Cat after sterilization - care. Advice from a veterinarian. Possible problems and tips for caring for a cat after spaying

Many cat owners decide to spay their pet. And there are plenty of arguments in favor of such a choice. The cat after sterilization will not suffer itself and cause trouble to its owners. In addition, there is little to no fear that she will run away, get lost or get ovarian or uterine cancer.

Pets that have undergone sterilization live longer, feel better and do not “worry” at all about their inferiority. They lose their reproductive instinct.. In order for everything to go smoothly, without a hitch, it is important to know how to care for a cat after a spay operation.

Operation types

The owner of a fluffy pet is usually not interested in the process of the operation itself, but what to do with it after the process is over. But in a short form it is worth explaining that there are two types of operation:

  • Ovariectomy- the ovaries are removed from the fluffy beauty, and the uterus remains. Some veterinarians consider this method controversial because this organ becomes redundant. And after a certain time, the uterus may become inflamed, which will be the reason for an additional operation. The animal will already be aged and it will be difficult for him to transfer it.
  • Ovariohysterectomy- represents the complete removal of the uterus along with the ovaries. That is, all the reproductive organs of a fluffy beauty. This method is the most correct and safest for health in the future.

About warning signs

Having decided to go to the veterinarian, you should remember that a pet after sterilization will require a lot of attention. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out the operation during the holidays, or at least take a few days off. The animal will have to be closely monitored so as not to miss the alarm signals.

The first hour after sterilization, the cat should stay in the clinic - under the supervision of specialists.

After this time, if there are no complications, you can go home. It is recommended to wrap the animal in something soft and warm.

After sterilization, you should remain alert for several weeks. Although not often, problems do arise. The fact that the condition of the cat after sterilization leaves much to be desired is evidenced by the following signs:

  • bleeding from the genitals or urine that is reddish in color;
  • sleep lasting many hours in a row;
  • for several days the animal refuses food and water;
  • staggering gait or limping;
  • swelling of the muzzle;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomit;
  • respiratory failure;
  • severe pain (you can identify them by the reaction of the cat to the touch);
  • increased salivation.

If these symptoms occur, the animal should be taken to the veterinarian. Perhaps he was affected by anesthesia, or there were other complications after sterilization. The sooner your pet gets help, the better.

Spayed Animal Behavior

At first, the operated animals are in a state close to lethargy. This behavior of cats after sterilization is completely normal. It lasts for several hours, and then the pet will gradually move away from anesthesia. Lack of appetite and thirst for 12 hours after sterilization is also the norm.

Approximately a week after the operation, physical activity is contraindicated for the pet.

You need to try not to let her run, jump and play. In this case, the cat should be comfortable. Experts recommend keeping it in a small closed basket that allows you to stand up to your full height and take various poses, but nothing more.

The bottom of the temporary house should be covered with something soft. It is better to lay the cat on its right side to reduce the load on the heart. It is necessary to constantly monitor the animal - even during sleep. If vomiting suddenly starts, it may choke. Walking on the street and communication with other animals or children immediately after sterilization are excluded. It is important to provide your pet with maximum peace of mind..

At first, the cat may appear lethargic and passive. A few days after the operation, aggression often appears. A sterilized cat yells, rushes at everyone, or, conversely, shies away from people. This is due to physical discomfort, as well as hormonal changes. You need to treat the behavior of your pet with understanding and patience. When the rehabilitation period is over, the cat will become even more affectionate than before.

General features of care

If the doctor has put a surgical collar around the animal's neck, it cannot be removed without the permission of a specialist.

How long a cat should wear this device, the doctor decides. On average, this period lasts 10 days. Temporarily ridding her of the collar is allowed in cases where it interferes too much with eating and drinking. But the animal must remain under observation at this time.

After spaying, cats look shabby. There may be blood on the fur. But bathing the animal for the first ten days is strictly prohibited. Contact with water must not be allowed.

It is also very important to adhere to the following rules:

  • do not inject any antibiotics to the animal;
  • as a filler for the tray, use exclusively special, store-bought sand, and even better - chopped paper;
  • change the filler and thoroughly wash the "pot" after each bowel movement.

Another significant point that scares many. Spayed animals often sleep with their eyes open. This is considered the norm. To prevent drying out, you need to bury your eyes with a special solution. In addition, it is recommended to close and open the eyelids of the animal during sleep every half hour.

Caring for a cat after sterilization at home requires not only patience, but also love.

Frightened and suffering from pain and hormonal changes, the animal is in great need of affection. The sensitive attitude of the owner will help him survive this difficult period.

The object of special attention is the seams

In many modern veterinary clinics, special absorbable threads are used during sterilization operations. In this case, the stitches will not need to be removed. If this procedure is still necessary, then it should be carried out by a doctor.

In young animals, only the internal organs are usually sewn up, and a special surgical glue is applied on the outside. It is necessary to ensure that the cat does not touch the protective coating. It is for this that the "collar" that was discussed above is needed.

The condition of the seams must be checked at least twice a day.

You should focus on the appearance that was immediately after the operation. Warning symptoms are:

  • unpleasant odor coming from the seam;
  • severe redness;
  • exudate (liquid release);
  • the seam is hot to the touch.

If you have at least one of the above signs, you should seek medical help. But it is not necessary to process the seams (if a self-absorbable thread was used). In the normal course of events they will heal on their own without any intervention. In cases where the operation was done the old fashioned way, the doctor will tell the owner how to proceed. Chlorhexidine is considered the best suture treatment.

Be sure to pay attention to the state of the green tattoo, which has recently been increasingly done with sterilized animals in domestic clinics. Here the requirements are the same as for the seams. The tattoo should not be red, ooze liquid, smell bad, or be hot. It is necessary to exclude the access of the language of the animal to it.

Feeding a cat after spaying

Care after surgery for a sterilized cat provides for a special feeding regimen. As noted above, the animal usually does not eat or drink for the first 12 hours. But after this time, he can be offered half of the usual daily food intake.

And to awaken the appetite - lubricate the gums with something tasty. The ideal option is sugar syrup, which you need to moisten a cotton swab and let the animal lick.

Do not force-feed a cat after spaying. In cases where several days have passed, and she really does not eat or drink, you will have to see a doctor. Most likely, the operation led to some complications. Although some animals simply react to stress in this way - after all, each organism is individual.

It is not uncommon for cats to become constipated after spaying. It is necessary to try not to give the animal food that would provoke their occurrence. It is advisable to feed him with something thin, drink plenty of water. If the cat does not go to the toilet for many days, you will need the help of a specialist. It would be nice to support the pet's body with special vitamins for animals. They must be prescribed by a doctor.

In general, it is believed that it takes an average of two weeks for a cat to fully recover from spaying. Within 14 days, there may be interruptions in appetite. But after that, when estrogens stop being released, many animals are attacked by zhor. They begin to gain weight rapidly.

To avoid obesity, you should stimulate the motor activity of the cat: walk more and play with it.

Cats tolerate spaying much more painfully than males. But if the operation is done on time (at the age of 16 or a little more weeks), then in most cases the animal is quickly rehabilitated and returns to normal life. Spayed cats walk in the same way as before the procedure. Just now they will not attract the attention of the "suitors". Already a few weeks after sterilization, there will be no hormones left in the cat's body causing sexual desire.

Neutering a cat is a surgical operation to remove the reproductive organs. Such an operation is recommended for animals that do not participate in breeding. With the help of sterilization, you can solve some of the health problems of the pet and correct its behavior.

How do cats behave after sterilization by day?

The general condition and behavior of the cat changes daily.

Day 1

On the first day after the operation, the cat has no appetite, lethargy, drowsiness is observed, coordination of movements is disturbed, hallucinations and disorientation may occur - the pet tries to run or crawl in an unknown direction, stops abruptly, rests against walls, falls and falls asleep, jumps up, etc. This behavior is normal and there is no cause for concern.

The cat may not blink, in which case it is necessary to close her eyes on her own until she starts blinking again, otherwise there is a risk of drying out of the cornea.

In addition, involuntary urination and vomiting are possible.

It is necessary to control the volume of the cat's food and feed it with specialized foods often, but in small portions.

Manifestation of aggression

The operation and recovery from anesthesia is stressful for the animal. The cat is in pain, reacts excessively excitedly to the surrounding sounds, any noise and people around. All this affects behavior that can become uncharacteristic for her: the pet can hiss, growl, try to bite and show aggression.


It is necessary to isolate the cat, closing it in a carrier or a separate room - this minimizes the effect of irritating factors on the animal and will help to quickly return to normal behavior.

The animal yells, screams, hisses or growls: what to do?

Loud cries and aggressive behavior of the cat indicate that she is experiencing severe pain or nausea. If the pet yells for a long period of time, it is necessary to contact a veterinarian who will examine her, determine the condition and, if necessary, prescribe painkillers.

Also, in the postoperative period, the cat may scream if an incomplete operation was performed - in this way the pet demonstrates character and asks for a cat. In such a situation, the best solution would be to perform a complete operation to completely eliminate the cat's sex drive.

In addition, a cat may scream in order to attract the attention of the owner.

How long does it take for an animal to leave?

The operation to sterilize a cat is carried out in a veterinary clinic and lasts approximately 40 minutes. The duration of the animal's recovery from anesthesia depends on which of the three types was used:

  • Muscle relaxants + analgesics. This mixture is used most often, as it is the most effective. A significant drawback of such anesthesia is a difficult and rather long exit from it, which lasts from 5-6 to 24 hours.
  • Muscle relaxants along with epidural anesthesia. When using this type of anesthesia, the experience and qualifications of the doctor play an important role, since in the event of an incorrect injection into the epidural space, there is a risk that the sensitivity of the hind limbs and the ability to move them will return within 48 hours. The advantage of this mixture is its low toxicity, due to which anesthesia is easily tolerated and it takes a maximum of 8 hours to get out of it.
  • Gas, or inhalation, anesthesia. This method has high efficiency and minimal toxicity, but it is used infrequently due to the lack of necessary equipment and substances. After such anesthesia, the animal wakes up almost immediately after the anesthesia machine is turned off.

How can you help your pet?

For the process of rehabilitation of a cat at home, there are a number of recommendations from veterinarians:

  • you need to put the pet on the floor, because due to impaired coordination of movements after anesthesia, it can fall from a hill;
  • it is impossible for a cat to lie near heating appliances - this can cause internal bleeding;
  • it is worth laying an absorbent diaper, as the cat may have spontaneous urination, defecation or vomiting;
  • you need to put the pet on its right side to reduce the load on the heart;
  • if a cat has a weakened immune system, it needs a course of vitamins and restoratives;
  • in the first hours after the operation, it is necessary to measure the temperature of the cat once an hour and gently turn it over every half hour to avoid numbness of the paws;
  • with the formation of ulcers, crusts, rashes or redness in the suture area, a veterinarian consultation is necessary;
  • in the event of sudden vomiting, it is necessary to turn the cat's head to one side and make sure that it does not choke;
  • in order to exclude licking and combing of the seams, as well as to protect the wound from dust and dirt, you need to put on a postoperative blanket on the pet;
  • sutures must be processed in accordance with the recommendations of the veterinarian.


If symptoms such as bleeding of the suture, heavy breathing of the cat, wheezing in the chest, irregular heartbeat, blanching or redness of the mucous membranes or a rash occur, the animal should be immediately taken to the veterinarian.

Useful video

The video below shows how a cat can behave after spaying.


Neutering a cat is an ordinary veterinary operation, which, nevertheless, turns into stress for the animal's body. With the provision of the necessary full-fledged care, competent medical assistance and proper postoperative care, the pet quickly undergoes rehabilitation and returns to an active lifestyle.

Each clinic has its own method of suturing. If there was a laparoscopic operation, then, most likely, suture treatment will not be needed. There are options after laparotomy. In any case, you must follow your veterinarian's instructions as only he knows what stitch he put.

If the seam needs to be treated, then usually an aqueous solution of miramistin or chlorhexidine is applied to it daily, which can be bought at any pharmacy. It is also sometimes recommended to lubricate the place with an antibiotic - Levomekol ointment. It is necessary to process the seam from the second day after the operation until the 7-10th day.

Before processing the seam, the blanket is removed only from the hind legs. It is better not to remove it completely, because it can be difficult to tie the cat back.

Cat appetite after surgery

If the cat was taken out of anesthesia by doctors and given to you under anesthesia, then the pet may show interest in food immediately upon arrival home. However, in some cases (this will depend on the type of surgery, suture, and medication) the veterinarian will recommend not feeding the animal for up to 24 hours after surgery. Ask your doctor about this.

If the cat has a poor appetite in the first days after the operation, this is also normal. You don’t need to force her to eat: the main thing is to drink water. But if the cat refuses food for more than two days, you need to contact the veterinarian.

As for the quality of food, during this period it is very important that the cat's stool is soft, without constipation. Otherwise, it will strain, which will cause pain due to the stitches. Therefore, almost all meat meals should include porridge: then the stool will be soft - and there will be no need for straining.

In addition, it is very useful to give fermented milk products to a cat during this period: kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, yogurt, but in no case milk - cats puff up from it, and excess gases of the operated abdominal cavity are not needed.

Constipation after surgery

Despite proper nutrition, after surgery, the cat may experience constipation for 2-4 days. Make sure that the pet goes to the toilet for the most part at least 1 time in 2 days. If you see that the second day is already ending, and the tray is empty, it is better to give the pet vaseline oil: pour it into the mouth through a syringe at the rate of 5 ml per 5 kg of weight. It is absolutely harmless, but it helps to go to the toilet. The effect must be achieved by giving Vaseline every 8 hours until the cat poops.

It happens that the cat refuses to write. In this case, it is recommended to put a Microlax microclyster for children, which immediately causes both urination and defecation. Microclysters should be injected into the ass, in no case should the medicine be given by mouth.

In addition, feline lactobacilli can be added to cat food, which will help to cope with dysbacteriosis caused by antibiotics.

My cat has bleeding stitches after spaying

It happens that a cat bleeds after surgery. This is normal, although ideally it should not be. Therefore, if you see that the seam is oozing, you need to call the veterinarian to prescribe treatment. Normally, on the fifth day, the seam should be completely dry. You can check this by lifting the blanket.

Cat's paw swollen after surgery

In order to inject various drugs into the blood of a cat, veterinarians put catheters on her paws. Through them, in particular, premedication and anesthesia are administered. Sometimes the catheter is not removed immediately after the operation, but is done the next day, so that in which case the animal can be quickly injected directly into the blood with the desired drug.

After the catheter is removed, you will notice that the cat's paw is swollen. This is a reaction to the ligation that holds the catheter. After a few hours, the swelling should go away. If it persists for more than a day, see a doctor.

It looks like a catheter on a cat and a paw after a catheter

Is it possible for a cat to run after the operation and not wear a blanket?

After laparoscopy (when not a large seam is made, but small cuts), it is not necessary to put on a blanket: only small holes-seams are visible on the cat. After a laparotomy (when there is a large incision), a blanket must be put on the cat. Cats after removal of the testicles do not wear anything. She will walk in this blanket for 10-14 days.

The blanket is good because it hinders the movements of the cat and does not allow it to run and jump strongly, if it suddenly seemed that it was healthy under painkillers. Although, as practice shows, when jumping, even high ones, the seams do not diverge if they are performed with high quality. The main purpose of the blanket is to prevent the cat from getting to the seam and pulling out the threads, and also from licking the seam.

Many owners feel sorry for the cat, they say, the blanket prevents her from living. And on the fifth or sixth day after the operation, it seems that the blanket is no longer needed, because the cat is already active and behaves as if nothing had happened. As a result, some owners decide to remove the blanket or replace it with a sleeve from an old sweater, in which holes are made for paws. Under no circumstances should this be done! The blanket, we repeat, is needed not to hold the seam, but to protect it from cat interference. As soon as the blanket is removed from the cat, she begins to seriously deal with the seam and most often ends up on the operating table again. Only this time, the seam will no longer be able to heal so easily: now the cat will have to walk in a blanket for 2 months. Do you need it for the sake of false momentary pity that the cat is uncomfortable?

It has been tested on the experience of hundreds of cat owners: the blanket stays on the cat for 10-14 days without any problems and is never removed. That is, if you have not been assigned the treatment of seams, you should not touch the blanket at all.

It looks like a cat in the ass

Intimate hygiene of a cat in a blanket

After the operation, the cat may have another problem: she does not reach her genitals and anus with her tongue to wash them. It may seem that the blanket is to blame. In fact, if it is tied correctly, not too tight, and the size is right, then it's not a blanket. The problem is that the seam pulls: it is he who does not allow the pet to be flexible. He stops pulling after 5-7 days: and then the cat will be able to wash even in a blanket.

For the period until she is able to do it herself, you can take care of hygiene yourself. Every time after the toilet, inspect the organs: if dirt is stuck on the anus, just take a cotton pad, moisten it with water or vegetable oil and wipe the ass. The labia can simply be blotted with a fresh clean disc without anything, but very gently, do not rub. And it is better not to touch it if there is no visible contamination. If they are, then a cotton pad dipped in water will do. But hygiene should be like that of women: in popular terms, you can only wipe in the direction from pussy to priest, not vice versa.

Spayed cat won't drink water

If your cat refuses to drink water after the operation, this is very bad. She needs water now. Therefore, you can very carefully, without pressure, inject water with a syringe without a needle, putting it between your teeth (cats have empty spaces there). If it's really bad, ask your veterinarian to put on a dehydration drip - it gives excellent results.

Removal of stitches

There are self-absorbable sutures that do not need to be removed. If your cat has these, the veterinarian will warn about it. But more often, the external sutures should be removed 10-14 days after the operation. This is done very simply and quickly, within 10 minutes, but the procedure must be performed by a professional. To do this, you need to either call the veterinarian at home, or go to the clinic.

The area where the suture was placed may remain swollen for a few more days - this is normal. It is most often not necessary to process it yourself (if there are no complications). After the suture is removed, the veterinarian should apply a layer of medical glue (most often a silvery spray) to act as a protection and antiseptic.

This video contains expert advice on caring for a cat after spaying.

The author of the article, Ekaterina Yugosh, is the editor of the Murkotiki website, a journalist and a felinologist instructor (a specialist who studies cats). She received her felinological education according to the WCF system (World Cat Federation, World Cat Federation). Specializes in Scottish and British breeds. Her area of ​​interest also includes feline nutrition and animal psychology.

Neutering domestic cats has become a common operation in veterinary medicine. After the removal of the uterus and ovaries, the animals not only lose their ability to reproduce, but also stop demanding a cat and marking their territory. Reduces the likelihood of cancer and other diseases, including sexually transmitted diseases. The overall life expectancy of the animal is increased.

In the first 1–2 days, special postoperative care for the animal, constant monitoring of the condition is necessary. On the 3-4th day, the main functions of the body should be fully restored, and after 10-15 days, full rehabilitation occurs.

Postoperative period

The recovery time from anesthesia is individual for each individual. Depends on the drugs used, age and physical form of the animal. Some veterinary clinics offer a post-operative hospital. For the rehabilitation of the animal at home, you should consider the advice of veterinarians:

  • Prepare a warm spot ahead of time. After anesthesia, the cat will be cold, and it is necessary to cover it. The bed should not be elevated to prevent the pet from falling.
  • On the first day after sterilization, it is necessary to constantly monitor the process of getting out of the state of anesthesia. Upon returning home, lay the cat on its right side to reduce the load on the heart. Before full awakening, the animal may experience involuntary urination.
  • While the cat is under the influence of anesthesia, her eyes remain open. There is a risk of drying of the mucous membrane, which entails undesirable consequences. Veterinarians recommend periodically moistening the animal's eyes with a special solution and simulating blinking by closing the eyelids.
  • Sudden vomiting is not uncommon when coming out of anesthesia. You need to turn the cat's head to one side and check that the animal does not choke. If vomiting does not stop for a long time, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  • For safety, you should limit the motor activity of the cat. Awakening begins in three hours. Due to impaired coordination, the animal may stumble on objects around, make unsuccessful attempts to jump higher. If it is not possible to place the cat in a special cage, you need to monitor its movements and return it to the litter in time.
  • The behavior of a pet in the first hours of coming out of anesthesia sometimes becomes unusual and even aggressive. The cat is in pain, she does not understand what is happening to her. Against the background of stress, hisses and growls. Due to disorientation, sudden attempts to crawl or run in an arbitrary direction are possible. You need to be patient and continue to monitor the condition of your pet.

It is strictly forbidden to leave a cat alone in an apartment or house until the complete recovery from anesthesia. Until the ward can move independently and consciously, someone should look after her.

When can a cat be allowed to eat and drink after spaying?

When the cat begins to recover (3-4 hours after the operation), you can try to give water. If she still cannot lap and swallow on her own, you can help the animal. Give water from a syringe or pipette in small portions, wetting the oral cavity.

After 12 hours, you can offer the cat food. If there is no interest in the food, try again later. Normally, food intake begins no later than a day later. Food should be easily digestible, soft or semi-liquid. You need to feed in small portions.

If, 24 hours after sterilization, the cat is still not eating or drinking, this is an alarming symptom and urgent veterinary consultation is required.

The rehabilitation process

Full recovery of the cat's body usually occurs in 10-15 days. There are several recommendations for care during this period:

  • It is necessary to wear a postoperative blanket to protect the sutures from licking and scratching. Prevents dirt or toilet filler from entering the wound. It is recommended to purchase a blanket made of durable but breathable material. Tie tightly, but do not overtighten. The blanket should not restrict movement.
  • The healing process of postoperative sutures must be monitored. Seams are ordinary and cosmetic. In the first case, it is necessary to remove the stitches at the time appointed by the veterinarian. With cosmetic sutures, this procedure is not required, as they consist of absorbable material. The condition of a seam can be determined by how it looks. There should be no severe redness or swelling. To prevent bacterial contamination, it is necessary to process the suture according to the recommendation of the veterinarian.
  • The room where the animal is located during the rehabilitation period should be as safe as possible. When a cat jumps on a window sill or a chair, it can catch on the protruding parts of the blanket. If the seam breaks, you will have to put it on again.
  • One of the complications after surgery is a violation of the stool (constipation). If after two or three days the cat still does not go to the toilet, you can resort to a laxative (veterinary drugs) or petroleum jelly. Lack of results is a reason to contact the veterinarian.

Features of the behavior and maintenance of a sterilized cat

Sterilization does not entail cardinal changes in the character of the cat. However, some behavioral aspects are changing for the better. Aggression disappears or decreases, the cat no longer yells at night, demanding a cat. The pet becomes calmer.

When the operation is performed after the onset of puberty of the animal and the first estrus, it takes about three weeks to stabilize the hormonal background. Time has passed, and the cat continues to ask the cat and marks the territory - the owner of the animal needs to see a doctor. Such behavior may be a symptom of certain diseases or an indicator that the operation was performed poorly. In such cases, the remaining part of the ovary continues to produce sex hormones.

Therefore, it is important for pets to be sterilized by experienced, licensed professionals.

A neutered cat no longer spends energy feeding kittens or rutting. Reduced daily calorie requirement. Therefore, if you do not make adjustments to the diet, over time, excess weight gain is possible. It is necessary to choose the right nutrition, specialized for sterilized animals. A balanced diet is important to prevent ailments such as kidney stones. Energy-intensive games contribute to maintaining the physical form of a cat. You can purchase or make your own multi-level play complexes for crumbs.

A proper diet, an active lifestyle and regular health checks at the veterinarian are the key to a long and happy life of a sterilized cat!

What is sterilization? This is the removal of the reproductive organs of an animal. The main such feline egg-producing organs are the ovaries. The operation to remove the ovaries is considered simple, it is accompanied by an incision in the abdomen, with the use of anesthesia and takes 10 to 15 minutes, after which care of the cat after sterilization should be carried out by its owner.

It is extremely rare for complications to occur after a cat is spayed or castrated. How long does it take a cat to recover from anesthesia after sterilization and what to do if the pet still has a bump at the site of the seam, constipation or diarrhea begins, the mammary glands swell or the cat no longer eats, or drinks little water, or sleeps all the time and she has risen Body temperature?

If this condition continues during the day, a mandatory consultation with a veterinarian is required. If you are worried about how to care for a cat after spaying, then following certain recommendations will help her quickly recover from surgery and anesthesia, and return to a healthy, happy life.

Sometimes, after surgery, the animal's internal organs fall into the subcutaneous sac, which is a hernia. When the internal seams diverge, a bump of different sizes appears. During a careful study of the seams of the animal, the following can be observed: a whole thread with which the seam was correctly sewn up, intact external seams, and a bump still appears nearby, which is a kind of bulge without pus and inflammatory symptoms.

One of the main reasons for the appearance of a bump is the rapid resorption of the material with which the sutures were made, that is, the thread disappears, but the wound does not heal. Also, a lump may appear if the operating veterinarian does not follow the suturing technique. When a hernia appears, another operation becomes necessary. In some animals, a bump appears as a result of their excessive activity or when trying to take off their blanket.

In any case, if a lump has appeared or a seam has come apart, you need to provide proper care for the cat after sterilization, make dressings, put on a comfortable blanket, prevent diarrhea and urgently show the cat to the veterinarian.

What to do if she is lethargic and drowsy?

The recovery of a cat after general anesthesia, which is always used during sterilization, lasts about 12-18 hours. The behavior of a cat after sterilization can be like this: the murk becomes lethargic and lethargic, does not eat, suffers from nausea and vomiting, as well as excessive sleepiness. Some animals may be in this state until the stitches are removed.

The veterinarian performing the operation should answer all your questions about how the cat behaves after and how to care for it. Your pet needs a rest. Leave her in a quiet place where she can rest in peace and quiet. Keep children and other pets away from her, let her sleep and restore her strength. Even if your purr is usually friendly, affectionate and not picky about food, in the postoperative period it may be temporarily aggressive or, on the contrary, lethargic.

If your cat is depressed, lethargic, sleeps a lot, eats and drinks little, trembles often or vomits, and the suture is swollen within two weeks after spaying, you should contact your veterinarian. Often the owners notice that during this period the murk is trembling. The temperature of the pet is greatly reduced, so it really needs a warm place. Your main task is to properly warm the cat or cat, then the body temperature will return to normal and the trembling will stop.

If the cat does not eat or drink after spaying?

After anesthesia and the operation itself, owners often have a question: what to feed a sterilized cat? If the pet does not eat, does not ask to drink on the first day after sterilization and anesthesia, there is no need to worry or even force her to eat. If she does not eat or drink for more than three days, then this is considered a complication and a doctor's consultation is required. In this case, veterinarians recommend intravenous feeding or feeding liquid broth from a syringe or pipette.

At this time, Murka's taste preferences very often change, she does not eat her previously favorite treats. For example, if after the operation the animal does not eat fish, there is no need to worry. It is also worth giving special vitamins for sterilized cats, but how much is needed, the doctor will say. There is a list of some recommendations on how to feed a cat after spaying:

  • It is necessary to estimate how much your cat drinks fresh water, to ensure that she has access to water at all times.
  • If the murka vomits after the first meal, do not panic - this is how she moves away from anesthesia, you need to stop feeding.
  • You do not need to give your pet a lot of food, even if she really asks.
  • You need a semi-liquid diet that does not provoke constipation.

Is it worth wearing a special blanket for a cat?

All murks are different, so it is impossible to predict their reaction to stitches. Some animals don't even notice their stitches, and most of their owners often say that the cat licked the stitches. The owner must protect the stitches as much as possible from the cat herself, as she is able to infect them with various bacteria contained in her saliva.

To do this, use a special blanket, which should fit well and not dangle on the body of the pet. If the seam is broken or swollen, its character changes, and you are unable to process the seams and do the dressings on your own, be sure to contact the specialists. The blanket can be removed only after the stitches have completely healed.

Why does a cat scream or even yell?

In the postoperative period, murks begin to yell in case of an incomplete operation, if the ovaries of an adult cat are bandaged. Thus, the pet yells again, shows her character, begins to ask and want a cat. If after sterilization, it is better to completely operate on the animal and nullify its sexual desire.

In rare cases, when the animal aggressively yells or screams, this indicates severe pain. She can also yell and experience nausea. Or the pet screams or yells to attract the master's attention. If the murk yells a lot for a long time, you must definitely take her to the veterinary clinic to make sure that everything is fine with her.

Veterinarian advice when the mammary glands are enlarged

The most common type of postoperative complication are altered mammary glands. If they swell immediately after the operation, then the cat has started a false pregnancy. If your pet has swollen glands, then this process began even before the operation, and the removal of the ovaries did not stop their increase.

  • Reduce the likelihood of stressful situations, after which the glands increase.
  • For the normal functioning of the glands, it is necessary to properly adjust the cat's diet, minimize dairy products and foods high in carbohydrates.
  • Enlarged glands can go away on their own, but there is a possibility of mastitis.

Consequences after cat sterilization