The cat trusts. How to understand that a cat loves its owner

Recently I was asked the question: “Tell me, how can I determine if my cat loves me?” Really, how? I wondered because I had never asked myself this question. We had to think about it together. It turned out that the life circumstances of this man were such that he, not being able to get a dog, got a cat ... He is sure that he loves her, although he admits that he is far from adoration, and thinks that she treats him simply as a breadwinner .

I realized that there is no mutual understanding between the owner and the cat, and I was ready to bet that the cat shows him her attention and friendship, but he simply misses these signals. There are at least five well-known traits that indicate a special relationship between a human and a cat, but many who grew up with dogs have little or no contact with cats, do not understand cat language and are not ready for the intricacies of feline behavior.


If a cat rubs against your legs, arms, and even your face with its head, this is more than just a need to "tag" the owner as its own. The fact that all cats one way or another mark the territory, everything and everyone who is on it, is well known. But why does an animal use claws in some cases, in others - urine, and thirdly - the secret of special glands concentrated in the head? The problem is that they are different labels. The secret of the glands located on the muzzle, the cat leaves only on well-known, studied objects, animals and people that do not pose a danger to her. The smell of the secret, by the way, is elusive to the human sense of smell. The presence of such identification marks allows the cat to feel confident in the environment, because they make objects familiar to the animal. Pressing her muzzle to your legs, wrapping her tail around you, the cat seems to say: “Hi, you are my old friend.” I consider this behavior the first sign of a cat's friendly disposition towards a person and one of the characteristic ways to express one's gratitude.


Cats love warm places to sleep and rest. But comfort - is not the only motive that drives your cat when she chooses a place to sit or lie down. Sometimes she is not very comfortable, but she is with you. Some people like to sit on the back of the couch next to your head when you watch TV, or on your computer keyboard while you surf the Internet, or on your lap when you're trying to read. For some reason, at this moment, she does not find a more convenient place ... Do you catch the thought? If your cat chooses a place near you, although he usually sleeps in other, more convenient places, be aware - it is a manifestation of love for you.


Cats do not like to be stared at, but they will calmly endure the gaze of a person and can look at someone they trust for a long time. If you can maintain eye contact with your cat for a long time - it means that you are a special person for her. It's like a kiss. This doesn't happen to everyone with cats, it's a sign of trust and feline love.



Everyone knows about this sign of attention. Of course, purring is a clear sign of feline friendliness, but cats also make these sounds when they are sick or injured, during childbirth, or even dying. Many feline ethologists say that a cat's purr, like a human smile, can express greeting, pleasure, or supplication. A cat can purr in different ways, but there is a special kind of these sounds dear to our heart, which she saves only for loved ones. - it is a deep, rich rumble that expresses only one thing: "I love you."

Many consider cats independent animals, and affection for the owner for them is love for the place. This is partly true, but they also need attention and love. If you create favorable conditions for the cat, surround it with care and affection, she will respond in kind. This animal will become a true friend to its owner.

Cat sympathy can be determined by the behavior of the animal. First you need to establish contact with the cat. If this is done immediately, there will be no problems in the future. These animals subtly feel a person, they are capable of true friendship and love. There are several signs that make it clear that a cat loves its owner.

Manifestation of love

When a cat appears in the house, it is important to create a comfortable atmosphere that will allow him to quickly adapt and understand that a person needs him. When a kitten adapts to new living conditions, it must be surrounded by love and care. He must feel safe. These animals will not tolerate rough treatment.

To win the sympathy of a cat, you need to earn trust . Cats always remember the feeling of calm and security and perceive the person who gave it to them as a reliable friend. Only then can you hope for a pet's affection.

Signs of cat love

To find out the attitude of a cat to its owner, it is necessary to observe him and study his body language, because with the help of it he expresses his emotions and feelings.

It is important to pay attention to what sounds the cat makes and how it behaves in different situations. Signs of feline love include:

  • meowing and purring;
  • light biting;
  • "butting" the head or rubbing;
  • the desire to bring their own prey;
  • trampling paws on the body of the owner;
  • licking the face or hands;
  • gaze;
  • tail twitching;
  • backside demonstration;
  • sleep on your knees or in bed with the owner.

Cat meowing and purring

A long and persistent meow is an appeal to the owner. Sometimes a cat asks for help in this way. The most common cause of a cat's high-pitched meow is hunger. Perhaps they forgot to feed her on time, and she is trying to remind her of this.

Like the owner of the animal, the cat experiences loneliness. It is so important for her to draw attention to herself. If the animal meows, and the look is alive, she longs to communicate with her beloved owner.

Cats, like people, can get sick. If the animal shows anxiety during meowing, is nervous, does not find a place for itself, it is sick and asks for help.

The cat makes specific sounds when meeting the owner or sitting on his lap - she loves and appreciates him.

The cat's purr indicates that it is happy. The animal purrs on the lap of the owner and at the same time expresses calmness - it shows its gratitude to the person. If the cat plays and purrs, then he is trying to show his love and devotion.

But not always rumbling and purring means joy for a cat. Sometimes cats purr when they are in pain. The sound in such cases will be quiet, barely noticeable, and the animal will be sad.

Some cats purr when they die. In this case, the sounds will be disturbing and restless.

Biting and rubbing

Some cats sometimes seem aggressive due to the fact that they often bite their human. But it is worth distinguishing a real bite from a friendly one. Sometimes biting a cat means a compliment. A friendly cat bite does not hurt a human. From the outside, it may seem that the animal intends to bite hard, but this is not so. In addition, there is always the opportunity to calm the cat's aggression.

Gently biting his owner's toe or hand, the cat tries to show how much he likes the person, that is, he considers his owner a true friend.

If the cat has played too hard and continues to bite his finger, you need to scream - such an action will frighten him. He will realize that he hurt, and will not do it again.

Rubbing the cat's muzzle against the owner is often perceived as an obsession. The owner usually expresses dissatisfaction and scolds the pet. But this behavior of the animal suggests that the cat trusts the person and feels completely safe with him. Do not disappoint a loving creature, it is better to show your love and devotion in return.

Proposal to share the booty

Cat affection is not limited to meowing or rubbing. True love is expressed in caring for its owner. The cat is sure that the owner needs not only her communication, but also help.

Cats are born hunters and often catch mice or birds. An animal can bring a “gift” to its person in the form of a dead mouse or bird. This speaks of care and great love for its owner.

If a cat shares its own prey, it must be thanked for it. Otherwise, the animal will hold a grudge.

Trampling on the human body

Trampling a cat on the body is perceived by many as begging for food. Partly it is. This behavior is due to the fact that kittens massage their mother's stomach during feeding.

But, besides this, stamping with paws on the body of the owner expresses the affection of the pet. The cat shows that he feels as calm and relaxed with the owner as with his mother.


Loving cats often show their feelings by licking exposed areas of the human body. Some take it for kisses, and they are right. This behavior is also a manifestation of love.

If a cat licks his person's nose or ear, then this is not just kissing, but real care. Similar actions are performed by all animals from the cat family, but they only care for members of their family.

If a pet does this, it means that it considers the owner and other household members to be a family. Such love must be maintained, otherwise the animal will be offended.

Cat's gaze

When a cat looks closely at his master, he trusts him completely.

If the cat blinked at the sight, you need to answer him in the same way. So he will understand that his love is mutual.

tail twitch

The tail is the most favorite part of the body for a cat. He will not allow a stranger or an unpleasant person to touch his own tail.

If the cat stood in the middle of the room and suddenly raised its tail, it is waiting for attention from the owner and longs to communicate with him.

Watching a cat's tail, you can understand what is bothering her. Tail twitching indicates excitement or fear. If the tip of the tail trembles, then the experience of the cat is pleasant.

The cat, wagging its tail, approaches its owner - he thinks only good things about him and hopes for the same from him.

Rear view

Some cats are happy to show their butt to the owner. Sometimes the pet brings it close to the person's face. The owner of the animal experiences discomfort and does not understand why the cat is doing this.

By demonstrating the rear, the cat shows its sympathy for the owner. This behavior is typical of kittens - this is how they greet their mother. If an animal pokes its back in a person's face, it shows that it trusts him as the closest and dearest creature.

Sleep with the owner

Cats choose cozy and safe places to sleep.

Therefore, if the cat chose a human bed for this, then he is sure that he is safe next to the owner.

But on this we do not say goodbye, come again!

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Scientists can claim as much as they want that cats, unlike dogs, do not feel great affection for their owner. Real cat people know that their purrs love them, and there is a lot of evidence for this.

Recently, scientists from Lincoln University published the results of their study: in cats, a sense of security is not associated with a person, and therefore they behave more independently than dogs, and gravitate towards loneliness.

According to The Daily Mail, the researchers used an adapted "strange situation" test developed back in the 1970s. When a cat or cat found themselves in an unfamiliar room, they, unlike a dog, did not need support from their owner. They also showed no signs of being bored when they were bred with their owner.

The Guardian columnist Faye Chopin has one explanation for this: cats are territorial creatures, and when they get into an unfamiliar room, they are too busy being nervous to turn to someone for support. Personally, the author, as the owner of the cat, has no doubt that her pet reciprocates her feelings. Fey gives 25 proofs of this:

1. The cat meets you at the door. Some cats are even able to separate the sound of their owner's car from street noise.

2. He follows you everywhere, just hangs out with you, like, hey, what are you doing? Oh, take a shower. Well, I'll just sit here then... This is love.

3. He looks at you. This makes me nervous. Cats, on the other hand, only make eye contact with people they like.

4. Squints when looking at you. This is the feline equivalent of a kiss.

5. Meows. Cats don't meow when talking to other cats, they only meow at people. This is a convincing fact. Your kitty is talking to you. Says he loves. And also purrs. Loud.

6. Tolerates your tenderness. A cat, for example, allows himself to be kissed, although it is clear that she is not enthusiastic about this.

7. Doesn't bite. At least its mistress or owner, and at the same time it can easily bite strangers.

8. Make-believe bites. When a cat bites, but not for real, this is a sign of friendship.

9. Headbutts you. Thus, the cat recognizes as his own.

10. Calls you. When it seems to the cat that her mistress is sleeping too long, she begins to meow until she gets up.

11. Wants to get into your bedroom. Knocking with a paw or scratching at the door, meowing loudly - all this is because of love.

12. Touches you with a paw or “kisses” you on the lips.

13. Licks you. It is a great honor to be considered a member of the cat family.

14. Kneads you with his paws like dough. Kittens do this to stimulate lactation in the mother cat. So, for a cat, you are like a mother.

15. Brings you gifts, usually mice or birds.

16. Jealous. Many cats, for example, are jealous of the computer.

17. Triggers you. The cat stretches right in front of your feet as you descend the stairs carrying something heavy. Thus he says that you are his idol.

18. Expresses his point of view. For example, pooping in the wrong place when you return from a trip where you didn’t take him with you.

19. Offended. The cat may hide from you for one or two days, as if punishing you for leaving it yourself for a long time. True, she will purr happily when the hostess finds her.

20. Sits on your lap. This is recognition, trust and love, of course.

21. Sits down on other parts of your body. For example, on the head.

22. Shows you the abdomen - the unprotected part of his body. He trusts you.

23. Lives with you. Or, as experienced cat owners say: "They let you live in the same house with them."

24. Doesn't say "no" when you ask him again if he loves you. And silence is a sign of consent.

25. And finally ... maybe your cat does not like you. At least not in the way you think. But it is not necessary to endow the cat with human features. Cat love is deeper, sincere and much more mysterious than human love.

In our time, the popularity of cats has already acquired worldwide proportions. We all want reciprocity, and therefore we sometimes wonder if a cat loves its owner? The presence in an ordinary apartment of two or three representatives of the cat family is no longer surprising to anyone.

A cat is a proud and independent creature, so winning her love is not so easy.

Despite the universal love for them, “whiskered comrades” remain proud and independent animals (and some, moreover, are also spoiled) and in their picture of the World, living in a person’s house does not at all equate to absolute love for him.

After all, as you know, getting into a human family, a cat chooses only one person “for love” (most often one of the small children), she either respects the rest or simply tolerates them.

But there are a few points by which it is easy to determine that the pet of a cat / cat is still you.

1. The cat climbs onto your lap and “tramples” them with its front paws.

Seeing this, do not be afraid and do not push your cat away from you - there is nothing criminal in his actions. This habit is an instinct that came from a distant feline childhood - kittens similarly “trample” their mother in order to beg her for milk.

Your cat (or cat, since this habit does not depend on gender) understands perfectly well that you are not his “mother”, but you won’t go against nature, as they say - he loves you as much as his parents, so this “ cat instinct" connects automatically because of the great love for you.

2. The cat goes to bed at night only next to you.

Cats and cats, madly in love with their owners, have a similar habit - every night they fall asleep only next to their “two-legged pet”. During the day, a cat can play with anyone and even, at times, arrogantly ignore you, thus showing all the independence and pride of a feline character.

But at night he will come to sleep with you, stretched out on the bed in his entire length or modestly curled up.

It is explained simply. Whatever pet the cat is, wild instincts are present in it. The lodging for the night should be a safe and quiet place. When a cat falls asleep next to you, she feels warm and safe, where nothing threatens her.

Even if she has been living in this house for a thousand years and knows every corner of it, she is calmer next to you at night.

3. The cat sits or lies right next to you during the day.

In fact, as you know, cats are very independent and during daytime sleep or rest they really don’t like it when they climb, trying to choose a secluded and quiet place for daytime naps.

But only not in those cases when their beloved owner is next to them. Is your cat lying and dozing next to you, and even snuggling closer, even though there is a terrible noise in the room from the TV, vacuum cleaner and neighbors doing construction work since 9 in the morning? Congratulations, because your cat loves you very much!

And even if after 5 minutes the world starts later, the cat doesn’t care, because you are near, and together with you no flood is terrible for her!

4. The cat rolls over onto its back and allows you to stroke its belly.

And the point is not even that the cat / cat, like a dog, wanted to “scratch her belly”. Everything is much more interesting.

A similar cat gesture is a signal that your cat completely trusts you, because he loves you very much.

The fact is that the stomach, not only for cats, but for all animals, is the most vulnerable place.

When fighting with predators or rivals, the animals also take care of it, like the throat and eyes.

An outsider, or a person who causes concern, a cat to demonstrate, or give to stroke, will not have his stomach.

Therefore, if a cat flops on its back in front of you, opening its belly and does not run away when you run your hand over this belly, know that this is a gesture of complete trust and love. The cat / cat is not afraid of you and is sure (on) that you will not cause any harm.

5. The cat follows you around.

You go to the kitchen - the cat is behind you. You are on the balcony - she is there too. You are in the bedroom, and the nimble tail is right there. And it’s worth closing the door in front of the ubiquitous cat’s nose, as a loud and persistently offended “meow !!” won't keep you waiting long.

No, this is not at all curiosity and feline boredom, and you are not at all the object of feline persecution mania. You are rather an object of boundless love. After all, your cat always wants to be near you.

The logic of such a cat in love is simple: why should I lie / sit here alone when my beloved owner is in another room?

And even if you just drink tea or read a book, it is much more interesting and pleasant for your cat to be in your company, even if it is silent, than to sit / sleep alone in the next room.

6. The cat brings you prey.

This item of “cat love” is not as common now as it used to be, since cats can hunt in modern apartments only for flies in the summer at the window, but on the master’s legs.

However, those who live in private homes may experience this.

Just imagine: you go out onto the porch, it’s a beautiful day, the sun is warming, from somewhere from the bushes your cat joyfully runs towards you and with a proud expression of the muzzle puts next to you ... a dead mouse.

Do not rush to shout, she does not mock you at all and does not want to scare you, with this gesture she just wants to tell you: “Help yourself, beloved host!”.

By making such an “offering” to you, the cat shares food with you, as with the most beloved representative of its “flock”.

Cat love is as strong as dog love. You should never forget that cats are just as strongly attached to their beloved owners as dogs.

Do cats walk on their own, do not attach to anyone and do not love anyone? Are these template statements true? Definitely not! Of course, experiments have shown that dogs are much more attached to people, but cats also love their owners. Doubt? The following are signs by which you can understand that the cat loves you.

The problem of ambiguity in expressing the feelings of cats towards their owners has always worried four-legged lovers a little. Dubious experiments carried out "on paper" led to "sensational" conclusions that cats do not need their owners.

Back in the 1970s, a test was developed based on long-term observation of the behavior of cats. According to the results of the test, any owner could determine how attached their pet is to the house and directly to the person. Not so long ago, an experiment was conducted showing that cats are excellent, although they often ignore it.

Almost all zoopsychologists agree that the observation of cats in the laboratory gives serious errors in the conclusions. Cats' natural curiosity makes them explore an unfamiliar room and people, which distorts their natural response.

That is why the test, which shows how much a cat loves you, is designed for owners who can observe the behavior of a pet in familiar, home conditions.

Until recently, the statement about the love of cats for people was considered winged. It wasn't until the 2000s that an extensive study was done showing that the affection that cats have for their owners stimulates the same areas of the brain that humans do when they feel in love.

How does a cat let you know that she likes you? By and large, this is attachment to a person who provides her with food, security and the need for communication.

22 signs a cat loves its owner

A cat loves its owner if most of the following points are true.

1. Cats that love their owners greet them at the door. What's more, when feeling separated, many cats "adjust" to hear footsteps, engine noise, or other sounds in advance that indicate the imminent arrival of the owner. Adult cats are well versed in time and often wait for the owner sitting at the door or at the window.

2. Cats that love their owners are constantly watching them. You may have noticed how your pet lazily follows you around the house, fits into a chair or armchair and calmly watches your actions, for example, while cleaning. Many pets follow their owners everywhere, even to the shower or toilet.

3. Direct eye contact in the animal kingdom means threat or aggression. A cat that loves its owner consciously seeks direct eye contact because it trusts him completely.

4. When communicating with the owner, the cat blinks slowly - this is a clear sign of love, affection and complete trust. If, against the background of slow blinking, a cat periodically pokes your face with its nose, there can be no doubt about its affection.

5. Does your cat meow? Cats do not communicate with each other by meowing, they hiss, growl and make other sounds. If the pet looks at you and meows, then he is trying and close interpersonal contact.

6. A cat that does not like the owner will not tolerate intrusive attention. Agree, it happens that you want to take a cat in your arms, stroke it, “cuddle” and so on. If the pet does not like you, he will respond sharply to a brazen invasion of personal space. If the cat shows tolerance and tolerates your "attacks", he definitely loves you.

7. It may not be obvious, but a cat that doesn't love its owner will bite hard and often. With the help of bites, the pet warns that it is ready for a full-scale fight and battle for the territory, which is why uninvited guests claiming your attention may be attacked by the pet.

8. Light biting during the game indicates a strong attachment. Naturally, it is better not to provoke such behavior. If you notice that the cat easily grabs your fingers with its teeth, it perceives you as a member of the family.

9. Cats that love their owners rub their heads against them. Rubbing against your legs and things, the pet leaves a scent mark indicating your belonging to the pack. If you visit a friend who has a cat, the competitor will realize that this person is already “busy”.

10. Alarm cats are loving pets. In the wild, sleeping too long is dangerous, especially on an empty stomach. If you stay too long in bed, the pet will come running to wake you up (even to ask for food) - this is an expression of concern.

11. A riot behind a closed door, scratches, loud screams and other manipulations expressing demands to open the door are a sign of care and love towards the owner. In some cases, this behavior may indicate dissatisfaction if the cat is locked in a separate room. If you are closed in the bedroom, and the cat is trying to break through the "defense", she is worried about your safety.

12. Cats that love their owners seek close physical contact. Usually, the warmer the attitude of a cat to a person, the more gentle its gestures. Most loving pets like to hug the owner's face or neck.

13. One of the most striking ways to express love and affection for a person is licking, especially hair and face.

14. The tenderness and love of a cat is expressed by “massage” - the cat puts its front (and sometimes hind paws) on you and begins to “trample”. With this behavior, the pet expresses affection similar to the mother's.

15. Dead mice, flies, butterflies and other "gifts" are a sign of great love. Judge for yourself, will a cat share the food it has got with an unloved member of the pack?

16. Jealousy is a destructive but very distinct expression of love towards the owner. A cat can be jealous of other animals and even people. Some owners say that cats were jealous of newborn children, because the little ones took too much attention from their beloved owners. If you have lived with a cat for a long time and suddenly brought the other half into the house, be prepared for attacks from the four-legged.

17. “Fall at your feet” is another way of expressing love. This behavior can annoy the wearer and even lead to "accidents". But if a cat overtakes you and falls in front of your feet, it shows unconditional affection.

18. Oddly enough, loving, bored cats may urinate on personal items or even the bed. By leaving urine stains on your bed, a cat mixes its scent with yours.

19. Loving cats learn the habits and skills of their owners. If you carefully observe the behavior of the pet, you may suddenly find that the cat is earlier in the places where you were going to go. So, you may notice that the pet is already in the bath when you came to brush your teeth or already in the kitchen when you remember that it needs to be fed.

20. Cats that love their owners try to stay close and often sit on their laps. Observing the behavior of only one animal, it is hard to believe in this pattern, however, monitoring the control groups showed that the constant "sitting" on the owner's lap is not so easy for cats. Firstly, because it is inconvenient to sit on an inclined surface, secondly, the cat cannot release its claws to maintain balance, and thirdly, the natural curiosity of the four-legged constantly provokes him to be active ... but he remains unshakable.

21. This paragraph continues the previous one, a loving cat constantly tries to contact at least some part of the body. Particularly temperamental pets may try to climb on your head ... literally.

22. Is the cat lying on its back in front of you? If yes, you should understand that such a pose exposes two of the most vulnerable places at once: they live and the neck. An unsafe cat will never lie on its back of its own accord, except in the midst of a fight for a more powerful attack with its hind legs.

Have you finished reading the list and are upset because most of the above items are unfamiliar to you? Do not despair, it is never too late to build interpersonal relationships with your pet.

Start by unobtrusively establishing a closer connection. Take an old sweater or T-shirt and put it next to the cat bed, after a few days, transfer it to the bed itself. The constant smell of the owner develops a sense of affection in the cat.

Interesting! With an unobtrusive approach, the pet itself will not notice how it starts to need you.

The first sign that the cat begins to become attached to you can be considered a rhythmic twitching of the tail. If, meeting from work, the cat raises its tail and twitches its tip slightly, you can take this as a cordial greeting.

Try to gently pick up your cat when you watch TV or read a book. If you notice that the cat began to purr, then she feels safe, and this is the first step to complete trust.