Salipod - instructions for use. Salipod for core calluses - how to use? Salipod patch

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The Salipod patch is known to many as a strong keratolytic agent that can quickly get rid of dry calluses, corns and even warts. The product is very popular among buyers; its price usually does not exceed 80 rubles. Today we will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the Salipod callus patch.

Calluses and corns on the feet appear due to wearing uncomfortable shoes, flat feet, fungus and a number of other reasons.

You can purchase keratolytic agents at any pharmacy. A doctor's prescription is not required. There is a wide range of keratolytic agents. It can be difficult to stop at just one. Very often, a drug that is effective for one person does not help another person at all. Therefore, you can try several different products and find the right one.

Salicylic acid is usually included in keratolytic agents. It has an antiseptic effect and helps remove the stratum corneum of the epidermis. A corn is a collection of dead cells. This is a protective reaction of the skin to mechanical pressure. Salicylic acid softens such formations. After this, dead skin cells can be easily removed.

Along with salicylic acid, keratolytic agents may include components such as lanolin, petroleum jelly and extracts of various herbs. They also have a softening effect.

It is worth noting that keratolytic agents in the form of ointments and creams are applied strictly to the site of the callus. Do not touch areas of healthy skin. Contact of the product with the mucous membrane should also be avoided. It is recommended to use gloves when treating the sore spot. If the cream gets on the skin of your hands, you should immediately wash them with soap.

Plasters for corns

The advantages of this treatment method:

  1. ease and simplicity of use of the patch;
  2. relief from pain after just one use;
  3. After a week, the corns completely disappear.

Treatment with a patch has virtually no disadvantages. You just need to change it regularly. Allergic reactions occur much less frequently than when using creams and ointments. However, in some cases, irritation is possible from the patch.

Briefly about the drug "Salipod"

The Salipod patch contains salicylic acid.

Composition of the Salipod patch:

  • salicylic acid (32%) is the main active ingredient. Causes softening of the surface layer of the skin.
  • sulfur (8%) is a bactericidal agent. Kills bacteria and fungi that may develop in the surrounding layers of skin.
  • excipients (lanolin, rubber, rosin)

The price of Salipod depends on the number of patches in the package: 30 rubles minimum, 80 rubles maximum.

Indications for use

  • Dry calluses, including so-called “root calluses”
  • Calluses
  • Corns
  • Plantar warts (or spines, or “core calluses”) – on the feet and hands. It is used as not the main, but an additional remedy in the complex treatment of warts

Advantages and disadvantages of the product

A patch for corns is a universal remedy that helps not only restore health to the feet, but also protects them from additional damage. You can find different options in pharmacies, but Salipod is considered the most famous. The wide popularity of this product is due to its advantages.

  • According to consumers, the key factor when choosing a patch is price. Salipod is an excellent budget remedy for corns, the price of which varies from 30 to 70 rubles.
  • Another advantage of the adhesive plaster is ease of use. This tool is easy to use. In this case, no additional consultation with a doctor is required.
  • The product helps not only with corns on the feet. Its effectiveness has been proven against spines, dry calluses and other defects that do not have a central core.

Despite the numerous positive reviews about this product, you should remember about possible contraindications.

Dermatologists do not recommend using the patch during pregnancy and childhood. In addition, the drug is not intended to eliminate wet calluses, cracks, inflammations with purulent contents.

Description of composition

Salipod for corns is used quite often. This is due to the large number of positive reviews about the product. To understand how this patch works, you need to study its composition. The main active components are shown in the table.

Component Main action Proportion of total ingredients
Salicylic acid The reagent has a keratolytic effect, due to which the upper rough layer of the epidermis softens. Salicylic acid accounts for the majority of the composition – 23%.
Sulfur This substance is designed to destroy pathogenic microorganisms, including bacteria and fungi, on the feet. Sulfur serves as an auxiliary component, accounting for 8%.
Rosin, rubber, lanolin Such substances are necessary to form the base and retain the active components of the patch. The rest of the product is a mixture of these components.

Salipod has a complex effect. It not only softens the epidermis, but also fights pathogenic bacteria. Thanks to this composition, the product is highly effective. Within a few days, the foot is completely cleared of growths and calluses, but the first changes are visible after just one use according to the instructions.

Instructions for use

For calluses and corns

Before using Salipod, you need to steam your feet in warm water.

So, how to use Salipod:

  1. Wash and steam your foot in warm water for 10 minutes, wipe it dry
  2. Cut out an area the size of a callus from the brown plaster
  3. Remove the protective film from the cut piece
  4. Apply to affected skin
  5. Stick a regular white plaster on top - it is just needed for fixation.
  6. After a day (for large calluses - after two days), remove everything. Remove carefully, smoothly, without jerking, so as not to tear off along with the skin.
  7. If the corn or callus is just as hard, repeat the procedure again.
  8. If it has become soft and mobile, then let the whole thing dry out, don’t glue anything else. The softened and exfoliated skin will gradually dry out and peel off on its own (within 7-10 days).

How to use Salipod for warts and spines

The instructions are approximately the same as for corns. Only gluing time is 1 day.

  1. Glue Salipod onto the spine
  2. After a day, carefully remove the patch. You will get a picture something like this photo.3) Cut off the spine with nail scissors at the root, parallel to the skin. There is no need to rub with a pumice stone - if you erase the surrounding healthy skin, there will be a wound.
  3. Apply the callus plaster again directly to the cut site of the spine for a day. On top is a regular patch.
  4. The next day, remove the patch and let the wound dry out on its own and the old skin come off.

Attention: try not to stick the patch on healthy skin to avoid peeling and creating a painful wound.

The further task is to influence the wart with cauterizing substances. For example, solcoderm, duofilm, super celandine (more about super celandine). Or remove it with a laser


Never use Salipod callus patch in the following cases:

  • Moles
  • On healthy skin
  • In children under 10 years of age (they have delicate skin)
  • During pregnancy
  • Pimples and ulcers on the skin
  • Open wounds and skin cracks
  • Opened calluses with fluid
  • Allergic reactions to salicylic acid or sulfur

Analogues of "Salipod"

An analogue of "Salipod" - "Copmeed" patches are presented in a wide range

What's good about Compeed compared to regular patches:

  • Pain relieves instantly.
  • It adheres very tightly to the skin, thereby isolating the nerve endings.
  • Perfectly protects the skin from pressure and friction.
  • Callus healing occurs faster.
  • Creates optimal conditions, thanks to which the skin quickly recovers, regardless of the stage of callus formation.
  • Effectively softens dry calluses and corns, making their removal much easier.
  • Has a “second skin” effect » , therefore it protects the wound well.
  • Prevents the appearance of crusts.
  • With the Compeed patch, the skin “breathes”
  • Does not allow moisture, infections and bacteria to penetrate the skin.
  • Compeed is convenient to use: it is almost invisible on the skin, packaged in a convenient plastic container, and pleasant to the touch.
  • Compeed does not peel off, it is waterproof and can last on the skin for 24 hours.

Salicylic patch for dry calluses Dr. House- a godsend for those who have a small area of ​​skin affected. On an oblong adhesive plaster there is a rounded membrane, which is precisely applied to the problem area. The advantage of the active zone is complete isolation of the problem area from negative external factors. The main substance hidden in the membrane is salicylic acid. It performs two main roles - it disinfects and accelerates the healing process.

If the corns have occupied a large area, it would be better to stock up on a patch that is completely saturated with the composition. In other situations, the action of the core will be sufficient.

Urgo Coricide callus medicinal patch for getting rid of rough dead skin, calluses, corns. Salicylic acid softens the rough, dead skin of the resulting callus. The protective foam pad protects healthy skin from the effects of salicylic acid and acts as a protector to prevent painful shoe pressure on the affected skin. The exposure time of the patch should not exceed two days.

Attention! Description of the drug “Callus adhesive plaster “Salipod” "on this page is a simplified and expanded version of the official instructions for use. Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the instructions approved by the manufacturer.
Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide to prescribe the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.

Foot care after callus removal

Note: after “anti-callus” procedures, it is recommended to use regular foot care cream. But you can also use an old folk recipe - lubricate the heels with slightly heated olive or linseed oil and put on thick socks for an hour or two. After this procedure, your legs feel like velvet to the touch!

To prevent blisters, wear socks made from natural materials.

Preventing calluses

  • Use socks made of highly absorbent materials that absorb sweat from the skin of your feet (wool, cotton).
  • When going on long walks, wear your socks inside out so that the seams do not rub your feet.
  • For walks in the forest or in the mountains, wear two pairs of socks: first thin ones, and then thick, dry ones.
  • Also wear your inner pair of socks inside out. Socks should fit snugly to the body, but not tight or wrinkled.
  • Change your socks daily.
  • Wear shoes made from natural materials that breathe, such as leather or canvas.
  • Wear only shoes that fit you perfectly.
  • Try on the shoes in the store, and if they don't feel right when you put them on, don't buy them. Why go through the hassle of breaking in a new pair of shoes?
  • A new pair of hiking shoes should be broken in.
  • Wear it for one hour every day for a week before going on a hike.
  • Even then, pack bandages and plaster in your backpack.
  • Before you get ready to go for a walk or workout, place a large drop of Vaseline on the area of ​​your skin where calluses regularly form.
  • Wear protective gloves when gardening, playing golf, or driving for long periods of time.

Dry calluses, warts and corns cause discomfort, cause pain and interfere with free movement. Corns are compactions of the skin that are formed as a result of ingrowth or compression of an area of ​​skin. To treat painful conditions, it is recommended to use special callus plasters.

The Salipod patch, a keratolytic agent for removing calluses and warts, has proven its effectiveness in the treatment and prevention of dry calluses. Salipod helps get rid of calluses that form when wearing uncomfortable or tight shoes. An adhesive plaster quickly and easily removes thorns. The product is distinguished by softening properties that eliminate keratinized areas of the skin on the legs and other problem areas.

Composition and varieties

The anti-callus patch contains an active substance - salicylic acid, which forms an acidic environment on the keratinized area, which softens the skin and prevents the formation of fungus. The drug also contains auxiliary components:

  1. Sulfur, which has a healing effect and prevents the formation of open wounds;
  2. Rosin, rubber and lanolin, which increase the therapeutic effect of the drug.

The composition of the solipid patch determines its therapeutic qualities:

  1. Softening hard skin and corns;
  2. Antibacterial effect, as a result of which pathogenic microflora is destroyed at the site of application;
  3. Anti-inflammatory effect of active components;
  4. Drying property.

In some cases, formations on areas of the skin may be of viral origin. In this case, the use of the Salipod patch will be ineffective. For treatment, experts recommend using Salipod in combination with antiviral and immunostimulating agents.

Salipod is produced in two forms:

  1. A dark patch containing medicinal substances;
  2. A light-colored plaster, which is designed to fix a dark adhesive plaster.

Indications and contraindications

  1. Dry calluses;
  2. Corns;
  3. Plantar warts or calluses on the hands and feet;
  4. Warts.

You should not use Salipod in the following cases:

Side effects

According to reviews of Salipoda for core calluses In some cases, the following side effects may develop:

  1. Itching in the area where the patch is applied;
  2. Burning and redness of the skin;

Before using the adhesive plaster, you should first prepare the areas of the skin. To do this, you need to steam your feet in hot water using a soap solution or sea salt. Wipe surfaces dry. Then separate the adhesive plaster from the protective film and stick it to the skin area.

For additional fixation, use a bandage or white adhesive tape. After a day, the patch is carefully removed. If the callus has not disappeared, use the patch up to four times. If the skin has cleared and become soft, it is left to heal without a patch.

The use of Salipod is effective for the treatment of calluses, which are dense, keratinized areas of skin resulting from prolonged exposure. This occurs when wearing uncomfortable shoes, high physical activity on the legs, and being overweight. When walking, calluses cause severe pain. Removing them is quite difficult, since they are located not only on the surface of the skin.

To get rid of calluses, feet are first steamed in a hot bath and a piece of adhesive tape of the required size is glued on. After two days, the product can be removed. You should not jerk when removing, so as not to damage the skin.

Instructions for using Salipod for warts are similar. The duration of use of the product is one day. Afterwards, carefully remove the patch and cut off the wart at the root using forceps or nail scissors. Do not rub the treated area. This can damage healthy skin and cause a wound to form.

The patch is then re-glued onto the treated area. The callus patch is secured on top with a fixing bandage. After a day, the bandage is removed and the surface is left until complete healing.

The patch should not be applied to healthy skin, as this may cause burns and pain. If you cannot get rid of the wart and the formation continues to grow, you should contact a specialist to use cauterizing drugs, liquid nitrogen or laser therapy.

Prevention of calluses and corns

In order to avoid the formation of calluses and corns, you should follow a few simple rules:

Analogues and price of the drug

If the use of the product is impossible for some reason, it can be replaced with similar drugs. Analogues of the Salipod callus adhesive plaster include: Mozolin, Compid, Salipodin, Urgo, Collomak. Some analogues are produced in the form of a cream and solution. Urgo is approved for use by young children.

You can buy the patch at the pharmacy. The average price of the product is 80 rubles.

The Salipod patch will help you effectively get rid of skin defects on your legs. This remedy allows you to eliminate the pain that occurs when wearing uncomfortable shoes. Thanks to this dermatotropic drug, it is easy to get rid of.

Salipod is known for its softening effect, thanks to which it effectively removes dead skin. The patch is based on antiseptic and softening components that have a beneficial effect on problem areas.

Composition of the drug

The main substance contained in Salipoda is salicylic acid. The antiseptic feature of this component prevents the development of microflora beneficial to bacteria. Salicylic acid maintains an acidic environment in the problem area and prevents the appearance of wrinkles. It promotes further peeling of the skin and gentle removal of dead cells.

Sulfur has a positive effect on the treatment of skin defects. It is the basis of this remedy and has a bactericidal effect. Sulfur prevents fungi and bacteria from developing in the problem area. In combination with salicylic acid, it dries out the skin, which has a positive effect on the condition of calluses.

Other auxiliary components contained in Salipoda also have a beneficial effect on the condition of corns and calluses. This category includes rubber, lanolin, and pine rosin. They help enhance the properties of the main active ingredients.

The effect of the Salipod patch on calluses and corns

The unique therapeutic composition of the product helps to get rid of problem areas in just a few days. The use of a patch provides effective disinfection and also destroys germs that could get into the wound. This wound-healing feature of Salipod allows you to heal an inflamed area on the skin in the shortest possible time.

The antiseptic and keratolytic properties of this product have a beneficial effect on the condition of problem areas of the skin. The main advantage of the drug is that it effectively softens and dissolves keratinized tissue. The medicinal composition of the patch promotes the formation of new, and most importantly, healthy skin.

It is important to study the detailed instructions for using Salipod, since the effectiveness of using the patch will be noticeable only with correctly carried out applications. Depending on the size and condition of the calluses or corns, different treatment periods are required.

If the affected area is small, then a few days will be enough to eliminate it. Medium-sized corns require 3-4 days of such therapy. If the calluses are old, it is recommended that the patient apply the application for a week. It is this period of time that will soften the keratinized areas and promote the regeneration of the skin.

It is quite simple to find out that the remedy has worked by looking at the condition of the problem area. If the callus turns white and comes off easily, it means the patch has worked. If such an effect does not occur, the applications should be continued until they help get rid of the corns.

Instructions for use Salipod

You can achieve the most impressive results when using the patch if you strictly follow all the rules when preparing the application. This procedure includes the following main steps:

  • Feet should be placed in a warm bath for 10 minutes and steamed thoroughly;
  • Using a towel, wipe your feet dry;
  • Using scissors, you should cut off a suitable piece from the plate that corresponds to the size of the callus;
  • It is necessary to separate the protective film from the surface of the patch and stick it to the affected area of ​​the skin;
  • In order for the product to be securely fixed on the leg, it must be additionally secured on top by gluing a regular adhesive plaster or using a bandage;
  • After a day (if the callus is large, then after two days), the patch should be removed from the skin. It is recommended to peel it off from the affected area carefully, without jerking, so as not to damage the integrity of the skin. It is best to carefully cut it off with nail scissors, but often it comes off along with the patch;
  • If the corns or callus does not disappear, the procedure should be repeated again (and so on 3-4 times until the wound heals).
  • If after the first application the effect is noticeable - the skin has become soft and mobile, then it is recommended to leave the problem area to dry and heal without a patch.

Contraindications, precautions, side effects

Despite the gentle composition of the drug, there are still cases in which its use should be abandoned. The patient may be hypersensitive or allergic to the components contained in the patch.

If after applying the patch the patient notices redness on the skin or any other reactions, then he should refuse such treatment. Red spots on the skin may indicate an allergy or contact dermatitis. An unpleasant burning sensation or slight itching also indicates that this remedy is not suitable for a person and he should refuse to use Salipod. Hyperemia, which manifests itself in the form of redness of the skin, is another sign of a side effect.

If there is a nevus (birthmark or mole) near the affected area, then the application should be abandoned.

It is not recommended to apply an adhesive plaster to healthy skin: this can cause tissue deformation. Using the drug on an open wound, if there are cracks in the skin, or burns is strictly prohibited.

There are certain cases in which it is necessary to carry out applications especially carefully using Salipod for corns and calluses. The composition of this medication can increase adverse reactions when taking tablets. The salicylic acid and sulfur contained in the patch do not interact well with drugs such as methotrexate, sulfonylurea derivatives, and hypoglycemic drugs.

Salicylic acid is incompatible with zinc oxides and resorcinol. If the patient has any damage to the skin, then he should not undergo applications. In case of renal failure, it is recommended to stop using the drug.

The Salipod patch will be most effective in treating skin defects if you follow the rules for storing the drug. It is recommended to keep it in a dry place, at a temperature of no more than 25 degrees. The shelf life of the medicinal product is 2 years. After this period, the drug should be disposed of, as it will no longer be suitable for applications.

To avoid unwanted reactions while using the patch, you should periodically remove it and give the skin a rest. It is not recommended to wear a callus adhesive plaster on the problem area for more than 2 days. If the patient notices any side effect, he should consult a doctor. Consulting a doctor before using the drug will help avoid unwanted consequences.

Salipod patch is well used for warts and calluses. Using a patch, you can easily get rid of unpleasant and unwanted growths on human skin. This is a good remedy that has a quick and effective effect on the affected areas of the skin.

Composition and release form

The patch contains the following components:

  • Sulfur 8%. This is a bactericidal agent. It helps destroy fungi and bacteria that may form in the surrounding layers of the skin.
  • Salicylic acid 32%. Main active ingredient. Helps soften the surface layer of the skin.
  • Auxiliary components. These include rosin, rubber, lanolin.

Salipod is available in the form of strips, measuring 2 by 10 centimeters and 6 by 10 centimeters. Also included in the package is an ordinary plaster, which helps in fixing the medicinal plaster. One package contains 10 pieces.

Indications for use

Salipod adhesive plaster is an excellent antiseptic that actively fights skin keratinization. This is because the patch contains sulfur and salicylic acid.

They mutually assist each other to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin. The Salipod patch is used externally and promotes the extinction of pathogenic microorganisms

Salicylic acid in the patch maintains the acidic environment of the epithelium, which reduces the process of exfoliation of rough skin and the risk of proliferation of fungal infections and bacteria. Sulfur, in turn, dries out the skin.

Auxiliary components enhance the effect of all the above actions.

Application of the Salipod patch occurs in the following cases:

  • Spikes (). Usually used as an additional remedy in the complex treatment of papillomas.
  • Corns.
  • Calluses.
  • Dry calluses.
  • "Root calluses."
  • Various calluses on the hands and feet.



It is forbidden to use the Salipod patch if you have the following symptoms and manifestations:

  • Allergy to sulfur;
  • Allergy to salicylic acid;
  • Open calluses with fluid;
  • Microcracks in the skin;
  • Open wounds;
  • Ulcers and pimples on the skin;
  • During pregnancy;
  • Children under ten years of age;
  • On healthy skin;
  • Moles;
  • Kidney failure;
  • During the period of taking medications that contain resorcinol, zinc.

Stories from our readers

After 5 years, I finally got rid of the hated papillomas. I haven’t had a single pendant on my body for a month now! I went to doctors for a long time, took tests, removed them with a laser and celandine, but they appeared again and again. I don't know what my body would look like if I hadn't stumbled upon . Anyone who is concerned about papillomas and warts should read this!

Precautionary measures

When using an adhesive plaster, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Before use, it is necessary to soften the skin and remove dead layers using pumice, but this should be done very carefully so as not to touch living tissue.
  • It is forbidden to remove dead layers with scissors and other sharp objects.
  • Apply Salipod patch exclusively for growth without touching living skin.

Mode of application

Salipod is used for:

  • Calluses and corns;
  • Warts and thorns.

For calluses and corns

Let's look at how to use the Salipod patch for corns and calluses:

  1. It is necessary to steam the leg, namely the site of injury, in warm water for about ten minutes. Then wipe it dry.
  2. Take the Salipod patch for corns and cut out a circle the diameter of a callus.
  3. Remove the protective film from the finished fragment;
  4. Place on the affected area;
  5. Stick an ordinary plaster on top of Salipod to make it stick better;
  6. Use for one day for ordinary calluses and 2 days for large calluses. Remove carefully, without jerking, smoothly, so as not to tear it off along with the skin;
  7. If no changes occur, repeat the procedure again.
  8. If the result appears, and the skin has become mobile and soft, then you need to leave it and give it time for everything to dry. Within 7-10 days, the exfoliated skin will dry out and peel off.

For warts and spines

The method of using the Salipod patch for spines and warts is the same as for calluses and corns. There are only small nuances in application.

  1. Use Salipod for one day.
  2. After a day, it must be carefully removed.
  3. It is necessary to cut the spine at the root using nail scissors. It is not recommended to use pumice to avoid creating a wound on a healthy area of ​​skin.
  4. After this, you need to stick the product on the cut site of the spine. Attach an ordinary plaster on top of the Salipod.
  5. After a day you need to remove it and leave the wound to heal.
  6. It is necessary to apply Salipod carefully and avoid healthy areas of skin to avoid wounds and skin peeling.
  7. If the wart does not go away, but begins to grow even more, it is necessary to treat it with cauterizing substances.

Side effects

The most basic sign of a side effect is increased sensitivity to salicylic acid, the main substance of the patch.

This is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Allergic dermatitis;
  • Itching, redness and irritation of the skin.

There are also a number of side effects if the patch is used incorrectly:

  • Re-growth of warts;
  • Scar formation;
  • White spots;
  • Wound infection.

If red spots appear on the skin, this means that the person has an allergic reaction to the components of the patch. In this case, you must stop using the patch.