How to remove the smell of cat urine. How to get rid of the smell of cat urine in the house

Products for removing cat odor may one day be useful to each of us - even the most intelligent and well-mannered of pets may one day “tarnish their reputation,” for example, from fright or illness. But the cause of such incidents is a topic for another conversation, and today we are looking for something that will help us get rid of their consequences.

What does that smell like?

Smell cat urine, especially old ones, is one of the most unpleasant for the human nose. The point is uric (uric) acid, the crystals of which do not dissolve in water, so it is impossible to simply wash them off. When uric acid decomposes, so-called thiols (otherwise known as thiols) are formed - chemical substances with a particularly disgusting smell.

You can get rid of it only by means that, when coming into contact with urea, decompose it chemically. They say this can be done using folk recipes. But some people simply don’t have time, while others prefer not to experiment, but to purchase ready-made product from the smell of industrially produced cat urine.

Nowadays there is simply a colossal assortment on the shelves and in online stores, and yet it’s easy to make a choice if you know exactly what you’re looking for.

Cat odor remover: active ingredient

Perhaps the most effective component in combating the smell of cat urine is special bacteria that, interacting with uric acid, contribute to its chemical decomposition.


Bacillus spores (gram-positive bacteria) are part of the domestic spray “DezoSan”, which has long earned praise from cat lovers. Another very well-proven remedy for cat odor is Bio-G or Bio-GM, it neutralizes stench and disinfects surfaces thanks to the biodegrading abilities of lactic acid bacteria.

The ZooSan detergent also contains a whole complex of bacteria.


Perhaps, products containing enzymes, that is, enzymes that accelerate chemical reactions, are not inferior to them in effectiveness. They are contained in:

  • biological odor neutralizer BIOFORCE;
  • odor eliminator for litter boxes for cats and dogs “Smart Spray”;
  • universal stain and pet odor remover Nature’s Miracle Pet Stain & Odor Remover (and other products in this series);
  • stain and odor remover for cats Mr. Fresh;
  • spray deodorizer “True Friend”;
  • DuftaPet products, which, according to the manufacturer, also consist of 85% enzymes and have proven themselves quite well.

By the way, almost everything the above means non-toxic and safe for animals, plants and humans. Many have special hygiene certificates - manufacturers usually place such information on the labels.

Surfactants, acids and other chemistry

There are many products on sale that use active oxygen as the main active ingredient, various kinds acids, surfactants, essential oils. However, they may either be ineffective or unsafe.

Eg, essential oil can only mask the smell, and only temporarily, and active oxygen or a surfactant can remove a cat urine stain from a fabric, but will not save you from the smell. As for the acid, it will probably cleanse urinary stone tray or tile, but it’s difficult to guess how other surfaces will react to it.

"Company's secret"

Manufacturers who indicate in the composition of their product incomprehensible abbreviations or components such as “special additives”, “natural extracts”, “biocomponents”, “complex of active substances” and so on inspire even less confidence.

Enterprises with an established reputation and quality products, as a rule, have nothing to hide, and they describe the entire composition in great detail.

The only thing that every cat owner needs to remember once and for all is that household chemicals containing chlorine should never be used to combat cat odor! This substance is toxic, and in addition, provokes cats to new “feats”.

Odor removal products: what will we clean?

When choosing a remedy for the smell of cat urine, naturally, you should also focus on what exactly you are going to clean.

Some products are formulated for specific use. For example, “ZooVorsin” is designed to remove stains and odors from carpets, upholstered furniture, fabrics, fur and car interiors.

LAUNDRY BOOST from 8 in 1 can be used for any items that can be washed in washing machine. Beaphar Odor Killer granules or “True Friend” odor-eliminator powder are added to the filler for cat litter so that there is no hint of an unpleasant odor in the apartment.

A universal option for odor control

But most industrial production means are universal. The odor absorber “Antisept Deo+” from “BC Closet”, for example, the manufacturer recommends using for cleaning floors, furniture, carpets, clothes and animal habitats.

Same wide range use of DuftaPet odor and stain remover spray, Dezo Sana (it can also be sprayed into the air as a freshener), BIO-GM (helps those whose shoes have been damaged by cats), Mr. odor and stain remover for cats. Fresh 3 in 1 and many other products.

Such universal means Almost every manufacturer has it in their lineup. Read the label carefully so you don't buy litter box cleaner when you need to clean the sofa your cat described. And it’s even better to buy a multi-purpose product - who knows what other surprises the cat and fate have in store for us.

The form of the medium matters

Another nuance that must be taken into account when choosing the right remedy- This is the release form. The vast majority of odor eliminators are sprays. They are actually convenient to apply to any surface, and for those who for some reason do not want to spray, you can remove the cap with the spray bottle and pour the liquid directly onto the stain, sponge or brush.

There are products that need to be diluted in water - for example, Mr.Fresh floor cleaner, ZooSan room sanitizing liquid, or FIZZON stain and odor remover tablets.

There are also, as already mentioned, powders and granules that need to be used as an additive to the filler - such an odor absorber is also available in the Zoo Clean series.

With such a wealth of choice, everyone can decide based on their taste, needs and financial opportunities. There are no hopeless situations - thanks to modern household chemicals, these words were also believed by cat owners who got rid of the unpleasant aroma of cat urine or marks.

But remember: no matter how environmentally friendly the anti-odor product is, you need to keep it away from your cat. And let your home be fresh and clean!

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Many cat owners know how long the smell of their pet's urine lasts. different surfaces. If it is not eliminated in a timely manner, the amber will quickly spread throughout the entire home. In this article we will tell you how to get rid of the smell of cat urine in your home.

Causes of a pungent odor

Cat urine consists of urochrome, urea and uric acid. When you try to eliminate traces of a cat’s misbehavior, only visible stains are removed, but the smell remains.

Uric acid has the property of penetrating into surfaces that absorb moisture and is not soluble in water. As humidity increases, the odor will spread from new strength. Because of this, even after thorough cleaning it is impossible to remove the smell and unpleasant aroma comes back again.

Odor Eliminators

In the fight against a cat mark you will need special means. The first thing you need to do is take some paper towels or a rag. and blot the puddle. This will prevent the spot from increasing in size. Afterwards it is necessary to apply a special composition or detergent. general purpose. Both home and professional formulations are suitable.

Available means

In each apartment you can find effective means to remove the smell of cat urine.

Enzyme product Any detergent will quickly break down protein compounds, which helps eliminate odors. You can use regular “Whiteness” or “BOS”.
Vodka Effective in removing fresh stains. Masks the aroma of urine, spreading an alcoholic odor into the room.
Lemon acid The acid affects the components of urine, and Strong smell citrus will scare the cat away from repeating the dirty trick.
Vinegar The liquid is poured into a spray bottle and sprayed onto the stain.
Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide The mixture is left overnight and the area is wiped in the morning. First spreads ammonia smell, but then it disappears, removing traces of urine. By this means Do not treat fabric or varnish surfaces.
Potassium permangantsovka Soak a rag in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and wipe the stain with it. Since she leaves traces, her It is not advisable to use on the surface of furniture and carpets.
Iodine Five drops of iodine are diluted in 500 ml of water. Cats cannot stand its smell, so they will not harm where it smells. May stain surfaces.
Laundry soap Suitable for all surfaces. Quickly and easily eliminates stool odor.
Red pepper The pepper is left in place for several days. The cat cannot stand its smell, so it will no longer shit there.
Camphor alcohol It does not leave stains and disappears quickly, taking the scent of urine with it.

After treating the stain, you need to leave a dry towel on it to absorb any remaining liquid.

When using detergents, it should be borne in mind that most of them contain ammonia, which attracts cats and provokes them to repeat the feat.

Important! When using products, it is advisable to wear rubber gloves to avoid skin damage.

Specialized drugs

For better effect You can buy a product at the pet store that is designed specifically to eliminate urine odor.

Dezosan The product from Zoo Clean even eliminates the smell of feces. It doesn’t just mask, but removes it at the molecular level. It contains nonionic surfactants and food fragrance. It is recommended to apply the product using washing vacuum cleaner. Price – 400 rubles per 0.5 liter.
Zoosan Not included harmful substances, so the product is safe for both pets and their owners. It contains food fragrances, antiseptics, and special dyes that eliminate the smell of urine from furniture, carpets and floors. Price – 350 rub.
OdorGone Natural urine odor neutralizer based on plant extracts. Has bactericidal properties. Eliminates even old odors. Can be used in rooms with pets and children. Price – 800 rub.
Urine-off Cat & Kitten An American product with bioenzymes that destroy uric acid molecules. Animals will be afraid to dirty the place treated with it in the future. Bacteria and enzymes remove odor and marks. Cost – 200 rub.
Odor kill A product from England that removes not only the odor of urine, but also fur. Has a pleasant vanilla aroma. The product does not harm people or pets. Suitable for processing both soft and hard surfaces. Price – 800 rub.
"Complete Pet Stain&Odor Remover" Odor eliminator with citrus scent. Gets rid of cat urine, blood, vomit and feces stains. The ingredients help decompose the ammonia odor without leaving any traces of it. The cat will not want to repeat the experiment. Cost – 600 rub.
Bio-G Spray for odor removal and disinfection. Contains natural fruit and vegetable ingredients. Promotes rapid decomposition of waste. Price – 160 rub.
DuftaPet German remedy for getting rid of the smell of animal urine. Can be sprayed onto wood, stone, soft and leather furniture. The drug is not dangerous for people and animals. The components break down organic odorous molecules. Cost – 850 rub.

If the stain is old, using one product may not be effective. You will need to combine several methods of getting rid of urine.

When treating surfaces, you need to open windows. This will dissipate the smell faster.

Ineffective and harmful methods to combat urine odor

In an attempt to cope with the corrosive smell of urine, owners resort to any methods. Some of them can cause significant harm to health and property. Bleach not only damages surfaces, but also does not evaporate well from the room. It can increase the smell of urine and harm the health of everyone in the home.

Carefully! Combining products with ammonia and bleach is dangerous.

Table of products for different types of surfaces

Before choosing a product, you should check whether it is compatible with the surface where there is urine. Some substances can corrode coating materials or change their color.

Cushioned furniture For sofas and armchairs use a weak solution of potassium permanganate and lemon juice. Lemon juice is diluted in 200 ml of water. You can grate laundry soap and add it to the crumbs hot water, lubricate the contamination. After half an hour, remove the crust.

Iodine is suitable for a dark sofa: dissolve 15 drops in a glass of water, moisten a sponge and wipe the stain.

Linoleum, laminate, parquet Vinegar is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. Lubricate a napkin with it, place it on the surface and leave until completely dry. A tooth rinse is also used.
Mattress, blankets Take salt and sparkling water. Water the place, sprinkle salt on top, and leave for a couple of hours. Afterwards, clean with a brush. Instead of carbonated water, you can use boric acid diluted in plain water.
Shoes, bags Fresh urine stains are best removed. You should immediately put a newspaper or towel in your shoes. When the liquid is absorbed, wash the shoes under water with laundry soap. You can use alcohol or glycerin. If the smell does not disappear, repeat the procedure and wipe the shoes with a vinegar solution. You can buy an odor eliminator at a pet store.

It is enough to wash sneakers or sneakers. Leather shoes and the bags are treated with a solution of vinegar or lemon juice. IN winter time boots can be “frozen” outside.

Carpet The urine is absorbed with a towel, the stain is watered with vinegar solution, lemon juice, or cleaned with laundry soap. If the stain is old, use a vinegar solution and baking soda. Rub the stain intensively. If there is no result, use dishwashing detergent and hydrogen peroxide.
Cloth Items should be washed and rinsed in vinegar solution. Pour 1 tbsp into 1 liter of water. a spoonful of vinegar.
Houseplants “shed” the flower as soon as possible warm water. You can add a crushed tablet to the water. activated carbon or a few drops of anise.

If you can’t find the scene of a cat crime, you can use ultraviolet lamp. Urine under its lighting will appear yellow.

If all else fails, the only way To get rid of the smell of cat urine, go to a dry cleaner. But it is better to prevent such incidents, and in advance

Prevention of the problem

You shouldn’t blame your pet for a mistake. In most cases, the owner is to blame for the problem. Reasons why cats urinate in in the wrong place, are:

  • untimely or poor cleaning of the tray;
  • inconvenience of the toilet;
  • stress: the appearance of a new family member or a long absence of the owner;
  • marking territory as a way to attract the opposite sex.

The aroma of urine is especially strong in uncastrated individuals. There is no point in retraining a cat by poking its nose into a crime - this will have the opposite effect. It is better to check whether the tray is positioned correctly and whether its dimensions are appropriate. It should be twice the size of the pet so it can easily hide urine and excrement.

The toilet should not be placed in a crowded place. The cat will not be able to retire and relax. It is better to choose a quiet and darkened corner. If there are other animals in the house, it is worth considering that animals do not like other people's trays next to their own.

Cats can demonstratively go to the toilet past the tray to serve signal of poor health. This is a way to attract the owner's attention. Old cats tend to go to the toilet in places other than the litter tray. If the pet is young, this indicates health problems.

If a guest comes to the house, it is worth considering that cats like to pee in unfamiliar things with a foreign scent. To avoid trouble, you need to hide your shoes in a closet.

At poor care behind the tray the animal will refuse to go into it. Cats have a sensitive sense of smell, so the litter box needs to be washed periodically detergents. By choosing, you can forget about the puddles left by animals. It must be environmentally friendly, safe, and absorb liquid well. You should not use scented litters - cats rarely like them.

Knowing what smells repel cats, you can forever discourage your pet from going to the toilet in the wrong place. You can apply the following scent to your pet's favorite area:

  • citrus fruits;
  • onions or garlic;
  • vinegar;
  • mint;
  • rue;
  • lavender;
  • rosemary;
  • cinnamon.

Over time, the “repellents” fade, so the smell needs to be renewed periodically.

Useful video

Video on how to neutralize the smell of cat urine:

To prevent a cat from causing trouble, it needs to be provided comfortable conditions for accommodation. It also matters proper upbringing, toilet training is necessary from childhood. You can read about how to discourage a cat from relieving itself in a place other than the tray.

Previously, I tried all sorts of expensive drugs from pet stores, but nothing gave such an effect as this combination of elementary vinegar, soda and hydrogen peroxide.

Sometimes pet lovers experience such a nuisance as using shoes, carpets, beds, etc. as a toilet for your pets. In 99% of cases this is not their fault, the owner is to blame for not providing normal conditions for a pet or simply not neutered.

It is impossible to wash away the smell of cat urine, and especially cat territory marks, with ordinary detergents.

Urine contains urine, uric acid, urochrome/urobilin, creatinine, sodium and other electrolytes. Uric acid crystals do not dissolve in water, so they cannot be removed with ordinary detergents. When urine dries, the urea is broken down by bacteria, producing a distinct ammonium odor. With further decomposition, thiols are formed, which make the smell of cat urine even worse, and the marked object forever becomes the animal's toilet.

Fortunately, there is a simple method to get rid of this trouble. This recipe was originally developed by a chemist to remove skunk odor (the most strong smell of the existing ones!), whose urine contains the same proteins as cat urine, giving such a disgusting and ineradicable smell.

Urine removal is done in two stages. First, uric acid is removed, and then thiols.
You will need - table vinegar 9%, baking soda, hydrogen peroxide 3% H2O2 hydrogen peroxide (at the pharmacy), and any detergent for hand wash dishes or liquid soap.

1)Soak with vinegar.
The affected item must first be thoroughly blotted. paper napkins. It is much better to use the finest bentonite or zeolite cat litter absorbent. When everything is absorbed, vacuum it.
Never try to wash the stain with water - you will only spread the urine over a huge area!
Then water the crime scene table vinegar diluted three times with water. To prevent urine from spreading over a large area, cover the treated area with paper. Leave until completely dry so that the vinegar does not interfere with the next steps. This will destroy the urine itself, but after that other substances will remain - thiols, which emit a much more unpleasant odor than the urine itself. Thioli will destroy the next step.

2)Sprinkle with baking soda.
Lightly brush the stain baking soda, and immediately proceed to the next step.
Note: Make sure the vinegar is completely dry before this step so it doesn't neutralize the baking soda!

3) Spray with hydrogen peroxide.
Pour 100 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide H2O2 into a container with a spray bottle, add 0.5 teaspoon of detergent for hand washing dishes or liquid soap, add water to bring the volume to 200 ml, and shake slightly. Sprinkle this mixture over the baking soda until it becomes foamy. Leave for a couple of hours.
The reaction of hydrogen peroxide and soda produces a large number of oxygen which binds to thiols, the oxidation reaction decomposes them to carbon dioxide CO2 and ammonium NH4 which quickly evaporates, the thiols completely disappear along with their terrible smell, like all traces of this reaction. There is no need to wash away chemicals. Now you can clean the carpet or parquet floor from detergent using a washing vacuum cleaner. Dish detergent is here to make the composition foam, slow down the reaction, and trap oxygen in the foam bubbles.

The smell will disappear FOREVER because you have chemically decomposed the urine!

Even your cat/dog will never identify their marks again. If the animal has a normal toilet with the filler it likes and it is castrated (or sterilized), it will no longer go in the wrong place because the smell has completely disappeared. If it returns to this place again and again, it means that the treatment was not effective enough, or you treated the area much less than it should have. To determine the true size of a urine stain, use a UV lamp (see below). Repeat one or two more times, covering a larger area than before, or supplement this method with a product with bacteria and enzyme (see below).

The components are so cheap that you can clean not only your apartment, but also the stairwell, elevators, discourage street cats from marking the tree under the window or the door of your office, etc., including removing “people” marks. You can buy peroxide much cheaper at a medical supply store. There it is much more concentrated, in a large container.
The method also works flawlessly for old, perennial stains; you just need to pre-moisten it, treat it with a preparation with enzymes for a day or two, the next day soak the area with diluted table vinegar, and on the last day lightly moisten it and apply peroxide + soda. Instead of vinegar, you can use ethanol denatured alcohol or isopropyl alcohol (Isopropyl Alcohol, rubbing alcohol) which are part of preparations with enzymes, but they are VERY poisonous.

Vinegar and moisture are harmful to shoe leather, and if after treatment it becomes dry, use a special wear-in product.
Porous surfaces such as concrete, and especially wood, require several treatments with pre-soaking in vinegar. Another extreme measure for major repairs is to burn the area of ​​the concrete floor or wall with a blowtorch.
After cleaning with peroxide and/or enzymes, bedding and other fabrics should be washed adding washing powder 150ml apple cider vinegar.

Be careful, there are many articles on the Internet, but the correct method is only here:
- How to Clean Cat Urine
- How to Get Rid of Cat Urine - Home Remedy for cat urine smell by Eric Ronning
- Recipe to Get Rid of Cat & Dog Urine odors from Carpets and Rugs
- How to Remove Cat Urine Odor Using a Free Homemade Recipe by Sandy Stone.

Some drugs can wash away urine and urochrome, but the main smell will remain because insoluble crystals of uric acid and thiols will remain, firmly attached to surfaces.

Enzymes and bacteria

Another way to remove urine is with special products containing bacteria and enzymes. This also completely chemically decomposes uric acid and thiols, quickly and efficiently. But these are quite expensive drugs ($15-20,500-750ml), and they are not as effective as hydrogen peroxide + baking soda. Never buy such products if they contain other components, and for example are called “8 in 1”. Bacteria and enzymes completely decompose urine, so that additional components there is no need, they only cause harm. These are usually deterrent additives that, if washed near the pet’s toilet, will prevent him from going where he needs to go (!), urine preservatives, and other unnecessary additives. There are a lot of such drugs now, read the label: if it says that it contains bacteria and enzymes, that’s it. The most the best means with enzymes and bacteria: BioSource Solutions Inc. (I used), Urine-Off™ , OdorMedic , Petfresh , UrineOut™ Powder , and Anti-Icky Poo . If you bought a similar product and it “doesn’t work,” it means it’s a bad manufacturer, the product is expired or damaged due to improper storage conditions (there are live bacteria!), or it’s a fake. Bacteria + enzymes work 100%, no doubt, if they are there of course. Remember that for the product to work, the stain must be moistened with water before using it.

When choosing a urine removal method, follow the following rule:
- if the affected item is not too loose (insoles, the inside of shoes, a thin rug, etc.) clean with vinegar and peroxide + soda;
- if an object of large volume such as a mattress, pillows, a carpet with a very high pile, felt boots, etc., use pre-treatment of the surface with products containing enzymes, and do the main cleaning with vinegar and peroxide + soda. Inject the product into mattresses and furniture with a syringe.

NEVER use other means, they all only mask the smell and/or bind the urine by enveloping it in chemicals or absorbents - when it gets wet, the smell appears again. A person, even if he does not hear this smell, the animal senses it, and continues his dirty work in the same place again and again... Moreover, after such a “cleaning” you will not be able to remove urine because these chemicals will interfere with the work of peroxide and/or enzymes!

ultraviolet lamp
It is often very difficult to find a specific place and determine the size of a urine stain, especially if you have moved into an apartment/entrance where such things have been ignored for years. This may be the reason bad behavior your cat/dog, even if he has never marked his territory before. There is a special UV lamp on sale (the so-called Black Light) that helps you find the place where a cat, dog or other animal (including a person) has marked. This is an adapted version of the lamp like the one used for authentication banknotes. Urine stains will glow yellow under UV light. It's easier to see them in the twilight. Immediately mark the area with a pencil, capturing an area 10cm larger around the perimeter.
Inspect every centimeter of the apartment and balcony, including all perimeter walls up to a height of 80 cm, furniture, mattresses. Don't forget to check outside the apartment - your door may be marked by street or neighbor animals. Pay attention to all the places where the animal sniffs - there may be urine there, and not necessarily from marks, just the cat/dog could have entered it in his toilet or on the street and spread it around the apartment.

Please note that if you need to remove a puddle (stain, smell) not from a hard surface (for example, linoleum), but from a soft or porous one (a rug or sofa), you will most likely have to repeat the treatment a couple of times (because the urine has had time to penetrate deep inside). I did this on my couch. It was not possible to remove everything 100%, because... it was done not “hot on the heels”, but a few days later. But it was still compared to the original - heaven and earth. Is there a difference - can the smell be heard from a meter away or when you almost press your nose against it?

If a cat, ignoring the litter box, chooses the master's bed or other bad place, it can be difficult to retrain her. One of the main difficulties is eliminating the smell of cat urine, which in itself is very persistent. Focusing on this smell, the animal again and again uses the once-loved territory as a . Often, as soon as you cross the threshold of an unfamiliar apartment, you realize that a cat lives here! Few people want their guests to be enveloped in such strong aromas. How to remove the smell of cat urine?

First of all, you should think about eliminating the reason that motivates the cat. The solution may be castration, eliminating the stress that is tormenting the animal, rearranging the interior according to the cat's safety needs... The main thing is to find out what the problem is and solve it. Otherwise, it will be difficult to fight the smell, which is constantly renewed!

First of all, to eliminate the smell of urine, you need to accustom your cat to the litter box by eliminating the reasons for its behavior.

Another important aspect– do not use products containing chlorine when washing “affected” areas of the apartment. For some reason, such products are constantly used when cleaning toilets, but bleach only intensifies the smell of urine.

It is also useless to try to fight off the smell by watering the area where the cat made a puddle with perfume and deodorants, or spraying with products like “Antigadin” - most cats are indifferent to it.

In addition, it is important to know for which surfaces which odor eliminator is suitable.

Cat odor removers that are always on hand:

  1. A remedy that has become a salvation for many cat owners is vodka. Only in this case it should not be taken internally! You can wipe almost any surface with undiluted vodka, and it removes cat odors remarkably well. The only negative is that the alcoholic spirit will then have to be removed from the apartment separately, that is, all items will have to be washed a second time. Vodka fights especially well against fresh “crimes”.
  2. Another great option is potassium permanganate. You need to prepare a strong solution and wash the desecrated area with it. The main thing is to make sure that there is no sediment in the solution - it is the undissolved crystals that leave stains. It is better not to experiment with potassium permanganate on fabrics.
  3. Reliable shredder cat smelllemon acid. It is necessary to dilute the juice from one lemon with 200 ml of water. You can also use undiluted juice if the surface is not too “sensitive”. The acid perfectly breaks down the elements that make up cat urine, and the remaining citrus smell It also scares the cat away from this place. By the way, sometimes it is enough to place a piece of cloth soaked in the smell of lemon in a problem area so that the cat stops going there for natural needs.
  4. Ordinary vinegar is one of the leaders in the fight against the “cat spirit”. As a rule, it is diluted in a ratio of one to three. If the furniture upholstery is damaged, the solution can be poured into a spray bottle and sprayed onto the stain, and then blotted thoroughly with a rag. To enhance the effect, after treating with vinegar, you can additionally use the baking soda method described below.
  5. At the “crime scene” left by the cat, especially if it is fresh, you need to pour baking soda and pour a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution on top. At first, when the reaction begins, it will smell like ammonia, but then this smell will disappear. It is recommended to leave the soda mixture overnight and rinse the area thoroughly in the morning. Please note that baking soda can stain fabrics.


Exists big choice products specifically designed to eliminate the smell of cat urine. They are sold in both spray and granule form. Many breeders recommend, for example, products from Nature’s Miracle and DUFTAPET. Before use professional means It is important to carefully read the instructions for use, as they are enzyme-based and require some time to completely eliminate the odor.

It is important! If the cat is not just fulfilling its natural needs, but is marking its territory, it will not be easy to cope with the smell without products containing enzymes.

It is important to wash and cat litter box, since it can also be a source of odors, and the cat will not like going to a dirty, foul-smelling toilet.

It is imperative to eliminate the reason why the animal violates the rules you have established. You need to retrain a cat without swearing and screaming, and even more so, you don’t need to rub its nose into the committed “crime” - this usually gives the opposite effect.

We hope our tips will help you remove the smell of cat urine. And remember: prevention is better similar situations rather than waste time and energy dealing with the consequences.

Video version of the article:


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Cats are more than just pets. They are real faithful friends, but they don’t know how to talk. Although the songs are sung beautifully! The only significant drawback of these cute creatures is the rather strong specific smell coming from the tray. It’s not difficult to deal with this problem: just change the filler more often. But if a cat begins to use places not intended for this purpose as a toilet, then the atmosphere of the apartment itself begins to resemble a cat litter box, since a characteristic and very persistent aroma. How to remove the smell of cat urine is a problem that interests many cat lovers.

Why do cats refuse to go to the litter box?

Sometimes pussies stubbornly refuse to go to special trays for their needs. And there are several well-founded reasons for this.

The tray is not the right size

It is quite possible that the size of the tray does not suit your pet. It should be one and a half times longer than a cat, and you need to place it in a secluded place. Animals in this sense are no different from us. They also need a quiet and deserted place to relieve themselves in peace.

Another reason may be the use of the tray for its intended purpose by another cat living in the apartment.

And the third, most common reason is a poorly washed tray. Cats, by their nature, are extremely clean, so an insufficiently clean container can cause the animal negative emotions. And it will refuse on principle to go into what it thinks is a dirty tray.

New objects and smells in the house

Sometimes it is the appearance of new items home environment or new smells may be perceived by the animal as an encroachment on its personal territory. Even ordinary soft toy may seem like an aggressor to the cat. Therefore, it is urgently necessary to restore the violated boundaries, and animals do this with the help of marks. They simply urinate on new objects, confirming their right to own them with their smell.

Anxiety and stress

Cats are quite emotional creatures. And separation from a beloved owner, insult or use physical punishment may cause stress. And as a consequence of such mental disorder, the pussy may stop using its usual tray, moving its duties to the master’s sofa, for example.

Health status

Tray abandonment may not be intentional. Perhaps the pussy is already too old and simply does not have time to reach him, or she has health problems. Quite often, animals, trying to attract the owner’s attention to their illness, deliberately let out streams in front of his eyes. If you notice this behavior in your pet, take it to the vet. The pussy is probably sick and needs treatment.


From time to time, cats mark their territory by lightly spraying different places urine. It is this behavior that causes too persistent cat odor in the apartment. The fact is that such marks contain a special odorous secret. He will tell the other individual that the territory is occupied.

Before you learn how to remove cat urine odor, you need to understand why it smells so bad. The fact is that cat urine crystallizes very quickly. The main components of crystals are substances that are practically insoluble in water and cannot be cleaned with conventional detergents. Cat urine contains:

  1. Urea. It dissolves with water, but leaves sticky stains after drying.
  2. Urochrome. Responsible for the color of urine.
  3. Uric (uric) acid. It is this that prevents the puddles from being washed off with ordinary water.

Available means

How to remove the smell of cat urine using improvised means? Let's consider all possible options.

Many cat owners prefer to wash such cat tracks ordinary bleach, which can be found in the arsenal of almost every housewife. Of course, bleach will help, but only for short term. The strong specific smell of the product perfectly drowns out the pussy aroma, but, alas, it is not able to dissolve uric acid crystals. Once the chlorine wears off, the smell will return. In addition, chlorine acts quite aggressively on the surface being treated, causing discoloration and tissue damage.

Another remedy that will help you find the answer to the question of how to remove the smell of cat urine is ammonia. Also, many cat owners advise using any perfume. And, in fact, they are right. The alcohol present in perfumes and colognes is capable of qualitatively dissolving crystallized uric acid. An excellent, but expensive remedy for the smell of cat urine. Therefore, let's look at the following options.

There are more effective and less expensive methods how to remove the smell of cat urine. Home remedies to remove all traces of cat mess are:

  • ordinary potassium permanganate - an aqueous solution applied to a stain acts as an excellent oxidizing agent and deodorant;
  • vinegar diluted in water also perfectly oxidizes urea crystals, while simultaneously neutralizing odor;
  • Lemon juice has the same effect as vinegar;
  • hydrogen peroxide, in addition to being a bactericidal agent, can also act as an oxidizing agent;
  • 15 drops of iodine dissolved in a liter of warm water - excellent remedy to solve the question of how to remove the smell of cat urine.

It is worth considering that such a strong odor is caused by multiplying bacteria. Therefore, when choosing how to fight off the smell of cat urine, you need to take this into account. As an emergency treatment, you can use any alcohol, mouth rinses, baking soda, previously dissolved in water.

The next way to remove the smell of cat urine is to use laundry soap. It contains glycerin, which can break down uric acid into simpler components. Therefore, for these purposes, you can use a simple glycerin soap, and special bactericidal.

If you decide to remove odor using home remedies, then to get more lasting results several components must be combined. One will work as an adsorbent, the duties of the other will include oxidation and breakdown of uric acid, and the third will help neutralize the odor.

How to remove the smell of cat urine from the sofa

If your pussy has damaged the upholstery of the sofa, then you can, for example, use the following combination. Fresh stain process first aqueous solution vinegar. Use a 1:4 ratio. Then you need to wipe it with a paper towel and treat it with baking soda, simply sprinkling it generously on the contaminated area. Next, you need to thoroughly treat the stain itself with a solution consisting of hydrogen peroxide and shavings of laundry soap. And finally, vacuum the dirty area.

When processing colored surfaces, you must remember that some of the listed substances are quite aggressive, and therefore can discolor the treated area.

Are there cats that don't smell?

If you don’t already have a furry purr in your home, you can choose a specially bred breed. Ask for help from cat fans, and you will be given a lot of recommendations regarding such animals. After all, many purebred cats do not emit a smell at all, and some do not even put territorial marks. This behavior is completely excluded at the genetic level.

Pay attention to the sphinxes. They look, to put it mildly, a little scary, but they don’t smell at all. This breed is due to complete absence wool is perfect for allergy sufferers. Yes, the animal is scary, but it sings songs no worse than an ordinary yard cat. Animal urine does not have such a pronounced odor.

Toyger, Scottish fold cat, and Kurilian bobtail also have weaker odors.

Cat urine smell: how to get rid of it? Professional products

The modern market offers numerous means that can neutralize all unpleasant odors left by pets. Unfortunately, reliable information about how effective the product is can only be obtained through practical use. Not all products deliver as promised. Therefore, in order not to waste time, you need to carefully study the composition of the product. In addition to oxidizing agents and alkalis, it must contain special enzymes designed to neutralize odor and break down uric acid.

We hope that the problem of how to remove the smell of cat urine from your apartment will no longer worry you.