Childbirth in cats. Options for obstetric care with weak or absent labor pains. Quiet, childbirth is going on

Cats are animals with very developed natural instincts, which rarely need third-party intervention when reproducing offspring. However, the owner must know how the pregnancy and childbirth of the cat proceeds in order to provide qualified assistance in the event of complications. In the absence of pathologies, the cat will give birth to offspring on its own, and the role of the owner may be limited to third-party observation with minimal intervention. For normal course Pregnancy cats must be given.

The answer to the question of how many months cats give birth worries owners from the first days of the cat's pregnancy. In most cases, pregnancy lasts about two months (62 - 65 days), however, this period may vary. Yes, for some breeds normal time gestation is a period of 58 to 70 days. If the owner wants to know exactly how many cats of certain breeds give birth, then he can address this question to the reception of a veterinary clinic and get a competent answer from a specialist.

During the entire period of pregnancy, the cat can behave in the usual way, without causing any suspicion in the owner. However, in last days Pregnancy behavior in cats changes dramatically.

If the owner decides to take the birth of a cat at home, then he should pay attention to such changes:

In addition to behavioral factors, the approaching birth will be signaled by physiological changes, This:

Preparing for childbirth

If the owner of the animal noticed the signs described above, then he needs to prepare some tools in advance. The most that an owner can do to ensure that a cat gives birth to healthy offspring is to prepare a place for delivery and consult with a veterinarian about their obligations.

You may need the following accessories during your birth:

Duration of labor

It is difficult to answer exactly how long the birth of a cat lasts. Depending on heredity, belonging to a particular breed, physical condition, age and individual characteristics of the organism of a cat can give birth from several hours to one and a half days. The owner cannot know in advance how long the cat gives birth, so he should be prepared for both easy quick delivery, and to long contractions and painful attempts, lasting for 24-36 hours. In this case, childbirth is usually divided into several stages.

Stage one - fights

Childbirth begins with uterine contractions. This physiological process is accompanied colorless secretions from the vagina. As the first stage comes to an end, the owner may notice that the cat's contractions are becoming more frequent and intense. In this case, the animal may breathe heavily and make hoarse sounds.

The second stage - the birth of kittens

At the second stage, the owner may notice that the cat’s water has broken, after how long the pet will give birth is still unknown, however, when normal delivery between the gap amniotic sac and the appearance of kittens in the world should take no more than two hours. If, after this time, childbirth does not begin, it is worth calling the veterinary clinic and calling a specialist.

During the second stage, the cat must give birth to kittens and gnaw through their umbilical cord. If the pet did not do this, the owner will have to try on the role of the "obstetrician". He will need to carefully cut the umbilical cord. Next, treat the wound with an antiseptic. If necessary, the owner must remove the kitten from the shell, wipe it with a clean towel and release oral cavity and nasal passages from mucus.

The third stage is the last

At the third stage, the placenta is released after each born kitten. At this stage, the cat's condition stabilizes - uterine contractions decrease, breathing becomes calm and even.

How many kittens can a pet bring?

In addition to the nuances of pregnancy and childbirth, owners are interested in the question of how many kittens a cat gives birth to for the first time and how many newborn pets are considered normal.

As a rule, for the first time, females bring from one to three kittens.

In the future, the number of kittens may change. An owner who is interested in how many kittens a cat can give birth to at most can get acquainted with the official data. So, the maximum number of newborn kittens was brought by the name of Antigone. She gave birth to 15 live kittens and 4 stillborn babies. On average, mature cats bear 6-8 kittens.

Births of cats of elite breeds

If an elite breed of cats lives in the house, it is recommended to call a specialist for childbirth. This need is due to the fact that the birth and cats of other elite breeds are very specific - these breeds were bred as a result of artificial selection and females do not have developed natural knowledge and instincts for independent reproduction of offspring. Therefore, the veterinarian must supervise the birth and ensure that all kittens receive proper care.

This rule also applies to cats belonging to the Scottish Fold and Scottish Straight breeds. Females of this breed give birth on the 60th day of pregnancy. On average, the birth of a Scottish Fold cat lasts from 12 hours to a day. This period may be longer if the cat has the following problems:

Most domestic cats do an excellent job as mothers and give birth to kittens on their own.

The maximum contribution an owner can make is to provide the animal with proper care and take care of creating comfortable conditions for the life of newborn pets.

Immediately before giving birth, it is worth getting a consultation from a veterinarian and keeping the number of the veterinary clinic on hand, which will come in handy in case of complications.

When a cat appears in the house, sooner or later the question arises: to leave her the right to sexual self-determination or. Those who choose the first option and want to get healthy cat offspring will have to go through that very first time when the cat finally becomes a mother. It is on how the birth will take place for the first time that her health and further reproduction will depend.

When can a cat give birth

Cats are able to reproduce already at the age of 7-9 months

Cats at a fairly early age are capable of reproduction, they reach puberty by 7-9 months, but it is better if your purr gives birth to her first kittens when she is at least a year old. That is, approximately, after the third or fourth heat.

You can understand that the pet is ready to reproduce offspring by the onset of estrus (estrus). Most likely, there will be no discharge from the cat's genitals for the first time, but by her behavior it will be easy to determine that this day has come. A cat's estrus goes through several stages:

  • Stage 1. Duration up to 2-3 days. Minor discharge from the genitals, the pet rubs against the legs, caresses and purrs, demands heightened attention.
  • Stage 2. Duration up to 9-10 days. The cat meows loudly, rolls on the floor. Her body trembles every now and then, her tail tilted to one side. When touched pelvic bones, the cat arches and her arousal peaks.
  • Stage 3. Duration up to 20 days. The cat calms down, becomes more restrained. If a male is present nearby, she is aggressively opposed to him and does not let him near her.

If fertilization occurs during estrus, then the third stage lasts no more than six days.

The number of heads of offspring in cats depends, in many respects, on its breed. Some pets are simply not able to bear more than one or two cubs, while others can give birth to 4 to 7 kittens at a time. from 2 to 2.5 months. The timing of the gestation of offspring must be monitored very carefully. If the cat started premature birth, then her kittens are unlikely to survive. If the pet is not born after 70-75 days after conception, it must be urgently shown to the veterinarian.

What is needed for childbirth

The place where your cat will give birth should be clean, dry and quiet.

When the day of birth is approaching, it is necessary to prepare a warm place for the cat, where the new mother will be with her kittens, as well as some things that are desirable to have on hand.

Nearby should be:

  • surgical latex gloves;
  • sharp scissors;
  • a clean, dry towel (it is better to prepare a couple of pieces);
  • petrolatum;
  • a basket with a warm heating pad;
  • powder - a substitute for cat's milk (if during childbirth the cat needs anesthesia and surgical intervention, kittens will need to be fed for the first day by themselves, while their mother is recovering from anesthesia. This mixture can be purchased at the pet store);
  • antiseptic (chlorhexidine, alcohol).

The place where your pet will reproduce offspring should be in a quiet, secluded place. It is important that no one disturbs the cat after childbirth, and that her babies feel safe. It is the first hours after birth for kittens that are the most important, at which time the issue of their independent viability is decided.

Quiet, childbirth is going on

So, the day of the birth of the cat has come. It is impossible not to notice that the pet is behaving at least strangely.

Signs that a cat is giving birth

The following signs indicate that kittens will soon be born:

  1. The cat rushes about, sometimes meows, cannot find a place for itself. To calm the animal, you can take it to the place that has already been prepared in advance for childbirth, and stay close to the cat for a while.
  2. The cat constantly licks its genitals.
  3. The cat is breathing heavily.
  4. The cat rolls from side to side, offering its belly to be petted.

If pet close emotional connection with his master, he will constantly attract attention. It is important for a cat that someone is always next to her, stroked and caressed.

How is the process of the first birth in cats

When contractions and cats intensify, and the interval between them shortens, it's time to take her into labor.

After the animal began to push, it means that the kitten is going through the birth canal. Before he is born, fluid comes out of the amniotic sac, and then the fetus itself is born. It is important here not to let the cat sit down if she wants to, otherwise the kitten will receive injuries incompatible with life.

Most often, kittens are born not immediately after each other. Childbirth can last about a day, and cubs are born at intervals of up to 1-1.5 hours. After the first kitten is born, it needs to cut the umbilical cord. You need to do this, stepping back 2-2.5 cm from the tummy. The cat most often gnaws it herself, but, due to inexperience, it may not do it the way it should.

After the umbilical cord is cut off, the baby needs to be kept warm. You can put it on a heating pad, placing it next to the cat. But it is better to immediately attach the kitten to the cat's nipple. If the baby feels the warmth of her body, he will have a sucking reflex. If the kittens are supercooled, then the sucking reflex disappears, and they die.

After the appearance of each kitten, the last one should come out. This must be carefully monitored. As a rule, there are no problems at this stage because the kitten is attached to it by the umbilical cord. If it is a little stuck, you can pull it out with your hands. The cat can eat the afterbirth, do not be afraid, this is absolutely normal.

When the next kitten begins to appear, the previous ones must be temporarily removed from the cat in a basket with a heating pad.

How to help a cat

It is advisable to have a veterinarian's phone number in case something goes wrong

The algorithm of actions depends on how the birth process began. Several problems may arise that require urgent attention:

  1. The kitten appears paws first. In a successful scenario, the fetus should climb head first. In the opposite situation, if the animal fails to push the cub out within 10-20 minutes, it is necessary to call the veterinarian and perform a caesarean section.
  2. The kitten appeared in the amniotic sac. You should carefully break or cut the bubble with disinfected scissors, release the liquid and wipe the body and muzzle of the kitten with a dry towel. You can put it under the cat's nose so that she starts to lick it.
  3. The kitten is silent. A sign that a cat cub is alive and has successfully passed the birth canal is its squeak.. If the kitten does not squeak, then you can resuscitate him: take him in your palms and shake him like a thermometer, head down.
  4. Weak contractions. If the kitten is stuck in the cat's genital gap and cannot be born in any way, then you can inject a stimulant into the cat's thigh, for example, Gamavit. This remedy is homeopathic, it can also be injected before the appearance of each kitten in order to intensify contractions. If the kitten climbs, but with difficulty, it can be slightly lubricated with Vaseline.

If it seems to you that something is going wrong during the birth process, then you need to have the phone number of a good veterinarian at hand, who will be able to help in a timely manner.

The first birth of a pet is an exciting process not only for the cat, but also for the owner. For those planning to let their cat enjoy motherhood, here are a few tips:

  1. Do not rush to get kittens. Before planning a pregnancy for a cat, in order to avoid unforeseen situations, you should show it to the veterinarian. Can you do an uzi internal organs and uterus, to exclude pathologies and diseases, the symptoms of which you may not have noticed.
  2. Take good care of your pet during pregnancy. When a cat is carrying kittens, there is not enough protein and calcium in her body. Especially their deficiency is felt in the last 2-3 weeks. The cat's diet should include a sufficient amount of meat and milk. It is better for her to eat natural food during this period, and not artificial feed.
  3. Limit some motor activity. Of course, a cat walks by itself, and no one has the right to forbid it where to lie and where to go. But a pregnant woman, especially for the first time, may habitually jump to a great height and try to climb a wall or door. From such tricks it is better to limit it.
  4. Have one birth with a veterinarian. If there is no self-confidence, the cat is giving birth for the first time, and you are afraid that intervening in the process will do more harm than help, call the veterinarian at home. An experienced doctor will explain to you every action and help you cope with the difficulties that have arisen. In subsequent times, there will be no more fear and excitement for the cat.
  5. Keep Ringer's solution at home, as well as Oxytocin or. These medicines stimulate contractions and help the cat give birth faster with minimal risk to her health and kittens.

The birth of cats is a natural process, but it requires skill and constant monitoring. After the pet brings two or three litters, she will learn to cope with the kittens herself, gnaw through the umbilical cord in right place and control the whole process. From its owner will only be required to be "on the hook."

It is useful for both an experienced breeder and an ordinary owner of an uncastrated fluffy pet to know how cats give birth to kittens. This will allow timely assistance to the animal if necessary, save the pet and the long-awaited offspring from various complications and health problems.

Read in this article

How to understand that a cat is giving birth

If there is a pregnant fluffy beauty in the house, then every owner or breeder is looking forward to a joyful and at the same time disturbing event - childbirth. As a rule, the time of onset of resolution from the burden can be calculated to within a few days, especially if the exact date fertilization of an animal. The duration of pregnancy in a cat is on average 65 - 67 days.

The fact of the approaching birth is indicated by the so-called harbingers - signs that indicate the preparation of the cat's body for labor. They can be observed a couple of days before the birth, and sometimes a few hours before the expected event.

1) The cat seeks solitude, often hiding in closets, dark corners, boxes. If by this time the owner has prepared a nest for the woman in labor, then she regularly jumps and jumps out of it, or sits there for a long time.
2) The behavior of the animal changes. The cat may feel anxious, become aggressive, or, conversely, begin to seek affection and tenderness. Primiparous pets are especially nervous.
3) 1 - 3 days before the birth act, the mucous plug leaves, and the cat begins to intensively lick the perineal area.
4) When probing the mammary glands, their increase, swelling is noticeable. When you press the nipple, drops of colostrum appear.
5) Visible swelling of the external genital organs appears, sometimes transparent or pinkish-yellowish outflows are noticeable.
6) 1-3 days before delivery, body temperature (measured rectally) drops to 37 C.
7) Appetite decreases, thirst or refusal of water can be observed.

It is useful for pet owners to know how long a cat's birth lasts. After all, responsible owners must be present during this process, since the pet may need moral support, and in difficult options developments - emergency veterinary care. In any case, it is undesirable to leave the animal alone in a difficult and responsible period for him. Average normal birth process lasts from several hours to days. The preparatory phase (described above) is not included in this period. In first-born cats, the birth act can be delayed for more than a day.

How long a cat gives birth is influenced by many factors and reasons: the health of the pet, the number of previous births, the presentation of the fetus, the hormonal status of the mother, individual characteristics and much more. The owner should understand that childbirth is a physiologically normal, natural process, which should only be intervened when necessary. Human help is needed if there is a threat to the health of the mother or offspring.

If the time has come, but the process has not begun

It often happens that all the expected dates have passed, the animal had harbingers of childbirth, and generic activity it doesn't come. In this case, the owner is puzzled by the question of how to induce labor in a cat, and whether it should be done.

The delay in labor activity greatly depletes the animal, causes severe intoxication in it and can cause stillbirth of fetuses. Therefore, if there is a suspicion of a delay in the birth process, labor induction is necessary. The cause of delayed labor may be large fruit or its incorrect presentation, atony of the uterus, lack of calcium ions.

Only a veterinarian can decide on the need to intensify labor after examining the animal. For stimulation, as a rule, hormonal preparations (oxytocyte, petuitrin) are used. Their use is permissible only in the case of full disclosure of the cervix. If the birth canal is not prepared, then the introduction of stimulant drugs can lead to injuries and even rupture of the cervix, and this is life-threatening for the animal.

It is strictly forbidden to independently use folk remedies for stimulating labor, hormonal preparations. The use of such substances in a pet that is physiologically unprepared for childbirth can lead to the death of the animal and offspring. Decide on the advisability of inducing labor and choose hormonal drug only a veterinarian can.

How does a cat give birth

The duration of the birth process in cats consists of the preparatory period (the phase of the precursors of childbirth), the birth itself and the postpartum (afterbirth) stage. It is useful to know how the birth of cats goes, at what stage the process is, in order to provide timely assistance if something went wrong.

Preparation period

The birth process begins with contraction of the muscles of the uterus (contractions). In the same phase, the cervix begins to open. Kittens move along the uterus closer to the birth canal. This process may be accompanied by secretions from the genitals. Contractions become more frequent. They can be felt by placing a palm on the pet's stomach, and visually in the form of wave-like movements of the abdominal muscles. This phase lasts from 6 to 12 hours. At the same time, the animal breathes heavily, strains, as if visiting the toilet, behaves restlessly, constantly licks the genitals, and rakes the bedding with its paws.

How long a cat's contractions last is also affected by many factors, especially how many births the animal has. In primiparous pets, this period can be delayed up to a day. This duration is associated with a low hormonal background and the readiness of the body for childbirth during the first pregnancy. The duration of the process is very individual. But in any case, you should be patient and not leave your mother alone.

Directly childbirth

At the second stage, contractions become more frequent, the interval between them decreases, and the cervix is ​​​​completely dilated. In the same period, under the influence of uterine contractions, the water sac bursts and the amniotic fluid. Under the influence of contractions, the uterus, cervix and vagina form a single birth canal. The animal has attempts - expelling the fetus of the movement of the muscles of the uterus and abdominals. As a rule, two attempts are enough to expel the fetus from the female genital tract.

The amniotic fluid from the amniotic sac torn under the influence of contractions promotes the sliding and unhindered progress of the fetus through the birth canal.

Kittens, as a rule, come out into the light in a “diver” position - head and front paws forward. However, breech presentation is normal. In this case, the hind legs, tail and pelvis of the baby appear from the birth canal. The expulsion of the fetus from the womb does not happen all at once. The baby may appear and disappear from the vagina several times.

Anterior presentation

posterior presentation

After birth, the cat intensively licks the kitten, frees it from the shell. The young are born with an umbilical cord, which the mothers grind with their teeth and then gnaw through. Such actions prevent the development of bleeding, as the vessels are twisted, and a blood clot quickly forms.

postpartum period

The third stage of childbirth is the afterbirth. During this period, it comes out of the birth canal, if it did not come out with the fetus. Obeying the natural instinct, the cat eats the afterbirth. IN wild nature this is due to the cleansing of the place of birth from the development of infection and the concealment of the nest from predators and scavengers. At home, you can allow the pet to eat no more than two afterbirths in order to avoid indigestion and in order to replenish energy losses during the process.

Kittens with afterbirth

The owner should also ensure that the number of afterbirths matches the number of kittens born. Delayed passage may lead to the development inflammatory process in the uterus, which is unsafe for the health of the animal.

General information about the time of delivery

The interval between births of kittens, as a rule, is 10 - 15 minutes. In rare cases, the time of the birth of the next baby is delayed up to 2 - 3 hours. Sometimes labor activity after the birth of three or four kittens is suspended for 12 - 24 hours, and then resumed again. It's quite normal phenomenon for the cat family.

It is important for the owner of the animal to know how many hours the birth of a cat lasts. This information is necessary in order to have an idea of ​​how much time you need to devote to your pet. After all, even if the birth takes place without complications, this does not mean that the cat should be alone. The animal may need moral support, the help of a loving owner at any stage of labor activity.

Childbirth in domestic cats is a very individual process. It is not possible to accurately determine their duration. However, the owner should be aware that, on average, labor activity lasts from several hours to a day. The average cat gives birth to kittens in 4 to 8 hours. Therefore, if childbirth lasts more than a day, then you should seek the advice of a veterinarian.

What you need to know about the first lambing

If a pet has a first pregnancy, the owner should have an idea of ​​how cats give birth for the first time. IN physiological aspects the birth activity of a primiparous is not much different from childbirth in an experienced female. Features of the first birth are more of a psycho-emotional difference. Primiparous cats experience severe stress, as phenomena incomprehensible to the animal occur to them, including those associated with pain syndrome. Therefore, most often, pets already in the preparatory phase show strong anxiety and nervousness. If the animal is strongly attached to the owner, then before giving birth, it literally does not give a passage, requires increased attention to itself, and does not remain alone for a minute.

How long a cat gives birth for the first time is influenced by such factors:

  • health status;
  • the course of pregnancy;
  • hormonal status;
  • conditions for feeding and keeping a pregnant female;
  • a lot others.

As a rule, the first birth in an animal takes longer than in re-birth animals. The total time of labor can be delayed up to 2 - 3 days. This is due to the fact that a young cat has not formed hormonal background responsible for the birth process.

The idea of ​​how kittens are born will allow the owner of the animal to calmly, without nervousness, observe the natural physiological process. Knowing the timing and duration of the birth process will allow you to seek veterinary help in a timely manner if the birth goes into a pathological phase.

Procreation is one of the natural natural wonders And the main task for every living organism. But any important process, even a completely natural one, is not always easy. Cat owners are faced with giving birth to their pet more than once. Some carelessly rely on nature and do not even interfere in the process. But if a cat is surrounded by caring and caring household members, she has more chances for a successful, safe birth and healthy offspring..

Should owners help a cat with childbirth?

Fluffy angels are often born in home environment where the cat feels most safe. If the pregnancy proceeded favorably, and the cat feels well, she will cope on her own - the owner can only quietly control the process. Healthy cats do a great job even with the first birth, producing beautiful, strong offspring. But if there are the slightest risks for the cat or her cubs, it is recommended that the "mommy" be taken to the veterinarian - experienced doctors know how to minimize problems.

It's great when the owners control the entire pregnancy and know the due date for childbirth. Usually the cat's "position" lasts 60-70 days - this is enough time to read the entire important information and prepare for the birth process.

Attentive owners notice all the important changes in the condition a week before the birth. pets and are already at the ready. These are the most important days in which the cat should not be left unattended. If these are not the first kittens in the pet, then the owner, who has already gained experience, easily notices the signs early delivery. But how to determine that a cat is about to give birth if she has never brought kittens? How to behave as an owner and what to do for the benefit of his pet, which will face a difficult test?

First of all, you need to calm the panic so that the animal does not become infected with nervousness and does not think that some kind of trouble has come into the house. The first signal of the upcoming birth is the cat throwing around the apartment in search of a place for kittens. Usually the pet is looking for 1-2 days, after which the contractions begin.

How many kittens can a cat give birth to once?

It is impossible to telepathically predict how many babies a fluffy pet will bring. Usually in one litter there are 1-6 kittens, and it doesn’t matter if it’s the first birth or the fifth. It is impossible to say for sure what exactly will affect the number of cubs. It could be anything:

  • individual characteristics of the cat's body;
  • health of the "maternity";
  • hormonal balance;
  • weight of the animal;
  • age.

Already at 7-8 months, the cat is considered sexually mature and can become pregnant. However, this is too early age in order to safely carry all the fertilized eggs and produce healthy kittens. Therefore, in such young age a cat's pregnancy can fail, and among the born cubs, alas, not all of them can be alive.

The best age for cat birth is 1.5-6 years. During this period, the body is as strong and hardy as possible, and the hormonal background is stable."Elderly" cats sometimes also give birth, but, basically, no more than 2-3 babies once. Moreover, childbirth in older individuals takes place with complications, and the ability to conceive is gradually fading away. Already by the age of 9, many cats cross the threshold of "fertility" and no longer bear offspring.

No matter how old the woman in labor is, the owners do not just worry about the number of new households. Not everyone can leave the kids in the apartment, and finding new owners is not so easy. That's why the owners fuss, not knowing how much good hands they will have to look, and what to do next.

Signs and symptoms of impending labor

When the cat's gestation period starts to get to 2 months, tension builds in the house. The owners are worried: well, when already? You should carefully look at the pet. Only careful observation for the expectant mother will help determine that labor is about to begin. The signs of this are as follows:

  • Kitty starts to lose his appetite, her movements become sluggish, limited. This is the clearest sign that labor is about to begin.
  • fluffy mommy looking for a secluded place, inspects the whole apartment, sniffing corners, even opening cupboards with his paw. Some owners prepare a box with a piece of warm blanket inside for the mother in advance, but the animal may not approve of it and continue to search.
  • A couple of hours before the onset of the birth process, the cat comes out with a mucous plug, and vaginal discharge appears.
  • If you look closely at the belly future mother, you can see how the nipples are swollen, as well as the colostrum that comes out of them.

It is easier for women to put themselves in the place of a giving birth cat and imagine how she feels and how she worries. But the male owners usually have no idea what will happen and how. It is advisable for them to read special literature in advance, to familiarize themselves with the physiology of the cat, and then errors during obstetrics will be reduced to a minimum.

The birth has begun!

When a cat has the first contractions, she may scream loudly. This means the process has begun. But before the first newborn fluffy is born, the kitty has a lot to deal with. A lot also depends on the behavior of the owner. The animal is already helpless and frightened, and if the household members run around and loudly discuss what is happening, this will cause the cat great discomfort and suffering.

Childbirth in a cat goes through several stages:

  • The waters are leaving.
  • The cervix and birth canal open.
  • The first cub appears (each next kitten will go outside in 15-30 minutes).
  • The placenta comes out of the uterus.

Cat birth is not uncommon, but the pet must be taken seriously. loving host be sure to go to the pharmacy in advance and buy the following products:

  • sterile gauze;
  • small towel;
  • scissors;
  • pipette;
  • warmer;
  • baby cream or vaseline.

Start of labor

Even the most experienced owner must understand: sometimes unforeseen situations happen, and, it would seem, to absolutely healthy cat you have to call the doctor. This must be taken into account and have a telephone at hand, and it is better to arrange a meeting with the veterinarian in advance at home. Cat birth lasts up to 12 hours. And if this is the first birth, the pet, like a woman, will be more worried and feel pain more acutely. Plus, the process itself can be delayed.

The beginning of contractions scares the cat: she begins to fuss, breathe often, may scream in fright. The most important: in no case should you scold a cat, even if it starts to behave inappropriately. In a calm tone, you should call the pet by name several times, stroke it (if the cat allows it), try to calm it down or distract it with a toy. The animal must feel the protection of the person.

Video "Harbingers, the onset of labor in a cat, how to know that a cat has begun to give birth?"

What to do if the birth process is very weak?

If half an hour has passed after the discharge of the waters, and labor has not begun, this is a cause for alarm. The cat needs urgent help, but you can’t rush too much - careless and thoughtless actions can only cause more harm.

The owner can do the following:

  • lubricate fingers with petroleum jelly (baby cream);
  • very carefully insert your fingers into the pet’s vagina and try to pull the kitten by the shoulders with weak, helical movements (you can’t pull the head, you can inadvertently break the baby’s neck and kill him);
  • support the abdomen of the pet with the second hand;
  • if the contractions have stopped, rumple the back and tummy of the pet to stimulate a new attempt.

These measures should only be taken in extreme cases! If 30 minutes after contractions has not yet passed, you can not provoke labor on your own.

And here is the baby

As soon as the amniotic sac bursts, it's time to wait for the first baby to appear. First, amniotic fluid comes out, they soften the birth canal. In a few minutes, the first kitten should appear. Some pets give birth to their entire brood with an interval of 5 minutes. Others take half an hour for each fluffy angel. It is impossible to predict how much a cat will manage. But if 30 minutes have passed since the appearance of the first kitten, and the brothers still do not leave the womb, urgent action must be taken.

Childbirth should end within 2-4 hours, after the appearance of each baby, the cat, armed with natural instincts, begins to play the role of a mother. She gets acquainted with the kitten, sniffs it, immediately licks its muzzle. Then it gnaws through the umbilical cord and eats all unnecessary amniotic membranes. The placenta comes out of the uterus on its own. The owners should not be afraid that the cat eats the afterbirth. But it is important to know that if a pet has an upset gastrointestinal tract, then the placenta in the stomach may be to blame.

If not all babies were born, what to do?

If the cat’s birth is suddenly too long, you don’t need to immediately think about the bad. But it's also not worth waiting until everything resolves itself. The first births are very long. If there are a lot of kittens in the womb, the process can also be delayed. But how do you know if all the little ones have come out? Suddenly 1 or 2 remained inside, and the animal is not going to continue labor? So, when the owner should be wary:

  • The cat has strange behavior.
  • If you feel the abdomen, it is determined by a seal about the size of a kitten.
  • The cat's tummy does not "deflate".
  • The temperature has risen to 39 degrees.
  • Appeared greenish discharge from the vagina.

It also happens that mommy just decides to "rest" a little, having already produced 4-5 babies. And during the break, the cat calmly goes about her maternal affairs: she licks the kittens, feeds them, eliminates the remnants of the placenta. If the cat looks calm and content, everything is in order, after some time the remaining kittens will be born.

But if one or more of the above symptoms are present, then the presence of kittens in the womb can lead to big problems. The owner, who noticed something was wrong, urgently needs to call a specialist. Every minute is precious. Not only unborn kittens are under threat, but the cat itself.

Maternal instinct

If the birth went well, the cat is happy, and the kittens are healthy, there is no reason to worry. Nature has laid in the pet a program for the care of offspring, which the cat will carry out in the allotted time for this. No one is better at taking care of babies than a mother herself.

But it wouldn't hurt to take care of the cat. The pet was very tired, she spent a lot of energy and nerves on the difficult process of childbirth. Now she has an equally difficult task - to leave all the offspring. A cat needs a rich, complete diet that contains as much protein as possible and that's it. useful vitamins. The pet will share all this wealth with kittens, feeding them with milk. By 3 weeks of age, babies can already eat on their own, and they can be attached to new hands.

Important Facts

An owner planning to breed offspring from his pet should know that:

There are a few tips, following which will help not only to endure and give birth to healthy babies for your pussy for the first time, but also keep you calm and nerves:

  • A cat's pregnancy must be planned. And in the preparatory period, you need to get a doctor's consultation, check for contraindications, perhaps do an ultrasound of the small pelvis and pass some tests.
  • A primiparous cat must observe good physical activity but not overburdened. The items she needs should be within reach so that the pet does not try to jump too high. Pregnant animals should not be allowed outside unaccompanied.
  • Nutrition future mother should be complete and balanced. No deficit allowed important elements: calcium, proteins, vitamins. Mandatory in the diet of meat products, dairy products. Perhaps the doctor will advise a complex of vitamins. Do not neglect the recommendations if you want to get full-fledged offspring and keep your cat healthy.
  • In the last days of pregnancy, purchase drugs that may be needed during labor: Oxytocin to stimulate contractions, Gamavit to maintain the mother's body, Ringer's solution to prevent dehydration.
  • If you are as inexperienced in cat birth as your pet, then worth thinking about professional help . When contractions appear, you can call the veterinarian home, this will help prevent the occurrence of unforeseen complications.
  • At self help in the process of childbirth, carefully study the entire theoretical base to be ready to help, and not to panic at all. In the event of a life-threatening situation, seek immediate medical attention.

Although labor activity is a natural process laid down by nature, the first time is always the most difficult, even for a cat, even for a person. After a couple of litters, your pet will be experienced enough to manage on her own. But for the first time giving birth, it is better not to be left without the support of a loving owner. And your task is to remain completely calm so that an inexperienced animal does not become even more nervous.

In principle, the usual cardboard box, on the bottom of which you can put a clean towel folded in several layers. If the box has a sufficiently large depth, then a hole can be cut in one of its walls, through which a pregnant animal can easily both climb inside the box and get out of it. Let your pet get acquainted with this nest - if she does not like it, then there is a high probability that she will come to give birth in your bed. If everything is in order, then put this box in a quiet place where no one will disturb you.

Approximately one day before the onset of labor, the cat begins to worry and intensively prepare its nest, and a couple of hours before significant event she calls the owner in every possible way to the place where the birth, in fact, will take place. Be sure to sit next to the animal, stroke it, and talk to it. This will surely have a calming effect on the cat, and then she will settle down and wait for the contractions to begin.

When childbirth, the temperature rises, and her and her ears become very hot. Watch how they are born: normally, they should be born with their front legs forward. The mother cat must lick each of them, gnaw through the umbilical cord and eat the afterbirth that followed the kitten. It is impossible to predict the duration of labor in advance. Between the birth of the first and last kittens, it can take 40-50 minutes, or long hours. The owner should only talk and from time to time look to ensure that the process goes well and there are no complications.

If something is wrong, be sure to contact your veterinarian. Nowadays, the veterinarian can be called to the house, often even at night. It is possible that in fact everything is going fine, but only a veterinarian can determine this, even without being present at the same time as a cat. You can simply describe what is happening on the phone. In any case, ask the observer of your cat for permission. veterinarian contact him if necessary.



The first thing to do long before giving birth is to make a nest for a pregnant cat and accustom her to it. A spacious box with an exit that can be closed at the chest level of the animal is perfect for the nest. The floor of the nest is best laid out disposable diapers, which are sold in any pharmacy. Nest can become ordinary cat house, but his day must be taken care of.

The place chosen for should be quiet and warm, no drafts or crowds. In the free access of the animal should always be pure water and food. You can take delivery on your own, but you should always have at hand: a 24-hour veterinary ambulance phone, a pipette, clean scissors, a small box with a heating pad, sterile gloves, petroleum jelly, thread and any antiseptic.

Behavior on the day of birth will change dramatically, become restless, rectal temperature at this time, a little below normal, about 2 degrees (normal 36.7).

The onset of labor is due to several signs - this is a swollen vagina and bleeding. The first stage lasts from 12 hours to a day. During this time, try to be nearby, emotionally supporting the animal, especially if she has her first birth. The first stage is accompanied by contractions, the second is the actual birth. The normal position of kittens is forward, as in humans. If the fetus moves forward with its hind legs, this is not considered a pathology and usually does not result in any consequences. The mother herself gnaws the umbilical cord of the newborn and applies it to the breast. The afterbirth, which comes out after the kitten, eats.

The third stage is a calm state of the uterus, in which, after a short break, childbirth continues.

If you have not noticed any deviations from the above, then the birth is normal.

You can take birth in a cat on your own even if: the first part appeared, but he cannot be born long time, the cat did not free her cub from the amniotic sac within a minute. In the latter case, you need to cut the bubble yourself and wrap the baby in warm cloth. Next, bend the body into an arc so that the chest reaches the knees, repeat this a couple of times so that he can breathe on his own. Release it with a pipette Airways. If, after the above steps, the kitten is still not breathing, give him artificial respiration. The umbilical cord should be tied with a thread, cut off from the side of the abdomen and wipe the incision with an antiseptic.

The help of a doctor is necessary if childbirth does not occur after 70 days, the cat has a fever, she is in a fever. Copious discharge, sharp and bad smell, the presence of strong contractions and the absence of childbirth. Remember, most kittens can die only from fear of helping, do not waste time, contact your veterinarian.

The first 2 days after birth, kittens should not be picked up in order to avoid emotional arousal of the newly-made mother.

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