Training of service dogs in the police and army. How to train police dogs

Since ancient times, the dog has been domesticated by man. She became his faithful assistant - a guard, a shepherd, a watchman. Over time, the special qualities of these animals began to be used in public service.

Service dog breeding in Russia: history

In Russia, many dogs have always been bred, which were used for protection, as well as as a means of transportation in the northern regions. In the Caucasus and Central Asia, shepherd breeds (South Russian Shepherd Dogs) were bred, which received awards at an exhibition in Paris.

In 1904, J. Bungard founded the sanitary dog ​​service. It used German Shepherds.

In 1908, a society was created that promoted the use of dogs in guard and police services. This organization was small, consisting of about 300 high-ranking officials and police officers. Later, this society opened a nursery and a school for training police dog handlers.

In our country, Dog Handlers Day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs units has been celebrated since June 21, 1909. It was from this date that the history of service dog breeding began. The first Russian kennel dedicated to breeding and training detective police dogs opened in St. Petersburg. A school of trainers began operating at its base.

Quite quickly, the use of service dogs spread throughout the country - by December 1912, dogs began to be used to solve serious crimes in fifty Russian provinces.

After graduation civil war Service dog breeding continues to develop. New nurseries are being formed and dog handlers are being trained. In 1923, a course program for instructors was developed. In the same year, the school of detection dogs began its work. The animals were prepared for the criminal investigation of the NKVD.

At the end of August 1924, the famous nursery “Red Star” was created. Since 1928, the registration of service dogs in the All-Union Pedigree Book began. At the same time, courses for training experts in breeding and judicial work were opened.

The Doberman became the main working breed in Soviet Russia, but already at that time experts began to discuss the possibility of selecting domestic breeds, as well as purchasing purebred German shepherds abroad.

War years

In the very first days of the Great Patriotic War Almost all service dog breeding clubs in our country began to hand over their students to the army. Number of animals sent to help Soviet soldiers, numbered in the thousands. At the same time, most clubs and nurseries managed to preserve breeding stock.

During this most difficult time for our country, dogs were used to form squads of mine detectors and tank destroyers. Often, dog handlers went to the front along with their pets. The war caused great damage to service dog breeding and many kennels and clubs began their work in the post-war years from scratch.

Development of service dog breeding today

Today, the prestige of the canine service in our country has increased significantly. Everyone who wants to become a dog handler goes through a rigorous selection process, not only among applicants for this position, but also among service dogs. A candidate dog handler must as soon as possible establish contact with the animal.

Today, 78 Russian regions have their own service dog breeding centers. They number: dog handlers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - more than 7,000 people, dog handlers of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - more than 3,000 specialists.


Nowadays, police dogs in Russia are about a dozen breeds. Some of them perform the full range of service and investigative work, others are involved in certain areas of it.

The universal (and basic) police dogs are German Shepherds. These animals are also effective in working with the police department, have proven themselves in operational investigative work at crime scenes, and show excellent results in search units. The main advantage of the German Shepherd is its stable psyche. It is physically strong, with high level intelligence, animal.

A close relative of the “Germans” – the East European Shepherd – has similar qualities. This dog is also widely used by the police today.

Belgian Shepherd

New, previously unused breeds are rapidly gaining popularity. Police dogs of the Belgian Shepherd breed are distinguished by their high speed and “explosive” throw, which leaves no chance for an attacker to avoid arrest.

Rottweilers are found much less frequently in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. These brave, moderately aggressive and intelligent animals successfully carry out patrol duty and are engaged in search work.

Some breeds that are suitable for law enforcement are less represented in our police force. For example, black terriers and giant schnauzers are excellent guard dogs, but their maintenance is too expensive. Dobermans, who served in the Tsarist police, are not used at all today, since experts note a significant selective deterioration of the breed in our country.

Why aren't fighting breeds used?

Experts say that canine units with representatives of fighting breeds can be counted on one hand. This has its own explanations: for example, when detaining a criminal, the death grip of a bull terrier is not required. And if you consider that these dogs react aggressively to other animals, it becomes clear that they will not become police dogs.

There are breeds about which experts continue to argue to this day. They have no way of identifying dogs that are not intended for detention. The main battles are caused by police dogs and Labrador retrievers. The opinions of dog handlers are divided. Some believe that both breeds are suitable as search engines, others give the palm to spaniels, noting the conflict-prone nature of Labradors and the fact that they are easily distracted from work by extraneous stimuli.

Use of dogs in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Police dogs undoubtedly have a psychological impact on others. It is difficult to imagine a daredevil who will not comply with the demands of a police officer, or (even worse) will object to him, showing aggression, if there is a powerful Rottweiler or shepherd dog on a leash next to the guard.

Probably not everyone knows that training service dogs has the main goal of minimizing harm to humans. A well-trained and physically strong shepherd dog can cause very serious injuries when detained. That is why the main requirement for her in this situation is to instantly and unquestioningly execute the command “let go!”

In the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and in transport units, police dogs are engaged in detecting explosives and drugs.


In the forensic work of departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, one cannot do without a dog’s sensitive sense of smell. Sometimes a sniffer dog helps solve complex crimes that many employees thought were “unheard of.”

Dog handlers are confident that the bloodhound is an animal that has reached the top of its “career.” Not all representatives of various breeds are capable of engaging in such a noble cause. And those who, by definition, can cope with this work undergo a serious course of education and training, which does not stop until the end of the animal’s service.

A real sniffer dog must master the following skills:

  • work on the trail;
  • security of premises and individual items;
  • search of a building or area;
  • distrust of strangers;
  • and guarding him until the arrival of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

During training, bloodhounds develop not only their sense of smell, but also their ability to sense. general state person. Trainers say dogs sense fear. This often helps four-legged “law enforcement officers” solve the most complicated crimes.

It has been scientifically proven that the probability that a dog will make a mistake in the smell is one in one hundred million. The behavior of an animal during an odorological examination (for example, when it is necessary to determine whether the weapon of a crime belongs to a specific person) is irrefutable evidence in court.

To raise a good bloodhound, it is necessary to take into account the age of the animal. The dog must be no older than three years old, hardy, physically strong, have keen hearing and a unique scent. The training of such animals lasts about six months in specialized schools.


Police dogs are trained between the ages of one and three years. In the nursery, the animal is assigned to an instructor and sent for training. The training of a service dog lasts from six to eight months. During this time, the animal masters a general training course and training in special disciplines (search for drugs and explosives).

The canine service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs uses a combination of two methods - play and taste-reward. The second option allows you to establish close contact between the young dog and the instructor, thereby reducing the training time.

The first method fulfills the dog’s natural need to play and puts minimal stress on nervous system animal, fosters a desire to carry out the given task. This method is especially effective for search engines. In addition, this method is successfully used when training for detention.

The “figurator” is a trainer in a tight suit who pretends to be an intruder, attaches the dog’s favorite toy to the suit, and the animal must rip it off. After successfully completing the task, the teenage puppy is allowed to take the protective sleeve away from the trainer and pat him to his heart's content. Training is based on the animal's hunting instinct.

After completing a training course, the dog is able to detain a criminal without fear of blows or shots. You need to know that training on the site, in which the animals “tear to pieces” the instructor, has little in common with the actual use of the dog. We have already mentioned that after a bite the dog is obliged to release the offender on the first command. “Tearing apart” on the training ground is allowed to satisfy the animal’s instincts and gives it emotional release.

Sampling things by smell is easy and does not require much time and effort. This skill is necessary for scent-distinguishing dogs (sniffer dogs). Today, selective training techniques are also promising for training dogs for protective guard and search services. In this regard, almost every kennel of service dogs of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs used training in sampling for a treat, indicating the selected item with a pack.

However, this technique, which at one time significantly increased the effectiveness of work, has significant drawbacks - dogs contaminate the selected items with their own smell. Animals work effectively only on those things that have a strong and fresh smell.

The use of service dogs in law enforcement agencies around the world continues to be relevant. Whether she is working on a trail or looking for drugs, her help in solving crimes can hardly be overestimated. But it should be taken into account that dog professions are very diverse - they serve as rescuers in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, assistants to the military and drug police, show excellent results at customs, and guard important objects.

A dog has been man's friend for many centuries. At home, she is a favorite and fun to play with, but if she serves in the police, she is obliged to comply with standards and follow commands to help a person. There are more than 100 dog breeds in the world, let's take a look at the ten best breeds that are ideal for police service.

10. German Shorthaired Pointer

The German Shorthaired Pointer or Kurzhaar is one of the best dog breeds for the police. The breed was developed in the 19th century and has a spotted coat, small size, short smooth coat, and an energetic and friendly personality. In addition to the fact that this breed is excellent for police service, it is also an excellent hunter.

9. English hound

The English hound has long, large ears; this feature makes the breed original in appearance. This is an excellent breed for police service as it is disciplined, muscular and strong dog. This is almost the only breed that stands still and waits for the owner’s command to complete the task. The English hound was bred as a hunting dog, which, unlike the shorthaired pointer, hunted larger game than birds, for example, deer.

8. Boxer

The name of the breed indicates that it is fighting breed. There are two types of boxers: the service boxer and the German boxer. Thanks to their athletic constitution, boxers are able to jump well in height and length, which is what they rely on during training. Boxers' agility and instant reaction are the main qualities of a real police dog.

7. Labrador Retriever

This smart-faced dog breed is considered the friendliest, which is why it is so common among families with children or elderly people around the world. This smart dog with the character of a puppy will always come to the rescue and will serve faithfully. Despite the listed characteristics, Labradors are ideal for police service. The dog will easily find explosives, drugs, and will be the eyes and ears of the policeman. You need to be a brave and selfless dog to find bombs.

6. Dutch Shepherd

The reputation of the Dutch Shepherd speaks for itself. In the police they are used to perform various official tasks. This is a very smart and strong dog. After 10 years of service, dogs in the Dutch police are replaced with young ones, and those who have served are sent to a well-deserved retirement.

5. Giant Schnauzer

A large dog already benefits due to its size and can easily detain a criminal. Few people would be afraid of a small decorative dog, but a giant schnauzer by its very appearance evokes fear and respect. The Schnauzer has long hair on its face and looks like a retired general with many years of service and a long track record behind him. The dog is ideal for police service due to its height, body length, sharp teeth, powerful jaw, courage and loyalty. In addition, the dog is highly trainable.

4. Doberman Pinscher

Adult dog It is very difficult to teach new tricks and commands, but the Doberman is a dog that learns all its life. This is a medium-sized dog, ideal for police service. The Dobie, as this breed is affectionately called, is an athletic and graceful dog, light in weight, but with excellent speed and speed. physical characteristics. These dogs are valued by the police because they are real bloodhounds, hunters and have the stamina that is necessary when tracking or chasing a criminal.

3. Belgian Tervuren

The Belgian Tervuren is not a traditional breed, and its name also has a root from the word “terror” (fear), which is exactly what it was supposed to evoke. Everyone is afraid large dog, even if he is kind at heart. The Tervuren is a long-haired dog that looks like a wolf, and therefore, as people thought, it is as ferocious as a wolf. But, in fact, this is a kind and friendly dog, but which behaves like a wolf or a lion if necessary to protect the owner. The Tervuren is a good watchdog and search dog.

2. Rottweiler

Rottweilers are famous for their aggressive behavior and energetic character. Without being myself big dog From the presented list, he is without a doubt the bravest attack dog who will make the ground burn under the feet of a criminal. He can easily bite off your finger. A criminal will think twice about his actions when meeting a Rottweiler. Taking into account the fighting and aggressive qualities of the dog, which he shows even in puppyhood, during training and training, emphasis is placed on discipline. You must be extremely strict and careful with this dog.

1.German Shepherd

Most best breed The best dog for police service is the German Shepherd. In terms of his psychotype, he is a “boss”. Yes, not only people have personality, but dogs too. The shepherd behaves like a comrade, like a family member who understands everything, but cannot speak. This is a very smart and wise dog. A lot of positive qualities the breed has acquired over the entire period of its selection. The German Shepherd is ideal for police service due to its various reasons, including the ability to attack with lightning speed and immobilize the enemy. Basically, they are trained to search for and apprehend criminals. This dog, following a command, will not stop in front of obstacles in the form of high fences, water, etc.

A dog has been man's friend for many centuries. At home, she is a favorite and fun to play with, but if she serves in the police, she is obliged to comply with standards and follow commands to help a person. There are more than 100 dog breeds in the world, let's take a look at the ten best breeds that are ideal for police service.

The German Shorthaired Pointer or Kurzhaar is one of the best dog breeds for the police. The breed was developed in the 19th century and has a spotted coat, small size, short smooth coat, and an energetic and friendly personality. In addition to the fact that this breed is excellent for police service, it is also an excellent hunter.

The English hound has long, large ears; this feature makes the breed original in appearance. This is an excellent breed for police service as it is a disciplined, muscular and strong dog. This is almost the only breed that stands still and waits for the owner’s command to complete the task. The English hound was bred as a hunting dog, which, unlike the shorthaired pointer, hunted larger game than birds, for example, deer.

The name of the breed indicates that it is a fighting breed. There are two types of boxers: the service boxer and the German boxer. Thanks to their athletic constitution, boxers are able to jump well in height and length, which is what they rely on during training. Boxers' agility and instant reaction are the main qualities of a real police dog.

This smart-faced dog breed is considered the friendliest, which is why it is so common among families with children or elderly people around the world. This smart dog with the character of a puppy will always come to the rescue and will serve faithfully. Despite the listed characteristics, Labradors are ideal for police service. The dog will easily find explosives, drugs, and will be the eyes and ears of the policeman. You need to be a brave and selfless dog to find bombs.

The reputation of the Dutch Shepherd speaks for itself. In the police they are used to perform various official tasks. This is a very smart and strong dog. After 10 years of service, dogs in the Dutch police are replaced with young ones, and those who have served are sent to a well-deserved retirement.

A large dog already benefits due to its size and can easily detain a criminal. Few people would be afraid of a small decorative dog, but a giant schnauzer by its very appearance evokes fear and respect. The Schnauzer has long hair on its face and looks like a retired general with many years of service and a long track record behind him. The dog is ideal for police service due to its height, body length, sharp teeth, powerful jaw, courage and loyalty. In addition, the dog is highly trainable.

It is very difficult to teach an adult dog new tricks and commands, but the Doberman is a dog that learns throughout its life. This is a medium-sized dog, ideal for police service. The Dobie, as this breed is affectionately called, is an athletic and graceful dog, light in weight, but with excellent speed and physical characteristics. These dogs are valued by the police because they are real bloodhounds, hunters and have the stamina that is necessary when tracking or chasing a criminal.

The Belgian Tervuren is not a traditional breed, and its name also has a root from the word “terror” (fear), which is exactly what it was supposed to evoke. Everyone is afraid of a big dog, even if he is kind at heart. The Tervuren is a long-haired dog that looks like a wolf, and therefore, as people thought, it is as ferocious as a wolf. But, in fact, this is a kind and friendly dog, but which behaves like a wolf or a lion if necessary to protect the owner. The Tervuren is a good watchdog and search dog.

Rottweilers are known for their aggressive behavior and energetic nature. While not the biggest dog on this list, he is without a doubt the bravest attack dog that will make the ground burn under the feet of a criminal. He can easily bite off your finger. A criminal will think twice about his actions when meeting a Rottweiler. Taking into account the fighting and aggressive qualities of the dog, which he shows even in puppyhood, during training and training, emphasis is placed on discipline. You must be extremely strict and careful with this dog.

The use of dogs in police service began not so long ago. Who became the founder of the Russian canine service? How did service dog breeding develop in Russia?

The beginning of the way

Cynologist Day in Russia is celebrated on June 21. This date was chosen for a reason: June 21, 1909, was created in St. Petersburg first nursery dogs intended for police service. And the first police dogs in Russia appeared several years earlier.

Dogs were loved in Russia, but serious attitude was only for hunting breeds: hounds, pointers, greyhounds. In areas of developed grazing cattle breeding, herding dogs were bred. But it never occurred to anyone to use a person’s old friends to work in the police.

The first enthusiast of the use of dogs in police work was Vladimir Lebedev, who at the beginning of the 20th century served as head of the detective department of the Moscow police. It was at his instigation that the police dog kennel was opened, and on July 1, 1909, classes began for 26 four-legged students at this dog school.

Clubs: the best bloodhound of pre-revolutionary Russia

The most famous and titled dog was the Doberman Tref. His exterior was not very good, but his service qualities made Clubs a detective legend. Tref demonstrated outstanding results already at the age of one in the first field trials of the nursery's pupils. On October 25, 1909, the first in the history of the state was awarded in Russia diploma, prescribed for a dog. Teacher Trefa was awarded the title “Dog Training Teacher”.

Trial, in which Tref showed himself brilliantly, was as follows.

On the other side of the city, a janitor was hired who had never met the kennel's dogs before. A few hours before the start of the test, the “intruder” janitor set off from the nursery territory. The man meandered through the surrounding area, and then hid behind a curtain on the second floor of a tavern full of customers. The establishment was located 2 km from the nursery.

Clubs immediately picked up the trail I walked through it without difficulty and easily found the “intruder” in an unfamiliar place. The “attacker” pretended to attack the trainer Tref: he grabbed a revolver loaded with blank cartridges and opened fire, but the dog rushed at the janitor, and he was disarmed.

For my successful career Club solved many crimes. Vladimir Dmitriev, Tref's guide, worked in the detective department of the police after the revolution, but was shot in 1920. The dog was unable to work with the new trainer, and wonderful dog used only to produce offspring. In the 1920s, many Dobermanns served in the militia, many of which were descendants of Clubs. In 1921, Tref died at the age of about 12 years.

Lineup change

For some time they dominated in the investigation, one of the best among them was a direct descendant of Clubs - male Ber. In just two years, Behr solved more than 65 crimes. But then the number of Dobermans began to decline: more German (Eastern European) dogs began to be taken into service. shepherd dogs. Shepherd dogs were more flexible, had a more balanced temperament and were easier to train. At the same time, they had more good health, endurance and better tolerated the Russian climate.

TO 1930 Almost exclusively shepherd dogs served in the police. The most famous dogs of that period were Geta and Erich, raised by Captain Getman. Geta became famous for discovering stolen property worth half a million US dollars. And Erich helped find and neutralize 8 most dangerous criminals. Erich died while apprehending a bandit, and his effigy was kept in the Moscow Police Museum until 1943.

During 1950-60 There were several excellent dogs in the service of the Moscow police: Baikal (guide M. Petukhov), Fram (P. Ternovsky), Akbar and Mike (A. Yemets).

Specialized exhibition of service dogs in Leningrad


Despite the development of high technologies, various tracking and alarm systems, they still serve with honor in maintaining law and order. More 12 thousand dog handlers serve in various divisions of law enforcement ministries: in the criminal investigation department, patrol service, forensic departments, private security and squads special purpose, in the transport police and at customs. In addition to German shepherds, other breeds are also attracted to service:

    Caucasian and Central Asian shepherd dogs perform excellent guard duty;

    And the Giant Schnauzers cope flawlessly with patrol duty together with their handlers;

    small spaniels help in the search for drugs and explosives.

Perhaps technology will one day replace the dog, but for now true friend a person diligently and selflessly performs his service.

10 Best Police Dog Breeds in the World

A dog has been man's friend for many centuries. At home, she is a favorite and fun to play with, but if she serves in the police, she is obliged to comply with standards and follow commands to help a person. There are more than 100 dog breeds in the world, let's take a look at the ten best breeds that are ideal for police service.

The German Shorthaired Pointer or Kurzhaar is one of the best dog breeds for the police. The breed was developed in the 19th century and has a spotted coat, small size, short smooth coat, and an energetic and friendly personality. In addition to the fact that this breed is excellent for police service, it is also an excellent hunter.

The English hound has long, large ears; this feature makes the breed original in appearance. This is an excellent breed for police service as it is a disciplined, muscular and strong dog. This is almost the only breed that stands still and waits for the owner’s command to complete the task. The English hound was bred as a hunting dog, which, unlike the shorthaired pointer, hunted larger game than birds, for example, deer.

The name of the breed indicates that it is a fighting breed. There are two types of boxers: the service boxer and the German boxer. Thanks to their athletic constitution, boxers are able to jump well in height and length, which is what they rely on during training. Boxers' agility and instant reaction are the main qualities of a real police dog.

This smart-faced dog breed is considered the friendliest, which is why it is so common among families with children or elderly people around the world. This smart dog with the character of a puppy will always come to the rescue and will serve faithfully. Despite the listed characteristics, Labradors are ideal for police service. The dog will easily find explosives, drugs, and will be the eyes and ears of the policeman. You need to be a brave and selfless dog to find bombs.

The reputation of the Dutch Shepherd speaks for itself. In the police they are used to perform various official tasks. This is a very smart and strong dog. After 10 years of service, dogs in the Dutch police are replaced with young ones, and those who have served are sent to a well-deserved retirement.

A large dog already benefits due to its size and can easily detain a criminal. Few people would be afraid of a small decorative dog, but a giant schnauzer by its very appearance evokes fear and respect. The Schnauzer has long hair on its face and looks like a retired general with many years of service and a long track record behind him. The dog is ideal for police service due to its height, body length, sharp teeth, powerful jaw, courage and loyalty. In addition, the dog is highly trainable.

It is very difficult to teach an adult dog new tricks and commands, but the Doberman is a dog that learns throughout its life. This is a medium-sized dog, ideal for police service. The Dobie, as this breed is affectionately called, is an athletic and graceful dog, light in weight, but with excellent speed and physical characteristics. These dogs are valued by the police because they are real bloodhounds, hunters and have the stamina that is necessary when tracking or chasing a criminal.

The Belgian Tervuren is not a traditional breed, and its name also has a root from the word “terror” (fear), which is exactly what it was supposed to evoke. Everyone is afraid of a big dog, even if he is kind at heart. The Tervuren is a long-haired dog that looks like a wolf, and therefore, as people thought, it is as ferocious as a wolf. But, in fact, this is a kind and friendly dog, but which behaves like a wolf or a lion if necessary to protect the owner. The Tervuren is a good watchdog and search dog.

Rottweilers are known for their aggressive behavior and energetic nature. While not the biggest dog on this list, he is without a doubt the bravest attack dog that will make the ground burn under the feet of a criminal. He can easily bite off your finger. A criminal will think twice about his actions when meeting a Rottweiler. Taking into account the fighting and aggressive qualities of the dog, which he shows even in puppyhood, during training and training, emphasis is placed on discipline. You must be extremely strict and careful with this dog.

The best breed of dog ideal for police service is the German Shepherd. In terms of his psychotype, he is a “boss”. Yes, not only people have personality, but dogs too. The shepherd behaves like a comrade, like a family member who understands everything, but cannot speak. This is a very smart and wise dog. The breed has acquired many positive qualities throughout its selection. The German Shepherd is ideal for police service for various reasons, including the ability to attack with lightning speed and immobilize the enemy. Basically, they are trained to search for and apprehend criminals. This dog, following a command, will not stop in front of obstacles in the form of high fences, water, etc.