Nicknames for dogs of German Shepherd boys. What is the best name for a German Shepherd boy?

Even with mongrels, sometimes the owners have problems when, at a general council, the household cannot agree on a single decision, naming the future guard of the family nest. It is even more difficult with a thoroughbred noble animal, everyone wants to give him the most beautiful and original name, to the envy of his neighbors. Indeed, the nickname for a girl should be well-aimed and meaningful, consistent with her appearance and character. We will give you some tips and general rules for choosing a name for a puppy that will lead you to the right decision.

What qualities of a shepherd dog should be considered when choosing a name?

Let's remember why this excellent breed was bred. The homeland of the ancestors of these dogs is the central and southern regions of Germany. At first they were used to protect free-range herds from predators. But industrialization led to a reduction in livestock and gradually animals, which turned out to be loyal and obedient pets, began to be involved in security activities, in the police and in the army. Therefore, "militant" nicknames are quite suitable for both dogs and representatives of the female half of this breed.

Here are some good examples of a German Shepherd girl using names that have come down to us from mythology:

  • Athena;
  • Camilla (maiden-Amazon);
  • Calypso;
  • Leda (wife of the king of the Spartans);
  • Medea;
  • Macarius (for the ancient Greeks, this woman was considered a symbol of devotion);
  • Nike (glorious goddess of victory);
  • Nymph;
  • Rhea (gave birth to Zeus);
  • Roma;
  • Faun (patron of the fields);
  • Themis (an excellent choice for a police dog);
  • Aegis;
  • Etna;
  • Juno.

If you didn’t work out with Greek myths, then you can find something simple, but at the same time beautiful and quite noble.

Choosing modern dog nicknames for shepherd girls:

When deciding how to name your favorite German Shepherd girl, you can take into account her Germanic origin, less often using Caucasian or Asian names. For example, Brunnhilda or Gerda will suit our beauty more than Zaura, Chara, Irma or Adjara. Some take place names of regions of the country or interesting names of German cities as nicknames. It turns out something in the style of Saxony, Bavaria, Westphalia, Fulda, Gotha, Altena, Elbe, Marne. However, each owner has the right to use any name he likes, especially since this breed is widely distributed in the world. Therefore, the last decision will be for the owner of a young German Shepherd.

The experience of animal domestication for mankind began many millennia ago with the appearance of the ancestors of the modern dog near the tribal fires: jackals, wolves, wild dogs, foxes. Pack animals with a clearly demarcated hierarchy proved to be useful neighbors for ancient man.

Whose ingenious mind first came up with the idea to bring a tiny puppy into the cave, who still does not understand where friends are, where are enemies? It is clear that the hunter who committed such an extraordinary act was full and complacent, since he not only did not eat his squeaking prey, but also allocated a piece of meat or a bone for it. And what did he expect from the baby? Perhaps he had seen how a pack of wolves drove their prey and wanted to raise an assistant for hunting? Or a vigilant watchman vigilantly guarding a human settlement? Or just a soft toy for kids?

Hunting and guarding the home became the first "professions" of the dog in its centuries-old partnership with humans. Many generations passed before humanity moved from hunting and gathering to farming and cattle breeding. And it was here that the potential of the dog was revealed to the fullest extent - an indispensable assistant in the difficult shepherd's work.

Sheepdogs - commonality and diversity

Speaking about the nicknames of shepherd dogs, you need to remember: shepherd dogs are one of the largest breed groups. All these breeds originated as shepherds. At the same time, the area of ​​human settlement covers such diverse natural areas that the appearance of representatives of the shepherd tribe, formed in different conditions, is radically different. This group of breeds includes prim and strict German Shepherds, and South Russian Shepherds resembling a huge lap dog, and bear-like Caucasian wolfhounds, and miniature nimble Shelties ...

The commonality of character traits for most representatives of this breed group is determined by the unity of the tasks set during the selection. In general, for most herding breeds, independence in behavior is typical, the ability to assess the situation without waiting for the owner's order. In fact, while you are waiting for the command, the flock will scatter, or the wolves will have a delicious dinner ... Therefore, in the ratings of dog intelligence, most shepherd dogs are included in the second half of the list. This is especially true of ancient rocks that have retained their original purpose. At the same time, there are at least three shepherd dogs in the top ten most intelligent dogs: Sheltie, German Shepherd and Border Collie. These are the shepherds...

What factors influenced the formation of the character and appearance of shepherd dogs? First of all, strength and courage, because the main task of a shepherd dog is to protect the herd from predatory animals. Hence the large size. The only exception is, perhaps, only Sheltie - Shetland Sheepdogs. Well, there were no large predators on the Shetland Islands, and the four-legged assistant was required not to let the herd disperse and to give the owner a signal of disorder in time. Hence the Sheltie's appearance, which is somewhat atypical for shepherd dogs. However, their courage is quite typical, and does not depend on growth at all.

Another factor common to most shepherd dogs is the need to withstand fairly harsh weather conditions. All year round, in any weather, thousands of herds of sheep are on the pasture, and next to them are their faithful guards - shepherd dogs. Apparently, therefore, almost all representatives of this breed group can boast of a luxurious fur coat. By the way, thick long hair protects not only from the weather, but also from the sharp teeth of predators.

A very peculiar behavioral feature of many shepherd dogs is the tendency to “gather together” a wandering herd. It is interesting to observe the behavior of a collie on a country walk in a large company: as soon as the people go about their business, the dog starts running around barking, trying to gather everyone together. Moreover, she was born and raised in an apartment and saw sheep, at best, from a car window. But age-old instincts are in the blood, nowhere from them!

What's your name, dog?

Let's go back from the breed as a whole to the sheepdog you brought home. Or they haven’t brought it yet, but have already chosen, met and now carefully prepare for his appearance in a new home.

The choice of a nickname for a shepherd dog, a boy of a serious breed, must be taken seriously. Many dog ​​breeders believe that the name as a program sets the future fate of the animal. We will not once again cite the well-known phrase about the direct relationship between the name of a small passenger watercraft and its navigable qualities, but it has long been noticed - if you call a dog a Coward, you will get a coward; call Eagle- and ... No, under the heavens, proudly spreading its wings, it will not take off, perhaps ... But it will carry eagle courage and pride through life with dignity!

Coming up with nicknames for shepherd boys is very simple - and very difficult. On the one hand, a huge number of books and films about heroic dogs - service-search, frontier, simply living next to a person and at the same time regularly saving him from a thousand misfortunes, can serve as an inexhaustible source of ideas. On the other hand, after the release of such a film, the choice of a nickname for German Shepherd puppies is not worth it at all: the fantasy of most owners seems to stall and dozens of Rex or Mukhtar go out to the training grounds and exhibition courts.

How to get rid of an obsessive stereotype and come up with something original and at the same time reflecting the essence of a four-legged friend and protector? How to name a boy, a shepherd puppy, to fully reflect all your love and admiration for these magnificent representatives of the dog tribe?

Nicknames of German shepherds, males, which are planned to be used in service and search work, in protection, as well as in other areas where complete instant understanding between the owner and the dog is necessary, should be short, clear, well perceived by ear. The consonance of nicknames with traditional commands is not allowed.

For example, the nickname Funtik is not only absolutely inappropriate for a service dog in meaning, but can also be a cause of misunderstanding due to consonance with the traditional forbidding command “Fu!”. Before you stop at any name, say it out loud several times, with different intonation.

Another traditional direction when choosing the nicknames of shepherd boys is to emphasize aristocracy. Prince , Graph , duke , marquis , Viscount , Herr , Caesar yes the same Rex emphasize the dignity of your pet.

History with geography

Connoisseurs of history are generally in a winning position: take the names of any famous commanders or rulers of past centuries and turn them into dog names, for example, the name of the famous Roman emperor Gaius Julius Caesar can be divided immediately into three-shepherd boys. The only limitation: it is not customary to use shepherd dogs as a nickname for dogs, as well as for any other breed, human names common in your region.

Calling the dog Horace is a pleasure, but Alexander (even if the great Alexander of Macedon is meant) - no, no! And then all of a sudden all the surrounding Sasha will be offended ... Here is the cat Vaska - this is normal, the boar Borka is also, and the dog with a human name is taboo! I'm not trying to explain it, just accept it as a fact. Not accepted.

It is also not customary to call dogs names of cities. Moreover, other geographical names may well be used as a nickname for a boy's shepherd dog. In particular, such nicknames are often used for shepherd dogs of "exotic" breeds. So sonorous words taken from a map of the Caucasus Mountains are perfect as a nickname for Caucasian Shepherd Dogs: Kazbek , Elbrus , Araks. Or Dniester , Don , Yenisei , Ural- as a nickname for the East European Shepherd Dog. In general, for regional breeds, any sufficiently sonorous word with a local flavor can become a nickname. So, when choosing a nickname for the same Caucasian or Central Asian shepherd dogs, boys are often called the titles of eastern rulers: Sultan , Emir , Khan , bai. Or not so honorable, but no less sonorous words with local flavor: Abrek , Simoom , Dushman , Ali Baba , Batyr

What, a dog is not a person?

How to name a boy's shepherd dog if you think that your dog is quite worthy of a human name? You can offer a very simple way out: use foreign names. Diverse Jackie , Jims and others Grahams will provide you with the widest field for choosing a nickname for a German shepherd. Here the use of foreign names, as well as foreign words, is consecrated by tradition.

You can also play with the color of your pet. Gray(grey), Black(black) or Brown(brown) - and a sonorous and not entirely clear nickname for a shepherd dog, a male of the corresponding color, is ready. Maybe not appropriate, you think, someone will laugh ...

By the way, in general, when using as a nickname for dogs, any, not only shepherd dogs, foreign words, as well as just consonances you like, first check if this set of sounds means something not entirely censorship, or just something that you would not want to hear either in your address or in your dog's address. It is clear that you will not be able to track all the languages ​​​​of the world, but it is quite possible to check if there are matches in English or German.

What else can you call a puppy, a German Shepherd boy? Quite often, associations from the kingdom of nature are used as nicknames for German Shepherd dogs. Proud as an eagle, swift as a golden eagle, agile and strong as a leopard - and now your pupil becomes Barsom , golden eagle , tiger and so on. And let's remember the formidable phenomena of nature: Typhoon , Buran , Hurricane. With such a nickname, your puppy will certainly grow up powerful and invincible.

Welcoming His Highness...

The conundrum of inventing a nickname for a pet is nothing compared to the problems of breeders or dog owners who are forced to come up with nicknames for pedigreed puppies in accordance with many traditions. How to name a puppy, a German Shepherd boy, if there are up to six or eight of these boys in a litter? And at the same time, do not violate many written and unwritten rules.

  • Rule one: if the puppy is received in a kennel, then the name of the kennel (or its “visiting card”) must be included in the official nickname.
  • Rule two: it is customary to start the names of all puppies of the same litter with the same letter. This letter is assigned by the club during the litter registration, for kennels it is determined by the kennel itself.
  • Rule three: it is customary to include pieces of the names of the father and mother of the puppies in the official nickname. This is not mandatory, but something like good manners.

Well, the puppy's own nickname.

The resulting multi-storey structure fits into the puppy's official document - the puppy card. This name will accompany the dog at all official events: exhibitions, competitions, it will be inscribed in the pedigree of the dog itself and in the pedigrees of his descendants up to the fourth generation. No one forces you to use an official nickname in everyday life, but you can build on it when inventing a nickname for a German, Caucasian, Scottish or East European Shepherd Dog, an adorable four-legged boy who entered your home.

Reference books are everything

You can do it easier. Log in to the Internet (or go to the library), find the “Directory of dog names”, and for a long time and with pleasure go through thousands of nicknames for dogs, trying each of them on your puppy, and at some point you suddenly realize that the question of how to name your dog, your boy, a shepherd dog of any conceivable breed, is no longer worth it. Of all the variety of nicknames, one will stick to the baby - the one that will become the name for your pet for life.

- one of the most ancient and now known breeds.

This animal is perfect, but any child dreamed of her at least once.

Not a single border guard or law enforcement officer can be imagined without a German Shepherd.

Long years of evolution did not affect her in any way - she is still brave, courageous and devoted.

The dog name reflects the main features of the character of the animal.

If you want the dog to perform an excellent security service, then you should not call him Donut or Baby. The same is true for female dogs.


You need to choose names so that they emphasize the most important and distinctive features, and not reveal negative and undesirable ones.

How does it affect character?

With a nickname, you show how much your pet is different from the rest, how much better and what features it has. It is impossible to explain such an influence, it acts as if on a mental level, because there is a saying for good reason: "Whatever you call a ship, so it will sail".

The nickname is a hint about what character, intelligence, temperament the animal has. Therefore, German Shepherds, as guards and protectors, do not have a Pretzel or Sweetie. On the contrary, such names as Berkut, Apollo, Hector, etc. are most often found.

If you are not satisfied with the official name, there is always a separate column in the documents where you can write down the nickname.

It is the breeders who choose the name according to the pedigree, but the usual nickname, if the official name seems too pretentious, the owner writes. Basically, as I noticed, there are very few people who would give nicknames to "Germans" out of their heads. Many approach this very responsibly, realizing that their own animal will always be associated with this name. I believe that this is correct. A dog's name is no less important to me than choosing a name for a child. With this nickname you will decide the whole fate of the pet.

How to choose?

If you still decide to choose a nickname, abandoning the name in the documents, you will have to follow some rules to make life easier for yourself and your German shepherd:

  • choose a simple and not very long nickname. It is desirable if it is a monosyllabic name. The long name is inconvenient to use. While you call the dog to forbid something, she will have time to misbehave. You can give a long nickname, but during education and call it a simplified version;
  • when choosing a new nickname, consider the dog, her and the breed. Try to make sure that the nickname is combined with these indicators. A red dog named Snowball will cause dissonance in many;
  • do not name your pet after your previous dog. For some, this may cause confusion, but for you, memories. A dog is a new stage in life, no need to associate it with the past;
  • do not pick up human names, otherwise every second passerby on the street will respond to the name "Vasya" or "Seryozha";
  • avoid funny nicknames. It's only fun at first, and then you get bored of everyone laughing when you hear your pet's name. And the dog itself will not understand such a reaction of others.

What to name the boy?

There are many methods for choosing a name. They depend on the color of the dog, his character traits, maybe even on the occasion or situation that contributed to the appearance of the puppy in the house. In any case, it's up to you to decide.

If a German Shepherd is bred to work in law enforcement, then they are often given the names Sheriff, Jace, Buyan, Nestor, Rojack. These are names that would emphasize the status of the dog.

Depending on the color of the boys, you can name:

  • black();
  • white or white();
  • Gray (gray);
  • Dark (dark);
  • Red (red).

If the dog will work in security companies in the future, the name Storm, Tamerlane, Chompy, Cher or Tsar will suit her.

If you want the dog to be kind and friendly, the name Bim, Buddy, Doby, Kai will suit him. But, when you like warlike dogs, then the pet can be called Imperial, Shuttlecock, Wolf, Napoleon, Samson.

Many dog ​​owners are interested in the specific meanings of the nicknames they give to pets. The name Harold reflects the boy's pride and courage, his self-confidence. A dog named Jul will be calm, and Icarus will be a good watchdog. Quint will make the dog more calm and kind, and Morgan means "loving people."

Here are a few other examples:

  • Zucker - "sugar", are the owners of a soft character;
  • Leo - "brave";
  • Otto - "rich and wealthy";
  • Karl - "free";
  • Falk hawk is one of the most unique names for the German Shepherd.

If you decide to name your cable based on its nature, then names are suitable for active dogs:

  • Buran;
  • Bard;
  • Alakai;
  • Bugs;
  • spinning top;
  • Thunder;
  • Jax;
  • Solt;
  • Cliff,;
  • Loyd;
  • Mitch;
  • North.

A kind and responsive dog can be called:

  • Packs;
  • Remmy;
  • Rooney;
  • Spikes;
  • Tito;
  • Terry;
  • Urry;
  • Felix;
  • Freddie;
  • Harty;
  • Xavi;
  • Charlie.

If you want the dog to have a funny nickname, then the names will suit her:

  • Jam;
  • Baton;
  • Obi-Wan;
  • Frodo;
  • Simba;
  • Rogue;
  • Gin;
  • Shastik;
  • Shrek.

To give the dog more charm, you can choose an elevated nickname:

  • Centurion;
  • Sherlock;
  • Shakespeare;
  • Everest;
  • Jupiter;
  • Sirius;
  • Raphael;
  • Raymond;
  • Maximus;
  • Leonardo.

For serious and service males, nicknames are suitable:

  • Laid;
  • Eli;
  • Zeus;
  • Wulf;
  • Hermes;
  • Weiss;
  • Jack;
  • Baron;
  • Leopard.

The names of any kings or rulers also leave an imprint on the character of the dog.

How to name a girl?

Girls are mostly called affectionately, emphasizing their gender, as well as the gracefulness and character of the lady.

Despite this, girls also perform the so-called “man's work”. Such dogs are called Alpha, Ice, Vega, Jess, Lucky.

Depending on the color, the nicknames are slightly modified, they may sound like this:

  • Blackley or Blacksey (if we call a black dog);
  • White or leave White (for white);
  • Grace (for gray);
  • Darks;
  • Reddy or leave Red (for a redhead).

The gentle nature of the dog is emphasized by the names of Lottie, Kathy, Daisy, Vivian, Rachel. If the puppy likes to fool around and play, he can be called Puma, Naida, Indigo, Thunderstorm, Evra.

Names with meaning are popular for girls. So, Aza means nervous and restless, Alva is the exact opposite of Aza. Betty is called a pet, if they want her to be kind to children, the name Gloria will give the dog playfulness - dogs with this name are smart and cheerful. Lucias are assiduous and easy to train, and if the girl is called Regina, then she will become a real pride of the owner.

Other examples:

  • Bridget - the owner of a strong character;
  • Elsa - "noble";
  • Emma - "comprehensive";
  • Heidi - "noble and kind";
  • Crystal means "beloved".

Active girls are usually referred to as:

  • Aisi;
  • Aina;
  • Byra;
  • Wajda;
  • Gera;
  • Gita;
  • Dina;
  • Irma;
  • Lola.

To emphasize kindness and friendliness, the female can be called:

  • Mila;
  • Meili;
  • Macy;
  • Nikki;
  • Ollie;
  • Patty;
  • Polly;
  • Rosie;
  • Stacy.

For cheerful and playful girls, names are suitable:

  • smiley;
  • Tinky;
  • Fiona;
  • Fifi;
  • Frutti;
  • Shasta;
  • Choco.

You can give the dog aristocracy with the help of nicknames:

  • Chanel;
  • Eleanor;
  • Juno;
  • Yanina;
  • Rachel;
  • Ronda;
  • Rafaela;
  • Patricia;
  • Ophelia;
  • Adelia.

For girls serving or guarding, nicknames will be suitable:

  • Naida;
  • Nike;
  • Ista;
  • Jessica;
  • Gerda;
  • Greta;
  • Vita;
  • Bagheera;
  • Bella.

How not to name a pet?

Don't call your dog too long or too funny a name. This will make it difficult for you to communicate with her. Also, the name of the dog should not offend any of the people or passers-by. No need to call a pet a swear word.

Also, too common names will not work, otherwise half the dog playground will respond to him. As said, human names will not work. Do not call the dog a nickname consonant with the team.

The name should be rare, but short and concise. The dog should have no doubt that you are calling it.

The East European Shepherd Dog (VEO) is a breed of dog bred in the former Soviet Union. Closely related to German, it differs from it in many ways. Among service dogs, VEO is considered one of the best in the world.

They value her for her mind, devotion, obedience. The Eastern Shepherd Dog has its own standards and characteristics. Consider how it appeared, what distinguishes it from German.

History of the breed

The emergence is associated with the difficult time of Stalin's repressions. In the 30s of the last century, the state nursery was engaged in the creation of a new service breed.

Due to poor funding, the well-known German Shepherd was taken as the basis. It had to be adapted to the harsh conditions of the North, the hot climate of Central Asia.

Political prisoners were taken to Siberia in columns, discontent grew, hunger raised the people to revolt, the army and police needed four-legged helpers. Dogs guarded camps, prisons, dispersed food riots.

They helped at the border. Soviet cynologists wanted to surpass the German Shepherd in all respects. She was trained in search work, the role of a guide. Selection has led to the fact that the dog has become larger, more resistant to weather conditions.

But the war stopped the cynological work. After its completion, German Shepherds appeared again, the difference between them became clear. Orientals are tall, powerful animals with a more upright posture.

In battles, they saved the lives of our soldiers, blew up German tanks. Legends were made about their heroism, dogs were called patriots. The former war hero G. Medvedev became the head of the cynological association.

Thanks to him, the East European Shepherd Dog was recognized in our country, breeding began. In addition to external differences, the dog has become versatile and hardy. Used in different climates.

In the 70s, a standard was developed; it was considered a subspecies of the German version. They served on the border, conducted search work. With the collapse of the USSR, the kennels closed, the dog began to be associated with repressions and the Gulag, breeding ceased.

Only thanks to enthusiasts they were bred. In 1999, a genealogy appeared, work continues to improve the unique service qualities.

Description of the breed

It looks like a German Shepherd. Modern - a large working dog, which is used for various purposes. It depends on the direction of the nursery, what qualities they develop.

Dogs carry border, military service. They work as rescuers on the water, get people out from under the rubble. Protect territories. Participate in various sports - agility, weight pulling, canicross.

The dog has a strong physique, increased length of the body (10-17 cm exceeding the height at the withers). Muscles stand out clearly. Height - 66-76 cm, females - 62-72 cm. Male weight 35-60 kg, females - 30-50 kg.

Big ones are preferred. Puppies of both breeds cannot be distinguished. Adults should have this standard:

  • The head is proportional to the body, large size, wedge-shaped.
  • The forehead is round, smoothly passing into the muzzle, on which there is a slightly noticeable indentation. Their length is almost equal.
  • Lips of medium size, with black pigmentation. The teeth are large, even, 42 in total. Scissor bite.
  • The nose has the shape of a rectangle with large nostrils, slightly protruding forward, black.
  • The eyes are slanted, the corner is raised up. The eyelids cover the protein. The iris is dark, the look is smart, confident.
  • The ears are triangular, small in size, erect, high-set.
  • The neck is strong and muscular, turning into a pronounced withers with an elongated back. In the thigh area, the body is rounded, has a saber-shaped tail.
  • The forelimbs are at an angle, the hind legs are straight with well-developed joints.
  • The coat is hard with a thick undercoat, of medium size. As a variety, there is a long-haired breed.
  • Dogs of black color, black-backed, dark mask on the muzzle.
  • Average life expectancy is 12-15 years.


The main feature of the breed is orientation to the owner, devotion, the desire to follow orders, to protect him at the cost of his life. Her temper is restrained and flexible, but education is necessary.

Smart animals can be in the family, acting as a companion, guarding the territory. Alert with strangers, but without aggression. She has a lightning-fast reaction to danger, always acts as the situation requires.

Well trained. Does not show its superiority, readily obeys the owner. The dog will not attack those who are smaller, if he grew up with other animals as a puppy, he will patronize and protect them.

The instinct of the guard is well developed. At the slightest suspicion of danger, he takes a fighting stance, ready to attack. Get along with children, play with pleasure, never harm. The main thing is to have the right upbringing.


The process must begin at an early age. The puppy should get used to and understand you. The first time should be given to classes for 15-20 minutes, preferably twice a day.

Training should be put on encouragement. For a correctly completed task, give a treat to the puppy. Later the dog will do it automatically.

After three months of age - teams in the street, where there are distractions. From 6 months - implicitly follow all instructions.

If the dog has passed the basic training course, it is considered well-mannered. Able to take different obstacles, not to react to extraneous sounds. Special training is required for use in the service.

This breed can live in an apartment and on the street. In an aviary, it is preferable for them. Not everyone can adapt to housing conditions.

Indoors, wool will be a problem. The molt passes almost constantly. You have to brush daily. It is recommended to bathe the dog in spring and autumn with special shampoos.

Walking with physical activity should be a regular activity. Thick wool protects them from the cold. If the pet lives on the street, he needs a spacious, insulated booth with soft bedding.

In an apartment, on the contrary, it is necessary to allocate a place away from heaters, in coolness. Shepherd teeth should be white and strong.

They can be cleaned with special pastes, allowed to gnaw carrots, apples, cartilage and veins. Ears and eyes do not require special care. It is enough to clean as it gets dirty.

Shepherd dog nutrition

Doesn't present any difficulty. If it is dry food, then it is suitable for large ones. Give according to the instructions. Provide your pet with free access to water.

Natural food should be well balanced. The main percentage in the diet consists of meat products.

  • Offal is slightly boiled. In winter, when kept outside, they are added to porridge.
  • It is useful to give sea fish raw. River is strictly prohibited, you can infect with helminths.
  • Give milk to puppies up to 3 months. Later, only fermented milk products (kefir and cottage cheese).
  • Useful vegetables and fruits.
  • In winter, mineral and vitamin complexes.


The International Association considers the VEO a variety of German, does not recognize it as a separate one.

They differ from each other:

  • The main thing is the size. German (smaller, not as powerful).
  • Worse developed chest, greater inclination of the back, lower landing.
  • In wool coloring.
  • Temperament. Germans are more playful and active.
  • VEO is used for service, in rescue operations. German - as a companion.


Subject to volvulus. This happens with activity and a full stomach. It is not recommended to feed the animal before physical activity. Another common disease is joint problems.

Mistakes in breeding and other pathologies:

  • Rickets at an early age, due to a lack of vitamins and minerals, leads to irreversible curvature of the joints.
  • Dysplasia appears with age. Treatment is not subject. You need surgery.
  • Frequent injuries of tendons, ligaments.
  • Enteritis and distemper in the early period are very dangerous. Until full vaccination, contact with other animals is prohibited.


For boys: Don, Arax, Prince, Count, Caesar, Marquis, Gray, Black, Leopard, Typhoon, Agate, Kim, Zeus, Pirate, Ural, Baikal, Danko, Max, Opal, Sting, Yakhont.

Nicknames for girls: Taiga, Selena, Palmyra, Agatha, Wasabi, Atlanta, Tara, Agra, Bagheera, Bona, Vesta, Deya, Ritsa, Sandra, China, Sherra, Angara, Skoda, Yucca, Yashma.

Read about dogs of other breeds on our website.

Beautiful, original and common nicknames for dog girls.

You have been looking for a suitable breed of dog for a long time, read a lot of literature about the maintenance and upbringing of a girl dog, and finally brought a yapping puppy home. But what is the name of the baby? This is where thinking begins, “trying on” different variants of a name for a four-legged family member.

By choosing a name, we choose a puppy's fate. What to look for when choosing a name? How to choose a nickname that will be easy to pronounce, so that it matches the character of the dog, appearance?

So that you do not spend a lot of time looking for a suitable nickname for a girl dog, we have collected the most popular names in this article.

How can you name a puppy of a big girl dog?

Buying big dog in the cattery, the owner is offered to name her with a certain letter, which is assigned to the litter number. But even if your choice is unlimited, choosing a beautiful and sonorous name for a large dog is not an easy task.

You will have to watch the puppy so that the chosen name makes sense. Diminutive nicknames will not work here: the name should emphasize the majesty of the appearance of the dog.

There is an opinion among dog breeders that the name of the dog leaves a certain imprint on the character of the pet. It is important that the owner of the dog also likes the nickname.

Here are some options for status nicknames for a large dog:

  • Ada, Abigel, Aya, Avina, Assonita, Aurora
  • Alpha, Aphrodite, Athena, Alma
  • Babsi, Bella, Berta, Varda, Volga
  • Vara, Gloria, Hera, Gerda, Daisy
  • Jerry, Dina, Egoza, Yelik, Eva
  • Zherika, Zvana, Karina, Krona
  • Cleopatra, Curry, Kasia, Maggie
  • Rune, Camila, Kara, Kent, Chris
  • Christa, Kerida, Laima, Laida, Lamia
  • Lada, Malta, Nika, Rex, Sandy
  • Yusta, Chara

The dog needs a short nickname that the pet will easily remember, because you will often walk in crowded places, go to training, and maybe win championship titles, and pronouncing a long complicated nickname every time is quite tiring.

How beautiful to name a dog a German Shepherd girl?

It will be difficult for a puppy to remember a nickname if you call him “musik, masik or just a baby”

If you are looking for a nickname for german shepherd girls, then German-sounding nicknames are best suited:

  • Frida
  • Elsa
  • Heidi
  • Katrina
  • Steffi
  • Vistula
  • Greta
  • Power
  • vaida
  • Dart
  • Diana
  • Daira
  • King
  • Ditta

In addition, you can give shepherd girl names such as:

  • Mary, Noora, Oda, Indie
  • Hilda, Mirta, Mary, Emma
  • Utah, Palm, Ritsa, Ronda
  • Bara, Judy, Kaira, Adele
  • Ira, Christa, Lana, Leah
  • Mira, Angie, Berta, Britta
  • Hera, Glory, Jessie, Venedika

Among foreign nicknames For shepherd popular are:

  • Agatha, Adele, Ivon, Aphra
  • Britta, Brittany, Walda
  • Viva, Wilma, Vien, Glory
  • Grace, Greta, Delia, Gemma, Yeffi
  • Jenny, Jessie, Jude, Judy
  • Indie, Carla, Kelsey, Cora, Christie
  • Xaviera, Kathy, Lana, Paula, Angie

How beautiful to name a dog a girl like?

You bought like and now you are tormented by choosing a sonorous name?

Perhaps your beauty-like a nickname that is associated with frost, snow, the north will do, and will emphasize the harsh origin of the pet. Or maybe your dog has some individual traits that will reflect the nickname.

Inspiration is on this list.

  • Aurora, Agna, Aza, Aina
  • Aita, Aka, Alva, Alma
  • Aman, Ayuna, Baima, Squirrel
  • Storm, Vega, Blizzard, Dadi
  • Dara, Diva, Dulma, Haze
  • Enya, Suvan, Surma, Taiga
  • Tyra, Taha, Taya, Toka, Tessa
  • Eshka, Zana, Winter, Ichin
  • Kuney, Weasel, Lama, Moon
  • Maira, Maru, Maya, Blizzard
  • Nara, Nora, Noha, Rune
  • Sakari, Sleigh, Sata, Saya
  • Seville, Sibma, Sitka
  • Fairy tale, Soya, Chena, Chola
  • Khanda, Hara, Yugra, Yucca
  • Yuki, Yuta, Yushka

Names for chihuahua girls are beautiful

Small dogs, as a rule, are distinguished by naivety and cuteness, therefore, the names for dogs of small breeds have a diminutive suffix - Prissy, Alsha, Busya.

The formidable and majestic nickname, which is called a small dog, causes some imbalance. Don't call your dog Brute like the heroine of the movie "Legally Blonde" did. In addition to laughter, your beauty will not cause other emotions in others, and you too.

Choose the best nickname for chihuahua from the following list:

  • Barbie, Buffy, Busya, Bead
  • Baby, Betsy, Beauty, Gabby
  • Glen, Grace, Darcy, Daphne
  • Dekla, Daisy, Dolly, Doni
  • Dora, Dory, Dorris, Dulcie
  • Pixie, Button, Chamomile
  • Ruby, Ruth, Sali, Sarah
  • Tina, Tracy, Cheri, Chita
  • Sheri, Eileen, Enis, Jena
  • Iza, Toffee, Irma, Kandy
  • Carla, Carmen, Knopa
  • Cony, Christy, Lana, Lisey
  • Lily, Lola, Laura, Luli
  • Lucia, Lucy, Magicians, Maila
  • Mimi, Molly, May, Mary
  • Nancy, Nessie, Trixie, Tusya
  • Floris, Hannah, Chloe, Chema
  • Suga, Abi

How beautiful to name a dog a Yorkshire terrier girl?

For the cutest creature yorkie- the English nickname will sound organically. And of course, the name of a Yorkie girl should be gentle and melodic.

When choosing a name, try to pronounce it several times next to the dog: the dog will react to the combination of sounds you like by wagging its tail or will listen carefully. So you can find out what to name your baby.

Here is a list of suitable nicknames for york girls:

  • Almadel, Azra, Affanita, Anthony
  • Bofari, Bernita, Venisha, Vilena
  • Victoriana, Green, Guard, Deolanda
  • Daria, Jarrah, Donisha, Zvyara, Intella
  • Yesha, Isa, Krasma, Laira, Lavitia
  • Lipsa, Merrian, Markhu, Milagro, Mystic
  • Milina, Mistimari, Monad, Numis, Elega
  • Novella, Ogna, Ralina, Rayen
  • Runda, Celia, Samphira, Sora
  • Stiza, Sisha, Tarita, Takhiara
  • Tanta, Tes, Thea, Flusa, Festi
  • Frans, Fortina, Cheyenne, Chéstiti

How beautiful is it to name a dog a mongrel girl?

If you are faced with a difficult choice of a nickname for a mongrel, then the following information is for you.

Do not think that choosing a name for a dog is a trifle. You can call a dog one of the common nicknames, but will it suit your pet? And after all to dog then all life to go with this name.

Here is a list of nicknames for mutt girls:

  • Adeline
  • Albina
  • Alice
  • Squirrel
  • Greta
  • Juliet
  • Naida

A mongrel puppy is an example of devotion and boundless love for the owner

The nickname for a dog can be borrowed from the world of fashion, cinema, literature. For example, such dog names for a mongrel sound very original:

  • Isadora, Beata, Barbara
  • Vivien, Vekrushka, Ingrid
  • Liza, Marlene, Mazina, Mukhina
  • Marika, Oprah, Prada, Hayworth
  • Silva, Tootsie, Uma, Franca
  • Flora, Chanel, Cerutti, Shakira

A mongrel, like a thoroughbred dog, is suitable for a nickname from the world of cinema and literature

How beautiful to name a dog a Labrador girl?

Labrador a short and sonorous nickname in a foreign manner will do.

A dog name that sounds concise and does not require additional abbreviations is ideal.

We offer you to look at the nicknames presented here for labrador-girls:

  • Iris, Ariel, Barbara
  • Barracuda, Berta, Warsaw
  • Verona, Gabriella, Donna
  • Dinara, Egoza, Jasmine
  • Georgette, Zarina, Irene
  • Christy, Carrie, Leonarda
  • Lorena, Marquise, Michelle
  • Monica, Oji, Pella, Frisky
  • Rune, Siren, Terra, Luck
  • Theon, Frank, Fantasy, Charisma
  • Chelsea, Minx, Shari, Erica
  • Yuna, Jurmala, Jamaica

How beautiful to name a Stafford girl dog?

Muscular and stocky Stafoord is a reliable guard with a high threshold of irritability. This is a dog of contrasts: he is incredibly patient and balanced, but he can be energetic and daring. What name is suitable for one of the best defenders among dogs?

stafford puppy

Nicknames for Stafford girls:

  • Iris, Ariel, Barbara, Barracuda, Bertha
  • Warsaw, Verona, Gabriella, Greta, Jasmine
  • Georgette, Zara, Zarina, Irene, Christie, Carrie
  • Leonard, Lorena, Marquise, Oji, Pella
  • Frisky, Siren, Terra, Luck, Feon, Frank
  • Fantasy, Chelsea, Minx, Shari, Hellas, Erica
  • Yuna, Jurmala, Jamaica, Jasper, Donna, Dinara

How beautiful to name a dog a Spitz girl?

Spitz- a breed popular due to the playful nature of small compact dogs that give their owners a lot of positive emotions. The following nicknames are suitable for a Spitz-girl:

  • Monica
  • Alura
  • Byra
  • Daniella
  • Dolly
  • Monta
  • Moraine
  • Mella

How beautiful to name a dog a girl of that terrier?

toy terriers among the entire dog fraternity, they are distinguished by activity, sociability and readiness to always be close to the owner. You need to choose a name for a cute dog that is kind, funny, because your miniature beauty will grow up like that. Here are examples of nicknames for a Toy Terrier girl:

  • Ariel, Amanda, Assol, Irene, Amelie
  • Barbie, Barbara
  • Vivian, Vanessa, Venus
  • Goofy, Geisha, Gerda
  • Jessie, Dixie
  • Jacqueline, Jasmine
  • Ilatti, Yoko
  • Kylie, Kira, Cassandra
  • Laura, Linda, Lady
  • Molly, Martha, Madonna
  • Nicole, Norma, Nellie
  • Omega, Ophelia
  • Paris, Fluffy
  • Rosie, Rochelle, Roksolana
  • Silva, Scarlet, Sandy, Samantha
  • Trixie, Tootsie
  • Felikin, Francesca
  • Heidi, Hannah
  • Cirilla, Cherry
  • Shanis, Cheyenne, Sheri
  • Evelyn, Estella
  • Yuma, Yula
  • Java, Janette

How beautiful to name a dog a spaniel girl?

An English-language name is suitable for a girl spaniel of the British-American group, and a nickname from languages ​​\u200b\u200bcommon in Russia will harmoniously sound for a Russian spaniel.

Faithful friend for life - spaniel

Focus on the color, temperament of your dog.
We offer you a selection of suitable nicknames for spaniel girls:

Quince, Ara, Alice, Aika, Alva, Assa;
Berta, Bean, Barbie, Bissa;
Vesta, Vitana, Viliya, Wax;
Ghana, Gerda, Guria, Gella;
Darcy, Dessa, Donna;
Ekki, Jeanne, Jenny;
Zula, Zira;
Irma, Illa, Ethan;
Clara, Corey, Carla, Claire;
Lyme, Lori, Linda, Lisa;
Maya, Mina, Moxxi, Misty;
Neiti, Nikta, Nori, Nisa;
Oprah, Ora;

Pint, Paiva, Paula, Patti;
Rona, Roxy, Rinta, Rimmy;
Stacey, Sona, Sulla, Santa;
Tracy, Tilla, Tilda, Temmie;
Ursula, Uma;
Phryne, Frida;
Chloe, Helga;
Cintra, Cessa;
Choli, Chippy;
Shaya, Shanny;
Ellie, Eris, Emma, ​​Ethel;
Jutta, Yusta, Yucca, Yuli;
Yana, Yasta.

How beautiful to call a hunting dog a girl?

Hunting dog brings special content to the hunting process. Hunting with a dog is more exciting and beautiful. If you have acquired a hunting dog, then your plans are to become not only a friend of a four-legged beauty, but also a partner.

During the hunt, the result can only be achieved in a well-coordinated tandem. The nickname for a dog, which in the near future will help you in hunting, is a responsible and serious matter, because the dog will have to easily distinguish his name from other teams.

Nicknames for cops:

  • puddy
  • Dembi
  • Diana
  • Norm

For Pointers and Setters:

  • Nellie
  • Paddy
  • Lasta
  • Stainlish
  • Gilda
  • Blanca
  • Gypsy
  • Magda
  • Pride
  • divar
  • Ferri
  • Delta
  • Jerry

How beautiful to name a beagle dog girl?

  • Boyka, Budishka, Venus, Voltorka
  • Bagpipes, Vopishka, Vorozheyka, Hyde
  • Jackdaw, Talker, Rumbler, Guslyarka
  • Savage, Doborka, Dombra, Dudka, Vest
  • Zhurka, Fun, Zavyalka, Bully, Zadorka
  • Ignition, Singing, Invention, Star, Snake
  • Dawn, Zurna, Kenarka, Comet, Krasishka
  • Cuckoo, Kutishka, Letka, Lute, Malyuta
  • Milka, Song, Crybaby, Pobedka, Rushed
  • Pomchishka, Rhyme, Pass, Prolaza
  • Pipe, Fairy tale, Violin, Nightingale
  • Magpie, Spevka, Arrow, Sudarka, Taratorka
  • Anxiety, Flute, Laughter, Zytra
  • Chadra, Charka, Shumishka, Shumka, Yula, Yulia

Of the nicknames that appeared later, the following can be distinguished: A baby pug will win your heart in a few minutes

The key is to make it easy for you to pronounce your dog's name. Therefore, choose a nickname consisting of two syllables and with voiced consonants. Please note that short-legged beauties are unusually playful, smart, and hooligan.

List of nicknames for pug girls:

  • Brina, Bianca, Becky
  • Gabriella (Gabri, Gaby), Gladys
  • Jussy, Dominika, Della
  • Jazlin, Geneva, Giselle
  • Kema, Kita, Cleo, Christy
  • Lyon, Lola, Madeleine, Maila, Margot
  • Marielle, Mafia, Maya, Milana, Misty
  • Michelle, Mary, Nikki, Princess
  • Rochelle, Samantha, Samphira, Sophie
  • Sandy, Suzanne, Tasha, Tess
  • Fiesta, Philippa, Fifi
  • Floris, Francine, Javier
  • Heidi, Chase, Chelsea, Evita
  • Elizabeth, Elsie, Emmy, Annie
  • Ashley, Gabri, Goldie, Gracie
  • Guera, Zuzu, Ilene, Issa
  • Calibri, Karma, Kayla
  • Kiki, Clarita, Leona, Liana, Lily
  • Lulu, Marissa, Marlin, Marceau
  • Mercy, Mini, Miranda, Missy
  • Neyla, Nova, Nunis, Pixie
  • Pilar, Pisklya, Pitina
  • Paris, Sandria, Cecile, Cindy
  • Solana, Tamalia, Tequila
  • Tiffany, Tia, Trixie, Tierra
  • Heidi, Juana, Chelsea, Chiquita, Chile
  • Chita, Eli, Esmeralda, Ashley, Viva
  • Vivienne, Hermione, Gretta

How beautiful to name a dog a Pekingese girl?

imperial dog Pekingese a worthy and noble nickname will do, which will emphasize the regal posture, independence, self-confidence. You can call a dog a name in the Chinese manner