Tree for money with your own hands. How to make a money tree from banknotes with your own hands? DIY money tree from beads

There is an ancient Chinese story about a mysterious tree growing in the forest with coins made of pure gold. If you shake this tree well by the branches, then mountains of money will begin to fall from it to the ground like rain. According to the teachings, if you put a money tree at home, then success and untold wealth will be attracted to the house.

Does the money tree really affect the increase in family capital? Let's check this legend by making this talisman ourselves. To create it, we will use improvised means that can be found in almost every home. But before proceeding with the implementation, be patient, because this process is quite complicated and painstaking. You will need good fine motor skills and perseverance.

How to make a money tree from banknotes?

To make this talisman from bills, you need to have at your disposal the following materials:

  • artificial moss
  • pot
  • wooden stick
  • any building mix
  • artificial leaves
  • wire
  • banknotes of any currency (real, photo, decorative or printed on a printer)
  • PVA glue
  • paper tapes

To begin with, we take a ball (floristic sponge) and make a hole in it so that a wooden stick can easily fit there. The diameters must be identical. The stick will be the future trunk. We insert the stick into the hole of the ball (floristic sponge) and attach it with PVA glue. The base of your ornamental tree is ready.

We mix the building mixture with water, after which we fill the pot with the finished mixture, having previously installed the tree trunk in the center. This is necessary to secure the foundation of the structure. After the building mixture hardens, artificial moss must be glued to it. This can be done with PVA or any other glue at your disposal.

The next step is to make leaves for the tree. They will consist of banknotes. You can use both real banknotes and decorative ones. You can even print banknotes on a printer. If you want to bring wealth to your home, then do not be afraid to overdo it with the number of bills.

Each should be folded into an accordion. You need to bend and twist it, using a wire, needle or pin as an axis. Money leaves need to be attached to the crown of a tree created from a floristic spherical sponge. It should be evenly distributed over the entire surface. In the gaps between your bills, ordinary decorative leaves will be located, which will make the tree look more acceptable.

In order for your money tree, created and banknotes, to be more organic in the environment of your apartment and visually perfect, decorate it with multi-colored paper ribbons. If you are planning your product as a gift, then the flower pot should be framed with a variety of greeting stickers and other things. The result of this technique looks very unusual.

From coins

To make a similar figurine from coins, you will need these materials:

  • coins
  • gold color paint
  • electric drill
  • wire
  • two plates (regular and deeper)
  • PVA glue
  • green and brown gouache paint
  • any building mix
  • aromatic salt
  • granite stone

To create a money tree from coins, you can use both real coins and decorative or even toy ones. The main thing is to make sure that they look natural and are about the same size. Before starting work, it is worth considering that real coins are quite heavy, so it is not recommended to use too thin wire for this design. If you decide to use decorative coins, then in terms of strengthening the tree, you have nothing to worry about.

Do not forget that there should be a lot of coins on the branches of the money tree, about a hundred. Only in this case, the talisman will really become a symbol of your further success, and will also become a pleasant interior decoration for your home or a great gift for the holidays.

If you still decide to use real coins in your work, then they must be drilled with a drill. You need to make a hole exactly in the center. Then you can start coloring the coins. In order not to stain the room, it is best to do this in the bathroom or lay a thick layer of newspapers on the table.

Lay the coins on a flat surface and paint them with gold-colored paint on all sides. To make small branches, secure several coins with thick wire. Three or four is best. No more, otherwise the branch may simply not withstand and fall. To build one large branch, fasten several small ones together. Again, three or four.

Next, we bring the pot to the state we need for the tree. We will make a solution of water and PVA glue in a one-to-one ratio, after which we will mix it with the construction mixture of your choice. Gypsum is the best. Pour the prepared mixture into the deepest of your chosen plates. Then a less deep plate is inserted into this same plate. After that, the whole structure is again filled with a mixture. To make your talisman heavier, put a small stone on top. Granite is the best for this purpose. It is heavy and beautiful. The pot and tree trunk should be painted brown. After all this, the entire structure can be varnished.

Final touches. Decorative decoration. We pick up aromatic salt, which is used mainly for bathing. Salt must be mixed with green paint, glued with PVA glue around the stem of your personal money tree.

One of the most popular types of entertainment among talented people in the world is nothing more than beading. It allows creators to use a huge variety of different materials in their work. If you want to build your tree of happiness from beads, then you will need the following components:

  • wire (preferably copper)
  • foil
  • floristic spherical sponge
  • any building mix
  • plate
  • regular varnish
  • gouache paint
  • wooden stick
  • PVA glue

The first step is to make leaflets. To make one rather small leaf, just take a thin copper wire and attach a few beads to it. The amount depends on the size of the leaf you want to make for your talisman miracle tree. In order for the branch to turn out to be large, it is necessary to make about five such sheets and attach them to each other.

Every five branches is one big branch. It is from these branches that your tree will consist. Remember, you need to make a huge number of branches. Believe me, you yourself will not like the "bald" tree if you decide to save your precious time. So don't rush. Do everything measuredly and slowly.

The next step is to assemble the frame. To do this, you can use a thicker wire. Thick and heavy rods should be attached to thinner wire. Attach your branches to a ball-shaped floral sponge, which you must first secure to a wooden stick. This is the trunk and crown.

Place your precious item on a plate wrapped in foil. This will make her more beautiful. You can use regular chocolate foil. After doing the above, dilute the PVA glue with water (approximate ratio is one to one). Add a building mixture to all this, after which you can grease its wooden stick - the trunk of your tree. Attach the branches to the wooden frame with thin wire. Now the branches are attached to both the trunk (wooden stick) and the crown (floristic ball-shaped sponge).

Paint the trunk of your future tree (wooden stick) with brown paint.

To make your homemade product shine, it must be varnished, after which it can be removed from the plate.

So you have learned how to create the perfect money talisman from the material of the beads with your own hands. Our master class has come to an end. This tree will decorate the interior of your apartment or your house with its beauty, and will also attract wealth and family well-being to your home. This product also makes a great gift. Practical, beautiful and organic.

Making a money topiary with your own hands is not at all difficult, the main thing is to understand the principle of making this art object, which is popular today among needlewomen and lovers of unusual room decoration. And if you know about the options for replacing parts of the craft and the various ways to decorate the pot and crown, then you can completely create your own unique tree of happiness that does not look like anyone else.

Why out of money?

The topiary or tree of happiness in the form that will be discussed further has existed in Europe for many decades. Craftswomen from Russia and the CIS countries relatively recently began to master the art of making topiary, but they have already succeeded quite strongly in this.

Money topiary, popular today as a decorative element in an ordinary apartment

Initially, the topiary is the art of landscape design, which consists in trimming the crowns of trees and bushes in a special way (not only in the form of geometric shapes, but also in the form of animals, birds, etc.), and the topiary is the master of the topiary. Over time, there was a confusion of terminology, and today a topiary is called an artificial tree with a round crown, which is not related to any real plant and is only a figment of the imagination of designers and needlewomen.

Topiary is an artificial home-made tree "planted" in a pot of small size with an unusual spherical crown. There are no more strict rules and regulations regarding the manufacture of a tree of happiness, and there cannot be. This, of course, plays into the hands of creative people, because the scope for imagination opens up extraordinary!

So, topiary today is made from paper and feathers, coffee and fabrics, flowers and sweets! It is made according to the style of the room or a designer find, in honor of a personal or family celebration.

Topiary made from banknotes is one of the most unusual embodiments of the tree of happiness, which has been rapidly gaining momentum lately.

money topiary

Why make a topiary out of money and how much can it cost?

You will not believe it, but a topiary, the crown of which consists of banknotes, will cost you no more than a craft made of artificial flowers or coffee. The fact is that no one ever makes a money topiary out of real paper bills, coins can be real, but this is not at all necessary.

Of course, one could be puzzled and make a tree of ten- or fifty-ruble banknotes so that the craft would be relatively inexpensive, but the fact is that such a topiary will look cheap or undignified. Much more interesting, “more expensive” and more presentable is a tree made of banknotes of 100 dollars, 50 euros or 5 thousand rubles!

Why make such a tree of happiness? Tasks and goals can be very different:

  • Money topiary is an unusual interior decoration that will add zest to your home.

If you are striving to create an unusual interior, unlike anyone else and reflecting your personality, then such an art object is what you need.

  • A tree of happiness made from banknotes is an original gift for a birthday, anniversary or other holiday, and not necessarily a joke gift, because a couple of real impressive dignity can be attached to a crown of fake money.
  • Money topiary can also be used to attract capital into your life, if you do it with a certain mood and desire to get rich in the future.

One way or another, no matter what goal you pursue, a topiary made from banknotes will delight you with its simplicity of execution and an unusual and very beautiful result of work.

Step by step master class

In order to make a money topiary with your own hands at home, you will need:

  • gypsum and water for its dilution
  • polyurethane foam
  • pots
  • can of car paint
  • fun bank banknotes
  • tree branch
  • glue gun
  • scissors
  • toothpicks
  • sesal
  • decorative ribbon (organza, satin), wrapping paper and other materials of your choice for decoration

The sequence of actions in the manufacture of money topiary is as follows:

Preparatory stage: fixing parts of the future topiary

  • Form a ball of mounting foam and stick it on a branch before the foam has time to dry.
  • Dilute the gypsum with water to get the consistency of thick sour cream. Pour the resulting mixture into the pot to the brim, insert a branch into the planter and hold until the mass hardens.
  • When the plaster is completely dry, carefully paint the entire structure in the color of your choice and wait until it is completely dry before continuing to work.

The process of making "leaves" of banknotes

  • Make "leaves" of banknotes: fold each into a bag (for this you may need to first fold the bill in half), fill the sharp end with glue and insert a toothpick into it, as shown in the photo. The number of leaves will depend on the size of the crown of your tree.
  • From felt, cut out squares measuring 10 by 10 cm, bend in half and also glue a toothpick in the middle (see photo). This will be a decorative element of the future topiary.

Making the crown of the money topiary

  • Begin to form the crown of the topiary by sticking the leaves of the bills into a ball of polyurethane foam. The main part of the crown should be banknotes, and felt leaves can occasionally be found in the upper part among banknotes and completely form the lower part of the topiary.
  • Distribute the rest of the decor, in this case the sesal, over the crown of the topiary.

Making a cache-pot of money topiary

  • Decorate the topiary pot with the remains of the sesal, securely gluing it to the plaster with a glue gun.
  • Roll up a real bill, if you plan to donate real money, carefully tie it with a ribbon and place it near the topiary trunk.

Finished tree of happiness

Manufacturing options for individual parts

Making a tree of happiness in general and a money topiary in particular is a process that cannot be regulated by any strict laws and frameworks from beginning to end. Everyone is free to work in any sequence and use any available materials, based on financial and other realities and possibilities. Here are a few examples of the use of improvised materials for individual components of the topiary.

The ball, which is the basis of the topiary crown,can be made not only from polyurethane foam, but also from:

  • a foam spherical blank purchased at any hardware and craft store;
  • a home-made ball from a newspaper, PVA glue and twine (for this, it is enough to roll a tight ball from newspapers, wrap it with a rope and carefully glue it so that it does not open in the future);
  • from a floristic sponge, which is sold in any flower shop;
  • from a soft baby foam ball.

As a basis for the crown of the topiary, you can use, among other things, a children's foam ball

For topiary trunknot only a branch of natural wood is also suitable, but also other materials and solutions:

  • skewers folded together and wrapped with a rope;
  • plastic stick from a flower shop;
  • wooden base from a brush or other similar object;
  • chopsticks for sushi;
  • a homemade stick, for example, from a wire frame and foil or plaster, if you want the shape of the trunk to be necessarily unusually curved or of different thicknesses in different areas.

As pot for topiary the following options apply:

  • the usual inexpensive planters from the nearest garden store;
  • a beautiful coffee cup or mug;
  • plastic cup;
  • any small box.

In order to fix the stem of the topiary in a pot, you can use not only gypsum, but also sand and / or pebbles.

Decorative pebbles and pebbles can be used not only for decoration, but also for fixing the topiary trunk in a pot

Composition design options

When making a money topiary with your own hands, you are not limited not only in materials, but also in the design of the finished composition.

  • Banknotes can be folded not only in a bag, but also with an accordion, an airplane, a fan, a tube, etc.

You can fold a banknote for a topiary in any way you like

  • The crown can be issued not only with paper money, but also with a combination of banknotes and coins, both in the crown of the tree of happiness, and on the trunk or in a pot.

Money topiary can combine paper bills and real coins

  • There is also an option when the money topiary is made entirely of coins, and this is certainly an amazing sight.

A money topiary made entirely of coins is a very, very impressive sight.

  • The color scheme of the money topiary can be dictated by both the decorative material you have available (sesal, felt, etc.) and the color of the banknotes.

Sometimes the color scheme of the topiary is suggested by the color of the banknotes themselves.

  • A ready-made artificial tree can serve as the basis for a money topiary, and a combination of paper bills and natural foliage color will make your tree of happiness even more unusual.

Money topiary, based on an artificial tree, can combine a “natural” sheet and leaflets from banknotes

  • And, of course, there are an infinite number of design options for planters: from the most simple and minimalistic to filled with all sorts of interesting details (figures, ladders, beads, grass, bags, wallets, etc.). Materials can also be very different: paper, various kinds of fabrics, ribbons, and so on.

In the design of money topiary, burlap and twine are often used both for decorating small details and as the main decor for flowerpots.

So, making a money topiary with your own hands is not difficult, but fascinating, and the result will be an unusual art object that will decorate any home or office.

Video master class: another easy way to make a bill topiary

The money theme in the design of home decor has long been in the everyday life of creative people. Money is used to make various decorations for the room. They make topiaries, panels and other interesting products. Money trees are very popular with needlewomen. You can make a money tree from coins with your own hands from inexpensive materials that you have at home.

Topiary from coins

Most often, such trees are made from small coins, but there are also coins of a larger denomination. Crafts from coins of 10 kopecks with your own hands are not so difficult to perform. Any needlewoman can make such a tree, but you need to know the sequence of work.

For manufacturing, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • foam ball;
  • leg-split;
  • stick or rod for the trunk;
  • coins.

You should start with the manufacture of the trunk. It should be tied with twine. A hole must be made in the foam ball. Insert the prepared trunk there, but do not glue it. This procedure must be done to make it easier to put the finished upper part on it later.

At the top of the topiary, you need to glue the first coin. The subsequent ones must be glued in a circle. Around the central coin, four more should be glued from different sides. The main requirement for this process is that all coins were the same. The next row is glued between the previous coins. The entire surface of the foam ball is gradually filled. When this work is completed, you need to put the ball on the leg. The hole must be filled with hot glue and the barrel must be glued to the ball.

Next, you need to fix the entire structure in a pot. To do this, you need to dilute the alabaster and pour it into a pot. The trunk is installed in the center. A prerequisite should be an even location of the trunk. Otherwise, the weight of the topiary on the surface will be incorrectly distributed. The whole product will be unstable. It remains only to glue additional decor and the work on creating a topiary from coins can be considered completed.

In order to diversify the options for such a product, you can use coffee. Coffee beans are glued on the surface of the ball, and coins are only on one side. Around them is a castle, which is also glued to the base.

This topiary looks very unusual.

Other examples of work

In addition to the topiary, you can make other, rather interesting products. These include panels and various interior decor. On the panel you can depict anything. It may be a tree whose crown consists of coins. Or an image of a Golden Fish, consisting of kopecks.

To make a penny tree for a wall, you will need the following materials:

  • basis for panels;
  • putty or glue;
  • clay for creativity or twine;
  • coins;
  • PVA glue and hot glue;
  • acrylic paint and varnish;
  • palette knife;
  • sponge.

As a basis, you can take fiberboard or chipboard. If the coins will stick, then thick cardboard will do. In the case of putty, cardboard cannot be used. It deforms from exposure to moisture.

The base must be pasted over with soft paper. Use white toilet paper or paper towels for this. You need to take a piece of paper and place it on the base with PVA glue. This is done in order to get a textured surface. If such a surface is not needed, then the base can be left flat.

stem shaping

The trunk can be made in three ways. It is made from twine, paper or clay. In the case of twine, it is necessary to glue pieces of this material to the glue. The more segments are glued, the thicker the trunk will be. You need to shape it to your taste. Add bends and various branches as fantasy tells.

If you use paper for this, then the trunk is formed from thin bundles. In order to make them you need to twist a piece of paper with your fingers. When a large number of such harnesses are made, you can start gluing. You need to attach them only with PVA glue. It is necessary that the paper is completely saturated with glue.

Another way to form a crown is ornamental clay, which is sold in craft stores. It can make excellent branches and trunk. You also need to glue it on PVA glue. It must become one with the base.

Crown making

You can also form a crown in two ways. One of them is gluing on hot glue. In another way, you can use putty. Which way to choose depends on what is in stock.

Coins should be glued following a certain plan. Each coin must be in its place. The crown must have branches and shape. In order not to be mistaken with this, it is better to have a ready-made version before your eyes. In the case of using putty, it must be applied carefully so as not to stain the base. To do this, you can use a palette knife.

When the work on the formation of the crown is completed, the product must be left to dry. In the case of hot glue, this is not required. Before painting the work, all parts must adhere well to the base.

Product tinting

Metallic acrylic paint is suitable for tinting. Dark paint is first applied to the surface of the panel. It can be black or brown. The whole product is covered with paint. Then, using a sponge, it is necessary to select individual convex sections. To do this, you need to take a little gold or bronze paint and apply it to the sponge. Before you paint, you need to make a few prints on another surface so that there is not too much paint on the sponge.

Next, gently walk over the surface with a sponge. It is not necessary to paint over a continuous layer. It is necessary to highlight only some parts, to place accents. After applying this type of paint, the panel will acquire volume and sparkle with new colors.

Finally, apply acrylic varnish to the surface. It is best in this case to use varnish in a spray can. It does not have a strong odor and is well distributed over the surface.

Registration of work

You should also take care of the frame for the panel. You can buy it at the store and just stick it on top. This must be taken into account when choosing the basis for the panel. The size of the base should be standard. The frame is selected according to the desired size. In the case of a base that has a non-standard size, the frame will have to be made independently. It can be made from wood or glued from cardboard. In the future, it is decorated according to preferences.

Attention, only TODAY!

The money tree is a symbol of well-being that brings wealth to the house. There are alternatives to a real money tree, such as artificially created crafts that will decorate the room and complement the interior.

How to make a money tree from coins

A coin tree is a popular way to decorate an artificially created money tree with your own hands.


  • souvenir coins with holes;
  • newspaper;
  • wire;
  • gold paint;
  • pot or glass container;
  • glue;
  • transparent varnish for coating;
  • coarse Epsom salt;
  • brown and green gouache;
  • decor elements.

Following a step by step tutorial, you can make a beautiful craft that brings happiness and prosperity to the house:

A coin tree is a beautiful plant that will decorate your window sill, shelf or desktop.

DIY Topiary "Money Tree"

Topiary is an artificially created tree, a beautiful interior decoration and an innovative way to decorate your desktop. Making a topiary out of money with your own hands is an interesting and exciting activity that any novice master can handle. If you have never made a coffee bean topiary, a money topiary is a great option for your first craft.

Topiary assembly begins with the base. It could be a styrofoam ball. Such a blank can be purchased at the store for creativity. The base can be a ball, a foam ball (it is easy to make with a balloon, which then needs to be burst with a sharp object), a macroflex ball. One of the most budgetary options is a do-it-yourself ball made from old newspapers. Following a step-by-step master class, you can make such a simple base for crafts:

  1. From a large number of newspapers form a dense lump. Give it the shape of a ball. The sheets must be pressed tightly against each other, then the lump will be suitable for use.
  2. Cover a wad of newspapers with glue to make it hard.
  3. Wrap the resulting ball with thread. The ball should become heavy.
  4. Cover the base with masking tape.

Having prepared the base, you can begin to design.


To make a beautiful craft, you need to follow a step-by-step master class.

  1. Prepare the base ball.
  2. Cut souvenir money in half.
  3. Cut off the corner at the cut to make a pentagon.
  4. Fold each sheet into a ball, fasten the edges with a paper clip, wrap the bottom. Repeat steps 2-4 for 70 cash souvenir bills.
  5. Start gluing bills with hot glue, starting from the branch.
  6. Prepare the trunk for crafts. You can use an ordinary branch (washed and dried). To make the branch strong, it is necessary to wrap it with wire from above and below. Paint the branch with paint and cover with a protective layer of varnish. The traditional color is brown. Gold and silver paint looks especially elegant and magical. You can use different colors, but it is important to respect the overall composition and stick to your chosen style. Instead of a branch, you can use sushi sticks glued together.
  7. Make a pot for the topiary. You can make it from a plastic bottle or a glass vessel. You can buy a pot for plants in the store. Pour balls or glass beads into a transparent container to make the craft look more beautiful.
  8. Attach a branch to the bottom of the pot or container with hot glue.
  9. Connect the branch and the base ball, pasted over with banknotes.
  10. Additionally, decorate the craft with decorative elements: ribbons, braid, lace, rhinestones or sparkles. You can decorate the craft with an artificial butterfly made of plastic or nylon.

Do-it-yourself topiary is an amazing craft that will certainly decorate your room and become a money symbol that will bring money and prosperity to your home. Such a money tree can be presented to relatives and friends. Believe me, the recipient of such a gift will be delighted and surprised.

Do-it-yourself tree made of money

Such a Christmas tree made of banknotes is an interesting element of decor.


To make a beautiful money tree, necessary:

  1. To make the cone stable, you need to pierce it with long wooden sticks.
  2. Attach the bills to the foam cone with pins. You need to start from the bottom. It is necessary to ensure that there are no empty spaces on the basis. The Christmas tree must be completely filled with artificial banknotes.
  3. Cut out an asterisk from paper, glue it to a toothpick.
  4. Insert a toothpick into the top of the foam cone. A simple money craft is ready!

Do-it-yourself pistachio money tree

Using simple tools, you can create an amazing craft that you can give to family and friends or decorate your home with it.


  • pistachios;
  • wire;
  • gold paint;
  • pot or glass container;
  • drill;
  • thread;
  • glue;
  • gypsum;
  • decor elements (gold coins, souvenirs, etc.).

To make a pistachio money tree, you need:

Even a novice master can make such a money tree from pistachios.

A money tree will bring good luck and prosperity if you make crafts with soul and love. Do not be afraid to experiment and create artificial trees, because this is such an exciting and interesting activity!

Topiary from banknotes today is a fairly common subject of room decor. And in order to decorate the room with a topiary, you do not need to spend a lot of money and time. Everything can be done with your own hands, without much effort. It will take for this only once to see the master class.

A topiary is a tree of happiness. Money Topiary is quite common in European floristry. The wide popularity of the product is explained by the fact that it is an alternative to indoor plants. But compared to natural flowers, the money tree does not need to be looked after, worry that the composition will die from a lack of watering or sunlight.

The money tree is a very original composition that always attracts the eyes of guests and it’s not at all difficult to make it with your own hands after watching the master class once.

Topiary "Money Tree" from banknotes: do it step by step

The money tree looks original, which is made by hand from sisal and banknotes.

To create a masterpiece you need:

  • Decorative vase;
  • Copies of banknotes;
  • Sisal fiber in bright colors in a skein;
  • A piece of satin ribbon;
  • Glue gun;
  • 300 g of alabaster;
  • Scissors;
  • Strong wire;
  • A piece of cable (to create a trunk of a money tree);
  • Styrofoam ball with a diameter of 70 mm (can be replaced with a newspaper ball wrapped in threads);
  • Decor elements - birds, berries that adorn the money topiary.

Flowers for the tree are made from banknotes. First you need to fold them diagonally so that you get a square. The excess is cut off. In the future, each square is also bent diagonally. The result is small triangles. Each corner of the base of the resulting triangles rises to the top and bends. Then the corners of the triangles are bent.

After the blanks are ready, they need to be glued with a glue gun. It is preferable to use this particular adhesive because PVA dries much longer, which means that it will take much more time to create a money tree. Flowers are formed from ready-made 5 models.

For a ball with a diameter of 70 mm, 24 flowers are enough. Before making a topiary, it is better to watch a master class.

The vase must be decorated with sisal fiber. The shade depends only on the imagination of the author of the exposition. But, it is better to choose the same color fiber and satin ribbon. A fiber is laid out in a vase, on which a regular T-shirt bag is placed.

Gypsum will hold the "trunk" of the money tree. Previously, gypsum or alabaster is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1 to the consistency of thick sour cream. The composition is poured into a plastic bag, a cable and 4 pieces of thin wire are inserted into the center of the thick mass. They will become branches of the money tree. The gypsum hardens very quickly, so after 10-15 minutes, the master class on creating a topiary from banknotes can be continued.

After hardening, the plastic bag is removed, the gypsum is placed in a decorative vase on the fiber and decorated with sisal on top. A satin ribbon is needed in order to wrap the trunk and branches of a tree with it. Not even stems, but twisted ones will look very nice.

The ball serves as the crown of the money tree. It is not necessary to take a foam ball. If there is no such improvised means, then an ordinary newspaper is quite suitable.

A ball is formed from it, on top of which threads are applied for the strength of the structure and sisal. The ball is attached with glue to a cable - a tree trunk. Ready-made flowers from banknotes are glued to the ball. To make the money topiary look more magnificent, individual "antennae" of the fiber are passed between the flowers.

How to make t money bill opiary (video)

Topiary from banknotes with green leaves: doing it right

To create such a product with your own hands, you will need all the same materials that were described above. Only this master class provides for decorating the topiary with five decorative leaves and ladybugs.

First of all, you should make "pounds" for the crown. To do this, each bill is cut in half and "bags" are formed from them and fixed with glue. 50 bags are enough. Then all the funniks are glued together with their sides. The result is a single flower from banknotes. This is the base of the crown of the money tree. But it will consist not of one, but of several layers, and the number of “bags” decreases with each layer. To make it clearer, he will make a master class.

Decorative twigs are attached to the cable, which is pre-wrapped with a satin ribbon, using a thin wire. The cable does not have to be straight, it can be twisted in a spiral.

A decorative vase, in which the money tree will be located, is stuffed with foam plastic cubes, which are filled with plaster. Then the cable and twigs are installed. Drying time - 20 minutes.

A circle with a diameter of 110-140 mm is cut out of cardboard. A hole is cut in the center of the circle. Through it, it will be easy to decorate the base for the crown with a satin ribbon. Decorative leaves are glued to the base. After that, using a glue gun, a multi-layered crown of banknotes is attached.

Gypsum is covered with sisal from above, the branches are straightened or twisted. The crown and cable are attached to each other with a glue gun. At the end, ladybugs sit on the money tree. After looking at the master class, you can clearly see all the methods described.

Do-it-yourself money topiary from banknotes: master class

On New Year's Eve, all living quarters are decorated with appropriate items. And not just a tree, but a tree made of banknotes will look original, unique.

To make a tree with your own hands you will need:

  • Decorative flower pot;
  • foam cone;
  • Wooden sticks (for sushi or matches for the fireplace);
  • Copies of banknotes;
  • Toothpicks;
  • Paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Adhesive composition.

Part of the cone is cut off and placed in a vase. The cone itself is mounted on wooden sticks and placed in a vase. Bills do not need to be cut, they are folded in such a way that a fold is obtained. Money is attached to the foam rubber cone with small pins. Start forming rows from the bottom. After that, the tree needs to be examined from all sides and make sure that there are no gaps left. The final stage is an asterisk, which is cut out of paper and attached to the top of the money tree with a toothpick. Such a Christmas tree decoration looks good in combination with multi-colored ribbons or labels.

To create a money topiary from dollars you need:

  • Cardboard;
  • Gypsum;
  • banknotes;
  • Skewer for barbecue:
  • New Year's beautiful napkin.

Connect the cardboard into a tube, dilute the gypsum with water and fill it with a mold, having previously installed a skewer in the center of the gypsum base - the table of the future money tree.

Make 40-50 "bags" from banknotes, from which 3 layers of Christmas trees are then formed. For example, the lower one will consist of 13 bags, the middle one of 10, the upper one of 7. The paper cones are attached to each other with glue. In the same way, you should attach the tiers to the skewer. The gypsum base is wrapped in a napkin. Perhaps just draw some kind of drawing with watercolors.

Topiary from banknotes: master class (video)

Topiary from dollars and beads: the principle of creation

A handmade tree made of dollars and beads looks very beautiful. The principle of creating a product is the same as described above. Only decorative branches with planted beads are added to such a tree, from which patterns are subsequently formed. Beads can be used to edging money "bags".

A tree that contains banknotes, coins, and beads will look no less effective. Just do not forget that the composition does not look "sloppy".

Do-it-yourself money tree (video)

In any case, before you start creating a money tree from banknotes with your own hands, it is better to watch a master class from decorating experts.

Topiary from banknotes (photo)