“Princess of a Special Purpose” Elena Zvezdnaya. Special Purpose Princess Star Catriona Special Purpose Princess

Elena Zvezdnaya’s novel “A Special Purpose Princess” tells about the adventures of a not-so-ordinary girl. It happens that a girl cannot boast of a particularly attractive appearance, but she is not deprived of intelligence and cunning. This is exactly what the main character of the novel is. Besides, she is a princess. What can you do if all the suitors run away from Katriona, and behind her back they call her Utyrka. Even her parents don't really welcome her. She is already used to this, and is not going to let anyone get close to her. It's enough that everyone is afraid of her. People know that she will do anything to achieve her goal.

One day, Princess Katriona is kidnapped by Dinar Grahsoven. She finds herself in the dark kingdom of Gotmir. It is believed that no one will be able to get out of here, because the most cruel villains live here. But it happens that the girl’s curse is accidentally lifted. In this world, Catriona finds a real family and friends. Her life becomes completely different. But falling in love was not part of her plans, she was not going to let anyone get close to her, but she would figure it out somehow. She is no stranger to struggle, either with others or with herself.

The writer managed to create a very interesting fantasy world. The heroine, who at first causes mixed feelings, gradually changes and becomes better. Although one cannot help but sympathize with the girl who seemingly has everything. But without the love of loved ones it is difficult to be happy. For some time, the main character thought differently; it seemed to her that power was enough. The book will allow you to have a good time, without forgetting to delve into the hidden meaning of what is written. And there is certainly something to think about.

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Elena Zvezdnaya

Princess of Special Purpose

Her Royal Highness Princess Loriana Aroil Astarimana! - the master of ceremonies announced loudly, and the hall fell silent in admiration.

And SHE appeared - beautiful, tall, slender, with captivating forms, which were the envy of all the court ladies. Loriana's golden hair was adorned with a platinum tiara, the dress favorably emphasized the curves of the lovely female body, and the emerald necklace gave way to the sparkle of her green eyes. But her main asset was her skin - soft, as if glowing, of that rare white-pink shade that drives men crazy.

Yes! I am also delighted with my little sister. More precisely, not quite so, but envy is a terrible feeling, so I diligently fight its manifestations.

Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Catriona Rinavielle Witrimana!

And no admiration for you! My arrival, as usual, was hardly noticed! Does this surprise you? I've been gone for a long time. Everyone always notices Loriana! My youngest reaches up to my shoulder, my hair, although longer, is dark, my skin is dark, my eyes are generally black, my figure... in general, it’s time to lose weight.

I march majestically to the throne. Loriana has been standing surrounded by admirers for a long time and listening to an avalanche of admiration, and I am forced, under the mocking glances of the courtiers and the skeptical gaze of my parents, to stomp to the small throne next to my father - the heiress, after all!

Catriona, walk more majestic! - my mother whispers furiously, as soon as I come closer.

Let her sit down already, leave her alone! - my father whispers to my mother, and I understand that there is another scandal between them about me.

Why is life such an unfair thing?! My mother is a small, fragile blonde with black eyes and that amazingly beautiful skin that allows her to remain beautiful, while all her peers have long been deprived of male attention. My father is a tall, green-eyed brunette with dark skin and a white-toothed smile. All women from fifteen to sixty-five suffer from it, and in the palace and among the younger generation it has no equal. My sister took all the best from her parents, and I... Short, plump, ugly... a jerk, in a word.

“Catriona,” the father whispers, “get yourself together, you have to make a good impression on your future husband... not like always!”

I'm not stupid...usually. I perfectly know herbology, astrophysics, diplomacy, history, oratory and the rest of the body of legal, political and economic sciences, which the heiress of such a beautiful kingdom as our Oitlon should know perfectly. And I was a good student and argued with dignity with teachers, more than once expressed my opinion at ministerial meetings - from the age of seventeen, it was my word that invariably remained the last. The fact that those close to power respected me was like a balm for a wounded soul. Although I usually ate my sorrows about my appearance with cakes, sitting in the kitchen at night with our cook and complaining about my fate. The head of the royal kitchen loved me, not even like that - Kintar simply adored me, always tried to please me, and delicious things usually awaited me in picturesque piles on a platter, so I... That’s why I now need to lose weight!

But let's get back to my rationality. As my beloved father says, I am a smart fool! I can defend the need for reforms in the army until I am hoarse, argue with the best royal politicians, rule with an iron fist and demand unquestioning obedience, but... As soon as I see a handsome man, my tongue somehow mechanically stops communicating with the brain, my hands become sticky and tremble, my knees my joints turn into something jelly-like, refusing to support my considerable weight... And if a handsome man also speaks... fuck me!

The first such incident occurred when I was fifteen and my father had hopes of getting some smart consort to be sure that the kingdom would find a real Master instead of... instead of me, in short. The prince arrived from a neighboring state, he was the third in the family, which did not give him a chance for the throne, therefore he was ready to marry in order to rule. And so the delegation entered the throne room. With Stuttgarts fallen in the absence of wind, painted with the symbols of the family, with guides, but most importantly, ahead was He, the prince from my fairy tales... unfortunately not dreams, since I always dreamed of some kind of nonsense. Even his horse was snow-white! I saw it later, the horse, I mean, when the prince was scurrying out of the palace.

His Highness Andariel moved like a true warrior, his bow was full of grace, and then he saw Loriana, then fourteen, and could not tear his admiring gaze away until one of the advisers hit him in the side with his elbow. But then I even liked his admiration for his sister - it means we have the same tastes! But when His Highness looked at me... so what is it that my butt can hardly fit on the throne, and the roundness of my face resembles the moon? But the cook, while I was devouring the cakes, called me “moon-faced,” and in general, in his homeland, the standard of beauty was plump! So it’s not me who is wrong, it’s the standards of beauty in Oitlon that are somewhat... um, unfair. And this prince... well, maybe he would have come to terms with the injustice of fate, after all, they also gave me a kingdom for me, but... If at my incomprehensible moo he only grimaced with disgust, then after the dance, during which his legs became covered with bruises and abrasions, the prince decided that he didn’t really need our kingdom that much, and in general, there are many kingdoms, but he is alone! That’s when, wiping away bitter tears, I watched from the tower as my handsome prince ran away on a snow-white horse... galloped beautifully... so quickly...

Then there was a black prince on a black horse... A red-haired highlander on a lizard... Then one homely prince, who for some reason decided that I, giggling hysterically at the sight of his wart on his nose, had dealt him a mortal insult... And then there was a prince on a flying griffin... He flew away he's beautiful too.

When I turned fifteen, my father was called to the Pride Alliance. Our Caesar, a very extraordinary man, in comparison with whom the poisonous cobra was as dangerous as a newborn kitten, had a gentle conversation with the king of Oitlon. The affectionate Caesar Araeden is a reason for a separate conversation, but that is not the point. As a result of the conversation, dad was forced to admit that there would be no better master for his beloved kingdom than me. But, alas, he did not abandon the decision to make his eldest daughter happy with marriage, so that he could look after his grandchildren before his death. A new series of princes, dukes, princes began, and even tribal leaders visited the approaches to the throne. Bottom line - in the end I found some kind of perverted pleasure in it. And in general, sometimes it’s good to laugh... at yourself.

Catriona, watch your face! - It's mom again.

Yes, I’m watching, I’m watching... this is a man! Everything swam before my eyes, my heart began to beat desperately, and my mouth involuntarily opened slightly. He was good, how... I wanted to run away from the throne room, disappear for six months, finally lose weight, and then return and smite him with unearthly beauty. And although... it’s too late, look how Loriana defeated him... eh! It became incredibly boring, and even its beauty faded due to the repetition of the standard plot.

Duke Antonio Latrios of Imaltis! - the master of ceremonies announced, and I thought that one frog in the soup was not enough for him, I would have to arrange a second date for him with representatives of amphibians. The master of ceremonies screamed for so long that time that for a week afterwards he could not speak and only wheezed. It was funny!

The Duke moved towards us, desperately trying not to cross his eyes at my youngest... Poor thing, you can get a squint.

I am glad to welcome the famous commander! - the father began.

Next is an exchange of pleasantries. Then they introduced me - and the Duke barely managed to hide his displeasure behind a courteous but wry smile. The exchange of pleasantries continued. The Duke's ardent assurances that I was the most beautiful were accompanied by crooked expressions and poorly concealed chuckles from the courtiers. The father's angry gaze - and the laughter of the courtiers subsided. Late! Baroness Tarigo catches my vengeful glance and turns pale. Yes, I’m evil and I know how to take revenge... now her request to accept her son into the royal guard will receive a refusal, guaranteed by me personally!

Your Highness... - the whisper of Secretary Sveitis pulls me away from contemplation of all this sad nonsense, - an urgent report from Gotmir.

I glance quickly at my father, who nods understandingly, and I take off from my seat, slipping into the secret passage behind the thrones. When it comes to state problems, the awkward princess gives way to the real me - a strong, powerful and calculating heir to the throne.

Where is the messenger? - I ask hastily, following the secretary.

The doctor is there, he is wounded.

Clear! - I overtake Sveitis, and after a few minutes I am already in the doctor’s white hospital room. - Ramil! - I know the messenger, this is our deputy manager for the mines. Now the wounded Marquis Ramil Igronto looks less like an aristocrat. - What's happened?

Your Highness... - whispers the pale marquis.

Leave your titles aside, report quickly and to the point!

He reported... He reported in such a way that it would be better if he died on the way! The news was impressive: Grossa Pass had been captured by mercenaries! The workers are captured and thrown into Gotmir, with no hope of return, the defense structures are destroyed! A shipment of blue steel to be sent to Oitlon drove off in an unknown direction... Amazingly simple! When I reported this news to my father half an hour later, he actually grabbed his head and groaned for several minutes. I patiently allow him to revel in his suffering for a few minutes, then I interrupt with confidence:

Ramil doesn’t know who the mercenaries obey, but it seems to me that it’s Dinar - as always! - Unlike my father, I react more calmly, because I’m already calculating my options.

Catriona! - the father continues to moan. - Without Gotmir steel, we will not only be destroyed, we will be destroyed very quickly, you know? And this... horse droppings have been disrupting all our supplies for six months now!

Now about Gotmir steel: Gotmir is the region where the mines are located, and ore is mined there to produce blue steel - an ideal component of a weapon against evil spirits, orcs, thallos, and in general this is our main exported product. Profit corresponds to value. For two hundred years, magicians have been looking for a way to fight smuggling... and they found it! It would be better if they all jumped off the tower where they found this solution, it would all be more useful! So, all of Gotmir these... well, honestly, the orcs are smarter... and so these same magicians covered the entire area with a protective canopy. The canopy turned out wonderful, some smugglers jumped with happiness, while others literally hanged themselves! That is, those who remained outside jumped, and those who found themselves inside began mass suicide. The canopy fenced off all of Gotmir. Its properties allowed anyone to penetrate it, but to get out... difficulties arose with this, insurmountable difficulties. First, mass suicides engulfed smugglers, whose carts with ore drove out of the canopy, but they themselves were unable to get out. Then the merchants went on a drinking binge, then the workers who did not return to their families. The families of workers and merchants found the magicians and beat them up pretty badly, but this did not solve the problem. And now forty years have passed. Over the years, everyone has become accustomed to the fact that on the territory of the kingdom there is an area - “Abandon hope, everyone who enters here.” Daddy solved the problem in his own spirit: food, medicine and fabrics were sent down to the hermits through the Grossa Pass, and they shipped ore. In general, production improved again, and in the end it turned out that it was even more profitable than it was before. Our kingdom flourished again, and then criminals and all sorts of asocial elements began to be sent to Gotmir... And there began a struggle for power, which, however, is quite natural, but we did not care - the ore was supplied regularly.

And then it began! Dinar Grakhsoven, the ruler of neighboring Dallaria, found information that Gotmir was originally their territory and demanded the return of the lands. Father laughed right in the face of this bastard - the copper-haired one, too confident in himself! Dinar bowed and left the throne room, and I calmly announced that we had problems. And she turned out to be right. No, he didn’t start the war - he’s not an idiot, but on the Grossa Pass they began to attack... tyras, goblins, bandits, mercenaries... And, most importantly, we could not bring any charges against this very Dinar - there was no evidence.

Father could repeat as much as he wanted that he felt with his liver: this is the work of the ruler of Dallaria!.. But when Dinar, at the council of the Pride Alliance, with an imperturbable look, invited him to present his liver as evidence, dad, of course, refused. That's where the matter was hushed up. We increased the garrison at the pass nine times, Dinar calmly continued to harass us. Politics... to the goblins! And now this...

Father... - I thoughtfully calculated the options, - if the pass is captured, Dinar is probably there. Let me figure this out.

Silence reigned among the hastily assembled ministers, and everyone looked at me... like I was a duck.

No, that's not an option. - Dad was still very handsome when he was angry. - We are sending the army!

AND? - I asked ironically. - This is exactly what they are waiting for! And, as always, he will disappear before we destroy the mercenaries. As always! I offer a better option - I'm going! We are holding negotiations, I offer him a trial in the Alliance regarding the legality of our right of ownership, and let him carry his papers, and let alone... The Alliance government is still ours! Let's figure it out, at the very least, give Caesar another diamond crown, we won't be left behind. And Caesar... in general, I don’t think he will decide to intervene.

The ruler of the Pride Alliance is a terrible, long-lived and... dangerous person, but he rarely intervened in political squabbles, and in general, money solves many problems. In addition, I had a feeling that in this situation our terrible ruler would take my side, as had happened more than once.

What if it doesn’t burn out? - Father looked at me with interest.

If it doesn’t work out... My word in court is against his! I hope he will decide to meet with me, but he will, the bait will be too provocative. And in court I will be able to be convincing!

Catriona,” my father thoughtfully examined my carcass, “I like your option, but why did you decide that it was feasible?

Calculation, father! Simple calculation. Dinar believes in justice, the fanatical gleam in his eyes is too obvious, so if we lure him with the desired justice... it will work. And secondly, he is not an idiot and realizes that we can attract the forces of the Alliance to resolve this issue, and... armies will pass through his lands, and this is extremely disadvantageous for the agricultural country that is Dallaria. And even if my plan doesn't work... you and the army leave a few hours after me. We are Astariman, we always have a backup option.

This decision was unanimously supported! No one feared for the maiden honor of Princess Catriona - well, who would set their sights on me? Therefore, with a small detachment, that same night I left my native palace and set off in a shaking carriage to the Grossa Pass. My favorite cook, wiping away profuse tears, handed me a bag of goodies - and for three days of the journey I “enjoyed” an upset stomach, since I ate everything on the first night, and composing a speech for Dinar. By the end of the journey, I hated the mosquitoes and the shaking, and the guards hated me because of my cries: “Stop by those bushes, and now! This is a royal order! - at first they caused shy silence, then loud laughter, but in the end they tortured everyone.

It's good that everything tends to end, and this journey has come to an end. Approaching the pass, she gave the order to the three to move forward, to prevent, let’s say, the effect of surprise. I fanatically rewrote the speech I was going to give in court, denouncing the bastard. And then the carriage suddenly slowed down... And they taught me to cover the ink, but no... I’m the smartest, and now I’m also dirty! A purple spot spread across the face, across the dress, across the neckline, in the end. However, this did not bother me as much as the sounds of battle outside.

The carriage door swung open and a huge, hairy mercenary jumped up to me.

Oh, monster! - He’s talking about me, if anyone doesn’t understand.

Nice to meet you! - I said sarcastically. - And I am Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Catriona Rinavielle Witry...

Utyrka! - the mercenary interrupted me. - That's the name that suits you, princhipessa!

While they pulled me out of the carriage and, throwing me over their shoulder, dragged me into the night, I was wondering whether it was worth proving using logical conclusions that I was not a duck, or whether it was better to remain silent. In the end, I decided to remain silent. My faithful guards sadly looked after me... what else could they do - tied hand and foot? My carcass was loaded onto the lizard; this beast easily overcame the steep ascent of the pass and trotted through the collapsed garrison to the ore receiving point. The last time I was here was three years ago, then the architect and I were choosing the most suitable project for the construction of rail carts. Now I looked with some pride at the translator, which no one had destroyed so far, however, this, apparently, was not in the interests of the invaders.

Naturally, they took me to the commandant’s house. I had no doubt that the leaders of the robbers settled there - the commandant had an excellent collection of wines, my father sometimes asked for a more refined bottle. Near the doors they unloaded me onto the ground. Having dusted off my dress, I humbly walked inside along the stone steps - what’s the point of pretending to be a heroine? My security guard walked heavily behind me, but did not enter into any further argument, which I was glad about.

The commandant's house was met with unusual silence; usually there are a lot of people here, but now I saw only three guards, and all of them were absolutely sober, which testified to the iron discipline in the detachment of this rogue. This fact did not make me happy at all.

Here, princess,” the thug opened the door for me to a small living room, where I had already been, more than once. True, not in a similar role.

In the living room, by the fireplace, thoughtfully reading some vaguely familiar sheets, a young man was sitting.

And, of course, it was Dinar Grahsoven! Did I doubt it? Tall, red-haired, arrogant and self-confident cretin, you need to look for the kind... More precisely, not like that, you don’t need to look for such people, they come on their own!

After looking me over, the copper-haired monster gave a single order:

Frankly speaking, when I heard the first “y”, I was already scared, but since it was an order to “wash” and not “kill”, then I can be impudent:

T-thank you,” she squeezed out with difficulty, “I can wash myself without any help, you neat freak!”

Oh, that’s exactly the look he had when his father laughed at him in our palace. Yes, yes, and the eyes narrowed just like that, and the lips turned into one line... such an evil line... Suddenly it became scary. For some reason I thought that this representative of the stronger sex was somewhat inadequate and in general... when he then offered to demonstrate the liver to dad, he took out a dagger in order, so to speak, to help in the difficult task of removing the internal organ.

Leave it alone! - Dinar barked at the two guards heading towards me. - I myself!

Utyrrka – there are not perfect princesses too

“Her Royal Highness Princess Loriana Aroil Astarimana!”

The master of ceremonies announced loudly, and the hall fell silent in admiration. And SHE appeared - beautiful, tall, slender, with captivating forms, which were the envy of all the court ladies. Loriana's golden hair was adorned with a platinum tiara, the dress favorably emphasized all the curves of the lovely female body, and the emerald necklace gave way to the sparkle of her green eyes. But her main asset was her skin - soft, as if glowing, of that rare white-pink shade that drives all men crazy.

Yesss!!! I am also delighted with my little sister. More precisely, not so, but envy is a terrible feeling, so I diligently fight its manifestations.

“Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Catriona Rinavielle Witrimana!”

And no admiration for you! As usual, no one really noticed my arrival! Does this surprise you? I've been gone for a long time. Everyone always notices Loriana! My youngest reaches up to my shoulder, my hair, although longer, is dark, my skin is dark, my eyes are generally black, my figure... in general, it’s time to lose weight.

I am majestically marching to the throne... Loriana has long been surrounded by admirers and listening to an avalanche of admiration, and I am forced, under the mocking glances of the courtiers and the skeptical glances of my parents, to stomp to the small throne near my father - the heiress, after all!

- Catriona, walk more majestic! – my mother whispers furiously as soon as I come closer.

- Let her sit down already, leave her alone! – my father whispers to my mother, and I understand that there is another scandal between them about me.

Why is life such an unfair thing?! My mother is a small, fragile blonde with black eyes and that amazingly beautiful skin that allows her to remain beautiful, while all her peers have long been deprived of male attention. My father is a tall, green-eyed brunette with dark skin and a white-toothed smile. All women from 15 to 65 suffer from it, and in the palace and among the younger generation there are no equals to it. My sister took all the best from her parents, and I... Short, plump, ugly... in one word, a jerk.

“Catriona,” the father whispers, “get yourself together, you have to make a good impression on your future husband... not like always!”

I'm not stupid...usually. I perfectly know herbology, astrophysics, diplomacy, history, oratory and... all the other nonsense that the heiress of such a beautiful kingdom as our Oitlon should know perfectly. And I was a good student and argued with dignity with teachers, more than once expressed my opinion at ministerial meetings, and invariably my word remained the last. The fact that those close to power respected me was like a balm for a wounded soul. Although I usually ate my sorrows about my appearance with cakes, sitting in the kitchen at night with our cook, and complaining about my fate. Chef Kintar loved me, not even like that - he simply adored me, always tried to please me, and therefore goodies were usually waiting for me in picturesque piles on a platter, so I... I need to lose weight!

But let's get back to my rationality. As my beloved father says, I am a smart fool! I can defend the need for reforms in the army until I am hoarse, argue with the best royal politicians, but... as soon as I see a handsome man, my tongue somehow mechanically stops communicating with the brain, my hands become sticky and tremble, and my knee joints turn into something jelly-like that refuses to hold my considerable weight... And if a handsome man also speaks... I'm screwed!

The first such incident occurred when I was fifteen and my father had hopes of getting some smart consort to be sure that the kingdom would find a real Master instead of... instead of me, in short. The prince was from a neighboring state, he was the third in the family, which did not give him a chance for the throne, therefore he was ready to marry in order to rule. And so the delegation entered the throne room, and I melted at the sight of this golden-haired prince from my girlish fantasies. Even his horse was snow-white! I saw this later, the horse, I mean, when the prince was scurrying out of the palace. His Highness Andariel moved like a true warrior, his bow was full of grace, and then he saw Loriana, then fourteen, and could not tear his admiring gaze away until one of the advisers hit him in the side with his elbow. But then I even liked his admiration for his sister - it means we have the same tastes! But when His Highness looked at me... so what is it that my butt could hardly fit on the throne, and my face looked like the moon? But the cook, while I was devouring the cakes, called me “moon-faced,” and in general, in his homeland, the standard of beauty was plump! And this prince... well, maybe he would have come to terms with the injustice of fate, after all, they also gave me a kingdom for me, but... If at my incomprehensible moo he only grimaced with disgust, then after the dance, during which his legs were covered with bruises and abrasions, the prince decided that he didn’t need our kingdom that much, and in general there are many kingdoms, but he is alone! That’s when, wiping away bitter tears, I watched from the tower as my handsome prince ran away on a snow-white horse... they galloped beautifully... so quickly...

Then there was a black prince on a black horse... A red-haired highlander on a lizard... one nondescript prince, who for some reason decided that me giggling hysterically at the sight of his wart on my nose was a mortal insult... And then there was a prince on a flying griffin... They also flew away beautifully .

When I turned twenty, dad was forced to admit that there would be no better master for his beloved kingdom than me. But, alas, he did not abandon the decision to make me happy with marriage, so that he could look after his grandchildren before his death. A new series of princes, dukes, princes began, and even tribal leaders visited the approaches to the throne. Bottom line - in the end, I found some kind of perverted pleasure in it. And in general, sometimes it’s good to laugh... at yourself.

- Catriona, watch your face! - This is already mom.

Yes, I'm watching, I'm watching... this is a man! Everything swam before my eyes, my heart began to beat desperately, and my mouth involuntarily opened slightly. Oooh, he was so good... I desperately wanted to run away from the throne room, disappear for six months, finally lose weight, and then return and smite him with unearthly beauty. And although... it’s too late, look how Loriana defeated him... eh! It became incredibly boring, and even its beauty faded due to the repetition of the standard plot.

- Duke Antonio Latrios of Imaltis! - the master of ceremonies announced, and I thought that one frog in the soup was not enough for him, I would have to arrange a second date for him with representatives of amphibians. The first time he squealed for so long that for a week afterwards he could not speak and only wheezed. It was funny.

The Duke moved towards us, desperately trying not to cross his eyes at my youngest... Poor thing, you can get a squint.

- I am glad to greet the famous commander! - the father began.

Next - the exchange of pleasantries, the introduction of me and the crooked, barely hidden face of the Duke, the exchange of pleasantries and the words of the Duke that I am the best... the crooked faces of the courtiers and poorly hidden chuckles after. The father's angry gaze and the courtiers' laughter subsided. Ha, late! Baroness Tarigo catches my vengeful glance and turns pale. Yes, I’m evil and I know how to take revenge... now her request to accept her son into the royal guard will be rejected!

“Your Highness...” the whisper of Secretary Sveitis breaks me from contemplating all this nonsense, “an urgent report from Gotmir.”

I take a quick glance at my father, who nods understandingly, and takes off into the secret passage behind the thrones. When it comes to government issues, the awkward princess gives way to me, the strong, powerful and calculating heir to the throne.

- Where is the messenger? – I ask hastily, following the secretary.

- At the doctor's, he is wounded.

- Clear! – I overtake Sveitis, and a few minutes later I’m already in the doctor’s white hospital room. - Ramil! - I know the messenger, this is our deputy manager for the mines. Now the wounded Marquis Ramil Igronto looked least like an aristocrat. - What's happened?

“Your Highness...” whispers the pale marquis.

— Put aside your titles, report quickly and to the point!

He reported... He reported in such a way that it would be better if he died on the way! The news was impressive: Grossa Pass has been captured by mercenaries! When I reported this news to my father half an hour later, he actually grabbed his head and groaned for several minutes.

- Ramil doesn’t know who the mercenaries obey, but it seems to me that it’s Dinar, as always! – unlike my father, I react more calmly, because I’m already calculating the options.

“Catriona!” the father continues to moan, “without Gotmir steel, we will not only be destroyed, we will be destroyed very quickly, you know?” And this... horse droppings have been disrupting all our supplies for six months now!

Now about Gotmir steel: Gotmir is the region where the mines are located and blue steel is mined there - ideal for weapons against evil spirits, orcs, thallos, and in general this is our main exported product. Profit corresponding to value. For two hundred years, magicians have been looking for a way to fight smuggling... and they found it! It would be better if they all jumped off the tower where they found this solution, it would all be more useful. So, all of Gotmir, these... honestly, the orcs are smarter, and these same magicians covered the entire area with a protective canopy. The canopy turned out wonderful, some smugglers jumped with happiness, others literally hanged themselves! That is, those who were outside jumped, and those who were inside started mass suicides. The canopy fenced off the entire Gotmir, but its properties allowed anyone to penetrate it, but to get out... difficulties arose with this, such insurmountable difficulties. First, mass suicides engulfed smugglers, whose carts with ore passed through the canopy, but they themselves were unable to get through. Then the merchants went on a drinking binge, then the workers who did not return to their families. The families of workers and merchants found the magicians and beat them up pretty badly, but this did not solve the problem. And now forty years have passed. Over the years, everyone has somehow gotten used to the fact that on the territory of the kingdom there is an area - “Abandon hope, everyone who enters here.” Daddy solved the problem in his own spirit - food, medicine and fabrics were sent down to the hermits through the Grossa Pass, and they shipped ore. In general, production improved again, and in the end it turned out that it was even more profitable than it was before. Our kingdom flourished again, and then, somehow, gradually, criminals and any asocial elements began to be brought to Gotmir... a struggle for power began there, which, however, is quite natural, but we didn’t really care about it - ore was supplied regularly and even bread.

And then it began! Dinar Grasovhenn, the ruler of neighboring Dallaria, found information that Gotmir was originally their territory, and demanded a return. Father laughed in the face of this copper-haired scoundrel, confident in his irresistibility! Dinar bowed and silently left the throne room, and I calmly said that we would have problems. I turned out to be right. No, he didn’t start the war - he’s not an idiot, but on the Grossa Pass they began to attack... orcs, goblins, bandits, mercenaries... And most importantly, we could not bring any charges against this very Dinar - there was no evidence.

Princess of Special Purpose Elena Zvezdnaya

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Title: Special Purpose Princess

About the book “Princess of a Special Purpose” Elena Zvezdnaya

How often have you met very happy people, completely satisfied with their lives? There are absolutely unhappy individuals who are offended by both fate and people. But at the same time they can boast of a beautiful soul, skills, knowledge and wisdom. There are actually much more such people than we used to think.

Elena Zvezdnaya's book “A Special Purpose Princess” is a very unusual and touching story about Princess Katriona. The girl cannot boast of an attractive appearance, but at the same time she is incredibly smart and quick-witted. We can say that she rules the entire country.

Nobody likes Katriona and everyone is afraid of her, and this even plays into the girl’s hands, because she doesn’t plan to let anyone near her. That's how detached and independent she is. And sometimes she uses very cruel methods, but justified in a given situation.

The main storyline in Elena Zvezdnaya's book “A Special Princess” begins when Katriona is kidnapped and her honor is attacked. But in the end, for the main character, things don’t turn out the way many might think. She gains something that she didn’t have before, but, by the way, all this brings her a number of troubles that the girl will have to deal with. In addition, she will face such “trouble” as feelings and love, which was also not in Kat’s plans.

In addition, Catriona has an excellent sense of humor, which helps her in many situations. In general, I would like to note that all of Elena Zvezdnaya’s books are quite funny, but at the same time, the humor and the main plot are very harmoniously combined, without turning the story into a comedy.

The book is quite serious in terms of how the main character copes with the fact that everyone considers her a monster and a bogeyman. But many people go through this in our world. For a girl to hear that she is, to put it mildly, not beautiful is a guarantee of complexes for the rest of her life. But not for Catriona Rinaviel Witriman.

Elena Zvezdnaya usually adheres to certain standards in her works, without going beyond them. As a result, the books turn out to be a little formulaic. Here everything is the other way around. The main character, Catriona, is an incredible girl with strength that every man would envy. In addition, you will be able to observe how her worldview changes, how she finds family and friends, and how she copes with love.

The book "Special Purpose Princess" is very dynamic, there is always something happening. In addition, the story is very quick and easy to read, and you will be looking forward to the ending to find out how it all ends. I would like to note that perhaps this will be a series of books, and we will still be able to read about the adventures of Princess Catriona.

The book “Princess of a Special Purpose” by Elena Zvezdnaya will appeal more to the female audience of readers. This is still a novel with notes of fantasy and mysticism. However, men can also find very fascinating moments in this story.

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Quotes from the book “A Special Purpose Princess” by Elena Zvezdnaya

Good is to live and not interfere with others’ lives!

You see,” I began politely and kindly, “if I answer this undoubtedly personal question, I will deprive you of long nights of reflection on this riddle... How can I deprive such a respected Aisir of anything? Oh, I won’t commit this crime, and don’t ask!

A country cannot be rich if it has poor people.

And the Gross Pass is strategically inconvenient to defend.
– Is it really possible to create a portal? – I asked incredulously.
- No doubt. “He reached out and straightened a strand of hair that had fallen into my eyes. – He passed the tests successfully.
At dawn, hostilities began at the gates, and this distracted us from further debate.
- Orcs! – I screamed, getting up. - Sign it.
He signed, and I followed.
-What about the orcs? – Dinar asked somehow tensely.
“They should be in Gotmir for about seven more days, but I will have to stay with you until I receive an answer from my father,” I couldn’t hold back a heavy sigh.

No, I'm not angry, I just don't like those who make me angry.

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Elena Zvezdnaya
Princess of Special Purpose

– Her Royal Highness Princess Loriana Aroil Astarimana! – the master of ceremonies announced loudly, and the hall fell silent in admiration.

And SHE appeared - beautiful, tall, slender, with captivating forms, which were the envy of all the court ladies. Loriana's golden hair was adorned with a platinum tiara, the dress favorably emphasized the curves of the lovely female body, and the emerald necklace gave way to the sparkle of her green eyes. But her main asset was her skin - soft, as if glowing, of that rare white-pink shade that drives men crazy.

Yes! I am also delighted with my little sister. More precisely, not quite so, but envy is a terrible feeling, so I diligently fight its manifestations.

– Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Catriona Rinavielle Witrimana!

And no admiration for you! My arrival, as usual, was hardly noticed! Does this surprise you? I've been gone for a long time. Everyone always notices Loriana! My youngest reaches up to my shoulder, my hair, although longer, is dark, my skin is dark, my eyes are generally black, my figure... in general, it’s time to lose weight.

I march majestically to the throne. Loriana has been standing surrounded by admirers for a long time and listening to an avalanche of admiration, and I am forced, under the mocking glances of the courtiers and the skeptical gaze of my parents, to stomp to the small throne next to my father - the heiress, after all!

- Catriona, walk more majestic! – my mother whispers furiously as soon as I come closer.

- Let her sit down already, leave her alone! – my father whispers to my mother, and I understand that there is another scandal between them about me.

Why is life such an unfair thing?! My mother is a small, fragile blonde with black eyes and that amazingly beautiful skin that allows her to remain beautiful, while all her peers have long been deprived of male attention. My father is a tall, green-eyed brunette with dark skin and a white-toothed smile. All women from fifteen to sixty-five suffer from it, and in the palace and among the younger generation it has no equal. My sister took all the best from her parents, and I... Short, plump, ugly... a jerk, in a word.

“Catriona,” the father whispers, “get yourself together, you have to make a good impression on your future husband... not like always!”

I'm not stupid...usually. I perfectly know herbology, astrophysics, diplomacy, history, oratory and the rest of the body of legal, political and economic sciences, which the heiress of such a beautiful kingdom as our Oitlon should know perfectly. And I was a good student and argued with dignity with teachers, more than once expressed my opinion at ministerial meetings - from the age of seventeen, it was my word that invariably remained the last. The fact that those close to power respected me was like a balm for a wounded soul. Although I usually ate my sorrows about my appearance with cakes, sitting in the kitchen at night with our cook and complaining about my fate. The head of the royal kitchen loved me, not even like that - Kintar simply adored me, always tried to please me, and delicious things usually awaited me in picturesque piles on a platter, so I... That’s why I now need to lose weight!

But let's get back to my rationality. As my beloved father says, I am a smart fool! I can defend the need for reforms in the army until I am hoarse, argue with the best royal politicians, rule with an iron fist and demand unquestioning obedience, but... As soon as I see a handsome man, my tongue somehow mechanically stops communicating with the brain, my hands become sticky and tremble, my knees my joints turn into something jelly-like, refusing to support my considerable weight... And if a handsome man also speaks... fuck me!

The first such incident occurred when I was fifteen and my father had hopes of getting some smart consort to be sure that the kingdom would find a real Master instead of... instead of me, in short. The prince arrived from a neighboring state, he was the third in the family, which did not give him a chance for the throne, therefore he was ready to marry in order to rule. And so the delegation entered the throne room. With Stuttgarts fallen in the absence of wind, painted with the symbols of the family, with guides, but most importantly, in front was He, the prince from my fairy tales... unfortunately not dreams, since I always dreamed of some kind of nonsense. Even his horse was snow-white! I saw it later, the horse, I mean, when the prince was scurrying out of the palace.

His Highness Andariel moved like a true warrior, his bow was full of grace, and then he saw Loriana, then fourteen, and could not tear his admiring gaze away until one of the advisers hit him in the side with his elbow. But then I even liked his admiration for his sister - it means we have the same tastes! But when His Highness looked at me... so what is it that my butt can hardly fit on the throne, and the roundness of my face resembles the moon? But the cook, while I was devouring the cakes, called me “moon-faced,” and in general, in his homeland, the standard of beauty was plump! So it’s not me who is wrong, it’s the standards of beauty in Oitlon that are somewhat... um, unfair. And this prince... well, maybe he would have come to terms with the injustice of fate, after all, they also gave me a kingdom for me, but... If at my incomprehensible moo he only grimaced with disgust, then after the dance, during which his legs became covered with bruises and abrasions, the prince decided that he didn’t really need our kingdom that much, and in general, there are many kingdoms, but he is alone! That’s when, wiping away bitter tears, I watched from the tower as my handsome prince ran away on a snow-white horse... galloped beautifully... so quickly...

Then there was a black prince on a black horse... A red-haired highlander on a lizard... Then one homely prince, who for some reason decided that I, giggling hysterically at the sight of his wart on his nose, had dealt him a mortal insult... And then there was a prince on a flying griffin... He flew away he's beautiful too.

When I turned fifteen, my father was called to the Pride Alliance. Our Caesar, a very extraordinary man, in comparison with whom the poisonous cobra was as dangerous as a newborn kitten, had a gentle conversation with the king of Oitlon. The affectionate Caesar Araeden is a reason for a separate conversation, but that is not the point. As a result of the conversation, dad was forced to admit that there would be no better master for his beloved kingdom than me. But, alas, he did not abandon the decision to make his eldest daughter happy with marriage, so that he could look after his grandchildren before his death. A new series of princes, dukes, princes began, and even tribal leaders visited the approaches to the throne. Bottom line - in the end I found some kind of perverse pleasure in it. And in general, sometimes it’s good to laugh... at yourself.

– Catriona, watch your face! - It's mom again.

Yes, I’m watching, I’m watching... this is a man! Everything swam before my eyes, my heart began to beat desperately, and my mouth involuntarily opened slightly. He was good, how... I wanted to run away from the throne room, disappear for six months, finally lose weight, and then return and smite him with unearthly beauty. And although... it’s too late, look how Loriana defeated him... eh! It became incredibly boring, and even its beauty faded due to the repetition of the standard plot.

– Duke Antonio Latrios of Imaltis! - the master of ceremonies announced, and I thought that one frog in the soup was not enough for him, I would have to arrange a second date for him with representatives of amphibians. The master of ceremonies screamed for so long that time that for a week afterwards he could not speak and only wheezed. It was funny!

The Duke moved towards us, desperately trying not to cross his eyes at my youngest... Poor thing, you can get a squint.

– I am glad to greet the famous commander! - the father began.

Next is an exchange of pleasantries. Then they introduced me - and the Duke barely managed to hide his displeasure behind a courteous but wry smile. The exchange of pleasantries continued. The Duke's ardent assurances that I was the most beautiful were accompanied by crooked expressions and poorly concealed chuckles from the courtiers. The father's angry gaze - and the courtiers' laughter died down. Late! Baroness Tarigo catches my vengeful glance and turns pale. Yes, I’m evil and I know how to take revenge... now her request to accept her son into the royal guard will receive a refusal, guaranteed by me personally!

“Your Highness...” the whisper of Secretary Sveitis breaks me from contemplating all this sad nonsense, “an urgent report from Gotmir.”

I glance quickly at my father, who nods understandingly, and I take off from my seat, slipping into the secret passage behind the thrones. When it comes to government issues, the awkward princess gives way to the real me - the strong, powerful and calculating heir to the throne.

-Where is the messenger? – I ask hastily, following the secretary.

- At the doctor's, he is wounded.

- Clear! – I overtake Sveitis, and in a few minutes I’m already in the doctor’s white hospital room. - Ramil! – I know the messenger, this is our deputy manager for the mines. Now the wounded Marquis Ramil Igronto looks less like an aristocrat. - What's happened?

“Your Highness...” whispers the pale marquis.

– Leave your titles aside, report quickly and to the point!

He reported... He reported in such a way that it would be better if he died on the way! The news was impressive: Grossa Pass had been captured by mercenaries! The workers are captured and thrown into Gotmir, with no hope of return, the defense structures are destroyed! A shipment of blue steel to be sent to Oitlon drove off in an unknown direction... Amazingly simple! When I reported this news to my father half an hour later, he actually grabbed his head and groaned for several minutes. I patiently allow him to revel in his suffering for a few minutes, then I interrupt with confidence:

– Ramil doesn’t know who the mercenaries obey, but it seems to me that it’s Dinar – as always! – Unlike my father, I react more calmly, because I’m already calculating my options.

- Catriona! – the father continues to moan. – Without Gotmir steel, we will not only be destroyed, we will be destroyed very quickly, do you understand? And this... horse droppings have been disrupting all our supplies for six months now!

Now about Gotmir steel: Gotmir is the region where the mines are located, and ore is mined there to produce blue steel - an ideal component for weapons against evil spirits, orcs, thallos, and in general this is our main exported product. Profit corresponds to value. For two hundred years, magicians have been looking for a way to fight smuggling... and they found it! It would be better if they all jumped off the tower where they found this solution, it would all be more useful! So, all of Gotmir these... well, honestly, the orcs are smarter... and so these same magicians covered the entire area with a protective canopy. The canopy turned out wonderful, some smugglers jumped with happiness, while others literally hanged themselves! That is, those who remained outside jumped, and those who found themselves inside began mass suicide. The canopy fenced off all of Gotmir. Its properties allowed anyone to penetrate it, but to get out... difficulties arose with this, insurmountable difficulties. First, mass suicides engulfed smugglers, whose carts with ore drove out of the canopy, but they themselves were unable to get out. Then the merchants went on a drinking binge, then the workers who did not return to their families. The families of workers and merchants found the magicians and beat them up pretty badly, but this did not solve the problem. And now forty years have passed. Over the years, everyone has become accustomed to the fact that on the territory of the kingdom there is an area - “Abandon hope, everyone who enters here.” Daddy solved the problem in his own spirit: food, medicine and fabrics were sent down to the hermits through the Grossa Pass, and they shipped ore. In general, production improved again, and in the end it turned out that it was even more profitable than it was before. Our kingdom flourished again, and then criminals and all sorts of asocial elements began to be sent to Gotmir... And there began a struggle for power, which, however, is quite natural, but we did not care - the ore was supplied regularly.

And then it began! Dinar Grakhsoven, the ruler of neighboring Dallaria, found information that Gotmir was originally their territory and demanded the return of the lands. Father laughed right in the face of this bastard - the copper-haired one, too confident in himself! Dinar bowed and left the throne room, and I calmly announced that we had problems. And she turned out to be right. No, he didn’t start the war - he’s not an idiot, but on the Gross Pass they began to attack... tyras, goblins, bandits, mercenaries... And, most importantly, we could not bring any charges against this very Dinar - there was no evidence.

Father could repeat as much as he wanted that he felt with his liver: this is the work of the ruler of Dallaria!.. But when Dinar, at the council of the Pride Alliance, with an imperturbable look, invited him to present his liver as evidence, dad, of course, refused. That's where the matter was hushed up. We increased the garrison at the pass nine times, Dinar calmly continued to harass us. Politics... to the goblins! And now this...

“Father...” I thoughtfully considered the options, “if the pass is captured, Dinar is probably there.” Let me figure this out.

Silence reigned among the hastily assembled ministers, and everyone looked at me... like I was a duck.

- No, this is not an option. “Dad was still very handsome when he was angry.” - We are sending the army!

- AND? – I asked ironically. – This is exactly what they are waiting for! And, as always, he will disappear before we destroy the mercenaries. As always! I offer a better option - I’m going! We are holding negotiations, I offer him a trial in the Alliance regarding the legality of our right of ownership, and let him carry his papers, and let alone... The Alliance government is still ours! Let's figure it out, at the very least, give Caesar another diamond crown, we won't be left behind. And Caesar... in general, I don’t think he will decide to intervene.

The ruler of the Pride Alliance is a terrible, long-lived and... dangerous person, but he rarely intervened in political squabbles, and in general, money solves many problems. In addition, I had a feeling that in this situation our terrible ruler would take my side, as had happened more than once.

– What if it doesn’t burn out? – my father looked at me with interest.

– If it doesn’t work out... My word in court is against his! I hope he will decide to meet with me, but he will, the bait will be too provocative. And in court I will be able to be convincing!

“Catriona,” my father thoughtfully examined my carcass, “I like your option, but why did you decide that it was feasible?”

- Calculation, father! Simple calculation. Dinar believes in justice, the fanatical gleam in his eyes is too obvious, so if we lure him with the desired justice... it will work. And secondly, he is not an idiot and realizes that we can attract the forces of the Alliance to resolve this issue, and... the armies will pass through his lands, and this is extremely disadvantageous for the agricultural country that is Dallaria. And even if my plan doesn't work... you and the army leave a few hours after me. We are Astariman, we always have a backup option.

This decision was unanimously supported! No one feared for the maiden honor of Princess Catriona - well, who would set their sights on me? Therefore, with a small detachment, that same night I left my native palace and set off in a shaking carriage to the Grossa Pass. My favorite cook, wiping away profuse tears, handed me a bag of goodies - and for three days of the journey I “enjoyed” an upset stomach, since I ate everything on the first night, and composing a speech for Dinard. By the end of the journey, I hated the mosquitoes and the shaking, and the guards hated me because of my cries: “Stop by those bushes, and now! This is a royal order! - at first they caused shy silence, then loud laughter, but in the end they tortured everyone.

It's good that everything tends to end, and this journey has come to an end. Approaching the pass, she gave the order to the three to move forward, to prevent, let’s say, the effect of surprise. I fanatically rewrote the speech I was going to give in court, denouncing the bastard. And then the carriage suddenly slowed down... And they taught me to cover the ink, but no... I’m the smartest, and now I’m also dirty! A purple spot spread across the face, across the dress, across the neckline, in the end. However, this did not bother me as much as the sounds of battle outside.

The carriage door swung open and a huge, hairy mercenary jumped up to me.

- Oh, monster! – He’s talking about me, if anyone doesn’t understand.

- Nice to meet you! – I said sarcastically. – And I am Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Catriona Rinavielle Witry...

- Utyrka! – the mercenary interrupted me. - That's the name that suits you, princhipessa!

While they pulled me out of the carriage and, throwing me over their shoulder, dragged me into the night, I was wondering whether it was worth proving using logical conclusions that I was not a duck, or whether it was better to remain silent. In the end, I decided to remain silent. My faithful guards sadly looked after me... what else could they do - tied hand and foot? My carcass was loaded onto the lizard; this beast easily overcame the steep ascent of the pass and trotted through the collapsed garrison to the ore receiving point. The last time I was here was three years ago, then the architect and I were choosing the most suitable project for the construction of rail carts. Now I looked with some pride at the translator, which no one had destroyed so far, however, this, apparently, was not in the interests of the invaders.

Naturally, they took me to the commandant’s house. I had no doubt that the leaders of the robbers settled there - the commandant had an excellent collection of wines, and my father sometimes asked for a more refined bottle. Near the doors they unloaded me onto the ground. Having dusted off my dress, I humbly walked inside along the stone steps - what’s the point of pretending to be a heroine? My security guard walked heavily behind me, but did not enter into any further argument, which I was glad about.

The commandant's house was met with unusual silence; usually there are a lot of people here, but now I saw only three guards, and all of them were absolutely sober, which testified to the iron discipline in the detachment of this rogue. This fact did not make me happy at all.

“Here, princess,” the thug opened the door in front of me into a small living room, where I had already been, more than once. True, not in a similar role.

In the living room, by the fireplace, thoughtfully reading some vaguely familiar sheets, a young man was sitting.

And, of course, it was Dinar Grahsoven! Did I doubt it? Tall, red-haired, arrogant and self-confident cretin, you need to look for the kind... More precisely, not like that, you don’t need to look for such people, they come on their own!

After looking me over, the copper-haired monster gave a single order:

Frankly speaking, when I heard the first “y”, I was already scared, but since it was an order to “wash” and not “kill”, then I can be impudent:

“Th-thank you,” she managed to squeeze out with difficulty, “I can wash myself without any help, you neat freak!”

Oh, that’s exactly the look he had when his father laughed at him in our palace. Yes, yes, and the eyes narrowed just like that, and the lips turned into one line... such an evil line... Suddenly it became scary. For some reason I thought that this representative of the stronger sex was somewhat inadequate and in general... when he then offered to demonstrate the liver to dad, he took out a dagger in order, so to speak, to help in the difficult task of removing the internal organ.

- Leave it alone! – Dinar barked at the two guards heading towards me. - I myself!

What was that flash in his gaze? It’s strange, somehow he looks at me unusually...

There was a fountain in the commandant's yard. It’s so beautiful, they built it for me, because I once said that it was the fountain that was missing here. I remember that I felt very pleased afterwards. But never once has the crown princess been washed in a fountain to everyone’s mocking laughter! This freak lifted my carcass with one hand! Ignoring weak attempts to escape, he carried me into the yard, placed me by the fountain and washed me for a long time and carefully with one hand, and from time to time he bent me over with the other, dipping me waist-deep in ice-cold water.

“Freak... glug-glug... Creep... glug... undersized... glug... yes I love you... glug... - this is approximately the entire content of our highly intellectual conversation in the process of hygienic procedures.

When he carried me back in the same way, I was just chattering my teeth from the cold and was silent. This freak dragged me into the hall and threw me on the floor by the fireplace. Then he looked carefully and ordered:

- Take off your clothes!

It was a shock. Complete, absolute, indescribable.

- What?! – I squeaked, realizing for the first time that the horrors that the nanny told about men and women could be true for me. Rejecting such a thought, I proudly replied: “Listen, dear ruler of Dallaria, it would be surprising if you... uh... allowed yourself to act inappropriately in relation to the crown princess of Oitlon!

“Take off your clothes,” Dinar repeated menacingly, “otherwise you’ll catch a cold!”

“Ah-ah,” it immediately became easier, otherwise being raped was somewhat offensive. - But perhaps you have maids, because...

How can I explain to him that I can’t figure out the lacing of my own dress? But he seemed to understand everything, at least he left the hall angry and impetuous. And where do these come from? For some reason he reminds me of Rackard at the moment. Looking sadly at the fire in the fireplace, I remembered the castle of the Marquise Raven, where I stayed a day ago and changed into this lace nightmare, which is called a dress in the latest fashion... On the other hand, skinny women are in fashion now, and it looked charming on them. Dinar returned himself, with a man’s shirt in his hands...

- Get up! – there was a knife in his hand.

“Um,” without getting up, I instinctively moved away, “believe me, killing me is not a good idea either and...”

- Get up! - Dinar barked.

I didn’t react, looking at the knife in fear... A jerk - and the Dallarian lifted me to my feet. I cut the corset sharply, and when the dress fell at my feet, the same fate befell the shirt. At least he didn’t touch his pantaloons...

“I can’t deny myself the pleasure...” the ruler of Dallaria said in an unexpectedly soft, almost gentle voice, and his hand smoothly moved along my neck to my chest... I twitched nervously, but the knife immediately pressed against the artery. “Don’t move, princess,” the red-haired freak grinned, “I just want to look... and touch...

And I, the Crown Princess, stand with wet hair, from which streams of water flow, near the fireplace, wearing only lace pantaloons and stockings, while he, the freak, brazenly touches me! Perhaps only constant participation in cabinet meetings, where I learned self-control, allowed me to grit my teeth and endure all this. Dinar did not let up, one more movement of his - and the black nightmare, which was once a beautiful and complex hairstyle in the form of a pyramid, falls behind his back... And how did he manage to untangle his hair so quickly, if it took two hours to collect it, styling each curl?

And then something strange happened: for a moment his hand rose higher, ran over his face, forcing me to close my eyes, I was surprised to feel something like being doused with water again, and then something somewhere very close to the ringing burst. We shuddered at the same time, I looked around, Dinar also looked somewhat discouraged, but his self-confidence returned before I even realized what it had just happened. Maybe the crystal chandelier in the hall was broken? And somehow, quite unexpectedly, it became easier to breathe.

“It’s strange,” the ruler of Dallaria said thoughtfully, “without makeup, clothes and normal hair, you are incredibly pretty...

Did I hear right? Am I pretty? Although the nanny said something about how men react to naked women. This is probably what it is.

“If you’ve already... had enough of admiration,” I say venomously, trying not to twitch, because the knife still rests on my neck, “then let me explain the reason for my arrival!”

The redhead's laughter was perhaps no less offensive than his actions.

- Put it on! – he threw me a shirt, and for the first time in my life I dressed myself. It turned out to be not so difficult.

The shirt just reached the edge of my pantaloons, and the lace stuck out funny, but my legs... from the middle of the thigh and below remained open, and this is the princess! At court it was considered unacceptable to show anything from under the dress except the edge of a shoe, let alone a leg! Feeling naked, I looked at Dinar with fury:

- Maybe you could at least offer me some trousers?

- For what? – the Dallarian smiled impudently. – You look very good, Isira Ekaterina.

Dinar walked to the table, took a bottle of wine and, pouring it into two tall glasses, came up and handed one to me:

- Sit down, princess, let's talk about business.

He sat down in a chair, pointing me to... a place at his feet! This was more than an insult, so I remained standing.

“Either you sit where I indicated,” the intonations were extremely harsh, “or during the conversation you will lie naked on this very carpet!”

Well, when you don’t really have a choice, all you have to do is obey. I sit down on the carpet closer to the fireplace and settle down with my legs crossed. During the process, and even after it, I receive a long, attentive look.

“Drink some wine...” the red-haired freak grinned unkindly, “then we’ll talk.”

“Ladies don’t drink wine,” I said coldly, “the maximum is a sip of diluted sparkling light at the reception!”

- Drink! Or I’ll pour the whole bottle down my throat.

Somehow his manners are starting to tire.

– Your methods of solving problems are interesting! - Oh, I got carried away! “But don’t you think it’s a little... reckless to treat me like that?” Believe me, your behavior will only cause condemnation in society!

He grinned, tucked a strand of copper hair behind his ear and said thoughtfully:

– This is exactly what I’m thinking about now... Catriona! I knew there was trouble as soon as I saw your carriage. I was expecting an army... and you ruined the whole game for me. It's a shame! – He drained his glass in one gulp. He got up and returned with a bottle and two apples. “And so the question arises, Aisir Catriona,” he continued, filling his glass with a quick movement, “what should I do with you?”

- Listen! – I report coldly. – Is there a choice?

His eyes narrowed unkindly, making his facial expression somewhat predatory:

- Drink, Catriona! What I'm about to do won't make you happy, so drink up!

I take a polite sip and keep a close eye on my opponent - a dangerous opponent. I always considered Dinar Grakhsoven worthy of fear, because this ruler of a small country knew how to defend his point of view.

- So what are you going to do? – I ask carefully.

“I’m going to marry you and get your whole kingdom!” – he answered calmly and honestly... Idiot!

Out of surprise, I finished the wine, coughed, took the apple handed to me and began to chew on it thoughtfully.

“It’s a strange decision,” I was distracted from eating an apple, “they’ve been trying to get me married since I was fifteen, and you... a very strange decision!”

- Why? “He lay down on his side and, supporting his head with one hand, looked at me carefully.

From this look, a strange warmth spread throughout my whole body, it felt good and light... or I got drunk... amazing!

- My father will marry me to anyone, but not to you! – I say and immediately realize that I said this in vain.

It is not surprising that ladies are not recommended to drink at receptions and balls.

“I’m looking at you,” Dinar said softly, pouring more wine, “and I really regret that a similar option didn’t occur to me earlier... Although... you’re right, your father doesn’t allow those who are smart to see you.”

- What do you have in mind? – I take a sip of wine again, it’s still delicious.

– I mean, princess... however, why do you need to know this...

It felt really good, like after a pile of cakes and sweet punch, when the cook and I sat in the kitchen at night and talked about everything in the world... And here, too, the fireplace is burning and it’s warm...

“I guess I’ll start... hic...” for some reason it became completely uncomfortable to sit, and I, following Dinar’s example, lay down on the carpet, “in general... hic... we propose a trial for the rights to own Gotmir... Agree, this is a very generous offer!”

– I agree... – The eyes of the copper-haired ruler are strange, darkened...

- Wow, - I feel so good that I’m even too lazy to talk, - my father and I came to the conclusion that this is the only way to solve everything, and let justice prevail!

God, what am I talking about? I have a prepared speech in the carriage!

It seems I said this out loud, because in response I heard:

Something shrank inside! A strange relaxation gave way to anxiety and composure. I sat down again. She looked carefully at the sober ruler.

The redhead grinned impudently:

“We all must understand that allowing countries like Dallaria to strengthen means weakening our own borders! Today our kingdom was attacked, tomorrow the likes of Dallaria will attack you! Are you ready to see your cities destroyed? How barbarians will break into your homes, killing your children! - Dinar calmly quoted lines from my speech. – Very emotionally written, I must admit! Your notes were delivered only a few minutes before you, Katrion, but this time was enough for me... to completely reconsider the current situation!

My heart sank, I was already afraid to breathe...

“And only after undressing you did I realize... that everything was not as bad as it seemed.” You are not ugly, although there are other rumors in society, and... you do not have three breasts, as your father’s advisers secretly report!

I gasped, realizing what he was talking about now. How is this possible?!

“Do you know, my dear,” Dinar continued to destroy my world, “what they call you in high society?”

– No... – although I guessed.

- Utyrka! – he announced mercilessly. – Even when describing your appearance, there are words such as “misunderstanding”, “nightmare”, “ugly” and... so on.

I knew about this, but... I came to terms with it a long time ago.

“But it’s not in vain that such rumors are spread...” Dinar continued intriguingly. - Not at all in vain...

What is he hinting at?

– Our further conversation seems pointless to me. “I stood up sharply, and now Dinar was lying at my feet. – If you have read my... conclusions, then you understand that your situation is hopeless. Marquis Ramil will confirm under oath that you were at the head of the attack. And after... the combined forces of the Alliance will crush your small agricultural country! – I finished firmly.

“I thought so too,” he grinned, “but... you set yourself up, Katriona.” We will get married, and then I will remove your dear father and stand at the head of the united kingdoms!

- Ha-ha-ha! – I was angry. – Don’t get your hopes up. The most my consort can hope for is a seat next to the throne. I will rule!

– When you are angry, you become simply beautiful! – Dinar said with a grin. – But let me note... marriages are different, and they are concluded for different reasons. For example... if the bride was dishonored before the wedding... and everyone knows about it...