Why does a dog's mouth smell like fish. How to remove a terrible smell from the mouth of a pet

All dogs love affection and attention from their owners. Many pets are even ready to lick the hands and face of people they like. "Kissing" your favorite dog no longer gives you pleasure? Do not rush to refuse affection to your pet. in a dog, a great many. The good news is that bad smell can always be beaten.

Proper nutrition for dogs

With a sharp appearance of an unpleasant odor from the mouth of your beloved dog, try to remember what you fed your pet. The worst foods for our four-legged friends are legumes, fresh cabbage and white bread. If possible, eliminate them from the pet's diet completely. Still wondering why a dog's mouth smells like fish? Try to remember if your pet has eaten seafood today. In fact, fish and seafood should not be present in the dog's diet. But if you give them in small portions from time to time, choose quality products and cook them yourself. Keep an eye on the freshness of the food in the bowl, throw away the leftovers and wash the dishes after the pet after each feeding. The secret to dog health and longevity lies in proper nutrition. If you are choosing dry food for your pet, eliminate treats from your table. It is much more difficult to feed a dog with natural products. In this case, the daily diet should consist of equal parts of cereals, vegetables and meat. It is necessary to give special vitamins and treats daily to clean the teeth.

Bad eating habits

Every dog ​​at least once in his life ate a frank "muck" in the opinion of his master. Some dogs enthusiastically poke around in garbage containers, others try carrion, and still others are not averse to eating building materials or something else inedible. Even cynologists cannot explain why well-fed animals conduct such experiments. According to some experts, such behavior is a sign of the dog's bad manners, while others argue that such eating behavior is the result of a lack of some nutrients in the body. Why does the dog smell like rotten meat from the mouth, we figured it out. What is the fastest way to get rid of this smell? Wash your pet well, the hair on the face can smell fragrant. Try to rinse the animal's mouth and brush its teeth with a special paste. Your task is to teach the dog to stop eating on the street, digging in the household garbage. At first, you can put a muzzle on the street, and put a slop bucket at home out of the pet's reach.


Since childhood, each of us is used to brushing our teeth in the morning and in the evening. But only a few owners carry out this hygiene procedure for their four-legged pets. It would seem, why: after all, dogs do not eat strongly colored foods and do not smoke. In fact, it is formed in the oral cavity after each meal. Some foods, such as canned food, stimulate its appearance. If the banal rules of oral hygiene are not observed, tartar may appear. If you are puzzled by the question: "Why does the dog's mouth smell?", examine its teeth. Visually, tartar in animals looks the same as in humans. This is a hardened yellow coating, which is not so easy to remove.

Ways in dogs

The best treatment is prevention. Treat your dog regularly with special treats and toys designed to prevent tartar build-up. Eliminate tap water from your pet's diet. Only peeled or boiled is suitable for drinking. If the dog has a calm temperament, it can be brushed from time to time. In veterinary pharmacies, you will definitely find special pastes and brushes. But what if the stone has already appeared? Why does a dog have bad breath, how to remove plaque and prevent caries? The most reliable way is to contact a veterinarian-dentist. Doctors specializing in the teeth of our four-legged friends will offer a choice of mechanical or ultrasonic tartar removal.

Other diseases of the oral cavity

Why does a dog's mouth smell unpleasant if you follow the animal's diet? Choose the moment when the dog will be calm and disposed to communicate with the owner. Carefully and carefully inspect the animal's oral cavity. If there is damage or inflammation, be sure to show the dog to the dentist. Ulcers and micro abrasions in the mouth can appear from brittle bones, broken teeth. If during a visual inspection you notice any tissue damage or diseased teeth, only a specialist can help. Today, animal dentistry offers almost the same list of services as the usual human hospital. Our four-legged friends undergo prosthetics, removal of damaged teeth. The dentist will tell you how to properly care for the oral cavity of the animal. If necessary, rinse solutions and special gels can be prescribed.

Liver and gastrointestinal problems

If going to the dentist did not help to understand why the dog has bad breath, it makes sense to conduct a comprehensive examination of the pet. The cause of bad breath can be chronic diseases of the stomach, intestines, kidneys and liver. You can identify such problems by conducting special diagnostics. Don't be surprised why a dog's mouth smells rotten if they have symptoms of indigestion or food poisoning. may appear with diarrhea, vomiting or diarrhea. Remember that any digestive disorder is much easier not to treat, but to prevent. Compliance with the feeding regime, the choice of fresh and healthy foods for the pet is a guarantee of his good health. You can also forget about the problem of bad breath if you follow these simple conditions.

Change of milk teeth by molars

A lot of anxiety for the owners of young dogs is delivered by any changes in the well-being of their pets. What should I do if my puppy has bad breath? An unpleasant odor can appear when changing milk teeth to molars. During this period, bleeding holes may form in the puppy's oral cavity. Mixing with the saliva of the animal, the blood can smell not very pleasant. Dog gums do not require any special treatment. The holes formed during the loss of teeth will soon heal naturally. The situation is quite different if a similar problem is observed in animals of venerable age. Why does the dog's mouth smell in this case? Most likely, the problem lies in diseases of the teeth and gums. It is advisable to show the dog to the dentist, special preparations for cleaning teeth and disinfecting the oral cavity will help to cope with the problem.

Fresh breath secrets for your pet

Experts advise showing all animals to veterinarians at least once a year. Such a preventive examination will help monitor the health of the dog and identify common pathologies in the initial stages. By following all the recommendations of the veterinarian for care and nutrition, you will most likely never encounter the problem of bad breath. Why do small dogs have bad breath, can this smell be prevented? Consult with your veterinarian about the choice of products for regular care of the teeth and gums of the animal. The specialist will help you choose the most suitable means, taking into account all the features of a particular dog.

Folk recipes for fresh breath pet

Some breeders claim that fresh herbs are the best prophylactic against unpleasant odor from a pet's mouth. Finely chop a small bunch of parsley and add it to your pet's food. This spice has a beneficial effect on the dog's digestion and freshens the breath. Particular attention should be paid to oral hygiene if the pet eats natural food or canned food. Regularly, let's gnaw not only special treats and toys, but also ordinary crackers from black bread crusts. For hygiene purposes, you can try rinsing your mouth with a weak solution of baking soda. Ordinary hydrogen peroxide (3%) will help in the fight against tartar. Wrap a bandage around your finger and soak it in the antiseptic solution. Then wipe the animal's teeth with the resulting swab from the outside and inside. There is another effective folk recipe against the animal. For a glass of water, take a teaspoon of fine table salt and baking soda. In the prepared solution, moisten a cotton swab and wipe your teeth with it. This method helps well against yellow plaque on the teeth. We hope that our article helped you understand why your dog smells like urine and how to get rid of the pleasant smell. Feed your pet properly, do not forget about oral hygiene and regularly show the animal to the veterinarian. And then your dog's breath will always be fresh!

Causes of an unpleasant odor

An unpleasant smell from the mouth can appear in a pet at any age. It can be either an adult or a puppy. Moreover, if the animal smells bad from the mouth, then this is a disease called halitosis. As for the reasons, they are not very many. Why the dog smells from the mouth - we will tell you first of all.


  1. In a puppy, an unpleasant smell from the mouth may be evidence of tooth replacement. As practice shows, puppies of small breeds often have strong milk teeth, which often do not fall out on their own. Because they sit very firmly in the mouth. In addition, these teeth are poorly loosened, so that sometimes they can be difficult to pull out. If this is the case, then the integrity of the gums may be broken in the baby, which means that pieces of food, as well as pathogens of various diseases, can get into the wound. As a result, the gum can become a breeding ground for harmful microflora, which contributes to the spread of an unpleasant odor.
  2. It also often smells bad from the mouth due to food residue getting into the gaps formed between the teeth. In addition, it can be not only food, but also third-party items that the puppy once chewed. All breeders know that being carried away by the game process, the puppy can easily tear toys into pieces. Their remains are clogged in the cracks and subsequently can also cause inflammation.

Why does adult dog breath smell bad?

As for adults, they have much more causes of halitosis. Let's consider them in order.

Ways to eliminate odor

We figured out the reasons why an unpleasant odor comes from the mouth of an animal. But every caring breeder in any case will be interested in the question of what to do to prevent stench. It is almost impossible to get rid of the problem without visiting a specialist, because you are unlikely to know exactly what the primary cause is. However, there are several options to help get rid of mouth odor.

So, what to do in such cases:

  1. To get rid of the smell from the mouth, you can try to give your pet to gnaw on the vein bone. Soft vegetables are also suitable for this, but on condition that tartar has formed in the dog's mouth. As practice and recommendations of specialists show, the vein bone will be an excellent option for training teeth. Its use will allow the pet to get rid of the deposits that have appeared, but this is possible only at a very early stage. In addition, this option will allow the dog to get rid of soft growths.
  2. Even in ancient times, people who wanted to help dogs get rid of the smell from their mouths used tomato juice. This folk method may be doubtful, but it is quite effective. It is recommended to add a few tablespoons of tomato juice to your pet's food. If you believe the reviews of those who used this method, then plaque from the pet's teeth can be removed in one to two weeks. For this purpose, a cotton swab is used. Again, this recipe is relevant if the animal has dental problems. Veterinarians believe that soft vegetables will not remove plaque from the teeth.
  3. Today, many dog ​​breeders take care of their dogs by brushing their teeth. Once it was a curiosity - who would have thought that dogs, like people, would brush their teeth with a brush and paste? The owner will need to make some efforts to help the dog. Of course, for this it is necessary to use not a “human” paste, but a special one, for animals, with the taste of meat.

Regarding how to solve such a problem, experts will tell in the video (the author of the video is Dai Lapu TV Channel).

Domestic dogs love to show affection towards their owners. How pleasant it is sometimes to wake up from the fact that a wet nose is stuck in the face. But all the fun immediately disappears if the pet’s mouth does not smell very pleasant.

It should be said that the unnatural smell from the dog's mouth is a fairly common phenomenon that some owners consider normal.

“It’s a dog, it can’t have fresh breath. She probably ate something wrong."

Veterinarians say that 8 out of 10 cases of bad breath is not a cosmetic problem, but a symptom of the disease.

We offer today to deal in more detail with such, at first glance, a frivolous issue, like ambre from the mouth of a dog.

Bad mouth odor in puppies and young dogs

This problem in puppies and adolescents is solved a little easier, since there are not very many possible causes.

First, many babies have problems with changing milk teeth. For example, a molar can grow behind a milk tooth, causing the milk tooth to rot and produce an unpleasant odor.

The situation is complicated when the gums are infected or damaged. In a short period of time, the healthy microflora of the oral cavity changes to putrefactive, which further enhances the smell.

Second, unlike adults, Puppies may have gaps and gaps between their teeth. If the baby is unfamiliar with oral hygiene and brushing, then food stuck between the teeth begins to rot and emit an unpleasant odor.

Bad mouth odor in adult dogs

The older the dog, the more causes of bad breath in the pet. Unfortunately, it is associated with diseases. Most often, we are talking about ailments of the digestive system.

Tartar- the most common cause of putrid odor. Growths of yellow or brown color can be seen on their own. Of course, tartar is not a fatal disease, but it also spoils a full life, so you should not ignore it.

As a preventive measure, brush your pet's teeth regularly, and also use special treats and pastes.

Oncology or neoplasms in the oral cavity- usually look like lumps or bumps on the gums or palate. Only a veterinarian can solve this problem. By the way, breeds with a shortened, upturned muzzle are most prone to neoplasms.

Diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system- give an ammonia smell from the dog's mouth, especially from saliva. The kidneys do not cope with their task and do not have time to remove ammonia from the body, so it enters the blood and saliva of the animal.

Hormonal disbalance- leads to "acetone breath". It is necessary to conduct a detailed analysis of the dog's blood with biochemistry. Most likely, the animal has problems with the thyroid or pancreas.

liver disease- with advanced cirrhosis, a putrid smell may come from the dog's mouth, as the liver has begun to decompose and its tissues die.

Important! A putrid odor may not indicate illness. Some quadrupeds have a habit of eating carrion.

Worms- with a strong invasion, especially roundworms, the animal may stink from the mouth. The fact is that roundworms multiply very quickly and literally clog the intestines with themselves, so the food in the intestines is not digested, but rots. In addition to roundworms, tapeworms and tapeworms can provoke a bad smell.

Gingivitis- This is a disease of the oral cavity, which is accompanied by infection of the tissues and swelling of the gums. The cause of the disease can be vitamin deficiency, gastrointestinal pathology, indigestion, invasion.

Allergy- a rather versatile disease that has extensive symptoms. Dogs with food allergies can develop bad breath.

Unpleasant smell from the mouth, not related to diseases

This problem is not always associated with serious illnesses. Some of the reasons are quite commonplace and can be solved very quickly. These include:

  • a large amount of meat in the pet's diet, which does not have time to be digested;
  • the dog consumes too many cereals that disrupt digestion;
  • tap water containing chlorine;
  • in breeds with a short muzzle and drooping lips, food can get stuck behind the cheeks.

therapist, cardiologist

Unpleasant smell from the mouth, scientifically halitosis , is one of the most common reasons why pet owners visit a veterinary clinic. This condition can be a symptom of many diseases, both organs and tissues of the oral cavity, and internal organs.

Let's try to understand the reasons. Conventionally, animals suffering from this pathology can be divided into 3 age groups: young animals up to a year old, middle-aged animals from 1 to 9 years old, animals over 9 years old.

The main mechanism that causes bad breath is bacterial decomposition. Normally, microflora lives in the oral cavity, the purpose of which is to contain the reproduction of pathological flora. In some cases, its function weakens, this may be due to both external and internal factors.

So the first group young animals.
Serious diseases of the oral cavity at this age are rare, most often they are:

  1. violation of the change of teeth. For example, milk teeth that did not fall out in time, malocclusion, lead to the formation of gaps in which pieces of food can get stuck, thereby creating a favorable environment for the development of pathological flora, a direct consequence of which will be an unpleasant odor. The most problematic in this regard are dogs of dwarf breeds, for example, pygmy poodle, Yorkshire terrier, etc., among cats there is no pronounced predisposition.
  2. injuries and foreign bodies in the oral cavity. Foreign bodies, injuries, directly damage the oral mucosa, causing erosive lesions, which are again a favorable place for the propagation of pathological flora.

The second group middle aged animals.
The list of diseases here is wider, but the leading place is occupied by the deposition of plaque on the tooth surface (tartar).
The severity of the lesions depends on the amount of these deposits. The frequency of calculus deposition is directly related to the diet of the animal, for example, it has been proven that animals receiving soft food suffer from periodontal diseases more often. The deposition of tartar causes the gums to move away from the neck of the tooth, in this place a pocket is formed, into which pieces of food fall, which, accordingly, creates an optimal environment for the development of pathological flora. Further damage leads to tooth loosening and loss. Predisposed to this disease among dogs are again dwarf breeds, breeds of medium size, for example, the average poodle, Pekingese, dachshund, among cats Persian, exotic.

Other reasons for the appearance of an unpleasant odor include injuries, chipped teeth, foreign bodies, in this age group, tumor lesions of the oral cavity or larynx, both benign and malignant, are possible, a frequent example of the formation of benign tumors in the oral cavity is a boxer dog, whose representatives tend to to a disease called fibrous epulis, which is expressed in the growth of gum tissue with the formation of many tumors of different sizes.

The third group elderly animals.
In addition to the reasons typical for the second group, this age category has a more pronounced risk of tumor formations in the oral cavity and diseases of internal organs, one of the signs of which may be an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity.

The classic example here is chronic renal failure, which is accompanied by the smell of ammonia. With this disease, there is a delay in some metabolic products due to weakened kidney function, which directly damage the oral mucosa, leading to the formation of non-healing ulcers on the gums and tongue.

Another example is diabetes mellitus, in which the smell of acetone appears. This is a consequence of a violation of sugar metabolism, when the body cannot absorb carbohydrates, and is forced to switch to fat metabolism, in which ketone bodies are formed, giving the exhaled air the smell of acetone.

A very characteristic and noticeable sign of these diseases is a pronounced increase in water consumption. Attention should be paid to fluid intake in adult animals, and with an increase that cannot be explained by objective reasons (exercise, hot weather, changing the diet to dry food), a veterinarian should be consulted immediately.

Now about solving such problems. When contacting a veterinarian with a complaint of an unpleasant smell from the oral cavity of your pet, you should be prepared for the fact that a visual examination will not be enough to make a final diagnosis. A more detailed examination of the oral cavity under sedation (sedation) or under general anesthesia may be required, in addition, x-rays may be required. If a systemic (general) pathology is suspected, blood and urine tests may be necessary. The veterinarian, after examining your animal, will make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment, which can be, depending on the situation, both surgical and medical.
Veterinarians of our clinics have all the necessary knowledge and equipment necessary to solve the problems associated with bad breath from the mouth of your pets.

It is not pleasant when you have to wake up in the morning from the licking of a pet, and if the dog smells of rotten meat from the mouth, the greeting procedure turns into torture. It must be said that the unnatural smell from the dog's mouth is a fairly common phenomenon, some even believe that this is normal. Reasoning logically: “this dog just ate something,” the owner can lose precious time and aggravate the disease from which the pet is already suffering.

Note! Halitosis is a concept that means the presence of an unpleasant (putrefactive) smell from the mouth of a pet.

The false opinion is also confirmed by the fact that most owners do not consider prophylactic pet care as a mandatory aspect of care. A dog whose teeth have never been brushed is quite expected to have an unpleasant smell from the mouth, but is this normal and what can be done to correct the situation? Veterinarians and groomers note that 8 out of 10 cases, when a dog's mouth stinks, this is not a cosmetic problem, but a symptom of the disease. The treatment of any disease begins with the diagnosis, and therefore, the search for the causes of the development of the disease.

On the health of puppies, traditionally, worried more actively. In the case of bad breath in puppies and teenagers, the diagnosis is a bit easier as there are not many possible causes.

Almost all small breeds of dogs have some difficulty in changing milk teeth. An inexperienced owner may not be aware that a molar can grow behind a milk tooth, whereby the milk tooth begins to rot, resulting in a distinct and very unpleasant odor. The situation is complicated by damage and infection of the gums. Further, in a fairly short time, the healthy microflora in the mouth changes to an unfriendly, putrefactive one, which greatly enhances the smell. This mechanism works with absolutely all living beings. For example, in a person, even one bad tooth can spoil the freshness of breath despite brushing twice and using an antibacterial mouthwash.

Note! A putrid smell from the pet's mouth may not indicate illness, since some four-legged animals have a very bad habit of eating carrion.

- permanent neighbors of dogs, which must be periodically disposed of. With a strong infestation, especially roundworms, the dog may stink from the mouth. they multiply very quickly and literally clog the intestines of the dog. Food that enters the intestines is not digested, but literally rots. It should be understood that in addition to roundworms, a dog can be affected by any tapeworms or tapeworms.

- a disease of the oral cavity, accompanied by swelling of the gums and infection of the tissues. The reason most often lies in indigestion, gastrointestinal pathologies and severe helminthic invasion, in which food is not absorbed. In advanced cases, gingivitis is accompanied by the formation of ulcers and necrotic areas.

- a very versatile disease with very extensive symptoms. With a variety in most cases, allergic dogs have a very characteristic, putrid smell from the mouth. It should be understood that allergies are the easiest to diagnose, since it is almost impossible to confirm in a laboratory. Incorrect diagnosis can lead to the omission of a real illness, for example, liver or kidney disease. Usually, the diagnosis is confirmed by a combination of several factors: an unpleasant smell from the mouth, skin lesions and itching.