How to whiten your face at home. Instructions: how to quickly whiten facial skin at home Whiten facial skin quickly

In the East, white skin is considered a divine gift, and its owner is considered a beauty. In the old days, Chinese princesses drank crushed pearls dissolved in water and ate lily roots, and Cleopatra bathed in milk. It is not surprising that the question of how to whiten your face worried many girls.

Fair skin was given more importance than the grace of facial features. Dark-skinned women usually worked in the fields or spent a long time in the open air, which is why they tanned until they were black. This meant family poverty and lack of prospects.

In Russia and Europe, a light tan is encouraged. The main fight is with age spots and freckles. No matter how hard cosmetologists try to convince you that perky red dots on the face are charming, girls are unshakable in their decision to reduce them. The war for smooth, fair skin does not stop either at home or in beauty salons.

The skin of the inhabitants of central and northern Europe is naturally white and easily burns in the sun. As soon as you lie on the beach a little longer or forget to apply protective cream against UV rays, it turns red and after a couple of days begins to peel off. As a result, the tan spreads unevenly. Finding yourself in such situations from year to year can provoke the appearance of age spots, especially unwanted ones on the face.

Red-haired girls with thin, light skin develop freckles when exposed to sunlight, even in winter. It is important for them to use a protective lotion or cream on a clear winter day in the city and at ski resorts. If freckles still bother you and spoil your mood, a whitening mask will be a wonderful solution.

Hormonal imbalance is a common cause of pigmentation in young women. If this is the problem, then cosmetics will help little. A visit to the doctor and prescribed treatment will restore health to the body, after which the skin color will quickly restore.

How to whiten your face: basic products

There are a lot of publicly available products that can not only bring your skin into ideal condition, but also lighten it. The effect of the mask will not occur instantly. The procedure will have to be repeated over a month or two to achieve lasting results.

However, when wondering how to whiten your face at home, many people choose masks.

Hydrogen peroxide

Yeast mask

Mix a spoonful of dry yeast and the same amount of hydrogen peroxide and apply to problem areas of the skin for 15-20 minutes. After rinsing, the skin is moisturized with cream.

Curd mask

A nutritious and at the same time whitening mixture can be obtained from a tablespoon of full-fat cottage cheese, yolk and a few drops of peroxide. This mask is also kept on the face for no more than 20 minutes, then washed off with cool water.

Lemon juice

Lemon or grapefruit juice will give the skin vitamins, tone it and prevent the appearance of the first wrinkles. Lightening of pigmentation occurs due to the presence of organic acids in fruits. Mixing the juice with other ingredients will avoid drying out the skin.

Mask with lemon and honey

This mixture will also work as an excellent scrub when washing off the mask. Add 50 g of honey and half a teaspoon of olive oil to the pulp of a whole lemon. After thorough mixing, apply the product to the face for 15 minutes.

Vegetable oil will relieve the skin from the feeling of tightness after the procedure and additionally nourish the skin.

Glycerin mask

Glycerin perfectly moisturizes and softens the skin by absorbing water from the environment. This property allows it to neutralize the drying effect of lemon juice while maintaining its beneficial effects.

It is necessary to ensure that the air is not dry, otherwise glycerin will cause harm instead of benefit, drying out the skin.

For a whitening mask, you need to take two tablespoons of lemon juice and glycerin and a teaspoon of boiled water. Problem areas of the skin are treated twice a day for several months. The result will become noticeable after one and a half months of use.

Lemon lotion

A lotion made from citrus juice will not only lighten the skin, but also help speed up its regeneration processes. For teenagers, it will help disinfect the skin and avoid the appearance of a rash.

Lotion composition:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of boiled water;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of vodka;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of witch hazel decoction.

After mixing, it is recommended to store the liquid in the refrigerator and use it twice a day. Do not apply lotion to your face in the morning before going out into the bright sun. Lemon juice makes the skin sensitive and prone to sunburn. The best time to use lotion is in the afternoon and at night.


Lactobacilli and amino acids, contained in abundance in the drink, have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. They cleanse and moisturize it, and amino acids also help lighten age spots and freckles.

With cucumbers

Kefir with cucumber will give the skin elasticity and relieve dullness. It is enough to apply such a mask 3 times a week. Half a cucumber is grated and 2 tablespoons of kefir are poured into the pulp. The microorganisms present in kefir are active for a short period of time, so the mask should be used immediately after production. Wash it off after 20 minutes, and dry skin is additionally moisturized with cream.

If you use warm milk instead of water to cleanse your face, the effect of the mask will increase.

With honey

4 tablespoons of full-fat kefir are added to slightly heated honey, and then mixed with the beaten white of one egg. The nourishing mask should not be kept on the face for more than 20 minutes. It will make the skin velvety and eliminate fine wrinkles. In addition, it tightens pores and visibly reduces oily shine.


Since ancient times, baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, has been considered a panacea for many diseases. It perfectly eliminates inflammation and irritation, but due to the strength of its effect, it is advisable to use soda solutions for skin whitening no more than once a week.

Soda lotion

Soda is diluted with water in equal proportions and gauze is moistened in it. The fabric is applied to the darkened areas of the skin for 10 minutes. After rinsing, the skin must be moisturized with cream, since soda is very drying.

With hydrogen peroxide

A teaspoon of baking soda is mixed with two tablespoons of full-fat yogurt without dyes or additives and a third teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide. The resulting mask is applied to the face for 5 minutes, and then cleanses the skin with cool water. Thanks to yogurt, the skin will not peel.

With soap

This mask is very tight on the skin after rinsing, so you should prepare moisturizers in advance. Take baking soda and water in equal proportions, and foam the soap. Using a cosmetic sponge, the foam is distributed over areas of the skin with pigmentation, and a soda solution is added on top. After 7-9 minutes, wash off the mask.


Vitamins A, C and B, trace elements and folic acid contained in parsley give the skin shine and perfectly nourish it. Finely chopped parsley twigs and leaves are used for masks.

With dandelion

Equal shares of finely chopped dandelion and parsley stems are poured with a small amount of mineral water and left for 12 hours in a dark place. You should start making the mask in the spring, when the active sun causes increased pigmentation. It is kept on the face for 20-30 minutes, then removed.

Cosmetic ice

You can pour a decoction or tincture of parsley into ice cube trays and put it in the freezer. The resulting ice cubes tone the skin and improve complexion. They have a stronger effect on the skin due to the resulting stress from low temperatures.


After mixing the gruel with water in a ratio of 1:10, the mixture is boiled for 10 minutes and then filtered. Wash your face with the cooled decoction twice a week.

With rowan

Recipe for a mask that successfully fights freckles:

  • 1 teaspoon parsley juice;
  • 1 tsp. rowan berry juice;
  • 1 tsp. vodka;
  • 1 tsp. lemon juice.

The solution is quite caustic, so you need to apply it to freckles with a cotton swab, avoiding contact with the delicate skin around the eyes.

Essential oils

Essential oils rich in vitamins and microelements are beneficial for the skin, and parsley, ylang-ylang and vanilla oils intensively brighten it. It is contraindicated to use the oil in its pure form to avoid irritation and burns. To obtain the desired result, add a few drops of oil to cream, clay or water for washing. The whitening course lasts 3 weeks, then take a break for 2-3 months.


Vinegar is a well-known folk remedy, suitable for those looking for a recipe for how to quickly whiten your face at home. It came from the Roman Empire, where beauties also dreamed of having marbled skin. Mix water with vinegar in equal parts and wipe the face with a cotton swab for 8-10 minutes, then rinse the mixture thoroughly.

If your skin is sensitive, you can try applying undiluted vinegar.

An effective modern procedure is to use a laser to whiten facial skin. Many aesthetic medicine clinics or online beauty salons have special devices for resurfacing the skin or carefully removing its rough top layer. Getting rid of dead cells allows you to even out your skin tone and achieve noticeable lightening.

You should be careful with tablets and creams imported from China and Thailand. Local girls have had a cult of white skin for centuries, and nowadays manufacturers of cosmetic products actively take advantage of this.

Many creams contain mercury, which is poisonous to humans. Its permissible limit is exceeded thousands of times compared to its European and American counterparts. Of course, mercury gives a quick lightening effect, but when it accumulates in the skin, it poisons the body. The composition of the tablets with instructions written in hieroglyphs is a complete mystery that it is better not to try on yourself.

In beauty salons you can make a peeling or mask based on patented foreign cosmetics, but a whole course is needed to achieve the goal. Salon treatments are not cheap, so it is better to take care of your skin at home by choosing a suitable cream or mask made from natural ingredients.

A clay mask perfectly helps to nourish the skin and remove dead cells. After dissolving the powder purchased at the pharmacy with warm water and applying the resulting paste to your face and neck, you should let it dry. After washing off the layer of clay, the skin will become smooth and silky, and the complexion will be more fresh.

The mask is well suited for girls going on vacation to the sea. After it, the tan will lie evenly, but you still shouldn’t neglect protective equipment.

Particular attention should be paid to the quality of cosmetics and creams. If you experience even a mild allergic reaction or unpleasant tingling sensation during use, you will have to discard this product. The skin of the face is very delicate and should be as comfortable as possible.

The cause of pigmentation can be metabolic and hormonal imbalance in the body. Pregnancy and childbirth, taking certain medications and even severe stress contribute to the appearance of brown spots on the skin. Sometimes they disappear on their own after the body’s condition normalizes, but more often they have to be countered using the above methods.


A woman always wants to please others, especially the stronger sex. Men, in turn, appreciate well-groomed girls and are proud of their stylish companion. The first thing that attracts attention is the face, so taking care of the condition of the skin will never be superfluous.

Smooth fair skin makes a girl younger and more attractive. There is no need to hide it under tightly applied makeup, because now naturalness and nude shades of cosmetics are in fashion. Simple skin care at home, as well as the answer to the question of how to whiten your face, will make you feel confident, and this quality makes a girl irresistible in the eyes of men.

My name is Julia Jenny Norman, and I am an author of articles and books. I cooperate with the publishing houses "OLMA-PRESS" and "AST", as well as with glossy magazines. Currently I help promote virtual reality projects. I have European roots, but I spent most of my life in Moscow. There are many museums and exhibitions here that charge you with positivity and give inspiration. In my spare time I study French medieval dances. I am interested in any information about that era. I offer you articles that can captivate you with a new hobby or simply give you pleasant moments. You need to dream about something beautiful, then it will come true!

Off-line and online stores are eagerly offering dozens, if not hundreds, of facial skin whitening products. And they unanimously convince us that this or that cream, peeling, mask has amazing capabilities and effectiveness, moreover, at prices that are quite acceptable.

In this regard, we, consumers of skin care products, need to understand that not all that glitters is gold, and not all products are safe for health. When buying a nice-looking jar of miraculous cream, you must carefully read the ingredients, i.e. what it was made from, thanks to which it whitens the skin well. If there is no information about the composition, resolutely put this product aside. Most likely, it is a fake, or worse, an unsafe product. If the manufacturer is not afraid to announce the list of ingredients, study it carefully. It should not contain components from the list below.

Facial skin whitening products should not contain:

  • Hydroquinone- is a strong carcinogen that can cause tumors. Moreover, with prolonged use, pronounced, stable pigmentation appears.
  • Mercury- on the one hand, it very effectively whitens the skin, on the other hand, it is a strong poison, difficult to remove from the body. Mercury affects the kidneys, affects the immune system, and disrupts brain function.
  • Monobenzyl- an aggressive substance that destroys melanocytes, which leads to loss of pigmentation.
  • Corticosteroids- in large quantities disrupt the functioning of the adrenal glands. In medicine, corticosteroids are used in dermatology. Whitening the skin is a secondary effect of this drug, which many, even popular, brands have not failed to take advantage of.
  • Tretinoin- a component that increases the photosensitivity of the skin to a dangerous level. When using tretinoin-based creams, forget about even short walks without a hat and glasses in the summer sun.

Safe ingredients in skin whitening products:

  • Azelaic acid- is a natural component with a whitening effect.
  • Lactic (glycolic) acid- removes dead skin cells, promotes renewal of the epidermis.
  • Vitamin C- brightens, refreshes, heals the skin, improves color.
  • Blackberry extract- is one of the most effective skin whiteners.
  • Goji- demonstrates soft but stable whitening, requires long-term use.

Reputable manufacturers of facial skin care products, manufacturers you can trust, are brands from Japan, Israel, China and Korea. You will not find any mercury or hydroquinone on the labels of these brands.

Whitening facial skin using natural products

You can become white-faced and black-browed much cheaper and safer. Whitening, healing, and refreshing your facial skin at home is quite simple. There are a lot of ingredients in the refrigerator, in the garden, in the garden. Why, for example, buy blackberry extract for crazy money if you have blackberries growing on your property? You will be surprised, but there are much more foods, vegetables and fruits that have whitening properties than we imagine. In terms of efficiency, they are in no way inferior to their chemical analogues, and in terms of safety, they are several orders of magnitude higher.

Homemade whitening toners

  • Brew a handful of mint (fresh) in half a liter of water. Add lemon juice from two fruits. Cool and enjoy for your health. After five to seven days, your face will become lighter.
  • Brew a handful of parsley leaves in two glasses of water. Cool, strain. Use for wiping. You can make ice cubes.
  • Grate the cucumber and add sparkling mineral water. Let it brew for two to three days. Strain, add 2 teaspoons of lemon juice. Keep refrigerated.
  • Pour a few slices of lemon into a liter of water and let it brew. It turns out to be an excellent vitamin-rich and at the same time whitening water for washing.

Scrubs for cleansing and whitening the face

  • Grind dry orange peels and mix with honey in equal proportions. Massage your face with this scrub 2-3 times a week. The skin will lighten and even out.
  • Dilute 2 teaspoons of baking soda with water. Use when washing.
  • Take turmeric, ginger, tamarind, mangosteen peel powder in equal proportions and mix with water. Rub into skin for 2-3 minutes. Let dry, rinse off.
  • Grind 2 teaspoons of oatmeal and bran in a coffee grinder. Add 1 teaspoon of grated soap, 1 tsp. finely chopped and mortared parsley. Mix everything well and carefully apply to the face, massaging with light movements. Rub in for a few minutes. Then leave until dry. Wash your face and lubricate your skin with olive oil.

Whitening masks made from natural products

  • Prepare a mixture of milk powder and blackberries in equal proportions. Apply to age spots and freckles for 2-3 minutes. The effect will be noticeable within a few days.
  • A classic recipe for a whitening mask from Ayurveda: mix half a teaspoon of turmeric and half a glass of yogurt. Apply to cleansed face for 15-20 minutes.
  • Mix the ingredients: 5 drops of hydrogen peroxide, 50 g of cottage cheese, egg yolk, teaspoon of honey. Apply to cleansed face for 15-20 minutes. In addition to whitening, the mask nourishes the skin well (for oily skin).
  • Grind a few tablespoons of oatmeal in a coffee grinder, pour in hot milk (or warm yogurt, kefir). Dilute to the consistency of thick sour cream. This is an excellent whitening, nourishing mask.
  • Dilute blue cosmetic clay with milk to the consistency of thick sour cream. Keep on face for 15-20 minutes.
  • Heat 200 ml of milk until warm (not hot), add 2 teaspoons of cognac and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, stir. Cut a face mask from gauze or soft cotton fabric, soak in the prepared solution and apply to the face, without touching the area around the eyes. After 15 minutes, remove the mask and wash.

Mix - protein, lemon juice (1 tsp), sugar (1 tsp), apply to face. Leave for 20 minutes. The effect is visible within a few days.

It makes no sense to give hundreds of recipes for face whitening masks at home. You need to remember the most effective whitening products and use them to prepare scrubs, masks, lotions, and tonics. There are many options, the field for creativity is limitless.

Fruit acids contained in fresh fruits cleanse and whiten the skin well.

Whitening products include:

  • Milk, kefir, curdled milk, yogurt, sour cream,
  • Lemon and lemon juice,
  • Parsley, yarrow, licorice,
  • Raw potatoes, cucumber, tomato
  • Shredded sauerkraut
  • Raw berries, fruits, vegetables (apples, strawberries, tomatoes, cucumbers).

Combine ingredients. Fruits go very well with sour cream and other dairy products. To obtain a thicker consistency of the mask so that it stays on your face, add oatmeal, wheat, rye, buckwheat flour, and starch. To ensure that the mask not only cleanses, whitens, but also nourishes, add vitamins A and E, flaxseed, olive, tea and other oils a few drops.

In addition to the topic of white and clear facial skin

“As is inside, so is outside” - there is such a saying. Start whitening your face by putting your health temple in order, i.e. - body

If the liver is overloaded with fatty and sweet foods, sagging and pigmented skin cannot be avoided.

If you eat little fiber, greens, vegetables, fruits, a gray color and a rash on your face are inevitable.

If you drink little, dehydrated epidermal cells will give you a very unattractive face.

If you move little and experience a lack of oxygen, your face will also not become healthy, radiant and light.

If you are completely satisfied with the reflection of your face in the mirror, then you can refuse skin lightening, but if beauty for you does not fit in with the constant appearance of freckles and age spots, then bleaching will help cleanse your face.

Skin whitening is also indicated for those whose skin color has a grayish or yellowish tint for certain reasons. This can be caused by health problems, bad habits and irregularities, as well as by heredity.

For victims of excessive tanning, whitening treatments are also great for returning your skin to its natural shade.

In addition, skin whitening is needed by those who, after any cosmetic procedures, even after the recovery period, have unpleasant marks left on their face: purple spots, nodules.

Benefits of skin whitening at home

We have already mentioned that skin whitening in a professional salon is quite an expensive pleasure, but you should understand that for your money you will not only get an individual approach, but you will also be able to take a little break from everyday troubles, calmly relaxing in a chair. The specialist will select a method depending on the type and condition of your skin and will carry out everything strictly according to the instructions in order to achieve maximum benefits from whitening. But do not forget that even in salons, procedures are often associated with risks: the powerful chemical components of the products used, the individual characteristics of the client’s skin, incorrect timing and some human factors can lead to unexpected results when, instead of an even and bright complexion, you get irritation, allergic rashes and even burns.

Home whitening methods are absolutely safe in this regard. Their main advantages are simplicity, naturalness of the products used and accessibility. You can find everything you need for the procedure in a regular store. In addition, home whitening is good because it does not require time spent traveling to the salon and back.

Homemade skin whitening methods

To perform facial skin lightening at home, you usually need some plants, essential oils, and regular grocery store products. Most often, berries, honey, parsley, fermented milk products, cucumbers, lemon, vinegar, soda, and glycerin are used in lightening masks, scrubs and lotions.

Below are recipes for the most effective skin lightening recipes at home. It is very important to approach the process thoroughly, not to overuse procedures and to observe your skin’s reaction to the products applied. It is worth realizing that very often the remedy that works great for your friend may be ineffective for you and may also cause temporary allergic reactions. Therefore, most likely, you will have to try several recipes to find “your remedy.”

When preparing whitening compositions, always rely on the type and characteristics of your skin, and do not neglect the use of essential oils. They not only have a nourishing and moisturizing effect, but also have a very positive effect on your mood. Sandalwood oil, patchouli, vanilla, citrus and some others also have an additional whitening effect. It is recommended to add them even to regular night cream before direct application.

Whitening cucumber masks

Cucumber is an excellent whitening agent. It can not only brighten the skin, but also provide it with effective hydration. Cucumber is a universal product for all skin types when used in combination with some other products.

  1. For example, for a normal type, a whitening mask made from cucumber, parsley, sour cream and lemon juice is suitable. A third of a small cucumber needs to be crushed (using a grater, blender or pestle and mortar) to make a mass of 2 tablespoons - this is quite enough. Then add the same volume of chopped parsley to the cucumber, 2 tsp. sour cream and 1 tsp. lemon juice. The finished composition should be carefully distributed over the face, and after 15-20 minutes, wash. This mask not only helps whiten the skin, but also eliminates flaking, providing complete nutrition and strengthening.
  2. The simplest cucumber mask. Helps whiten skin, ideal for all skin types. Grind the vegetable to a puree consistency, place it on a thin cloth or gauze, and then apply it to the face for 15-20 minutes. Adding a few drops of tea tree oil to this mixture will have an excellent anti-inflammatory effect.
  3. At the first signs of skin aging, it is recommended to apply a honey-cucumber mask. Cucumber will lighten the skin, and honey will get rid of sagging and saturate it with important microelements. Time to use the mask is 15-20 minutes.
  4. For skin that is not prone to irritation and hypersensitivity, a cucumber-lemon mask is suitable. In this case, you will only need the juice of these products. Gauze is soaked in it, which is applied to the face for 12-15 minutes, after which it is washed with warm water. The proportions in this composition are determined individually, but you should start with a small amount of lemon juice, and only then gradually increase its share in the total mass if no allergic reactions occur.

Whitening masks with lemon

Lemon is one of the most popular cosmetic products. Citric acid not only cleanses the skin of dead particles, but also visibly brightens it. However, masks using lemon are not suitable for everyone, because they have a drying property. This is very good for oily skin, but absolutely not applicable for dry skin. But there is one trick: if you add honey or sour cream to such masks, then the composition is perfect for dry skin.

Also, large amounts of lemon juice are contraindicated for skin prone to irritation and acne. You should not use lemon if you have scratches, abrasions or other wounds. Lemon contains not only elements necessary for the skin, but also essential oils that have a general calming effect on the body. Here are 3 recipes for the most popular lemon masks:

  1. Lemon-honey mask. The juice of half a lemon is combined in a bowl with 1 tsp. honey The mass is applied to the face with a soft cotton pad. If the mixture starts to dry out, you need to add a little more. This mixture is suitable for both oily and dry skin. The only difference is in the time of its application: in the first case, the composition can be kept on the face for up to 20 minutes, and in the second it is worth limiting it to 10 minutes. If you want to not only whiten your skin with this mask, but also make it more even, add a little crushed oatmeal to the composition.
  2. Nourishing mask for dry and sensitive skin. Lemon juice is mixed with sour cream or cream (the proportions are determined independently) and applied to the face for 15-20 minutes. For ease of use, you can also add flour or starch to the mask. An excellent option would be gauze soaked in this product. In this case, the mixture will not spread.
  3. Lemon mask with potatoes. This product helps not only whiten the skin, but also... The potatoes must be thoroughly crushed until pureed and mixed with lemon pulp (with juice). Keep on face for 10-15 minutes. In this case, you can also use gauze or other thin fabric.

Whitening products from fermented milk products

Fermented milk products are a universal remedy for independent cosmetic procedures. They can be successfully used for skin prone to sensitivity and irritation, because they are characterized by a very mild effect and also moisturize and nourish the skin well.

Masks based on fermented milk products not only brighten the face, but also eliminate visible signs of age: reduce wrinkles and pigmentation, give the skin freshness and elasticity. The addition of some other substances to such masks makes them suitable for different skin types.

  1. Curd mask with egg. 3-4 tbsp. Cottage cheese should be rubbed through a strainer, mixed with egg yolk (for dry skin types) or white (for normal or oily skin) and spread over the face, leave for 15-20 minutes. If you want to not only whiten the skin, but also provide it with additional nutrition, it is recommended to add 1 tbsp to the composition. sour cream or cream.
  2. Curd and honey mask. To prepare it, just mix honey and cottage cheese in equal parts until a homogeneous mass is obtained, and then distribute the resulting mass over the face and leave for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. This mask is good because it practically does not cause any harm to the skin. The whitening effect of the composition is so soft and gentle that you can use this product twice a week.
  3. Kefir mask for lightening mature skin. A mixture of kefir and castor oil will help smooth out wrinkles, eliminate pigmentation and lighten the skin on the face. You need to apply it for 15-20 minutes, you can use gauze.

Homemade whitening toners and lotions

Whitening masks are good for regular use, but they cannot be done more than 1-2 times every 7-10 days, but you have a chance to prepare everyday remedies at home that allow you to maintain the desired complexion. These are all kinds of tonics and lotions for wiping the skin, which not only have a remarkable whitening effect, but also have a good antiseptic, cleansing and nourishing effect. The components used in these products are simple and accessible.

  1. Cucumber lotion with parsley. Great for oily or combination skin types. To prepare this composition, it is recommended to grind (preferably in a blender) cucumber and parsley so that you get 4 tbsp each. each, and then add 100 g of vodka to them. This solution cannot be used immediately; you need to leave it for a week and then dilute it three times with water. The solution must be stored in a cool place, preferably in the refrigerator. If you wipe your face with this lotion twice a day, your skin will become cleaner and also have a lighter shade.
  2. Cucumber milk lotion for skin prone to dryness and sensitivity. To prepare this lotion yourself, you need to mix cucumber juice and milk in equal parts, and then wipe your face with the mixture. The only drawback of this lotion is its short shelf life, so you will have to prepare it every 2-3 days.
  3. Brightening mint toner. To prepare it, you need to brew fresh or dried mint leaves with hot water and let it brew. When the broth has cooled, add the juice of two lemons. Keep refrigerated. This remedy is characterized by good reviews from girls, who note that already at the end of the first week of using this tonic, visible positive changes were observed. It helps not only whiten the skin, but also soothe inflammation.
  4. "Healthy Ice" To make ice, you will need a decoction or infusion of plants such as chamomile, parsley or mint. You can also add cucumber and lemon juice here. Then the finished composition is poured into molds and placed in the freezer. Rubbing your face with cubes of such ice not only brightens the skin and nourishes it with vitamins, but also tones the skin vessels, giving the face additional freshness and youth. The good thing about this method is that “healthy ice” can be stored in the freezer for as long as you want.
  5. Parsley decoction. It can be refrigerated by pouring it into a spray bottle. By spraying your face with this product throughout the day, you will not only moisturize it, but also keep your skin bright.

Whitening products based on berries and some other products

Since ancient times, women have been trying to perfect their appearance, so they use all the substances and products available to them as cosmetics. Our grandmothers knew very well how to properly whiten their skin.
A scrub-mask made from the fruits of viburnum or currants, which was applied to the skin in the form of a paste or soaked in cloth squeezed from the juice of the berries, was very popular among village girls. All compositions based on fresh berries not only lighten the skin well, but are also powerful nourishing and strengthening agents.
For local skin lightening (for example, to remove age spots), it is customary to use a mixture of blackberries and milk powder. It has a good whitening effect, but it is recommended to leave it on the skin for no more than 4-5 minutes. The product is recommended for daily use.

Regular soda helps a lot with freckles and acne. It is moistened with water and spread over the face with light movements and left for 5 minutes. After 4-5 days of daily use, girls notice pleasant changes in their complexion.

An orange-honey scrub will help whiten and at the same time cleanse, smooth and rejuvenate the skin. To prepare it, mix chopped orange zest and honey in equal volumes.

Viburnum and currants are an effective skin whitening product

Rules for home skin whitening

Despite the simplicity of the procedure, to achieve white skin it is very important to follow a few simple rules.

  1. Whiten your face in the evening. Remember that even the mildest bleaching makes your skin more sensitive, so going outside can negate the results. The sun's rays and wind can instantly cover a bleached face with red spots and even burns. In addition, the bleaching itself may lead to slight redness, so the skin should be given time to recover. A night's sleep after the procedure has a magical healing and calming factor, and in the morning you can go to work with a beautiful and refreshed face.
  2. One or two days after whitening, try to spend as little time in the sun as possible and expose your face to other adverse environmental influences. After the procedure, the skin needs some time to recover, so it is most vulnerable to external aggressive factors.
  3. Do not overuse procedures. Those with dry and sensitive skin can do whitening masks only once every 1-2 weeks, and those with oily or combination skin can increase the frequency of such procedures up to twice a week. The duration of action of a bleaching agent should usually not exceed 15-20 minutes, and in cases with the most aggressive agents (or with increased skin sensitivity), the time is reduced to 7-10 minutes.
  4. Don't neglect hats and protective creams. You need to maintain the whiteness of your skin so as not to resort to bleaching too often, so your best friends on sunny days should be hats with a brim, a sun umbrella, and special sun protection creams.
  5. Apply the bleaching agent only to thoroughly cleansed facial skin. This will protect you from irritation as much as possible.
  6. Before bleaching, always use a scrub or other product designed to remove dead skin cells.
  7. Rinse off the bleaching composition only with warm water so as not to injure delicate skin with the temperature contrast.
  8. Be sure to use a mild toner after whitening, and then a good nourishing cream. It is advisable that it be marked “for sensitive skin”.
  9. Carry out prevention. This does not apply to the whitening procedures themselves, but to some aspects of everyday life. This includes the already mentioned protective creams and wide-brimmed hats that protect your face from the sun, as well as eating foods rich in vitamin C. Ascorbic and nicotinic acids in tablets, rosehip tea, lemons and oranges reduce the risk of freckles and age spots.

Video - Whitening facial mask made from lemon and honey

We all want to look good, regardless of age, gender and nationality. However, not everyone manages to receive such a gift from nature as light and smooth skin. In addition, it is often spoiled by various diseases, bad habits and other negative factors. But, as a rule, the first impression is the most important. Freckles, age spots or unhealthy complexion cause great discomfort and bring a lot of grief to their owners. Lightening the skin hides scars, eliminates pigmentation, and gives the skin freshness. How to lighten facial skin at home? In this article we will tell you about various options for achieving a good result.

When to lighten?

Home remedies that any housewife has in her arsenal will come to our aid. The main thing is to know how to use them correctly so as not to harm yourself even more. First you need to be 100% sure that you need it at all.

Let's look at the cases in which whitening is necessary:

  • when you have freckles and age spots on your face;
  • if you have dark skin;
  • if you miscalculate your tan;
  • unhealthy complexion - gray, yellow or even purple;
  • scars, acne marks and blackheads.

If you have any of these signs, then you need to think about a brightening product that suits your skin type. In addition, you need to take the advice of professionals, since the effectiveness of masks and other products used depends on this.

How to lighten your facial skin?

  • Lightening procedures are best done in the warm season.
  • You need to make masks at night. This way their effect will be greater, and if you go outside after the mask, the results may be disappointing.
  • Do not apply the prepared mixtures to the areas around the eyes.
  • Choose only those recipes that contain ingredients you are familiar with; do not experiment on yourself. To make sure that you are not allergic to this composition, apply a small amount of the product to your wrist. If there is no reaction, you can apply the mask to your face.
  • The products need to be applied to prepared skin: before the procedure, it needs to be steamed, cleaned, and it would be a good idea to apply a scrub first.
  • On average, the action time of the products is from 15 to 30 minutes.
  • It is better to wash off lightening agents with chamomile decoction. To do this, pour 2 tablespoons of flowers with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for at least an hour. Then you need to strain the broth.
  • After the procedures, you need to apply cream to your face. It’s good in this case that it has a brightening effect.
  • Procedures should be carried out no more than 2 times a week.

Important! Usually, after the first procedures, the skin becomes smoother, more beautiful and youthful. After all, such procedures not only brighten your skin, but also nourish it.

Folk remedies for skin whitening

Vegetables, fruits, herbal decoctions and some other products have whitening effects, which we will talk about now.


It has long been known that lemon juice is good for lightening the skin. Lemon juice can be applied undiluted to oily skin. However, this method can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, it is better to make masks and lotions based on lemon juice:

  • Mix lemon juice, honey, olive oil in equal proportions. It should be a liquid substance. Using a cotton swab, massage it onto your face. After 15 minutes, rinse with warm water and chamomile decoction.
  • Pour a tablespoon of oatmeal with a small amount of boiling water, mix this gruel with 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to the face for 15 minutes.
  • You can make a mask with glycerin. Add half a spoon of apple and lemon juice to 1 spoon of glycerin.

Important! During the first procedure, the amount of citrus juice can be slightly reduced so that there is no burning sensation.

  • Mix two tablespoons of fat sour cream with one spoon of lemon juice.


Soda has long gained fame as a bleach. Its properties are widely used even in cosmetology.

Important! This substance dries out the skin greatly, so masks based on it are recommended for oily skin. Baking soda will help deal with acne, oily shine, and large pores.

How to whiten skin with soda? You can prepare a soap mask:

  1. Mix baking soda and natural soap.
  2. Apply the mixture with massage movements and leave for 5 minutes, then rinse.

You can make lotions from soda - dilute the soda in a small amount of water, soak a cotton pad in the solution and apply to the desired places for 10-15 minutes.

Hydrogen peroxide

This is one of the most famous and simple remedies; hydrogen peroxide perfectly whitens the skin of the face and gives an amazing effect. The face not only brightens, but is also cleared of all kinds of rashes.

Important! For those with dry skin, the procedure should be carried out once a week, and for those with oily skin, it can be done twice. The course of treatment is 1 month. After a few months, the procedure can be repeated.

For masks, use a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution:

  • A yeast mask is prepared from dry yeast and peroxide solution, in a ratio of 1 to 1. Apply for 15 minutes, then wash off.
  • For a curd mask, mix a spoonful of full-fat cottage cheese, an yolk and a few drops of hydrogen peroxide. Apply the mixture for 15 minutes, then rinse.

Important! Please note that peroxide not only lightens your facial skin, but also your eyebrows.

Vegetables, fruits and other products

There is a huge variety of recipes based on fruits, vegetables and other products available to us:

  • A teaspoon of honey is ground with red currant pulp (4 teaspoons).
  • Grate the cucumber, take 3 tablespoons of the gruel and add three tablespoons of finely chopped parsley and half a spoon of lemon juice.
  • Mix 50 ml of sour milk with one tablespoon of oatmeal and one teaspoon of grated horseradish. It is better to apply this mask not to the skin, but to gauze over the face.
  • Mix cottage cheese and honey in equal proportions.
  • Make a paste of melon, put on low heat, as soon as the mixture gives juice, remove from heat and cool.
  • Grate the cucumber, mix in equal quantities with any nourishing cream and add a little vodka to the mixture. Leave in a warm place for at least a day.
  • Mash a banana with milk, apply the paste on your face, and leave for 20 minutes.
  • The papaya needs to be cut in half, remove the core and rub the fruit on your face, massaging intensively. After 10 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  • Fenugreek herb perfectly brightens the skin, helps to disappear pimples, blackheads, and red spots. Knead a few leaves and apply the paste to your face, leave for 20 minutes.

Important! For a quick and long-lasting effect, you can make such masks every day.

  • Rice water can also help lighten your skin at home. Rinse the rice and cook until done. Strain the broth, cool, you can even pour it into molds, freeze and wipe your face with these ice cubes. You can simply eat the rice.
  • Berry masks are good for whitening - juice from red or black currants, cranberries or viburnum is suitable for this. Soak gauze in berry juice and apply to your face for 15 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.
  • Any fermented milk product is suitable for whitening; the required amount is one spoon. Take a piece of gauze, folded several times, soak it in the product and wipe your face, you need to do several approaches.

Important! Try not to rub your face too hard with gauze; with light movements, the skin will lighten even the first time.


Before preparing masks for whitening, consider contraindications, since sometimes the composition contains aggressive components that, in large quantities, can cause harm rather than benefit. You should use masks with caution if you have:

  • skin diseases, such as melanoma, keratosis;
  • facial injuries, unhealed wounds;
  • sutures;
  • hypersensitive, thin, dehydrated skin;
  • inflammatory areas on the face.

Video material

When used wisely and according to your skin's preferences, all of these products will help you tone, become lighter and look younger. And if your facial skin is in good condition, you will look much more beautiful and fresh.

The fashion for beautiful skin will never go away, because it is a sign of health and well-being. But the skin color that all the beauties of the world strive for can change. Once upon a time, rosy-cheeked girls were in fashion, and then tanned, dark-skinned girls were in fashion. Today, snow whites and impatiens are ruling the roost again. Every girl dreams of trying on the image of a fragile woman with transparent pale skin and luscious lips, because it is full of tenderness, femininity and alluring inaccessibility. Even those who are not seduced by such images want to have an even skin tone without blemishes, freckles and other features. And this is not surprising, because with absolutely clean skin you can create any image, from a fatal beauty to a sweet Cinderella.

Skin and pigmentation

I especially want to be snow white in the cold season. The cold colors your flawless cheeks with a bright blush, your eyes sparkle, and your beauty simply goes beyond all real boundaries. However, the skin of many women is prone to various types of pigmentation, such as:

  • freckles;
  • chloasma;
  • lentigo.

Some of the above pigmentations are quite common, some less common. They all have one thing in common - the desire of women to get rid of them by any means necessary. It must be said that such a struggle is justified and may well lead to victory. The result of using whitening techniques is determined by the types of pigmentation, the reason for its appearance and the characteristics of the person’s genotype.

It is necessary to identify the cause before starting the fight for clear skin. It is pointless to fight exclusively with aesthetic manifestations.

Pigmentation can appear for a number of reasons

It happens that unwanted skin manifestations go away without any intervention, but in other cases, light exfoliating procedures are sufficient.

If pigmentation is caused by diseases of the internal organs, then it may be pointless to fight it. Moreover, time spent treating a symptom may lead to the development of more serious consequences. All this suggests that skin whitening should be started only after consultation with a specialist who will determine the cause of pigmentation.

Preventing the appearance of freckles

Freckles are the most common type of pigmentation. In most cases, freckles look cute and attractive and add originality to the face. As they say, that's a lot of little suns on one beautiful face. But often the owners of freckles are not delighted with this “decoration” and try to get rid of it by all means.

The emergence is not at all inevitable, contrary to popular belief. You can prevent their occurrence if you take care of your facial skin from an early age. Preventing the appearance of fine pigmentation in childhood will allow you not to worry about complete skin whitening in adulthood. If there are many owners of freckles in a family, then a young girl is more likely to have them. Especially on open parts of the body: face, shoulders, arms.

Freckles can be small or large, yellowish or brown. All of them are caused by exposure to sunlight. They appear with the first signs of spring and fade in autumn.

The main thing in the fight against freckles is protection from ultraviolet radiation. No skin whitening product will help if it is exposed to ultraviolet rays. On the first sunny days, you need to start using high-protection sunscreens. When applying makeup, just apply this cream and lightly powder your face.

Ultraviolet light is harmful to skin

You should not trust cosmetics with photo filters; their protection is not enough to prevent the appearance of freckles. But you shouldn’t neglect it, let it serve as additional protection against the aggressive sun. You should regularly use a whitening cream at night.

In addition to the face, the body must also be protected. It should also not be exposed to ultraviolet light. It is better to give preference to light clothing, but with long sleeves, especially when it is very sunny outside. All sun protection during this period will become essential items: umbrellas and wide-brimmed hats, capes and other accessories should reliably protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation. Where it does touch the skin, cheerful red spots will soon appear.

Whitening products

Whitening agents include:

  • potent with side effects;
  • mild, but not giving obvious and quick results.

The reason for any pigmentation lies in the increased production of melanin in a specific area of ​​the body. Therefore, all whitening procedures must be carried out with maximum protection from ultraviolet radiation. From exposure to ultraviolet rays, pigmentation can increase significantly and become more intense. During skin whitening, daily use of broad-spectrum sunscreen is necessary. At the same time, decorative cosmetics with photo filters are not effective enough.

The basis of whitening procedures consists of two stages:

  • exfoliation of the stratum corneum of the skin;
  • weakening of melanin production.

Exfoliating the skin removes melanin from the epidermis, causing pigmented areas to become lighter. Peelings are used for exfoliation.

You need to choose a peel based on the type and manifestation of pigmentation. Previously, salicylic alcohol, phenols, and mercury ointment were used for whitening. Today, glycolic, citric, and lactic acids are added to cosmetic exfoliating agents.

Skin whitening needs to be approached wisely

Various substances have whitening properties and the ability to inhibit the production of melanin. For example, hydroquinone is considered one of the most effective today. But its downside is its toxic effect on skin cells, so it can only be used very carefully. In modern cosmetology, a 1-2% solution of hydroquinone is used.

Also used in skin whitening are arbutin, kojic acid, and products with ascorbic acid. All of them regulate melanin production, but can cause allergic reactions.

Natural substances can also be quite effective in skin whitening. Of course, their effect is weaker than that of chemicals, but at the same time, the side effects from them will not be dangerous. In practice, bearberry containing arbutin, hydroquinone and organic acids, yarrow, rich in flavonoids, licorice, parsley and much more are often used.

Persistent hyperpigmentation is treated surgically using liquid nitrogen, dermabrasion, laser resurfacing. Surgical treatment can be used alone or in combination with other skin whitening methods.

Before you start skin whitening, it is worth considering whether this treatment is necessary at the moment. If the need exists, then you should take the choice of the optimal treatment method very seriously.

Best time to whiten skin

Facial skin whitening is best done in autumn and winter.. During this period, the likelihood of complications is significantly reduced. You should not approach procedures with fanaticism, trying to achieve maximum effect and complete elimination of pigmentation. It is quite enough to slightly reduce the brightness of freckles or other manifestations, and then use modern corrective and masking products for the face. With this little trick you can become the ideal of beauty without the risk of serious complications.

Having decided the question of when to whiten your skin, you need to decide where and how to whiten it. All methods can be divided into those that can actually be used at home, and those that can only be performed in a salon. The latter usually require special equipment and special knowledge that only a professional can possess. Products used in salons can be extremely dangerous if used incorrectly, so do not take risks and try them on yourself without the supervision of a specialist. For the same reason, it is recommended to carefully choose a beauty salon where you plan to carry out skin whitening procedures. You should definitely ask the master for confirmation of her skill and competence.

It is better to lighten facial skin in the cool season

The choice of whitening methods depends on the degree of pigmentation, financial capabilities, and desires. Obviously, procedures in a beauty salon will lead to the desired result faster, but will also require significant financial investments. Home whitening may take an indefinite period. It takes a lot of patience to notice subtle changes in skin tone. But home whitening is safer and more affordable.

Facial skin whitening in the salon

In beauty salons, they use exactly the same chemicals that suppress the production of melanin. Peeling in the salon can be divided into the following groups:

  • chemical (salicylic, fruit, glycolic, lactic acids);
  • mechanical (using special devices);
  • laser, etc.

Peeling procedures need to be completed several times, usually from three to eight. Laser peeling is recognized as the most effective and safe, providing minimal trauma and excellent results. The laser works accurately and painlessly. After the peeling is completed, the whitening effect is secured by other means.

Peeling performed in a beauty salon completely opens the skin. This condition is equally good and bad for the skin. On the one hand, she perfectly accepts any caring procedures: nutrition, moisturizing, whitening, etc. On the other hand, it is more susceptible to injury, infection, and negative environmental influences. Frost, snow, and sun at such moments are very unpleasant for the skin.

Complete restoration of the skin after peeling occurs within a month. That is why it is best to carry out this procedure in October-November, when the scorching sun no longer burns the skin, and severe frosts are still far away.

Skin whitening at home

Home treatments are best for those who do not suffer from truly severe pigmentation disorders. Freckles and light pigmentation can be corrected with home remedies.

Firstly, the modern market offers a wide range of ready-made whitening products. Secondly, the necessary compositions can be prepared independently from simple and affordable ingredients.

Ready-made cosmetics are:

  • ease of use;
  • saving effort and time;
  • verified result.

Of course, creams and masks for home use will not provide the same results as those in a beauty salon, but with minor problems they may well help.

Folk remedies require patience and perseverance. They must be prepared correctly and applied correctly, and you must also be prepared for the fact that the result may not be so impressive.

Most often in home cosmetology, cucumber, pomegranate, and grapefruit juice are used to whiten the face. The result is achieved due to the vitamin C they contain.

The simplest method that can be used by everyone without exception is wiping your face with a piece of cucumber or freshly squeezed juice.

Products we know will help brighten your skin

Masks also have a whitening effect. They can be made from simple products:

  • from cucumber, sliced ​​or grated;
  • from pickled finely chopped cabbage;
  • from sweet grated pepper.

Whitening masks are applied for 15 minutes and then washed off with cool water. After the procedure, you need to apply moisturizer to your face.

High whitening qualities are noted in sour milk and fermented milk products. It is enough to wash your face with them regularly to achieve good results in facial whitening. Milk has a beneficial effect on the skin in general, not only making it whiter, but also softening and moisturizing.

There is a good recipe for home peeling: dilute oatmeal with kefir and apply it as a mask. This composition produces a double effect: it exfoliates and whitens. This mask is suitable for any skin.

There are many homemade face whitening recipes, from the simplest to the incredibly complex. But what is difficult for one is a mere trifle for another. Therefore, we give an example of a more complex composition for face whitening at home.

You need to mix three components: one grated cucumber, one teaspoon of lemon juice, half a glass of parsley decoction. The resulting mixture should be wiped over the skin every evening for a week.

Carrying out the whitening procedure at home is quite simple.

Of course, all peels and masks must be applied in such a way that maximum attention is paid to problem areas with bright pigmentation. Before any whitening procedure, your face must be cleansed. Don't expect instant results from home whitening. The procedures must be carried out for at least a week for the first signs of improvement to appear. However, with enough persistence it is quite possible to achieve your goal.

Face skin whitening creams

Of all the home methods for whitening facial skin, the simplest and most effective are creams.. Of all the cosmetics presented today, the following are considered the most effective:

  • Cream with kojic acid and lactic acid. It is highly active, limits the appearance of melanin and has a healing effect.
  • Cream with mercury. In terms of effectiveness, this is perhaps the most powerful of home remedies. But it must be used carefully. It is important to correctly assess skin sensitivity. The use of this cream is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.
  • Salicylic alcohol. It is good for oily and normal skin. Before lubricating your face with alcohol, you need to wipe it with lotion or wash it with soap. Smoke face whitening – two weeks. After this, the alcohol can be replaced with a fermented milk product. If irritation appears on the skin, then washing should be done not with water, but with vegetable oil.

You can make your own whitening cream. To do this you need 15 grams of lanolin, a spoonful of grated cucumber, 50 grams of stone fruit oil. All this needs to be mixed, covered with foil and heated in a water bath. After half an hour, stir, strain and beat. The resulting cream should be applied two hours before bedtime. Use for one week.

The use of whitening creams can be combined with the use of essential oils. The most effective of them are orange and lemon oil. Their effect is not only whitening, but also rejuvenation, getting rid of wrinkles and normalizing the sebaceous glands.

Masks for whitening and nourishing skin

A curd mask is suitable for any skin. In combination with milk, cottage cheese whitens the skin well. Cottage cheese maxi can be prepared in different ways:

  • salt the cottage cheese and mix with milk;
  • prepare a mixture of cottage cheese and parsley juice;
  • Finely chop the dandelion leaves and add to the cottage cheese. This method is especially effective against freckles.

Other products can be used as whitening masks:

  • yeast and lemon juice;
  • yeast and hydrogen peroxide mixed to a creamy mass - especially effective for severe pigmentation;
  • grated cucumber and ¼ teaspoon of boric acid;
  • honey, starch, milk and salt;
  • honey, milk powder and lemon juice;
  • oatmeal and tomato juice;
  • lemon juice and protein;
  • banana and sour cream.

A variety of products can be used as a whitening mask. Masks made from natural products are especially good because, in addition to the whitening effect, they also have a nourishing, moisturizing and refreshing effect. And this is especially important when whitening skin. No matter how white the skin is, if it is depleted and deprived of nutrients, it will not look attractive, but repulsive. Therefore, to achieve a high result when whitening the skin, you need to pay special attention to moisturizing and nourishing it. To do this, you need to regularly make nourishing masks from natural products.

After whitening masks, you need to wipe your face with cool lotion. You can apply a cold herbal compress and then apply the cream. The best time for masks is the evening, because after these procedures the skin becomes very susceptible to ultraviolet radiation. If you go outside after the mask, the entire whitening effect will disappear. The same mask must be made 8-10 times, and then the composition can be changed.

There are many skin whitening products, and each of them is good in its own way. Each woman independently determines the depth of her own problem with skin pigmentation and, in accordance with this, makes a choice in favor of one or another method of whitening it. The main thing is to remain objective and not look for problems where there never were any.. The desire for beauty is understandable and justified, but in this desire you should not give up your own individuality.