The dog sheds heavily: what to do. What to do if the dog sheds heavily

When the animal begins to molt profusely - it itches, this becomes a real problem for the owner. Wool flies in the air, sticks to furniture, sticks to carpets, and during the whole process, it becomes very much. In this article, we will tell you about this process, which is difficult for a person, but necessary for a dog, why and when it happens. Or maybe it's a sign of illness?

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What is shedding in dogs?

The process of changing hairline is called shedding. What does shedding in dogs have to say to experienced owners? To many professional dog breeders, this process can tell what condition the animal is in. Looking at the fur coat, one can conclude whether the animal is sick or healthy and well cared for.

Shedding periods

Distinguish between the planned period of molting and unscheduled. The planned period includes autumn and spring - twice a year. On each of them, we will now dwell in more detail.

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spring molt

In the spring, the first planned change of hairline begins. At this time, the animal prepares for the upcoming summer heat and changes from a very dense winter coat to a lighter one. Depending on the characteristics of a particular animal, the process can take about two weeks.

During the shedding of old wool, the pet constantly itches and leaves large clubs of wool throughout the home. Help the animal get rid of excess hair, comb your dog with a special brush that can be bought at any store. Your pet will be very grateful to you, besides, there will not be much wool on furniture and clothes.

Autumn molt

Usually, the second time in a year when an animal changes its fur occurs in the fall. Unlike the spring molt, in autumn, the pet, on the contrary, warms up for the upcoming cold weather. The dog grows denser and downed fur, the fur coat becomes very dense to protect the animal from the cold and frost of the upcoming winter. In order for the fur coat to be very dense after molting and shine in the sun, it needs proper care during the molting process.

  1. Combing the hair with a special brush.
  2. Visits to the dog groomer (if necessary).
  3. A visit to the vet (if you feel something is wrong).

Shedding out of season

Due to the combination of some factors and reasons, it also happens that the four-legged animal continues to shed its old fur after the planned molting season, throughout the year. This can be due to several reasons, which we will discuss below.

Causes of off-season molting

Usually, a change of coat is expected before a significant warming or cooling two times during the year. If the animal lives in a very warm house, next to heating devices, the process of flowing from spring to autumn molting may occur. Due to the fact that the conditions in the house differ from the natural habitat, including temperature, molting can last all year round. In addition, the animal may shed during periods of beriberi, estrus, or other hormonal disruptions.

It also happens that some serious illness is hiding behind an unscheduled molt. With out-of-season hair loss, many diseases can be associated, which can only begin to manifest themselves in the body of the animal, or do not give any visible symptoms at all. First of all, wool reacts to a failure in the body.

If the animal is constantly itching, but he does not have fleas, then pay attention to the fur coat. By the condition of the coat, you can understand whether your pet is sick or not. Still, what to do if the dog sheds heavily and you have concern for her health?

How to solve the problem with out-of-season molting

If your pet continues to shed heavily, then you should make sure that this is not a normal seasonal shedding. Seasonal shedding is not accompanied by skin irritations, the animal itches, but this happens without pain, there are no bald patches, and the fur does not feel rough.

If you do not observe manifestations of the disease, but the pet sheds, then you can do the following:

  1. Do not place your pet's bed too close to heaters.
    Ventilate the room. The intake of fresh air helps to lower the temperature and increase the intake of fresh air.
  2. Walk your dog regularly. Regardless of the weather and season, the dog must walk and experience emotions every day.
  3. Regular physical activity. This will help your pet stay in a good mood, thereby moving away from depressive habits. That's why it's important to play with the animal.

If, nevertheless, your fears that the pet has health problems have not passed, then in no case do not self-medicate. You are not a professional doctor and can only make things worse. The best solution to the problem that has arisen is to contact an experienced veterinarian. He examines the animal, takes all the necessary tests and prescribes the right treatment. In this case, the pet will again shine with its beautiful fur coat, and you will be calm.

Video "Shedding in dogs"

This short video will briefly talk about molting and how it goes.

In the article I will consider the reasons why the dog begins to shed heavily, what to do, as well as ways to prevent it. I'll tell you how much molting happens. I will list the options for eliminating an unpleasant smell from a dog, and also tell you how to properly care for an animal, whether it needs to be washed, how to rid the animal of molting and remove dog fluff.

Animal hair is short-lived.

In winter, the animal needs a warm coat, which is not necessary in summer, this is inherent in nature. Due to the fact that one coat is replaced by another, the four-legged friend sheds, getting rid of excess wool and fluff in the summer.

A pet is in almost the same temperature conditions all year round. Because of this, the dog sheds regardless of the time of year. Wool constantly flies all over the apartment and can stink.

Wool has one property - it is updated 2 times a year

In addition to seasonal molts: in autumn and spring, off-season ones can also occur in pets.

The frequency of hair loss can be affected by health problems in the dog. With a very strong molt of a pet, you should make an appointment with a specialist.

But do not forget that you can help your four-legged friend at home.

Ways to Prevent Shedding in Dogs

Shedding is a natural process and it is impossible to get rid of it completely.


The simplest and most effective way to get rid of excess hair is to brush your pet regularly. This is best done with a special brush or furminator. Combing is also necessary to prevent the formation of tangles.

The main way to shed is to comb out the coat daily with a special comb.

For breeds with not very large undercoat, in addition to the brush, you can use special gloves that will get rid of excess hair and remove dead hairs.

You should not shave your dog to prevent shedding, because in summer the coat protects the pet from direct sunlight and overheating.


Worms weaken the pet's immunity and destroy its body from the inside, so the pet's skin becomes duller and thinner, and the coat also falls out. An important way to prevent hair loss in a pet is anthelmintic. This event should be carried out depending on the condition and well-being of the dog.

Veterinarians advise for preventive purposes to treat for worms every 3 months.

Taking vitamins

All pet owners need to know that with severe hair loss, the pet's body often lacks vitamins B and minerals, since their proportion in feed is very small. To solve this problem, special vitamins should be introduced into the diet of a four-legged pet.

Only a veterinarian can help decide on the choice of supplement, so in case of problems with the coat, you should immediately contact him for help.

In veterinary pharmacies, you can buy special preparations that improve the quality of wool.

Proper care

Proper care of the animal plays a very important role and directly reflects the appearance and condition of the animal's coat. In order for a four-legged friend not to start shedding, you need to monitor his health and well-being. You need to feed the animal exclusively with natural products, which do not contain allergens.

You do not need to abuse dry food, as this negatively affects the health of the pet.

For shine, silkiness and smoothness of the coat, bathe the animal regularly and do not forget that the care products must be of high quality and contain only natural ingredients.

Causes of severe hair loss in dogs

Possible causes of excessive molting in a pet include the following:

  • the presence of fleas and / or ticks on the body;
  • various fungal or bacterial infections;
  • allergy in an animal;
  • side effects of drugs;
  • the period of pregnancy and feeding;
  • diseases of the kidneys, liver, thyroid gland and adrenal glands;
  • sunburn, etc.

The reason for a strong molt in a dog can be the person himself, if he bathes his pet too often

During the molting period, due to internal imbalance and various diseases, the animal may begin to smell like a dog.

Also, the appearance of a smell can provoke improper or insufficient care for the animal.

How to get rid of dog smell in the apartment

In order to get rid of an unpleasant smell, it is enough to follow the following points:

  • wash the paws of the animal after each walk, and also bathe the animal approximately once a month (more often in summer);
  • clean your pet's ears regularly;
  • carry out hygienic cleaning of teeth;
  • make sure that the dog's diet is balanced and the regimen is observed.

Regularly clean carpets, sofas and other textile surfaces from the remnants of dog hair

Human hygiene products are not suitable for dog care, as they have different acidity.

Bathe your pet only with dog shampoo.

Each owner should carefully monitor the well-being of his beloved pet and pay attention to his appearance. To ensure that your four-legged friend's coat always remains silky and does not shed for no reason, you should properly care for him and feed him properly, as well as visit the veterinarian regularly.

The process of changing the coat is absolutely natural for animals. Twice a year, in spring and autumn, our pets get rid of old dead hairs, allowing the coat to renew itself. Normally, the process lasts 2-3 weeks and the rest of the time the dog practically does not shed.

Despite the fact that most of our pets continue to live according to natural rhythms, abnormal molting is not such a rare occurrence. Often, animals not only lose most of their hair, up to the formation of bald spots, but also do it throughout the year, forcing their owners to live in an eternal woolen cloud.

What is prolonged molting and how to deal with increased hair loss?


Most often, the reason for year-round hair loss is called the poor ecology of our cities and the rather warm temperature in the room where the pets live. However, in reality, the problem is much deeper and is not limited to these two factors. Here are a few of the most likely causes of prolonged shedding in your furry friends:

Guessing on coffee grounds which of the reasons your pet owes its intense molting is a thankless task. Properly carried out diagnostics will allow you to accurately determine the cause of the pathology and choose the most effective way to deal with the problem.

First of all, you should conduct a thorough clinical examination of the pet. An experienced veterinarian will advise you, in addition to a general blood test, to take a test for giardia (protozoa can also cause hair loss), check markers for thyroid hormones, and also make all kinds of scrapings from the skin surface.

If everything is in order with health, it is worth taking a closer look at the domestic side of the dog's life. Check the animal's diet, see if it is comfortable for him to sleep in his place - there are times when a hard, uncomfortable bed or a rough mattress fabric provoked hair loss, especially in small dogs with fine hair.

It should be remembered that there are breeds that initially lose hair more intensively than other dogs. This most often applies to northern native varieties that are not accustomed to living in warm and cramped apartments. For a Malamute, huskies or prolonged molting in urban conditions is a completely natural phenomenon.

How to speed up molting

To make the shedding faster and more efficient, experienced groomers advise how to properly prepare the animal's coat for the process:

  • First, carefully bathe your pet with a conditioner. The hairs, freed from the load of dirt and sebum, leave the hair follicles more easily. The subsequent combing of a four-legged friend or a rubber mitten (depending on the length and structure of the coat) will several times accelerate the rejection and change of hair.
  • While bathing in the bathroom, pay attention to the temperature of the water. Better if it is slightly warm. Cool water will not wash the hair properly, too hot - will increase hair loss.
  • It is best to dry the dog at normal temperature. Too hot dryer air also increases the intensity of shedding, as well as too vigorous rubbing with a towel, damaging the skin structure.
  • The ideal way to get rid of excess moisture is to gently blot your pet's coat with an absorbent cloth (terry towel or special microfiber cloth that absorbs water).
  • Enhanced vitamin therapy will also be useful during the molting period. An oil solution of biologically active substances will strengthen weak hairs, as well as give the animal's hairline strength and healthy shine.

Complaining about prolonged molting, it should be remembered that with age, the structure of wool changes, which means that the intensity of the process will increase with each passing year.

An attentive owner, noticing such changes, will definitely try to find the reasons for the lengthening of the process. If it's all about physiological processes, you should accept the inevitable and adapt to changes. If your pet's health has deteriorated, intense hair loss will help you pay attention to the problem and prescribe the right treatment for a friend whose life and health depends on your care.

Shedding in dogs can tell an experienced dog breeder a lot about an animal. Having met domestic dogs on the street, you can easily determine whether the pet is healthy and happy. "How"? - you ask. According to the condition of his coat!

If the fur coat looks well-groomed and shines in the sun, like expensive fur, then the pet is doing well. If the hairs are shaggy and sparse, the dog often itches, getting rid of endlessly shedding hairs, then something is wrong.

Before visiting the doctor, be sure to make a rough list of foods that you feed your pet. Can pre-give the dog and vitamins.

The dog sheds heavily: why it happens and what to do

However, not only diseases become the causes of sudden or strong molting. The coat of an animal reacts sharply to any changes in the environment. For example, some apartment pets living in artificial lighting or stuffy areas constantly renew their coat, unlike their counterparts living in the fresh air of sunny summer cottages.

Temporary weakening of the hair follicles and intense sometimes caused by stress, such as pregnancy, moving, surgery. There are even cases when too frequent bathing disturbed the chemical balance of the skin and contributed to molting.

Taking care of wool

It doesn’t matter if the time has come for seasonal hair loss or the veterinarian could not find the reasons for the “unscheduled” molt or could not understand why the dog is shedding heavily - you need to help the pet survive this difficult period comfortably.

  • stock up,
  • buy special dry-use conditioners that improve the structure of the coat and nourish it.
  • Frequent showers with heavy shedding are not recommended, but sometimes you can give your pet a fun shower with a pet shampoo that contains protein.
  • Finally, definitely.

Do not forget to stock up on the equipment necessary for combing your pet. The main thing - combs made of hardened steel. Preferably nickel plated. With their help, you can comb out mats from the undercoat.

Slickers are no less important. They remove hair in delicate places that cannot be touched with a rough metal tool.

They remove hair in delicate places that cannot be touched with a rough metal tool. And you can comb out and collect dead hair from the pet’s body using a glove brush. You will be able to remove dead hair from the pet’s body with such an “inventory” in four days of vigorous combing.

By the way, all this ammunition can be replaced with one device furminator. In appearance, this tool looks like a regular rake-shaped comb. He does not cut off the undercoat, but catches it and lifts it up. The "teeth" of the furminator are located so that they do not touch the living hair.

However, the Furminator should not be used if the pet's skin has irritations, ulcers, scratches, wounds, bruises or abrasions. Before walking through the coat with this device, comb the pet with a metal comb. There should be no tangles, otherwise the animal will be hurt.

Menu for shedding

At the time of molting, it is better to transfer the pet to natural food. The main thing for a healthy and beautiful coat is protein. It gives the coat shine and strength. The pet also needs fish oil during molting. Make sure that your pet gets the substances necessary for coat growth: copper, zinc and vitamin B.

During this period, the animal needs more meat (the exception is pork, it is too fatty). Sometimes pamper your pets with chicken hearts, liver. Once a week, a molting animal needs to eat a sea fish. Just give him a boneless fillet.

In addition, it is important that pets eat vegetables and cereals. It's unlikely you'll be able to get your pet to try these foods on their own, so mix them with your furry friend's favorite canned food.

Remember: your pet's health depends on you. And take care of the one you tamed!