We sew a napkin with our own hands. Do-it-yourself napkins. A simple doily with two colors and a sophisticated version of a gorgeous table napkin with a pocket. Table decoration with napkins

Do you like to receive guests? We just love it! And that is why we offer you to sew a tablecloth with your own hands for their arrival. Believe me, such a tablecloth will not only decorate your holiday, but will also become the pride of the hostess, because you cannot buy such a tablecloth in a store! Crafted from a floral cotton tapestry, it is trimmed around the edge with a satin border and fine lace trim. Another feature of this tablecloth is that it is double - planted on a thin olive-colored cotton lining.

School of Sewing Anastasia Korfiati
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DIY tablecloth - details

Rice. 1. DIY tablecloth - table setting

Rice. 3. Table setting - top view

DIY tablecloth - master class

In order to correctly calculate the required length of fabric for a tablecloth, measure the length and width of your table and add 60 cm to the measured values. + 60 cm, ШС = Table length + 60 cm. According to the norms, the tablecloth should go down from all edges of the table by 25-30 cm.

As a rule, tablecloths bought in stores have standard sizes and do not always fit our table, going down the edges too much or not enough. This is another argument to sew the tablecloth yourself!

You can buy fabric for a tablecloth at a curtain fabric store. The width of such fabrics, as a rule, is 2.8-3.0 m, which will allow you to sew a tablecloth even on a large table. Dimensions of the table presented in the master class: 0.9 m x 1.8 m.

For our tablecloth and 4 napkins, we needed:

Main fabric: cotton tapestry with a floral pattern - 1.5 m with a fabric width of 2.8 m.

Lining fabric: cotton poplin 2.4 m long and 150 cm wide.

Satin ribbon for finishing the edges of the tablecloth 6.5 cm wide, 8.5 m long, lace trim 2.5 cm wide and 8.5 m long, matching threads.

To process the edges of napkins (napkin size 0.3 x 0.3 m): satin ribbon 3 cm wide, 5 m long, lace trim 2.5 cm wide and 5 m long, matching threads.

Rice. 1. Do-it-yourself tablecloth - necessary materials

Cut out the tablecloth from the main and lining fabrics according to your measurements, add 1 cm allowances on all sides. Fold both parts right sides together, align along the edges and fix with tailor's pins.

Rice. 2. Processing the tablecloth with a lining. Cut out 2 rectangles for the tablecloth from the main and lining fabric according to the measurements.

Sew parts from the main and lining fabrics along the contour, leaving a small area for eversion.

Rice. 3. Sew parts along the contour

Cut off the allowances on the corners, not reaching 2 mm to the line.

Rice. 4. Cut corner allowances

Iron the seams of the tablecloth from the right side, laying both allowances on the piece from the main fabric.

Rice. 5. Iron the seams

Baste the tablecloth cleanly on all sides, turning the seam over to the wrong side.

Rice. 6. Sweep cleanly on all sides

Bend the allowances on the open area of ​​the tablecloth and iron. Then fold together, matching the edges, baste and topstitch close to the edge. Remove basting stitches. Iron the tablecloth all over again.

Rice. 7. Allowances for the open area to bend and tack

Before adjusting the satin ribbon, you need to fix the edges of the tablecloth. To do this, lay wide basting stitches along the edges as shown in photo 8.

Rice. 8. Baste the edges of the tablecloth with wide stitches.

Decorating the edges of the tablecloth with a satin ribbon

To decorate the tablecloth, a satin ribbon and lace trim are used. First you need to sew a satin ribbon along the edges of the tablecloth, then a lace trim is sewn onto the ribbon (Fig. 9).

Rice. 9. Satin ribbon and lace trim

Start stitching the satin ribbon from one of the corners of the tablecloth. Position it exactly along the edges and stitch exactly to the edge.

Rice. 10. How to sew a satin ribbon

To make it easier for you to guide the fabric under the foot when turning the corner, thread a double thread into the top of each corner. Pull on the thread as you turn to help feed the fabric under the foot.

Rice. 11. When turning the corner, pull the thread

After the satin ribbon is stitched around the entire perimeter of the tablecloth, it is necessary to draw the corners. To do this, lay the tape at a 90° angle and cut off the excess tape at the corner, leaving allowances for the hem edges.

Rice. 12. Cut off the corners of the satin ribbon

Tuck one ribbon allowance on top of the other, fold the top allowance and baste or pin with pins.

Rice. 13. Allowances on the corners to bend and pin

Make sure that when bending the tape, you get a neat, even hem. Stitch the seam allowance exactly to the edge.

Rice. 14. Stitch the ribbon allowance to the corner

The open edge of the ribbon can be pinned to the tablecloth or basted, along this edge we will sew a lace trim.

Rice. 15. Tablecloth corners

Lace trim should be sewn exactly in the center. To do this, lay the trim on the open edge of the satin ribbon and sew in the center, while sewing the inner edge of the satin ribbon.

Rice. 16. How to sew a lace trim

When you reach the corner, fold the lace trim at an angle of 90 °, fold the allowances inward and continue stitching. Stitch the trim on all sides of the tablecloth, fasten the ends of the threads and cut.

Rice. 17. Having reached the corner, turn the inlay at an angle

To fix the lace trim at the corners, sew short stitches on each corner of the tablecloth.

Rice. 19. Stitch the corners of the inlay

The finished tablecloth looks simply luxurious and will serve you for many years. Advice! Get yourself a brush and dustpan for such a tablecloth and your table will always be neat and clean!

Rice. 20. Ready-made tablecloth

How to cut and sew napkins

For the set you will need 6 table napkins. For sewing them, use the same fabrics as for the tablecloth. Cut out napkins from the main and lining fabrics and sew in the same way as the tablecloth. To decorate napkins, use a narrower 3 cm wide satin ribbon.

Rice. 21. Cut napkins

A set of napkins in finished form is shown in fig. 22. Together with the tablecloth, they make the perfect set that you can use as you wish. We wish you happy holidays!

Rice. 22. Napkins in finished form.

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Click point #2 in the table of contents below, where 12+ schemes with photos are described in detail.

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Four ways to lay out in a napkin holder

The main answer to the question of how to beautifully fold paper napkins into a napkin holder is to make a corner out of each napkin. Look at the photo below: what do you see? Single and double fan, which are laid out with corners of paper napkins.

So easy and so convenient! It is easy to pull out any napkin without destroying the ensemble, and the most ordinary napkin holder looks like a solid holder of a solemn composition.

Single and double fan

What are we doing:

  • When folded, fold each napkin diagonally.
  • We fill the holder with the obtained corners.

Option 1 - lay out two fans towards each other.

Option 2 - lay out one fan from the center to the sides.

Bird with colorful tail

Another option is to fold the napkins like elongated trapeziums that will become the bird's tail. For the details of the tail, we bend parallel corners and fold the napkin in half. A bright and unusual tail will provide blanks from napkins in contrasting colors. The head and neck of a bird is a napkin folded into a flat tube with a bent tip. The creative solution is described by step-by-step photos below:

Such a bird fits perfectly into the New Year's table setting, if the Rooster rules the year, or for any spring holiday - as a symbol of the return of warmth and migratory birds.

Both ways - corners and a bird - are shown step by step in a short video:

Bilateral waterfall in a cup

The fifth option is from non-standard: instead of a napkin holder, we use dishes.

  • We need a stable low height ceramic cup.
  • We unfold each napkin 1 time and fold it in half (or 2 times in half - depending on the original size).
  • We lay the formed strips on top of each other and bend in the middle.
  • We deepen the middle of the stack into a cup. Voila! Easy to work, home-style creative and very attractive.

And now let's turn to step-by-step diagrams for the most spectacular and simple solutions on how to beautifully fold napkins on a festive table.

12+ effective schemes for napkins at the plate

Having decided to diversify the serving with napkin folds, we will take into account 2 rules:

  1. We need square napkins with a side of 35–50 cm depending on the complexity of the figure (in this article we limited ourselves to simple ones);
  2. Each place at the table must have a chosen figure, otherwise the hospitable harmony of the feast is violated.

Flower and fan in a glass

They folded it, rolled it up, slightly loosened the top and slightly bent the “petals”, put it in a glass. A clear photo is the best instructor! Below are three options for roses - for every taste.

With a fan (or accordion) you will have to work a little longer:

  • We unfold a regular napkin 1 time - so as to get a long and wide strip.
  • We fold the strips with an accordion in increments of no more than 2 cm.
  • We bend the accordion in half and set it in a glass or glass, as shown in the photo.
  • We keep the same principle for cloth napkins.

Three pleats for a ring and a scarf for a fork

Rings are a win-win option to beautifully fold napkins on a festive table. They open up a new horizon for us for ideas. Look at the step-by-step photo below how easily an ordinary soft napkin turns into a lush, exquisite bow:

The second seemingly obvious option with a ribbon is not devoid of classic charm. Light patterned fabrics for the theme of a particular holiday and a plain satin ribbon are ideal for such a bow - for the middle:

The third option under the ring is a classic flower from the times of Victorian England. It looks very nice on the table, but it is easy to create at home:

Any of the ideas organically accepts natural decor - a sprig of spruce for the New Year or small flowers for the Easter feast.

We can also make rings with our own hands. We will need a base (for example, a long sleeve from foil or cling film can be easily cut into strong rings of the right size) and any decor materials - from a coarse textured thread to tie a ring, to thin lace that can be pasted over cardboard.

And this cute fold in the form of a scarf just asks to decorate the New Year's table. Playful simplicity and naive charm:

Three envelopes for cutlery

Choosing any "envelope" scheme, we can not only beautifully fold napkins on the festive table, but also put cutlery in them, or a card with the guest's name. And when serving for the New Year, it can be a miniature postcard with a wish.

The most popular envelope in European countries is with a beveled corner. It is wide, elegant and able to accommodate the entire set of appliances, and not just the nice little decor. Detailed step by step photos explain the simple process.

Another version of the envelope - with a solid strip in the middle. This simple circuit is well laid out in a short video instruction:

And the uncomplicated version of the envelope in a hurry will easily join the serving of a home holiday and will require a minimum of time from the creator (involve the kids in the festive chores!):

Volumetric figures - Candle and Crown

Are only flat circuits simple? No. Many voluminous options that are stable on a plate on their own are completed in minutes!

Any student will get a curious voluminous version. Napkin Candle that can create a mood in serving a romantic meal or a New Year's feast:

The versatile crown also folds in a couple of minutes. It organically combines with natural decor, becoming a stand for the first spring flowers, fresh herbs or spruce branches in a New Year's theme.

The perfect paper or fabric pinwheel

The classic origami form comes to the rescue in many holiday details:

  • Weathercocks on a stick to decorate a buffet display;
  • Accompanying prizes at competitions along with a bouquet of balloons;
  • Window decoration with hanging geometric elements;
  • Wall compositions from photos.

Interesting contours of the turntable and ease of execution will also come in handy for the festive table: the weather vane turns out beautifully from any material.

Flower Perfection

Let's complete the parade of simple schemes with a flat flower in the traditional origami technique. This laconic form looks just perfect! Your guests will need an effort to destroy it for the convenience of the table. And who said that a meal is not a place for strong aesthetic impressions? Having trained on simple schemes, we dare and impress!

An important secret to success: for such a flower, choose a traditional, not thin cotton napkin and iron it well before folding.

Secrets of the choice of materials and video TOP 10 folds

  • The color of napkins and tablecloths. Don't be afraid to experiment! You are not required to observe the contrast of colors or a complete match with the tablecloth. It only makes sense to support exactly the tablecloth with napkins. A solid tablecloth, on the contrary, often becomes the backdrop for bright solutions for each plate. Do not exclude the option of white on white, which is distinguished by a special solemnity.
  • Napkin material. Our story at the beginning of the article - about napkins in napkin holders - demonstrated the main thing: it is not expensive material that colors the serving, but the creative solution of the element. Paper napkins are a smart choice for beautiful origami. And if you prefer fabric, then choose dense textures that retain their shape well - cotton, linen, chintz, dense viscose.
  • Don't chase complicated circuits on your first try. It’s better to bookmark our article, because it contains only those solutions that even a novice hostess or a young mother can implement, involving a baby in the process. Cooking a holiday is one of the best educational games!
  • Take time to fold your napkins at the table. Ideally, practice beforehand. After all, this is a creative process, it is designed to please not only guests, but also you!
  • Choose color schemes for a specific holiday. The new year is always organic in green, red, gold and white. Autumn celebrations - all the colors of leaf fall. Spring feasts are pastel shades of blue, pink and fresh greens. And in the summer, any associations are open to us - from colorful patterns to juicy yellow and blue colors.

Of course, we did not talk about all the curious ways of how to fold napkins on a festive table, and the above diagrams are only part of the ideas for a festive serving. However, we advise you to start with our selection. Favorable ease of execution and detailed step-by-step photos are a guarantee of success with minimal effort and time.

P.S. Attention!

A great selection of 10 simple folds for any holiday in a step by step video.

Thank you for the article (10)

I am sure that every housewife, regardless of whether she is a seamstress or not, has scraps of fabric at home that we can easily apply and decorate with their help the interior of our house. I recently stumbled upon a store where I found natural linen fabrics. I hurried to get myself a piece of this fabric to sew curtains for my kitchen. I have a leftover from which I made decorative pillows for chairs. Which will be discussed in the next article. I also decided to napkins for table setting. It would seem that it is so difficult to sew napkins, cut a square or rectangle out of fabric, process the edges and that's it. But it was not there. To make the napkins look beautiful and elegant, it is necessary to process the edges and corners of the fabric in a special way. In this way, you can process the corners of napkins, tablecloths, bedspreads and other products with right angles. This method will be discussed further.
To get started, we need:

  • fabric 50x50 cm.
  • scissors,
  • iron,
  • sewing machine,
  • scissors.
The fabric, of course, can be taken in a rectangular shape, but from the square shape of the fabric there are more ways to fold napkins. So, in my case, this is a square of fabric 50 * 50 cm., The sizes can be different. Each edge of the square is folded to the wrong side, the fold is 1 cm wide. For convenience, we use an iron and iron it.

Now we will open all our ironed folds and mark the folds with chalk or soap, as in the figure.

We bend the napkin with the front side inward with an envelope.

We set aside 2.5 cm from the upper horizontal line downwards - this value is equal to the width of the second bend, and draw a diagonal, as in the figure.

On this diagonal we lay a machine line.

We retreat 1-1.5 cm from the line and cut off the excess corner.

We straighten the allowance, for convenience, you can iron it.

We turn the corner and so we continue with each corner.

After all the corners are processed and turned out, we lay the machine line along the bend, stepping back 1-2 mm.

Everything, the napkin is ready.

There are several ways to sew tablecloths, because the corners and side cuts of the fabric can be processed in different ways. In this material, we have described the traditional and basic method, having mastered which you can sew with your own hands not only festive or everyday tablecloths, but also kitchen napkins, towels and runners with neat corners and edges.

To sew a tablecloth with your own hands you will need:

  1. A cut of a suitable fabric needs to be sized (from what material it is better to sew a tablecloth, read the article "", in the same master class, the tablecloth was sewn from flax);
  2. Threads to match the fabric and decorative trim;
  3. Sewing machine;
  4. Sewing supplies: tailor's scissors, ruler, measuring tape, pins, thimble, needle threader, chalk or marker;
  5. Decor if desired (it can be: sewing, border, fringe, lace, braid, etc.);
  6. Iron.

Step 1. Calculate fabric consumption

  1. Measure the length and width of the countertop;
  2. Determine the desired length of the overhang of the fabric, that is, the distance from the edge of the tabletop to the edge of the future tablecloth.
  • The overhang of the fabric can be 20-40 cm or have a floor length. The longer the overhang, the more elegant the tablecloth will turn out, but also the more inconvenient to use, therefore, for the everyday option, an overhang length of 20-30 cm is suitable;
  • When determining the length of the overhang, consider the percentage of shrinkage of the fabric after washing - for cotton linen and burlap, you need to add 10 cm to the desired length of the overhang, for linen - 10-15 cm. You can go the other way - pre-wash and then iron the fabric well.
  1. Now we take paper and a pen and calculate the fabric consumption using the following simple formula:

  • Please note that in this formula, a hem allowance of 5 cm is indicated, and the hem itself will turn out to be only 4 cm wide.

Step 2: Cut out the fabric

Iron the fabric if necessary, then lay it out on your work surface, make marks with a ruler and pencil, and then cut off the excess; patterns are not needed for a simple rectangular or square tablecloth.

  • The best way to mark the cut line is to pull the thread out of the fabric. To do this, you need to make a small incision in the right place, pull and carefully pull out the thread, which will be your guide.

Step 3. We process the corners

Now we need to decorate the corners so that they look beautiful even from the inside out. For this:

  1. We put the fabric on the table “face down”, bend its edges 1 cm inside out, fix the bends with pins (if necessary, we bast) and iron along the entire perimeter of the fabric.

  1. Further, on both sides of the corner, we measure segments 2 times larger than the hem width you planned (in this master class, the hem width is planned to be 4 cm, so a distance of 8 cm is measured from the corner). Then both marks must be connected with a ruler and a pencil.

  1. Fold the fabric in the corner (wrong side out) lengthwise so that the marks match and fix the fold with pins. Then we sew the corner along the markup.

  1. We cut off the excess in the corner, leaving only 5 mm of the allowance from the seam. Also cut the edge of the remaining allowance at the fold as shown in the photo below. This must be done so that the corner of the tablecloth turns out evenly.

  1. We turn out the corner, correct and iron. Further, in the described way, we process the remaining 3 corners of the tablecloth. Here's what you should get.

Step 4: Sew the hem

And finally, we begin to process the sides: we iron the hem of the entire tablecloth, fix it with pins and sew (from the inside out) on a typewriter or by hand with a blind seam at a distance of 1 mm from the fold.

Provence-style tablecloth decor: cotton tablecloth decorated with gathered stripes of burlap

In the next video tutorial, you can see not only the complete process of sewing a tablecloth, but also decorating it.

In our master class, we only considered the method of sewing a rectangular or square tablecloth, but how to sew a decoration for a round table? We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video tutorial on how you can easily cut the fabric for a round tablecloth without using a pattern and process its sections with an oblique trim or glue gossamer.

Every hostess knows that atmosphere created in the house from little things.

Yes, ordinary napkins can transform the kitchen and turn an everyday meal into cozy family feast.

Napkins perform not only decorative, but also practical function. A sew them yourself is extremely simple.

Choosing fabric for making napkins


The material for making napkins should be dense but light, easy to wash and keep original form.

Traditionally for tailoring table linen use the following types of fabrics:

  • cotton;
  • linen;
  • satin

For everyday best use cotton napkins, as they are not easily soiled and retain their shape quite well. Option from flax and satin looks more festive, but at the same time the hassle of washing and starch similar decorative elements will arise much more.

Conditionally color palettes used in the manufacture of napkins can be divided into some groups:

  • pastel colors;
  • golden and silver colors
  • rich noble colors (purple, emerald, indigo, etc.);
  • classical colors (white, pearl).

Choice colors depends solely on your desire, but at the same time, napkins should harmonize with tablecloth and general decoration halls both in color and texture. Harmony means not only perfect matching of colors, but also successful contrast or mix.

Choose shade napkins if you pick them up under the tablecloth easy enough. For this, you need to take into account density material. In the case when napkins are inferior in density, they should be a couple of tones darker. If the material of the decor elements and the tablecloth is the same structure, choose your napkins identical with color tablecloth.

Important! Cotton fabrics should be washed before cutting, as they shrink heavily and the finished product may lose its appearance after the first wash.

Materials and tools

Tools and materials that necessary For manufacturing do-it-yourself napkins, easy to purchase at any sewing store, and you probably have some of them Houses:

  • textile;
  • dense threads;
  • thin needle;
  • scissors;
  • sewing machine;
  • iron;
  • pen(for marking).

Helpful advice: Use only sharp scissors to cut material. Otherwise, the edges of the fabric will begin to crumble, and the cut will be uneven.

Stages of work

To get started, decide on size future wipes. The best option is 50 x 50 cm(blank size - 58 x 58 cm).

Lay down the pattern inside out up. Bend over the edges on all four sides by 1.5 cm and iron. wrap up edges for another 2.5 cm, iron again.

Expand all folds and from the point of intersection of the folds, draw a line under direct corner to the diagonal of the napkin.

cut off corner of the napkin along this line. Step back from the cut 1.5 cm and stitch.

Before turning out the sewn corners napkins on the front side, it is necessary to iron the fabric on each seam on two sides. Turn corners out facial side and sew the edges of the napkin along perimeter.

The finished napkin can be ironed and starch.

Read about how to make original seats for chairs.

Table decoration with napkins


There are many for sale accessories for napkins, including rings, clips, etc. These small decorative items will help you create an unusual composition.

Rings for napkins allow you to achieve elegance and rigor in the design. They can be personalized, decorated rhinestones, flowers and feathers, made from different materials. Canteens are laid under the rings appliances.

Ribbons serve to bandage napkins and, in fact, perform the function of rings.

clamps also fix napkins. They can additionally decorate using adhesive rhinestones or flowers.

Folding methods

In fact ways folding napkins like paper, and tissue, there is a huge amount. But among them one can distinguish some most successful and simple.

Perhaps the most laconic napkin design option sail. Fold the napkin in half, fold away from you. Bend the top corners, forming triangle. Next, fold the resulting figure in half (along the seam).

Roll. This napkin folding method is suitable for official tricks. Roll up the napkin in half, placing the fold towards you. Cover the dining rooms with the right and left edges of the "triangle" appliances. Wrap the resulting envelope.

french way napkin design is very elegant. To get started you need bend napkin along a diagonal line, leaving a folded edge on the left side. Further upper corner folds down, leaving open couple of inches in the right corner. Lastly right side folds down.


Looks pretty effectively and strict. In order to fold the figure, you need to bend the napkin along diagonal line, then fold the right and left sides end up. In the final step, bend the future pyramid along the axial line.


Napkin folded fan, can be placed in front of a large serving dish plate or on the plate itself. The original solution is a fan in glass.

Horizontal envelope

A simple and strict horizontal envelope, or horizontal sachet, only used for canteens appliances.

There are more complex ways to design napkins:

  • crown;
  • bishop;
  • arrow;
  • rose;
  • calla and many others.

The main question that worries a person who finds himself behind served table is rules use of certain devices. Napkins are also needed be able to use correctly.

tissue napkins do not wipe hands or mouth. They should be placed behind the collar or on knees(depends on the norms of etiquette adopted in a given society). Napkins protect clothes from crumbs and accidental stains.

unfold a napkin on your knees is supposed to be after the host of the feast. If she's unnecessarily long, you can tuck the edge or corner.

After the meal, the napkin should be left on the table, near with a plate. Putting it on a chair or dish is not allowed by the rules etiquette.

For more information on how to make beautiful edges and corners on a napkin, see video: