Increasing the exactingness and personal responsibility of sergeants. The role and tasks of sergeants in the training and education of Soviet soldiers. Practical work is carried out in order to consolidate the acquired knowledge and improve existing skills and abilities. To her

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The role and tasks of sergeants in the training and education of personnel during the times of the USSR


education sergeant personnel

Sergeants belong to the junior rank of command personnel and represent their most numerous detachment. They bear full responsibility for the training and education of subordinates. Noting their role, M.V. Frunze emphasized that the junior command staff forms the basis on which the whole matter of discipline, combat soldering and combat training of the unit is based.

At present, the role of sergeants has increased even more. This is due to the complication of the tasks facing the units and subunits, with the change in the social image of the soldier, with the reduction of service life, with the improvement of equipment and weapons. The requirements for training and education have increased, but the training time has not increased. This. necessitated an increase in the level of pedagogical culture and responsibility of commanders of all levels, and first of all those who directly form the qualities of a Soviet soldier in soldiers.

The education of personnel is carried out by sergeants in the course of everyday military service and combat training. They organize the service of their subordinates in accordance with the statutes, and ensure that the entire way of military service instills in the personnel loyalty to military duty, the military oath.

One of the most important tasks of sergeants is to educate soldiers in the spirit of the Marxist-Leninist worldview, communist convictions, class hatred for imperialism, moral principles of behavior, patriotism and internationalism, readiness to give all their strength, and if necessary, life, to protect the interests of the socialist Motherland. To do this, they themselves must be infinitely devoted to the cause of the CPSU, the socialist Motherland and their people, ready for selfless actions in the name of the interests of the socialist Fatherland, to fulfill their internationalist duty.

Sergeants help subordinates to study weapons and military equipment, charters and manuals, organize and carry out service with them in daily duty, conduct daily work to strengthen military discipline, form the ability to subordinate their actions and deeds to the requirements of military regulations, orders of commanders. They are responsible for combat bearing and physical training, for the safety of health and the provision of everything necessary for subordinates.

Here, the personal example of sergeants, their authority, high moral qualities, selfless attitude to work, and discipline are especially important. In this regard, junior commanders should strive to improve their pedagogical knowledge, develop methodological skills, and study best practices in working with people. The duty of a sergeant is to be a skilled teacher and educator. Without this, it is impossible to achieve the unity of the process of training and education of soldiers, aimed at preparing them for the defense of the Motherland.

The most important requirement for the process of training and education is to know and take into account the national characteristics, traditions and customs of those peoples whose representatives are subordinates. In leading a multinational team, a sergeant is obliged to strictly follow the principles of Lenin's national policy, to show special sensitivity, prudence and adherence to principles, concern for strengthening friendship and brotherhood between soldiers of different nationalities.

Speaking about the commanding qualities of sergeants, one should keep in mind their ability to confidently command subordinates, both in peacetime and in battle, instill in them a love for military service, and show statutory exactingness towards soldiers.

High exactingness is an inalienable quality of a commander, the basis of discipline and organization in a subordinate unit. It has nothing to do with rudeness, scorn, humiliation of the dignity of a subordinate, which, as a rule, offends, alienates the soldier from the sergeant. Demanding should be constant, fair, equal to all, respectful. To demand respect means to help the soldier realize his tasks, to mobilize forces for their successful fulfillment. Demandingness must be supported by strict control over the actions of subordinates, combined with skillful encouragement of conscientious work, with concern for subordinates, with an attentive attitude to their needs.

Success in the work of sergeants largely depends on how they realize their personal duty and responsibility for the deeds and actions of their subordinates, improve their knowledge and experience, and reasonably use the rights granted to them by military regulations. Much also means the desire of the sergeant to check his actions by assessing the officer, the ability to properly dispose of his advice, help, strictly follow the order, strengthen authority.

A unit (subunit) becomes combat-ready if the departments are well trained and coordinated, if each serviceman clearly knows his duties and performs them flawlessly. Great is the role of the sergeant in this, who personally teaches soldiers military skills, nurtures excellent students and class specialists, organizes and directs socialist competition in his unit, and disseminates advanced experience.

Training is a two-way pedagogical process, in the course of which, under the guidance of a commander (chief), soldiers acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities, which ultimately form military mastery.

Knowledge is various information fixed in memory in the form of systematized concepts and images. It can be rules, laws, specific facts, formulas, terms. The process of mastering knowledge ends with their application in practice. Military training is distinguished by a special practical orientation. Indeed, in combat it is not enough to know how to act, it is necessary to be able to act on the basis of this knowledge. By applying the acquired knowledge during training and exercises, the soldiers form a variety of skills and abilities.

Skills are practical actions that are performed not only correctly, but also quickly, accurately, automatically, with minimal effort and the highest result. In the military field, the importance of skills cannot be overestimated. An action that has become a skill should be performed easily, quickly, as if automatically, without thinking (reloading, aiming from a machine gun, saluting, etc.).

Skills as the end result of the learning process are the ability to correctly use knowledge to solve practical problems in various conditions of the situation. They are formed on the basis of knowledge and skills in different ways. In the process of their formation, a warrior moves from working with someone else's help to working independently. Skill is not reduced to the sum of skills, it always contains elements of creativity that allow the scout to skillfully act in various situations, exclude templates and coaching. All field training of troops is aimed at the formation of skills.

A short story, combined with an exemplary demonstration and subsequent training, is the main method of developing in soldiers the skills and abilities they need.

It is important to remember that knowledge, skills and abilities gradually weaken during long breaks in studies, and in some cases are completely lost. In this regard, in order to maintain the high professional skills of the personnel, systematic exercises and training are needed, carried out in conditions as close as possible to combat.

The entire process of training Soviet soldiers is built in accordance with such principles as communist party spirit and scientific training; training troops in what is needed in the war; Consciousness, activity and independence of trainees; visibility in teaching; systematic, consistent and comprehensive training; learning at a high level of difficulty; the strength of mastering knowledge, skills and abilities; collectivism and individual approach to learning.

Taken in unity and interdependence, they determine the system of requirements for the purpose, content, organization and methodology of personnel training.

The principle of communist party spirit and the scientific character of education determines the political orientation and the class character of personnel education. It reflects the dependence of the content, methods and organization of education on the ideology and policy of the CPSU, the tasks of education, and the level of development of science and technology in the country. Each lesson should be thought out and structured in such a way that the material studied forms a scientific worldview, communist conviction and morality, strong class positions, equips soldiers with modern scientific knowledge, is closely linked with the life of the country, the Armed Forces, with the practical tasks of personnel, and shows the failure of bourgeois ideology. , military theory and practice of imperialism. This is the main meaning of the principle of partisanship and science.

The principle of training troops in what is necessary in a war reflects the objective need to train personnel in strict accordance with the requirements of modern warfare, to bring each lesson as close as possible to combat reality, to carry out with full load, without concessions and simplifications.

The principle of conscientiousness, activity and independence of trainees requires such a formulation of training in which soldiers clearly understand their tasks, meaningfully acquire knowledge, consciously apply it, while showing high activity, independence and initiative. Consciousness and activity of V.I. Lenin attached paramount importance, emphasizing that without an enterprising, conscious soldier and sailor, success in modern warfare is impossible.

The principle of visualization in training proceeds from the fact that combat training requires such an organization, when a soldier acquires knowledge and forms skills and abilities based on the work of the sense organs, especially hearing and vision. Visual aids are classified into natural (showing practical actions, samples of weapons and equipment), pictorial (schemes, posters, films, propaganda tools, etc.), verbal-figurative (description of facts, events, comparisons, etc.).

When working with visual aids, the following rules must be observed: select the most essential and complex material for them; demonstrate visual aids not all at once, but gradually in the course of presenting oral material; during the demonstration, slow down the pace of explanation; do not overload classes with visual aids; give trainees time to work with manuals, especially with samples of weapons, equipment, instruments, models and simulators.

Systematicity, consistency and complexity mean that the success of training is possible only when the training material is arranged and presented in such an order that new knowledge is based on previously acquired ones, and previously learned techniques and actions would prepare soldiers for the assimilation of subsequent ones.

Learning at a high level of difficulty assumes that the educational material in terms of its content and volume, on the one hand, be available to students, taking into account their experience and knowledge, and on the other hand, students would consciously overcome the difficulties of learning, make significant efforts to achieve the intended goal. Learning at a high level of difficulty presupposes the availability of learning, i.e. compliance with the life-tested rule: from the known to the unknown, from the simple to the complex, from the easy to the difficult.

The strength of mastering knowledge, skills and abilities. This principle means that regardless of the complex situation of modern combat, a soldier must remember everything that he was taught, quickly and skillfully apply his knowledge and skills in the performance of assigned tasks.

Collectivism and individual approach to teaching. Military activity is collective in nature. The basis for the development of collectivism is the organization of collective actions in the classroom, as well as in the course of the entire service of soldiers. To do this, the sergeant must know and understand the psychology of the team, be able to manage collective moods against the backdrop of competition and daily summing up of collective actions. Along with this, it is important to know and take into account the individual characteristics of each soldier during training, skillfully directing his efforts to solve the tasks of the unit.

2. The main forms and methods of training subordinates

The success of training largely depends on the methods and methods by which the assimilation of knowledge, the formation of skills and abilities, i.e., on the methods and forms of training, are achieved.

The main forms of education: theoretical (lecture, seminar, conversation) and practical (tactical drill, tactical training, shooting training, driving military vehicles, etc.) classes; live firing, tactical exercises; park days; self preparation. The variety of forms of training makes it possible to carry out both individual training of soldiers and training as part of a unit, giving them deep knowledge and developing the necessary skills and abilities provided for by the combat training program.

The main teaching methods are: oral presentation of the material (story, explanation), discussion of the studied material (conversation, seminar), demonstration (demonstration), training (exercise), practical and independent work.

Oral presentation (narration, explanation) is used when familiarizing soldiers with the main provisions of the charters and other documents, with the tactical and technical data and arrangement of weapons and equipment, with the organization, armament and tactics of the potential enemy units.

The conversation is practiced in order to deepen, consolidate or test knowledge and is usually of a question-answer nature. Training (exercise) plays a decisive role in the formation of soldiers' skills and abilities, teaches them to apply knowledge in practice, and is the main method of training soldiers. Training should be systematic and consists in the conscious repeated repetition of the studied techniques and actions with a constant complication of conditions.

Practical work is carried out in order to consolidate the acquired knowledge and improve existing skills and abilities. It is started after the trainees learn the maximum of the necessary knowledge and acquire certain skills and abilities.

Independent work serves to consolidate the already acquired knowledge, skills and abilities. The squad leader determines the volume of tasks for self-training, gives methodological advice, provides specific assistance and controls its progress, and also provides the soldiers with literature and visual aids for training places.

In training formations and units, the training of junior commanders and specialists is carried out according to the method of systematic and phased inculcation of knowledge and skills. This teaching method is based on the theory of the planned formation of mental concepts and practical actions. The educational process is organized taking into account three basic principles:

-- the content of training cards (UTC) should be assimilated in the process of training cadets;

__ the goals and content of the training of trainees must correspond to their professional purpose;

- professional training is possible only with a strictly consistent construction of the educational process.

The essence of the teaching method is work with the UTK, in which the trainees do not memorize it, but immediately with its help study the structure of units, assemblies and practically perform operations (setting up a radio station, preparing weapons for firing, etc.). The platoon is divided into training groups of 3 people. Of these, the first one reads the UTC, the second one shows what is named on a mock-up or a real object, the third one controls its actions. Subsequently, they change places. Thus, the trainee studies the material three times during the allotted time. Training of cadets is carried out first with the use of full TECs, reflecting the entire scope of actions, and subsequently, abbreviated TECs, which indicate only the main (nodal) actions.

The leader of the lesson should be directly involved in the study of the material by the trainees, be ready to answer questions, help to understand the content of the teaching materials, and achieve high activity of the trainees when studying the educational material.

3. Essence, principles, forms and methods of work on the education of soldiers

In its essence and direction, training is closely related to education - a definite, purposeful and systematic influence on the mind, feelings and will of soldiers in order to form in them high political and combat qualities, discipline, unity of military teams, training in accordance with the requirements of modern warfare.

The essential features of educational work in modern conditions are: ensuring the unity of word and deed; maximum specificity; individual forms; situation of acute ideological confrontation. Principles are the basic guiding principles of educational work. They express the requirements that determine the content, methods and organizational forms of education of personnel. The principles of the education of Soviet soldiers are: communist purposefulness and partisanship; education in the process of military activity; education in the team and through the team; individual approach to soldiers; a combination of exactingness towards soldiers with respect for their personal dignity and concern for them; unity, consistency and continuity in education.

Communist purposefulness and partisanship in education is the leading principle in the entire system of indoctrination of soldiers. It determines the ideological orientation of all educational work and requires the sergeant, first of all, to know the goals of education well, to clearly imagine the qualities that should be formed in each of his subordinates.

A very important requirement of the principle is perseverance in achieving the educational goal. It is impossible, as individual sergeants do, to retreat from an undisciplined soldier, justifying himself by the fact that he is not amenable to education. Good human qualities are born over the years. Therefore, education is a long and difficult task. Here one cannot limit oneself to a decree, but one must carry out painstaking work, showing perseverance and patience.

Education in the process of military activity. When implementing this principle, the sergeant, first of all, is required to ensure that each soldier has a deep understanding of the features of the current international situation, his place and role in strengthening the combat readiness of a unit, unit, or the Armed Forces as a whole. Of great importance here is the combination of well-organized educational work with a clear organization of military labor, with a reasonable use of leisure time for personnel.

Education in the team and through the team. This principle requires the sergeant to constantly take care of rallying his subordinates into a friendly family, of forming in them a sense of friendship and military camaraderie, collectivism.

An individual approach to the education of warriors is of paramount importance.

The implementation of this principle presupposes: a comprehensive, constant study of each warrior; respect and exactingness to him, thoughtfulness, sincerity and creativity in education; differentiated approach; education, in all activities; systematic individual education.

The combination of exactingness to subordinates with respect for their personal dignity and care for them. In this principle, two sides of the educational process are merged: exactingness and respect for a person. This is an important feature of the Leninist style of work. The primary duty of the sergeant is to take care of nutrition, health, material and living conditions, and to satisfy the spiritual needs of the personnel.

Unity, coherence and continuity in education oblige us to make uniform demands on soldiers, to educate them through the joint efforts of all educators, Party and Komsomol organizations.

Methods of indoctrination are ways of purposefully influencing soldiers and military collectives. The main ones are: persuasion, exercise, encouragement, coercion and example. The method of persuasion is the main method of education. To persuade means to influence the consciousness and behavior of soldiers in such a way that they develop a deep confidence in the truth of the provisions of Marxism-Leninism, the requirements of communist morality and military discipline, an understanding of the essence of these ideas and requirements, and develop a desire to solve practical problems in strict accordance with them. The sergeant convinces his subordinates with his personal conviction, a truthful word in unity with the deed, the ability to answer sharp and topical questions, clarity, intelligibility and evidence of presentation, high emotionality of speech.

The method of the exercise aims to form the habits of positive (correct) behavior among the soldiers. The exercise in education differs from the exercise in training, since it is associated with raising the consciousness of soldiers, while the exercise in training is aimed at working out automatism in actions. When applying the exercise method, it is important to remember that it is not advisable to instruct subordinates to perform tasks that are still beyond their strength, as this can undermine their self-confidence.

The reward method is used to reinforce the positive habits and positive qualities of a soldier. This is a powerful and subtle means of education. Encouragement stimulates the activity of a soldier, positively affects the entire team.

The method of coercion is applied to individual soldiers whose actions contradict the requirements of regulations and orders of commanders (chiefs). Coercion includes the following forms and means of influence: reminder, warning, prohibition, condemnation by comrades. The last resort is retribution.

The personal example of a sergeant is his main weapon, the most important condition for the successful performance of his duties. It enhances or weakens the effectiveness of all other methods of education. “The word teaches, but the example leads,” says folk wisdom. However, a positive example of a sergeant acquires the power of educational influence only if it is organically connected with the high qualities of his personality and manifests itself constantly.

4. Areas of work of sergeants to strengthen military discipline

Soviet military discipline is one of the forms of state discipline, the basis of the combat capability and combat readiness of the Armed Forces. Discipline is, above all, the strict and exact observance by all servicemen of the order and rules established by Soviet laws and military regulations, the conscious obedience of subordinates to the will of the commander. Discipline characterizes the personality of a warrior as a whole. It is closely connected with many of his qualities and properties, and above all with ideological conviction, a deep understanding of his duty to the Motherland and people.

The formation of the skills of discipline in soldiers, their readiness to flawlessly fulfill the requirements of the Military Oath and Regulations is carried out throughout the entire service. At the same time, it is important for the sergeant to bring to the consciousness of each subordinate not only the content, but also the deep meaning, the social significance of discipline, to instill a sense of personal responsibility for the defense of the socialist Fatherland.

An analysis of disciplinary offenses committed by personnel shows that many of them are due precisely to miscalculations in the sphere of relations between the boss and the subordinate, the individual and the team. In some cases, shortcomings in the work of a sergeant indirectly influenced the emergence of a conflict, while in others they became a direct cause of a violation of discipline.

The most common wrong actions of the sergeants themselves include: the uneven distribution of loads they allow between soldiers of different service periods; unwillingness, and sometimes inability to delve into the off-duty relations and moods of soldiers finishing their service; condoning the desire of individual soldiers to receive privileges, to occupy a special position, to subordinate other soldiers to their influence.

The weak exactingness of some sergeants, the lack of methodological skills of education in others, the lack of pedagogical tact in still others are just some of the bottlenecks in their activities that are encountered in practice. To eliminate them, we need persistent study of junior commanders, timely advice and help from older, more experienced comrades.

The basis of the work of a sergeant is a deep study of subordinates, their strengths and weaknesses, habits, inclinations, interests and ideals. The most justified methods of studying personnel by a sergeant in the course of everyday life are: individual conversations; careful study of the attitude to the case of one or another subordinate in the course of classes, service, rest; widespread use of the opinions of officers, ensigns, other sergeants, party and Komsomol activists about soldiers; familiarization (through officers) with the documents available at the headquarters and characterizing the socio-demographic data and personal qualities of soldiers.

The study of subordinates should be objective, impartial, not limited to looking for shortcomings. The main thing is to notice and celebrate every success of a warrior, to be able to discern the good in everyone and use it to educate the individual. Recognition of success inspires the soldier, gives him strength for the future. Under these conditions, more often there is a desire to excel in the service. The correct opinion about the subordinate will develop only if he is evaluated not by words, but by deeds.

For the education of discipline, the correct organization of the educational process is necessary. Sergeants must create an environment that requires maximum exertion of physical and moral strength, contributes to the development of a sense of duty, initiative, high organization, independence in subordinates, to ensure that the educational process is timely and fully financially provided, the start and end times of classes are respected. A well-conducted lesson always activates the mental activity of the trainees, instills the habit of accuracy, composure and organization. Discipline is also a clear organization of maintenance of equipment, park and park-economic days.

Skillful disciplinary practice is of no small importance in strengthening military discipline. The daily disciplinary practice of a sergeant offers such means and methods of influencing the consciousness of soldiers as explanation, proof, suggestion, etc. By this, sergeants win over subordinates and win their trust. Their sincerity and cordiality make it possible to master the feelings of the soldiers and make it easier to bring the necessary requirements to consciousness. However, it is important to remember that closeness to people is not all-forgiving, that persuading is not the same as persuading.

The sergeant's bias and injustice, rudeness in dealing with subordinates, lack of concern for their needs and requests negatively affects the soldiers. He very aptly and categorically expressed his attitude to cases of tactlessness in relation to M.V.'s subordinates. Frunze. He said that harsh treatment, unexpected punishment and rude shouting would be incomprehensible to the young Red Army soldier, intimidate him and kill his interest in military affairs.

One of the important features is that the disciplinary measures and the very form of its imposition should be perceived by the soldier not as a “nitpicking”, but as the desire of the sergeant to help him learn to control his behavior, to behave with dignity. It is necessary to accustom subordinates to the truth, to the fear of misconduct, not punishment. The biggest trouble is not in the offense and not even in the punishment, but in the cunning with which the subordinate wants to hide it. Those sergeants who consider it an unshakable rule also act correctly: before imposing a penalty on a subordinate, it is necessary to carefully understand the degree of his guilt. At the same time, as emphasized in the Disciplinary Regulations, in general, the behavior of a soldier, the nature of the offense committed by him, the circumstances under which it was committed, and the degree of understanding by the soldier of the order of service should be taken into account. It is also advisable to carry out the removal of disciplinary sanctions strictly individually, when they have played their educational role, and not all at once, waiting for the holiday.

Sergeants are required to strictly monitor cleanliness and internal order, the correct fitting of equipment, compliance by subordinates with the rules for wearing military uniforms, timely repair of shoes and uniforms, etc. behavior, forms an intolerant attitude towards looseness, develops diligence. Special thoughtfulness and organization require work with military personnel performing tasks in isolation from the unit, on guard and daily duty.

Work with the so-called difficult soldiers has its own characteristics. At the same time, it is extremely important to identify the specific reasons for their dishonest attitude to the service. Look for positive qualities in each such person, encourage, develop them, emphasize that the norm of a serviceman's life is sobriety, honesty, personal responsibility for the task assigned.

Of great importance in modern conditions is the struggle for a sober lifestyle. Junior commanders are called upon to set a personal example in this, and also to explain to the personnel that drunkenness is an absolutely intolerable phenomenon in the army, it is the worst enemy of combat readiness.

The sergeant needs to take care of improving the material and living conditions of his subordinates, to know exactly all the norms of allowances, to strictly monitor the full issuance of allowances according to the norm. It is important to monitor the observance by subordinates of the rules of personal hygiene, their washing in the bath, the quality of food in the dining room. All observed shortcomings are reported on command.

An important component of the work of a sergeant in strengthening discipline is the concern for organizing the leisure of soldiers. Its task is to ensure that each of them is recorded in the library, in every possible way to encourage the reading of fiction, periodicals, amateur art activities, physical education and sports, and applied arts.

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Sergeants belong to the junior rank of command personnel and represent their most numerous detachment. Οʜᴎ bear full responsibility for the training and education of subordinates. Noting their "role, M.V. Frunze emphasized that the junior command staff forms the basis on which the whole matter of discipline, combat soldering and combat training of the unit is based.

Today, the role of sergeants has increased even more. This is due to the complication of the tasks facing units and subunits, with a change in the social image of a soldier, with a reduction in service life, with the improvement of equipment and weapons. The requirements for training and education have increased, but the training time has not increased. This caused the utmost importance of raising the level of pedagogical culture and responsibility of commanders of all levels, and first of all those who directly form the qualities of a Soviet soldier in soldiers.

The education of personnel is carried out by sergeants in the course of daily military service and combat training. Οʜᴎ organize the service of subordinates in accordance with the charters, achieve that the entire way of military service instills in the personnel loyalty to military duty, the military oath.

One of the most important tasks of sergeants is to educate soldiers in the spirit of the Marxist-Leninist worldview, communist convictions, class hatred for imperialism, moral principles of behavior, patriotism and internationalism, readiness to give all their strength, and if necessary, their lives, to protect the interests of the socialist Motherland. To do this, they themselves must be infinitely devoted to the cause of the CPSU, the socialist Motherland and their people, ready for selfless actions in the name of the interests of the socialist Fatherland, to fulfill their internationalist duty.

Sergeants help subordinates to study weapons and military equipment, charters and manuals, organize and carry out service with them in a daily outfit, conduct daily work

bot to strengthen military discipline, form the ability to subordinate their actions and deeds to the requirements of military regulations, orders of commanders. Οʜᴎ are responsible for drill and physical training, for the safety of health and the provision of everything necessary for subordinates.

Here, the personal example of sergeants, their authority, high moral qualities, selfless attitude to work, and discipline are especially important. In this regard, junior commanders should strive to improve their pedagogical knowledge, develop methodological skills, and study best practices in working with people. The duty of a sergeant is to be a skilled teacher and educator. Without this, it is impossible to achieve the unity of the process of training and education of soldiers, aimed at preparing them for the defense of the Motherland.

The most important requirement for the process of training and education is to know and take into account the national characteristics, traditions and customs of those peoples whose representatives are subordinates. In leading a multinational team, a sergeant is obliged to strictly follow the principles of Lenin's national policy, to show special sensitivity, prudence and adherence to principles, concern for strengthening friendship and brotherhood between soldiers of different nationalities.

Speaking about the commanding qualities of sergeants, one should keep in mind their ability to confidently command subordinates both in peacetime and in battle, instill in them a love for military service, and show statutory exactingness towards soldiers.

High demands are an integral quality of a commander, the basis of discipline and organization in a subordinate unit. It has nothing to do with rudeness, disdain, humiliation of the dignity of a subordinate, which, as a rule, offends, alienates a soldier from a sergeant. Demandingness must be constant, fair, equal to everyone, respectful. help the soldier realize his tasks, mobilize forces for their successful fulfillment.Demandingness must be supported by strict control over the actions of subordinates, combined with skillful encouragement of conscientious work, with concern for subordinates, with an attentive attitude to their needs.

Success in the work of sergeants largely depends on how they realize their personal duty and responsibility for the deeds and actions of their subordinates, improve their knowledge and experience, and reasonably use the rights granted to them by military regulations. A lot also means the desire of the sergeant to check his actions by assessing the officer, the ability to

correctly dispose of his advice, help, strictly follow the order, strengthen authority.

A unit (unit) becomes combat-ready if the departments are well trained and coordinated, if each serviceman clearly knows his duties and performs them flawlessly. The role of a sergeant is great in this, who personally teaches soldiers military skills, raises excellent students of class specialists, organizes and directs socialist competition in his unit, and disseminates best practices.


sergeant discipline military law and order

Forms of work to maintain and strengthen law and order and military discipline are a set of organizational, technical and educational measures agreed upon in place, time and tasks carried out by commanders, headquarters, educational work, military justice, other officials and the army community, aimed at ensuring compliance personnel of the Constitution and laws of the Russian Federation, as well as the requirements of military regulations, orders of commanders and chiefs.

In other words, the forms of work are various options for organizing a specific work or process, the compositional construction of an event, the sequence and order of actions of the commander and subordinate, their relationship, time and place, and other elements of the organization.

The main forms of work to maintain and strengthen law and order and military discipline in the unit should include: mass, group and individual.

Mass forms involve the participation, as a rule, of the entire personnel of the unit. These include: various types of informing personnel, meetings of personnel, debriefing, combat training classes, performances, reader conferences, excursions, lectures, conversations, scientific and practical conferences, theme evenings, disputes, quizzes, round tables and other.

Group forms involve the participation of part of the personnel. These include: the work of interest clubs, amateur art circles, sports team games, various kinds of group exercises and work, and others.

Individual forms include individual conversations, assignments, assignments, and others.

The choice of one form or another, as well as the procedure for its implementation, are determined by the goals and objectives of the work.

Practice shows that the choice of methods and forms of work must be approached creatively, diversifying them all the time.

An integral part of the work to maintain and strengthen law and order and military discipline in a unit is legal education, the purpose of which is to strengthen conscious military discipline and combat readiness of troops by legal means. This work is based on explaining to soldiers their legal status: rights, duties and benefits, as well as laws on the nature of relations between servicemen and responsibility for their violation. Measures of persuasion and coercion, which are commonly called legal means, are widely used. These include incentives, disciplinary sanctions, statutory measures to curb violations of law and order and military discipline, legal liability, and measures of public influence. The junior commander must skillfully exercise the disciplinary authority given to him. In addition, it is necessary to build on the positive dissemination of best practices.

The generally accepted group forms of legal education are: legal universal education, speeches by military lawyers in front of personnel, unified days of legal knowledge and information, holding monthly events such as, for example, “The Department is the center for the observance of military discipline”, show trials and others.

Group forms include the work of legal circles, corners of legal knowledge.

Of great importance are individual forms of legal work, which consist in conducting individual conversations and consultations with employees of the military prosecutor's office, the use of prosecutorial influences on military personnel who have committed offenses or are prone to violating laws, law and order and military discipline. Stands with information about convictions, visiting courts, bringing articles of the Criminal Code to the fore have a positive effect on servicemen.

In a military unit, individual educational work is of great importance in maintaining and strengthening law and order and military discipline, aimed at instilling discipline and diligence in each soldier. It is perhaps the most effective and efficient mechanism for the work of junior commanders in maintaining law and order and military discipline in the unit. After all, like no one else, sergeants who spend 24 hours in a unit with subordinates should be well aware of the individual characteristics of each serviceman, on the basis of which they should be able to use the most appropriate methods, forms and means of education. Only the correct organization of individual educational work allows junior commanders to most deeply understand the true state of affairs in the subunit, to effectively influence the processes taking place in the military collective in the interests of solving the tasks facing it.

The timely and complete elimination of the causes and consequences of the indiscipline of servicemen, as well as their violations of law and order and military discipline, is extremely important. Here the painstaking work of junior commanders in this direction is necessary. It should be based on the suppression of offenses, as well as on the identification and elimination of the causes and conditions that contribute to their commission. Therefore, in order to organize preventive work, sergeants must first of all be well aware of the causes, conditions and causes of violations, the methodology for their detection and elimination, as well as the measures provided for by law to prevent offenses.

One of the most difficult areas in this work is to identify "informal leaders" that contribute to the development of "hazing" and other negative processes in the unit. Here, the sergeants must rely on the team, public opinion, and the authority of the officers. They need to have a sense of conviction that discipline in the unit is a collective matter.

In order to maintain and strengthen law and order and military discipline in each military unit, commanders (chiefs) organize a system of work for officials. One of its important links is the work of junior commanders to maintain high military discipline in their unit.

It begins with the planning of activities in the sergeant's book, continues with their practical implementation and ends with the control and report on their implementation. In this case, the junior commander must:


  • 1. Know where his subordinates are, and check them at each formation, report the absence to the higher command.
  • 2. Monitor the implementation of the daily routine, cleanliness and internal order in the department (platoon), demand compliance with military discipline by subordinates.
  • 3. Conduct individual educational conversations with 1 - 2 servicemen.
  • 4. Ensure that subordinates comply with the rules for wearing military uniforms, keep their shoes and uniforms clean, and conduct morning inspections.
  • 5. Report to the immediate commander about complaints, requests from subordinates, their misconduct and measures taken to prevent offenses, sick servicemen, penalties, incentives, cases of loss of military and state property.
  • 6. Inspect and constantly maintain in order and serviceability the entrusted weapons, military and other equipment and property, strictly monitor their availability.
  • 7. Ensure compliance with safety measures in daily activities.
  • 8. Summarize the results of the day, evaluate the attitude of subordinates to the performance of official duties and their personal discipline.
  • 9. Take care of subordinates and delve into their needs and requests.
  • 10. Prepare and conduct classes with subordinates in combat training.


  • 1. Talk to each subordinate, paying special attention to young soldiers and servicemen who are prone to violating military discipline. Find out the reasons and take measures to prevent violations up to the imposition of penalties.
  • 2. Organize additional classes for those who are lagging behind to study the general military regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
  • 3. Monitor the sequence and fair distribution of outfits among the soldiers of the squad, their dismissal from the location of the unit.
  • 4. To report to the platoon commander on the state of military discipline, the measures taken to strengthen it, and to petition for the encouragement of the most distinguished subordinates, for the punishment of violators.
  • 5. Summing up the results of military discipline, combat training and competition over the past week and setting tasks for subordinates for the coming week.

In addition, the junior commander must know:

  • 1. List of personnel of the department, calculation, crew.
  • 2. Socio-demographic data per soldier.3. Information about the number of rewards and penalties for each serviceman.

In order for the sergeants not to have difficulties in maintaining and strengthening law and order and military discipline, under the personal guidance of the commander of the military unit, his deputies and other experienced teachers, classes should be held to teach sergeants how to work with subordinates, which determine the most appropriate methods, techniques and forms of work to maintain and strengthen law and order and military discipline in the unit, allowing them to effectively form their moral, psychological, combat qualities aimed at increasing the combat readiness and combat capability of the unit.

Practice shows that the correct application of the forms and methods of work of junior commanders in maintaining and strengthening law and order and military discipline in the unit, as well as a systematic and comprehensive approach to their solution, give positive results.



The Russian Armed Forces were formed by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on May 7, 1992. They are designed to repel aggression directed against the Russian Federation, armed protection of the integrity and inviolability of the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as to perform tasks in accordance with Russia's international treaties.

Border troops of the Russian Federation, internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Railway troops of the Russian Federation, civil defense troops (hereinafter - other troops) are involved in solving the problems of the country's defense.

In modern conditions, one of the important tasks of the Armed Forces is to ensure nuclear deterrence, which is the core of the entire national security system of the country. In addition, we have to solve a fundamentally new task - to carry out peacekeeping activities both independently and as part of international organizations.

In accordance with the main provisions of the Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation, the Armed Forces and other troops may be used to counter internal sources of military threats. Separate formations of the Armed Forces, in accordance with the current legislation, may be involved in assisting the internal affairs bodies and internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in localizing and blocking the conflict area, suppressing armed clashes and separating the warring parties, as well as in protecting strategically important objects.

The Armed Forces may also be entrusted with the task of assisting the border troops in protecting the state border, assisting in the protection of sea lanes, important state facilities and economic zones, in the fight against terrorism, drug trafficking, and piracy.

The forces and means of the Armed Forces and other troops may also be involved in rendering assistance to the population in the aftermath of accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters.

The involvement of the Armed Forces in the performance of tasks using weapons not for their intended purpose is carried out by the President of the Russian Federation in accordance with federal laws.

The Armed Forces carry out their activities on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation in accordance with federal laws and other legislative acts in the field of defense.

Sergeants belong to the level of junior commanders and represent the most numerous detachment of command personnel. They bear full responsibility for the training and education of subordinates. Speaking about the role of junior commanders, M. V. Frunze emphasized: “Junior command personnel form the basis on which the whole matter of discipline, combat soldering and combat training of the unit is based” *.

At present, the role of sergeants has increased even more. This is due to the complication of the tasks facing the units and subunits, the change in the social image of the soldier, the transition to the recruitment of formations and military units of the Armed Forces by contract servicemen, and the improvement of weapons and military equipment. The requirements for the training and education of soldiers have increased, and the terms of their training have remained the same. This necessitated an increase in the level of pedagogical culture and responsibility of commanders of all levels, and in the first place, those who directly form the qualities of a warrior in soldiers.

The education of personnel is carried out by sergeants in the course of everyday military service and combat training. They organize the service of their subordinates in accordance with the statutes, and ensure that the entire way of military service instills loyalty to the military oath in the personnel.

One of the important tasks of sergeants is to instill in subordinates readiness to defend the Fatherland, pride in belonging to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, striving for exemplary performance of military duty and official duties. To do this, they themselves must serve as an example of upbringing, a zealous attitude to service.

Sergeants help subordinates to study weapons and military equipment, charters and manuals, organize and carry out service with them in a daily outfit, conduct daily work to strengthen military discipline, form the ability to subordinate their actions and deeds to the requirements of military regulations, orders of commanders. They are responsible for the drill and physical training of subordinates, for the preservation of their health and the provision of everything necessary. Here, the personal example of sergeants, their authority, high moral qualities, selfless attitude to work, and discipline are especially important.

In this regard, junior commanders should strive to improve their pedagogical knowledge, develop methodological skills, and study best practices in working with people. The duty of a sergeant is to be a skilled teacher and educator. Without this, it is impossible to achieve the unity of the process of training and education of soldiers, aimed at preparing them for the defense of the Motherland.

The most important requirement for the process of training and education is to know and take into account the national characteristics, traditions and customs of those peoples whose representatives are subordinates. In a multinational team, a sergeant is obliged to be strictly guided by the principles of justice, to show special sensitivity, prudence and adherence to principles, concern for strengthening friendship and military camaraderie.

High exactingness is an integral quality of a commander, the basis of discipline and organization in his subordinate unit. It has nothing to do with rudeness, scorn, humiliation of the dignity of a subordinate, which alienates the soldier from the sergeant. Demanding should be constant, fair, equal to all, respectful. Demandingness, combined with the respect of subordinates, helps the soldiers to realize their tasks, to mobilize forces for their successful implementation. Demandingness must be supported by strict control over the actions of subordinates, combined with skillful encouragement of conscientious work, with concern for subordinates, with an attentive attitude to their needs.

Success in the work of sergeants largely depends on how they realize their personal duty and responsibility for the deeds and actions of their subordinates, improve their knowledge and experience, and reasonably use the rights granted to them by military regulations.

Units and subunits become combat-ready if the squads are well trained and coordinated, if each serviceman clearly knows his duties and performs them flawlessly. The role of the sergeant is great in this, who personally teaches the soldier military skills, prepares excellent students and class specialists.

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The role and tasks of sergeants in the training and education of personnel during the Soviet era

Type of work: Essay Subject: Military

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The role and tasks of sergeants in the training and education of personnel during the times of the USSR


education sergeant personnel

Sergeants belong to the junior rank of command personnel and represent their most numerous detachment. They bear full responsibility for the training and education of subordinates. Noting their role, M. V. Frunze emphasized that the junior command staff forms the basis on which the whole matter of discipline, combat soldering and combat training of the unit is based.

At present, the role of sergeants has increased even more. This is due to the complication of the tasks facing the units and subunits, with the change in the social image of the soldier, with the reduction of service life, with the improvement of equipment and weapons. The requirements for training and education have increased, but the training time has not increased. This. necessitated an increase in the level of pedagogical culture and responsibility of commanders of all levels, and first of all those who directly form the qualities of a Soviet soldier in soldiers.

The education of personnel is carried out by sergeants in the course of everyday military service and combat training. They organize the service of their subordinates in accordance with the statutes, and ensure that the entire way of military service instills in the personnel loyalty to military duty, the military oath.

One of the most important tasks of sergeants is to educate soldiers in the spirit of the Marxist-Leninist worldview, communist convictions, class hatred for imperialism, moral principles of behavior, patriotism and internationalism, readiness to give all their strength, and if necessary, life, to protect the interests of the socialist Motherland. To do this, they themselves must be infinitely devoted to the cause of the CPSU, the socialist Motherland and their people, ready for selfless actions in the name of the interests of the socialist Fatherland, to fulfill their internationalist duty.

Sergeants help subordinates to study weapons and military equipment, charters and manuals, organize and carry out service with them in daily duty, conduct daily work to strengthen military discipline, form the ability to subordinate their actions and deeds to the requirements of military regulations, orders of commanders. They are responsible for combat bearing and physical training, for the safety of health and the provision of everything necessary for subordinates.

Here, the personal example of sergeants, their authority, high moral qualities, selfless attitude to work, and discipline are especially important. In this regard, junior commanders should strive to improve their pedagogical knowledge, develop methodological skills, and study best practices in working with people. The duty of a sergeant is to be a skilled teacher and educator. Without this, it is impossible to achieve the unity of the process of training and education of soldiers, aimed at preparing them for the defense of the Motherland.

The most important requirement for the process of training and education is to know and take into account the national characteristics, traditions and customs of those peoples whose representatives are subordinates. In leading a multinational team, a sergeant is obliged to strictly follow the principles of Lenin's national policy, to show special sensitivity, prudence and adherence to principles, concern for strengthening friendship and brotherhood between soldiers of different nationalities.

Speaking about the commanding qualities of sergeants, one should keep in mind their ability to confidently command subordinates, both in peacetime and in battle, instill in them a love for military service, and show statutory exactingness towards soldiers.

High exactingness is an inalienable quality of a commander, the basis of discipline and organization in a subordinate unit. It has nothing to do with rudeness, scorn, humiliation of the dignity of a subordinate, which, as a rule, offends, alienates the soldier from the sergeant. Demanding should be constant, fair, equal to all, respectful. To demand respect means to help the soldier realize his tasks, to mobilize forces for their successful fulfillment. Demandingness must be supported by strict control over the actions of subordinates, combined with skillful encouragement of conscientious work, with concern for subordinates, with an attentive attitude to their needs.

Success in the work of sergeants largely depends on how they realize their personal duty and responsibility for the deeds and actions of their subordinates, improve their knowledge and experience, and reasonably use the rights granted to them by military regulations. Much also means the desire of the sergeant to check his actions by assessing the officer, the ability to properly dispose of his advice, help, strictly follow the order, strengthen authority.

A unit (subunit) becomes combat-ready if the departments are well trained and coordinated, if each serviceman clearly knows his duties and performs them flawlessly. Great is the role of the sergeant in this, who personally teaches soldiers military skills, nurtures excellent students and class specialists, organizes and directs socialist competition in his unit, and disseminates advanced experience.

Training is a two-way pedagogical process, in the course of which, under the guidance of a commander (chief), soldiers acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities, which ultimately form military mastery.

Knowledge is various information fixed in memory in the form of systematized concepts and images. It can be rules, laws, specific facts, formulas, terms. The process of mastering knowledge ends with their application in practice. Military training is distinguished by a special practical orientation. Indeed, in combat it is not enough to know how to act, it is necessary to be able to act on the basis of this knowledge. By applying the acquired knowledge during training and exercises, the soldiers form a variety of skills and abilities.

Skills are practical actions that are performed not only correctly, but also quickly, accurately, automatically, with minimal effort and the highest result. In the military field, the importance of skills cannot be overestimated. An action that has become a skill should be performed easily, quickly, as if automatically, without thinking (reloading, aiming from a machine gun, saluting, etc.).

Skills as the end result of the learning process are the ability to correctly use knowledge to solve practical problems in various conditions of the situation. They are formed on the basis of knowledge and skills in different ways. In the process of their formation, a warrior moves from working with someone else's help to working independently. Skill is not reduced to the sum of skills, it always contains elements of creativity that allow the scout to skillfully act in various situations, exclude templates and coaching. All field training of troops is aimed at the formation of skills.

A short story, combined with an exemplary demonstration and subsequent training, is the main method of developing in soldiers the skills and abilities they need.

It is important to remember that knowledge, skills and abilities gradually weaken during long breaks in studies, and in some cases are completely lost. In this regard, in order to maintain the high professional skills of the personnel, systematic exercises and training are needed, carried out in conditions as close as possible to combat.

The entire process of training Soviet soldiers is built in accordance with such principles as communist party spirit and scientific training; training troops in what is needed in the war; Consciousness, activity and independence of trainees; visibility in teaching; systematic, consistent and comprehensive training; learning at a high level of difficulty; the strength of mastering knowledge, skills and abilities; collectivism and individual approach to learning.

Taken in unity and interdependence, they determine the system of requirements for the purpose, content, organization and methodology of personnel training.

The principle of communist party spirit and the scientific character of education determines the political orientation and the class character of personnel education. It reflects the dependence of the content, methods and organization of education on the ideology and policy of the CPSU, the tasks of education, and the level of development of science and technology in the country. Each lesson should be thought out and structured in such a way that the material studied forms a scientific worldview, communist conviction and morality, strong class positions, equips soldiers with modern scientific knowledge, is closely linked with the life of the country, the Armed Forces, with the practical tasks of personnel, and shows the failure of bourgeois ideology. , military theory and practice of imperialism. This is the main meaning of the principle of partisanship and science.

The principle of training troops in what is necessary in a war reflects the objective need to train personnel in strict accordance with the requirements of modern warfare, to bring each lesson as close as possible to combat reality, to carry out with full load, without concessions and simplifications.

The principle of conscientiousness, activity and independence of trainees requires such a formulation of training in which soldiers clearly understand their tasks, meaningfully acquire knowledge, consciously apply it, while showing high activity, independence and initiative. V. I. Lenin attached paramount importance to consciousness and activity, emphasizing that without an enterprising, conscious soldier and sailor, success in modern warfare is impossible.

The principle of visualization in training proceeds from the fact that combat training requires such an organization, when a soldier acquires knowledge and forms skills and abilities based on the work of the sense organs, especially hearing and vision. Visual aids are classified into natural (showing practical actions, samples of weapons and equipment), pictorial (schemes, posters, films, propaganda tools, etc.), verbal-figurative (description of facts, events, comparisons, etc.).

When working with visual aids, the following rules must be observed: select the most essential and complex material for them; demonstrate visual aids not all at once, but gradually in the course of presenting oral material; during the demonstration, slow down the pace of explanation; do not overload classes with visual aids; give trainees time to work with manuals, especially with samples of weapons, equipment, instruments, models and simulators.

Systematicity, consistency and complexity mean that the success of training is possible only when the training material is arranged and presented in such an order that new knowledge is based on previously acquired ones, and previously learned techniques and actions would prepare soldiers for the assimilation of subsequent ones.

Learning at a high level of difficulty assumes that the educational material in terms of its content and volume, on the one hand, be available to students, taking into account their experience and knowledge, and on the other hand, students would consciously overcome the difficulties of learning, make significant efforts to achieve the intended goal. Learning at a high level of difficulty presupposes the availability of learning, i.e. compliance with the life-tested rule: from the known to the unknown, from the simple to the complex, from the easy to the difficult.

The strength of mastering knowledge, skills and abilities. This principle means that regardless of the complex situation of modern combat, a soldier must remember everything that he was taught, quickly and skillfully apply his knowledge and skills in the performance of assigned tasks.

Collectivism and individual approach to teaching. Military activity is collective in nature. The basis for the development of collectivism is the organization of collective actions in the classroom, as well as in the course of the entire service of soldiers. To do this, the sergeant must know and understand the psychology of the team, be able to manage collective moods against the backdrop of competition and daily summing up of collective actions. Along with this, it is important to know and take into account the individual characteristics of each soldier during training, skillfully directing his efforts to solve the tasks of the unit.

2. The main forms and methods of training subordinates

The success of training largely depends on the methods and methods by which the assimilation of knowledge, the formation of skills and abilities, i.e., on the methods and forms of training, are achieved.

The main forms of education: theoretical (lecture, seminar, conversation) and practical (tactical drill, tactical training, shooting training, driving military vehicles, etc.) classes; live firing, tactical exercises; park days; self preparation. The variety of forms of training makes it possible to carry out both individual training of soldiers and training as part of a unit, giving them deep knowledge and developing the necessary skills and abilities provided for by the combat training program.

The main teaching methods are: oral presentation of the material (story, explanation), discussion of the studied material (conversation, seminar), demonstration (demonstration), training (exercise), practical and independent work.

Oral presentation (narration, explanation) is used when familiarizing soldiers with the main provisions of “charters and other documents, with tactical and technical data and the arrangement of weapons and equipment, with the organization, armament and tactics of the potential enemy units.

The conversation is practiced in order to deepen, consolidate or test knowledge and is usually of a question-answer nature. Training (exercise) plays a decisive role in the formation of soldiers' skills and abilities, teaches them to apply knowledge in practice, and is the main method of training soldiers. Training should be systematic and consists in the conscious repeated repetition of the studied techniques and actions with a constant complication of conditions.

Practical work is carried out in order to consolidate the acquired knowledge and improve existing skills and abilities. It is started after the trainees learn the maximum of the necessary knowledge and acquire certain skills and abilities.

Independent work serves to consolidate the already acquired knowledge, skills and abilities. The squad leader determines the volume of tasks for self-training, gives methodological advice, provides specific assistance and controls its progress, and also provides the soldiers with literature and visual aids for training places.

In training formations and units, the training of junior commanders and specialists is carried out according to the method of systematic and phased inculcation of knowledge and skills. This teaching method is based on the theory of the planned formation of mental concepts and practical actions. The educational process is organized taking into account three main principles:

-- the content of training cards (UTC) should be assimilated in the process of training cadets;

__ the goals and content of the training of trainees must correspond to their professional purpose;

- professional training is possible only with a strictly consistent construction of the educational process.

The essence of the teaching method is work with the UTK, in which the trainees do not memorize it, but immediately with its help study the structure of units, assemblies and practically perform operations (setting up a radio station, preparing weapons for firing, etc.). The platoon is divided into training groups of 3 people. Of these, the first one reads the UTC, the second one shows what is named on a mock-up or a real object, the third one controls its actions. Subsequently, they change places. Thus, the trainee studies the material three times during the allotted time. Training of cadets is carried out first with the use of full TECs, reflecting the entire scope of actions, and subsequently, abbreviated TECs, which indicate only the main (nodal) actions.

The leader of the lesson should be directly involved in the study of the material by the trainees, be ready to answer questions, help to understand the content of the teaching materials, and achieve high activity of the trainees when studying the educational material.

3. Essence, principles, forms and methods of work on the education of soldiers

In its essence and direction, training is closely related to education - a definite, purposeful and systematic influence on the mind, feelings and will of soldiers in order to form in them high political and combat qualities, discipline, unity of military teams, training in accordance with the requirements of modern warfare.

The essential features of educational work in modern conditions are: ensuring the unity of word and deed; maximum specificity; individual forms; situation of acute ideological confrontation. Principles are the basic guiding principles of educational work. They express the requirements that determine the content, methods and organizational forms of education of personnel. The principles of the education of Soviet soldiers are: communist purposefulness and partisanship; education in the process of military activity; education in the team and through the team; individual approach to soldiers; a combination of exactingness towards soldiers with respect for their personal dignity and concern for them; unity, consistency and continuity in education.

Communist purposefulness and partisanship in education is the leading principle in the entire system of indoctrination of soldiers. It determines the ideological orientation of all educational work and requires the sergeant, first of all, to know the goals of education well, to clearly imagine the qualities that should be formed in each of his subordinates.

A very important requirement of the principle is perseverance in achieving the educational goal. It is impossible, as individual sergeants do, to retreat from an undisciplined soldier, justifying himself by the fact that he is not amenable to education. Good human qualities are born over the years. Therefore, education is a long and difficult task. Here one cannot limit oneself to a decree, but one must carry out painstaking work, showing perseverance and patience.

Education in the process of military activity. When implementing this principle, the sergeant, first of all, is required to ensure that each soldier has a deep understanding of the features of the current international situation, his place and role in strengthening the combat readiness of a unit, unit, or the Armed Forces as a whole. Of great importance here is the combination of well-organized educational work with a clear organization of military labor, with a reasonable use of leisure time for personnel.

Education in the team and through the team. This principle requires the sergeant to constantly take care of rallying his subordinates into a friendly family, of forming in them a sense of friendship and military camaraderie, collectivism.

An individual approach to the education of warriors is of paramount importance.

The implementation of this principle presupposes: a comprehensive, constant study of each warrior; respect and exactingness to him, thoughtfulness, sincerity and creativity in education; differentiated approach; education, in all activities; systematic individual education.

The combination of exactingness to subordinates with respect for their personal dignity and care for them. In this principle, two sides of the educational process are merged: exactingness and respect for a person. This is an important feature of the Leninist style of work. The primary duty of the sergeant is to take care of nutrition, health, material and living conditions, and to satisfy the spiritual needs of the personnel.

Unity, coherence and continuity in education oblige us to make uniform demands on soldiers, to educate them through the joint efforts of all educators, Party and Komsomol organizations.

Methods of indoctrination are ways of purposefully influencing soldiers and military collectives. The main ones are: persuasion, exercise, encouragement, coercion and example. The method of persuasion is the main method of education. To persuade means to influence the consciousness and behavior of soldiers in such a way that they develop a deep confidence in the truth of the provisions of Marxism-Leninism, the requirements of communist morality and military discipline, an understanding of the essence of these ideas and requirements, and develop a desire to solve practical problems in strict accordance with them. The sergeant convinces his subordinates with his personal conviction, a truthful word in unity with the deed, the ability to answer sharp and topical questions, clarity, intelligibility and evidence of presentation, high emotionality of speech.

The method of the exercise aims to form the habits of positive (correct) behavior among the soldiers. The exercise in education differs from the exercise in training, since it is associated with raising the consciousness of soldiers, while the exercise in training is aimed at working out automatism in actions. When applying the exercise method, it is important to remember that it is not advisable to instruct subordinates to perform tasks that are still beyond their strength, as this can undermine their self-confidence.

The reward method is used to reinforce the positive habits and positive qualities of a soldier. This is a powerful and subtle means of education. Encouragement stimulates the activity of a soldier, positively affects the entire team.

The method of coercion is applied to individual soldiers whose actions contradict the requirements of regulations and orders of commanders (chiefs). Coercion includes the following forms and means of influence: reminder, warning, prohibition, condemnation by comrades. The last resort is retribution.

The personal example of a sergeant is his main weapon, the most important condition for the successful performance of his duties. It enhances or weakens the effectiveness of all other methods of education. “The word teaches, but the example leads,” says folk wisdom. However, a positive example of a sergeant acquires the power of educational influence only if it is organically connected with the high qualities of his personality and manifests itself constantly.

4. Areas of work of sergeants to strengthen military discipline

Soviet military discipline is one of the forms of state discipline, the basis of the combat capability and combat readiness of the Armed Forces. Discipline is, above all, the strict and exact observance by all servicemen of the order and rules established by Soviet laws and military regulations, the conscious obedience of subordinates to the will of the commander. Discipline characterizes the personality of a warrior as a whole. It is closely connected with many of his qualities and properties, and above all with ideological conviction, a deep understanding of his duty to the Motherland and people.

The formation of the skills of discipline in soldiers, their readiness to flawlessly fulfill the requirements of the Military Oath and Regulations is carried out throughout the entire service. At the same time, it is important for the sergeant to bring to the consciousness of each subordinate not only the content, but also the deep meaning, the social significance of discipline, to instill a sense of personal responsibility for the defense of the socialist Fatherland.

An analysis of disciplinary offenses committed by personnel shows that many of them are due precisely to miscalculations in the sphere of relations between the boss and the subordinate, the individual and the team. In some cases, shortcomings in the work of a sergeant indirectly influenced the emergence of a conflict, while in others they became a direct cause of a violation of discipline.

The most common wrong actions of the sergeants themselves include: the uneven distribution of loads they allow between soldiers of different service periods; unwillingness, and sometimes inability to delve into the off-duty relations and moods of soldiers finishing their service; condoning the desire of individual soldiers to receive privileges, to occupy a special position, to subordinate other soldiers to their influence.

The weak exactingness of some sergeants, the lack of methodological skills of education in others, the lack of pedagogical tact in still others are just some of the bottlenecks in their activities that are encountered in practice. To eliminate them, we need persistent study of junior commanders, timely advice and help from older, more experienced comrades.

The basis of the work of a sergeant is a deep study of subordinates, their strengths and weaknesses, habits, inclinations, interests and ideals. The most justified methods of studying personnel by a sergeant in the course of everyday life are: individual conversations; careful study of the attitude to the case of one or another subordinate in the course of classes, service, rest; widespread use of the opinions of officers, ensigns, other sergeants, party and Komsomol activists about soldiers; familiarization (through officers) with the documents available at the headquarters and characterizing the socio-demographic data and personal qualities of soldiers.

The study of subordinates should be objective, impartial, not limited to looking for shortcomings. The main thing is to notice and celebrate every success of a warrior, to be able to discern the good in everyone and use it to educate the individual. Recognition of success inspires the soldier, gives him strength for the future. Under these conditions, more often there is a desire to excel in the service. The correct opinion about the subordinate will develop only if he is evaluated not by words, but by deeds.

For the education of discipline, the correct organization of the educational process is necessary. Sergeants must create an environment that requires maximum exertion of physical and moral strength, contributes to the development of a sense of duty, initiative, high organization, independence in subordinates, to ensure that the educational process is timely and fully financially provided, the start and end times of classes are respected. A well-conducted lesson always activates the mental activity of the trainees, instills the habit of accuracy, composure and organization. Discipline is also a clear organization of maintenance of equipment, park and park-economic days.

Skillful disciplinary practice is of no small importance in strengthening military discipline. The daily disciplinary practice of a sergeant offers such means and methods of influencing the consciousness of soldiers as explanation, proof, suggestion, etc. By this, sergeants win over subordinates and win their trust. Their sincerity and cordiality make it possible to master the feelings of the soldiers and make it easier to bring the necessary requirements to consciousness. However, it is important to remember that closeness to people is not all-forgiving, that persuading is not the same as persuading.

The sergeant's bias and injustice, rudeness in dealing with subordinates, lack of concern for their needs and requests negatively affects the soldiers. He very aptly and categorically expressed his attitude to cases of tactlessness in relation to subordinates of M.V. Frunze. He said that harsh treatment, unexpected punishment and rude shouting would be incomprehensible to the young Red Army soldier, intimidate him and kill his interest in military affairs.

One of the important features is that the disciplinary measures and the very form of its imposition should be perceived by the soldier not as a “nitpicking”, but as the desire of the sergeant to help him learn to control his behavior, to behave with dignity. It is necessary to accustom subordinates to the truth, to the fear of misconduct, not punishment. The biggest trouble is not in the offense and not even in the punishment, but in the cunning with which the subordinate wants to hide it. Those sergeants who consider it an unshakable rule also act correctly: before imposing a penalty on a subordinate, it is necessary to carefully understand the degree of his guilt. At the same time, as emphasized in the Disciplinary Regulations, in general, the behavior of a soldier, the nature of the offense committed by him, the circumstances under which it was committed, and the degree of understanding by the soldier of the order of service should be taken into account. It is also advisable to carry out the removal of disciplinary sanctions strictly individually, when they have played their educational role, and not all at once, waiting for the holiday.

Sergeants are required to strictly monitor cleanliness and internal order, the correct fitting of equipment, compliance by subordinates with the rules for wearing military uniforms, timely repair of shoes and uniforms, etc. behavior, forms an intolerant attitude towards looseness, develops diligence. Special thoughtfulness and organization require work with military personnel performing tasks in isolation from the unit, on guard and daily duty.

Work with the so-called difficult soldiers has its own characteristics. At the same time, it is extremely important to identify the specific reasons for their dishonest attitude to the service. Look for positive qualities in each such person, encourage, develop them, emphasize that the norm of a serviceman's life is sobriety, honesty, personal responsibility for the task assigned.

Of great importance in modern conditions is the struggle for a sober lifestyle. Junior commanders are called upon to set a personal example in this, and also to explain to the personnel that drunkenness is an absolutely intolerable phenomenon in the army, it is the worst enemy of combat readiness.

The sergeant needs to take care of improving the material and living conditions of his subordinates, to know exactly all the norms of allowances, to strictly monitor the full issuance of allowances according to the norm. It is important to monitor the observance by subordinates of the rules of personal hygiene, their washing in the bath, the quality of food in the dining room. All observed shortcomings are reported on command.

An important component of the work of a sergeant in strengthening discipline is the concern for organizing the leisure of soldiers. Its task is to ensure that each of them is recorded in the library, in every possible way to encourage the reading of fiction, periodicals, amateur art activities, physical education and sports, and applied arts.