, stateless persons who are parents or legal representatives of a child who needs to be enrolled in a kindergarten. Placement of a child on the waiting list for kindergarten is carried out from birth to 7 years of age. To do this, the Applicant (representative of the Applicant) logs in to the Unified Identification and Authentication System (hereinafter referred to as the ESIA), then generates an Application using a special interactive form in electronic form with attached electronic images: Identity document of the Applicant; Identification document of the representative of the Applicant, in case of application for the provision of services by the representative of the Applicant; A document confirming the authority of the representative of the Applicant, in the event of a request for the provision of services by the representative of the Applicant; Birth certificate of the child or other document confirming the fact of birth; Parents (legal representatives) of children who are foreign citizens or stateless persons additionally present a document confirming the right to stay in the Russian Federation; Recommendations (conclusions) of the Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission (hereinafter referred to as PMPK) for children with disabilities if there is a need to organize educational activities according to an adapted educational program in a group of compensatory or combined type (if any); Documents confirming the preferential right to provide a place in a preschool educational institution (if any). ATTENTION! The Applicant (representative of the Applicant), who is entitled to an extraordinary, priority or preferential right to receive the Service, confirms his status by submitting documents in person to the Department of Education only before the start of recruitment for the new academic year from April 1 to April 30 in accordance with the selected year of admission of the child to DOO. Foreign citizens and stateless persons submit all documents in Russian or together with a duly certified translation into Russian. The Applicant (Applicant's representative) can choose no more than three PEOs. Notification of the decision made, regardless of the result of the provision of the Service, is sent to the Personal Account of the Applicant (representative of the Applicant) at RPGU, EPGU. The recruitment of the preschool for the new academic year (to provide the child with a place from September 1 of the calendar year) is carried out annually from April 1 to July 1 of the current year. Children whose parents applied for registration after April 1 of the current calendar year are included in the list of children who need to be provided with a place in the preschool from September 1 of the next calendar year. With the annual acquisition of the preschool, the age of the child is determined on September 1 of the new academic year. Age categories are calculated automatically. Children living in the assigned territory have the priority right to be placed in a preschool. Additional staffing for vacated or newly created places in preschools is carried out constantly. With additional staffing of the preschool educational institution, the age of the child is determined on September 1 of the current academic year. A notification about sending a child to a preschool is sent to the personal account of the Applicant (Applicant's representative) at RPGU and EPGU, as well as to the Applicant's (Applicant's representative) e-mail within one working day after the protocol is published. Lists of children sent to preschools are published on our website in this section.
    1. : Hello, to enroll in the Municipal Preschool Educational Institution "Kindergarten No. 13 "Strawberry" you need to queue up in the electronic kindergarten. To do this, you need to provide documents to the MFC in Vidnoye, Shkolnaya st. 77. 1. Birth certificate of the child 2 Passport of one of the parents 3. Registration in the Leninsky municipal district Sincerely, the administration of MBDOU