Free pet games mirchar. Is it worth it to have a pet


Allan Foster/

The main thing for a dog is to be close to its owner. Unfortunately, most of us are forced to leave our pets for at least eight hours a day, or even all 12.

Some dogs endure loneliness relatively calmly, others begin to howl, bark and smash the apartment. They do this not out of spite or revenge, but out of hopelessness and fear. If the animal thinks every time that you are leaving forever, there is no limit to his despair.

The behavior of the dog can be adjusted. For this, the pet is taught that the owner will definitely return. Training takes place gradually: first, the owner goes far and briefly, accustoming the dog not to follow him on his heels, then leaves her alone for more long time. So the dog gradually gets used to the idea that, no matter how much the owner is absent, he will definitely return.

This method helps to get rid of panic attacks during the absence of the owner, but does not eliminate the cause itself. After all, if the dog does not howl during your absence and does not spoil the furniture, then this does not mean that she is comfortable being alone. She just believes that you will return, and waits.

The dog suffers every day, being alone in an empty room.

She spends five days a week for eight hours without the dearest being, his love and attention. Even worse, many owners, even if they are present at home, do not satisfy the dog's need for communication. For example, they constantly kick her out into the next room because she interferes, whines or tries to play.

Almost all dogs require physical exercise- one more, the other less. If you want, that's great. The dog will receive both a share of communication with you, and the necessary load. If not, you will have to think about how you will train it. Some owners walk their dogs for a short time: half an hour in the morning, an hour in the evening. The rest of the time the dog spends in a closed room, where he cannot properly warm up and get food for the mind.

If you are enthusiastic about getting a dog and plan on spending a lot of time with it, just imagine it going on for another 10-13 years. Maybe for the first few months you will communicate with your pet, walk with him for a long time, give him a good warm-up and play. But then the usual routine will drag you in - the dog will be at the very bottom of the to-do list. So is it worth torturing an animal?



Parrots are very lively and sociable pets. Left alone, without the attention of the owner and interesting toys, they begin to get bored. stressful state leads to tantrums, which often result in self-plucking.

A similar reaction occurs when a parrot shares a cage with an unsuitable partner. So, if you decide to add a neighbor to him, it’s not a fact that the pets will get along in character and will live happily.

Often advised to buy a parrot interesting toys so that in your absence he has something to do with himself. But, if you do not play, do not communicate with your pet, or do this for a very short time, no toys will save your bird from boredom.


Sasha the Okay Photographer/

You can't really play with a rat, but it still needs your attention. However, here the problem of loneliness is solved more simply: buy two same-sex rodents and a large cage, equip it with toys, tunnels, houses and calmly go to work.

Rats are very social creatures, they need to live in company.

This is confirmed by the experiment with rats and drugs, which Johan Harry spoke about in his TED talk. When the rat lived alone, without toys and communication, she easily got used to narcotic substances and soon died from an overdose. And in the rat park, where several individuals lived, they could freely interact, play and mate. As a result, not a single rat became addicted to drugs, although there was always a container with a narcotic substance dissolved in water in the cage.

Johan Harry told this story to show that loneliness and boredom lead to drugs and people. But this experiment also shows how rats feel bad without company.

If you are determined to get one rodent, he will need a lot of your attention and the opportunity to be outside the cage. Rats are very mobile and inquisitive, they constantly need to crawl, climb on a hill, rummage through things, find something new.


Will Scullin/

Raccoons are very mischievous and agile creatures that require constant attention. If you leave a raccoon alone, he will simply destroy the apartment, climb into any locker, scatter, break and tear your things.

If you lock your pet in for a long time enclosed space, for example, on a balcony or in a cage, do not play or communicate with him, he will completely run wild and instead of an inquisitive pet you will get a wild striped creature.

Decided to get a raccoon? Remember that you will have to spend most of your free time entertaining the animal and making sure that it does not break anything.

Suitable for busy people



Do cats miss their owner or just use him to satisfy their needs? There are different opinions on this matter.

A study by Daniel Mills, published in 2015, proved that cats are not so strongly attached to their owners. During the experiment, he compared the reaction baby on the care and appearance of the mother and the behavior of dogs and cats in a similar situation with their owners.

The child, with obvious relief, crawled up to the mother after her appearance. The dog jumped around the owner, wagging its tail. And only the cat did not stop playing with a stranger and, it seems, did not even notice that her mistress was going out somewhere.

However, some cat owners disagree with the results of the experiment. They argue that these animals are simply inquisitive and quickly distracted, but they miss their owner alone just as much as dogs do.

Here is a video taken in the absence of people, when the cat walks around the room with a toy in its mouth and calls for the owner.

This problem can be solved by getting a companion for your pet. For example, in Switzerland, according to animal welfare regulations, it is not allowed to have one cat if she does not go outside. Two pets will clearly find something to do in your absence.


Richard Elzey/

Ferrets get along well with dogs (but not hunting breeds) and cats, as well as other ferrets. This animal sleeps 18-20 hours a day, and neutered ones can sleep longer. Therefore, most of your working day, the pet will not be bored. And when you get home, you can give him enough time.

Dan Derrett/

These animals don't seem to need company at all. Moreover, it is not advised to keep same-sex hamsters in the same cage in order to prevent fights. If you buy heterosexual individuals, be prepared for the fact that you have to sell offspring.

Playing with a hamster is quite difficult, as he does not understand that he is being played with. In general, he does not need your company, so you can safely go to work. The main thing is to take care of him.

Do your pets get bored alone? How do they have fun in your absence?

rare child in certain periods life does not ask his parents to get a dog, a cat, buy fish or a turtle. If such requests are already spoken out in your family, and you decide to agree to them, then be sure to read our material. In this article, we will tell you about what pet to get a child, how to choose an animal for the character of the baby, how to prepare the young owner for new responsibilities.

"I want a dog!" Why should parents agree?

When you are recommended to get a pet for a child, do not rush to categorically refuse this idea. A pet can help in the development of new, yet unexplored qualities in a child. The most important of them is responsibility. If parents do not take full responsibility for caring for animals, but leave them to the child, then this quality is realized quite quickly. When the young owner takes care of the pet on his own, feeds it, bathes it, cleans the cage, etc., he will feel that the health of a living being depends on his actions.

In addition to responsibility for a pet, the child learns about other feelings:

  • Empathy. Periodically, pets get sick, refuse to eat, do not want to play. The child, seeing this, will learn empathy, become responsive and sensitive towards others.
  • Confidence. It is impossible to live with an animal without trusting it.
  • Friendship. When parents cannot pay attention to a child, a pet can make up for the lack of communication. The kid will feel more confident and emotionally calm, knowing that he always has a true friend - his pet.
  • Accuracy. With animals, especially with babies, you need to be treated carefully, affectionately, they are easy to harm and hurt. When the child understands this, he will become more careful in his actions.
  • Patience. It will take a lot of effort and patience to teach a dog to give a paw, and a parrot to speak at least half a word. Perhaps at first it will be difficult for the child to restrain his emotions, he will be upset and worried. But after the first success of the pet and pride in himself, it will be easier for him to be patient in the implementation of new tasks.

There may be more of these qualities, it all depends on which pet the parents decide to get for the child and what attitude they themselves show towards the new family member.

Until the animal is brought in, you need to find out everything about it

Before deciding on an animal for a child, it is important to prepare the baby himself. The essence of such preparation is simple, you just need to explain that not only joy, but also responsibilities will come to your house with a pet. Let the child understand that the animal cannot cope without the owner on its own, that one cannot give a “descent” to oneself. Ask him what will happen to the dog if it is not walked and fed? What happens to a hamster if you don't clean its cage? What will happen to the bird if you do not monitor the amount of food and water in the drinker? Let the child speak possible consequences. Let him know that you will not leave all the responsibilities on him alone, but you will not shift them onto yourself either. After you have chosen which pet to get for your child, it is recommended to read the relevant literature about these animals, you can watch a video on the Internet that will tell you about the features of care and upbringing.

Parents often complain that their child does not tell them anything, and they are the last to know about everything. And, really, to the on-duty question “How are you?”&r ...

How to choose a pet for a child

If you have already been given a kitten or a hamster, then you can’t get away, since the pet “chosen” you himself. If you have to resolve this issue on your own, then we advise you to show responsibility and get such an animal at home for a child that will suit him in all respects. First of all, you need to consider the age of the future owner of the pet, if you really take the animal for the child, and not for yourself.

  • 3-4 years.At that agethe child will not be able to fully care for the animal on their own, especially if the care is specific, so the animal for the child should be unpretentious. For example, aquarium fish, turtle, parrot or canary. Their owner will be able to feed and water such pets himself, and to help him, you can set a special alarm clock for daily notification of the need for feeding.
  • 5-6 years. IN preschool age children are already quite capable of caring, but not full care for the animals. Therefore, it is worth getting such an animal with a small child, the duties of caring for which you will share with him. He will not be able to train a dog yet, but he will surely like it play with a hamster, a rabbit or teach a parrot to sit on your hand after a flight.
  • 7-9 years and older. to the apprentice primary school it is not easy, as he is just starting to get used to the constant duties of completing lessons, attending additional sections, etc., therefore, an animal for a child can become an additional burden and burden. Even if your baby is distinguished by responsibility and commitment, it is better to wait a while with animals that require a serious approach. Fish, guinea pig, rat, hamster are among those pets that will not require from the owner heightened attention . They do not need to be taken out for a walk, but you can play with them when you have free time.
  • 10 years and above.At this age, a person is already able to feel responsible, the need to fulfill their obligations, in addition, he is already accustomed to a certain rhythm of life. Cat, dog, mini piggy- pets for children aged 10 and over.

Secondarily after age, when choosing a pet for a child it is worth considering the character traits, temperament of the future owner. Agree, it is much more pleasant to be “friends” with those animals that suit you emotionally.

So, if your baby is hyperactive, cannot sit still, then he will surely find mutual language with a Jack Russell, poodle or nimble dog decorative rat. An animal for a child of a phlegmatic type of temperament should be distinguished by a similar character. Phlegmatic people get along well with birds, fish and rodents. A pet for a melancholic is a cat. These wonderful animals are able to perfectly feel the mood of their master, who is inclined to mourn, and will not demand increased attention from him when he is not ready for it. By the way, fish have a calming and relaxing effect on a person. So, melancholic people like to watch their movement and contemplate. What kind of pet to get for a child prone to a mobile lifestyle? Dogs, hamsters, birds are great choices for a sanguine person.

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Allergy in a child? No reason to abandon the animal!

If a child is allergic to animals, then do not rush to upset your child by completely refusing to have a pet. Hairless animals can be quite safe for your family. T ok, you can give preference to a turtle or a lizard that is now popular . By the way, such animals can be quite fascinating for a child, because they are interesting to watch, they can be stroked and fed from the palm of your hand. Turtles they love water, but they don’t refuse to “run” on the floor either. Chameleon literally fascinates with its ability to disguise, so the child will be interested in playing with him and showing this exotic lizard to his friends. The inhabitants of the terrarium do not require special care, but they need cleanliness. Absolutely safe for allergy sufferers already mentioned by us fish, but such pets are not always interesting for a child, because he may want tactile contact with a pet.

If your baby really wants a cat, then in this case there is an option, since there are breeds of non-allergenic cats, for example, Burmese semi-longhair. Her fur does not contain undercoat under the main coat, namely, it is considered the allergenic "part" of the cat. Other hypoallergenic breed - bald sphinx. Such a cat is quite specific in its own way. appearance, but it may well become a favorite pet for a child. True, to purchase such an animal, parents will have to spend a considerable amount, and its maintenance is relatively expensive. Now you know what kind of animal you can have a child with allergies.

If you are not sure that the child is allergic to animals, but only assume this fact, then you should definitely take an allergen test. Sometimes the most innocuous objects and food can cause a reaction, while you think that the allergy is manifested by the long hair of your fluffy cat.

A pet is a friend for a special child

Many facts prove that communication with an animal for a child with problems of the central nervous system, cerebral palsy and other ailments has an extremely positive effect. Children become interested, begin to smile at the sight of their pets, they may improve concentration, memory, and even pronunciation. Of course, in this case the animal for the child is turned on for the purpose of "therapy", and all care for him falls on the parents. If you are thinking about what kind of pet to get for a child with health problems, then we recommend that you consider buying a retriever or Labrador. Dogs of these breeds are extremely sensual, sensitive, they are smart, love children very much and are not at all aggressive. Cats are not as patient as dogs, but sometimes sensitive friends can grow up among them. Rabbits are harmless enough and kids love them. However, such an animal is not suitable for a child with coordination problems, as young rabbits often run away from hands.

We will be glad if our article was useful for you, and you were able to decide which pet is best for a child.

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As a rule, the question of what kind of animal to have in an apartment is asked in two cases: in the first case, parents are pushed to take such a responsible step by young children who, with pleading eyes, ask to buy them a dog, cat or hamster; in the second case, lonely people who do not have enough warmth, but at the same time, they are busy enough to fully care for their "friend". This is exactly the case when you seem to want to get a smart dog, but in the end you stop at silent fish just because they do not require one hundred percent attention to themselves.

What is the best pet to have in an apartment

The small-sized area of ​​​​the apartment is also connected to the issue of choice, in which family members can barely fit. Where else to take a Labrador or german shepherd? Let's look at options for neighborhoods with households of various pets. And let's start with some of the smartest.

If there is a dog in the apartment

The dog is considered the most intelligent and loyal pet, it is not for nothing that it is called a four-legged friend. Probably this the best option for children and their parents, because dogs are very devoted to their owner, but not as idiosyncratic as cats, or not as indifferent as fish. They become attached to family members exactly as much as the owners are attached to the dog, and stories about how these smart animals travel thousands of kilometers in search of their owners who left for another city squeeze the heart. The advantages of having a dog in an apartment are obvious, so lovers of furry beauties do not even think about which animal is better to have in an apartment - they just choose a dog.

Along with the obvious advantages cohabitation dogs and people, of course, there are also disadvantages:

  • First, this daily care. Birds and fish also need to be looked after every day, but are you ready to walk the dog at least twice a day, while in the morning you need to have time to walk with her and not be late for work, and in the evening go for a walk again, when, in general, no more strength for anything.
  • Secondly, training. A dog needs a lot of time if you want something worthwhile out of it.
  • Thirdly, expensive food - are you ready to spend a certain amount per month to feed your pet?
  • Fourthly, the additional costs of finance and time for the passage of all medical preventive measures and vaccination.
  • Fifthly, additional space, because keeping animals in an apartment requires the allocation of a separate space for them.

Do not stop such difficulties? Then go ahead! Choose the right breed and bring it into the house, just keep in mind that in the first months you will often step on puddles left by the puppy without malicious intent.

Wooden dog house

If there is a cat in the apartment

Someone loves dogs more, and someone loves cats, and the latter argue that it is difficult to find a more affectionate animal. She will rub against her leg and purr, and some doctors even single out cat therapy (which is scientifically called feline therapy) as a very important component of normalization mental health person. With its rumbling and caress, a cat helps with depression, treats neuroses and heart disorders.

Cat on the door, photo

In care, this animal is less whimsical than a dog. A cat can go out on its own, the main thing is to open it in time front door. And if you teach a cat to go to the tray, then the need for street walks generally disappears.

These were the pros of keeping a cat in an apartment, and now let's talk about the cons. The first drawback is the smell. But you can put up with it. Make sure that the tray is always clean, if the waste products of the animal do not accumulate there, then there will be no smell. For extra cleanliness, use special cat potty fillers, they absorb liquid and do not allow odors to spread around the apartment. If a cat lives in the house and the smell is not associated with a dirty tray, but with the fact that he is marking the territory, then castration of the animal will be the best way out.

Another disadvantage is that the feline can cause irreparable damage to your repairs and furniture. We are talking about the sharp claws of a cat and her constant desire to sharpen them. Carpets and rugs are used, and. However, if you teach a cat to clean its claws on a special device that is sold in any pet store, then your upholstered furniture is more likely to remain in its original form.

In addition, get ready for the fact that wool will be everywhere, especially in places where cats like to sleep, and long-haired breeds will also need to be combed regularly so that the wool does not tangle. Cats can choose to sleep anywhere in the house, they are especially interested in wardrobe and shelves with clothes, but with the same success they settle in special ones or sleep on soft fabric loungers.

What animal to get in the apartment

The next disadvantages are no longer so significant - these are additional costs for vaccinations and special food, collars or flea and tick sprays (by the way, fleas live even in the fur of cats that do not go out at all). And at first you will need to potty train the kitten and keep him away from the curtains - they really like to ride curtains and tulle.

Or maybe rodents?

Hamster, rats, laboratory mice and Guinea pigs- pretty funny animals, but not for everybody. It is interesting to watch them how they take food with their front paws, how they stuff their cheeks, how they run with businesslike by apartment. They often make stocks of provisions in the most unexpected places, and, of course, they gnaw at everything, justifying their true name. Such small animals often appear in homes where children live, but here we must warn that rats, hamsters and guinea pigs can bite, and, of course, parents of a small child will not like this.

In addition, the cage where these cute creatures live needs to be regularly looked after and cleaned. Many people ask how to get rid of the smell of an animal in an apartment, we answer - you just need to remove their waste products in time, clean the cage, if we are talking about rodents and birds, and to wash the tray, if we are talking about cats. The disadvantages of the neighborhood of rodents in the apartment include a short period of their life, they live several times less than cats and dogs.

Birds in the apartment

An interesting option for those who do not care tactile contact with an animal. Of course, you can pet a bird, but you can’t press it to your chest like a cat, and you can’t rub it by the ear like a dog. Most often, parrots and canaries are brought into apartments, their care is minimal - all you need to do is monitor the availability of food, water and regularly clean the cage (at least twice a week). Yes, and parrots and canaries live for a relatively long time - 15-20 years, delighting the owners with a gentle trill and even human speech.

Of the minuses, it can be noted that the birds wake up early and can wake up the household with their singing. But we also solve this issue - you just need to cover the cage with a dense cloth.

Fish and turtles in the apartment

Watching the movement of fish in an aquarium is quite interesting activity. Undersea world always calmed and relaxed a person, and if he is still in the apartment, then in general the benefit is double. But, from experience, we can say that children quickly lose interest in fish and turtles - you can only watch them, you can’t press them to your chest ...

It happens that the owners begin an allergy with the appearance of fish in the apartment. If you are allergic to dry fish food, you can always buy live or flake food. This is what concerns the fish, and land turtle generally a vegetarian, give her dandelion leaves, plantain, lettuce, cabbage, and she also willingly eats chopped vegetables.

First of all, you need to decide what you expect from your pet. If you need a companion for walking or jogging, then your choice is an active breed dog. Many consider a dog to be an ideal pet, a faithful companion of its owner. But the temperament of the dog and its inclinations are largely determined by the breed. For some, a cheerful and active Labrador is suitable, while for others, a tame Yorkshire terrier is more to their liking. So before buying a puppy, be sure to study the information about the breed and the requirements for keeping.

If you are not ready to walk the animal twice a day, actively play with it on fresh air and pay maximum attention at home, it is better to have a cat. She will wait for you from work and happily meet you at the doorstep. However, cats do not require as much attention to their person as dogs. It is enough for them to receive their portion of affection and food from the owner, and for most of the day she can calmly doze on the couch.

The cat does not need walks, she can live quite happily without leaving the apartment at all, if she is accustomed to a tray and a scratching post.

Cats also have different temperament depending on the breed. Some are calm and phlegmatic, such as Persians and Exotics. Others are more active and sociable, such as Siberian, Maine Coons.

The breed of a cat must be selected taking into account its character, so that the pet does not annoy, but matches your character.

Rodents and birds.

This category of pets requires very little attention, they are quite self-sufficient. Although if you buy one parrot, you will have to communicate with him a lot, since they are flocking birds and they need an active company.

Aquarium fish.

These are the most calm and silent pets. An aquarium is more of an interior decoration and a means of relaxation than entertainment. Nevertheless, caring for fish is a rather responsible matter. When choosing fish, it is worth considering their adult size and compatibility. Otherwise, it may turn out that they will die due to crowding in the aquarium or eat each other.

The fish are also very sensitive to the purity of the water and the quality of the food, so leave them alone. for a long time self-service will not work.

In general, when choosing which pet is better to have in an apartment, you need to consider the following points:

the size of the living space;

The amount of free time

the cost of maintenance and care;

Do you agree in temperament?

Do you have someone to leave your pet at the time of departure.

If you approach the choice of a pet thoughtfully and without haste, you will minimize possible troubles, and your life will be enriched by communication with a new four-legged (winged, tailed) friend.

In our article, we want to talk about how to choose a pet and whether it is worth getting one at all. Of course, every child dreams of him. But for parents, this is certainly a problem, because they understand that all responsibility will fall on them. It is hardly worth believing children's promises that the baby himself will follow and care for the cat or dog, at least at first.

Pet: to take or not to take?

Before you take an animal home, you need to understand that it will require your attention and warmth. You need to decide who you or your child would like.

Some like dogs, others like cats, and still others like rodents or birds. In addition to sympathies, when choosing a living creature, it is important to study the nuances of caring for him and his habits.

Think about whether your pet will be a burden to you, whether you can provide him with decent care. It is very bad if you take an animal for yourself, and then, disappointed, want to get rid of it.

You can't do that. Any creature gets used to its masters. Believe me, for your attention and love, it will also answer you with affection and affection.

The best pet is a dog

First, decide what you need a four-legged friend for. What kind of dog are you looking for? After all, different breeds different tempers. If you want to send your love and care to her, then you need a pet with a cheerful mischievous character. If you need a security guard, then this is a completely different matter. Then you better take a large dog of some service breed. You will not be able to collect all the traits in one animal, therefore, carefully approach the choice of breed. First of all, you need to be guided by whether you can give decent care and education to the ward. For example, service dog need to train. And for this you will need to spend a lot of time or hire a dog handler. Are you ready for this? If yes, feel free

Nuances to keep in mind

Remember that a large dog will occupy some part of your apartment. And if you already have little space, this can be a problem. Yes, and in feeding a big difference between keeping a small lap dog or big sheepdog. You understand that a dog of solid size needs to be cooked separately. He will not be able to eat leftovers from your table.

Smaller dogs are a little easier. They eat less, and they don't need much space. And with education it is easier. For example, the antics of the Pekingese can be treated with concessions. But a shepherd dog definitely cannot be allowed much. However, small dogs require a lot of attention to their person, moreover, they are very jealous.

Having chosen a dog as a pet, remember that you will have to radically reconsider your life, maybe even change something in the apartment. Remember that you will have to take your child outside for a walk at least twice a day in any weather. But you get real true friend who will always be waiting for you at home and rejoice at your arrival.

There is one more important point. The life of pets will bring you a lot of joy, but it will also bring some inconvenience. This is especially true for your possible departures. For example, you want to go on vacation, or your work involves frequent business trips, and you have a four-legged friend. Here you need to foresee who will be able to look after him during your absence. It is unlikely that you will be able to take your pet with you. Not to mention the fact that I miss you, because there is no more devoted friend than her.


If your dream is a pet cat, then you most likely expect to receive warmth and affection from her after a hard day's work. Don't be so naive. Many breeds have, frankly, not at all an angelic and unkind character, but rather, on the contrary, aggressive. Therefore, do not chase thoroughbred specimens. Do not think that external beauty is an indicator inner peace animal. Not at all.

Before making your choice, carefully study the behavior of different breeds. And then decide for yourself what you want.

Pros and cons of keeping pet cats

Remember that, whatever the breed, you will have to face such a problem as an abundance of wool in the apartment. And this means that you either have to clean up more often, or simply ignore it.

There is another unpleasant moment in the behavior of cats. They can intensively mark the territory of your house or apartment, thus expressing their dissatisfaction. Sometimes this becomes a serious problem. But it also depends on the nature of the particular animal. Everything is like people. One person is good, and the other is harmful or evil.

Cats have one wonderful trait. They are able to relieve stress well and quickly calm the owners, normalizing blood pressure.

The cat is a good house pet in terms of walks. Unlike dogs, she doesn't really need them. Very often, the owners do not let their pets go outside at all, turning them into purely domestic creatures.

When choosing an animal, keep in mind that purebred cats are quite capricious in food and are more prone to various kinds of diseases, which means that you will have to spend money on veterinarian services.


A pet is not necessarily a cat or a dog. The choice is wider. You can, for example, get a bird: a parrot or a canary.

If you are ready to spend a lot of time on your pet and listen to their wonderful singing, then you need a bird. Winged ones are good because they do not need to be walked, and food for them is inexpensive.

However, be prepared for such an inconvenience as feathers flying around the room. Cleaning will need to be done much more often, especially during the molting period of the bird. But you will always enjoy wonderful singing.

As a rule, cells are not very good for them. large sizes, and therefore the feathered friend will need to be given the opportunity to fly around the apartment so that he stretches his wings. Here you need to be prepared for the fact that the bird can slightly spoil the wallpaper or furniture. Despite their small size, such pets have a strong beak that can tear even the carpet.

Domestic rodents

Now pet stores offer a huge selection of domestic rodents - these are rats, rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, chinchillas. As a rule, they are unpretentious in care and often multiply. Children love them because of their small size.

In general, rodents have a lot of advantages. But the disadvantages include peculiar smell, which appears with not very careful care. However, if you use special fillers for cages, which are now a huge selection in stores, you will be able to cope with this problem.

And most big disadvantage is the short life span of such a pet. Hamsters, as a rule, rarely live beyond two years. And the loss of a little friend is fraught negative impact on the mind of your child. This point must be taken into account.

Rodents are not treatable. They are small and disease affects them very quickly.

Rodent habits

There is a lot of information about pets. It is better for future owners to study their habits so that there is no later unexpected surprises. For example, most rodents are night image life. For them, this is the norm. So don't be surprised if you hear the rumble of a wheel in his cage in the middle of the night. This indicates that your hamster has gone for a walk. During the day, they are usually inactive and dormant, but at night vigorous activity begins.

Rodents will not resist at all if the child starts playing with him, and sometimes even squeezing. As a rule, they are peaceful. Yes, and with a cage, you may well travel or give it to relatives at the time of departure.

Such a pet is easier to attach for a while than a dog or cat, because they are easier to care for. In general, hamsters are very funny, it will be interesting for a child to watch and play with them. Such an animal will never harm the baby.

exotic pets

Pets, well known to us since childhood. However, in Lately it has become fashionable to have exotic animals: spiders, snakes, crocodiles, insects, snails, etc. Let's start with the fact that this is extremely dangerous. It is not clear what people are generally guided by, making a choice in favor of exotics.

Certainly not a desire to receive love and attention, rather, somehow show off in front of friends.

Remember those possible risks, to which you expose not only yourself, but also your family members, acquiring an exotic. Learn as much as you can about this topic. Such representatives of the animal world can become carriers of all kinds of infections.

Instead of an afterword

A good pet is first of all safe. This must be remembered if you decide to have it for a child. After all, communication with him should bring only joy and positive emotions to the youngest family member, and at the same time gradually accustom him to the fact that animals need to be looked after.

This will develop in the baby a sense of responsibility for the ward creature. Such skills will be very useful to him in later life.