What does the bioenergotherapist feel during treatment. Human bioenergetics - secrets. Bioenergy Treatment - Physiological Aspects

Strengthening energy and increasing sensory

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You will master the synthesis of the most powerful techniques under the supervision of the head of our center for development and personality coding. This technique will reveal new useful processes in you. If you want to charge your body with new energy for action and feel it? Then this mini training is for you. By the way, do you know what it is to work with bioenergy? These are actions aimed at activating the hidden mental processes of a person, this is a focus on areas of consciousness that an ordinary person does not know about and, accordingly, does not pay attention to. At the one-hour mini-training, you will launch new processes to enhance energy exchange in the body, both physical and subtle bodies, as well as a program-state for mental stability.

Methodology. What will happen in the mini-training?

Makeev Oleg Alexandrovich, based on statistical data, combined the most powerful techniques for pumping energy and expanding human consciousness. He also prepared special home exercises for you. The created methodology allows you to develop confident skills in managing your energy without overpayments and time delays. It is from this that the further energy-information development begins, and for some it simply continues and intensifies.

  • You will have a 10-minute psychological counseling on the subject of your current state of life and future goals.
  • There will be a 10-15 minute briefing - an introductory lecture. You will learn information about the basics of energy, how it works and what it is for. You will also learn what to do during the work itself, what to expect, and what, on the contrary, you should not pay attention to.
  • This is followed by the induction of a light trance on your mental system and the tuning of your consciousness to certain frequencies, as well as attunement by the instructor.
  • The main part is energy work. Pumping of energy meridians, pumping, cleansing and harmonization of 7 chakras, stretching of central energy flows. Additionally, a technique is given for creating energy structures for different situations. You can check it on the day of the mini-training.
  • Homework for 12 days and a test for mail after 7 days.
  • Recommendations for further development.

Who is this technique ideal for?

  • For people involved in self-development and self-knowledge
  • For those who want to develop the sensitivity of their energy and subtle bodies
  • For those who need to strengthen their energy and raise their vitality
  • For those who want to learn quick ways to develop their consciousness
  • For those who want to spend time with benefit and learn information from the personal experience of the instructor

What will such energy study give?

This energy manipulation will transform your body in a special way and you will feel something that you have never experienced before. Here is how it will affect the future life:

  • Firstly, you will feel the clarity of thoughts and general lightness in the body. Most people are hindered by their own endless thoughts about completely unimportant things, these thoughts take a lot of mental energy and interfere with a healthy life of a person. It manifests itself in work, study, relationships, life itself begins to be perceived in a new way. Therefore, from the first day you look at familiar things from the right angle. Is this not a guarantee of a competent study of energy?
  • Secondly, you will learn to feel your etheric body and remove various tensions from it - this skill alone will open up new horizons of your possibilities for you. Any kind of extrasensory perception begins with pumping the feeling of the etheric body. “Efirka” is the body that feels closest to the physical body, so this is the first thing you need to pay attention to the first week after the mini-training on training and treatment with bioenergetics.
  • Thirdly, you will become stronger mentally and will feel more confident than before. All your fears are in your subtle bodies. In other words, your fears are stable energy structures inside you and you are not afraid of anyone but yourself. Just do not think that after the session you will become a fearless warrior, this will not happen. However, petty fears will fly away from you. You will understand this yourself in the near future after training.
  • Fourthly, with the help of exercises and settings during the session, you will begin to perceive the world around you and the nature of each person more clearly. Simple psychophysical exercises will raise your awareness to a new frequency of perception. This will be a new round in your personal evolution.

As you can see, the list is more than rich, although it is far from complete.

There are more details you should be aware of.

Illusions of an ordinary person

The average person lives in captivity of the belief that he is in control of his own life. But in reality, such beliefs are standard defense mechanisms of the psyche, allowing you to feel imaginary control over what is happening. In fact, the situation is completely different and, according to numerous data, the ratio of awareness and unconsciousness in our psyche is 1:150. This means that our life is mainly controlled by psycho-energetic programs to which we are also unconsciously accustomed, that we call them our “I”.

These include emotions, reactions, beliefs, ways of thinking, and a person's overall worldview. It can be said that the whole life of a person is controlled by psychoenergetic programs that accidentally got into him, and only a small part of people are able to transform them, and even then only with the help of external forces. External force is most often specialists with the necessary profile. Just today you can make an appointment with such a specialist and actually check how your condition can change during a mini-training.

What should an instructor be like?

A person who is aware of energy laws and has sensitivity to the perception of electromagnetic fields and the management of their resources. And also this person should be able to accumulate and transfer bioenergy at a distance. The usual topics for such a specialist are: bioenergy and energy flow management, cleaning of energy channels, nourishment and healing of the body, bioenergetics and energy vampirism, bioenergetics and healing, cosmic energy, reiki and bioenergetics, energy protection, etc.

Pump up your energy and learn new techniques

Cost: in a group 1550 rubles per person (individually 1900);

Time 50 minutes + | in absentia - Skype;

Many processes in the body are interconnected. The body is arranged in such a way that one energy flows into another, which is necessary for the life of a separate organ. Human bioenergetics is one of the types of transformation processes that are controlled personally. It has its own secrets and training methods that allow you to treat your body.

Bioenergy can be attributed to phenomena that are not visible to the eye, but have a place for their existence. Some call it quackery, fiction, others take this phenomenon seriously, because they consider it a safe way of treatment. The Internet magazine site recognizes the existence of such a phenomenon as bioenergy, which is aimed at improving the health and life of a person as a whole.

What is bioenergy?

Bioenergetics can be called the transformation of one energy into another. This process exists in nature, for example, in the process of photosynthesis, when solar energy is converted into exchangeable energy, as a result of which plants become green, fruits are filled with useful properties. Bioenergy implies the presence of natural energy inside a person, which can be transformed into the one that is necessary for a person.

Bioenergy has many concepts, as it is used in various areas of life.

  1. Bioenergetics can be called the supernatural abilities of a person who can read the thoughts of others or look into the future or past.
  2. Bioenergetics is the influence of a person on the body of another in order to improve or worsen his health.
  3. Bioenergetics can be called an internal charge, which is felt by others during contact with a person.

Biological energy affects how strong, confident and powerful a person considers himself. It affects the state of his health, which is why even medicine is interested in this term.

At the present time, when a person has more duties and worries, and the time in the day does not increase, internal energy is depleted. Lethargy, constant fatigue, drowsiness, periodic illnesses, stress, irritability - all this is the result of the fact that a person has no energy. The Bucks are empty. It is felt and even more unbalanced.

Empty "tanks" are quite understandable if a person is already in a dying state. But when he is young, healthy and should be energetic, emptiness speaks of an imbalance in his lifestyle. Everyone should feel in himself the energy that allows you to live, act, be active. If this is not the case, then depression, stress and lethargy are constant companions of life.

To begin with, consider why a person loses energy. He loses it when he goes against his nature and desires:

  • The woman does not want to have children.
  • The man does not want sex.
  • A woman does not want to be beautiful.
  • A man does not want to demonstrate his strength in front of a woman; etc.

A person goes against his nature, the natural reactions that occur in his body and encourage him to perform certain actions. A woman's body is automatically programmed to have children. The body of a man produces testosterone to give energy and strength, which he can show a woman. If a person ignores these processes, he starts the process of depriving himself of energy.

Desires are the second factor that deprives a person of energy. He wants to get a certain job, but relatives and friends discourage him from doing so. After that, the beloved partner also insists that he leave his venture and take up another matter. But the individual has a desire that gives him the enthusiasm, energy and strength that is needed for action. If he renounces his desire, then at the same time the enthusiasm, energy, and forces that were generated by the desire disappear. If there is no desire, then there is no energy. It is unlikely that a person feels a sincere desire to do what his close people prompted him to do. That is why he often walks around sluggish and tired: what he does is not his desire, which could give him energy and strength.

How to find inner energy and restore strength? First, you need to accept your nature: you are a man / woman, which means that you have specific needs that are inherent in your gender. Why not obey them?

Second, start wishing and doing things sincerely. You have the right to wish and realize your desires. Don't listen to anyone. Other people always come first of all from their desires. It is beneficial for them to make you live in a way that is convenient for them. Whether it suits your desires or not, they don't care. Accept this idea, realize it, even if we are talking about the closest people. Everyone thinks about their own benefit - this is inherent in nature. If you are dissuaded from something, then the person does it only for the sake of his own peace of mind. He will be fine if you live as he tells you. This is his wish. What are your desires? Do they count? After all, it is your desires and their achievement that give the very energy and strength that you are deprived of.

Human bioenergy refers to the energy processes that occur in the body for the sake of efficiency and the active state of all systems. Depending on the strength of bioenergetics, a person feels healthy and young. If the internal forces are reduced, then the person quickly ages and falls ill. Many diseases are provoked by a decrease in bioenergetics.

There are numerous practices aimed at eliminating stagnation in the ducts and directing energy through biochannels:

  • Chakra cleansing.
  • Hand impact.
  • Muscle relaxation.

Bioenergetics specialists consider body and soul in direct relationship. If various diseases occur in the body, then mentally a person loses energy, enthusiasm, mood. And if a person suffers mentally, then this leads to at the level of the body.

Bioenergy helps in curing most diseases, in particular. That is why bioenergetics can be used to prevent or eliminate certain diseases. The most popular posture for restoring mental balance and bodily health is the "arch". This is when a person leans on socks and hands on the floor, while bending his back back.

Meditation is also becoming popular, when a person penetrates into his subconscious by the power of thought and muscle relaxation, starting to control his biological flows from it. The development of bioenergy can be dealt with at home, but only if all instructions are strictly and correctly observed.

The energy of a person has great power that can affect his mental or physical state. From birth, a person is given potential, which he will gradually use up. And then the person himself becomes the creator of his energy flows

Bioenergetics treatment

In the old days, people only with the help of bioenergy and medicinal herbs treated themselves for various ailments. To date, tribes that are lagging behind the current civilized development, and individual individuals, are engaged in such practices. With the help of the direction of energy, various ailments can be treated. This can be done both by the person himself and by a specialist who first contacts the patient's biofield, identifies the disease, and then directs his energy into the human body. In this case, the patient is filled with energy, and the healer loses it.

Any person can heal himself by directing his energy to the diseased organ. This will require training and the ability to accumulate, transmit energy in the right direction.

Bioenergy training

Everyone can learn bioenergetics. Modern life excludes this knowledge, because it does not correspond to current trends and success. A person should be pragmatic and seek help from doctors in order to be cured. However, bioenergy helps not only in healing from ailments, but also in achieving success.

If earlier all useful knowledge was passed from mouth to mouth, now there are special schools that teach bioenergetic practice. You can independently study the literature and learn the necessary skills. This will take a lot of time, because a person will learn the direction of his thoughts, sensations, feelings.

Bioenergy Secrets

All human life is subject to its bioenergetics. All people have it, but few use it purposefully. Usually the energy is splashed into unnecessary activities, and then the person does not know how to replenish it. Various ailments and disorders appear, because of which a person’s life goes downhill. If you use the basic secrets of bioenergetics, then you can become not only healthy, but also a strong, successful, self-confident person.

Bioenergy is a free flow of energy throughout the body that a person feels. However, to be free on the physical level, you need to be free on the spiritual stage.

If you listen to the conversations of many people, you can hear the following thought: “Before, life was better?”. Previously, the state took care of pensioners. Previously, there were certain rules, following which a person understood what he would receive in return. Previously, people were more free, they could go to foreign lands and build wooden houses for themselves and grow vegetables and fruits for themselves. Many modern people think that life was better in the past than it is now. Is it so?

If you look at the modern world without offense and tears, you can understand that humanity today is more free and full of opportunities than it was before. Women have become equal to men. People have electricity, gas and water in their homes. People now choose for themselves what profession they should work in. Anyone who wants to become a rich person can become a rich person, not someone who was born in a rich family. In other words, if you take a sober look at the structure that exists now, you can understand that the current life is much more prosperous for each person than it was in the old days.

The world now gives a person more freedom and opportunities than he was given in the old days. But since a person lives with a slave mentality, he continues to limit himself in his freedom and opportunities. In fact, at any time there were difficulties. But the longer humanity lives, the more opportunities each individual has. Now it is also difficult to live in the world. But today a person has been given more freedom and opportunities than it was before.


Bioenergetics are energy flows inside a person, which are similar to the circulatory system. Through bioenergetics, each organ receives the necessary charge of energy and strength. If in some flow there is a clamp, a barrier, then some system does not receive the necessary energy, which causes it to fall ill.

Bioenergetics is a combination of the theoretical base and practical methods of one of the sections of alternative medicine. It is based on the concept of biofield and bioenergy. Despite the fact that it is considered pseudoscientific knowledge, it has many followers and reviews confirming the effectiveness of the methods.

Human bioenergetics belongs to the field of esoteric knowledge. This concept is inextricably linked with such definitions as extrasensory perception, aura, prana. Official medicine does not recognize the methods of bioenergy treatment, but this does not stop them from being effective.

The key points of the bioenergy teaching are as follows:

  • Includes the concept of the human biofield. This is a kind of energy radiation, invisible to the eye, a part of the information field of the Universe. It is believed that two factors most strongly influence the biofield: a person’s own mental and emotional radiation, as well as the impact of the surrounding world.
  • Each person has their own energy potential. Depending on the influence of various factors, it can both fade away and be filled from the Source. Almost all bioenergy methods are aimed at replenishing energy losses and increasing energy potential.
  • Thoughts and emotions of a person have a huge impact not only on his psycho-emotional state, but also on the health of the human body. Any negative first damages, and then resonates with the physical, provoking the occurrence of diseases.
  • Man and nature are inextricably linked. It is from the world around you that you can draw energy and vitality, which is necessary for successful self-realization in all spheres of life.
  • A person is a part of the Universe, with the help of an egregor, he can connect to the source of the Higher Mind and draw any necessary information from there. Not everyone is capable of this - a lot of experience in spiritual practices is required
  • Bioenergy is aimed at the liberation of the human self, personal freedom. To find it, a lot of work is required with the subconscious, which has been influenced by society and upbringing since childhood, many negative attitudes are formed.

It is necessary to start studying bioenergy with an understanding of just two basics:

  1. All processes, things and phenomena occurring in the world are closely connected with the Universe
  2. Thoughts and emotions are the cause of success or problems. Always. What a person broadcasts - negative or positive, then he receives. Therefore, the responsibility for everything that happens in your life lies only with you.

Having mastered at least the basic part of bioenergetic knowledge, you will be able to qualitatively improve your life, thanks to an understanding of what is happening with your body and consciousness at three levels: physical, mental and astral.

Bioenergetics treatment

Bioenergetic practices have been used since time immemorial to treat the sick. Ancient techniques came to us from oriental energy practices: tantra, yoga and others.

In bioenergetics, it is believed that at birth a person is given three types of biofield. In case of illness, one of the fields is damaged, because of this, the overall picture of the aura changes. The specialist evaluates the changes and diagnoses the cause of the disease, determining which organ needs treatment.

To heal people with the help of bioenergetics, it is necessary to have a developed sensitivity to human biofields. Only a few specialists are able to feel with the help of their fingers where the disease's legs grow from.

What methods are used in the process of diagnosing and treating diseases with the help of bioenergetics:

  • Determination of changes in the aura with the help of tactile sensations. If a person is sick, the diagnostician will feel tingling, chill or, conversely, heat during work.
  • Treatment of the disease: the healer directs his own energy to the treatment of the patient. Because of this, the sick person begins to feel better, and the healer’s energy potential decreases for a while.

If you are trained in bioenergetics, you can heal yourself with the help of special exercises. They were created in antiquity by Eastern thinkers and clerics.

Watch a video about the human energy structure from the point of view of bioenergetics:

The value of bioenergetics in human life

The role of bioenergy is as follows:

  • Helps protect against disease by creating an energy shield
  • Protects a person from the negative influence of the outside world, establishes a barrier to any negativity
  • Determines the quality of your life. The more energy you have, the healthier, more attractive and successful you are, the more able you are to achieve your goals.
  • Provides the necessary level of vital energy, if desired - even one at which you can develop paranormal and extrasensory abilities in yourself

To achieve any meaningful results, special practices and exercises are needed.

How to develop bioenergetic skills in yourself?

Theory is useless without practice. Therefore, it is worth trying some exercises to understand the meaning of bioenergetics.

List of effective exercises:

  1. Exercise one - do it for seven days. You need to relax and disengage from extraneous thoughts. Then turn your mind's eye to your right hand and imagine how heat radiates from it. Repeat for the left hand. When it is possible to cause tingling sensations in the palms, the exercise is considered completed.
  2. During the second exercise, you will also concentrate on the feet. Imagine how heat, originating in the foot, moves from the ankles to the calves, then to the knees, thighs, stomach, chest, and reaches the brain

The effectiveness of the exercises depends on the strength of your imagination and ability to visualize. Not everyone is well-developed in these skills, so it may take time for you to master the practices.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

Let's take a closer look at this term. If you take it apart into its components, then it comes from the word “bio”, which means life, and “energy”, which means strength or energy. In general, we can say that bioenergetics is a discipline that studies energy processes in living organisms. It is they that give rise to various biochemical processes that ensure the work of all the structural elements of the body.

Problems in the body can be both from a lack of energy, and from its excess. In the first case, the processes of premature aging will begin in the body, but diseases occur both in the first and in the second case. All this can be prevented on your own, using various techniques that strengthen the energy field, or turn to a professional bioenergy and healer.

In addition to treating obvious diseases of the physical body, bioenergetics can also work with various energy “diseases”, such as spoilage, love spell, curse or evil eye. Such negative influences leave noticeable “wounds” on the human energy body (aura). They too can and should be treated.

How diagnostics is carried out using bioenergetics

So, let's consider how a person is diagnosed with the help of bioenergetics. A specialist who undertook to treat a patient should clearly see the subtle fields of a person, his aura. Therefore, he can read the signals of the disease and, in general, the state of each organ of the human body. Ultimately, a professional healer can establish the cause-and-effect relationships of a particular disease (and it does not always have physical roots).

As you can see, such a direction of healing as bioenergetics, the diagnosis of a disease with the help of which is very simple and accurate, very important and in demand. However, only a person who has reached a certain level of development can do such a thing, because in order to get the necessary information, you must have a well-developed intuition, as well as the ability to see the world that is unknown to a simple layman.

Treatment of various diseases with the help of bioenergetics

What is bioenergy treatment? The healer uses his hands, directing pure energy to a diseased organ or human biofield. This is called contact healing. Some bioenergetics use only their own energy, and then restore it, but most use external sources of replenishment (for example, fire or proper breathing). If it is necessary to remove bad energy, then bioenergetics can also help with this. He will simply take it out, and in return he will invest pure and good energy.

There is also a non-contact method of treatment, but it is available only to those healers who have a large supply of energy and can concentrate well, since the treatment takes place at a distance. In any case, if you decide to start treatment in such an unconventional way, then you need a high-quality bioenergetic, reviews of which are only positive and reliable. After all, an ignorant healer can only do harm, as, indeed, an inept doctor of traditional medicine.

Bioenergy training

To gain additional knowledge and reveal your capabilities, today there are various bioenergy courses, schools, as well as a lot of literature that you can study on your own. Of course, you can get basic knowledge at home, without studying with anyone, but it is advisable to take really serious techniques under the guidance of a knowledgeable person.

But you can get the secrets of bioenergetics only if you get knowledge directly from a teacher or by attending a specialized school. Here you can get not only knowledge about how to heal yourself and others, but also additional information that can help you develop. For example, to study techniques for revealing clairvoyance, intuition, etc.


In conclusion, it should be noted that human bioenergy allows everyone to become a healer of himself, you just need to pull yourself together and take the path of apprenticeship and knowledge, ceasing to waste precious time on unnecessary things and events. Each person has a perfect energy system, which, as a result of an incorrect life, spends it in emptiness, not being able not only to operate with the energy of others, but also with his own. But if you have set foot on the path of perfection, you should remember that it will take your whole life.

And other articles and videos on interesting topics you can see on our website in the library.

I don’t know .. Here I can speak, only from my own experience, I guess. I have a friend who went the other day. I went to a polyclinic, a private one, they wrote out a bunch of tests, naturally a bunch of diagnoses ...

I went to bioenergy, we seem to have good reviews about it. She looked at her with her "hand" and said that go, give the child to her husband for a day, and drink chamomile tea yourself and rest. And everything will pass)))

Well, I got an honest bioenergetician. And private clinics (many of them) "live" from these analyzes.

An interesting text came across recently. It is called "Confession of a Moscow Doctor". It may, of course, be exaggerated; but most likely not much. Under the spoiler mnogabukaff

Part 1

In the branch where I work, everything is very strict with sales. Did not fulfill the plan for the first time - a fine and a minimum salary. Did not perform the second time - fired. In any paid medical institutions there is a plan, the average bill for the patient. If the doctor does not cope with this check and does not fulfill the monthly plan, then he is reprimanded, fined, or even fired altogether if this is repeated several times.

The financial plan must be fulfilled! Each medical center calculates this amount specifically, how much on average per month in terms of revenue should go to the doctor. For motivation, so as not to insert pistons to doctors and tell every day how important it is to make a profit for the branch and recoup their crazy expenses, they make them a minimum salary and a good interest rate from each patient, that is, from those services that the doctor sells.

This system has almost nothing to do with any Euroset or Svyaznoy, where the technology is exactly the same. Sellers have an average salary and a direct motivation to sell as much as possible in order to earn a percentage of sales, then they get an interesting salary. Medicine has turned into a "sale of mobile phones", where in the first place is not the health of the patient, but the number of services sold.

Part 2

Today I had a patient with complaints of pain in the lower abdomen and in the groin area. He described the following symptoms: discomfort when walking, pain in the groin area after lifting weights, a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen. After describing the symptoms, there was a clear suspicion of an inguinal hernia. And after examination and palpation, it became quite obvious. When the patient was standing, he had an inconspicuous swelling that changed in size, disappearing in the supine position.

This is a simple situation that does not require additional examination. It was possible to calmly diagnose him and send him to the surgeon for a planned operation. But in our clinic (as well as in any paid one) it is impossible to do this. Hernia repair operations are not performed in our clinic, and sending him to the hospital means losing a client and getting a reprimand/fine from management for not meeting the average check for each patient.

Therefore, I began to run him through our standard sales scheme: general blood tests, urine, feces, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. He also sent me to a urologist in a neighboring office, where he, most likely, will pass an analysis for the secret of the prostate and pay for the consultation itself. The approximate total cost of all the listed services is 35-40 thousand rubles.

I have been working in this clinic for 6 years. The above situation is a normal working day. And even after all this time, I still have occasional remorse. They are already weak and almost invisible, but there are still memories of the thoughts and hopes with which I went to study at the medical institute in order to help people and treat them, as Hippocrates bequeathed. There were no thoughts about any deception and divorce for the average check then.

But as the head of the clinic where I work says: “Hippocrates is not relevant now, and he died a long time ago, but my family and children are alive and want to eat.”

Part 3

This is one of the first comments I received on a previous post. The comment is quite fair, I perfectly understand the feelings of this woman, and I sympathize with her. The situation she described occurs fairly regularly. For each patient, I receive a whole stack of tests and examination results. As a rule, I send all these tests to be taken in two appointments, so that the patient does not immediately shy away from the impressive cost and does not suspect the excess of the prescribed examinations.

First, it is usually not necessary to take such a number of tests. But you already know perfectly well about the plan, the norm and the check for each patient.

Secondly, you, most likely, cannot even imagine how your analyzes are made and how your analyzes are faked in laboratories.

There are several options:

Clinics that save on analysis

You were prescribed a lot of tests, and you paid the appropriate amount for them, but at best, only the most basic tests are carried out, or they are not carried out at all. Why is this happening? Most likely, the clinic you came to is not doing well, so they save on tests. Accordingly, an unreliable picture of your examination is obtained, and, as a result, inadequate treatment. As a result, health not only does not improve, but is likely to worsen, which will provoke the appearance of other sores. But this is not bad, because now you will go to this clinic for a long time and regularly. But this is not done in all clinics, but only in those where sales are bad, and the clinic does not even pay off.

Clinics that seize opportunities earn even on a healthy patient

Analyzes are prescribed to you according to the standard scheme, but their results are faked. "Discover" what you don't really have. And this, by the way, is not the worst, because only a minor “disease” is found here, which can be “cured” by dripping a few droppers and drinking a course of medicine. The patient, most likely, will not feel the difference, but then he will pass the tests again, which will show that he is “cured”.

Clinics that detect a patient severe or fatal illness

Most likely, these are clinics with lazy and stupid management with post-Soviet thinking, who only hearsay about management, marketing and internal sales. They save on everything, doctors are paid a modest salary. These are greedy leaders who have only one clinic, because they will never expand to the network scale because of their greed and stupidity. Therefore, in order to somehow stay afloat, and at the same time earn a living with caviar, they are engaged in outright fraud. The atmosphere in such clinics is depressing, the doctors are evil, and this is seen with the naked eye.

And the last option

These are clinics that do not fake anything, but thanks to competent management and marketing, they manipulate the patient so that he passed a large number of tests, add. analyzes and examinations. The patient is diagnosed only after the plan has been fulfilled, and then an adequate treatment regimen is prescribed.

This is the clinic I work in. And I will tell you that this option is not the worst. Moreover, today, even the best in Russia. Yes, the patient will spend 3-5-10 times more than necessary, but he will definitely know a reliable picture of his situation.

A few words about free medicine

In the comments, they wrote to me a lot that since in paid clinics they cash in on patients like this, therefore, it is better to go to a free district clinic. But tell me, what is better for you, to be cured, albeit for a lot of money, or not to be cured at all, because “for free” will everyone give a damn about you? In the next world, money is no longer needed.

Part 4

Time is short now. I am writing the most memorable situations for the past week - later I will describe in more detail. The other day we had an extraordinary meeting.

The authorities were extremely dissatisfied with the falling income of our branch - everyone was reprimanded and threatened with dismissals.

Main complaint: “All you do at work is drink tea and don’t treat patients properly”

This is despite the fact that I alone bring in twenty working days a month to the cashier from 3.5 million rubles.

They set the task: “To bite into any patient and if the described symptoms even remotely resemble complex diseases, then intimidate patients and prescribe local procedures and additional examinations”

Our ultrasound specialist, frightened that she would be fired, told a pregnant healthy girl that she had premature oligohydramnios, the placenta was full of cysts, that everything was very bad, it was urgent to put in drips and conduct a full examination, otherwise she could lose the baby.

A pharmaceutical company that promotes its “miracle drugs” through us has released a new remedy for gastrointestinal diseases. As a result, several patients have already complained of diarrhea and bleeding.

The urologist, when taking material for PCR, provoked bleeding from the urethra. The patient stained the doctor's white coat with blood and, frightened, began to fuss, spattering the floor of the office with drops of blood. When the doctor opened the door a crack and went to call the cleaner, the patients who were waiting for their turn, when they found out what had happened, got up and left. Something tells me that our urologist will be fired.

For those who were interested in what salaries are in our clinic and how sales are stimulated, I’ll tell you. We have a minimum salary - an average of 10-15 thousand rubles. Everything else is interest. From the reception of a patient, the doctor receives 20%, six months ago it was 15%. For a referral to another specialist, 5%, six months ago it was 3%. For referral for testing 8%, six months ago it was 5%.

If you are studying in medical schools and want to get a decent salary, I recommend studying to become non-therapeutic doctors. You will receive even more money. Those who know how to count have already guessed why. And for those who do not understand, another time I will write in more detail.

Part 5

A funny moment that many of you probably noticed, but do not know the ins and outs. If you have noticed, in Moscow in many medical centers at the reception there are “boards of honor” with photographs of the best doctors of the month, and I can guess what patients think about this. But in fact, these are the doctors who brought the most money to the cashier this month. It's like employee of the month at a furniture store.

Many sores that cause patients to come to clinics can be cured after one or two consultations, based on basic general tests. This is enough to determine the picture and prescribe an adequate treatment regimen. But it’s completely unprofitable to treat like that, and if you try, you will get a hat from the management.

By the way, the patient does not even need to be intimidated when he comes with his problem. It is enough just to strengthen his already existing fears with all sorts of hints and shaking his head. And the most stable patients are those who carefully study their symptoms on the Internet. They read all sorts of horrors and agree to any various examinations.

It is unprofitable to treat the patient, it is advantageous to relieve the symptoms and delay until the last. And if the patient managed to earn dysbacteriosis from taking an infinite number of drugs, then this is not bad. The patient becomes very sad and obediently goes to the appointment and is ready for all procedures and additional examinations.

Surely some of you have had cases when you were treated for a long time in some kind of medical center, and there was no improvement at all, and then at some point you lost patience or financial problems began and you quit. Then - once, and health straightened out by itself. Many sores get better either on their own or with minimal intervention.

And maybe for someone it will be a discovery, but most of the drugs that we (doctors) prescribe, we ourselves do not take even with similar diseases.