Basics of developing a healthy lifestyle. Family ecology, formation of a healthy lifestyle

2. Nurturing a healthy lifestyle for students

Education is the process of influence of external energy on internal energy(entelechy) of a person. As a result of the interaction of two (internal and external) energy systems, excitation, movement, change and development of genetic human inclinations occur. Education in the broad sense of the word is the only universal means of development. All human inclinations develop and function as abilities only through education.

The modern Russian official educational system sets the goal of education and training to prepare a self-realizing individual for life in market relations. Everyone after school is obliged to competition choose and take a place in the social hierarchy.

The most important flaw of the modern educational system is that it actually ignores the requirement of scientific pedagogy for the primary education of students in self-knowledge and self-regulation of body, personality and soul. It is dominated by technocratic formalism. Students are not taught the rules of the struggle for survival in modern conditions. A person who does not know himself and does not know how to control himself is a toy in the hands of other people. He does not control his destiny, but becomes a slave to circumstances, prejudices, fashion and his own whims.

Particularly susceptible to prejudice modern life students. The fact is that students are a social stratum of the population that can be classified as a high-risk group, since students face difficult age-related problems (adaptation to physiological and anatomical changes associated with maturation processes: high psycho-emotional and mental stress, adaptation to new conditions living and studying; the formation of interpersonal relationships outside the family) is subject to the negative impact of the crisis in almost all major spheres of society and the state.

This leads to a significant increase in age-related deterioration in the adaptation of students, which results in serious medical and socio-psychological problems that arise in one form or another among students.

The problem of preserving and strengthening the health of teenage students is complex and multifaceted. In modern conditions, due to the changed economic situation, it requires a new approach to solving it, poses the task of guaranteeing the provision of high-quality medical care to teenage students, searching for new forms of its organization, including the development of effective methods of mass preventive examinations, hygienic training and education.

Many modern young people studying in higher educational institutions are adherents of a certain lifestyle, in which cigarettes, drugs and alcohol are a certain standard. Moreover, some have led this lifestyle since school.

To cultivate a healthy lifestyle, it is necessary to penetrate deep into the problem itself. It is important to find out what caused you to lead an unhealthy lifestyle, and what contributes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. To find out this, many universities are carrying out preventive work aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle. And also in many regions of our country, research is being conducted to identify the physical, social and psychological health of students. A diagnostic analysis of the state of their physical, social and mental health fully confirms the truism: they are all different in the quality of entelechy. They have different starting points for life, different health, different destinies.

Diagnostic tests by M. Luscher and L. Bonds consistently show that all students have deviations from health standards. They are all sick to varying degrees, they live in anxiety, many are stressed. It is a rare student who leads a healthy lifestyle.

Essentially, a person’s way of life is a real objective formation in action, what he really is. This is the internal and external appearance of his body, personality and soul in self-motion.

It should be noted that the rudiments of a lifestyle are laid in early childhood. From conversations with parents, students discover that their fathers and mothers never thought about these questions. The main incentive for conception was the desire to have a child. Most students are welcome children to their parents. But often there are also those conceived by accident. As a rule, accidentally conceived children received inadequate family education, they strong influence has the "ancestral syndrome". Students learn about the influence of the “ancestor syndrome” on the lifestyle of students by compiling their own “family tree” using the method of A.A. Schuntzenberger.

Thus, some unwanted children, who experience some infringement and internal anxiety for the desire to express themselves, switch to a lifestyle that includes alcohol and tobacco. For example, a student feels the need to free herself from stress. Craves peace, quiet and a sense of contentment. She understands that she herself cannot change the situation, but she does not want to unconditionally entrust her fate into the hands of others, even her beloved husband. She resists circumstances and relationships that impose responsibility on her, which she sees as a hindrance. Believes that life has much more to offer her. The desire to get out of this dissatisfied state leads to restlessness and instability.

In order to guide students on the path to leading a healthy lifestyle, many universities conduct individual and group consultations and trainings with students to normalize their condition.

3.Basics of a healthy lifestyle for a student

A healthy lifestyle includes the following basic elements: fruitful work, rational work and rest, eradication bad habits, optimal motor mode, personal hygiene, hardening, balanced nutrition, etc.

1. Fruitful work - important element healthy lifestyle. Human health is influenced by biological and social factors, the main one of which is work.

2. Rational regime of work and rest - necessary element healthy lifestyle. With the correct and strictly observed regime, a clear and necessary rhythm of the body’s functioning is developed, which creates optimal conditions for work and leisure and thereby promotes health, improves performance and increases productivity.

The next step in a healthy lifestyle is the eradication of bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs). These health problems cause many diseases, sharply reduce life expectancy, reduce productivity, and have a detrimental effect on the health of the younger generation and the health of future children.

Many people begin their recovery by quitting smoking, which is considered one of the most dangerous habits. modern man. It is not without reason that doctors believe that the most serious diseases of the heart, blood vessels, and lungs are directly related to smoking. Smoking not only undermines your health, but also takes away your strength in the most literal sense.

Smoking is a common cause of tumors of the oral cavity, larynx, bronchi and lungs. Constant and long-term smoking leads to premature aging. Impaired oxygen supply to tissues, spasm of small blood vessels make a smoker’s appearance characteristic (yellowish tint to the whites of the eyes, skin, premature aging), and changes in the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract affect his voice (loss of sonority, reduced timbre, hoarseness).

The next component of a healthy lifestyle is balanced nutrition. When talking about it, you should remember two basic laws, the violation of which is dangerous to health.

The first law is the balance of energy received and consumed. If the body receives more energy than it expends, that is, if we receive more food than is necessary for normal human development, for work and well-being, we become fat. Now more than a third of our country, including children, is overweight. And there is only one reason - excess nutrition, which ultimately leads to atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and a number of other ailments.

The second law is the correspondence of the chemical composition of the diet to the physiological needs of the body for nutrients. The diet should be varied and meet the needs for proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. Many of these substances are irreplaceable because they are not formed in the body, but come only with food.

The first rule in any natural nutrition system should be: - Eating only when you feel hungry.

Refusal to eat in case of pain, mental and physical malaise, fever and elevated temperature bodies.

Refusal to eat immediately before bed, as well as before and after serious work, physical or mental.

It is very important to have free time for digestion of food. The idea that exercise after eating helps digestion is a grave mistake.

Meals should consist of mixed foods that are sources of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Only in this case is it possible to achieve a balanced ratio of nutrients and essential nutritional factors, to ensure not only a high level of digestion and absorption of nutrients, but also their transportation to tissues and cells, their complete absorption at the cellular level.

Rational nutrition ensures proper growth and formation of the body, helps maintain health, high performance and prolong life. People suffering from chronic diseases need to follow a diet.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account another objective factor affecting health - heredity. This is the property inherent in all organisms to repeat the same signs and developmental features in a number of generations, the ability to transmit from one generation to another the material structures of the cell containing programs for the development of new individuals from them.

Biological rhythms also affect our health. One of the most important features of the processes occurring in a living organism is their rhythmic nature.

It has now been established that over three hundred processes occurring in the human body are subject to a circadian rhythm.

Optimal motor mode is the most important condition for a healthy lifestyle. It is based on systematic physical exercise and sports, which effectively solve the problems of strengthening the health and developing the physical abilities of young people, maintaining health and motor skills, strengthening the prevention of adverse events. age-related changes. At the same time, physical culture and sports act as the most important means education.

The main qualities that characterize a person’s physical development are strength, speed, agility, flexibility and endurance. Improving each of these qualities also helps improve health, but not to the same extent.

For effective recovery and disease prevention, it is necessary to train and improve, first of all, the most valuable quality - endurance, in combination with hardening and other components of a healthy lifestyle, which will provide the growing body with a reliable shield against many diseases.

Hardening is a powerful healing tool. It allows you to avoid many diseases, prolong life by long years, maintain high performance. Hardening has a general strengthening effect on the body, increases the tone of the nervous system, improves blood circulation, and normalizes metabolism.

Another important element of a healthy lifestyle is personal hygiene.

Personal hygiene - it includes a rational daily regimen, body care, hygiene of clothes and shoes. The daily routine is also of particular importance. When followed correctly and strictly, a clear rhythm of the body’s functioning is developed. And this, in turn, creates the best conditions for work and recovery. To maintain the normal functioning of the nervous system and the entire body, proper sleep is of great importance.

It is impossible for all people, without exception, to determine the time needed for sleep. The need for sleep is different people not the same. On average, this norm is about 8 hours. Unfortunately, some people view sleep as a reserve from which they can borrow time to do certain things. Systematic lack of sleep leads to impaired nervous activity, decreased performance, increased fatigue, and irritability.

Salary, respect from colleagues, etc.). then we need to be healthy and strong, morally resistant to stress, hardened, and resilient. Therefore, I consider the topic: “Fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle for a student. Physical education in ensuring health” is the most relevant in our time. A healthy lifestyle for a student is the basis for a fulfilling life. Every person strives for a fulfilling and...

Mental work and psycho-emotional state. Disordered sleep can lead to insomnia and other nervous disorders. Organization of nutrition regimen Nutrition culture plays a significant role in the formation of a healthy lifestyle for students. Every student can and should know the principles of rational nutrition and regulate their normal body weight. Rational nutrition is physiological...

Self-education, implementation of a healthy lifestyle. 2. objectives and research methods Research objectives: - study the literature

Maria Lazareva
Nurturing motivation for a healthy lifestyle in preschool children

Nurturing motivation for a healthy lifestyle in preschool children.

Today no one doubts the benefits health. Back in his time, the outstanding teacher Ya. A. noticed. Comenius: . Unfortunately, the results of modern research and statistics indicate that children and youth have not yet developed an internal readiness to strengthen health, compliance with hygiene standards, systematic physical education.

First ideas about health and a healthy lifestyle are formed in preschool age. If we take into account that this period is fundamental in the formation of a person’s personality, then the relevance of the formation of preschoolers, at least basic ideas about healthy lifestyle.

Children do not yet have a conscious need to preserve and strengthen their health. The need for it parents have health, preschool educational institutions, societies, and all together we try to instill in the child our idea of health. However, unlike an adult, a child "behind health» won't run. Therefore, in preschool educational programs institutions have more and more sections devoted to the study of the human body, ensuring its safety life. I think the main thing is to help kids develop their own life guidelines in choosing a healthy lifestyle, teach to assess your physical capabilities, see the prospects for their development, realize responsibility for your health. It is necessary to immerse the child in a specially organized living environment habit-forming healthy lifestyle.

The future generation will be healthier and more developed if we teach children from an early age to take care of, value and, of course, strengthen their health, and demonstrate healthy behavior by example. Lifestyle. Eat proverb: "IN healthy body - healthy mind» . But the one who says that a healthy mind produces a healthy body.

Formation healthy generation is one of the main tasks. This is regulated and ensured by a number of regulatory and legal documents: Laws of the Russian Federation "About education» , “On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population”, By Decree of the President of Russia “On urgent measures for ensuring public health in the Russian Federation», "Convention on the Rights of the Child" etc.

The capabilities of the human body are enormous. Implementing them is the main task. The most accessible means of improvement health is physical education, increasing physical activity.

The child, according to academician N. M. Amosov,


In preschool educational institutions, new approaches to children's health. They should be based on the analysis of external actions, condition monitoring health of every child, taking into account and using the characteristics of his body, creating certain conditions, as well as motivation active attitude towards your health.


To carry out physical education health work with children in our garden the following have been created conditions:

The groups have physical education corners where the necessary material for the physical development of the child is located;

Available playground With "obstacle course", gymnastic walls.

Morning exercises and physical education classes include corrective exercises to prevent scoliosis, poor posture, and flat feet. During classes and between classes, motor- wellness moments: exercises and development tasks fine motor skills, tasks for the development of facial expressions and articulation, etc.

In our kindergarten there is a big health-improving and preventive Job:

Prevention of ARVI and influenza diseases

Breathing exercises according to Strelnikova


- health running.

Activities are being carried out during the period of influenza and acute respiratory infections:

Organization of room air conditions,

Maintain a walking schedule at any time of the year.

Publications on the topic:

Formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children“Taking care of your health is impossible without constant communication with your family” V. A. Sukhomlinsky To solve the main problem preschool education conservation.

Ways to form the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers Consultation for educators “Ways to form the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers” A healthy lifestyle is an active activity.

Pedagogical run “Education of a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers” Pedagogical run “Education of a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers” Purpose: to clarify the knowledge of teachers on raising a healthy lifestyle in children.

Slide 1) Pedagogical project“Formation of a healthy lifestyle through valeological education of older preschool children.” Project participants.

Workshop “Formation of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children and increasing motivation to maintain health” Goal: creating conditions for professional self-improvement of teachers, forming basic ideas about health-saving people.

Subject " Ecology of the family and the formation of a healthy lifestyle among its members».

The problem of promoting a healthy lifestyle has been of interest since ancient times. Philosophers such as J. Locke A. Smith, C. Helvetius and others spoke about the decisive role of nurturing a healthy lifestyle in human development and believed that the latter is practically impossible without the former.

Raising a healthy lifestyle for children is one of the pressing problems in our society.

The family plays an important role in shaping a child’s healthy lifestyle. Parents have the opportunity to develop the child's personality based on his individual capabilities, which he knows better than anyone else. They are responsible for his physical, moral, mental, social education and development. They want to see their children healthy, cheerful, active, resilient, strong, smart.

Family is the most important and important thing in the life of every child. She plays the most important role in his life and determines his future. Each family member must create in it the conditions and comfort necessary for the formation of a healthy lifestyle and thereby form it in the future generation. Health is an integral part of the existence of each of us and what it will be depends only on us.

Parents are obliged to teach their children to a healthy lifestyle, to lay the foundations for early childhood, accustom him to good things, and set a good example to follow, and only then will we have a healthy people and a healthy nation.

For a child, the family is the place of birth and the main habitat. In his family he has close people who understand him and accept him for who he is - healthy or sick, kind or not so kind, flexible or prickly and impudent - he belongs there. It is in the family that a child receives the basics of knowledge about the world around him, and with the high cultural and educational potential of his parents, he continues to receive not only the basics, but also culture itself all his life.

The family is strengthened by common affairs and concerns, everyday life filled with useful content, joint leisure and recreation. Physical education is of great importance for the family.

The family largely determines children’s attitude towards physical exercise, their interest in sports, activity and initiative. This is facilitated by close emotional communication between children and adults in different situations, which naturally arises between them. Team work(discussing the successes of the country’s sporting life, experiences when watching television sports programs, illustrations in books on sports topics, etc.)

Children are especially susceptible to the beliefs, positive behavior of their father, mother, and family lifestyle. The personal example of parents, joint physical education, and a healthy lifestyle are the main components of the success of physical education in the family.

Family as a small social group and social institution

A family, as a rule, is a more complex system of relationships than a marriage, since it can unite not only spouses, but also their children, as well as other relatives. A family is an association of people connected by a community based on blood, marriage or adoption everyday life and mutual responsibility for raising children.

The main characteristics of a family are:

  1. Marriage, blood or adoption ties.
  2. General accommodation.
  3. General family budget and household.

Typically, the “nucleus” of a family is considered to be a married couple, and all statistical classifications of family composition are based on the addition of children, relatives, and parents-in-law to the “core.”

Types and types of families that exist

Depending on the structure of kinship ties, a family can be:

  1. Nuclear(simple) – consists of spouses and children who depend on them. Such a family includes two generations.
  2. Extended– consists of several nuclear families or a nuclear family and other relatives (three or more generations).
  3. Incomplete– in which one of the parents is missing. The absence of one of the parents may be due to for various reasons: death, lack of marriage, divorce.

The most common in modern Western countries are nuclear families. There are no more than 3 role positions in them (father - husband, mother - wife, son - brother or daughter - sister). Each person can be a member of several nuclear families at the same time, however, these families do not form an extended family, since they do not live “under one roof.”

In extended families, as a rule, life is more rationally organized, young people have more time, big quarrels over trifles are less likely to arise, and there is more attention to other people’s opinions. However, there may be interference in the personal lives of children, petty guardianship, and strict control by parents.

In nuclear families the emphasis is on marital relations, and the parental relationship of father and mother with children, children among themselves, is an addition to marriage. On the contrary, the extended family, in its entire structure, discovers that the bond that cements it is the blood of parents and children, brothers and sisters.

Families are classified according to the number of children:

  1. Childless.
  2. Small children(1-2 children).
  3. Large families(3 or more children).

Small families are those families in which there are “few children” from a demographic point of view (for population reproduction). From the point of view of social psychology, for the emergence of primary group relations among children, two children are not enough, since primary group relations arise starting with 3 group members. The fact of the stability of primary groups, which consist of 5-7 members, known in sociology, is confirmed in family sociology by divorce statistics - an increase in the number of children leads to a decrease in the likelihood of divorce.

The birth of a second child reduces the likelihood of divorce by 2.5 times, and the birth of a third child by 9.5 times. It would be a mistake to believe that the birth of another child strengthens the family; rather, spouses who are confident in the reliability of their relationship have a need for children, and accordingly, they decide to have another child.

According to the criterion of distribution of power, there are:

  1. patriarchal families where the father is the “head of the family state.”
  2. matriarchal families where the mother enjoys the highest authority and influence.
  3. egalitarian families or partnerships are those where there are no clearly defined family rights, where the situational distribution of power between father and mother prevails.

Depending on the age of the spouses, there are:

  1. Youth family– when the age of the spouses is under 30 years. The main problems of such a family are adaptation to new responsibilities, everyday life, the emergence of roles associated with parenthood, problems with employment and economic security.
  2. Middle-aged family. The main problems of such a family are monotony, the routine of performing household duties, boredom, stereotypical relationships, the feeling that the most interesting and significant thing in life has already happened and now life is “flowing” by.
  3. An elderly couple. Problems arise related to the health of the spouses, the need for a caring attitude towards each other, and the development of new family roles.

According to the special conditions of family life, the following series of families are distinguished:

  1. Student families. Typical problems of such a family: lack of housing, complete financial dependence on parents, nevertheless, such families are characterized by great cohesion, activity, and emotionality. Spouses in such families are receptive to new things and believe in the best.
  2. Distant families- legally fixed, however, in fact they do not exist. These are families of migrant workers, sailors, polar explorers, artists, athletes, geologists, etc. Husbands and wives are separated for a long time, do not manage a common household, and, as a rule, one of them performs the responsibilities of raising children and maintaining them. In these families there is a great danger of adultery and family breakdown, but some are very persistent, where the strength of the relationship is explained by the freshness of feelings.
  3. Families expecting the birth of a child– problems arise related to preparation for future roles, excessive concern for the health of the expectant mother and child.

What are the functions of the family?

Family functions:

  1. Reproductive function - reproduction of their own kind. So that humanity does not cease to exist, society does not turn into a boarding school for the elderly, and the population level does not decrease, it is necessary that every Russian family have at least 2-3 children.
  2. Educational The function of the family is to carry out the primary socialization of the child and raise children until they reach social maturity. Education means a system of targeted influences on the person being educated to instill in him certain views, norms and patterns of behavior, as well as certain moral, psychological and physical qualities.

Socialization is a broader phenomenon, which also includes the entire set of spontaneously occurring circumstances and factors influencing the formation and development of the individual. That's why educational function family is actually realized not only in the form of conscious and purposeful pedagogical influences of parents on children, but also through the entire atmosphere of family life.

  1. Regulatory function and function primary social control includes a system for regulating relations between family members, including primary social control and the exercise of power and authority. In the past, the state contributed to the establishment in the family of the power and authority of the head of the family, who was responsible for the behavior of his offspring throughout his life. Punishments were provided for disobedience to parents. Ensuring compliance with social norms by family members, especially those who, due to various circumstances (age, illness, etc.) do not have sufficient ability to independently structure their behavior in full accordance with social norms. A family is a small social group, where people learn to structure their behavior in accordance with existing social norms.
  2. Educational function - the younger generation is educated in the family. Here they learn to speak, walk, read, and count.
  3. Communicative The function satisfies the need of family members for communication and mutual understanding. Psychological and pedagogical research confirms that the formation of various social orientations, attitudes, emotional culture, moral and psychological health of a person are directly dependent on the nature of intrafamily communication, the manifestation of psychological attitudes in communication, especially of adult family members, on the moral and psychological atmosphere in the family .
  4. Emotional function - satisfaction of its members' needs for sympathy, respect, recognition, psychological protection. Function of emotional satisfaction. Lack of warmth and mutual understanding, love can be the cause of emotional and behavioral difficulties. This function ensures emotional stabilization of members of society and actively contributes to the preservation of their mental health
  5. Economic function - maintaining a common household by family members. Formation of strong economic ties between them. Maintaining a common household by family members. formation of strong economic ties between them. The norms of family life include mandatory assistance and support for each family member if he or she experiences economic difficulties. Having your own budget. Organization of consumer activities.
  6. Spiritual-psychotherapeutic function. Spiritual communication - personal development of family members, spiritual mutual enrichment. Psychotherapeutic - allows family members to organize spontaneous psychotherapeutic sessions.
  7. Intimate-erotic function. It exists to satisfy the intimate needs of the family and regulates the intimate behavior of husband and wife. Ensuring the biological reproduction of society, thanks to which families turn into childbirth that goes on for generations.
  8. Household function. Satisfaction of family members with their biological and material needs. Satisfying the need to preserve their health using household methods. Feeding the family, acquiring and maintaining household property, clothing, shoes, home improvement, creating home comfort, organizing family life and everyday life, forming and spending the household budget.
  9. Entertainment and recreation function. Joint organization of entertainment and recovery after work. Caring for the health and well-being of family members. Rest, organization of leisure time.
  10. Protective function. In all societies, the institution of the family provides, to varying degrees, physical, economic and psychological protection of its members.

In recent years, the family has been the object of an increasing number of sociological and socio-psychological works carried out by Russian and foreign researchers.

What is a family and its ecology?

The family is part social environment person. There are two levels in the social environment: macroenvironment and microenvironment. The social macroenvironment is a set of material and spiritual factors that directly and indirectly, positively and negatively affect the individual and change in the process of practical activity of people (the nature of the social division of labor, the resulting social structure of society, the system of education, upbringing).

The social microenvironment is a part of the environment that directly affects the individual and includes such elements as “, school or other primary team, family, school, close friends, information sources of interest to a person and other phenomena of personal life.” The family represents part of the social microenvironment in which a person spends about a third of his life.

Sociologists view family ecology as “a field of knowledge that studies various aspects of the interaction of family, society and nature, including issues of natural family planning, natural feeding of newborns, responsible parenthood, raising children as future spouses and parents, healthy lifestyles, etc. "

The conditions on which the direction of the formation of a child’s personality, as well as his health, depend, are laid down in the family. What is instilled in a child from childhood and adolescence in the family in the sphere of moral, ethical and other principles determines all of his further behavior in life, attitude towards yourself, your health and the health of others.

Even at early school age, a child is not yet able to consciously and adequately follow basic hygiene and sanitation standards, fulfill the requirements of a healthy lifestyle, or take care of his own health and the health of others. All this brings to the fore the task for parents of the earliest possible development in a small child of skills and abilities that contribute to the preservation of their health.

Of course, the health of children directly depends on living conditions in the family, health literacy, hygiene culture of parents and their level of education. As a rule, adults become interested in the problem of developing healthy lifestyle habits only when the child already needs psychological or medical help. The readiness for a healthy lifestyle does not arise by itself, but is formed in a person from an early age, primarily within the family in which the child was born and raised.

The main task for parents is to form in the child a moral attitude towards their health, which is expressed in the desire and need to be healthy and to lead a healthy lifestyle. He must realize that health is the most important value for a person, the main condition for achieving any life goal, and everyone is responsible for maintaining and strengthening their health.

In this, nothing can replace the authority of an adult. Therefore, parents themselves must embrace the philosophy of a healthy lifestyle and embark on the path of health. Each parent wants their child to grow up physically and mentally healthy, without bad habits. In many ways, the formation of a healthy lifestyle depends on the traditional component of this influence: the family’s lifestyle, the way life is organized, the nature of the relationship between spouses, the participation of both parents in upbringing, the proper organization of the family’s free time, the attitude of the parents themselves towards drinking alcohol, smoking, using drugs .

Criteria for promoting a healthy lifestyle

Parents need to know the criteria for the effectiveness of healthy lifestyle education:

  • reduction of morbidity;

A healthy lifestyle is a joy for big and small in the house, but to create it, several conditions must be met:

  • the first condition is the creation of a favorable moral climate in the family, which is manifested in goodwill, willingness to forgive and understand, the desire to come to the rescue, to please each other, and concern for the health of family members;
  • the second condition for the success of forming a healthy lifestyle is close, sincere friendship children and parents, their constant desire to be together, communicate, and consult. Communication is a great force that helps parents understand the child’s thinking and, by the first signs, determine a tendency towards negative actions in order to prevent them in time;
  • third condition - increased attention to the health of all family members. Psychologist V. Karimova, highly appreciating the role of the family in the formation of a healthy lifestyle, considers it necessary to pay special attention to the following aspects:
  1. Strengthening the comprehensive health of the people and the nation should begin, first of all, with the family. To implement the educational program “Healthy Family,” it is necessary to involve makhalla advisers on religious, educational, spiritual and moral education, women’s commissions, mahalla activists, and conduct educational and methodological seminars.
  2. Educational and propaganda work to prepare young people for family life and their mastery of the philosophy of a healthy lifestyle should involve not only scientists and relevant specialists, but also makhalla elders with rich life experience, teachers and mentors.

Based on the direct relationship between the problems of family well-being and the upbringing of children, it is necessary to constantly ensure public supervision over such important factors as the age of pregnant young women entering life, their health, family conditions, attitude to sports, and physical training.

Thus, from the above definitions it is clear that there is no single point of view on what is considered human health. But we can conclude that the concept of health reflects the quality of the body’s adaptation to environmental conditions and represents the result of the process of interaction between a person and the environment; the state of health itself is formed as a result of the interaction of external (natural and social) and internal (heredity, gender, age) factors.

Health: components and types

Currently, it is customary to distinguish several components (types) of health.

Somatic health– the current state of the organs and systems of the human body, which is based on the biological program of individual development, mediated by the basic needs that dominate the various stages ontogenetic development. These needs, firstly, are the trigger for human development, and secondly, they ensure the individualization of this process.

Physical health– the level of growth and development of organs and systems of the body, which is based on morphophysiological and functional reserves that ensure adaptive reactions.

Mental health- a state of the mental sphere, which is based on a state of general mental comfort that ensures an adequate behavioral response. This state is determined by both biological and social needs, as well as the possibilities of satisfying them.

Moral health– a complex of characteristics of the motivational and need-informational sphere of life, the basis of which is determined by the system of values, attitudes and motives for an individual’s behavior in society. Moral health is mediated by human spirituality, as it is connected with the universal truths of goodness, love and beauty.

The state of children's health today leaves much to be desired. And the increase in morbidity is associated not only with an unfavorable environmental situation, with a constant increase in workload, psycho-emotional stress and physical inactivity, but also with the refusal of parents to lead a healthy lifestyle. The health of children directly depends on living conditions in the family, health literacy, hygienic culture of parents and the level of their education.

Often, the level of knowledge and skills of parents in the field of developing healthy lifestyle habits is low, and interest in this problem arises only when the child already needs psychological or medical help. Most parents do not understand the very essence of the concept of “health”, considering it only as the absence of diseases, completely ignoring the relationship between physical, mental and social well-being. As a result, children form bad habits that can be very difficult to break.

Criteria for the effectiveness of promoting a healthy lifestyle

Parents need to know the criteria for the effectiveness of promoting a healthy lifestyle:

  • positive dynamics in your child’s physical condition;
  • reduction of morbidity;
  • developing the child’s skills to build relationships with peers, parents and other people;
  • reducing the level of anxiety and aggressiveness.

The readiness for a healthy lifestyle does not arise by itself, but is formed in a person from an early age, primarily within the family in which the child was born and raised.

The task of parents is to convey the importance of daily care of their health to the consciousness of their child, to teach the art of health promotion

The main task for parents is to form in the child a moral attitude towards their health, which is expressed in the desire and need to be healthy and lead a healthy lifestyle. He must realize that health is the most important value for a person, the main condition for achieving any life goal, and everyone is responsible for maintaining and strengthening their health.

To solve this problem, parents need to remember the rule: “If you want to raise your child healthy, follow the path of health yourself, otherwise there will be nowhere to lead him!”

Forms of educational activities

Forms of educational activities come in various forms:

By content focus

  • intellectually - cognitive;
  • socially - creative;
  • professionally oriented;
  • cultural and leisure;
  • sports and recreation;
  • artistically - creative;
  • organizational.

By the nature of interaction and joint activities

  • competitive forms (competitions, competitions);
  • entertainment (performances, film screenings);
  • productive and creative (protection of projects, exhibitions);
  • communication forms (round tables, meeting evenings);
  • demonstration (presentation);
  • individual self-expression (portfolio).

Concept “ health” has no clear definition in the scientific literature. Some consider it a property, some a process, some interpret it as a state, some as an ability. As a rule, health is not only the absence of disease, but also a state of complete mental, physical and social well-being. But not all families understand this, believing that if the child is not sick, then he is healthy. Also, not all parents pay due attention to instilling in their child knowledge about a healthy lifestyle, so many children do not use elementary rules“clean hands” and so on.

There is one main direction of family education to form a healthy lifestyle in a child. This includes working with children. It is necessary to convey the importance of daily care for your health to the consciousness of your child, teach the art of promoting health, and form in the child a moral attitude towards his health, which is expressed in the desire and need to be healthy and lead a healthy lifestyle. Parents should pay special attention to creating a favorable atmosphere in the home, instilling in their child respect for themselves and others, and respect for their health. The educational influence on a child through the personal example of parents is of great importance.

Parents are our helpers and allies in extracurricular activities. The most important direction in extracurricular activities is preserving and strengthening the health of children, creating attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle; parents set an example for their students by taking part in school competitions with their families.

To ensure the success of developing a healthy lifestyle

The formation of a healthy lifestyle in the family will be successful if:

  1. organizational and pedagogical conditions and mechanisms for introducing a healthy lifestyle in the process of developing a comfortable family will be developed and determined;
  2. parents are ready to use national cultural traditions in order to instill in their children the need to lead a healthy lifestyle;
  3. There will be coordinated interaction between the family and the educational institution, taking into account modern trends in the development of the need to lead a healthy lifestyle.
  4. The content, forms and methods of preparing young people for family life include the use of experience in developing a healthy lifestyle in a comfortable family.

Formation of a healthy lifestyle in a child should be one of the mandatory components of family education. For a child, the family is the environment where he finds role models and where his social birth takes place.

Video on the topic

Ecology of family life

On the video channel “BALANCE-TV.RU”. Presenters: Dmitry Chagaev. Guests: Vadim Borisov, Lyudmila Barakova.

“Oranges will not be born from aspen trees,” says popular wisdom. It is impossible to raise a generation that is healthy in all respects if you approach family creation by relying solely on romantic feelings and rejecting centuries-old knowledge about married life.

What is family planning really and what is the well-being of society built on? How to avoid falling into the trap of sentimentality when getting married? Obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category Lyudmila Barakova and head of the cultural and educational center “Tattva” Vadim Borisov talk about the four goals of family life, the principles of procreation in love and wisdom.

Creating a healthy lifestyle begins with proper organization of your daily routine

On the video channel “School of Life”.

Today, a healthy lifestyle does not have a clear definition. However, in general terms it can be reduced to the following: this is a person’s behavioral lifestyle aimed at increasing immunity, preventing diseases, and improving health.

Recently, the problem and need to create a healthy lifestyle for a person has become more relevant.

It’s no secret that the formation of a healthy lifestyle begins with the correct organization of the daily routine...

Based on this, we can identify the main vital behavioral forms:

  • Formation of positive psychological emotions in all spheres of life (work, everyday life, family relationships, implementation in social and cultural life) and the formation of optimistic views.
  • Organization of work activities with maximum efficiency, which makes it possible to realize and reflects the essence of each person.
  • Physical activity.
  • A rhythmic lifestyle presupposes compliance with biological rhythms, both in terms of daily biorhythms and in terms of age-related needs.
  • Sexual activity.
  • Giving up bad habits, which helps maintain high health indicators.

Health to everyone and long life.

Rules for a healthy lifestyle

On the video channel "tanyarybakova".



The problem of raising a healthy generation is currently becoming increasingly important. The deterioration of health is influenced by many factors, including the wrong attitude of the population towards their health and the health of their children. The deterioration of the health of school-age children in Russia has become not only a medical problem, but also a serious pedagogical problem. One of the reasons for this is the lifestyle of families where children are raised today. Students and their parents have not developed a value-based attitude towards their health, which is explained by insufficient promotion of pedagogical and medical knowledge about a healthy lifestyle. Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature allows us to assume that one of the possible solutions to the problem of deteriorating health of primary schoolchildren is to develop their knowledge about a healthy lifestyle. It is necessary to organize school activities so that students improve their level of health and graduate from school healthy.

1. Theoretical foundations for the formation of a culture of a healthy lifestyle for younger schoolchildren.

  1. The essence of the concepts of “health”, “healthy lifestyle”.

According to the World Health Organization, “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

Currently, it is customary to distinguish several components (types) of health:

Somatic health is the current state of the organs and systems of the human body, the basis of which is the biological program of individual development, mediated by the basic needs that dominate at various stages of ontogenetic development. These needs, firstly, are the trigger for human development, and secondly, they ensure the individualization of this process.

Physical health is the level of growth and development of organs and systems of the body, the basis of which is morphophysiological and functional reserves that ensure adaptive reactions.

Mental health is a state of the mental sphere, the basis of which is a state of general mental comfort that ensures an adequate behavioral response. This state is determined by both biological and social needs, as well as the possibilities of satisfying them.

Moral health is a complex of characteristics of the motivational and need-informational spheres of life, the basis of which is determined by the system of values, attitudes and motives of behavior of an individual in society. Moral health is mediated by human spirituality, as it is connected with the universal truths of goodness, love and beauty.

Signs of health are:

specific (immune) and nonspecific resistance to damaging factors;

growth and development indicators;

functional state and reserve capabilities of the body;

the presence and level of any disease or developmental defect;

level of moral-volitional and value-motivational attitudes.

According to the conclusion of WHO experts, if we take the level of health as 100%, then the state of health depends only 10% on the activities of the healthcare system, 20% on hereditary factors, and 20% on the state of the environment. And the remaining 50% depends on the person himself, on the lifestyle he leads. Thus, it is obvious that the primary role in the preservation and formation of health still belongs to the person himself, his lifestyle, his values, attitudes, the degree of harmonization of his inner world and relationships with the environment.

The relationship between lifestyle and health is most fully expressed in the concept of a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle combines everything that contributes to a person’s performance of professional, social and everyday functions in optimal health conditions and expresses the orientation of the individual’s activities towards the formation, preservation and strengthening of both individual and public health.

Thus, a healthy lifestyle should be understood as typical forms and methods of daily human activity that strengthen and improve the body’s reserve capabilities, thereby ensuring the successful performance of one’s social and professional functions regardless of political, economic and socio-psychological situations. And it expresses the orientation of the individual’s activities towards the formation, preservation and strengthening of both individual and public health. From here it is clear how important it is, starting from a very early age, to instill in children an active attitude towards their own health, an understanding that health is the greatest value given to man by nature.

1.2. Components of a healthy lifestyle (HLS) for a primary school student.

Primary school age is one of the most crucial periods of a person’s life in the formation of personality. It is known that 40% of mental and physiological diseases adults are formed in childhood. That is why school education should shape the level of health of the child and the foundation of the physical culture of the future adult.

The formation of a healthy lifestyle is based on such components as scientific knowledge, medical and preventive measures, a rational daily routine, work and rest, physical activity, properly organized nutrition and the absence of bad habits.

For younger schoolchildren, maintaining a daily routine is of particular importance. On the one hand, their nervous system is still far from mature and the limit of depletion of nerve cells is quite low, and on the other hand, there are new living conditions, the need to adapt to the physical and mental stress that is difficult for the child’s body associated with systematic learning, breaking old behavioral stereotypes and activities and the creation of new ones place increased demands on all physiological systems. The orderliness of the alternation of work and rest contributes to the optimization of body functions, better adaptation to school conditions with minimal physiological costs, and violations of the daily routine lead to serious deviations in the child’s health, and above all to neuroses.

The main components of the regime are the following: sleep, stay in the fresh air (walks, outdoor games, physical education and sports), educational activities at school and at home, rest of one’s own choice (free time), eating, personal hygiene.

With age, the ratio of individual components of the regime changes over time, study sessions become longer, walks become shorter. New types of activities may appear, for example, the work activity of schoolchildren in after school hours.

However, the main thing in the daily routine should be a reasonable alternation of mental and physical activity and work and rest, while any activity, both intellectual and physical, in nature and duration should be feasible for the child, not exceed the limits of his working capacity, and rest should be provided complete functional restoration of the body

Primary school age is a period when a child has a particularly pronounced need for physical activity. We can say that the main tasks of this age period are to master all available movements, test and improve one’s motor abilities and thereby acquire greater power both over one’s own body and over the external physical space.

Motor skills and abilities have great educational value, since their basis is creative thinking. Also, at primary school age, the development of motor qualities is especially closely related to perception. Children become more attentive, observant and disciplined, their will is strengthened, and their character is developed.

An important role in the formation of a healthy lifestyle is played by the rational nutrition of a primary school student. Rational nutrition is based on 5 principles: regularity, variety, adequacy, safety and pleasure.

One of the components of developing a healthy lifestyle in younger schoolchildren is the abandonment of unhealthy habits, among which we can name smoking, alcohol, drug addiction and substance abuse, as well as excessive use of the computer. The computer is our present and future, it makes it possible to be transported to another world. At the same time, very often children, in their passion for computers, begin to reject the real world, where they are threatened with negative evaluations and there is a need to change something in themselves. In this regard, a number of questions arise related to the impact of the computer on children, the organization of educational and gaming activities in the process of mastering the computer.

When communicating with a computer, there are not only pros, but also cons that can lead to negative consequences. They are associated with improper organization of the child’s activities in the family.

At the age of 6-8 years, children are very curious and strive to imitate adults; at 9-10 years old, they consider themselves adults and strive to gain authority among their comrades. These are the main reasons why younger schoolchildren start smoking. And although they know that smoking is harmful to health, they are not aware of this knowledge. Therefore, adults need to tell the child that nicotine affects a child’s body 10-15 times more powerfully than an adult’s body. 2-3 cigarettes smoked in a row can lead to death. People who start smoking at age 15 die from lung cancer 5 times more often than those who start smoking after age 25. A harmful habit and alcohol consumption. In just 8 seconds it reaches the brain cells, causing brain poisoning - intoxication. Therefore, a drunk person loses control over his behavior, says and does things that he would not dare to do in a sober state. According to some studies, by the age of 9-10, half of boys and a third of girls already know the taste of alcoholic beverages. Moreover, according to at will only 3.5% of them tried. A child can become involved in drugs at an early age. There are known cases of substance abuse (inhalation of glue, varnish) among children 7-8 years old. Younger schoolchildren, as a rule, do not try drugs, but are interested in their effects, methods of use, and do not take information about the consequences of use seriously. At primary school age, the first emotional attitude towards drugs is formed, and if the first information received from one of the children (in the yard, at school) is positive, then the child may have a desire to try them. Therefore, it is important as early as possible, even in the preschool period, to form in children a clearly negative attitude towards drugs. Substance abuse is one of the most dangerous species drug addiction. Already during the first weeks they decrease mental capacity, concentration weakens. The sphere of emotions is completely degraded. Under the influence of toxins, the brain and nervous tissue disintegrate and the central nervous system is damaged.

It should be noted that there is one more component that we consider especially important in the formation of a healthy lifestyle for a junior schoolchild - this is the example of teachers and parents. Due to his age characteristics, a junior schoolchild experiences great trust in adults. For a child, the teacher’s words, actions, and grades are of great importance. It is the teacher who, not only with his words, but with his entire behavior and personality, forms the child’s stable ideas about the reality around him. An example is of great importance in the education of a primary school student. An example is a personified value. It is necessary to strive to ensure that the entire lifestyle of a primary school student is filled with many examples of a healthy lifestyle. The standards of behavior received in the family seem to us the most correct and important. A strong value system can help children give up harmful habits. There are no set standards for parenting, but your child will observe how family values ​​influence your lifestyle and will begin to adopt your standards of behavior.

The desire to be healthy, beautiful, and successful at work is also a family value. How good it is when everyone in the family is cheerful and energetic, full vitality, spend their free time with interest, cope with homework, are fond of sports! The family should be dominated by the belief that one’s behavior must always be controlled. An example of this is set primarily by parents when talking with their children. No matter what offenses children commit, we must adhere to the rules in dealing with them effective communication. If we know how to control ourselves, our children will also be able to account for their actions in any situation.

Meanwhile, if parents have an insufficiently developed healthy lifestyle culture (violation of the daily routine, lack of gymnastics and hardening, insufficient physical activity, exceeding hygienic standards for watching television, low level food culture, alcohol consumption and smoking), then the influence of the family in the formation of a healthy lifestyle for a junior schoolchild is minimized.

Thus, the leading factors that form a healthy lifestyle and promote the health of schoolchildren are a rationally organized daily routine, a balanced diet, an optimal motor regimen, outdoor physical education classes, hardening procedures appropriate for the child’s age, regular high-quality medical care, favorable hygienic and sanitary conditions, as well as the example of families and teachers.

By using all these factors, the most favorable prerequisites are created for the formation of a healthy lifestyle, preserving and strengthening the health of primary schoolchildren.

One of the important factors in the development of a healthy lifestyle for younger schoolchildren is the ideas and concepts they have formed that expand children’s knowledge about a person, his health, and a healthy lifestyle.

1.3 Forms and methods of developing knowledge about a healthy lifestyle among younger schoolchildren.

So, human health depends on many factors: hereditary, socio-economic, environmental, and the activities of the healthcare system. But a special place among them is occupied by a person’s way of life.

A healthy lifestyle is created both in the family and at school. Under general control should be the educational load, daily routine, nutrition, physical activity, hardening procedures, nervous stress, psychological climate at home, at school and in the classroom, relationships between parents and children, students and teachers, types and forms of leisure, entertainment and interests.

Wrong organized labor schoolchildren can be harmful to health. Therefore, establishing a rational lifestyle is of great importance.

A person who knows how to properly organize his work and rest schedule from school will retain vigor and creative activity for a long time in the future.

One of the possible solutions to the problem of deteriorating health of younger schoolchildren is to develop their knowledge about a healthy lifestyle. Knowledge of healthy lifestyle is formed during lessons and extracurricular activities. In the development of ideas about a healthy lifestyle, it is better to give preference to simple methods and techniques: “health lessons,” practical exercises, conversations, reading, drawing, observing nature, games, and project activities for children. We consider practical exercises to be one of the important methods for developing knowledge about a healthy lifestyle. Let's consider the most effective method of activity - play. Play is the most effective type of activity that allows a child to remain productive for longer. In games, children enter into various relationships: cooperation, subordination, mutual control, etc. Using the game, enormous potential is revealed, subordinating the rules of the game to its educational and educational tasks. Outdoor play creates favorable conditions for mastering spatial orientation and helps improve perception and ideas. By constantly comparing and clarifying the impressions received from actions in the environment, the child learns to be observant and realizes the relationship between objects in his environment. In games, the knowledge acquired in exercises about the direction of movements, locations and relative positions of objects is improved. Through exercises and outdoor games with elements of competition, creative attitude children to physical activity; such personality qualities as focus, determination, responsibility, criticality of thought, perseverance in overcoming difficulties, observation, and activity are formed; development of fantasies, initiative and passion, the ability to implement a creative plan practically. The younger schoolchild learns to look at the ordinary and familiar in a new way. They need all this in their future activities.

Thus, in work aimed at developing knowledge about healthy lifestyle in younger schoolchildren, any methods of working with children, entertaining conversation, storytelling, reading and discussing children's books on the topic of the lesson, staging situations, viewing slides, filmstrips, films, etc., are important for mastering knowledge about a healthy lifestyle. The forms of organizing the educational process can also be varied: classes in the classroom and in nature, excursions, travel lessons, KVN lessons, holidays, games, quizzes, etc. The effectiveness of forming knowledge about healthy lifestyle will largely depend on the variety of methods that the teacher uses in his work, as well as taking into account the age characteristics of younger schoolchildren when choosing these methods and the personal example of the teacher and parents.

2. Generalization of experience on this problem

To form a healthy lifestyle for a school-age child, the main thing is the complexity of the impact.

That is, each teacher must create a comprehensive system of social and pedagogical work to develop healthy lifestyle skills, consisting of the following blocks:


Basic education,

Extracurricular activities and leisure.

Work on developing healthy lifestyle skills in children should be systematic; unfortunately, it should be noted that sometimes it is episodic. The need for constant work to create a healthy lifestyle is due to the increasingly deteriorating individual and public health of children.

The most important thing is to create a team that implements the prevention program. In this case, the personality of the organizer and leader plays a big role. In preventive training and education, it is necessary to take into account that they tend to obey those they love and respect. The activity and erudition of the teacher, as well as his ability to inspire trust, respect and interest among students, contribute to increasing the effectiveness of this work.

The formation of healthy lifestyle skills should also occur in the classroom, as a reinforcement of lessons during class hours.

In the classroom, this work should occur integrated through various subjects (music, physical education, fine arts, etc.) during the school year using different lesson forms (role-playing games, discussions, cooperative learning), which significantly increases the effect of the work on formation of value attitudes towards health, because information is conveyed both by the teacher and by the students themselves, and it becomes more meaningful for the class. In physical education lessons in the lower grades, it is advisable to rely on interdisciplinary connections: with natural history (in such matters as hardening, requirements for student clothing, muscle function, daily routine, etc.); mathematics (measuring the length and height of a jump, throwing distance, running speed and duration, etc.); musical-rhythmic education (lesson to music); fine arts (beauty of movements, poses), etc.

For school work, special preventive education programs “Good Habits” and “Useful Skills” can be introduced, which are aimed at students acquiring objective, age-appropriate knowledge, developing healthy attitudes, responsible behavior skills, social and personal competence.

An integral part of the system for developing a value attitude towards a healthy lifestyle is extracurricular work and additional education, because This prevention should be part of the entire education system.

Every year, the school may hold a week - the campaign “We are for a healthy lifestyle”, during which a set of activities is implemented using different forms appropriate to the age of the children:

One class hour

Library exhibition,

Poster competition,

Sport competitions,

- “round tables”,

- “five minutes of health” (high school students to junior students), etc. with the involvement of various specialists.

Children, as practice shows, actively participate in all activities, which undoubtedly increases the effectiveness of developing healthy lifestyle skills.

A positive role is played by physical education and health work, implemented through lessons and extracurricular activities(sports sections, competitions), as well as through additional education at a children’s and youth sports school.

Schools and parents must be partners. Schools should work with parents to develop a value-based attitude towards health in the family, where information is provided on issues affecting their own health and the health of their children. The purpose of providing this information is to help understand the impact of certain behaviors on their children. The forms of this work can be different: individual consultations, thematic parent meetings, lessons for parents (within the framework of the “Good Habits, Skills, Choices” programs), trainings, conferences..

An independent direction is preventive work with the teaching staff, which is informative and educational in nature, with the aim of increasing competence in the formation of attitudes and skills for a healthy lifestyle, as well as a value-based attitude towards one’s health, because Teachers are real significant others for students and take on part of the preventive responsibilities. These are seminars, teacher councils, meetings of scientific departments and the scientific and methodological council of the gymnasium, individual consultations.

IN modern school the real way to preserve the health of a schoolchild is to establish a balance between educational environment the school in which the child is raised and trained, and the physiological processes of the child’s body, characteristic of a specific age group, while ensuring the characteristics of the physiological development of the student with the organization of the pedagogical process at school, primarily in the classroom.

Ensuring this balance is possible only on the basis of the unity of efforts of all school teachers, especially physical education teachers, medical service, psychological service, parents, valeological monitoring services necessary for the implementation of conditions for the preservation and development of the child’s health.


A healthy lifestyle combines everything that contributes to the successful implementation of educational, gaming, work activities, social and household functions, performed under optimal conditions that contribute to the preservation, strengthening of health and increased performance. The main content of the process of forming a healthy lifestyle for junior schoolchildren should be comprehensive health measures (optimally organized daily routine, systematic physical exercise, balanced nutrition, medical and preventive measures) aimed at preserving, strengthening the health and increasing the performance of junior schoolchildren, as well as activities aimed at preventing bad habits. The greatest effectiveness can be expected only when we teach children from a very early age to value, protect and strengthen their health. If we demonstrate a healthy lifestyle by personal example, then only then can we hope that future generations will be healthier and developed not only personally, intellectually, spiritually, but also physically.

Thus, the main tasks of a teacher working on the formation of a health-preserving environment are to prepare a child for independent life, raise him morally and physically healthy, and teach him to competently, responsibly and effectively maintain health.

In conclusion, following the great humanist and teacher J.-J. Rousseau, I would like to say: “To make a child smart and sensible, make him strong and healthy.”

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

A healthy lifestyle includes the following basic elements: fruitful work, a rational regime of work and rest, eradication of bad habits, optimal motor mode, personal hygiene, hardening, balanced nutrition, etc.

Any general educational institution should become a “healthy lifestyle school” for students, where any of their activities (educational, sports, leisure, as well as eating and physical activity, etc.) will have a health-pedagogical focus and help develop habits in children, and then and needs for a healthy lifestyle, developing skills in making independent decisions regarding maintaining and strengthening one’s health.

Lessons of a health-improving and pedagogical nature should be systematic and comprehensive, evoke positive emotional reactions in the child, and, if possible, contain elements of didactic games and motor exercises. In addition, the materials of such classes should be reflected in all routine moments of the school’s educational process (study classes, daily routine, physical education lessons, exercise therapy, rhythm, educational activities, extracurricular and extracurricular activities). In order to maintain the health of a child, it is necessary to unite the efforts of all the adults around him (parents, teachers, educators, doctors, etc.) in order to create around him an atmosphere filled with the needs, traditions and habits of a healthy lifestyle. Thus, from an early age a certain culture of behavior and an appropriate lifestyle are formed.



Department of Education of the Mariinsky District

Municipal educational institution

"Primary secondary school No. 4"

Mariinsk, st. Rabochaya, 12, tel. 5-28-66

Nurturing a healthy lifestyle

Zarutskaya Tatyana Petrovna,

primary school teacher,

Deputy Director for SD

Mariinsk st. Kotovsky 10-13




Introduction ……………………………………………………………………3


1.1. The concept of health, the main factors of a healthy lifestyle…..5

1.1.Formation of a culture of healthy lifestyle……………...........9


2.1. The concept of educational work for a healthy lifestyle…………15

2.2. ………….17

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………......21


Application ……………………………………………………………….24


Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. There are different approaches to defining a “healthy lifestyle”. V.V. Markov considers a healthy lifestyle as human behavior that reflects a certain life position aimed at preserving and strengthening health, and based on compliance with the norms, rules and requirements of personal and public hygiene (1, p. 10).

Taking this into account, it is more adequate to modern conditions to define health as the “degree of approximation” to full health, which allows a person to successfully perform social functions. The definition was given in relation to the health of schoolchildren, for whom the main social function is educational activity.

Important in this and other definitions of health is the attitude towards it as a dynamic process, which allows for the possibility of purposefully managing it.

The main means of achieving this task is the formation of a culture of healthy lifestyle (HLS).

Lifestyle is classified as a socio-biological factor, the components of which are a triad of indicators: level, quality and lifestyle.

Lifestyle is formed on the basis of psychological and psychophysiological characteristics of an individual’s behavior. From the above it follows that the universal mechanism for developing healthy lifestyle skills remains the health-improving and pedagogical influence on the lifestyle of schoolchildren, since the level and quality of life of each child is determined by the material capabilities of his family.

That is why any general educational institution should become a “healthy lifestyle school” for students, where any of their activities (educational, sports, leisure, as well as eating and physical activity, etc.) will have a health-pedagogical focus and contribute to the development of habits in children, and then the needs for a healthy lifestyle, developing the skills of making independent decisions regarding maintaining and strengthening one’s health.

Lessons of a health-improving and pedagogical nature should be systematic and comprehensive, evoke positive emotional reactions in the child, and, if possible, contain elements of didactic games and motor exercises. In addition, the materials of such classes should be reflected in all routine moments of the school’s educational process (classes, daily routine, physical education lessons, exercise therapy, rhythmics, educational classes, extracurricular and extracurricular activities). In order to maintain the health of a child, it is necessary to unite the efforts of all the adults around him (parents, teachers, educators, doctors, etc.) in order to create around him an atmosphere filled with the needs, traditions and habits of a healthy lifestyle. Thus, from an early age a certain culture of behavior and an appropriate lifestyle are formed.

Object of study: the process of forming a culture and traditions of a healthy lifestyle among students.

Subject of study: extracurricular activities to promote a healthy lifestyle.

Purpose of the study: Study extracurricular activities on healthy lifestyle.

2. Study psychological and pedagogical literature on the topic.

3. Reveal the motivation for a healthy lifestyle.


  1. The concept of health, the main factors of a healthy lifestyle

According to the World Health Organization, “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being.”

Based on this definition, the following components of health are distinguished:

· mental health is a person’s ability to adequately respond to external and internal stimuli, the ability to balance oneself with the environment;

· social health - a measure of social activity, the active attitude of a human individual to the world;

· physical health is a state in which a person has perfect self-regulation of body functions, harmony of physiological processes and maximum adaptation to various environmental factors.

Human health cannot be reduced only to stating the absence of disease, illness, or discomfort; it is a state that allows a person to lead a life unconstrained in his freedom, to fully perform human functions, to lead a healthy lifestyle, i.e. experience mental, physical and social well-being.

A healthy lifestyle includes the following basic elements: fruitful work, a rational regime of work and rest, eradication of bad habits, optimal motor mode, personal hygiene, hardening, balanced nutrition, etc.

Fruitful work is an important element of a healthy lifestyle. Human health is influenced by biological and social factors, the main one of which is work.

A rational regime of work and rest is a necessary element of a healthy lifestyle. With a correct and strictly observed regime, a clear and necessary rhythm of the body’s functioning is developed, which creates optimal conditions for work and rest and thereby promotes health, improves performance and increases productivity.

The next step in a healthy lifestyle is the eradication of bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs). These health problems cause many diseases, sharply reduce life expectancy, reduce productivity, and have a detrimental effect on the health of the younger generation and the health of future children.

The next component of a healthy lifestyle is balanced nutrition. When talking about it, you should remember two basic laws, the violation of which is dangerous to health.

The first law is the balance of energy received and consumed. If the body receives more energy than it expends, that is, if we receive more food than is necessary for normal human development, for work and well-being, we become fat. Now more than a third of our country, including children, is overweight. And there is only one reason - excess nutrition, which ultimately leads to atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and a number of other ailments.

The second law is the correspondence of the chemical composition of the diet to the physiological needs of the body for nutrients. The diet should be varied and meet the needs for proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. Many of these substances are irreplaceable because they are not formed in the body, but come only with food. The absence of at least one of them, for example, vitamin C, leads to illness and even death. We get B vitamins mainly from wholemeal bread, and the source of vitamin A and other fat-soluble vitamins are dairy products, fish oil, and liver.

After all, any deviation from the laws of rational nutrition leads to poor health. The human body consumes energy not only during periods of physical activity (during work, playing sports, etc.), but also in a state of relative rest (during sleep, lying down), when energy is used to maintain the physiological functions of the body - maintaining a constant body temperature . It has been established that a healthy middle-aged person with normal body weight consumes 7 kilocalories per hour for every kilogram of body weight.

The first rule in any natural nutrition system should be: - Eating only when you feel hungry.

It is very important to have free time to digest food. The idea that exercise after eating helps digestion is a grave mistake.

Meals should consist of mixed foods that are sources of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

Rational nutrition ensures proper growth and formation of the body, helps maintain health, high performance and prolong life.

It is known that the state of human health depends on lifestyle (up to 70%), heredity (15%), environment (8-10%), medicine (8-10%).

A number of researchers identify determinants of health - many factors that determine human health. They can be classified into the following groups.

1. Biological factors (in particular genetic).

2. Physical environment (external environmental factors).

3. Social environment (the environment in which children grow up, living conditions, starting from an early age, health education).

4. Individual lifestyle (exception negative impacts, for example, smoking and drinking alcohol, adequate nutrition, personal hygiene, physical education, work and rest schedule, etc.)

5. Health service.

There are a number of factors that influence health.

1. Individual health potential of a person (immunity, nutritional status, self-awareness, positive attitude towards one’s health, adequate knowledge, ability to withstand stress, emotional stability, physical fitness, ability to self-defense).

2. Behavior (study or work and recreation, habits, eating, drinking, mobility, attitude towards society, stress, stimulants).

3. Sociocultural system (family, neighbors, place of study or work, leisure environment, media, health services).

4. Socio-economic and political conditions (material resources, income, social security, education).

5. Physical and biological environment (nature, climate, housing, workplace, communications, transport, water, waste, food, goods).

Thus, the health of each person largely depends on his environment and personal behavior regarding his health, i.e. from lifestyle.

  1. Formation of a culture of healthy lifestyle in children

A healthy lifestyle (HLS) is the types, types, and modes of human activity that are typical and essential for a given socio-economic formation, strengthening the adaptive capabilities of his body, facilitating the full performance of his social functions and sufficiently active longevity.

There are several concepts of healthy lifestyle. N.A. Abaskalova believes that the ability to maintain a healthy lifestyle depends on:

1. gender, age and health status

2. living conditions (climate, housing)

3. economic conditions (food, clothing, work, rest).

4. presence of useful habits (maintenance of hygiene, hardening)

5. absence of bad habits (smoking, drinking, sedentary lifestyle, etc.).

Thus, we can conclude that the health of a person who does not suffer from congenital or acquired diseases must first of all be protected and strengthened. The health of a person with illnesses needs correction.

There are many healthy lifestyle programs that include various components, the main ones:

1. Balanced nutrition.

Food must cover the body's energy costs, be complete in chemical composition and contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates (1-1-4), vitamins, mineral salts and trace elements, be chemically harmless and safe from the point of view of bacterial composition.

2. Optimal physical activity for the body.

The role of physical activity in determining human health has been known for a long time. The ancient Greek philosopher Plato considered movement “the healing part of medicine.” The great Russian writer L.N. Tolstoy wrote: “You must definitely shake yourself up physically in order to be morally healthy.”

3. Maintaining a daily routine (taking into account individual biorhythms).

The basis of the regime is a “dynamic stereotype”, i.e. regularly repeating activity, but not inert, monotonous, but dynamic, changing depending on the influence of the environment. This contributes to the child’s development of good adaptation to changing conditions. Be sure to follow only the basic components of your daily routine (waking up and falling asleep, eating, walking). Other types of children's activities can be changed according to the time and duration of implementation. And if, in addition, the regime is based on the characteristics of the individual “biorhythmological portrait” of the child, then better conditions functioning will be the systems of his body.

4. Prevention of bad habits (or abandonment of them) and the formation of useful habits.

Good habits and hygiene skills are better reinforced when they are realized. As for bad habits, the basis for acquiring and getting rid of them is will.

5.Increasing psycho-emotional stability.

It is not active emotions that are especially dangerous to health, but passive ones - despair, anxiety, fearfulness, depression. In humans, these emotions often take on the social connotation of guilt, regret, and remorse.

The physical position of our body, as well as the mental attitude in relation to the world around us, is entirely a matter of education, the result of the examples that the child sees and hears from adults.”

That is why positive thinking is considered one of the components of health. Positive thinking- not an innate property, it is achieved through persistent training. It is important to teach a child to rejoice even in his own small victory, and even more so in the success of others.

6. “Meaningful life” (the meaning of life).

It has a lot to do with health. Everything else - nutrition, movement, and hygiene makes sense only when a person has something to get out of bed for every morning, if there is a task that no one else can do except him or better than him, there is an interest in the world, there is love for at least one anything.

Recently, as part of the general human culture, valeological culture has been highlighted - the socio-psychological activity of an individual aimed at strengthening and preserving health, mastering the norms, principles, traditions of a healthy lifestyle, transforming them into the inner wealth of the individual.

Based on this, it is necessary to change people’s attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle based on the formation of traditions and value motivations.

The creation of healthy lifestyle traditions is what should be the basis of valeology work in educational institutions, and what we should ultimately strive for.

From early childhood, it is necessary to create an educational environment around children that would be saturated with attributes, symbolism, terminology, knowledge, rituals and customs of a valeological nature. This will lead to the formation of the need to lead a healthy lifestyle, to consciously protect one’s health and the health of others, and to master the practical skills and abilities necessary for this.

The formation of a culture of healthy lifestyle is the main lever of primary prevention in strengthening the health of the population through changing the style and lifestyle, its improvement using hygienic knowledge in the fight against bad habits, physical inactivity and overcoming unfavorable aspects associated with life situations.

It is necessary to take into account that a person’s lifestyle does not develop on its own depending on circumstances, but is formed throughout life purposefully and constantly.

You can’t force anyone to be healthy. L. N. Tolstoy wrote “The demands of people who smoke, drink, overeat, and do not work, turning night into day, that the doctor should make them healthy, despite their unhealthy image life."

The main obstacle to the spread of a healthy lifestyle is the people’s psyche, which resists restrictions and stress until there is a real need. He says: “A regimen of restrictions and stress is what I call a lifestyle that ensures health. Loads are needed so that reserves do not fade away due to detraining. It is necessary to streamline the image of our rapidly flowing life, otherwise the regulatory systems (nervous and endocrine) will not cope with the ever-increasing loads.”

Motivations that are the basis for the formation of a healthy life style.

1.SELF-PRESERVATION. When a person knows that this or that action directly threatens life, he does not perform this action.

Motivation formulation: “I do not perform certain actions because they threaten my health and life.”

2. SUBMISSION TO ETHNOCULTURAL REQUIREMENTS. A person lives in a society that over a long period of time has selected useful habits, skills, and developed a system of protection against adverse environmental factors.

Formulation of motivation “I will submit to ethnocultural requirements because I want to be an equal member of the society in which I live. The health and well-being of others depends on my healthy lifestyle.”


Motivation Statement: “The feeling of health brings me joy, so I do everything to experience this feeling.”


Formulation of motivation “If I am healthy, I can rise to a higher rung of the social ladder.”


Motivation formulation: “I am healthy, I am not bothered by physical and mental discomfort.”

Children under the age of eleven are very trusting and suggestible. If we constantly frighten a child with illnesses and misfortunes, then we will not develop in him the desire to be healthy, but will create a constant fear of illnesses. A child should grow up with the knowledge that the accumulation of health depends on his skills in the field of hygiene and sanitation. Children are owners, and in this situation this not the best human character trait needs to be turned into good. A child can develop protective stereotypes, reinforced through receiving pleasure. “I know where and how to cross the street, I do it consciously, independently, and it gives me pleasure,” this kind of reasoning accelerates learning and is beneficial for mental and somatic health.

As already noted, the possibility of creating a culture of healthy lifestyle depends on the needs of the child. The hierarchy of needs is enormous. But what is very important for teachers and psychologists is that they do not exist, isolated from each other, they change and improve depending on the growth of the child’s general culture, his knowledge of reality and his attitude towards it. Consequently, we can influence their formation and satisfaction, and therefore the state and development of the student’s health. But for this, optimal conditions must be created to ensure the general comfort of participants in the educational process, especially positive sentiments in students. Such conditions can be created if the main attention is paid to satisfying one of the basic needs of the child in individual emotional and value support for the development of his personality, including in the course of educational and educational activities.

One of the leading principles of the humanistic educational system is a healthy lifestyle. Despite the difficulties of today, the school can and should play an active role in promoting children's health and promoting a healthy lifestyle

Thus, the formation of a healthy lifestyle culture is an incentive to be included in daily life the individual of various new forms of behavior that are beneficial to health, changing, or even completely abandoning many habits harmful to health, mastering knowledge on the basis of which one can competently, safely and with health benefits begin to lead a healthy lifestyle, gradually ensuring that these Everyday forms of health promotion have become commonplace.

In addition to positive motivation regarding his health, the child must have basic knowledge about the body, health and possible ways to strengthen it. However, V.P. Petlenko admits that a child may have incomplete information about his current and possible development, this is due to the prevention of iatrogenic and psychosomatic disorders. Further, V.P. Petlenko recommends showing the child a well-known analogue (model) when developing a healthy lifestyle. Ideally, for children, taking into account their constitutional characteristics, gender and age, such models could serve as the norms of behavior and health status of parents, teachers, famous figures of science and art. Unfortunately, very often a child with an intellectual disability cannot find such models either in the family or in the media. That is why the school should become a “school of health” for such a child, where he can acquire the knowledge, practical skills and abilities necessary to maintain and strengthen his health.

As already noted, the introduction of a healthy lifestyle into people’s daily activities should be carried out on the basis of the formation of traditions.

Consequently, the main task in preserving and strengthening the health of children is to develop a culture of healthy lifestyle in them. A person’s lifestyle can be considered healthy if this person actively exists in conditions of a favorable psychophysical space, without showing aggressiveness towards himself and the space in dangerous forms.

The main components of a healthy lifestyle can be identified (123, p. 10).

1. Balanced nutrition.

2. Optimal physical activity for the body.

3. Maintaining a daily routine (taking into account individual biorhythms).

4. Prevention of bad habits and formation of useful habits.

5. Increasing psycho-emotional stability.

The ability to maintain a healthy lifestyle largely depends on the state of a person’s health at a given time. The work system implies the responsibility of the entire teaching staff for the level of physical development, health status and the formation of a healthy lifestyle culture for children and requires a scientific and methodological approach in the educational and pedagogical process.


  1. The concept of educational work

The educational activity of a teacher is self-sufficient, since it is guided not by scientific, but by traditional, everyday and professional experience. Self-sufficiency, i.e. the absence of the need for doubts, criticism and rethinking of educational material, and corresponding actions with it, leads the teacher to the need for closed educational activities. It is closed because it represents ready-made samples of the educational content of events and orderly actions with them. They do not need to be thought through and supplemented with your own understanding.

Such education does not require any scientific organization from the teacher. It is enough to take the event scenario and assign those responsible for its implementation. To do this, the teacher does not have to have any scientific knowledge - depending on the educational need, he uses one or another form of education - imposes it on the situation and expects the result. As a rule, this is a need to fix or change something. There is a need to change the quality of discipline, depending on the behavior of an individual student or a group of students - targeted educational work is carried out: an individual (collective) conversation, a meeting with parents, an analysis of behavior in class. All this is accompanied by the use traditional methods education: exhortations, shaming, persuasion, threats, coercion, punishment.

The main problem of modern pedagogy is the teacher’s understanding of the meaning of open education. Being the main indicator of humanistic education, its openness is understood by teachers as accessibility, access to an ever-increasing amount of information. But the phenomenon of openness is much broader and deeper. This is due to the emergence of new social concepts, in particular, an open society. Such a society has not yet been created, however, its models act as the conditions closest to the humanistic ideal for the survival and successful existence of humanity in the 21st century. It cannot be argued that a working model of education has been created that corresponds to the humanistic ideal. At the same time, there are already successfully working in Russian schools prototypes of such education, possessing its main synergistic features.

A modern teacher needs to know the signs of both closed and open education, since the latter present the main characteristics that unite all groups of concepts of humanistic pedagogy in action.

Thus, the meaning of not only all the concepts of pedagogy changes, but also the meaning of the educational activity of the teacher, who forms the student’s personality in new conditions.

Upbringing (from ancient Russian nurturing - sublime, spiritual nutrition of a person, associated with the ability to extract what is hidden) - development activities spiritual world personality, aimed at providing her with pedagogical support in the self-formation of her moral image. Education can also be considered as a process of self-organization of an individual using his own internal resources, requiring a certain external initiation.

Considering the above definition from the standpoint of traditional pedagogy, it could be attributed (with some degree of convention) to education in the narrow sense. As a rule, this understanding of upbringing is associated with the basic concepts of closed education: purposeful activity, influence, formation of qualities and beliefs, transfer of social experience. These concepts describe traditional pedagogical actions in which the student’s personality acts as an object manipulated by the teacher.

Education is designed to promote the formation and manifestation of such personal functions that embody the creative qualities of a person. It will achieve its humane goal if conditions and an environment are created in which a creative personality could develop.

New education, growing on traditional soil, but turning to man and the human, presupposes the inseparability and interconnection of personal and social creativity, responding to the general logic of compliance with nature and culture. It is important to help a person master the techniques of creation by creating favorable conditions for this, situations that require internal struggle and overcoming. First of all, fighting your own shortcomings, overcoming doubts about yourself and your capabilities.

  1. Healthy lifestyle program

Educational work to promote a healthy lifestylein extracurricular activities includes :

Continuous environmental education and education aimed at developing the value of health and a healthy lifestyle;

Lectures, conversations, consultations on the problems of maintaining and promoting health, prevention of bad habits;

Health days, competitions, holidays.

Organization of educational work to promote a healthy lifestyle

A program of continuous environmental education and upbringing of students, aimed at changing students’ attitudes towards nature, developing environmental awareness, and environmentally sound behavior in nature. The inclusion of students in the system of environmental education and upbringing, the optimal combination of theoretical knowledge and practical actions contributes to the formation of moral, physical, mental and somatic health. After all, nature is the objective environment in which human development occurs.

Comprehensive greening of all types of activities of participants in the pedagogical process involves:

  1. active inclusion of environmental knowledge in educational work;
  2. diagnostics of the level of formation of a culture of health conservation among students;
  3. organizing a variety of activities for a healthy lifestyle;
  4. instilling in children the need for constant communication with nature, using its health-saving potential.

Educational and preventive work to preserve and strengthen the health of students is aimed at developing in students a worldview based on an awareness of the values ​​and health of their own and those around them.

Among the main ones we solve the following tasks:

  1. nurturing a culture of health among students;
  2. their awareness of the need to develop existing personal resources that contribute to the formation of a healthy lifestyle;
  3. prevention of bad habits, information about the causes and forms of diseases associated with them; about the connection between substance abuse and other forms of self-destructive behavior with personality traits, communication, social environment, stress and ways to overcome them.

The solution to these and other problems in this direction is provided by the comprehensive target program “Health”, aimed at creating a healthy lifestyle for all participants in the pedagogical process.

It is well known that most adult diseases have their roots in childhood, and this determines the special role of the school in nurturing a culture of health among students. A culture of health is, first of all, the ability to live without harming one’s health and the health of others. One of the components of a culture of health is a healthy lifestyle.

Fostering a culture of health in our institution involves not only the assimilation of useful knowledge, but also the development of motivational and value-based attitudes in students to lead a healthy lifestyle, the formation of their own strategies and technologies that allow them to preserve and improve health.

Educational work to protect children's health is carried out in the following areas:

  1. The work of class teachers to form the foundations of a healthy lifestyle
  2. We begin developing the skills and abilities of a healthy lifestyle from the elementary grades.
  3. Much attention is paid to instilling in schoolchildren a healthy lifestyle in extracurricular activities.
  4. Class teachers work with children using elements of the “Step by Step” technology. The main task of this direction is the interaction between family and school.

At the end of the school year in primary school A health holiday is needed, where students will be recognized in various categories:

  1. never got sick;
  2. following a daily routine;
  3. has not violated the rules of safe behavior;
  4. having correct posture.

The goal of teaching students is to develop social and life skills that ensure physical and mental health, an active life and longevity.

In the system of educational work of the school, in order to prevent bad habits among schoolchildren, inform about the causes and forms of diseases associated with them, parent meetings are held with the invitation of narcologist A.F. Fedorovich. on the topic “Bad habits - prevention at an early age”, lessons in the name of life “Let’s join hands, friends.”

Extracurricular work is defined by teachers as those activities that are performed outside of class time and based on the interest and initiative of students. When determining the content of extracurricular work, it is necessary to proceed from such principles as connection with life, with the problems that the country, region, district are solving; correspondence of the content of extracurricular work to the age of students, the characteristics of their mental development and interests.

The role of extracurricular work is great in introducing schoolchildren to independent work, which they can carry out in accordance with the speed of assimilation that is more characteristic of them, which makes the process of personality development more productive.

A variety of student activities are implemented in all types of extracurricular activities: individual, group, mass.

Various types of extracurricular activities complement each other, enriching the learning and education process of schoolchildren.

An example of an extracurricular activity to improve the level of a healthy lifestyle (Appendix).


Human health depends on lifestyle (up to 70%), heredity (15%), environment (8 - 10%), medicine (8 - 10%). Consequently, the main task in preserving and strengthening the health of children is the formation of a culture of healthy lifestyle, which is within the competence of teaching staff.

The creation of a “Health” information environment around a child, which not only directly, but also indirectly influences the formation of his worldview, mastery of knowledge, on the basis of which it is possible to interact with the world around him competently, safely and beneficially for the body, gradually leads to the fact that existing ways to improve health become habitual and develop into a need. Based on the acquired knowledge and experience, children develop independent beliefs regarding maintaining their health. All this leads to the formation of valeological culture as part of the culture of the individual as a whole. This process It will be more effective if it is based on the creation and accumulation of healthy lifestyle traditions.

It is known that the effectiveness of teaching children largely depends on the state of health of both teachers and schoolchildren, the presence of which allows a person to be creatively active, independent, and efficient. Among the various reasons that adversely affect the health of schoolchildren, special mention should be made of social vices that cripple the physical and mental health of people: drug addiction, alcoholism; environmental and genetic factors, as well as a sedentary lifestyle.

It is important to remember the influence of the school on the health of students, its ability to organize the quality development, upbringing and education of children without compromising their health. Therefore it is necessary to plan educational process so that the formation of a culture of student health, spirituality, and morality becomes a priority.


1. Airapetov S. G. Health, emotions, beauty. 3rd ed., Spanish and additional M.: Young Guard, 1977. 96 p.

2. Amosov N. M. Thoughts about health. 2nd ed. M.: Young Guard, 1979. 191 p.

3. Anisimov L.N. Prevention of drunkenness, alcoholism and drug addiction among young people. M.: Legal literature., 1988. 176 p.

4. Antropova M.V. Hygiene of children and adolescents. 6th ed., revised, and additional. M.: Medicine, 1982. 176 p.

5. Atlas for primary school. The human body and health protection. St. Petersburg: Publishing House “Neva”, M.: OLMA-PRESS, 2000. 32 p.

6. Beletskaya V.I., Gromova Z.P., Egorova T.I., School hygiene: Tutorial for students of biological specialties of pedagogical institutes. M.: Education, 1983. 160 p.

7. Vlasova T. A., Pevzner M. S. About children with developmental disabilities. M.: Pedagogy, 1973, 175 p.

8. Voronkova V.V. Readiness of older mentally retarded preschoolers to learn to read and write // Defectology. 1995, No. 1, p. 66-71.

9. Vygotsky L. S. Collected works in 6 volumes. T. 5. M.: Pedagogy, 1983. 382 p.

10. Hygiene of children and adolescents/Edited by V. N. Kardashenko. M.: Medicine, 1980. 440 p.

11. Gregor O. Living without aging (The art of leading a healthy lifestyle. Not growing old is an art.): Trans. from Czech/Foreword by N. B. Korostelev. M.: Physical culture and sport, 1991. 271 p.

12. Dmitriev A. A., Venevtsev S. I. Problems of health promotion and psychophysical development of primary school students in special (correctional) schools of the 8th type // Diagnostics, correction, valeology in special (correctional) education. Krasnoyarsk: RIO KSPU, 1999. p. 30 - 44.

13. Dmitriev A. A., Zhukovin I. Yu. Some conceptual provisions of valeological work in an auxiliary school // Moscow pedagogical readings. Actual problems social pedagogy and

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14. Dmitriev A. A. Correction of motor disorders in students of auxiliary schools using physical education. Krasnoyarsk, 1987. 151 p.

15. Dmitriev A. A. Improvement of students’ health by means of physical culture. Krasnoyarsk, 1990. 81 p.

16. Dmitriev A. A. Organization of motor activity of mentally retarded children. M.: Soviet sport, 1991. 32 p.

17. Dulnev G.M. Educational work in a auxiliary school. M.: Prsveshchenie, 1981. 165 p.

18. If you want to be healthy: collection/compiler Isaev A. A.. M.: Physical culture and sport, 1988. 352 p.

19. Zhukovin I. Yu. Valueology in the teaching and educational process of a auxiliary school//Diagnostics, correction, valueology in special (correctional) education. Krasnoyarsk: RIO KSPU, 1999. p. 54 - 59.

20. Zaitsev N.K., Kolbanov V.V. Strategy for understanding a healthy lifestyle among teachers // Valeology: Diagnostics, means and practice of ensuring health. Issue 3. Vladivostok: Dalnauka, 1996. p. 148-153.

21. Zaporozhchenko V. G. To the concept of “healthy lifestyle” // International scientific conference “Healthy lifestyle” (Leningrad, December 12 - 14, 1990): Abstracts of the report. Part 1. Novgorod, 1990. p. 26.

22. Zaporozhchenko V. G. Lifestyle and bad habits. M.: Medicine, 1984. 32 p.

23. The health of the people is the wealth of the country. M.: Soviet Russia, 1989. 128 p.

24. Zmanovsky Yu. F. Raising children healthy. M.: Medicine, 1989. 128 p.


Extracurricular activities. Class hour "Health is the main wealth of a person"

Goals: creation and presentation of a project on the topic: “My health.”


  1. developing in students a correct idea of ​​health and a healthy lifestyle;
  2. learning to independently obtain knowledge using research techniques;
  3. developing the ability to present the results of one’s own and joint activities;
  4. fostering a caring attitude towards one’s own health and the health of others.

Form:presentation of projects.

Pedagogical technologies:

  1. collaboration technology;
  2. information and educational health-saving technology;
  3. project method.


  1. posters;
  2. illustrations;
  3. flower of health;
  4. children's drawings.

Preparatory work: students are divided into groups, select material on their topic, draw illustrations, work independently with literature, conduct research, create memos.

During the classes:

In the morning we are vulnerable, someone strange looked into my window, it appeared on the palm of my hand

Bright red spot. This sun looked in, as if extending its hand, a thin golden ray. And how with the first best friend said hello to me!

The sun greets each of us with warmth and a smile. Gives everyone a good mood. And I want to wish you that every day brings you only joy.

Guys, what does a person need to always be in good mood, in a good shape?

Health is the greatest wealth and must be protected. If there is no health, there is no happiness, no mood, but not everyone remembers this. As long as you are healthy, it seems that it will always be like this...

Today in class we will talk about how to behave in order to maintain health.

Theme of the class hour: “Health is the main wealth of a person.”

We all remember Valentin Kataev’s fairy tale “The Flower of Seven Flowers.” It told how the Sorceress once gave the girl Zhenya a flower with seven multi-colored petals.

All you had to do was tear off one petal, throw it up and say the magic words, and immediately any wish would come true. Zhenya spent six whole petals. And so, when only one petal remained, the girl wished that her familiar boy, Vitya, whose leg hurt, would recover. Vitya became healthy.

But the fairy tale does not end there. Vitya not only recovered. He had been sick for so long and he so wanted to stay healthy and never get sick that he decided to grow his own flower, a flower of health, and give it to all the children on the planet. Today in the lesson we will help the boy by creating a model of a health flower. Each petal is one direction that 7 groups worked on. The children studied a lot of literature, discovering new knowledge, conducted research, and their parents, teachers, and specialists helped them in this. We worked under the motto: “Go forward and don’t give up!”

First group worked on the topic:"Daily regime". Our flower begins to bloom, the first petal appears.

A lot depends on how you plan your day. The kids will talk about what a schoolchild's daily routine should be.

Student: Daily routine - this is the daily routine (translated from French means an established routine of life, work, nutrition, rest, sleep).

We offer our daily routine:

  1. Get up: 6.30 You need to get up early to have time to make the bed.
  2. Charger. Do not forget that charging should only be done in a well-ventilated room. After charging, you need to wash your face at 7:00. First you need to thoroughly wash your hands with soap, then your face, ears, and brush your teeth. Don't forget to comb your hair.
  3. Breakfast: 7.20. For breakfast you can eat cottage cheese or cheese, or yogurt. Bread with butter and jam. Tea or cocoa with milk. Fresh fruit (apple or banana).
  4. Leaving the house. The road from home to school is a morning walk in the fresh air.
  5. We arrive to class 10–15 minutes before the bell rings.
  6. At school we have breakfast again and get hot meals. After classes at 13.10 we go home.
  7. Lunch at 13.30. Every day for lunch you need to eat vegetable dishes, meat or fish. After lunch - rest at 14.00. 1.5h-2h. You can sleep, read a book. You can also take a walk in the fresh air.
  8. Then we start homework at 16.00.
  9. We have prepared instructions: “How to prepare lessons correctly.”
  1. Sleep at 21.00. Children 6-9 years old are recommended to sleep 10-11 hours.

To study well, do many important and interesting things, relax and grow healthy - follow a daily routine!

Teacher: One wise man said: “A man is what he eats.” This is really true, because his health depends on how and what a person eats. The second group worked on this hot topic. The guys will tell us what proper nutrition is. A second petal appears.

Performance of the 2nd group.

Student: It is important to eat not only enough, but also correctly. Our body should receive a variety of foods rich in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and minerals.

Squirrels - basic construction material. Everything is built from them necessary for the body processes. Proteins are indispensable in nutrition.

If the body does not receive proteins, this can lead to many diseases.

Carbohydrates is a fuel for energy production. Fats – for the formation of energy and heat. These are useful nutrients necessary for us to ensure that the body receives enough energy to move, for better work brain..

We need minerals for the growth of bones and teeth. They participate in the functioning of the entire body, saturating the blood, nerve and muscle tissues.

2nd student: The following nutrients make up a whole group.

These are vitamins . The word “vitamin” was coined by the American scientist Casimir Funk. He discovered that the substance “amine” contained in the shell of rice grains is vital for people. Combining the Latin word Vita - “life” with “amine”, we got the word “vitamin”. Berries, fruits and vegetables are the main sources of vitamins.

Teacher: Maintaining health is not easy, but you can lose it right away. Sports will help save it! Physical exercise develops the body, strengthens the muscles, heart and other organs, makes us breathe deeper, absorbs more oxygen, improves blood circulation, allows us to stay slim, and saves us from many diseases.

Student: Health is beauty! People knew about this back in Ancient China and India, in Ancient Greece. It was there that gymnastics originated. And gymnastics makes the body healthy and beautiful.

Each person must take care of his own health. Therefore, we have prepared sets of exercises that will help you become strong, vigorous and healthy.

  1. sets of exercises for morning exercises;
  2. sets of exercises to correct posture;
  3. sets of exercises for the eyes, visual gymnastics;
  4. physical minutes.

2nd student: Now we will show you and perform one of the sets of exercises for morning exercises. (Show).

3rd student : Gymnastics for the eyes.

Exercise 1.

  1. Close your eyes tightly for 3-5 seconds.
  2. Open your eyes for 3–5 seconds. (do 6-8 times).

Exercise 2.

Rapid blinking 1 – 2 min.

Exercise 3.

  1. Look straight into the distance for 2-3 seconds.
  2. Place your finger along the midline of your face at a distance of 25-30 cm, direct your gaze to the finger for 3-5 seconds.

To save your eyesight you need to do eye exercises and follow the rules.

  1. Don't read lying down
  2. Don't lean close when reading
  3. Don't play with explosive objects
  4. Don't watch TV for a long time
  5. Don't play computer games for a long time.
  6. Do eye exercises.

Have your eyes checked by your doctor every year. He can determine the most early signs diseases and start treatment on time. And if your doctor prescribed glasses for you, don’t be shy about wearing them. Glasses correct vision.

These exercises and rules will help you become healthy and always be beautiful.

Teacher: There are many people in our country whose age has exceeded one hundred years. Centenarians believe that there are secrets to longevity. The first secret is a hardened body. Second secret - good character. The third secret is proper nutrition and daily routine. The fourth secret is daily physical labor. It is no coincidence that hardening comes first. The guys from the fourth group will tell us about this.

Student: You can harden the body in two ways: with the help of air baths and water procedures. You need to start hardening by ventilating the room. At school, we regularly ventilate the office - this helps us to be cheerful, get sick less, and be hardened.

Everyone knows these lines from the song: “If you want to be healthy, harden yourself!..” But hardening can be successful only if certain rules are followed.

  1. The first rule is that hardening must be carried out systematically, that is, constantly.
  2. Another rule is gradualism. Getting up early, at the same time, opening the window, you need to do exercises. After charging, proceed to water procedures. You should start with something simple – wiping. To do this, you need to wet a towel or sponge and rub all parts of the body for 2 minutes. Then wipe dry. Gradually reduce the water temperature. After a month, you can move on to dousing or showering. Initial temperature water 30 - 35 degrees. Then it is gradually reduced.

Very strong tempering agent - cold and hot shower when the water temperature continuously changes from hot to cold.

Start with the minimum temperature, gradually bringing it to the maximum.

2nd student : At the same time, it is necessary to gradually switch to more light clothes, don't wrap yourself up. Play sports, be outdoors more often.

Remember: the sun, air, and water are our most faithful friends!

Teacher: Everyone knows that cleanliness is the key to health. Uncleanliness is disrespect not only for yourself, but also for the people around you. The children from the fifth group prepared their story about maintaining cleanliness and personal hygiene rules.

Student: Since ancient times, people have known that they need to keep their bodies clean. In ancient Rome, public baths were built - thermae. People came here to relax, get their bodies in order, use the services of a hairdresser and massage therapist, play sports and even read, since there was a library here.

Russian people also considered the bathhouse the best way to maintain cleanliness and treatment, but their bathhouses were much different from the “Roman” ones. The hotter it was in the bathhouse, the healthier it was considered. And when the steam became unbearable, they ran out into the street and immediately threw themselves into a pond or river. No disease could overcome a person from such hardening. This tradition has continued to this day.

What personal hygiene rules are you familiar with?

Wash your hands before eating, water and soap destroy germs;

take proper care of your teeth, brush your teeth twice a day, change your toothbrush every 3-4 months;

Wash with hot water at least once a week;

take care of nails and hair, nails must be trimmed once a week with scissors, hair must be combed daily, and hair must be washed with shampoo at least once a week;

During and after water procedures we use personal hygiene products. It is important to remember that these things should be different for everyone. Why do you think?

Because you can get infected through these objects.

And now this task:

Conclusion: By observing the rules of personal hygiene, we will maintain health for many years.

Teacher: An ancient Chinese saying goes: “A wise man prevents disease, not cures it.” Therefore, it is very important to lead a healthy lifestyle, because following the rules of a healthy lifestyle strengthens health, develops the will and character of a person.

Character is made up of habits. The guys from the sixth group prepared material about what habits there are, which ones improve health, and which ones, on the contrary, lead to the destruction of the body.

Student: Tell me, what do you do out of habit?

What habits did you name, if you describe them in one word?

Useful habits.

Doing exercises, playing sports, washing your face in the morning, brushing your teeth, combing your hair, using a clean handkerchief, taking care of your clothes, keeping everything in order: every thing should have its place, being thrifty with school and home property - all these are useful habits that help us stay healthy. But there are habits that can’t be called bad; the name dangerous, bad habits is more appropriate.

2nd student: Smoking is very harmful to health. Tobacco affects the heart, brain, lungs, kidneys and other human organs. Life becomes 15 minutes shorter after each cigarette you smoke. But it is especially harmful for a growing organism, which weakens and develops poorly!

There is another, no less dangerous habit - alcoholism. Many adults suffer from wine, beer and other alcoholic drinks. A drinking person's memory deteriorates, coordination of movement is impaired, and the liver, stomach and other organs of the human body gradually begin to fail. For children, this harm is threefold. There are cases where children died from alcohol or became seriously ill.

But the most terrible disease of our century is addiction.

It develops from the use of intoxicating, toxic substances - drugs. Having tasted cigarettes with drugs or special tablets, weak or very curious people soon move on to stronger drugs. This way they destroy their health. Being in a state of drug intoxication, these people inflict terrible injuries on themselves and commit crimes. Many of them do not live to see 30 years of age. Getting rid of this addiction is very difficult, often impossible.

Therefore, never try any drugs.

Conclusion: DO NOT develop bad habits! Lead a healthy lifestyle! Know and practice good habits, they help us improve our health.

Teacher: Man is part of nature. When nature is sick, people are sick too. Our health depends on favorable environmental conditions. Our guys tried to find out what conditions the nature surrounding us is in (speech by an expert group). The seventh petal opens.

Student: We created a group of experts and, together with parents, conducted an environmental and health-saving examination of the local conditions. You can read in detail about this examination on the pages of our book; the tasks for the expert group and the results of their research are described here. And we will now hear the decision that the guys made based on the results of these studies.

After discussing the results, we decided that we, together with high school students and teachers, should actively participate in landscaping the school grounds, as well as help adults green our yards and streets. Monitor the cleanliness of the school, school grounds, streets, courtyards, entrances, and your home.

Then everything around us will be cleaner and more beautiful.

Bottom line. Teacher: Guys, together we created a flower of health. Our flower would not be so wonderful if we touched and listened to only one petal. A flower is beautiful only when all the petals are alive and full of joy because the guys can tell you what in life will help us preserve our health and what will destroy it.

When we are cheerful and healthy, then all those people who love us and see us every day feel good and joyful.

I would like to thank everyone who participated in the project. I think that you all learned a lot of new things and will leave the lesson with the desire to discover, study and do as much as possible correct conclusions about how to behave correctly in relation to your health.

Program to promote a healthy lifestyle.

Program name: "Journey to Health»

for younger schoolchildren 7-10 years old.

Target group: Junior schoolchildren 10 years old

Program goals: Formation of a healthy life



1. Get an idea of ​​yourself, form an attitude towards your capabilities and shortcomings, your own value system.

2. Develop strategies and behavior skills that lead to a healthy lifestyle.

3. Develop the ability to communicate with others, empathize, accept and provide psychological and social support.

4. Identify children in need of individual counseling and family counseling.

Expected end result:

- improving organization and quality psychological assistance children and adults.

- formation of a healthy life style and highly active behavioral strategies and personal resources in primary schoolchildren.

Research results show that the age of initiation into the use of psychoactive substances is in most cases at school years. Younger schoolchildren are unwitting witnesses of smoking, drinking, and psychoactive substances by high school students, adults, and parents. A similar model of behavior of adults is fixed in children's consciousness and for many in the future it becomes their norm of behavior.

Scientists have proven that if children and adolescents use tobacco and alcohol, the likelihood that they will try drugs in the future increases. Various deviations in the behavior of children and adolescents rarely occur in isolation. Typically, the use of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs is accompanied by lies, petty theft and hooliganism, truancy and poor performance at school.

Therefore, primary prevention of alcohol and toxic substance abuse among schoolchildren must begin at a young age.

This program is aimed at preventing the abuse of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs and improving the organization of work to provide psychological assistance to children and adults, promoting the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

The specificity of the program lies in the direct active participation of children in the implementation of the process of preventing substance abuse.

This program allows the child to make his own choice, maybe the first independent choice in life, to feel and know for sure that he is responsible for everything that happens to him.

The program consists of the following sections

1. Informational,

2. Gaming,

3. Practical.

Purpose of the information section:

Provide information in an accessible form for this age group about the dangers of smoking, alcohol and drug use.

Purpose of the game section:

During the game, form value positions regarding your own health and skills. Purpose of the practical section:

To develop skills and attitudes of safe behavior in situations associated with the risk of addiction to psychoactive substances.

Basic working methods:

A. Theatricalization

d. Improvisation

With. Modeling and analysis of given situations

d. Training

e. Psycho-gymnastics

And. Illustrative

j. Essay

Forms and methods of work:

1. "Living Newspaper"

2. Visibility

3. Game

4. Group work

5. Dialogue

6. Story

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the program implementation:

Development of communication skills in children,

Formation of skills, abilities and experience necessary for adequate behavior in society,

Participation in preventive activities.