Husband plays tanks. How to wean a husband from "Tanks"? Why does my husband play tanks

“You ask, what is my problem? That my husband has been playing this damned game for four years and has turned from the kindest soul of a person into a moral freak,” Olga R throws in her hearts. * The woman is frankly annoyed and sure that the authors of the hated "Tanks" are using forbidden methods.

Olga R., wife of an avid "tanker":

“The fact that hypnosis is involved in this game, the 25th frame, or whatever you want to call it, don’t go to a fortune teller. This keeps the herd that plays there on a short leash. It’s very easy to control people, millions of whom are tied to a computer, and it also brings in income. My husband even agreed to go to a psychiatrist, the doctor explained for a long time, he agrees with everything, understands everything, comes home - and again in the game. We drank two courses of amitriptyline tablets, he became much calmer, removed WoT completely from company and did not play for half a year. He himself was even proud that (his words) finally jumped off this infection, barely jumped, although it was not at all easy. But he himself says that something pulls to play anyway, and now again sits there, and again aggression overflows.

Just imagine: a normal person sits down to play "Tanks" - and immediately turns into a beast. This game is a very big problem for people. Personally, I think that the game should bring satisfaction, soothe, play - and enjoy. And here it's the other way around. I'm not talking about broken mice, keyboards, headphones, etc. - and about nerves mine and neighbors. You can't say goodbye to World of Tanks. Sign up - and keep you on a leash. I talked to many people about this - everyone has the same problem: quitting WoT on your own without the help of a psychologist or psychotherapist is IMPOSSIBLE!"

Olga's story is not unique. If you type in the search engine the phrase "dependence on World of Tanks", then you will find a lot of interesting materials, one way or another telling about how an exemplary family man went to "fight" and, it seems, is not going to return. In any case, in the next year, or even two.

It is really extremely difficult to argue with the popularity of World of Tanks. "In fact, they created a whole direction within the session MMO genre," one of our colleagues shares his thoughts. "Multiplayer fighters with or about vehicles have been released before, but hardly anyone could believe that not the most beautiful shooter could achieve such success and gather not just a strong, but a huge community. I don’t presume to judge whether there are millions or still hundreds of thousands, but the results are impressive."

"Tanks" today is not just a cycle of products created for a personal computer, consoles and modern smartphones, but also a mass media phenomenon. Championships are held on WoT, amateur videos are devoted to them, the authors of the game shoot full-fledged short films and, in general, try to support any historical undertakings. However, like any medal, World of Tanks has a downside.

"Hello! I was also looking for a way out of this problem for a long time ... My husband started playing as soon as I got pregnant. This period, which should be joyful in the life of every woman, was just hell for me! Just like everyone else. All my free time in the game. Zero help. I generally keep quiet about intimacy and affection. For the family, I became like a neighbor, nothing more. I thought that with the advent of the child, something would change ... But no. It got even worse! From birth to 8 months, everything was on me, my husband only approached my daughter a couple of times.When I asked him to sit with her so that I could at least take a shower, tantrums began in the spirit of "YOU WON'T BUILD ME, I AM NOT A HEEL". - Elena K. shares her story on the Internet. In a conversation with a Life correspondent, the girl admits that she tried in every possible way to heal her husband, but everything, as expected, ended in nothing.

Elena K., WoT lover's wife:

“Now he quietly spends time with his parents playing Tanks. He eats with them. And I sold gold to feed the children and buy medicine. The whole problem lies deeper. I can’t tell you the secrets and cockroaches of my husband. my secret... but I can tell you one thing. A self-confident and self-sufficient person will never get hooked on any game. Will not invest money in it. Sacrifice family, children. These are weak people looking for an easy life. A lot of things I tried to do. You you can’t even imagine. There are a lot of stories!!! He leaves the family, and when he walks up and plays enough, he comes back with an apology and with an empty wallet. He looks very convincing in his words. He explains in detail what his fault is ... but that’s all soon back to where it started...

I remember that a week after being discharged from the hospital, it was very difficult for me. Baby in the arms. The eldest 10-year-old daughter, who also requires attention. Cleaning, cooking... Everything is trite. The man is in the game, and I, with tears in my eyes, asked him for help. Just support, stay close. For this, I got hit in the face, holding the baby in my arms: he didn’t even think that he could harm her ... After that, I called my relatives and left for my mother. And he kept playing...

And an example of re-education ... We have an apartment outside the city, where he often stays for work. Naturally, with a laptop. The situation is peak... He adds girls from WoT as friends in VK, the relationship is to hell... I decided to take the first step. On Saturday, they took the children to their mother, twisted their hair, put on defiant make-up, and under my coat I had only underwear and stockings. (Smiling.) I asked my friend to take me to him. At 9 pm I rang the doorbell, he was drunk, a laptop with this game was open on the table. At first he accepted me, but when it came to intimacy, he began to hysteria and beat the dishes ... "squirrel", apparently. In the end, they just kicked me out the door. Not knowing if I have money and the opportunity to get home, and I was 60 kilometers from the city.

The group "Wives against World of Tanks?", located in one of the social networks, has more than eight thousand members. Not all of them are about people who somehow went through a family hell on the basis of WoT, but the stories themselves are one more beautiful than the other. "I left to play - I won't be back soon" - the leitmotif that today unites the participants, who are sincerely convinced that the Wargaming product is to blame.

Community member "Wives vs. World of Tanks?":

"I am writing from my husband's page (I had to delete mine). My cousin (she is 31 years old) lives with an avid" tanker ". For me, his addiction to this game seemed harmless until I had to stay with them. So. Her day husband starts at 5:30 (although he has to work by 8:30) and ends well after midnight.He even manages to come home for an hour at lunchtime to eat and play.And I’m silent about the weekend ... He locks himself in a room with a laptop and only once or twice appears in the kitchen to have a snack. My sister threatened both with a divorce and with the fact that she would throw her laptop off the balcony, but still continued to endure. But one day everything came to an end. Their youngest daughter (3 years old) was poisoned by something in the kindergarten "The child vomited every half an hour, lay paler than pale on his mother's arms and barely breathed. And when the sister asked her husband to call an ambulance in order to save her child from death, she heard from her husband: "Scha, I still have five minutes left to play." I think It's pointless to describe what happened next."

Sometimes excessive enthusiasm for World of Tanks can literally lead to tragedy. Almost two years ago it became known about the crime that occurred in the village of Novaya Olshanka Nizhnedevitsky district. A neighbor discovered the body of a 63-year-old pensioner. Arriving at the scene of the crime, investigators soon identified the suspect. It turned out to be the 37-year-old son of the murdered woman. According to law enforcement officers, on the night of December 21-22, the man quarreled with his mother (she allegedly prevented him from playing World of Tanks), after which he grabbed a knife and stabbed her in the back. The woman died soon after.

Of course, as with any problem, there is no unambiguous point of view on the topic of "tank dependence". Someone is completely convinced that all this is far-fetched and inflated by women who simply refuse their husbands interests and hobbies. In order to clarify the situation, the editors of Life turned to experts.

Kirill Stadnik, CIS Operations Manager, Wargaming:

"We know that such situations happen. World of Tanks, like any mass activity, or, let's say, a hobby, can be very exciting. Sometimes it happens that you just stop keeping track of the clock. Being a socially responsible company, we do not want to let this process is free-flowing and we provide players with many alternatives.We organize a large number of offline events that allow players to spend more time with their families, for example, the celebration of Victory Day at Olimpiyskiy on May 3, 2015 (12,000 visitors) or "Tankman's Day" at the "Stalin Line" 2015 (20,000 visitors). Most recently, on May 2, in Kubinka, in the Patriot park, as part of the "Tankman's Day: May Exercises" festival, the final of the International Cadet World of Tanks Games took place. the best teams from Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. More than 12,000 spectators came to watch the tournament, about 115,000 more watched the broadcasts online. We also hold a large number of competitions. For example, the Anniversary Tanker contest is very popular, when participants mold a tank in life-size, in second place are creative contests, for example, participants knit slippers in the form of a "tank" or glue tanks from matches. In order to collect the most interesting works, the company opened a museum. The works do not stop coming and amaze my colleagues with their creativity.

Of course, we advertise our game, and this is completely normal, but you should not confuse the name of our company with the concept of "aggressive marketing policy". We organize a large number of non-promotional events, from events for players and their families to events (as part of the global Remember Everything initiative) aimed at preserving history, all of which attract significant media attention. . Perhaps because of our all-round activity, some people have such an idea.

With regard to "family destruction", then, again, we, on the contrary, encourage our players to spend time with their families. It seems to me that if something bad happens in the family, then the reasons lie much deeper than the hobbies for "Tanks". In such cases, a person tends to withdraw into himself, lock himself up, look for solutions to issues in something else. Sometimes this "other" is computer games. However, it could be anything. At the same time, we know many positive examples from the life of our players - some, playing "Tanks", found their soul mate, others, thanks to the game, found a new social circle, interests, friends.

It seems to me that in such cases, both parties should take a different look at their relationship and joint leisure. At the same time, it is worth going towards both the enthusiastic "tankers" and their soul mates. Just try to spend more time together, come up with alternative leisure options that are interesting to both of you. And you definitely need to talk - in order to better understand the interests, experiences and joys of each other.

Asya Ryzhenkova, administrator of the "Wives against World of Tanks?" community:

"The concept of "dependence" should be treated very carefully. This is a serious thing, specialists should work with dependencies. Fortunately, cases of "tank dependence" are most likely isolated (and there are no confirmed ones at all). Most often, playing "Tanks" is it's just a hobby that the wife doesn't like. And women tend to exaggerate. After all, if a wife constantly watches TV shows or talks on the phone with her friends, we don't call her a TV series or phone addict. In this case, most likely, we will start talking about the level her intelligence, right?

Look for the problem in relationships, not in computer toys. A computer game is not a reason, but an excuse to quarrel. A person always strives to where it is better for him. And if we can afford to kill an hour or two every day for some useless activity like tanks, social networks, etc., without prejudice to family and work, then a person who plays for days on end definitely has some problems. If a man prefers computer games to communication with his wife and children, this is an occasion to think about whether everything is right in your family with priorities.

I don't think "tank dependency" exists at all. Our reality is such that there are not so many simple entertainments that, with a minimum of effort and money expended, bring so many emotions. This is the secret of the phenomenal popularity of this game. There is fast food to satisfy your need for food, and there are "Tanks" - to satisfy your need for entertainment. Fast and delicious! Therefore, to tell the truth, it’s quite funny for me to hear that someone is specifically “planting” people on the “Tanks”. The game World of Tanks is indeed a very successful commercial project, which is being worked on by really cool specialists, but they are not in their power to "hook" you on something.

A few words about what is considered excessive. Of course, this is all individual. If we are talking about a family, working person, then he does not have so much free time. But it should be. I am for the husband and wife to have the same amount of free time in the family, which everyone can spend at their own discretion. If the wife does not have free time to rest, then she will consider the several hours a week that her husband spends on "Tanks" unnecessary. If everyone has the opportunity to relax, "Tanks" most likely will not cause a conflict.

Excessive enthusiasm for World of Tanks, like any other computer game, suggests that a person is more interested in the virtual world than in the real one. The challenge is to find out why. Ways to "heal", if necessary, are different for everyone. Because, as a rule, men do not see problems in playing "Tanks" at all. Therefore, a woman should in one way or another convey to her husband what specifically worries her: she is tired, she cannot cope with household chores, with children, she wants attention, she is bored, etc. It is important to understand what exactly the husband is looking for in the game: whether it is communication with like-minded people, recognition, the desire to win, or just killing time.

Some people find it helpful to set long-term, shared goals, such as answering the question "Where do you see yourself and your family in 5 years?" and awareness of wasted time. In any case, I would advise wives not to get hung up on the "Tanks" - evil "but try to find the reason for this husband's behavior. After all, it's always easier to look for the guilty, and not admit your mistakes."

Tamara Naumenko, family psychologist:

"It is possible to treat if the person himself believes that he is addicted, and this presents some kind of problem for him. If we attribute the enthusiasm for World of Tanks to the so-called "gambling addiction", then the process of getting rid of it will become difficult and, most likely, in addition to the conversation with a specialist, will include a drug component.

In fact, the question is extremely complex, because for some it is really a problem, while for others it is an image and way of life, a hobby. I cannot unequivocally say that World of Tanks leads to the addiction of all people. There are those who are subject to this influence (as well as alcohol or drug addiction). However, there are those for whom "Tanks" is one of the few ways to integrate into the social environment. A person goes into the virtual world and lives a certain life there. This is not always an unequivocal evil, simply because we should not forget about people of a neurotic and psychotic warehouse. For them, "Tanks" is really a way out, because there they build at least some kind of communication.

I have many examples of adult men who go to work and, if their position allows them, they get into Tanki in the morning, in the evening they get up because of Tanki, go home, have dinner there and again go to this online game. They say amazing things. There they are generals, kings, commanders, but here they are built into social structures and are forced to follow orders. The guys I'm talking about now are not bosses, of course. These are workers, the middle link. In real life, they are subordinate to the authorities and most often to the dominant wife.

However, I repeat, the situation does not always follow a purely sad scenario. Some families are fine with this. A man is always in place, he works and brings money, even if he sits at the computer later. It becomes corny part of the "weather in the house." Plus, it also happens that "Tanks" promotes communication with teenagers.

For example, I know a father who, after divorcing his wife, was able to mend his relationship with his offspring thanks to WoT. His son, an eleven-year-old guy, has very big problems in society, and when they come, let's say, for the summer holidays to their dad, they sit down to play "Tanks" together. They have a common field of hobbies, he constructs this technique from paper or LEGO, clings to it. Therefore, online games can both strengthen a family and destroy it. "Tanks" is such an invention about which nothing unambiguous can be said.

Another thing is that with extreme manifestations of this conditional "dependence", it's too late to ring all the bells. It was necessary to pay attention to the problem earlier - at the first manifestations, when a man began to spend an irrationally much time at the computer, to behave inappropriately. If you start the problem, then getting rid of it will be much harder. Provided that the person himself realizes that he is hooked. Otherwise, the success of the "treatment" can be extremely low.

Thus, our "investigation" ended in a "draw". To date, it cannot be said unequivocally whether there really is a dependence on World of Tanks or whether it is more the speculation of wives who do not want to take into account that their men are living beings, and not ATMs that go to work every morning.

It is also important to note that all of the above applies exclusively to online games, and not to the traditional industry of console and computer entertainment, most of which can be mastered in the usual 5-15 hours.

Have you experienced extreme manifestations of WoT-"illness"? Leave your stories in the comments below this text.

* The names of the heroines have been changed

In many families, conflicts arise due to the passion of one of the spouses for computer games, in particular tanks. Let's understand the problem and try to solve it.

« What to do if the husband plays tanks? »
« How to save a family from tanks? »
« How tired of these tanks »…

These and other questions are discussed in the group " Wives against World of Tanks?". Men generally don't see tanks as a problem at all. While for the wife - it's like a red rag for a bull. He plays tanks all the time - that means the tanks are to blame. However, the band name is a question: Is it really about tanks? What should be fought against?

Let's try to figure it out.

A few words about gambling addiction

Gaming addiction is a very serious thing. Dependencies should be dealt with by professionals. However, among the players in World of tanks, there are only a few dependent people. And these are people who are initially prone to addictions, the game does not matter here. Before the game of tanks, most likely there were gambling, slot machines, probably alcohol. There is a simple dependency test:

If there are indeed signs of a mental disorder, run to the doctor. If not, read on.

For women

About, " How to delete an account?», « How to sell tanks?», « How to ban a husband in tanks?”and desperate ladies who are tired of seeing their husband’s back at the computer think about similar small dirty tricks. I'll be honest this is the worst possible way to turn a husband towards the family. This does not work. Imagine if your husband threw away your favorite skirt or broke off the heels of your shoes. This is unpleasant, insulting and does not lead to reconciliation. Avoid these methods right away.

« How to wean a husband from tanks? are the wrong questions to begin with. You don’t need to “wean” your husband, he is an adult who is able to choose his own hobbies. Such a formulation of the question suggests that you yourself know better what your husband should do. And this is not so.

The right question is "Why does my husband play tanks?". That is the one to look for the answer to. Troubles at work, problems in the family, banal boredom or laziness. A person runs away to where it is better for him. And the game of tanks also says that he is better off in the virtual world than with you.

What to do?

1. Remember, everyone has the right to their own personal time and space. So respect your husband's right to choose what he does. If he chose computer games as a hobby - this is his decision.

2. Create comfortable rest conditions. If you need help around the house, set specific goals and deadlines. Men understand the phrase " Attend" And " Help around the house"quite differently than women. It is difficult for them to predict what their wives put into these concepts. Therefore, ask in such a way that your husband understands what and when you want from him:" Need to fix the socket today", "I have to babysit for 2 hours while I finish my other work.", "Gotta wash the dishes after eating", etc. And if a man is sure that after completing some specific tasks he will be able to play with a clear conscience for a couple of hours, he will always help you with pleasure.

3. Don't forget about yourself. The family should be comfortable not only for the husband, but also for the wife. If your husband has 2 hours of free time in the evening, then organize the evening so that you have the same amount of personal time. Spend it on sports, beautician or your hobbies. But you must have this time.

4. The father should be involved in the upbringing of the children. But remember that the child is interested in the husband as a person, and not as a little creature. The older the child, the more interesting the husband will be with him. Therefore, do not expect passionate love for babies. And set specific tasks: to iron diapers, cook porridge, and not “be a father.” If the child is older, start your own traditions: dad does physical education with the children, or dad checks the lessons, or dad puts him to bed.

5. Family for two, so distribute time and responsibilities in a way that suits both, and do not impose your personal vision on the other.

For men

I want to note right away that if a person plays for several hours a week, this does not cause any problems in the family. No adequate wife will make a scandal because of this. Problems begin to arise if the game takes up all your free time from work (study), i.e. 5-6 hours on a weekday + all weekends. This is what your wives most often complain about.

Tanks are the same time devourer as the game of kerchief, TV or domino checkers in the yard, at a time when there were no computers or TVs. And there is no need to build illusions about the fact that you are “interested in history”, “developing tactical thinking”, etc. Few people take out useful skills from tanks. Someone achieves success in competitions, someone develops in the “near-tank” areas: writes videos, promotes groups and websites, writes fashion. Most of the players just spend their free time there. In principle, there is nothing wrong with this: every person has the right to rest, you cannot always be 100% efficient.

But everything is good in moderation. If your wife starts to nag you, there are problems at work, you forgot when you last talked with your child, then you played too much.

Full immersion

What to do?

  1. We solve problems with the wife.

If the wife saws, then she is not happy with something. In 99% of cases, tanks have nothing to do with it. Start thinking one step ahead. Make your wife happy. It is better to spend 15 minutes doing the dishes and then 2 hours to play quietly than to play 2 hours and 15 minutes and listen to her whine. Or buy a dishwasher to close this issue once and for all. It’s better to put the child to bed in 30 minutes and sit down to play than constantly listening to “you are a bad father.” Well, you get the idea...

The family is your company, you are the director, the wife is your deputy, the children are employees. If your family does not suit you, then you, excuse me, are a worthless boss. Not sure what to do, pick up any book on business management, replace the word "company" with the word "family" and act.

  1. We solve problems with the real and virtual world.

I really like that tanks have short fights. You can play for an hour and turn it off. Why don't you turn it off? Do you like to win, upgrade tanks, get medals? And what is stopping you from developing in real life: playing sports, moving on to some significant projects at work, seriously getting involved in something? Probably, difficulties arose in the real world, since you decided to escape.

Remember that family and work is your long-term project in real life, and tanks are short-term in virtual. Get your priorities right. Indeed, even successful people who have achieved a lot in life, built a business, a career, earned a lot of money, say that they regret that they did not see how their children grow up. And you are not even building a business, you are pumping tanks. Lost time cannot be returned.

And the last. In order, but not in importance.

Set yourself a long-term goal. Or just formulate what you would like to be in five years. Evaluate whether playing tanks around the clock / hanging out in social networks / watching TV series contributes to your goal. Maybe a few hours is enough?

I have read the thread. many who write do not understand these games at all and brush them one size fits all.
My husband is a big fan of online toys. but he earns decently, gets tired at work and has the right to the leisure that he likes. common hobby. nothing worse or better than any fishing. therefore, I do not resist and always find out what he is playing now and how he is doing, he is clearly pleased when I am interested in his toy successes.
over the years I have become versed in these games and that's what I'll say! if your husband, being a lover of online games, plays an online game called Tanks - this is very, very buzzing!
Specific benefits:
- There is no real money sucking in this game. a premium account costs about 250 rubles a month and there is nothing more to spend money on. there are paid ammunition, but using them is almost bad manners among the players. no body kit for a piece of bucks, magic swords and a daily paid power potion for only a dollar a jar!
- in many games people get together and go to fight each other or monsters in the so-called "parties", "raids", "dungeons". it can last from half an hour to half a night. you can’t move away - they’ll kill you, you’ll let your comrades-in-arms down ... in general, a complete bummer and tragedy if you need to break away from the monitor and take out the trash! but the game of Tanks is built on the principle of rounds. those. your precious tanker leaves his hangar with a specific mission, cuts for about 10 minutes and then returns to his iron house to lick his wounds. therefore, if you are a wise wife, do not hiss at your beloved spouse that you are now gouging the monitor if he does not turn off this dirty trick IMMEDIATELY. tell him - "I made tea, so finish the round and come to the kitchen", or "skip 2-3 rounds, walk the dog." I don't think your husband will refuse you.
- in this game, and in a number of games built on the same principle (for example, Call of Duty), there is practically no husk that is dangerous in terms of virtual love with a youngster from Vydropuzhsk. There are no pretty elves in white clothes, guilds with a bunch of "important" common things, forum contests for Valentine's Day for the sweetest couple in the game, trade, joint trips to the mega-boss "shoulder to shoulder" with ladies in "armor", more reminiscent of leather BDSM lingerie, the ability to play a virtual wedding and other husks that can turn the actual game into hanging in the game chat and shura-mura in private messages.

in general, ladies! if your husband plays tanks - it's very good. if he plays some kind of line or wow - better tell him about tanks))) and even if your husband likes ice fishing, for example, it might be better if he loves tanks. at least he won’t drink vodka, freeze his nose and take risks sitting on thin ice! and if you don’t drive him from behind the computer, but calmly agree “3-4 calls - and be distracted for an hour, build a castle with your son, and then go play again for health, I’ll even make you a coffee and bring it to your computer”, I think everything will be fine Fine

Computer addiction is a real scourge of modern times. Everyone suffers from it, from young to old. A teenager who came home from school and turned on his favorite shooting games, an office worker who was going home dreaming of moving to a new level - a wave of "computer addiction" covered many representatives of the strong half of humanity with their heads.

Many girls and women shudder if in their presence someone mentions the computer game “tanchiki”. And they can be understood! Armored and equipped with a cannon, the tracked fighting vehicle confidently took up positions in the quiet nest of many families.

The husband does not come off the computer day and night, the wife is in constant stress, not knowing how to rescue her beloved from the power of the hated caterpillar "monsters". Constant scandals on this basis can ultimately lead to an irreparable and sad result - a divorce.

Causes of "computer addiction" in men

  1. Dissatisfaction with your real life

As they say, virtual space is a great way to get away from the problems and worries of the real world. Perhaps things are not going so smoothly in your husband's life. He is underestimated at work, so for the fifth year in a row your husband has been sitting in the chair of a simple specialist and he is already sick of the sight of monotonous and long-bored tables and forms of documents.

Perhaps the personal life of your beloved man leaves much to be desired. With the birth of children, many wives completely switch from their husbands to their beloved little ones. At first, the husbands do not notice this, then they begin to show their dissatisfaction, and, not getting a reaction from their wives, they leave for the harsh and fascinating world of virtual space.

  1. Lack of harmony in family relationships

Leaving for virtual worlds may be the reason for the lack of trust in the family. If earlier you and your husband spent all the evenings at home together, watched movies, shared the events that happened during the day, discussed plans for the future, and now you are only watching his back, bent over the monitor screen - this is a good reason to think!

  1. Lots of free time

Has your husband lost his job? Does his schedule allow him to be at home a lot of the time? Here is the reason for his "tank dependence". A man who has nothing to do begins to look for something to do on the World Wide Web - and finds it!

  1. No other way to relax

Perhaps your husband simply does not know how to relax in any other way. From adolescence, accustomed to spending a lot of time playing computer games, many men take this bad habit into adulthood and do not want to part with it.

  1. Problems with friends and loved ones

It is likely that your husband has communication problems. The absence of friends forces your beloved to look for new iconic interests in the virtual space, for example, in online games. Indeed, on the Internet it is much easier and easier to make acquaintances by interests, to find new friends.

All of the above factors can cause your husband to develop dependence on “tanchiki”. Many girls are wondering if there is such a way that would help them free their husband forever from the shackles of "hated war machines."

As a rule, there is no universal way. We will offer you some proven options that have helped women bring their husbands back to real life. It should be noted that not all situations are unambiguous. Therefore, each woman must choose the method that will be acceptable for her family.

We save the husband from the shackles of "tanchikov". 7 proven ways

  1. Walks, travel

Do you remember the last time you two went somewhere? Leave the kids with grandma and take your husband on a weekend trip. The main thing is not to take a tablet or laptop with you! Magnificent nature, new places, cozy cafes, overnight stays in hotels will definitely do their job.

You will return from your mini-vacation tanned and rested, with a lot of positive impressions. Surely, your husband will light up to go on such mini-journeys again and again. And in the evenings at the computer, he will prefer walking with you and the children in the nearest park.

  • The effectiveness of the method: 80%
  • : 50%
  1. Household duties

You do everything around the house yourself: cook, wash, clean, watch the children, help them do their homework, while your missus goes through the next level in the game. Start introducing your husband to household chores. You don't have to do it in a commanding tone. Ask your loved one to help you vacuum or work with your son in English. Throw new responsibilities onto your husband every day.

As a result, you will have to come to the situation that in your house there will be such things that the husband will do exclusively, for example, peeling potatoes for dinner, cleaning the bathroom. When a man gets into the habit of helping you, he will no longer spend all his evenings at the computer.

  • The effectiveness of the method: 95%
  • Probability of returning to play: 30%
  1. Communication with children

Your faithful accomplices in the fight against your husband's computer addiction are your children. It is they who will help bring your dad who got lost in the virtual space back to real life. Ask your husband to check the children's lessons, take your daughter to the pool or your son to the sports section.

It is not necessary to protect the husband from all family worries. Make sure that your beloved man is actively involved in the process of raising children. This method is the most effective of all presented. After all, as soon as a loving dad sees how much time he spends on “tanks”, instead of spending this time with his children, he will forget about the computer for a long time.

Mom needs to make sure that dad does not involve children in his computer fun!

  • The effectiveness of the method: 99%
  • Probability of returning to play: 10%
  1. Role-playing games. intimate life

A boring and boring intimate life over the years makes men remember the performance of marital duties less and less often or look for diversity on the side. In order to prevent betrayal, as well as to force her husband to tear himself away from the computer monitor, a woman will have to try.

Role-playing games, unusual costumes, beautiful lace underwear have not been canceled. We warn you in advance that you will have to turn on your imagination 100 percent, because computer tanks are a strong opponent.

  • The effectiveness of the method: 90%
  • Probability of returning to play: 40%
  1. Hobby

Remember what your husband liked to do in his spare time before he was swallowed up by the abyss of computer games. Did you glue aircraft models, collect rare coins, paint landscapes and still lifes? Remind him of his favorite pastime. Buy your husband a gift in the art store - an easel, paints, brushes - and send your missus to paint in the fresh air in the park.

If your husband used to be a fan of some business, and the hated "tanks" forced him out, try to regain the interest of your loved one. Perhaps the old hobby will capture him so much that the husband will forget about his computer attachments.

  • The effectiveness of the method: 90%
  • Probability of returning to play: 50%
  1. Training. Foreign language courses

If your beloved man has a lot of time, so he spends him playing tanks, offer him to do something useful, for example, improve his skills. Together with your husband, choose suitable courses and write it down. Thus, your beloved will spend the evenings for the benefit of himself and your family budget.

  • The effectiveness of the method: 80%
  • Probability of returning to play: 30%
  1. Psychological help

In the event that things are really bad, and all your persuasion, arguments, inventions and other methods have not had the desired effect, it's time to go for a consultation with a specialist. If your husband accepts your proposal with hostility, go without him.

A competent psychologist, based on your story, will help you correct your behavior, find the right words to bring your husband back to real life. If your faithful agree to go with you to an appointment with a specialist - this is just wonderful! Together you can defeat the addiction to "tanks"!

  • The effectiveness of the method: 95%
  • Probability of returning to play: 10%

Dependence on computer games (including "tanks") is a rather insidious thing. It crawls not noticeably, but captures a person completely and without a trace. To help her husband get rid of his addiction to the computer game "tanchiki", the wife will have to be patient. After all, it depends on you and only on you whether your loved one will overcome his habit.

After you cope with this addiction together, intimate evening conversations, harmony and happiness will return to your home again!

For the last 3-4 years, a new kind of hobby has appeared in Russia for adult men, which was previously considered childish and even shameful for many of them. And now we're talking about tanks!

After World of Tanks was released by the Belarusian company Wargaming in 2010, the number of its fans began to increase rapidly, and now it is played by more than 60 million people around the world. Also, competitors in the face of the Russian company "Gaijin Entertainment" with their simulator "War Thunder" and the Russian media holding "Mail Group" with their tank simulator "Armored Warfare: Project Armata" did not lag behind. As a result, we got a game genre that is close to men from the CIS countries.

Why do men love tanks?

Men love guns. It is difficult to find a man who does not have a reverent attitude to weapons and military affairs. Weapons are designed to combine beauty and deadly grace, and men are mesmerized by this combination. It should also be noted that in Russia there is a real cult of military affairs, and every man from childhood is preparing to be the defender of the fatherland.

Tank simulators allow you to touch military equipment, real battlefields and feel the beauty of military affairs. Also, tank simulators are filled with history: you can learn about real battles, real tanks and commanders that took place during the second world war.

Fight and confrontation. Rivalry is one of the main imperatives of a man, which is embedded in him by nature itself. A man is always trying to achieve the best conditions for himself and his family. Often his interests collide with the interests of other men, which develops into a conflict. And it's safe to say that men like this kind of confrontation. It allows you to assert yourself and prove to yourself that you are the best!

Tanks is a real combat simulator where you can show your military skills and defeat the enemy. It motivates and forces you to be the best. Also, tanks are a team game, so you can cooperate with your comrades and feel the “shoulder feeling”.

Relaxation. After a working day, a man does not have much strength left to engage in any kind of vigorous activity. I want to come home, relax, sit in my chair and do nothing. Therefore, such entertainment as playing tanks perfectly complements this serene image.

Favorite armchair, food, playing tanks - this is the way of leisure that has become commonplace for many men in Russia. And it's great!

When a husband plays tanks

On the Internet, you can find a large number of women's stories that their husbands just spend all their free time playing tanks. And that now they have problems in communication, understanding and married life. Also, many articles have already been written on the topic of how to wean a husband from playing games and return him to real life.

That's all well and good, of course, but that's not the problem. When a man really likes something, he plunges into it with his head. Therefore, even married life can go by the wayside for a while.

And there is not much difference: fishing, hunting, rocking, cycling or tanks. Everywhere everything is the same. When a man is engaged in “meetings in the garage” or some kind of hobby like a rocking chair, he leaves the house, and when he returns, his hobby remains somewhere far away. However, in the case of tanks, we have one difference: a man sits at home, a man can do his hobby at any time, and his wife sees it. As a result, the woman gets the feeling that her husband is a slacker. Although if we calculate the time that a man spends on the way to the gym, training in the gym and the way back, we most often get the same time.

Therefore, it is not necessary to call an ordinary hobby of a man an addiction - it is not! Tanks are a business that men do when they have free time. And this is a man's choice - how to spend his free time.

Advice to women. Better, instead of criticizing a man, would try to understand his interest and share it. There would be new topics for conversation, and the man began to appreciate the time with you. No, you will be better off criticizing a man and demanding entertainment from him. It doesn't work like that!