Types and training of fighting dogs. What breeds of dogs are fighting dogs - a list with names

Fighting dogs are a group of animals that were bred specifically for fighting. The desire to pit dogs goes back to the 18th century. It was then that a new noble pastime appeared - setting dogs on a bear or other wild beast. Man has long been drawn to bloody fights. Subsequently, it became problematic to obtain animals and it was decided to arrange fights between dogs. But before fighting dogs came to the attention of the nobility, they began their formation at the very “bottom” of London.

Fighting dogs are a group of animals that were bred specifically for fighting.

History of the appearance of animals

The lower strata of English society came up with a new pastime. Rats were released into a fenced area, and then the betting owner took bets on how long and how many rats his dog would kill. The show was a huge success and brought good income to the dog's owner. There was also positive point– the rat population decreased. English bulldogs and terriers were the most successful rat killers. To enhance their fighting potential, these species were crossed. As a result, it turned out new breed– bull and terrier. She was gaining strength, and chasing rats became boring. Then the dog owners decided to organize dog fights.

Today fighting dogs distinguishes strong build with developed muscles and stately posture. Dog fighting is banned in almost all countries and is considered cruel treatment with animals. This type of entertainment has gone underground. Many continue to raise and raise dogs of this species.

When studying fighting dog breeds, the list of which is numerous, one should also consider their characteristics.

The best fighting dogs (video)

Alabai – big and cheerful

This name is not entirely correct; it refers to the color of the dog. The real name is Central Asian Shepherd Dog. The breed is distributed over a vast territory from the Caspian Sea to China, from the Urals to Afghanistan. Its homeland is Central Asia. This is the oldest dog in the world. It is considered a national treasure of Turkmenistan; there is even a ban on its export. It is also called a wolfhound. And today the shepherds of Asia believe that they cannot find a better flock guardian. A dog of this breed can easily cope with several wolves at the same time.

Main characteristics of alabai:

  • power and strength;
  • good health;
  • thick and rough skin;
  • steel jaws;
  • healthy respiratory system;
  • the fighting qualities of the winner are developed.
  • the muscles are so developed that they protrude from under the skin;
  • the head is massive and heavy, the jaw is highly developed;
  • ears are high and do not need cropping;
  • hind legs widely spaced;
  • the tail is not docked.

Pitbull for a long time persecuted for aggressiveness, as a result, the main fighting qualities were lost. Today, the fighting dog often becomes a pet. How the dog will grow up depends on the person himself: only education and a competent approach to the animal will allow you to get a kind and patient family member.

Bull Terrier is a real fighter

The Bull Terrier breed was created to win. Rare battles can take place without the participation of these dogs. Fighting dogs had to be aggressive and strong. But this does not mean that outside the fighting ring they behave this way. The appearance of the bull terrier is interesting. He short, legs are short and muscular, muscle mass is well developed, distinguished by agility and jumping ability. The head is shaped like an egg, which is why the bull terrier has a firmly established nickname - a dog with a rat face.

When it comes to fighting dogs, people usually think of the Stafford or Bull Terrier, but in reality this list is much longer, and the representatives are so diverse that many may be surprised which breeds are classified as fighting dogs. Today, the term “fighting dog” refers to breeds in which certain behavioral characteristics have been observed. We present to your attention a list of breeds with photographs.

American Akita (Akita Matagi)

Akita is also called a large Japanese dog, its weight can be 55-75 kilograms, and its height is approximately 65-70 centimeters. The dog's body is compact, the muzzle is elongated, but from the profile it seems cropped, the ears are erect, the nose is black and has no spots, the exception being the white American Akita. There is a distinctive breed of these dogs - the blue tongue. Usually the Akita's eyebrows are highlighted in a different color, so the dog's gaze becomes devoted and sad. The tail of the breed is crocheted, the coat is double, there is a thick short undercoat that is soft to the touch.

Akita doesn't count aggressive breed, she is friendly and loyal, although the pet’s loyalty to the owner will have to be earned starting from birth. The dog is independent and can only be influenced by affection, which greatly complicates the training process.


The breed is large, the dog's height is 65-75 centimeters, its normal weight 60-65 kilograms, but with poor nutrition may increase. The muscular body is proportionally built, the stomach is retracted, the head is large, the chest is developed. The muzzle is elongated, the nose is rounded, the eyes are small and far set. Ears are highly erect and cropped triangular shape, the tail tapers towards the end. Dogs have short fur and can be brown, white, black or spotted.

Representatives of the breed are distinguished by their protective qualities, but require professional training. Periods of activity are replaced by a passive state. It is not recommended to keep a dog in an apartment. You should be careful while walking, because if you feel danger, it is difficult to hold on to it.

Dogue de Bordeaux

The dog is quite large, the massive head does not look entirely harmonious with the body. Height reaches 65-70 centimeters; with an optimal diet, a Great Dane usually weighs up to 50 kilograms, but can gain weight and gain an extra 20-25 kilograms. The dog's limbs are quite muscular, but the look is kind, the eyes are widely spaced and often dark brown. The nose is wide and rounded, the ears hang down and frame the head in the form of triangles. The tail does not lie on the back, it is short and set low. The color of the breed can be red, golden or red-brown.

These dogs are very smart, kind and self-possessed, and friendly towards children. The breed is not aggressive, very touchy, they are different high degree devotion.

Brindis fighting dog

This breed of fighting dogs is rare. There are no main characteristics of appearance, since representatives may differ in color and length of fur. The height of dogs of this breed is approximately 55-57 centimeters, their weight is about 50 kilograms, they have a strong muscular build, powerful and broad chested. The muzzle is elongated and as if cut off, the head is large, the nose is rounded, usually without pigmentation, but the presence is not excluded. The ears are pointed, the tail is docked. Common colors include pink and dark blue.

This breed is distinguished by its aggressiveness, its upbringing requires a tough hand, from childhood it should be taught to obey, otherwise aggression can manifest itself even towards the owner.

Bully kutta

A large breed with a powerful skeleton, developed chest and strong muscles, the dog’s height can be 75-110 centimeters, this giant can weigh 65-90 kilograms. The muzzle is always black, pigmentation may be present on the nose, the tail is long and tapers towards the end, even when excited it does not lie on the back. The limbs are long with round wide paws. The coat is hard and short, its color can be yellowish-brown, white, brindle, red, red, and there may be spots.

The dog is brave and devoted to its owner, and is friendly in the family. He is usually neutral towards other pets, but during the game he can harm them, because he has an impressive size. The dog is sensitive to any danger, so you should be careful while walking.

Bull Terrier

Not everyone will like the appearance of this fighting dog; its muzzle is elongated so that it resembles a rat’s, and it is disproportionate in relation to the body. The breed has a muscular, strong and dense build, with a well-developed chest. Height at the withers can reach 30-40 centimeters, weight 20-30 kilograms. The eyes are small and narrow, triangular in shape, usually dark brown. The ears stand high and are also triangular, the nose unusual shape. The tail is small and tapers towards the end. The color of the short coat can be black, white or colored.

The peculiarity of the breed is its explosive character, the dog is active and hardy. The owner should be tough with her, but not cruel, she may harbor a grudge. She loves to play, but her patience is not unlimited. Brave dog may behave aggressively with other representatives or suspicious passers-by.

Gampr (Armenian Wolfhound)

This breed is quite large and looks powerful, its height is about 64-68 centimeters, but there are specimens that are about 90 centimeters. The dog's weight varies between 49-64 kilograms, a significant part of it falls on the wool. The muscles are well developed, the body is quite massive, the chest is wide. The ears hang down, the eyes are dark, there are sloping brow ridges, making the look look friendly. The color of this breed varies, most often it is sandy, but the muzzle is always black or gray. The coat is long, the tail does not lie on the back even in a state of excitement.

Gampr is a kind and caring dog, she does not like fuss and clearly follows commands. She usually shows a reverent attitude towards children and remains neutral towards other animals. The dog behaves calmly during training and appreciates encouragement.


A large, strong and powerful breed, its height is 75-90 centimeters and its weight is 45-70 kilograms. The stomach is retracted, the head is conspicuous due to its disproportion to the body, it is large, the ears are mostly cropped, they are erect. At the end of the elongated muzzle there is a round nose, the eyes are wide-set and usually dark in color. The breed has powerful paws and developed limbs, and the pads are hard. The tail is thin and tapering towards the end; it does not rise high. The coat is coarse and short and comes in brown, white, brindle, black or grey.

Gul-Dong is an intelligent dog, but it guards its territory jealously; the breed is not suitable for playing with children. He does not get along with other pets and usually behaves aggressively when walking.

Ca de bou (Mallorcan Bulldog)

The breed is physically developed, strong and looks powerful, its height usually does not exceed 60 centimeters, and its weight with proper nutrition is 30-40 kilograms. The body is slightly elongated, the dog has a large head, and a black nose. The oval eyes are dark brown, they are widely spaced, and the ears are set high. The dog's back is not straight, its belly is tucked in, its tail is thick and drooping. The coarse, short coat can be red, black, brindle or fawn in color.

The breed is active, patient and loving, loves to participate in family affairs. She can be trained well, but it is better to encourage her than to be rude, because she may be offended. Friendly to children, can get along with other pets.

Kangal karabash

A large breed, height reaches 90 centimeters, and weight varies between 45-70 kilograms. The body is large, the muscles are well developed, the hind limbs are slightly longer than the front ones. The muzzle is slightly elongated, the nose is black, the eyes are deep-set and mostly dark in color. The triangular ears are not docked, they hang down on both sides, the long tail curls into a ring, it is set high and often raised. The color varies, the most common are shades of red, grayish-brown, sand, distinguishing feature- black “mask” on the muzzle.

The breed is smart and independent, not inclined to show excessive aggression, but if it senses danger, it will undoubtedly rush to defense. He treats children kindly and is neutral towards other pets.

Cane Corso

Not too much large breed, with a height of 55-65 centimeters, her weight is 35-45 kilograms. The body is powerful, the head is large, the neck is long, as are the limbs. In profile, the dog's muzzle resembles a cube, the nose is black, the ears are set high and cropped in the shape of a triangle, and the eyes are oval. The dog's belly is tucked, the tail is straight and thick. The coat is short, double with a small undercoat, its color can be dark gray, brindle, black, and red is quite rare.

The breed is calm, intelligent and playful, values ​​independence and freedom, and does not behave aggressively towards other representatives on the street. He loves children, gets along with other pets, is wary of strangers, but will not rush.

Breed thanks voluminous wool she looks menacing and powerful, her height is 60-65 centimeters, her physique is powerful. The weight of an adult varies from 50 to 90 kilograms. The large head is proportional to the body, the muzzle is elongated, the nose is black, and the eyes are dark brown. The ears are medium, cropped, and set high. The dog has long limbs and large paws, the bushy tail is usually lowered down. The coat length can be short, medium or long.

This breed has a generally even-tempered and friendly character and can become... true friend and a family member. She is patient with children's pranks and loves to be involved in family activities. The dog is smart, easy to train, and can get along with other pets. You should be careful on walks, as she can be aggressive towards strangers.

Presa Canario

The breed is not too large, height varies between 55-65 centimeters, such a dog can weigh 37-48 kilograms. The muscles are well developed, the back is straight, the head is massive but short. Oval eyes, distant ears have the average size, the straight neck is quite muscular, with a small dewlap forming below. The coat is short, brindle or fawn in color, and may have white markings.

The dog is sociable and friendly, but distrustful of strangers, will not show aggression unreasonably, and will not attack without warning. The breed is smart and a little phlegmatic.


The dog is quite compact and squat, the physique is powerful and muscular, it can reach a height of 56-68 centimeters, while its weight usually does not exceed 50 kilograms. The breed is characterized by a slightly elongated muzzle, a black nose, and triangular, drooping, non-cropped ears. The eyes are dark brown, due to the color it seems that the dog is sad. The coat is short and harsh, and is always black with reddish-brown or tan spots.

The dog is vigilant, brave and intelligent, quickly learns commands, it loves to feel involved in family affairs, and is excellent as a protector and guard. The dog is friendly towards children, but does not tolerate bullying.

Old English Bulldog

The breed is strong and squat, the dog's height is 30-40 centimeters and its weight is 24-26 kilograms. The dog's muzzle is short, but wide, the wide-set eyes of a dark color are located quite low, there are folds near the nose, and its earlobe is black. The ears are thick, soft and drooping, and there are folds on the body. The dog's chest is wide, its legs are muscular, its paws are neat, and its tail is thick. The coat is short and the color can be red, white or brindle.

The dog is very kind, calm and serious, becomes attached to the family, loves children. With proper training, he is not inclined to show aggression; he is usually neutral towards other pets.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier

A small dog, whose height usually does not exceed 40 centimeters at the withers, and weighs 11-17 kilograms. The breed's physique is proportional, muscular and strong, the chest is wide, the skull is wide, the head is voluminous, the limbs are set wide apart. The nose is black, the lips fit tightly to the jaw, the ears are shaped like a rose or tulip and are set high. The eyes are dark or light brown and round in shape. The coat is flat, short and harsh.

This breed is affectionate, sociable and loyal, they usually quickly become attached to their owner. You need to start socializing as early as possible and accustom him to the company of other pets so that he does not show aggression. This dog requires a lot of attention, affection and communication.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier (Irish)

The breed is muscular and strong, the dog's height is 44-60 centimeters, weight is between 25-35 kilograms. The head is wide, the jaws are strong, the muzzle is short with a black nose, the eyes are round. Brown. The ears are semi-erect and shaped like a rose, the neck is short, and the chest is quite wide. The coat is short, predominantly white and black; spots may be present.

The dog is obedient, loving and playful, loves children, participates in family matters, gets along easily with pets. Usually has a neutral attitude towards strangers, but will react accordingly if they show hostility.

Tosa Inu

The breed is massive, the physique is proportional, the height is 55-60 centimeters, such a dog can weigh 30-40 kilograms. The skull is wide, has a pronounced occipital protuberance, and triangular-shaped ears hang down. The dog has a wide chest, a tucked belly and a straight back, a thick tail set high, and the limbs are muscular and straight. The coat is thick, hard and short, and its color can be brindle, black, fawn or red.

The breed is calm, intelligent and unobtrusive; these dogs are serious and balanced. But training should begin very early, since the breed was bred exclusively for fighting; if it is not socialized, it will become distrustful and malicious towards others and other dogs.

Fila Brasileiro

Large breed with powerful and proportional build, height is 60-75 centimeters, weight - from 50 to 90 kilograms. The head is wide, heavy, large, the muzzle is convex, large ears hang down, the eyes are set far away, the look is sad. The limbs are smooth and muscular, the body is powerful, the tail is medium-set and wide at the base. The skin is loose and thick, folds can form on the shoulders and withers, the coat is dense and short. Color usually yellow shades, ash, brindle or white with spots.

The dog is determined, but loyal and submissive to its owner, patient with children. The breed's character is unflappable and its confidence cannot be undermined. loud noise, but she shows distrust of strangers. If danger arises, the dog confidently comes to the defense.

Shar Pei

The dog's build is strong and dense, its height is 45-50 centimeters, and it weighs from 20 to 25 kilograms. The head is large, the skull is flat, there are folds on the cheeks and forehead. The nose is wide and large; there is often a raised or small bump on the lobe. The eyes are dark, and the look is gloomy and sad, the ears are small triangular and set high. The tail is located high, it is thick and tapers towards the end. The dog's coat is bristly and rough. The color varies, but the exception is white.

The breed has high intelligence, the dog is calm and independent. Education should be given attention from puppyhood. Despite the fact that the dog loves to be the leader, it is not aggressive, the breed is obedient, loyal and understanding, loves care and affection.

Anyone who is less familiar with different breeds is interested in rat-faced dogs. What features does such an animal have? What kind of breeds are there? You will get answers to all these questions in our article.

The Bull Terrier is the only dog ​​breed that resembles a rat. Many people have the opinion that this is a very angry, aggressive, stupid and ugly animal. But few people say that even a Spitz, Dalmatian or Chow Chow can be many times more dangerous than the breed in question.

As you probably know, any dog ​​is a reflection of its owner. And here it doesn’t even matter what breed your pet will be. After all, some people buy a puppy in order to subsequently raise a devoted companion. At the same time, others strive to raise a fighting specimen that will frighten everyone around them with just its appearance.

Therefore, it is better to discard all prejudices and learn more about what a dog with a rat face really is.

General description of the breed

When creating the breed in question, the traditional qualities of the future dog were not taken into account. On the contrary, it was necessary to achieve other indicators:

  1. Aggressiveness.
  2. Endurance.
  3. High pain threshold.

Bull Terriers were primarily used in dog fighting and animal baiting. Accordingly, this is a fighting dog with the following characteristics:

  1. Approximate weight – 25 kilograms.
  2. Height – from 40 cm for females and up to 55 cm for males.
  3. The head is egg-shaped, set low on a muscular neck.
  4. The jaws with teeth are very powerful and have a scissor bite. It is this sign that will give the muzzle a characteristic rat appearance, although experienced dog breeders dismiss this opinion as dubious.
  5. The ears are close-spaced, erect, triangular in shape.
  6. Large nose with developed nostrils.
  7. A short tail that tapers towards the end.
  8. Small eyes, widely set, triangular in shape.

The bull terrier's physique is quite powerful. A rounded chest, muscular limbs - all this speaks of the strength of the breed. At first glance, it may seem to you that this is a clumsy animal. However, in practice it is a very dexterous, agile and nimble dog. One can only envy the bull terrier's jumping ability.

The color of the dog can be either white or colored. The first option is the most preferable, followed by the tiger color. Other colors are also not considered a defect or defect.

The character of a dog directly depends on its upbringing. Therefore, it is not entirely correct to say that bull terriers are very aggressive. If the puppy at a young age understands that the owner is the leader and needs to be obeyed, then everything will be fine.

In most cases, the Bull Terrier is playful, restless and active. Therefore, if you want to adopt such a dog, be prepared for long walks. This pet is suitable for young and energetic owners.

As the experience of many dog ​​breeders shows, the Bull Terrier is a very cheerful, beautiful and cheerful dog. All mentions of a rat's face are the consequences of black PR since the late nineties.

Journalists are doing everything to “drown” this breed. But contrary to popular belief, the Bull Terrier has developed intellect. Yes, he can be capricious and will not obey if the owner’s commands are unreasonable.

You, as the owner of such a pet, will need patience, love and care, which will allow you to raise a balanced individual.

Don't forget that you need to walk your dog from a young age.

How to keep and care for a Bull Terrier

The breed is a smooth-haired dog, so you won’t need any complicated care. Your pet may shed twice a year. Wool can be easily removed with a brush or a special mitten.

After walks, you don’t need to bathe your dog; just wipe it with a sponge or damp towel.

Check your ears and eyes regularly for inflammation. Whites may have hearing problems. There are cases when puppies are born deaf.

The Bull Terrier's mobility indicates that it really needs to be exercised. Therefore, active walks, ball games, jumping over the crossbar - all this is necessary to maintain good health. physical state dogs. After such walks, the dog will be calm and docile. And with insufficient loads, don’t be surprised why he goes crazy and turns everything upside down.

How to choose a puppy

Bull Terrier puppies are very beautiful babies. Therefore, it is unlikely that anyone will say small pet that it is a dog with a rat's face.

As you already know, this is a special breed, so to purchase it, it is advisable to visit a good nursery or contact an honest breeder. Otherwise, you run a very high risk of buying a sick or outbred puppy.

You can pick up the baby at the age of 2.5 months from the mother. During this time, all necessary vaccinations are carried out in the nursery.

When choosing your future four-legged friend, pay attention to the condition of the teeth. At this age there should be 12 of them.

Get your hearing checked. To do this, clap your hands and look at the baby's reaction. Familiarize yourself with the pedigree and check whether the puppy meets the standard.

To summarize the article, we note that now you know the name of a dog whose muzzle resembles a rat's. We told you about the characteristics of the breed and the nuances of choosing a puppy.

The Bull Terrier is a fairly smart dog, and with proper training you will get a reliable friend who will give you a lot of positive emotions.

Bull Terrier, breed description and photo

9.1 (91.11%) 9 votes

In earlier times, cruel hobbies were commonplace and most dog breeds were bred not for home keeping or protection, but for hunting, baiting large animals, and especially dog ​​fighting. For some it was entertainment and an opportunity to make money on bets. Others, mostly rich people, wanted spectacles to somehow diversify their measured lives. - a child of that harsh era. His ancestors were successful fighters. But thanks to perfectionist breeders, the breed has acquired a new stylish image. So, when cruel spectacles were banned, thanks to their original appearance, bull terriers found their place in the sun.

Guard qualities
Security qualities
Attitude towards children

About the name of the breed

Like most terriers, Bullies were bred in Great Britain. So the name of the breed has English roots. “Bull” means “bull”, with which the bulldogs who participated in the selection of the breed fought in the arenas. And “terrier” refers to the second type of dog that took part in the selection.

History of the breed

For the sake of the public

Before the ban in 1835, bull baiting with dogs was popular in England. The ancestors of English bulldogs took part in it. The breed looked different back then: high legs and a square, wide head allowed her to deftly fight large animals. But when the authorities banned cruel entertainment, the organizers of bloody spectacles found other ways to make money - dog fighting and rat baiting. Moreover, an impromptu arena could be organized in any pub. There were both poor people and rich people here.

But it soon turned out that fighting bulldogs were completely unsuited to new types of fights. Here even greater agility and cunning were required. Alas, the short-faced strong bulldogs could not adapt: ​​the battles became too dull.

Then fighting bulldogs began to be crossed with other breeds. Selection with terriers turned out to be the most promising. The resulting dogs did not lose their strength and tenacity, but in addition gained intelligence and dexterity. The new four-legged fighters were named simply - “Old Bull and Terrier”. They became the ancestors of modern bull terriers.

Chance of survival

The first Old Bull and Terriers looked awkward: overweight body, crooked legs, wide head with a blunt muzzle. But the “monsters of selection” coped with their fighting duties. In new generations, the features of terriers have become more distinct: the paws have become longer and the muzzle has become sharper. And yet they were far from the ideal of beauty.

This concerned dog dealer and fan James Hinks. He decided to improve the appearance of the breed while maintaining its fighting qualities. The breeder began his experiments in the mid-1850s. And already in 1862 he showed his best pet at a show exhibition in his native Birmingham.

As a true businessman, he realized that violent entertainment was gradually becoming a thing of the past. This means that the public will lose interest in ugly fighting dogs. And only a noble appearance could give the breed a chance to survive and attract the attention of aristocrats to it.

So Hinks decided to make his dogs completely white. To do this, he used white Old English terriers and Dalmatians in selection. And so the elegant ones appeared, but still courageous dogs. And so that the public would not confuse new dogs with unsightly ancestors, James gave his pets a simpler name - bull terrier.

The Bull Terrier revealed the most remarkable qualities that it absorbed from the dogs of its predecessors, namely endurance, high intelligence, activity. In England, he immediately received recognition and love from dog breeders. Keeping a white bull terrier has become considered fashionable. And at the beginning of the twentieth century, they began to breed colored bull terriers.

White and colorful

In 1864, two of Hinks' dogs, white bull terriers Madman and Puss, became champions. And although they were still different from modern bull terriers, the breed was already gaining popularity. The military and migrants became interested in her, and so soon, together with the English colonists, Hinx's dogs settled on different continents. Then the noble “bulls” fell in love with students and teachers at Oxford University.

But there were still many problems that the breeders had to solve. In 1985, the English authorities banned ear cropping. This little detail almost deprived the breed of popularity, since uncropped ears spoiled appearance. Fortunately, in a fairly short period of time, breeders managed to breed individuals with naturally erect ears.

But perhaps the biggest problem was discrimination against dogs of color. To many they seemed not noble enough. When colored bull terriers won at shows in England, most breeders protested the judges' decision. After all, if you give titles to non-white dogs and use them for breeding, then white line the breed may degenerate. Because of this, not only colored dogs, but also white ones, which had colored ancestors in their pedigree, were no longer used in matings.

But it was this decision that almost destroyed the breed. Long-term selection of white individuals has led to the impoverishment of the bull terrier gene pool. At the same time, the dogs inherited many defects from their relatives, the English white terriers: deafness, infertility, blue eyes.

By 1950, the number of affected puppies increased. And only then, in order to save the breed, it was necessary to recognize colored bull terriers and allow them to be bred. The breeders remembered in time that in 1936 the champion title in England and America was won by the male Rebel of Blighty, whose parents were colored bull terriers.

Wiped his nose

It is interesting that initially the breeders of Old Bull and Terriers did not take Hinx's white "Bulls" seriously. They stated that from beautiful dogs they make bad fighters. Then James made a fateful bet. He put his white forty-pound bitch Puss against a sixty-pound old-style dog. In half an hour, Puss dealt harshly with her opponent. James, who won the bet, received £5 and a box of champagne. And his pet, which received a minimum of wounds, won the title at a dog show the very next day.

Standard: main characteristics of a bull terrier

Oddly enough, the standard for this dog breed is very vague. Weight can vary from 18 to 30 kg. And the height is from 30 to 45 cm. The Miniature Bull Terrier breed has a height limitation. Its height should not exceed 35.5 cm. With a weight of 18 to 30 kg, it is important that the dog does not look very fat or, on the contrary, very thin.

Everything agrees on the main thing - this is a very muscular, strong dog.

The head is set low, strong, long, and egg-shaped. There should be no bends or distortions on it. Strong lower jaw with a scissor bite. Pronounced, open nostrils.

Eyes dark brown, narrow, triangular in shape. The ears are erect, close to each other. The legs are strong and muscular, very stable and strong. Torso of a bull terrier round shape. The chest has pronounced muscles and is quite wide. The tail is short and tapers towards the end.

If the bull terrier is white, then colored spots can only be on the ears and head. If colored, then the colored suit should prevail over the white.

Masculine and stylish

Bull terriers of the modern type appeared only in 1928. The first model dog was Lord Gladiator. His muzzle was lowered - this is the so-called “downface”. In profile, it resembled an arc going down, like the claw of a crayfish or the fingers of a person grasping something. The head acquired an ovoid shape. It was this feature that made the Bull Terrier’s grip very powerful, and it also instantly distinguished the breed from other dogs.

Lord Gladiator retained the features that bull terriers already had. His muscular body was perfect. Harmonious proportions, slanting small eyes, a powerful lower jaw with a scissor bite, strong limbs - all this formed the image of a serious and courageous dog, but at the same time not devoid of style.

And soon, as a result of selection, others were added to the classic pure white color: black, brindle, red, red, and a tricolor combination. With this exterior, the breed has survived to this day. And the variety of coat colors has increased the number of bull terrier fans.

Mini course

At the beginning of breed selection, bull terrier litters contained dogs of different sizes. Individual breeders began to select the smallest individuals and crossbreed them. It is also likely that . The result was miniature bull terriers, which were initially used to bait rats. They are not much different from their relatives. Only their height is from 25 to 35 cm at the withers, and their weight is from 11 to 15 kg.


The bull terrier dog breed is considered. She doesn't feel pain, she's strong, she's agile. But like other dog breeds, it all depends on training. If between a man and a dog real friendship, if a dog has learned from childhood that the owner is in charge, he is the leader and obedience to him must be unquestioning, then best friend than a bull terrier cannot be found.

This is a very active, playful, restless nature. Before you take a bull terrier into your home, you need to be prepared for daily, many-hour walks. Therefore this a dog will do young, energetic owners, but not elderly pensioners.

Initially, this breed, although bred as a fighting breed, is not directed against humans. According to the standard, only balanced, adequate individuals should remain in the litter.

Aggression and bitterness are developed in a dog in the process improper upbringing and content. The Bull Terrier is jealous and capricious. He will never agree to stupid submission and slavery. This must also be taken into account when purchasing this breed of dog. It takes a lot of patience, love and care to properly raise a dog and socialize it correctly. And since she has a high intellect and her own mind, she will happily respond to a kind and friendly attitude and will readily obey a fair leader, that is, an owner. And then more loyal than a friend can not found.

How to choose bull terrier puppies and where is the best place to buy

Puppies should be selected at the age of 2 – 2.5 months. Be sure to take it from a nursery. Under no circumstances at the bazaar or through an advertisement where you can buy a mongrel or.

In the nursery, by this age, puppies will receive all the vaccinations necessary for this age, and those that do not meet the standard will be rejected. You need to pay attention to your teeth. By this time the puppy should have twelve of them, six at the bottom and six at the top.

Check your hearing: Bull terriers have a genetic problem with their ears, especially white ones - they are often born deaf. You need to clap your hands and look at the puppy’s reaction, make sure that he hears. Ideally, you should also look at the parents of this baby. If they have any deviations from the standard, then this can be seen without being a specialist.

The Bull Terrier is a smooth-haired dog. She does not require any special care. She molts twice a year - in spring and autumn. The fur can be easily removed with a special mitten or a fine brush. After a walk, she doesn’t need to give her a bath either. Simply wipe with a sponge or damp towel. Check ears and eyes for inflammation. Bull Terrier ears are usually not susceptible to inflammation. But prevention doesn't hurt. A dog's nails wear down on their own during walks. But if they begin to protrude beyond the pads, they need to be trimmed.

Since the Bull Terrier is very active, his walks should also be active. Let him run around to his heart's content, play with the ball, and jump over the crossbar. Firstly, this will always keep him in good physical shape (these dogs are prone to obesity), and secondly, at home he will already be peaceful and imposing, and this will create a calm environment for the owners.

Not every dog ​​needs training, but... good upbringing Everyone should get it.


As you know, the cost of puppies depends on many factors. This is the presence of a pedigree, titles of parents, exhibition prospects of the dog, etc. In this regard, the price range may be from 15,000 to 70,000 rubles and above. But approximate average prices for bull terrier puppies in trustworthy kennels from 30,000 to 40,000 rubles.

Photo of the bull terrier breed

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These dogs cannot be classified as very affectionate and gentle pets. American Pit Bull Terrier breed was specially bred for dog fights, thinking with the appropriate characteristics: viciousness, endurance and agility, which were necessary for four-legged animals to fulfill their purpose.

However, pit bulls (as the breed is usually called for short), like all representatives of the canine family, are characterized by genuine devotion to their owner. To this quality, oddly enough, we can add: loyalty and tolerance when communicating with others, a good-natured disposition.

This name is literally translated: “fighting”, which has its own explanation, because dogs replaced bulls in the rings, the battles of which were prohibited at a certain point in history, although they were extremely popular.

The name was once also used: pitdog (fighting dog), which was more suitable for four-legged animals, but for some reason did not really catch on.

The breed originated in the Old World, but later fell in love with gambling Americans who loved bloody entertainment. The once super-popular dog fighting gave impetus to the targeted improvement and development of many breeds.

If it were not for human passions, then there would not have appeared american pit bull terrier. Dogs were brought to America around the end of the 18th century. But only a century later the breed was officially recognized.

Representatives are currently accepting it Active participation in various canine sports competitions, where they demonstrate endurance, jumping ability, agility and the ability to perform complex tricks.

Interestingly, one of the representatives of the breed became famous with the title of champion, having proven his ability to tow a load exceeding his body weight a hundred times. Talking in more detail about the origin of the breed, one should delve several centuries into history, telling about the events that took place in England and its surrounding areas.

For dog fights in those distant times were widely used. Their responsibilities also included hunting large strong men and guarding homes, which they coped with excellently.

But this type of four-legged helper was suitable only for the nobility, because keeping large sizes prohibited to English commoners.

Therefore, for their own needs, they selected smaller puppies from litters and bulldogs, crossing them with each other, which greatly contributed to the birth of extremely similar ones already in Tudor times, according to description, With American pit bull terriers today.

The dogs were distinguished by their insensitivity to pain, mobility, agility and fearlessness. These were bull terriers. The prefix “pit” in the name of their descendants appeared a little later, meaning in English a pit for bleeding, which is a direct allusion to the use of the breed.

The appearance of these dogs gives the impression of strength, strength and power; obesity is an extremely undesirable feature. The exemplary silhouette looks lean and lean, even the ribs should protrude a little.

Pit bulls have an attentive gaze, reflecting liveliness and interest in life. The animal's body is shiny and tough, the skin is dense with folds on the chest and neck. The head is shaped like a wedge, tapering towards the nose; the lips are adjacent to the jaws with closed teeth; eyes wide apart, slightly slanted.

At the owner's request, the ears are cropped. They are also distinguished by their long, muscular neck and shoulders; wide, cylindrical chest, tapering downwards.

A well-proportioned loin plays a huge role in movement, adding agility and grace, as well as flexibility in the hindquarters.

The length of the legs should be slightly greater than the width chest; hips, slightly sloping towards the horizontal, densely built; the pads on the paws are elastic; the tail is not particularly long, set low. Details of the external appearance of representatives of this breed can be seen photo american pit bull terrier .

Care and maintenance

Pit bulls, due to their small size, take root in city apartments and are kept without problems. However, dogs need sport games. They and their muscular bodies are simply created for exhausting training and long walks, during which the dogs frolic on fresh air.

Caring for four-legged animals is not at all difficult. There is no need to bathe often. This is usually done a couple of times a year, and weekly combing and ear cleaning is also necessary.

But the main element of content is proper nutrition, on which it depends healthy formation bones and muscles of the pet, since american pit bull terrierdog extremely active and by nature, must be physically strong.

Here you need, first of all, meat. It is the main supplier of animal protein to the body, which ensures growth and protection from disease. It is better to give high-quality meat to adult dogs raw, because when cooked, many important properties are lost and destroyed. useful material and vitamins.

But if the product is in doubt, then it would be useful to give it a short heat treatment. Plant-based nutritional components and dairy products are also important.

Many owners, avoiding unnecessary and tedious hassle, prefer to use canned and dry food. All this is not bad if such food does not cause allergies, attacks of which often occur in dogs of this breed.

During training, pit bulls learn new commands and perform difficult tasks with ease. First, a general training course is usually carried out. Then everything depends on the owner’s desires and inclinations.

Many of the representatives of the breed successfully acquire protective guard skills. The main thing to remember: raising pit bulls, teaching them unquestioning obedience based on trust, and socialization are strictly required.

Price and reviews of the American Pit Bull Terrier

Having made a decision buy an American pit bull terrier When looking for a puppy abroad, you should take into account that their import is prohibited in certain EU countries.

If the animal already lives in these countries, then their owner is required to sterilize their pet, and special permission is required to keep it. In Germany, the owners of such cars were literally strangled by inflated taxes.

As for the USA, at least this breed It is still popular there, but dog fighting is prohibited by law, and the breeding of fighting dogs is under strict control.

Pit bulls have survived a number of persecutions, but remain in demand, so it is possible to purchase a puppy by finding a good kennel or using advertisements on the Internet.

Prices on American pit bull terriers quite affordable. It is possible to purchase a puppy without documents for 5 thousand rubles. But real purebred dogs with excellent pedigree are, of course, more expensive. Often purchasing them costs amateurs no less than twenty thousand.

Public opinion, fueled by a series of media publications with colorful photographs demonstrating the particular danger of certain breeds, has an extremely negative attitude towards fighting dogs.

This also applies to pit bulls. Is it worth it, in this case, to take a dubious pet into your home? The decision should be made with full responsibility. As reviews indicate, the character of a pit bull depends entirely on the upbringing of the owner.

When handled inappropriately, aggressive tendencies develop and make themselves felt extremely quickly. But when making a judgment, we should not forget that these are active and inquisitive creatures that can bring, in addition to problems, a lot of joy.

Pit bulls are extremely suitable for athletic, active people. Games and communication with such pets greatly contribute to strengthening physical fitness. Skillfully trained dogs are always ready to unquestioningly carry out any commands of the owner.

Little pit bulls are extremely cute. And adult dogs, feeling their strength and power, are confident in themselves, their character is characterized by stability and wise prudence.

Choice American pit bull terrier puppies– it’s a very responsible matter. And here you should not rush, succumbing to the momentary impulse and charm of a charming cutie baby, but look through several litters, compare and consider the options.

The main thing is to decide on the purpose for which you are getting a puppy: will he be an expected champion of exhibitions or just a friend and protector? And, based on this, draw your own conclusions.