Love and hate for cats. Love and hate for cats Dirty cat litter

Does your cat show that he doesn't like certain things? Or is she using her body language to tell you that she's upset about something? Suddenly you may find that you are not taking good care of her. Find out more about what your pet hates and try to make friends with her again.

1. Cats hate it when you ignore them.

Contrary to some people's belief, cats don't like being alone and they should enjoy being around other animals as well as people. Your cat will most likely get offended if you ignore her for too long. She will try to attract him, for example, by taking your favorite chair. Therefore, try to compensate her for the time that you could not devote to her during the day: you can play with her, give some kind of treat, or just hold her in your arms.

2 Dirty cat litter

Cats hate dirty, bad smelling litter boxes. If this happens, they can try to replace them with something. For example, your carpet or a basket of clean laundry. Think about it: do you really like to constantly find such "toilets" all over the apartment.

The fact is that a cat's sense of smell is 14 times stronger than a human's. So even if you don't smell cat litter, it can be terrible for your pet's exquisite sense of smell.

3. Damaged products

Cats don't like spoiled food. Old canned food not only smells bad. They are harmful to your pet's health. Some toxins such as E. coli, staphylococci, streptococci, and salmonella can enter the body of cats from spoiled foods. How long canned cat food lasts before it goes bad depends on the temperature of the room where you feed it. In the summer, when it's too hot, you can leave the canned food in her bowl for no longer than 20 minutes. But the longest storage period, at the optimum temperature, is no more than 30 minutes.

Kittens need to be fed more often than an adult cat, but portions should be smaller. In addition, they usually eat no more than 15 minutes. Therefore, it is better to give them a tablespoon of canned food every three hours than to risk leaving food for a long time. Try to keep your kitty's food fresh and you will be a real hero in her eyes.

4. Cats hate drugs

Some pills taste so vile that cats can literally foam at the mouth while they swallow them. Or they'll just spit them out. It's even worse if you expect them to swallow the pills dry. A 2001 study published in a veterinary journal shows that after 5 minutes, 84% of the capsules and 64% of the tablets are still in the cat's esophagus. It has also been found that cats may develop signs of esophagitis caused by irritation from tablets and capsules that remain in the esophagus for a long time.

Cats cause pronounced reactions in people, dividing them into two groups: catophiles - those who love cats, and catophobes - those who cannot stand them and are afraid. While I was unaware of these definitions until recently, my role as a cat doctor has given me many opportunities to meet both cat lovers and cat haters. By "catophobes" I equally mean people who are not only afraid of cats, but also hate them, because I am sure that the feeling of hatred stems from fear.

Here are just two of my encounters with catophobes. A few months after I hung an eye-catching cat clinic sign with a picture of a kitten on the door of the van, I found it riddled with bullets. Obviously, some armed catophobic found the innocent kitten too tempting to walk past without firing a full clip at him. Another time, returning to the wagon, I saw a bearded, overgrown fellow, angrily examining my inscription. When he realized that I was the mistress of the painted kitten, he remarked: "A good cat is a dead cat."

Was this man one of the people who made the best-selling 101 Ways to Use a Dead Cat, a comic that pokes fun at cats, as well as the people who love them? Or he was one of those who were fed up with catophiles - cat lovers who, like newly-made parents, endlessly excitedly talk about their cats and cats, show photos of their pets and don’t even go to the cinema in the evening, because their adored ones are waiting for them at home pussy.

I knew an avid cat lover who was furious when he received a copy of 101 Ways to Use a Dead Cat as a gift from a friend. If a friend viewed his gift as a good-natured joke, then in fact this led to a disastrous result. My acquaintance sent an angry letter to the donor of the book and vowed never to see him again.

Despite the popularity of 101 Ways to Use a Dead Cat, I'm sure books like the bestseller Everything I Ever Should Have Known, I Learned from My Cat and the mystery-filled feline detective series written by Lillian Jackson Browie , prove that cat lovers outnumber their haters and even those who are indifferent to these mysterious creatures.

Love and hatred for cats humanity carried through the centuries. In ancient Egypt, the cat was valued primarily for the fact that it exterminates rodents, and only then for its gracefulness, pronounced sexuality, maternal qualities, mystery and independent disposition. Thanks to the Egyptian catophiles, the cat personified the goddess Bastet - the goddess of fertility and motherhood. Cats, as a symbol of the deity, people protected, pampered and mourned after death. Cat mummies, along with their milk-drinking cups, have been found in an afterlife archaeological site in Egypt.

However, the connection of cats with the Egyptian religion and their blatant sexual activity led medieval European obscurantists to the idea of ​​declaring them symbols of evil and witchcraft. And cats were outlawed, tortured and killed. By this, the persecutors brought disaster on themselves: when the cats were killed, the population of rats increased sharply, which contributed to the spread of the plague epidemic, or, as it was called, the "black death".

At all times, both when cats were loved and when they were hated, it was possible to pay dearly by opposing the generally accepted attitude towards cats. In ancient Egypt, people who killed cats even unintentionally or smuggled them were put to death, and in the Middle Ages, those who loved cats were considered sorcerers and were also sentenced to death.

The same character traits of cats cause love in some people and hatred in others. Strong manifestations of feelings in relation to cats do not say anything about the nature of cats, but they say a lot about the person who these feelings own.

Dr. Louis J. Kemyuti in the book "All my patients under the bed. Memoirs of a cat doctor" expressed the opinion that people who hate or fear cats are insecure and hurt by the fact that they are forced to give in to others who are more fortunate in life. Since cats live independent lives, for the most part not thinking about others, a person who is constantly forced to be defensive or jealous transfers his fear and anger to them.

One study on pets found that 4 percent of those surveyed disliked dogs and 27 percent disliked cats. I have my own theory for why some people who love dogs don't like cats. Cats do not enter into a dominant-subordination relationship with humans as dogs do. This is a common and quite appropriate quality for dog owners to be the leader in the family - and the relationship between the owner and the dog is often defined by harsh treatment and discipline. Cats, on the other hand, do not respond to harsh treatment and are almost impossible to influence with force. People who like to dominate and dominate will rather be even annoyed as a result of communicating with cats. The cat will be frightened, but will by no means submit to forceful methods of education.

There are as many reasons for expressing love or hate for cats as there are for people, but I find it easier to understand why people love cats than why they fear or hate them. After all, cats easily adapt and can live both in a small apartment and in a large country house. With a minimum of problems, they can live together with a large feline company or be content with the lifestyle of the only cat of their owners and even prefer such a life. Cats are clean, so you don't have to walk them in the park on a leash or keep them in a kennel outside when you go on a weekend.

Some people like calm cats that can be kept on their laps, others are more active and playful, and still others are sedate, not getting in the way. You can always choose the cat that best suits your character.

Cats are sensitive to your mood and give you love and attention. They don't care who you are or how you look, fat or thin, rich or poor, healthy or sick. Moreover, among all pets, cats are the most gentle, warm and affectionate creatures. It is not at all surprising that many people prefer to stay at home with a cat than to take the risk of communicating with their own kind.

Carl Jung, a well-known psychoanalyst, suggested that a person's view of animals often expresses an unconscious component of himself. I think this means that some of us humanize cats too much and try to replace human interactions with cats, rejecting the neighbor who unwittingly reminds us of ourselves. Despite this, it is difficult for people to remain impartial towards cats, and most of us are divided - like football fans - into those who adore and those who hate them.

Feelings of love and care inherent in people can be redirected to beloved pets. One story about a man who cared for his son's Siamese cat always brings tears to my eyes.

Compatible types of people and cats can be classified as follows:

Incredible Facts

Cats are rather picky and capricious creatures. In addition, they prefer to live by their own rules.

Although we try our best to make our pet happy, not all of our actions are perceived as pleasant by him.

There are several things your cat might secretly hate you for.

What do cats like and dislike?

1. The cat hates being held like a child.

Some cats love to be picked up and hugged. They also find it pleasant to lie on their owners' laps. However, almost all of them hate when you hold them like a child.

When you pick up a cat, she loses her sense of security and wants to get back on the floor. If you rock her in your arms like a child, this feeling is even more intensified. If the cat is wagging its tail and its ears are flattened, it has had enough - let it go.

2. The cat hates when you take pictures of her all the time.

If you are an Instagram star, then your cat is having a hard time. Perhaps you want to capture all the moments of your pet's life, but your cat does not like it at all when they poke her phone in the face for days on end.

Camera flash annoying cats. It's even worse if you try to lure her with a toy or treat to get the photo you want and then throw her away.

Experts advise at least a little play with your cat in exchange for participation in your photo shoot to compensate for the stress.

3. The cat does not like it when you look into her eyes.

Don't look her in the eyes!

Cats communicate with their eyes. Eye contact allows them to establish their dominance. When you look away, the cat realizes that she has power in this house. If you continue to look her in the eyes for a long time, she regards this behavior as aggressive and may be preparing to attack you.

If a cat blinks or winks, this is a sign of affection and indicates that she does not feel threatened.

The relationship of a cat to a person

4. The cat hates when you meow at her.

Trust me, she doesn't want to hear it.

Cats meow to communicate with people, not with each other, and they don't expect you to do the same in return.

According to national geographic cats make sounds to get our attention. They use various types of meows in hopes of getting food, water, a fresh toilet, and also to play or snuggle up to you.

When we meow in response, the cat does not understand what exactly we require from it, and what we want to say with our stupid actions.

5. The cat hates when you dress her.

This argument seems quite obvious. If your cat is writhing and thrashing out of your hands, stop doing things that cause her only negative emotions.

Cats hate it when something rubs against their fur, and they don't need clothes. In addition, clothing causes them discomfort and restricts their movement. If it has already occurred to you to put a hat or sweater on your pet, make sure that he can move freely and relieve himself.

But it's worth reiterating: your cat hates being dressed.

6. Your cat doesn't like it when you feed her milk.

This is one of the most common misconceptions.

Experts state that most cats are lactose intolerant and cats do not like milk.

For many cats, milk causes discomfort and digestive problems within 8-12 hours of consumption. This does not mean that the cat will not drink milk if you pour it, but, most likely, it will do her more harm than good.

7. The cat hates change.

A new puppy may delight you, but not your cat.

Shopping for a new kind of food, car rides, travel, guests, going to the vet - all of these are signs of change and stress for your cat.

Any changes to your pet's lifestyle should be gradual so they get used to the stressful situation. If an event causes negative emotions in us, then for your fluffy it will be doubly stressful.