The fattest child in the world (4 photos). The fattest child in the world (4 photos) “I realized that my body deserves healthy nutrition”

The fattest child in the world lives in Chicago, she weighs 222 kilograms and is 7 years old.
The girl could not do practically anything on her own; her mother, Caroline Shu GUZH, helped her and fed the girl.

For children her age, the normal amount of calories consumed per day should be about 1,800. Jessica received approximately 10,000 kilocalories per day, which is more than five times the normal amount. When her mother was asked the question: “How could you bring your child to such a state?”, she answered: “I simply was not able to refuse her. She threw terrible hysterics, and with tears asked for more. And I couldn’t calmly watch my child suffer, so I followed her lead and bought everything she asked.”

At 3 years old, Jessica weighed as much as 77 kg, at 4 years old her weight reached 100 kg, at 7 years old - more than 220 kg. To be honest, such numbers simply do not fit in your head. As she grew older, she began to have problems with mobility, it became difficult for her to speak, and in some cases she needed her mother's help. After a series of television reports about Jessica, which shocked the world, it was decided to admit the girl to a clinic, where she was forbidden to eat anything floury, fatty or fried, and was also forced to do physical exercise.

The treatment gave results: after a year and a half, she lost 140 kg! Now the girl had to undergo several operations to remove excess skin. When her 10th birthday arrived, Jessica looked completely different - like a normal, healthy girl. She began going to a regular school and interacting with her peers, like any child her age.

These guys were laughed at and mocked until they decided to change.

This is an adult who understands that lettuce and broccoli are healthier than French fries. But for children this is not an argument. And if a child is fed hamburgers, nuggets and sweet soda from an early age, he definitely will not want to eat these healthy vegetables of yours.

There was no excuse for their obesity: they were not sick, their hormones were normal. These children were simply fed.

“The doctor said I have diabetes”

At the age of 14, Mele Osai from Sydney weighed 135 kilograms and ate enough food to feed several adults. Every day she drank 2 liters of sweet soda, and also really loved milkshakes with various additives.

“I ate two or three sandwiches at a time, and always took a refill afterwards,” recalls Mele.

At school, Mele felt like an outcast. She couldn't afford the same fashionable and beautiful clothes as her classmates. She did not play on the playground with other children; a simple walk was difficult for her.

“One day I went for an examination, and it turned out that my body produces more insulin than other people,” says the girl.

The doctor warned Mele that unless she changed her lifestyle, diabetes would be inevitable. And this seriously frightened the girl. Mele was too shy to exercise in crowded places. So every day I did exercises in the backyard of my house. I had to change my diet: forget about fast food, include as many vegetables, fruits and protein as possible in my daily diet.

“No matter how active you are in exercise, you won’t lose weight without dieting,” says Mele.

As a result, in two years the girl lost 65 kilograms - almost half of her own weight. Eternal hunger also disappeared. It turned out that it can be easily drowned out with fruit and water in between main meals.

Now Mele is in excellent physical shape. This is a strong, fit girl.

“Many parents put pressure on their children to lose weight. “I am grateful to my mom and dad that they took a different path, leaving the decision up to me,” admits Mele. “They knew I would make the right choice.”

“I lost weight using YouTube videos”

Now Josephine Desgrand teaches her Instagram followers about proper nutrition. And he even creates a menu for those losing weight for a fee. But a couple of years ago the girl herself weighed 120 kilograms. She was 17 years old then.

Josephine recalls the incident. One day, her aunt decided to take a photo of her on the pier.

“I remember walking on wooden boards and thinking with horror that I was going to break the floor. At children's parties, I often broke chairs. So it was very scary."

Realizing that it was time to change, Josephine first completely eliminated sugar from her diet. I almost gave up fruit too. I allowed myself them only a couple of times a week, when I really wanted something sweet.

“I once drank a lot of fruit smoothies - I thought they were very healthy. But now I know that fruits have a lot of natural sugar. That’s why I don’t drink smoothies anymore,” says Josephine.

In addition, she reduced the size of her portions and gave up bread, pasta and chocolate. It took Josephine only two weeks to adapt to the new food system.

She was embarrassed to go to the gym. Therefore, I studied at home using videos on YouTube. I worked out without fanaticism, but regularly: three times a week for 15 minutes of intensive training.

Within a year, Josephine managed to lose 60 kilograms.

“My main advice is to believe in yourself, tell yourself that you can do it, without making any excuses,” says Josephine. “And be sure to take pictures of yourself as you lose weight to note the changes and move on.”

I ate 10 thousand calories a day

Jessica Leonard from Chicago became famous for becoming the fattest child on the planet at one time. At seven years old, the girl weighed 222 kilograms. She could neither walk nor even sit. Her mother helped her move somehow with the help of a special stroller, and she fed the child to these immense sizes.

The woman herself was also obese, but, of course, not on such a scale. The family fed exclusively on fast food: chips, French fries, fried chicken legs in batter. The girl ate 10 thousand calories a day.

“I simply couldn’t refuse her,” the woman justified herself. “The daughter threw terrible hysterics and, with tears, begged for more. But I couldn’t calmly watch my child suffer, and I bought her everything she asked for.”

When the American public learned about Jessica, people criticized the child's mother, insisting that the girl be hospitalized.

At the hospital, Jessica was saved from obesity with a special diet, IVs and exercise. The child was forbidden to eat fatty, fried and starchy foods. In a year and a half, the girl lost 140 kilograms.

“I realized that my body deserves healthy nutrition”

16-year-old Linny Raad from Dubai lost 50 kg. No, she didn’t lose weight using any special program. The girl chose her own special path.

“Two years ago I decided it was time to lose weight,” says Linney. “Then my first year of high school began. I remember showing up to one of the parties in an oversized sweater and baggy jeans, thinking I looked really cool. However, I ended the evening sitting in the corner watching my girlfriends in miniskirts dance the night away.

Moments like these happened to me too often, but it was at that party that I decided I had to change. Not only for myself, but also to prove everyone who doubted me that they were wrong.”

Then, at the party, she wrote a frank post on her Instagram, in which she told her 30 subscribers that she was ready to change. And she changed.

“Day after day I ate only healthy food, drank 3 liters of water a day, ordered only salad in cafes and restaurants, worked out in the gym as much as I could. But most importantly, in the process I learned to love my body. I saw my best results when I realized: I was losing weight not to prove something to anyone, but because I wanted to show my body the love and health it deserves.”

The girl admitted: extreme diets and hard training did not have much effect.

“I have never tried any programs. Although three years ago I was sent to a children’s weight loss camp. I lost a little weight there, but when I returned home I gained even more weight than I had before the trip.

When you start losing weight on someone else's program, it's not a given that the lifestyle that worked for one person will help you too. I advise you to change your lifestyle and habits gradually, step by step. For example, when ordering food at a restaurant, ask for the sauce separately, not on the dish. When waking up in the morning, first do 30 Jack jumps (jumps “feet together - arms to the sides.” - Note.. And looking at yourself in the mirror, say 5 things that you like about yourself, instead of criticizing your appearance."

Here's another good habit from Linney. Instead of her favorite cakes, she stocked the refrigerator with pre-washed fruits and vegetables. Now, when Linnie comes home and opens the refrigerator, the first thing she comes across is a healthy apple. And when the whole family followed the girl’s example, it became even easier for her to lose weight.

“Only 30 seconds of pleasure per kilogram of excess weight”

“Imagine carrying seven sacks of potatoes on you all the time,” says Heidi Bond, mother of a girl who weighed 85 kilograms at age 9. “This is what overweight children experience.” At school, little Brianna was the main object of ridicule and bullying. They teased her about being fat and pushed her in the back at every opportunity. In addition, there were health problems. Brianna had difficulty moving and suffered from shortness of breath. Doctors said: the child has every chance of developing diabetes and serious heart problems.

And then Brianna’s family decided to go on a diet and exercise with their daughter. The girl's mother mastered simple and healthy dessert recipes without sugar. More fruits and vegetables appeared on the table. And unhealthy sweets and other temptations went into the trash.

Heidi and her daughter began to walk around the house, covering 6 km each. And although at first the child resisted and was capricious, the mother pulled the girl outside.

As a result, Brianna lost 35 kilograms in a year. The weight went away and unprecedented energy appeared. Now the girl loves sports: she plays basketball, is on the local swimming team and in the school cheerleading group.

When a girl comes to visit where there are a lot of sweets, she says to herself: “No, no, no, I will regret this. Just 30 seconds of pleasure will cost me a kilogram of excess weight.”

The fattest child in the world July 1st, 2016

When I see a 5-10 year old child on the street, round as a ball, I understand that his parents are completely irresponsible people. After all, most likely we are not talking about some kind of physiological abnormalities, but most of all here is the connivance and lack of attention of parents to their child. At the age of 5-6 years, of course, it doesn’t matter to both the child and the parents (oh, what a cute fatty), but how bad will the child feel later? Everyone more or less imagines how the future life of a FAT child will turn out, but they do not consider it necessary to strain themselves in their time.

Yes, by the way, in the photo you see a child who is only 10 years old. He weighs 192 kg and is the fattest in the world. Let's add it to ours and see the details...

Photo 2.

This is not a mistake, this is really a boy who is only 10 years old. Incredibly, at this age he had gained weight to cyclopean proportions! Now his weight is... 192 kilograms, he eats 5 times a day and his diet includes rice, beef, fish, vegetable soup and Tempeh soy cake, which can easily be enough for two people!

Photo 3.

Arya Permana, as this colossus of children is called, is already recognized as the most obese child in the world, and is faced with a number of problems. One of them is clothes: the fat boy has absolutely nothing to wear, everything is too small. Even adult clothes don't help. Although, of course, this is not so important, because Arya will simply die if she does not stop, as people say, “eating.”

Photo 4.

He had to drop out of school, he is unable to walk to school (plus he has nothing to wear), he suffers from shortness of breath and is constantly tired. Arya's mother says he is "always hungry." According to her, he really literally eats for two. And he sleeps for two, and when he can’t do any of this, he lies down in the bathroom and hangs out in it for several hours.

Photo 5.

“He is getting fatter and we are worried about his health. “We don’t know any other way to reduce his weight other than to stop feeding him,” Arya’s parents say. - And now we only give him brown rice. He hates us for this! But it’s difficult for him to take even a few steps, and we would like him to play with other children.”

Photo 6.

Doctors, however, cannot explain why Arya has become so fat - there are no objective reasons for this, there are no pathologies. He was born a normal child, and began to recover at the age of 2 years. However, the parents did not attach any importance to this, believing that this was how it should be, because the boy seemed completely healthy. It wasn't until a few years ago that they realized something was wrong.

Photo 7.

“We no longer have enough money to feed him. - Arya's father speaks. “I’m not the richest farmer in the area; we can’t afford expensive treatment.” All I can do is stop satisfying his exorbitant appetites. Let him eat only brown rice now! And I will hope that he will become a normal child again!”

Photo 8.

Arya does not go to school, constantly complains of shortness of breath and can only wear a sarong because regular clothes are too small for him. The boy ate five times a day, mostly fairly healthy food: rice, fish, beef, vegetable soup and soy cake, but in quantities that could feed two adult men. Now his diet will consist only of brown rice.

Photo 9.

Photo 10.

Photo 11.

Photo 12.

Photo 13.

Photo 14.

Photo 15.

Photo 16.

Photo 17.

Photo 18.

Photo 19.

Jessica Leonard from Chicago, USA can rightfully be considered the fattest child in the world. They first started talking about her in 2007, when the girl amazed the entire world community with her appearance on several well-known television channels. At that time, Jessica was 7 years old and weighed 221 kg! It was not by chance that the girl’s problems with high weight arose - her taste preferences occupied a major place in her life.

Jessica's mother said that her daughter constantly asked to eat, and only half an hour after a hearty breakfast she wanted to eat again. Moreover, the child’s regular diet included exclusively the most, to put it mildly, unhealthy food, the notorious fast food. Huge portions of French fries, fried chicken, cheeseburgers, hamburgers, pizza, and, naturally, sparkling water are just part of her daily diet.

For children her age, the normal amount of calories consumed per day should be about 1,800. Jessica received approximately 10,000 kilocalories per day, which is more than five times the normal amount. When her mother was asked the question: “How could you bring your child to such a state?”, she answered: “I simply was not able to refuse her. She threw terrible hysterics, and with tears asked for more. And I couldn’t calmly watch my child suffer, so I followed her lead and bought everything she asked.”

At 3 years old, Jessica weighed as much as 77 kg, at 4 years old her weight reached 100 kg, at 7 years old - more than 220 kg. To be honest, such numbers simply do not fit in your head. As she grew older, she began to have problems with mobility, it became difficult for her to speak, and in some cases she needed her mother's help. After a series of television reports about Jessica, which shocked the world, it was decided to admit the girl to a clinic, where she was forbidden to eat anything floury, fatty or fried, and was also forced to do physical exercise.

The treatment gave results: after a year and a half, she lost 140 kg! Now the girl had to undergo several operations to remove excess skin. When her 10th birthday arrived, Jessica looked completely different - like a normal, healthy girl. She began going to a regular school and interacting with her peers, like any child her age.

The whole world tirelessly follows the fate of the unusual girl, and rejoices with her at her every success. But still, no matter what turn her fate took, Jessica Leonard went down in history as the fattest child in the world.

The other day I witnessed an almost funny scene. 3 boys, about 9-10 years old, entered the pizzeria and sat down at a table with a serious look. In general, they behaved like little adults: they asked for a menu, made an order, and then began to leisurely talk about food, looking through other city pizzerias. After a while, the waiter brought them a huge pizza with salami and mushrooms, and the boys finally perked up, their eyes lit up. All this could have caused a good-natured smile, if not for one circumstance: the boys were very fat. Each of them already had a double chin (!). I don’t even mention the round bellies and bandaged arms like a baby’s.

You don't need to be a doctor to diagnose that the boys were obese. Pizza for them is forbidden fruit, poison, but the law only regulates the sale of alcohol to minors, not food. A fat child, having money (and the boys didn’t look like poor ones) can buy fast food and literally eat it until he’s blue in the face:(. And most often this is what happens: no one buys chips and chocolates with such fanaticism as obese children - and there are more and more of them around.

Have you noticed this trend: fatness among children is becoming the norm, and obesity is interpreted as fatness? During my childhood, fat children were the greatest rarity. Well, okay, let’s say it was the poor 90s, when both adults and children did not have enough money for food. But I don’t remember anything like this in the 2000s either - this epidemic, according to my observations, began 6-7 years ago. More and more food for children, more and more body weight!

Either parents are taking it out on their children for their own hungry childhood, or we are following global trends. In the USA, 5 million teenagers suffer from obesity, in Russia and Ukraine - about 5%. But it seems to me that the numbers are underestimated or outdated. It is also possible that the statistics only take into account children whose parents sought medical help. But being overweight is no joke, especially for a growing body. Today's extra pounds will turn into a bunch of diseases tomorrow, not to mention problems with the perception of your body.

Although not everyone sees childhood obesity as a social problem. When I shared my thoughts with a friend, the mother of two daughters, she said that the fears were far-fetched and that children successfully outgrow “puppy fat.” Light fat may be outgrown, but obesity is not a disease that a child can get rid of on his own. Even without obesity, a well-fed, short of breath child is an extremely sad sight. But instead of instilling in children the basics of healthy eating at school, they fill their heads with all sorts of nonsense. And at home they are waiting for the usual fatty food and a mother or grandmother who can hardly fit on one stool.

I admit, I had a hard time resisting not going up to the little fatties and talking to them about the calorie content of pizza. But she didn’t come up. Who am I, and what right do I have to interfere in someone else’s life? Not to mention that my words would remain a voice crying in the wilderness. It's a pity.