Greenish discharge during pregnancy without odor. Green discharge during early and late pregnancy

The presence of discharge during pregnancy is a common occurrence. But often yellow-green discharge during pregnancy is pathological in nature and appears due to the high content of leukocytes in the genital organs.

Expectant mothers, as a rule, notice traces of discharge immediately upon pregnancy. This is argued by the fact that the body is undergoing restructuring; more blood flows to the uterus and related organs than usual.

Discharge that has a translucent structure and without a strong odor is considered normal.

If no further symptoms are observed, then there is no need to worry. You will have to get used to such things for the entire period of bearing the baby.

Features of discharge in pregnant women

During the period of carrying a baby, a woman often experiences a change in the specificity of her discharge, which differs in each trimester:

  • up to 12 weeks, in the first three months: discharge normally looks like thick mucus, which is also typical for discharge from women who are not pregnant in the second half of the monthly cycle;
  • from 13 to 26 weeks, in the second three months: liquid, mucous discharge;
  • from 26 to 40 weeks, i.e. in the last three months: the discharge becomes more abundant due to the fact that the birth canal is being prepared for childbirth.

When diseases occur, the characteristics of vaginal mucus in pregnant women change. It acquires a green, white-green, yellow tint and is accompanied by a smell. Such discharge is considered abnormal by doctors and serves as indicators of diseases in the field of gynecology.

What kind of discharge should you be concerned about?

They are an indicator of thrush. It could appear due to taking antibiotics or become chronically worse due to carrying a baby. If, in addition to everything else, there is itching and burning in the genital organs, you should see a doctor, since only a doctor can prescribe medications that are harmless to the unborn child.

If the discharge is yellow, this indicates the onset of a sexually transmitted infection. The doctor will take samples, after which a diagnosis will be made and a treatment method will be prescribed. Tests can show that a woman has no infections, since such discharge is considered normal during pregnancy. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the expectant mother. Thus, by the color of the mucus on a woman's underwear, you can tell a lot about her state of health.

Green vaginal discharge

The appearance of mucus of this color can be caused by many factors. It may look different. The mucus varies in color from light to dark green, and yellow clumps may even appear. The results of the tests taken should clarify the picture.

Causes of nonspecific discharge:

Vaginal dysbiosis. During it, the protective functions of the mucous membranes are disrupted. A pregnant woman's body is very vulnerable to infections.

Untreated dysbiosis before pregnancy can cause complications in pregnancy and childbirth, threaten premature rupture of the fetal membranes, and the birth of a child with a low birth weight. The infection can spread to the fetus.

The main sign of the development of dysbiosis: vaginal mucus has a dark or yellow-green color and a nonspecific fishy odor. Treatment of this disease occurs by taking medications containing microorganisms beneficial to the microflora.

Infections. In this case, treatment becomes more complicated. A sign of the presence of sexually transmitted infections is the appearance of foamy discharge. Their color palette is quite different: the mucus can be yellow-green or light green.

Chlamydia and trichomoniasis are characterized by green discharge. They can provoke infection of the fetus and cause harm to it. In addition, the pregnant woman’s body can signal by releasing green clots about the invasion of intestinal infections. In the initial stages of pregnancy, many women perceive the symptoms of nausea and diarrhea as normal. Therefore, in the early stages of fetal development, intestinal infections are difficult to recognize. For these reasons they pose a particular danger.

Injuries to the genital organs. For this reason, green discharge may appear in expectant mothers. In addition, pain occurs in the genitals.

Injuries can result from careless douching. It is not advisable to carry out such procedures during pregnancy. Minor injuries to the genitals can be caused by ill-fitting, uncomfortable underwear. Therefore, you should only wear loose-fitting panties.

Inflammation of organs included in the genitourinary system. White-green discharge during pregnancy may indicate inflammatory processes in the uterine tubes, appendages, and cervix. Even once treated, these diseases can reappear during pregnancy, since the body is very weakened in the first months after conception. Inflammatory processes must be cured as early as possible, before infections penetrate to the fetus. Treatment of cervical erosion, as a rule, is postponed by doctors until after the birth of the child.

Failure to comply with the rules of genital hygiene. During pregnancy, a woman should carefully select panty liners and intimate hygiene products.

Often yellow discharge appears as a reaction to the aromatic substances contained in the pads. Therefore, it is better to use these personal care products from trusted brands and without fragrances. Intimate cleansing gels often consist mostly of chemicals. During pregnancy, the expectant mother’s body can react sharply to such components. It is better to avoid using this kind of gels and use only regular soap for children. They are cheap and will bring more benefits to mommy.

When carrying a child, you should be attentive to your body and notice the slightest changes. Green, white-green, yellow discharge should not be afraid, but it should alert you.

What to do if you detect white-green discharge

If such troubles occur, you must:

  • urgently visit a gynecologist;
  • do not try to cure yourself, this will only make the situation worse;
  • take tests for bacteriological culture and microflora from the vagina;
  • adhere to hygiene rules.

Preventive actions

It is impossible to completely protect yourself from diseases, the symptoms of which are the appearance, but still taking preventive measures is better than the treatment process. That is why it is worth paying due attention to them.

  1. Wash your hands before and after touching your genitals.
  2. Use only special neutral cleaning products that do not contain fragrances, dyes, or preservatives.
  3. Avoid wearing synthetic panties and ensure that the adhesive side of the pads does not come into contact with the external genitalia.
  4. Do not miss scheduled visits to the doctor for preventive examinations.
  5. Follow a diet, do not abuse sweets and sugar-containing foods.

Most often, the discharge considered indicates the presence of infections and injuries, so it is important to pay attention to changes in their characteristics. An infection is indicated by the appearance of an unpleasant odor, itching and burning.

It is advisable to get rid of any pathology before the birth of the child in order to protect the baby from possible complications and infections in the future.

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes various changes, which in most cases are caused by hormonal changes. Vaginal discharge should not be a concern if it is normal and does not cause discomfort. How to distinguish physiological mucus from pathological? Why does green discharge appear?

What is considered normal

Mucous discharge from the vagina, which has a uniform structure, transparent color and is not accompanied by an unpleasant odor, is normal. This process is due to the constant self-cleaning of the genitals. In addition, after the fertilized egg attaches to the endometrium of the uterus, a mucous plug is formed in the lumen of the cervix, which protects against infection.

During pregnancy, the discharge may take on a white or yellowish tint; the amount should be moderate. If the nature of the mucus does not meet these criteria, this may indicate the development of some kind of disease. In such cases, it is necessary to consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Causes of green discharge during pregnancy

In most cases, green vaginal discharge indicates the development of a pathological process caused by bacterial or fungal flora. Only rarely can such a symptom appear in women after a gynecological examination, but such discharge disappears on its own after a few days.

If you notice the appearance of green discharge, you should listen to your body. There may be other symptoms characteristic of a particular disease. In any case, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible so as not to harm the fetus.

Greenish mucus may indicate the development of the following pathological processes:

In late pregnancy

The above pathologies can be observed at any stage of pregnancy and are accompanied by the same clinical manifestations. There are other causes of green discharge, but they are typical for the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. These include:

For each of these conditions, immediate medical attention is required, since there is a threat to the health of not only the fetus, but also the woman.


Diagnosing this problem is not difficult. However, a woman should understand that only an experienced gynecologist can do this.

To make a diagnosis, a specialist will make a smear for microflora during a gynecological examination. This method allows you to identify the nature of the pathogen and the degree of cleanliness of the vagina. Based on the results, the doctor will select a safe treatment that will help overcome the disease and will not harm the baby’s well-being.


After determining the cause of the green discharge, the specialist, based on the tests performed and taking into account the nature of the pathogen, prescribes a course of treatment for the pregnant woman with medications.

It is worth noting that any medications during pregnancy can only be used as prescribed by a specialist.

The treatment regimen is selected individually. However, in most cases, antibacterial drugs cannot be avoided. The doctor prescribes the safest medications that will not harm the health of the expectant mother and fetus. Local medications such as Terzhinan, Vagotil, Betadine are quite effective in the treatment of sexually transmitted infections.

If the pathology is diagnosed in the first trimester of pregnancy, the doctor may recommend postponing treatment for some time, since during this period all the organs and systems of the fetus are formed, and medications can negatively affect the formation and cause the development of congenital anomalies.

Along with taking medications, a pregnant woman must also observe personal hygiene rules. Often the cause of dysbacteriosis or thrush can be the use of soap that contains various fragrances or fragrances, so it is better not to use such products. It is also recommended to wear underwear made from natural materials.

Drugs for treatment (gallery)


To prevent the development of such a problem during pregnancy, a woman should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Touch the genitals only with clean hands.
  2. Wear clothes made from natural materials.
  3. Avoid casual sexual contact.
  4. Avoid unprotected sexual relations.
  5. Do not use hygiene products with fragrances and fragrances.
  6. Eat only high-quality food and eat a balanced diet.
  7. Visit a gynecologist regularly and treat all diseases.

Green discharge during pregnancy, which is often accompanied by itching and burning of the genitals, is a symptom of the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria in the vaginal microflora. At the present stage of medical development, such diseases are amenable to drug therapy even during gestation. Therefore, there is no need to panic; the main condition is timely diagnosis of the pathology so that harmful organisms do not penetrate the growing embryo.

Why does green discharge appear during pregnancy?

The appearance of greenish discharge during pregnancy is often caused by hormonal fluctuations and decreased immunity. In this situation, there are no additional symptoms; the secretions are light green and odorless.

The main reasons why greenish discharge appears during pregnancy are infectious diseases:

  1. Vaginal dysbiosis is characterized not only by a change in color, but also by an odor vaguely reminiscent of fish.
  2. Thrush or candidiasis is accompanied throughout pregnancy by thick, curd-like discharge with a sour odor. With prolonged absence of treatment, the secretions become greenish in color, itching and swelling of the genitals begin.
  3. Pathologies of the genitourinary system, as a result of the inflammatory process, are manifested by pain in the lower abdomen, discomfort when urinating and increased body temperature.
  4. Diseases that are sexually transmitted are the main reasons that cause green discharge with an odor. At the same time, many diseases can be asymptomatic for a long period, but during pregnancy, unusual secretions from the vagina are very dangerous and look like purulent liquid mucous with specific symptoms in the form of a strong burning sensation.
Thick, greenish, sometimes flaky secretions during the inflammatory process cause a lot of discomfort, resulting in increased moisture and swelling in the groin area.

Wearing synthetic underwear, allergies to washing powder or panty liners can cause vaginal dysbiosis and disrupt the natural balance of microflora. A specific reaction of the body to antibiotic treatment cannot be ruled out.

In the early stages, a frozen pregnancy is also characterized by the appearance of green secretions, when the body rejects the dead fetus, severe inflammation occurs and bleeding begins.

How to treat green discharge during pregnancy?

At the beginning of pregnancy, antibacterial and antifungal drugs are not recommended, so drug therapy, if it is possible to delay, is carried out at a later date.

After carrying out the necessary tests, a number of medications are prescribed:

  • the penicillin group is used to detect sexually transmitted diseases;
  • local remedies are effective for bacterial infections;
  • medications to restore normal vaginal microflora;
  • antifungal drugs to reduce and eliminate itching.
Douching with antiseptics (chlorhexidine, furacillin) is often used. It is recommended to take vitamin complexes, give up bad habits and follow healthy eating rules.

In case of hormonal imbalance in women, special medications are prescribed that contain natural substances to increase progesterone. For example, greenish discharge from utrozhestan during pregnancy is possible, but the occurrence of specific secretions over a long period indicates an inflammatory process and requires separate treatment.

In the article we discuss green discharge during early pregnancy. We talk about the reasons for this condition and why it is dangerous. You will find out what such secretion with and without odor means, reviews from doctors and women.

While carrying a child, a woman's body undergoes a number of physiological and hormonal changes. It is the latter that influence changes in mucous secretions, which is caused by an increase in the level of the hormone progesterone until the 12-13th week of pregnancy, and estrogen - from the 14th week.

Which ones are considered normal? The color of the secretion should be white or transparent, the consistency should be watery or not very thick, the smell should be absent or not strong. In this case, the expectant mother should not experience any discomfort, itching or burning sensation in the perineum.

Photo of green discharge in early pregnancy

This type of discharge is physiological and does not require treatment. Under certain conditions, pathological secretion may include:

  • bloody;
  • green.

As a rule, unhealthy discharge occurs against the background of reduced immunity of the pregnant woman. This condition is necessary so that the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall and is not subsequently rejected by the body when it is perceived as a foreign body.

Types of green discharge:

  • inflammatory processes in the fallopian tubes, ovaries - in this case, the secretion resembles the consistency of snot, it is slightly greenish or dark green in color;
  • acute vaginal infections;
  • violation of the vaginal microflora - green mucus becomes foamy and foul-smelling;
  • purulent inflammation caused by bacteria;
  • the body's immune response when allergens penetrate it is a light greenish secretion;
  • venereal diseases - abundant green secretion with a specific odor.


The table below presents the main reasons for the appearance of green mucous discharge during pregnancy, as well as what symptoms accompany the pathology.

Disease Nature of the discharge Symptoms
Thrush (Candidiasis)At first, the secretion is liquid in consistency, sometimes it has a greenish color. Subsequently, the mucus becomes thick and cheesy. The smell is specific, sour milk.Mild pain above the pubis, redness and swelling of the vulva, itching in the perineum and outside the genitals.
GardnerellosisGreen or gray mucus that smells like rotten fish. Consistency - liquid foam.Increased discharge after sex, discomfort when urinating, abdominal pain.
GonorrheaYellow or light green mucous discharge.Painful sensations above the pubis, frequent urination, itching in the vagina, burning sensation during intimacy, hyperemia and swelling of the genital organ.
Nonspecific vaginitisSticky discharge of yellow or green color with purulent admixture.Pain during urination and during sex, frequent urge to go to the toilet, hyperemia of the genital organ, swelling and itching of the vulva.
TrichomoniasisThe mucus is copious, foamy, purulent, yellow-green in color, and has an unpleasant odor.Burning sensation when urinating, pain above the pubis, swelling of the vulva, itching in the vagina.
ChlamydiaPurulent green mucus.Heaviness in the abdomen, burning sensation when urinating, a slight increase in body temperature, swelling and itching in the external genital area.
AdnexitThe discharge is scanty, has a greenish or milky tint, and a foul odor. If the pathology is caused by gonococci, blistering leucorrhoea.In the acute form of the pathology, severe abdominal pain is observed. Other signs of the disease are nagging pain above the pubis, radiating to the back or tailbone, vomiting and nausea, and increased body temperature.
CervicitisThe secretion is mucous, and the amount of secretion may vary. Usually scanty discharge is yellow or white, less often abundant green-yellow.Dull pain in the lower abdomen, discomfort during sex, problems with urination, swelling and redness of the vulva, small hemorrhages on the vaginal mucosa.
ChoriamnionitisGreenish slimeGeneral deterioration in health, fever above 38 degrees, chills, pain in the lower abdomen.
EndometritisThe discharge is liquid, purulent and greenish in color.Severe pain in the lower abdomen, malaise.
Leakage of amniotic fluidLiquid, abundant, sometimes greenish.Redness, burning in the vulva area.
Frozen pregnancyNot too abundant greenish mucus with bloody impurities.Severe, pulling and cramping pain in the lower abdomen, high leukocytosis, mucous blood discharge from the vagina, increased body temperature.

Other causes of pathological discharge include:

  • non-compliance with rules;
  • mechanical injury to the mucous membranes of the genital tract due to inaccurate examination on the gynecological chair or rough sexual intercourse;
  • taking antibiotics.

Treatment of pathological discharge should occur under the supervision of a physician

When to see a doctor

Quite rarely, green secretion is normal and does not require special treatment. Reasons for seeking medical help are:

  1. The presence of a persistent unpleasant odor of discharge.
  2. Discharge of abnormal mucus after taking antibiotics.
  3. Increase in the amount of discharge.
  4. The presence of other unpleasant signs: pain in the lower abdomen, fever, itching and burning in the perineum, general deterioration of health.
  5. The consistency of the secretion is foamy, watery or mucous.
  6. The presence of blood or purulent impurities in the discharge.
  7. The presence of chronic pathologies of the genitourinary system in the expectant mother.
  8. The appearance of discharge after unprotected sex with an unreliable partner.

Self-medication is prohibited; only a doctor can prescribe suitable therapy.

Necessary tests

If a pregnant woman experiences green discharge in the early stages of pregnancy, she should immediately visit a gynecologist. The specialist will collect a gynecological history, ask about the presence of pathologies of the genitourinary system, how many births and abortions there were, and whether the expectant mother suffered from infectious or sexually transmitted diseases during the period of bearing the child.

Additionally, an examination is carried out, identifying the condition and tone of the uterus, the size of the cervix, and the degree of dilation of the cervical canal. Biomaterial is also taken for microscopy. During the study, the possible causative agent of the disease that provoked this condition is determined under a microscope.

Inoculating the contents on a nutrient medium determines the sensitivity of the microorganism to medications. But such a procedure is not always able to determine the causative agent of the pathology. In this case, other effective techniques are used, such as polymerase chain reaction (to detect pathogen DNA) or enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (detects antigens to antibodies in the patient’s blood).

Other necessary procedures are a general analysis of urine and blood, ultrasound of the uterus and fetus.


Based on the research, the specialist will prescribe the appropriate treatment, taking into account the diagnosis, week of pregnancy and the condition of the fetus. As a rule, antibacterial therapy with Terzhinan or Betadine is carried out to eliminate the bacterial infection.

Most drugs can cure any stage of pathology without negative effects on the fetus. It is important to take into account that not all green discharge indicates the presence of a disease; some of them are a manifestation of hormonal changes, mechanical damage to the genitals, or ignorance of hygiene rules.

Treatment of light or dark green discharge is prescribed on an individual basis. For infectious lesions, the success of therapy depends on the accurate identification of the causative agent of the pathology.

To prevent the spread of infectious agents throughout the body and possible penetration to the fetus, an expectant mother with green discharge in the early or late stages of pregnancy must strictly follow all doctor’s recommendations. In this case, conservative treatment is best carried out in the 2nd trimester, since by this time the placenta will already be formed and the fetus itself will be stronger.


To minimize the risk of green secretion, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • At the stage of pregnancy planning, a man and a woman should undergo examinations to identify hidden diseases and their timely treatment.
  • If a pathology is detected in one of the partners, both should undergo treatment.
  • Wash your hands before touching your genitals.
  • Wear cotton underwear.
  • For chronic illnesses, achieve their remission stage.
  • Use a separate towel.
  • Stick to proper nutrition and don’t indulge in sweets.
  • Visit your gynecologist regularly.
  • When having sex with an unreliable partner, use protective equipment.
  • To refuse from bad habits.
  • Use fragrance-free intimate hygiene products.

Usually this is enough to avoid the appearance of pathological discharge during pregnancy.