Feeding that terrier. The best diet for a small pet. Foods that can not be a toy terrier

Toy Terriers are decorative dogs, unpretentious and easy to keep, very mobile and friendly. Dogs of this breed are kept only in the house, do not require daily and long walks.

Predisposition to disease

Despite the grace and miniature size, toy terriers are naturally endowed with strong immunity and vitality. However, the disease can turn a baby into an emaciated dog in two days.

Toy Terriers are predisposed to some typical diseases due to the peculiarities of their physiology and immune system:

  • problems with the musculoskeletal system, which is facilitated by the active and inquisitive nature of the Toychiks and the genetics of the breed;
  • tartar, periodontal disease, early loss of teeth;
  • tendency to allergic reactions to food, insect bites, pollen;
  • digestive problems - gastritis, pancreatitis;
  • hydrocephalus, eye diseases.
Most of these diseases can be avoided if the dog's diet is properly formulated.

Rules for compiling a diet

The health of a miniature pet largely depends on a balanced diet. The menu should contain all the useful substances in sufficient quantities: proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins.

The components of the diet for toy terriers:

  • 30-35% - proteins of animal origin (meat or fish);
  • 30% - cereal products;
  • 20-25% - vegetables and fruits;
  • 10-15% - dairy products.

For dogs of this breed, raw or scalded with boiling water beef, veal, sea white fish are useful. Offal (heart, liver, tripe), chicken and eggs are also included in the menu.

The daily portion of meat and fish products is calculated based on 50-80 grams per 1 kg of pet weight.

It is useful to feed a toy terrier with buckwheat, rice, oatmeal at the rate of 30 grams per 1 kg of weight.

Fresh or boiled zucchini, cucumbers, bell peppers, carrots are added to them - 50 grams per 1 kg of body weight. Tomatoes can cause allergies, beets are known as a laxative, cabbage causes flatulence, so these foods are given to dogs in small quantities.

To strengthen the bones and joints of toy terriers, low-fat kefir, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk (50 grams per 1 kg of weight) are useful. Whole milk is fed only to puppies, adult toy terriers manage with fermented milk products.

In the dog's access area, there should always be a sufficient amount of fresh, unboiled water. The food bowl is set aside for twenty minutes. If after the time the food is left uneaten, it is removed, and the next time the dose is reduced. If the dog licks the bowl to the bottom, looks into the face of the owner, asks for an additive, the amount of food in the serving is increased.

Approximate daily diet of an adult toy terrier:

Prohibited Products

The toy terrier diet does not include fatty, fried, smoked and canned foods. Prohibited pork (especially lard), minced meat, river fish, bones. Adult dogs should not be given milk or raw egg white. Do not feed toy terriers with butter, fat sour cream, cream. The toy's body hardly digests starch, so potatoes are also excluded from the diet.

Legumes, barley and barley porridge are poorly absorbed by the digestive system of this breed. Do not feed the Russian toy terrier with pastries (especially fresh baking), pasta, sweets. Food with spices, preservatives, dyes, flavors can cause poisoning. Due to the propensity for allergies, the dog is not given probable allergens - citrus fruits, soy, as well as grapes and nuts.

For puppies

Newborn toy terrier puppies up to a month old feed on mother's milk, receiving with it all the nutrients necessary for growth and development. From 3-4 weeks, breeders begin to gradually feed babies with milk porridge or special dry food for this age. Meals are fractional, six times a day.

At 2 months

At 2 months old, puppies no longer need breast milk. They receive food five times a day, drink from a bowl on their own. At the age of two months, babies can be transferred to a new owner.

At this time, in addition to cereals, puppies are fed with cottage cheese, lean meat, they begin to feed them with vegetables.

Sample menu for a two-month-old puppy:

  • morning: rice porridge with finely chopped boiled carrots;
  • second breakfast: cottage cheese with milk or kefir;
  • lunch: porridge from chopped milk;
  • afternoon snack: milk rice porridge;
  • dinner: raw meat scalded with boiling water with oatmeal.

At 3 months

Three-month-old puppies eat four times a day. In the daytime, maintain equal intervals between feedings. In the evening, the baby is fed more densely so that he calmly endures the mandatory 8-hour night break.

As before, the main place in the diet is occupied by proteins - the “building” basis for growth, muscle building and weight gain.

Fish is gradually introduced into the menu - a source of phosphorus, and offal: heart and liver. The range of vegetables is expanding.

At 4-5 months

Puppies are gradually transferred to three meals a day, while increasing the portion size. During this period, babies grow intensively and get better. Sample menu for this age:

  • breakfast: dairy products - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • lunch: meat with porridge and vegetables - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • dinner: 2 tbsp. spoons of porridge with vegetables and 2 tbsp. spoons of meat.

After six months

The diet of six-month-old puppies remains the same. At this age, babies are gradually transferred to two meals a day. Milk is removed from the menu, replacing it with fermented milk products. Porridges still remain milky with the addition of a teaspoon of vegetable oil. Portion sizes are increasing.

Complementary foods are supplemented with solid foods as the puppies' teeth change. Raw vegetables and fruits, as well as chicken necks, help strengthen teeth and properly shape the jaws.

If a puppy begs for food from the table, which is typical of this breed, this does not mean that he does not have enough food. It is important not to follow the lead of a cute creature begging for delicious pieces from the owner. Accustoming to such handouts will lead to the fact that a spoiled pet in the future may refuse a full and healthy diet. As a reward, special bones or cookies for dogs are used.

For older toy terriers

The diet of older dogs is compiled taking into account all the changes that occur in the body after 8-10 years of life. If the pet has gained excess weight, shortness of breath, age-related changes in the joints, decreased activity - it's time to take care of adjusting the menu.

With age, the dog spends less energy on walks, metabolism slows down. Therefore, first of all, the proportion of fats, especially of animal origin, is reduced. Now the dog's diet should be low-calorie.

In older dogs, the need for protein decreases. A large amount of meat now adversely affects the kidneys. Therefore, part of the meat is replaced by fish and dairy products.

If the pet is overweight, reduce the proportion of cereals in favor of vegetables. To fill the need for vitamins, carrots, broccoli, zucchini are given raw.

Constipation is a common problem in older dogs. To avoid it, some wheat bran is added to the feed.

Due to dental diseases characteristic of the breed, food for older toy terriers is crushed. The size of the pieces is made so that the pet can easily swallow them without chewing.

Industrial feed

If the owner of the toy terrier is a busy person, or he wants to be sure that his pet receives all the substances necessary for health with food, then choosing a ready-made food will be the right decision. All proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, microelements, enzymes, probiotics necessary for an animal are contained in premium and super premium class feeds. Food and canned food brands Acana, Orijen, Arden, Pro Plan, Royal Canin, Hill's have proven themselves well. The daily norm of food, depending on the weight of the animal, is indicated on the package. When buying dry or wet food, choose special lines for miniature breeds.

Industrial food is introduced into the puppy's menu in the same way as natural products. Dry granules for babies are soaked in warm water for the first two months.

Switching from natural food to dry food

The daily portion is divided into 10 parts. On the first day, the dog receives 9 parts of the usual menu and one part of dry food. The next day, the ratio changes in the direction of increasing the dose of the new product: 8 parts of the usual food and two parts of the industrial one.

Thus, the transition to a new diet will be carried out in 10 days. During this period, the dog's stool is monitored. In the event of diarrhea, the replacement process is stopped or another feed is selected. To facilitate adaptation to a new food, the animal is given probiotics to prevent indigestion.

Combined nutrition

Industrial feeds are balanced in composition. If natural products are added to such a diet, then the amount of proteins or carbohydrates may exceed the required rate. The dog's body will react with indigestion or allergies.

To avoid such problems, when choosing a mixed type of food, it is important not to give your pet natural products and industrial food in one feeding. The break between meals of different types of food should be 5-6 hours.

Vitamin and mineral supplements

When eating homemade products, the dog additionally requires complex vitamin and mineral supplements.

The composition of the complex for this breed should contain:

  • carotene - to maintain eye health;
  • B vitamins - to strengthen the nervous and cardiovascular systems;
  • calcium, phosphorus, iodine, iron, zinc - to strengthen bones and joints, proper metabolism, for a thick and smooth coat.

The proportions of ingredients in vitamin complexes vary depending on the purpose:

  • for growing puppies and juniors;
  • for pregnancy and lactation bitches;
  • for older dogs of small breeds;
  • to improve the condition of the coat;
  • to strengthen bones and joints.
Vitamin-mineral complexes are chosen for a pet on the advice of a veterinarian, taking into account the developmental characteristics and state of health.

This small, like a toy dog ​​needs special care. How to feed a toy terrier?

The Toy Terrier is a rather spoiled breed of lap dogs, so caring for puppies of this breed should be quite competent. If you do not know how to feed a toy terrier, be sure to contact the experts. Wonderful tiny dogs require careful care and proper feeding. When girls choose toy terriers, following the fashion for pocket dogs, they do not really understand that there is often more fuss with toy terriers than even with Caucasian shepherd dogs.

It is not for nothing that such a dog is called a pocket dog: the toy terrier weighs about 3 kilograms, and its height at the withers does not exceed 28 centimeters. Despite the miniature forms, the toy terrier is an excellent fighter, ready to protect the owner. Toy Terriers have a very playful nature, but, unfortunately, very fragile bones.

Toy Terrier: competent feeding

If you are unsure what to feed your toy terrier puppy, follow general veterinary guidelines.

Do not try to feed your puppy food from the dinner table. It is strictly forbidden for a toy terrier to eat minced meat of any kind: from bird to fish. It is forbidden to treat the puppy with all kinds of sweets, foods high in salt, pork, fish (sea and river), sausages and sausages.

Observe the frequency of feeding toy terriers. If your puppy is only a couple of months old, then feed him 6 times a day, and at a more mature age from two to three months it is better to switch to a five-time regimen, from 4 to 10 months you should feed a toy terrier puppy 4 times a day, and after 10 months - twice a day, morning and evening.

What is the best food for your toy terrier? Of course, a balanced diet that contains a sufficient amount of essential proteins and carbohydrates, fats. Do not leave leftover food in the puppy's bowl, he should receive only fresh food. Spices, salinity and smoking should not be present in the diet of a toy terrier! A baby toy terrier should always have access to fresh water.

Do you love feeding your cute toy terrier puppy homemade food? Be sure to add vitamins and minerals to your diet. Remember the rule: the toy terrier, of course, is a tiny and decorative dog, but it has a good appetite, since it belongs to the wolf family. Therefore, in the diet of a toy terrier, meat should occupy the main part. What can you feed a toy terrier besides meat products? Give him a variety of vegetables and fruits, zucchini, carrots, apples and cereals. Of the offal, terriers love the liver and heart more. As for fish, boiled and lean sea fish are more suitable for indoor breeds. From cereals, oatmeal, millet and rice are preferable, from dairy products: cottage cheese and kefir. But fresh milk cannot be given to an adult toy terrier! His body is not able to digest such heavy food.

Quality products and a properly formulated diet are very important for good animal care. Is it possible to feed a toy terrier with vegetables and cereals, or is it better to keep a dog on a meat diet? Let us consider in more detail how to properly feed a toy terrier so that the dog grows well and is healthy.

What to feed an adult toy terrier?

To avoid problems with the digestion of the animal, you must be guided by some rules. Here are some tips on how to properly feed your toy terrier:

  • If you want to introduce a new food to your dog, do it gradually. It is advisable to select the morning time of the day for experiments, give a little;
  • before you decide to feed your toy terrier only natural food, get vitamins at the pet store. But buying drugs on the advice of friends is not worth it, it is better to consult a specialist;
  • Remember the importance of a varied menu for your dog. Food should be of high quality, contain plant substances, vitamins and proteins.

Here is a rough list of what you can feed your toy terrier without fear:

  1. Meat food. A dog is allowed no more than 60 g of meat per day. Offer your pet beef, beef offal, chicken, let's be very careful. Do not forget to scald the meat with boiling water before serving.
  2. Vegetables should make up about 20% of a dog's diet. It is permissible to feed the animal with cucumbers, tomatoes (but very carefully), carrots and sweet peppers. Beets are given as a laxative. Occasionally offer cabbage, but be careful, it causes increased gas formation.
  3. Porridge should make up about 30% of a dog's diet. Rice and buckwheat are suitable for your pet.
  4. Sometimes it's OK to treat the dog berries or fruits. But remember who exotic or rare fruits are strictly prohibited. Try giving some apricots, apples, or pears.
  5. Than from dairy products Can you feed a toy terrier? Ryazhenka, kefir or cottage cheese, let's boldly, and as for their quality, it is preferable to buy special milk for children, since the quality of these products is more reliable.

Based on all this, an approximate daily dog ​​menu could be as follows:

  1. In the morning, offer your pet rice or buckwheat porridge. It can be seasoned with kefir or fermented baked milk. Kasha can be mixed.
  2. For lunch, offer a vegetable salad, some fruit. Fill everything with oil.
  3. Lean meat with porridge for dinner. Porridges can be alternated or mixed.

What to feed a monthly toy terrier?

Try not to take a dog younger than 1.5 months. Ideally, the animal should have up to 6 meals each day, the intervals between feedings are approximately equal. First, give some finely chopped meat. Do not forget to scald it with boiling water. Later, give cottage cheese with kefir. Repeat after a while. Next time, offer very well-boiled buckwheat or rice. The 5th feeding consists of milk porridge, and then offer meat again. Never give in to the whims of the dog if he does not want to eat cereals or vegetables. If you give in, then in the future, apart from meat, you will not be able to feed her with anything. Vegetables are very important for a puppy. They saturate the body with vitamins, act as cleaners.

What can not be fed toy terrier?

Here is a list of those foods and dishes that a dog should not be given categorically:

Toy Terriers are small but very energetic. As a rule, they have a good appetite and are ready to literally climb into the owner's plate. All this can not but affect the dog's diet.

Feeding that terrier is, on the one hand, a small portion size (literally 2 tablespoons), and on the other hand, the need to replenish energy costs with a moderate calorie diet. Therefore, it is very important that the pet's menu is varied and includes all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

If you decide to feed the toychik with ready-made food, then there will be no problems with the fullness of the diet. You only need to strictly adhere to the norms and regimen of feeding, as well as provide the baby with constant access to clean water (preferably raw, filtered). At the same time, it is important to choose high-quality, suitable food for your dog. Better professional.

Increased tearing, itching, uncharacteristic color and strong smell of feces, problems with coat - all these are evidence that this food is not suitable for that terrier and you need to replace it as soon as possible.

Toychiki loves natural products much more, however, in this case, balancing the pet's diet is not so simple.

Meat is the main thing, but not everything!

Feeding the toy terrier with natural products is, of course, based on protein foods. And it would seem that it is not at all difficult to feed the baby with one meat. Not a dog, won't eat much! But how he likes it! But this is one of the most important mistakes of inexperienced owners of small dogs.

Purely meat menu is not complete. It will not be able to provide the dog's needs for calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A, C and D. It also does not contain fiber to ensure normal bowel function. Feeding a toy terrier exclusively meat delicacies leads to a decrease in immunity, leaching of calcium from the bones and, as a result, their fragility, constipation and other health problems.

This is aggravated by the fact that the pet, after a meat diet, is completely unwilling to eat something else, even very useful for him. Therefore, from the very first days, teach your baby to all the products he needs. In addition to meat, the toychik menu should contain: sea fish, offal (liver, kidneys, tripe), rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, low-fat cottage cheese, egg yolk, raw and boiled vegetables, fruits (preferably apples and bananas).

But what about meat? – Without a doubt, it is the basis of the diet of any dog. Due to the peculiarities of the digestive system, it is best absorbed by her body. However, pure meat should make up no more than 50% of the toy terrier's daily food intake, and protein sources in general (meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, etc.) - 70%. In this case, raw meat will be more useful, but in order to avoid infection with helminths, it is better to pour boiling water over it or fry it without oil.

How to feed a puppy?

A toy terrier puppy is fed almost the same foods as an adult dog. But you need to accustom your pet to them gradually, and in the first days he should eat what he received in the nursery. At the same time, the quality and freshness of products for the baby should be under special control.

Meat and offal are cut as small as possible (this is better than minced meat) and boiled slightly, vegetables are rubbed on a fine grater, it is better to pass the cottage cheese through a blender. If the puppy is not very happy with vegetable stew, you can add half a teaspoon of sour cream to it or mix vegetables with meat.

If you are feeding your baby with food, then buy a special one for puppies of small breeds. And give it only in a soaked form. The best time to switch to dry granules is during the change of teeth. Just do not do it abruptly, the puppy may simply choke out of habit. In the beginning, give him two or three pellets just so that he understands that you need to chew them, and not immediately swallow them. At first, control how he eats drying.

And a few words about the regime. You need to feed a small toy at 2 months 4-5 times a day. Closer to 5 months, they switch to three meals a day. At 8-9 months, you can transfer the dog to an adult mode and reproach only in the morning and in the evening. At the same time, it is important that the feeding of that terrier in the morning is not very late, otherwise the baby may begin to "vomit hungry."

What should not be fed to that terrier?

The main mistake that most owners of small dogs make is feeding their pets with various “goodies” from our table. “Well, what will he get from a piece of sausage!?” - From one piece can and nothing. But on the day of such delicacies (sausage, cutlet, herring) there can be five or ten, and given the size of that terrier, this is immediately an excess of salt, and a bunch of spices and preservatives that he does not need. As a result, the kidneys and liver of the dog suffer, and the stomach will not be delighted with such sweets.

No less harmful to the dog and sweets. The glucose contained in them is not properly absorbed in dogs, but it can cause overweight and, as a result, problems with blood vessels and the heart. And half a bar of chocolate can just kill a pet.

You should not feed your dog legumes, cabbage and potatoes, and onions can cause anemia. Exotic fruits and grapes, even exclude from the menu of your toy.

And, of course, feeding the toy terrier completely eliminates the bones. Especially fish and chicken. But it is possible, as a warm-up for the jaws, to let the pet gnaw a bone from a beef tail or joint, but such that he cannot gnaw it.

Why doesn't my toy want to eat?

Lack of appetite in dogs and refusal to eat can be caused by various reasons. Let's deal with the extreme cases right away. The first is a banal spoiled food, and here you just need to pull yourself together and stop feeding your pet, not paying attention to his whims. For educational purposes, a healthy dog ​​does not hurt to skip one or two feedings "of its own free will."

The second reason is the disease of the dog. If your toy terrier does not even want to eat his favorite treat, is not active, has a dry, warm nose, and his coat has lost its natural shine, contact your veterinarian immediately. And don't wait for it to go away! Miniature dogs lose weight and strength very quickly during forced starvation and illness.

But not only ailments and whims can be the reason that the food in the dog's bowl remains untouched. Puppies may begin to refuse food at one of the feedings if it is already too much for their age. Also, babies often do not want to eat something from the old menu when they are offered a new product. But this should not be the reason for the pet's monotonous diet.

Another reason for refusing food can be its low temperature. Toy Terriers do not like the cold both outside and inside. Also, the dog may not eat after stress, extreme fatigue, in an unfamiliar environment and in hot weather. Males often lose their appetite when females are in heat, and females lose their appetite during estrus, in the third or fifth week of pregnancy and before childbirth.